Amused to see that BBC journos are suffering at the hands of the Machine exactly what those unencumbered with huge pay packets have to suffer….being lied about and smeared…smeared as racists and nazis if you talk about controlling immigration or Islam…..
The BBC stands accused of lying and spreading smears about its most high-profile female journalists as the corporation was warned its handling of the gender pay crisis is approaching “a Greek tragedy”.
Carrie Gracie, who resigned as China editor in protest at unequal pay, accused the BBC’s most senior woman journalist of misleading her in salary negotiations and of wrongly dismissing her as a “part-time” worker.
The corporation has been “diminished and damaged” by its dishonesty over women’s pay, Gracie said, because “the BBC lives or dies by its reputation for telling the truth”.
Gracie said the atmosphere at the corporation was now “toxic”, and “it is going to get worse”.
She compared their handling of her case to Chinese state intimidation and said: “They are stumbling towards a Greek tragedy where they make happen their own worst fears.”
Have to say it is a shame that journalists such as Gracie are only concerned about lies and smears by the BBC when their pay packet comes up short and then suddenly we hear…. “the BBC lives or dies by its reputation for telling the truth”.
Where is that concern for the truth and the BBC’s reputation when talking about immigration, Islam or the EU or Trump? All subjects and issues on which the BBC’s lack of impartiality and failure to relay the truth has serious consequences for democracy and the ‘West’ as a whole.
I believe this is the woman my wife and I saw on the news last night, we generally switch between Sky and BBC news so can’t remember which channel it was, although often I have to check the battery in the remote as we don’t seem to notice any channel change !
She clearly fancies herself as an actress as she was sniveling at just the right level to get her words out without sounding incoherent. It was cringeworthy watching her put it on for the cameras.
Meanwhile many employees at my wife’s place of work in the real world still haven’t had a pay rise after six years.
To simply resign out of some sort of ‘principle’ does she still get a pension ?
It looks like I have pole position today.. although it’s not quite the same now that I can’t dream about the scantily clad grid girls any more! So much for a woman’ right to choose and women’s emancipation !
It fun watching the rather plastic doll looking lord hall trying to explain why Sopel – living the life of Riley in the USA being spoon fed news from all sources deserved more money that our hero Carrie –
Who apparently was the only candidate to go to hostile China where if you upset them you might have a road accident .
I care less about these beeboids – but I do care about what the people who pay their tv tax get for it .
It will take more than this tea cup storm to end albeeb unfortunately- but every little helps .
By the way the jobs worth chairman of al beeb looked like a fully paid up coffin dodger -.hes got his knighthood but no peerage for him . Shame
You talking about Lord Hall Hall?
Fake – yes – I bet if he ever walks down a street he’d leave a slime trail behind.
Welcome to the public’s world, love.
No mention of transparency. Maybe the BBC are exempted?
So, joining its reputation for impartial journalism too.
BBC Deputy Director goes to Paris and stays at Eiffel Hotel and spends 51 pence on expenses in feb2017 … mystery and intrigue! Nurses struggling with food banks? Fair?
BBC Graham Ellis – 51 pence
Al Beeb going big as expected on the fella who tried to attack Finsbury Park mosque. They are using the same language about him as they do about Islamic terrorists – namely “ radicalised” – this term is not defined.
Unless something else comes along of real importance al Beeb will keep this event rolling for the next 24 hours or more with all that ‘togetherness ‘ crap they poison the airways with and other lies.
White murderers are so much more despicable than black murderers. It’s a known fact.
Is it just my imagination, or have they done everything possible to make him a ‘monster’? It starts with the photo (in police custody after being beaten up, with swollen eyes) and the incredibly unrealistic ‘sketches’ from court that make him look like some kind of troll (if you look at photos of the guy they don’t look anything like him).
The tenuous connection to the ‘far right’, really doesn’t wash either, it smacks of a Communist smear campaign on a political prisoner from the cold war era.
I’m not saying the man is not nuts, I’m not saying what he did wasn’t wrong, and I’m certainly not saying he shouldn’t be locked up for it, and for all I care the key thrown away too. But, honestly, who doesn’t think this is a kangaroo court and they’re not going to hang, draw and quarter him, slowly and publicly, as an example?
Wouldn’t mind if it was the same treatment meted out to all ‘terrorists’ regardless of race, or religion, but it patently isn’t. Just as he is a dangerous nutter, yes, but ‘terrorist’? I think that’s stretching the definition of the term a bit far!
The intra-bubble spats are quite pathetic.
Typically what rivets a Beeboid and creates Beeboid news…