A lesson for the naive do-gooder activist journalists of the BBC.
Merkel allegedly flung open the borders of Germany, well the whole of Europe in reality, in order to atone for Germany’s past sins against the Jews. It must be somewhat disconcerting therefore to realise that her actions have led to an increase in anti-Semitism in Germany as the influx of Muslim immigrants brought all their prejudices and hate with them. The double whammy is that the flood of immigrants has given life to the Far-Right who are not only against the immigrants but also anti-Semitic. So not only has she imported a dangerous anti-Western ideology but she has given a spurious legitimacy to the Far-Right….an extraordianry irony that in atoning for anti-Semitism she creates the very culture that breeds it. The rise of the Far-Right is a creation of the extremist liberal do-gooder who only sees the supposed good things that will result from immigration and wants to do some virtue signalling and make sure people see him/her doing the ‘right thing’….they don’t care about the crime, the rapes, the murders, the drugs and robberies, the overcrowded schools, GP surgeries and A&E services, or the housing crisis, not forgetting the cultural wars, literally wars, now in progress….just as long as no one can call them a racist they’re happy for you to suffer all that. The Far-Right is the liberals’ monster, its Frankenstein creature that they brought back to life with their extremist open borders policies and attempts to smash national identity, societies, cultures, values and beliefs. The Far-Right is blowback. As the BBC’s own Carrie Gracie says when talking about her own stuation…
“They are stumbling towards a Greek tragedy where they make happen their own worst fears.”
That applies equally here. The BBC fears the rise of the Far-Right and yet it cheerleads for policies that predictably make that feared outcome spring to life.
An added irony is that a Far-Right activist has converted to Islam because the now liberal Christian Church no longer upholds the values that it used to…now supporting, as it does, gay marriage with priests going on LGBT marches. The BBC must be pretty conflicted with that one…it refuses to go down the path of criticising Islam for its strongly held beliefs on homosexuality etc but would normally pour scorn upon a Christian with the same beliefs. But now we have a Far-Right ‘bigot’ who sees in Islam the very values he says he wants to support. Nazis and Islamists, ideological bedfellows? Maybe the BBC will wake up to the truth one day.
Difficult to read the kraut mindset . A sensible person might have guessed that the action of Merkel to open the border would have led to political death. But she is still alive and fishing for a government .
As long as we are not affected I think it’s great that the krauts get a dose of disharmony – we’ve been importing it for decades and every so often one of our diverse citizens kills any one unfortunate enough to be on a bridge or at a pop concert.so it’s there turn .
I say this because I don’t think the krauts have paid the price for the last war . I think the survivors got a pretty easy time on our side of the wall. I know much of this was down to Cold War politics but it doesn’t take away the loss of people and property our country suffered at their hands .,they should still be paying – EU or not .
I can’t agree with your post on this one Fedup2, how many people around today in Germany were Nazis that played an active roll in German politics ? Most of the influential ones fled to S. America.
The German youth are as brainwashed as our own examples. We shouldn’t conflate the German led EU with the German people despite their slowness on picking up what we in the UK have picked up on slightly earlier than them, but not as early as say the Poles who are way ahead in seeing the dangers of Islam and rejecting Islam.
The German people paid in reparations heavily. I remember at school that German people where universally loathed especially by our parents, at school we had a German boy, his life was made pretty uncomfortable. Just how long do we blame them, after all we ( fair minded people ) don’t blame Americans of today for slavery.
We really should look at the positives in that the German people are very slowly waking up and getting out of the right side of the bed, we need to be united with our European kinsmen, unity is strength .. not just for the left !
fedup2kills any one unfortunate enough to be on a bridge or at a pop concert.so it’s there turn .
Or on a bus or the Underground.
Hitler and the Grand Mufti spring to mind a kind of full circle.. or as the left keep prattling on about, history repeating itself !
The liberal elites (yes you, silly Lilly) love open unsecure borders and unlimited immigration on three counts:
1. Cheap prices
2. Cheap servants
3. Unlimited opportunities to virtue signal.
Of course they don’t want to actually live with the vast majority of unskilled people that arrive and often depress local blue collar wages. But as the Canadian commentator Mark Steyn recently noted, paraphrasing Margaret Thatcher – “the trouble with unlimited immigration is that you eventually run out of other people’s neighbourhoods”.
4. Immigrants overwhelmingly vote for big-spend handout parties — ie Labour.
The German Ambassador said that WE were obsessed by WW2 ?!
Well I suppose if you listen to the BBC you’d think we were obsessed by the atrocities and think that the Nazis were going to take power unless we’re brainwashed by them to love immigrants .
The krauts spent decades keeping their heads down after 1945 now that the Reich is re united and they have financial muscle again they are bound to dictate to Europe and us . It’s a national trait which just can’t be extinguished – even after having their cities so rightly demolished .
The Reich will grow again and become a threat again – it might be a Muslim Germany now that they have imported so many so quickly . History does tend to repeat itself.
It’s a question that is never asked on air or in newsprint. And it should be asked again and again. Why has Islam not been branded “far right” ?
Because liberal elites love Islam. Both of them seek to undermine the Western ‘patriarchy’ that they believe is responsible for all the world’s ills, and which is the only barrier to Utopia.
If they succeed, the liberal elites will soon discover that their version of Utopia differs markedly from that aimed at by radical Islam. Probably while being propelled off the top of a high building.
Jews in Germany and France are planning to leave Europe, or have already left.
The process that Hitler started has been brought to fruition by the EU. Judenrein completed in Europe by Muslim immigrants, after they had done the same in Islamic lands – and it can all be blamed conveniently on Muslims.
Lucy asks why Islam has not been branded “far right”. I suppose it might be because the far right, despite its many faults, doesn’t usually believe in the killing of innocent people by justified jihad, putting homosexuals to death, treating women as second class citizens and making them wear black bags in public, supporting the death penalty for denying the existence of God and insulting the Prophet, may peace be upon him.
Mind you both sets hate the Jews, so Lucy you might be on to something there.
I think you’ll find that Jew hatred is a matter of course for Muslims, the ‘far right’ which I guess the BNP could be referred to as ( although I have always seen it as more of an old fashioned labour party .. how odd that Nazism = National Socialism ) yet the BNP had Jewish councilors.
It’s a mire without shadow of a doubt.
As for Muslims ( jihadi ) not being referred to as ‘far right’, the media don’t want to condemn them totally so they refer to them as ‘ultra conservative ‘ which gives them some ‘respect’ whilst at the same time slandering English conservatism, a neat trick.
National Socialism is in fact National ( geographic ) socialism ( ideology ) , nationalism is fine socialism isn’t , the Nazis weren’t ‘ far right ‘ if that phrase was relevant then but it sure was socialist. one of the biggest historical lies in history to me is associating Hitler with right wing politics.
The media play a convoluted game, but we all see through it to one degree or another.
I can’t understand why William L Shirer’ s book – The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich isn’t refered to more often .
The best part is Life In The Third Reich . The best part of that is Economics In The Reich . Basically , it’s socialists cosying up to mega capitalists .
So it ends up with the workers on lower wages , the small businesses put out of business , no new business startups , and the state running everyone’s lives .
Tropfen, tropfen…
A reason could be that Islam, like the religion of Marxism, is not spiritual but claims power on earth. Islam like Marxism, also believes there is no place for other religions.
Both do not believe in democracy, and prefer rule by the elite. In Islam, the imams wield all power.
They are really competitors, but have decided to be allies to first remove the only spiritual faith that can defeat them.
Marxists know they were defeated by Christianity – Pres Reagan, PM Thatcher and Pope John Paul were all Christians. The Poles too were fervent Catholics.
So they are allies for the moment. I dread to think what will ensue while the fate of mankind will be decided in a war between Islam and Marxism. For certain there will be no hostages.
Beeb trumpeting the excellent news that breast cancer is now killing less women that the prostate cancer killing men.
So in accordance with the current narrative that men are evil – more are being killed off – great news for for al Beeb.
Sorry to be flippant – i have had relatives with both forms of cancer – but the attitude al Beeb has taken to men recently suggests they’d like them culled so that woman’s hour can be 24 hour coverage of the meno pause
( why not the woman- o- pause ) and genital stuff.
Alan, I generally agree with 99.9% of your views, but I’m not onboard with the assertion about Merkel’s motivations. I don’t believe that these can be explained away in terms of atonement for Germany’s past sins. That would, I think, be ascribing far too much moral credence to her actions.
You do say “allegedly” so I accept that you’re presenting one possible narrative but I don’t buy it for a second.
You go on to say “attempts to smash national identities, societies, cultures, values and beliefs” which stands in contradiction to the first argument. I am definitely of the view that the latter is the true motivation.
Like Clinton, O’Bama, Macron, Blaire, Cameron, May, Osborne and the entire cabal of western quislings, it is cultural Marxism that is driving policy in the majority of the west. In my opinion.
Or it could be that Pres Obama forced her to accept millions of mainly Muslims into Europe.
It would be in keeping with Obama’s sympathy for Islam and Open Borders socialism, and Merkel reflecting Germany as a grateful and obedient ally.
Incidentally, Obama allowed tens of thousands of “Syrians” into America, but managed just a few of the really persecuted – Arab Christians from Iraq and Syria.
News management
Don’t think I’ve heard of any al Beeb reporter sent to Calais to report on the war between African tribes who are now using guns ….. waiting to come to Blighty
The murder of Khader Ahmed nobody – a convicted supplied of class A drugs – who met his end in prison thus making a bit more space ( I’m pro death penalty ) . 4 arrests – presumably non white. It’s ok as we know only white people can be racist.
Oh I say ferdup2. Your post is a gross violation of the truth.
What happened was that a group of highly qualified Afghan and Eritrean engineers were conducting ballistic experiments. The French police though informed, intervened, causing some bullets to stray.
Nibor hits the nail on the head with the National Socialists. Hitler did exactly what it said on the tin. The Nazis harked back to a former mythical Germanic age before industralisation with blond super aryans acting as one in a collective endeavour. Such was the dislike of modern industralisation that Hitler stated in 1941 that wind was the power of the future. In fact take out global military domination and killing the Jews and the Nazi manifesto looks remarkable similar to the one proposed by today’s Greens.
In the only two stories that mattered to me today, namely the Trump memo and the Rees Mogg protests, the BBC shows itself to have a very restricted syntax, relying on its favourite agenda to smear both Rees Mogg and Trump.
Soviet Psychologist began all this in the twenties, so they could avoid getting killed by Stalin-yet still use a form of words that would be codified-for those “in the know”.
The BBC does it non-stop, pretty clear who they see as being in the dock in both stories. And their rush to bureaucratic threat or depersonalising their opponents has long been noted.
The Trump memo will catch fire if we`re smart,