Capita, the troubled company that the BBC outsourced its TV licence collection with menaces service to, has expanded too far and invested too little time and money. One, do they never learn? British Leyland should be a classic case study for these companies, and two, ha, the BBC rattles on about the government ‘privatising’ services by outsourcing and the BBC does it itself….not just the licence fee of course but programme making as well…telling us how it spreads the wealth, skills and jobs around. Funny how it then can cheerlead for Corbyn and his Momentum mob of Marxists who want to nationalise everything and stop outsourcing.
Spot the comic, the contradictions, the bias?…list it all here….
Compare and contrast …
That’s a disgusting comparison. Even Prince Phil years ago said that a programme of birth control should be in place in the African countries. The white population in this country don’t marry their cousins and breed profusely like the brown and black variety, so why not show them !
BBC have a “How the EU works” which actually contains some negatives … very surprising …
What is the EU and how does it work? { NO-DATE-ON-PAGE}
How does the EU work? Towards ever closer and ever deeper integration, that’s how. Sovereign states will cease to exist. There will only be one happy, multicultural Superstate, where everyone watches TV and footie. That’s all you need to know.
It won’t stop at the EU. The cnuts won’t be satisfied until they control the whole planet. There will be nowhere to run to if you don’t like it. Und yore name vill be et ze top off ze leest. Und yore name Herr Manny vill be second.
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer. Sieg Heil!
The UK are not leaving Europe (landmass) … all these people lied … we are leaving the EU (political system) …
“Stronger in Europe” should read “Stronger in the EU”.
Above are ten good reasons why we will be better off out of the EU.
“At least five migrants have been shot during a mass brawl between Afghans and Eritreans in the French port city of Calais, local officials say.”
And this is before they get here….
I hope Treezer gets a move on with her pledge to Macron to speed up the processing of these people for entry into the UK. They can resume their inter-race wars in the UK, that’ll keep the police occupied rather than cornering members of the indigenous population with ‘Hate Speech’ complaints. Oh, and, by the way, I trust the Government will post interpreters with the Afghans and Eritreans in their transit and arrival into the UK as I’ll wager, there’ll be enough Hate Speech between the two to keep the police force engaged in prosecutions for many a long month.
Once again the Daily Politics has Zoe Williams on to talk over those supporting Brexit.
It’s surprising how much noise can be produced by a single brain cell, bouncing around a big empty ugly head !
How times have changed … but some people don’t want to talk about change or ideas …
2018 … To enter a debate is to implicitly concede the possibility that the other person might be correct; that you might leave the debate having changed your mind. I hope I would never allow myself to consider being persuaded of white supremacy {independent 02feb2018}
“Today students in Dublin will protest against Nigel Farage’s university speech – and yes we do want to shut down debate”
2012 … “Christopher Hitchens VS John And Tom Metzger ( American white supremacist, skinhead leader and former Klansman)”
1953 … If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. – Original preface to Animal Farm by George Orwell
1906 … I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
Yesterday on the DP, a woman labour mp with a baby in arms, Emma Reynolds, was saying that wimmin with babies ought to be able to vote without attending parliament.
Something like a postal or proxy vote.
This would mean she votes without hearing the debate.
Logically, if they don’t need to hear debates then why bother to have them. Their minds are already made up.
Close down parliament and have the mps phone in their vote.
It’s what Jo would have wanted.
Young Asian found guilty of murder, nothing about the trial outcome yet (he got seventeen years) on BBC local tv or radio news yet.
Oh hang on, the victim was white…
Is that what Osborn got?
Oh, I forgot, white on muslamick gets you 43 years as opposed to the other way round.
Ok, I’ll guess we should take their word for it…
“A van has ploughed into pedestrians outside a Starbucks cafe in a busy public square in Shanghai, China, after catching fire. At least eighteen people have been taken to hospital, three of them with serious injuries, authorities say. The fire was caused by the driver, who was smoking a cigarette as he drove and lost control of the vehicle, Shanghai officials say. The driver has no criminal record and is receiving treatment. According to a statement posted on micro-blogging site Weibo by Shanghai’s public security bureau, he is suspected of illegally transporting dangerous substances. Witnesses had earlier told local media that there were gas canisters inside the vehicle.”
Funnily enough, it’s the preposterous implausibility of this one as a terrorism cover up that has me trusting the Chinese state rather more than I now trust Western authorities in like circumstances. I notice the BBC cuts and pastes without comment. Where’s Carrie Gracie when we need her?
Interesting: the imam who stopped the crowd from beating up Darren Osborne is interviewed by itv –
Did the imam appear on tv to convey similar after all the atrocities carried out by fellow muslims on the British public?
Shame he and the rest of the iMams were not on hand in Calais when the home teams were kicking off.
Yesterday I texted all my cis-female friends and relatives to remind them that it was Happy Hijab Day and ask them if they were wearing theirs.
Funnily enough all replies weren’t pleasant at all 🙁
Well they probably consider you’re a right Cuntry boy.
I’m deeply offended by your cuntryphobic comment and demand an apology 😉
Never sir! You’re a cad and a rotter of the first order and I challenge you to a dual. Pistols at 25 paces at dawn tomorrow and may you forget to wear your bullet proof vest. XX
You have been reported to the Thought Police for employing a sense of humour. You will be re-programmed.
Expect a knock on your door shortly 🙂
“I will Donate To Remain Part of Europe”
… which implies that if I don’t donate the UK will be removed Europe’s landmass, not the political entity called the EU.
It’s a lie! The people who voted Remain must have been confused between Europe and the EU! They were lied to!
As I am reminded every 5’ on Classic FM, even if only on social media the ASA is there to put that right.
News outlets milking the story of Darryl Osborn getting 43 years for wanting to kill as many Muslims as possible, and the Ali family en masse showing weeping for their father. Marked difference when they’re reporting on atrocities committed by Muslims hell bent on turning this country Islamic, but that’s ok though. To be honest, this story doesn’t surprise me, it was only a matter of time before someone would go off piste and take matters into their own hands. Osborn is not the first, and he certainly wont be the last if Islam really gets a stranglehold on our society. There are discussions about the Hijab and its wearers – and its become almost a way of life to see it in our various walks of life – hospitals, shops, schools etc, but it could alter our whole outlook completely if a Hijab is seen as a permanent fixture worn by news presenters and presenters in general on the media channels. Perhaps Jon Sopel should prepare to start wearing his yarmulke for when that day arrives !
Wall to wall ‘I was there’ community in fear vox pop emoting too on every outlet. Oddly, at a level unmatched with other attacks.
Bris ,
They may has well killed him in the court . Poor devil won’t last a week before some of the members of the religion of peace get to him.
And the state will look the other way as a warning to others challenging our new masters .
Maybe mr Osborne is a catch 22 – too mad to say he is mad .
Anyway – at least we know what the going rate for killing one person by dangerous driving is now – 43 years minimum – and if you throw in the terrorism element it’s def 43 years.
There s a judge looking for the next step up .
Let’s not forget Lee Rigby. If this is what cultural enrichment does to a nation I’m against it.
Why would the EU be insistent that ‘Free Movement’ continued during the transition period?
Well, er, the new German policy (from 2016) of giving permanent residence to the invaders within three years, means that they can send all their surplus doctors and engineers amongst the uneducated throng over to us so they can claim on our benefit system rather than other countries in Europe. Simples!
@BeeBrother if you are avoiding BBC
then watch the New TR video I just put in the Tommy Knockers thread.
We are all equal …
A Tory MP has launched a bid to allow heterosexual couples in England and Wales to form civil partnerships in the same way as gay couples. { 02feb2018}
Tim Loughton said it was “not fair” that opposite sex couples have “the single option of marriage”.
He’s having to do it because a court ruled against civil heterosexual partnerships a year orvtwo back.
Equality under the law? I think not,
Radio 4 Facebook:
Envy of the world.
Aren’t dogs “haram”?
Sorry. When is this man going to do something useful. He seems to think parading himself is the job..
Luna Khan. Should have a middle name Tic. Which would be more appropriate and have the added benefit of being a perfect description of its owner.
Two to howl at the moon.
Mr Mayor, how’s that Met Police budget coming along?
I too found it unusual Emmy. Rarely are Muslims seen with pets of any kind – its just not in their DNA to have animals that are part of the family, unless its to feed them !
So the reason why some prays were not answered ….
More than 200 Mecca mosques ‘face wrong direction’ {telegraph 06apr2009}
Muslim worshippers at about 200 old mosques in Mecca have been praying in the wrong direction for decades because the mosques were not built correctly, a Saudi newspaper has reported.
now R4 Drama set in a dystopian future, where the far right have taken over Britain, now only Greater Britain since NI and Scotland are separate countries. Offcials are nasty and head scarves have been banned. The National Health Service is a nightmare since everything has been privatised.
BBC Radio 4 continuity announcer did not honestly describe it as a repeat before the broadcast today, Stew. I notice a lot of that goes on at the BBC in recent years.
now R4 Drama set in a dystopian future, where the far right have taken over Britain, now only Greater Britain since NI and Scotland are separate countries. Offcials are nasty and head scarves have been banned. The National Health Service is a nightmare since everything has been privatised.
The poor Syrian refugee got to England years ago, but now she is back on the run with poor English people desperate to escape to Northern Ireland
..They have now been helped by a nice guy called Babeck, a doctor working in the NHS who escaped from Iraq to the UK years ago.
Stewgreen, I have a friend who is an editor in a publishing house and a few years ago he should me an MS of a similar novel that a writer had sent him. He also showed me a draft of a rejection letter in which he said the book was ‘far too “North London liberal” in its outlook’. At the time I persuaded him to drop that phrase because (he is quite well known in the industry) it might be used against him in the media. I think now I would encourage him to use those words as long as he was prepared to defend them in public.
Now they’ve got to Wales, it’s suddenly become Independent and it’s a clearly allegory for Libya. The woman has got past the gropey man and has paid the people smugglers who take them in 230 person groups into boats in the Irish sea ..and then the Irish Navy is supposed to rescue them, but they are often double crossed.
Ray Bradbury’s cult classic was first published in 1953 but it imagines a world very like 2017, in which sophisticated mass media are used to pacify and control people; love is a commodity; attention spans are short and police hunts are live entertainment.
Funny that should come up MarkyMark, My (12 year old) son has recently been reading Fahrenheit 451, it’s on his school library reading list. We’ve been having some interesting discussions about certain similarities he’s noticed with life in 2018.
I’m determined not to let my political views influence my kids, and try to avoid talking politics with them, I’m sure they’re smart enough to work things out for themselves, in time… and so far, I’ve not been disappointed. Not all 16 year olds would vote Corbyn.
Is it about global warming?
Prince William launching a competition for a ‘war poem’ in remembrance of those who died fighting for our country. Hmmmm, interesting. Certainly doesn’t include those who came to our shores since the end of ww2 does it. Cant get a British Passport quick enough though.
Strange thing is that quite a few of these people seem to be coming from countries that we have recently “liberated” from tyranny at the expense of thousands of our young men being either killed or maimed for life. Now it seems, they want to come here and kill and maim some more. I didn’t think so at the time but Enoch had a point “We must be mad.” Wouldn’t it be marvelous if someone could invent a time machine that could transport us back to 1996 just prior to the advent of Brers Bliar and Bush and have a go at correcting our mistakes. Knowing what we know now I’m sure we could vastly improve our lot. Dream on Lefty——–
3pm news “Most of those just drown in boats off Libya were from Pakistan”
..FFS how many countries have they been thru to get to Libya ?
why dont they just fly in for a “holiday”, surely a flight is cheaper than being smuggled
“To many people today, slavery means white people holding black people in bondage …. ” – Thomas Sowell – Misconceptions About Slavery
Does Amber Rudd know that the BBC has been spreading Hate (which is a crime) using money forced from people under threat of prison? Where is the £200K Hate Crime Hub …
Osborne, the trial heard, had became “obsessed” with Muslims in the weeks leading up to the attack, having watched the BBC drama Three Girls, about the Rochdale grooming scandal. { 02feb2018}
‘Incitement’ to cause murder or manslaughter?
Coming 4:30pm Transgender numbers, parkrun and snooker
from BBC More or Less
They are claiming that there are 0.5m to 1m trans
To me that means for every 100 pubs one should be a trans pub
Some other experts JIRES say 300K
They are counting people who just have feelings.
I would have thought you could get a guess from number of people attending their universities trans club events
The obituary prog chose to honour
“Jon Castle, the Greenpeace activist who captained the first Rainbow Warrior”
The power of suggestion will ensure that the number of young people who identify as trans will rocket in future and the dirty propagandists know that if they can corrupt the immature minds of our youth the country will be a walk over for the invader. This is treason pure and simple.
Just spotted this on Beeb Webshite:
I’m sure many of us who are parents can sympathise, but what happened to all the parents of kids killed in Manchester, and what about those whose daughters in Rotherham, and elsewhere, were cynically groomed and abused by Muslims (on an industrial scale)?
43 years??!! One person died from a heart attack resulting from a driver intentionally mounting the pavement outside a mosque….
( obviously mentally unstable bearing in mind he left a suicide note, nobody apart from someone who has mental issues commits suicide)..
Yes he should go to jail or a secure mental hospital where he can no longer be a danger to himself or others… But 43 years is twice the amount of time given to convicted Islamic terrorists, who killed and injured many more in their terrorist attacks… Again, we have a court judgement with little or no attention to pay attention to psychiatric reports on the persons state of mind… And now we have the BBC broadcasting statements from the victims family…. What about the other victims who died in previous Islamic terror attacks ??!! This court case has been used as a vehicle to peddle the myth of Far Right terrorists… What happened to the murderers who carried out the two attacks in Manchester and London?? It`s important to bear in mind that these two attacks were the `trigger` which provided the motive and reason why the man carried out his attack…. He has been made a scapegoat and his 43 year sentence is in my opinion excessive, the person who died was not actually killed by the van, he did have a heart attack during the incident, however that brings only a charge of manslaughter not a charge of murder.. Also he caused the death of ONE person unlike the other terrorist attacks which resulted in multiple deaths… Why a life sentence with a minimum of 43 years??? I agree that this man should be placed in a secure facility like Broadmore where he can receive treatment and also not be a danger to anyone, but he is going to a prison… He will probably die either from being targeted by Muslim prisoners or more likely he will commit suicide.. He was quite prepared to die when he wrote his suicide note and is likely to still have the same intention especially after being told he will serve a sentence which means he will die in prison…. The judge has used the case to push a political agenda, and the BBC are as usual all over it using it to push their agenda based reporting yet again…. A 43 year sentence for one death?? Yes he needs to be locked up, he should be punished, but he needs to be somewhere where he can receive treatment, but if he knows he will never be released I do not think that he will feel any motivation to do so….
Justin Casey
This is a death sentence and he will very likely die violently at the hands of Ropers. There will be no information given as to the cause of his death and no pressure by the media for an inquiry, as in the case of the bacon thrower whose death remains a mystery.
The handling of this trial and media reporting, together with the repeated government scares of a far right terrorist threat is indicative of the 6 Ps of collaboration.
1. Police 2. Prosecutors, 3 Politicians, 4 Press, 5 Professors in cahoots with the media, and 6 wait until Sunday, the Priests.
G.W.F. I am the product of Northern Irish Catholic parents… All I can think of right now is this…. In Northern Ireland the decision was taken to release convicted terrorists and murderers as part of the ceasefie etc… They killed and maimed far more than Osborne and yet they were released and some are now involved in the Government at Storemont.. In my opinion they should still be in jail, not walking about free… I guess that white victims lives are not worth as much as a muslim… And already the BBC is connecting Osbornes` case with Thomas Mair… Apparently there is evidence of some kind of underground far right network that has yet to be uncovered… Bo**ocks!!!
Justin: I disapprove of murder. Any murder. It’s murder.
As far as the ‘far right network’ is concerned, I believe the BBC have been DESPERATE to find one. Very, very desperate.
I recall their security correspondent, Gardner, casually dropping the ‘far-right’ thingee into his commentary on an IS operation in Britain some years ago during the TV1 lunchtime news, when there was absolutely no context for it.
Out of the blue. A bit like me talking about how dangerous a particular hurricane has been and suddenly saying ‘spiders also bite’.
If there were any mitigating circumstance in this latest incident, it is that Mr O. did not sound like someone in possession of his full mental faculties, if it is true that he made a number of suicide attempts in the past. I do not condone the murder, but he sounds worthy of sympathy. So, an accident waiting to happen?
The BBC however, have at last got another link in the chain they have been so desperately looking for.
‘Far-right’ terrorism, Alan’s Snackbar terrorism, call them what you will, they all go back to the Book of Hate, the koran.
We often hear that Britain’s foreign policy is to blame for ‘radicalising’ our New Britons, how about blaming Britain’s domestic policies for radicalising the ‘right-wing’?
It is quite clear that ‘the establishment’, our EU-masters, our king-in-waiting, our parliament, our judges. our universities, our police and our news media have every intention of creating an Islamic state here, but for why? They have never told us.
Nowhere has Islam been of benefit to any peoples so why import the ideology and its followers here? How do we benefit from having aliens that have no wish to integrate, who disproportionately fill our jails, benefit offices and TV screens?
I start from a position of having no animosity to any country or its people, they are free to live their lives anyway they like. If they want to become more like us, fine. But I sure as hell don’t want to be made to live like them.
It is as though someone has been running a cattery for years with no problems but then decides to take in dogs; “Not all dogs chase cats!”. Maybe so, but the dogs have their own cat-free kennels, wouldn’t it be better to keep it that way?
“… it is that Mr O. did not sound like someone in possession of his full mental faculties, if it is true that he made a number of suicide attempts in the past. I do not condone the murder, but he sounds worthy of sympathy.” If it were the enemy, they would all fall over themselves to claim he had, “mental health issues”……………..
Very true, G. I was acutely aware of that, even as I wrote it. We here move into an area of subtle but important distinctions. If previous attempts at suicide are true, we are looking at what I might call ‘a tortured soul’. Agony comes to mind. I wouldn’t call would-be martyrs ‘tortured souls’ at all. From my (admittedly limited) grasp of the situation, glory is what it’s all about. Glory through destruction of others. ANY others. No agony there. That seems quite a different but vital distinction, which has a great bearing on ‘mental health’. A ‘tortured soul’ deserves sympathy; perhaps a little like Van Gogh, another initially failed suicide. I greatly admire him; if he committed a murder, I certainly wouldn’t condone it.
However, these are deep waters, context is all. This event has already been hijacked for political purposes. If I am wrong, I’m happy to be corrected.
No doubt a “Far-right network” is currently being constructed by the police and security services, to justify all the constraints on “Hate speech” (i.e. Free speech) which the appalling Amber Rudd is set to bring into law.
When she does even some of the, relatively mild, views expressed on here might result in an early morning visit from the Guardians of British Values.
“The Far Right” will simply be a name only vehicle to justify the destruction of whatever is left of so-called, ‘free speech’. We are witnessing the salami slicing of all that is/has been known and accepted from the last generation and even a bit before that. The root of this change being immigration without a doubt. We are entering a period when Government and/or arms of the State (e.g. their handmaiden, the BBC) forces the white population to rapidly adapt to the savages they import. Sanitising is the name of the game. They underestimate the savage though. They have no respect for anything other than islam so islam will prevail and I don’t think for one moment that any Government any Government would wish that to happen whereupon they lost control. Either that or they’re just plain stupid enough to put into practice, the patients running the mental home.
Same in Horfield prison Bristol. To my knowledge, still no firm idea of the reason(s) for his death. And that was just hanging bacon on a mosque door if I remember correctly.
The “system’s” cards are becoming stacked totally against any voices of dissent and/or any action in support of that.
Anyone taking bets on how long Osborne will last, and what will cause his inevitable demise:
1. Suicide, in mysterious circumstances, but definitely no one else involved, yes that’s right it WAS suicide… move along now, nothing to see here.
2. Sudden unexpected heart attack, resulting from previously unknown hereditary weakness. That six inch nail through his chest was a mere coincidence, you know it was.
3. Shiv up the back passage whilst showering, almost definitely self inflicted, probably slipped on soap and fell on it.
4. Throttled himself from behind, his cell mate allegedly screaming ‘Ali’s Snackbar!’ excitedly in memory of favourite fried chicken takeaway.
5. Stoned himself to death in the exercise yard, or maybe the hail of stones were the result of weird weather conditions attributable to global warming?
6. Thrown from roof of D-Block, suspected perpetrators seagulls.
7. Conversion to Islam, with repatriation to society, and regular appearances on BBC panel quiz/comedy show alongside new best mates, soulful, saint Brendan Cox and that lovable, cheeky Iman from the Finnsbury Mosque.
My money is on him cutting his own head off.
Justin Casey
I can’t help but feel that if this bloke had a darker colour skin and read the Koran he would have got a lighter sentence for the same crime.
I don’t think our courts are as impartial as they should be on this subject.
Times BBC cuts back its coverage of party conferences to save cash
Only R4Today will continue to have its own studio at conferences
In 2015 The BBC registered 200 staff to attend the Liberal Conference, tho far less actually went.
“The BBC has been accused of using big sports and music events as an excuse to send staff on licence-fee-funded “jollies”. More than 300 staff were sent to Glastonbury Festival in 2014, 455 were sent to the 2016 Rio Olympics and 765 to the London 2012 Games.”
200 al Beeb staff at the liberal party conference – it must have been in the Maldives – I bet only a 100 liberals turned up and they thought they were at some National Trust ban hunting gig.
They had to do it because Lee Rigby’s murderers got 45 years know what would have happened if it were less..the MSM would have been up in arms about anti Islam…it would have been mini Grenfell all over
I note they selected an asian judge to try the case……………….
What’s the chances of that if asians are roughly 3.51% of the population (2011 Census)? Tell me.
Yup, BBC showed a picture.
Thanks for your post which puts me in error with my post above saying that I did not feel that our courts were sufficiently impartial on the subject of skin colour. Hoist on my own petard I guess. Cheers.
Sorry Jurors.
Labour MP Jared O’Mara claims back his BBC TV License at £147 which everyone else has to pay for under threat of prison including Nurses who go to food banks ….
Tax Payer Pays twice for TV Licence – direct to the BBC and indirectly via expenses through Members of Parliament!!!
Find your MP and discuss with them why they don’t have to pay? IPSA is independent of Parliament and the Government. This allows us to take decisions about the rules on business costs and expenses and on MPs’ pay ourselves, without interference. {}
I think it’s OK for MPs to claim back SECOND London home TV licence
It would class as a legitimate expense.
a weird charge as of course the family won’t be watching twice as much TV
But we then have to fund the BBC via our MP’s expenses?
This is ridiculous …. a double hit.
So if you don’t believe in paying for the BBC TV Licenses – you end up supporting the BBC via your MPs!
If they didn’t pay for it out of expenses, they’d paying for it with their wages .
We are the ultimate funder either way.
Anna Soubry MP … You have to pay for her as an MP, so she does not have to pay for her own entertainment from the BBC TV Tax (Nurses at food banks do!).
Find you own MP and complain!
Lefty: I understand where you’re coming from, especially that accent. Just take note of one thing: They lost. But only cos there were lots of little bloody-minded Captain Mainwarings about. Frazer always thought they were doomed cos he looked at physical ‘reality’. You need to look at spirit…
Marky: Soubry. Good point: she’ll be the one on her feet, droning on about how we’re all EQUAL. Meanwhile….
BBC : Polar bears ‘running out of food’
High-tech tracking collars on nine female polar bears have measured the animals’ efforts to find food on the diminishing Arctic ice.
Sample size 9 females without pups in one area only : Prudhoe Bay
“You have got to be kidding.
A study of nine polar bears over a three year period?
Give me strength.”
Expert Susan says Polar bear specialists double-down on message of future starving bears
seemingly saying ‘why didn’t they mention the worse than normal weather, it snowed a lot, so they were hunting around more,’
ICE TOO THICK “The ice just a bit further offshore ice looks too thick for a good crop of ringed seals in all three years of the study. ”
It has an open HYS My comment is #62
Keith Vaz’s home (where he lives) is classed as his constituency surgery – so you are paying for this heating and electricity. (whilst he is off sick).
Keith Vaz’s House in Leicester, which is used as my constituency office (23 January 2017)
What is you MP spending your money on? Click to find up ….
Marky – you must have missed a bit – rent boys and drugs claims are missing
Pinker on PC

A further step in crushing the human spirit is excessive punishment for the most minor transgression e.g prosecution for exceeding the speed limit by 1 mph.
Labour’s antisemitism is worse than it looks by philip collins
The party’s latest row over Zionism reveals much about the views of the governing body that surrounds Jeremy Corbyn
Times FREE article
Who on earth now believes that Osbourne would have had a fair trial?
A lifetime of trust in the law has now been shattered, as it`s become a showtrial secret stitch up in things like Family Courts and Supreme judgements on areas where the law has no business. Gin Miller etc.
People like Denning thought that the system sometimes needed innocent men to be sacrificed , and when this came out it was a fatal blow. But nothing compared to what the likes of Falconer, Bliar , Baird and Scotland did to the law when Labour were in power.
So now we seem to have “in camera” show trials, Diplock Courts but by other guises.
We all saw what was the live and pertinent evidence and crimes of Tommy Mair and Darren Osbourne at the time.
To then be presented with a finished tribute act to the law we used to have is pretty galling. Like a Blue Peter wedding cake, prepared earlier-but no proof that they didn`t use rabbit poo instead of currents, for example, The Jo Cox case finished them seems that they just want a show of a trial, whilst hoping that Tommy Robinson gets dealt with at one remove from themselves.
When a President of America cannot trust the UK Government to protect him-then the likes of May and Truss /Gaulk reveal us to have bent our law to European and Napoleonic wendy housing-not the common law we were all born into. Blame Blair and Major too,
Imagine Osbourne will be out very soon when we find his DNA tests were done by a plastic plod with a cookery course and some chemicals she can`t sell this weekend for recreational use.
But this smells both fishy and like a rat too.
Cairo justice this,
chrisH, what we didn’t know until after the Osborne verdict was that the guy was a total thug, a fantasist and with possibly a load of other problems added on.
Is your outrage due to the fact that he was not afforded the ready excuses that the media trot out and emphasise in, say, a terrorist attack by Islamists? You know the form, ‘mental illness’, ‘problems with drink & drugs’, ‘led astray by bad influences’, etc..
chris: I can’t really comment on much that you’ve said, I haven’t followed the O trial – much too depressing for a variety of reasons. I have, however, taken note of what a huge thing the BBC have been making of the ‘guilty’ verdict. That would appear to fit into a narrative they’ve been eager to create.
I’m happy to agree with you about the inability/unwillingness of a UK government to protect a visiting American President. That speaks volumes about how low we have sunk.
My first feeling that Justice had equally gone down the (virtue signalling’?) pan came with the McPherson Report, and the opinion that the police were ‘institutionally racist’. When THAT was not seriously challenged ( a pretty outrageous generalisation to have made), I realised that nothing would surprise me about our ‘elite’ any more.
Some of the things currently being said by some Labour politicians are equally outrageous. Should that bunch get in we can expect the complete disposal of what is left of ‘British Justice’.
Example of bias by omission
Al Beeb 6 o’clock leads on ex pm may
Then a Muslim love in over Finsbury Park
But the FBI memo detailing Democratic interference in the Trump campaign didn’t feature until 12 minutes in and the story got 30 seconds with no smug Sopel standing outside the White House looking and sounding like an overpaid c..t
Now al Beeb has carried this story repeatedly since President Trumps election but when the truth doesn’t meet their bias they ignore or relegate thr news down the list in the hope that something else will happen which will exclude reporting of this at all.
Alvin toffler – who wrote “future shock’ back in 1979 predicted that the main thing about the future was the increase in the rate of change- and he was right .
Al Beeb uses this to its biased liberal advantage .
It’s a “controversial Republican Party memo”.
Those very brief words on the Radio 4 news are absolutely damning.
They are word for word the Democratic Party’s spin on the memo, carefully constructed to cast doubt in the reliability of the memo.
Prima facie evidence that the BBC is indeed a politically partisan organisation.
Fedup2: Don’t give the BBC any undue credit. If your last sentence suggests it is ‘liberal’, I would disagree. It would like to think it is ‘liberal’, but the core message of Liberalism is about freedom imho.
The BBC is largely PC, which is concerned primarily with equality, which is at the core of Socialism.
But even that would be paying them too much of a compliment: we are not talking about a benign ‘equality’, but rather about a blind, indiscriminate, guilt-driven equality. The latter is so pathologically obsessive, it is unable to distinguish between that which is of benefit and that which is of harm. Until I can think of a better term, ‘robotic’ is the word that comes to mind. Alas, much of the present day media and political bigwigs are similar: virtue signal regardless, as programmed.
Good old Auntie. the Mistress of Evasion.
Time to put pen to paper again. I’ve often read from time to time where some of you hit the off button on a BC broadcast/transmission, in sheer frustration. I’ve never actually done it myself, preferring instead to weather the propaganda storm. However last night Mrs Lasslo and myself hit the off button ! It wasn’t a BC program it was SKY news, and it was about the Darren Osborne trial and its media driven follow-on propaganda. Who’d have thought it, radicalised within a month by Tommy Robinson, the far right leader of white supremacist pro brexit, islamophobic group … blah blah blah. I think they even mentioned Jayda Fransen, UKIP & Trump.
So what motivates this mad push to prove equivalence in terrorism between Islam and the largely non existent far-right. I feel sure it’s driven at source by the government, & I cannot think of one positive reason for this, its all negatives; Were being made Islam ready, or were being prepared for this years Ramadan atrocities, or they’re smoothing the acceptance of ongoing mass muslim immigration. I see Amber Rudd behind this and I want it stopped.
LL, don’t think it is specifically Government organised.
It’s just the complete Left-Libby/alt-Left mindset that dominates the media either:
> Realises a massive mistake has been made and is hoping against hope that if one or two events can be ascribed to supposed ‘Far Right Extremists’ it will provide a balance of sorts against the horrendous terrorist outrages perpetuated by some under a banner of Islam, ie. “they are all as bad as each other.”.
> Realises a massive mistake has been made and eventually there will be real trouble in UK society which they hope can be forestalled by the creation of or highlighting an equivalent of FRExtremism thereby placating potential terrorist who might be Muslims and planning attacks. In addition, the heaping of guilt upon the general public might make them go overboard to welcome and provide all sorts of benefits to incomers so that they feel no need to be tempted to acts of terrorism. Create a false balance and things might, just, settle down.
> Is in denial that there is a problem with Islam and that the individuals who do it who are Muslims (just happen to be Muslims) but are driven by mitigating circumstances: unequal opportunity/racism/visual, verbal & physical attacks here or abroad – therefore there must some FRExtremists talking about doing these things merely in retaliation. The retaliation being worse.
I think it is mostly the middle option but could, as ever, be wrong. Could be a mix of all three, but with the middle one dominating.
I mean journalists and broadcasters, mostly educated to University degree standard couldn’t be that stupid, could they?
Whichever way it is framed, the Western World is suffering the most immense conspiracy ever. Beauty is, it is utterly transparent for the masses but they are subject to the increasing political omnipotence.
Lasslo ( thunderbirds? ) the “off” switch does become more attractive these days – how much anti white, anti male , anti Christian noise can any one take ?
Having just viewed the latest Churchill film i see comparisons of Winston shouting out warnings in the The 1930s and tommy Robinson . I know – chalk and cheese – just my thinking .
FU2 (not Thunderbirds. Close. Top Cat; He was forging paintings in one episode, by the great LassloLasslo. 😉 )
It’s those, “young men” again.
I see that Prostate Cancer deaths have exceeded Breast Cancer deaths for the first time.
As female journalists at the BBC are so well known for their keeness for equality, I am sure we can look forward to programming highlighting the huge disparity in research funding as between Breast Cancer (huge) and Prostate Cancer (b***** all )
But then again, maybe not………
I’m sure this painting will be doctored soon to show them all wearing ‘hijabs’ (or whatever they’re called?)
And they’ll have to cover those mammaries as well.
“Burn all the books” I say……………….
Some BBC woman emoting about a boat of migrants in the Med giving rise to a lot of deaths. Cue emoting about the crises in Libya and Syria.
But…. many of the dead were from Pakistan.
Then they interviewed a lady, Collet, I think, from a Migration Policy institute who announced that the major migrant nationalities last year were….errr…. Nigeria and the Ivory Coast. In other words, economic migrants. Not the required script at all.
Still, as we all know, the facts are unimportant when the biased BBC has a narrative to run.
This is becoming intolerable, when are the government and the police going to crack down on these people as hard as the do on the “Far-right”?
I’m confused. I know what “Far Left” is because for most of my life that is what motivated me. But can someone please define “Far Right” for me. Is it another term for Patriot? I only ask because from what I have read on (so called) evil “Far Right” web sites, all of these people say they want to protect Britain and it’s culture. What’s not to like? Recently, because of all the hype and hysteria from the mainstream media I have been visiting some of these sites to see if it brings out my latent instinct to murder people. Thus far, I’m very pleased to report that the effect has been totally negative. Perhaps I am not viewing them correctly? Comments for or agin anyone?
Lefty: Language has been much abused of late. I think ‘far-right’ is completely disconnected from its origins. It is now simply a term of abuse, designed to conjure up jackboots or worse. ‘Far left’ doesn’t seem to exist any more either. ‘The dictatorship of the proletariat’ is (apparently) gone, as is ‘the Vanguard Party’ – except in China? But for the latter it’s now all about the ‘belt and road’…Trade? Invasion route? In the UK, who cares about the worker? (Can you see eg Emily Thornberry doing that?)
Yet, not a lot has changed. The State has still not ‘withered away’. The mindless rabble are still about. Internationalism is still a popular cause.
The latter, however, has morphed from something ‘fraternal’ into something self-destructive and nihilistic. Some no longer believe in the sovereign Nation State, able to control its borders, willing to say ‘no’ (the ‘Capitalists’ -apparently). Others believe in a strong Nation State, are willing to do whatever it takes (the ‘Communists’ eg China? apparently). All very confusing. But whatever the weirdness of language, you and I still know the name of the game – in our hearts, if not in our heads. Else we wouldn’t be on this site?
I’m off to look up something in Kipling about the centre not holding. If he hasn’t been banned yet…
Twas Yeats, not Kipling, stupid boy. The Second Coming. ‘The best lack all conviction while the worst are full of passionate intensity..’ The first verse explains a lot…was WBY psychic Or is it that things don’t change?
BBC Reality Check, WTF???
Whose reality are they actually checking, and why and how? What does it actually mean?? anyone, anyone??, Darth Vader maybe, Fidel Castro?, Robert Mugabe? Are they saying that the BBC reports so much biased rubbish that it has to employ a ‘reality check team’? To do what? Review their biased rubbish and agree with it? I suppose it’s the same as having an HR department telling you that your contribution is useful and your comments are important, but fu*ck off anyway….you do as we say, your feedback is meaningless and we’ll have an organisation review on Monday, and you’ll be dust on Tuesday? Why are we paying for this? I’m sure ‘reality checkers’ don’t come cheap?
Al beeb is reporting and showing JRM trying to calm a disturbance at a university debate .
I don’t think al beeb quite knows how to treat JRM yet – a bit of offensive reference to his personal life – Roman Catholic ( me too) and that he seems Edwardian to the less than perceptive ( thick) listener – but still haven’t gone for him . They fear him.
He is a threat to Al Beeb.
They will try to close him down by lampooning him as they do to other politicians that don’t follow their pro-liberal agenda. As with Donald Trump and Nigel Farage.
He could and should be our next Prime Minister ?
They’d do every thing to stop that . Someone with clear principles and a memory for facts and numbers would never be let near real power.
The civil service prefer dumb ‘poor ‘ ( expenses claiming ) career politicians who did PPE and can’t do any thing without checking with their SPADS .
Taffman – You are right , the BBC and the left will definitely be turning he “Eye of Sauron” upon JRM. They cannot allow any politician of JRMs standing and obvious integrity to gain any sort momentum.
There is one influential person who should also be mentioned (though not a politician) – Tommy Robinson, who even now is still being vilified and set up by the establishment and is under constant threat of death.
The way things are going (and it appears probably with the tacit agreement of the Home Office and directed police inaction) it can only be a matter of time before he is murdered. And of course the establishment and the BBC will all shake their heads muttering “He had it coming for a long time”
The BBC probably arranged with Momentum to test what JR-M is made of and hoping he might exhibit a ‘John Prescott’ moment which would be recorded and, ‘used in evidence against’ him at all later dates when appropriate to wheel out. I would’nt put anything past these evil bas*ard*.
Fair assessment – the offenders were prepared with the required hoods and masks which comes with the shame of such actions .
Momentum at the Yoony of West England, former crap house poly.
BBC are sure to put Corbyn on the spot demanding that he disassociates the Party from this.
Toady watch
Robinson interrogated JRM this morning doing the standard al Beeb default of the need to apologise for something …. as if an apology is a remedy and all is better after the word .
The fangs and claws were out for him- Robinson had had too much coffee or other South American substance and did the normal ask question – not wait for answer – interrupt a reply – ask two questions at once routine so loved of al Beeb c4.
To his credit JRM knew he wasn’t going to be able to enter a sane debate with Mr Robinson – a first class kidult so just tried to reason his way through.
Robinson is the al Beeb radio equivalent of those masked kidults who played up at the university last night which again , gained cudos for JMRs incredible restraint and calmness literally in the face of beasts.
I wrote here yesterday that al Beeb is frightened on JRM . After this non sense interrogation I retain that view. What a great Conservative leader he will make .
As an aside – there was some sort of discussion about whether still born babies should be named and identified by the state – through a birth/death certificate . I wasn’t listening because it was just alt left to me . But i thought – will that extend to the thousands of babies killed through abortion too ?
Reminds me of my Renault Megane, it has a ‘cup holder’ built in, which is so badly designed that it isn’t able to hold cups…..Totally useless…but at least I don’t have to pay for it every week! Maybe it’s useful in somebody else’s reality!
98% of Terrorist Atrocities in the UK are Islamic.
And also in the rest of the world.
Why are the BBC, Police and Government so concerned about the 2% ?
Where are their priorities?
Because for them to admit that the 2% is as inconsequential as it is, would lead to speculation about permanent solutions to those perpetrating the other 98%; which are politically and socially intolerable to the elite.
S`pose the BBC are hoping that the Finsbury Park “murder( unauthorised parking offence) will run long enough so we don`t worry too much about Trumps FBI email that will doubtless let us know more about what the FBI and Democrats were up to before the election in 2016. But what`s this about “national security” being compromised? Do they mean THEIR security, not to be seen to have fiddled in the election in a way that makes Watergate look like the small potatoes it was?
I’ve just endured half an hour of R4’s The World Tonight. It’s certainly not hard to work out what the BBC’s stance on ‘that memo’ is – nor, to be fair, was it hard to predict that the Corporation’s reaction would be telegraphed to it straight from the DNC, weeks ago. Hilary, Obama – zilch. A Democrat from Tennessee who sounded like he should be under observation for possible rabies and a priceless contribution from Anthony Zurcher, who seems to think the stench created by the revelation of such corruption will dissipate in a few days. Of course it will, Anthony.
And for pudding? The dulcet tones of Lyse Doucet, who still cannot correctly pronounce words in English (a basic qualification for a broadcaster, I”d have thought) nor worked out that a reporter’s job is to report, not to emote on behalf of political causes.
As so many times before, *click* was the only sensible response.