A salacious and very dodgy dossier on Trump produced by a man who was ‘desperate’ to stop him being elected and paid for by the Democrats was pretty much accepted as ‘fact’ by the BBC that had to be unproved rather than proved. A massive and extremely damaging exposure of US intelligence material by Snowden , who was quite likely a Russian spy and not a whistle-blower, was championed by the BBC as a necessary leak that revealed the extent of US surveillance of communications rather than the treacherous and dangerous betrayal that it really was especially considering we already knew that the US could ‘hoover up’ just about every communication by phone or on the internet at will…so Snowden’s ‘revelation’ was nothing new there but damagingly also revealed US intelligence techniques and exposed its agents to likely capture and possible death. Contrast how the BBC treated the leaked emails from the Democrats and Clinton, the BBC, not at all interested in their content, instead preferred to concentrate on who leaked them and to try and link the leak to the Russians and by association Trump. The BBC did all it could to dismiss the emails as irrelevant and to undermine their importance. A similar tactic is being employed with the ‘memo’ that is said to show the FBI’s actions were politicised and in concert with the Democrats. The BBC is doing all it can to discredit the memo and adopts an entirely negative and critical tone towards it giving more space and credibility to the Democrat/FBI voices that try to cast doubt upon it than on examining the truth.
All very telling about how the BBC sees the world and what highly partisan messages it wants to brainwash its audience into believing.
Anymore BBC bias…list it all here…
Tariq Ramadan charged in France over rape allegations
So the bBCs so called favourite moderate Muslim has been charged with rape and how does the bBC report this:
”He denies wrongdoing and is suing one of his accusers, a former radical Islamist, for slander.”
A former radical Islamist?
Is the bBC questioning the veracity of one of his so called victims by painting her as …unreliable. So much for the #Me too movement the bBC loves to promote, it appears just not when the accused is a Muslim, which kind of explains the bBCs silence regards the pecildillos of certain taxis drivers, fast food shop owners and dirty old men , that is until they had to.
Not only that, but by casting doubt on the veracity of radical Muslims, the bBC hasn’t really a leg to stand on , the next time it plays the victim card for anybody in the spotlight as they do.
Whilst the bBC goes all out in which to defend yet another sex pest, by disparaging one of his accusers, they tuck in ( don’t blink or you will miss it) that anther 5 women have complained as well, but as mentioned the bBC really do want you to know that one woman can’t be trusted.
The bBC defending women’s rights as only they can
Meanwhile here is how the New York Times reports the above story:
Mr. Ramadan was first accused in October, in the aftermath of the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse scandal, which led many Frenchwomen to report personal experiences of harassment or assault.
Henda Ayari, a French author and activist, accused Mr. Ramadan in a Facebook post that month of having sexually assaulted her in a Paris hotel room in 2012. On the day she published the Facebook post, she filed a police complaint in her hometown, Rouen, in northern France.
Ms. Ayari had already written about the assault in a 2016 book on how she had been drawn to Salafism, a radical Islamist movement, before breaking away from the ideology. But she had not identified the attacker as Mr. Ramadan.
The second accuser, who has not been identified publicly, filed a complaint against Mr. Ramadan shortly after, accusing him of having raped and assaulted her in a hotel room in the central French city of Lyon in 2009.
The woman, a 45-year-old convert to Islam, told French newspapers that she had corresponded with Mr. Ramadan on Facebook and met him in his hotel on the sidelines of a conference to discuss religion. When she went to his room, she said, she was raped and beaten.
Both women said Mr. Ramadan had threatened them into silence.
A neutral report which allows you to make your own mind up, unlike the bBC one which tries to do that for you.
It’s been pretty clear for some time now that the Lefty Top Trump – by a country mile – is Islam. All other causes that the BBC and the rest of the lefty media normally promote – especially feminism and gay rights – are nowhere to be seen when they are circling the wagons around their sacred, misogynistic and homophobic ‘religion of peace’.
Trouble is, the BBC’s verbal contortions and ever increasing distortions of reality have gotten so absurd even a 5 year old could spot their country-wrecking agenda.
The BBC – Britain’s Brainwashing Caliphate.
I am quite amused, or not maybe, by the frequent BBC reports of so many that are “Appalled” by a bunch of men allegedly attracted to skimpily clad females at a charity fundraiser, yet, we have now had at least four cases of young men maliciously and falsely branded as sex criminals for years awaiting trial by anonymous vicious females and not one of these appalled people seem to be appalled by that…..
And the feminist journo who came up with the story, Madison Marriage, had no proof whatsoever to back up her claims. This is despite being hooked up with a camera and mic among what we are supposed to think is 300 slavering rich white men for 10 hours!
And the BBC ran with it as if 1400 underage girls had been raped by a gang which operated unmolested for more than a decade! No strangely they didn’t. Somehow the baseless ramblings of a partisan feminist are a bigger story: http://bit.ly/2Ehfb47
Homophobic attacks on the increase, attacks on Jews on the increase and …little information on who is responsible, unless they can find a white male perpetrator then it becomes a headline
‘Which sports still use ‘walk-on girls’?’
The bBBC have forgotten to add the end of that sentence – which should read ‘which sports still use walk-on girls, that we can now sabotage’.
Cheerleading is brought up near the end – Crystal Palace are defending their use….get the popcorn out. If they cave in, surely dancing will be next? Pole dancing, belly dancing, ballet dancing, Strictly!!
Pounce! I thought I had it in the bag!
If they are going to attack Cheerleading they need to think again.
For example: Madonna, Meryl Streep, Eva Longoria, and Jennifer Lawrence. All involved in the “right on we are Feminists movements” loved by the BBC clan.
Some famous men: Dwight D Eisenhower, FDR, Samuel L Jackson. All considered to be BBC approved.
Maybe the bbc can provide such girls special badges to help those the bbc supports, like they did Malala?
Surely the ubiquitous BBC female sports news readers are little better than walk on girls and grid girls ? Is reading from an auto cue much more demanding than holding up an umbrella?
Agreed England.,
I don’t understand how al Beeb can allow wimmin to flaunt the lithe fit secy bodies on the cum dancing programme they do now . Surely this should be banned too? Or get a few fat girls in to show ‘body diversity’? That’s a good one eh?
And that other wimmins sex fest – girly football – arousing the male instinct. Disgusting . The late great Mary Whitehouse would be proud .
Cartoon summary on the FBI memo. In the mean time we still have until April 26th for the real FBI files to be released (the remaining JFK stuff) Hahaha! As if any of us will be alive for that…
Whilst the bBC has reported this, they haven’t had time to add a video.
Why do the Nazi scum keep shouting ‘Nazi scum’? Don’t get it.
And all those other words they learned off by heart, that must have been challenging.
Plus they all want to be Roy Rogers, kerchief over face! No sign of a trusty steed though- really quite strange.
I would use that metaphor about the pot calling the kettle black except it would crumble under the irony of the anti-fascists also wearing black colored vaguely paramilitary clothing
1min 40s Dark Glasses man begins violence if you cound shouting down everyone else as that.
He refuses to debate with Mogg
Left of shot elder white shirted man tries to grab him to remove him.
But the hoodie student bouncer and girl deliberately get between
Then for some reason dark glasses man throws both fists towards white shirt man shouting he just punched a woman.
This seems standard antifa tactics , in that they try use shoutdown and obstruction to incent some one to physical ..and then they can say “look they started the violence”
Lol, more activities of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in the multicultural paradise that is Sweden.
Isn’t this Norway? Not so overrun as Sweden….
Yes I think so! I beg the pardon of any scandinavian readers. Anyway, she looks so beautiful and happy, what a star she is for the Royal Family.
Just imagine if a Republican had done to Obama what he has done to Trump? It would be the story of the century.
It is so liberating that we have the internet now to punch back. The media are like the corrupt priesthood in the Dark Ages who deceived the people as the Bible was written in Latin and only they could read Latin
Absolutely. It’s been on my mind for the last 36 hours that if the boot were on the other foot in this instance, the execrable BBC would be hammering away at this story hour after hour, day after day, week after week, with extra staff sent to Washington for in-depth coverage. Instead, very little.
‘Trump warned not to hinder Russia probe.’
They really are shameless. Not the slightest concern that Clinton and Obama have been operating in ways that would shame Putin? But senior Democrats are upset! Of course they are! They have just been caught red handed and are trying to deflect, which our pathologically dishonest BBC is more than happy to help with.
God I hate these bastards.
Maybe that is why Nancy Pelosi was looking so sour during the State of The Union address; she knows that it may not be long before she is impeached instead of the President?
Beeb Bro
Be careful how you use the H word. You could find yourself chin deep in the brown stuff.
The FBI Sponsors The Clinton Foundation 20th Anniversary
Tragicom – spoof of the corrupt Clintons very funny go see utube Stg Willy’s Global Rackets Band
Prostate cancer kills more men than breast cancer kills woman yet breast cancer research and treatment of the disease receives four times the money allocated to prostate cancer research and treatment.
I keenly await the statement from the 170 BBC female journalists demanding equal conditions and treatment of the men.
Don’t tell me that ‘our wonderful NHS’ that is ‘the envy of the world ‘ is letting men down? Oh well if you’re a Nigerian woman wanting to give birth you’ll have no problem getting treated.
Interesting that BBC on-line news makes no mention of Antifa or “Far/Hard Left” aggression at Jacob Reece-Moggs speech at the University of the West of England. Love the part where the brain addled working class hero (unwashed) protests about someone punching a “woman” . Surely this closet fascist should have used a gender neutral pronoun. https://youtu.be/AItFoaM-m6o?t=16
You anticipated my comment my comment on the BBC’s disgracefully (but unsurprising) slanting of the JRM story. The BBC reports this as ” … Jacob Rees-Mogg was involved in a confrontation …”, as if to imply that he was at least partly to blame. It is a wonder they didn’t say he was “controversially involved”, which would have been par for the course. BBC News needs to be reformed from top to bottom.
BBC missed a trick, they should have described it as “Ree-Mogg was talking at an Alt-Right event….”
It’s that wonderful well honed skill they are renowned for when they massage the news for their own purposes.
Anyone notice the similarities between the Antifa’s “discussion model” i.e. shouting down and no-platforming and the interviewing style of BBC journos such as Humphries, Wark and such like.
Don’t like the message – well don’t let the message be heard. Over on “istheBBCbiased” blog is the transcript of Wark virtually no-platforming Tommy Robinson and taking his comments out of context just as they do with Trump.
They are the role models for behaviour such as that at Bristol Uni. It makes them the Blackshirts of today – or should that be “the blackshirts of Toady….!”
That transcript is very illuminating. It shows quite clearly the tactic of making an accusation – then ignoring the answer which shows the accusation to be incorrect and making the accusation again.
Wark simply wasn’t interested in the answer; she merely wanted to make the accusation so it can be repeated and established as “fact”.
Laura K and Nick R not doing too well on social media for their ‘reactions’ thus far, poor loves.
Perhaps “Ladyboy” would have been a more acceptable adjective.
As for punching a female, well, as a “Far Right, Extremist, Nazi, Fascist, Homophobe, Misogynist, Hater, Xenophobic, Little Englander and any other of the Left Wing terms of endearment, I was taught never, ever to punch a woman and that philosophy is engrained in my DNA. We right wing buffoons do have certain standards you know.
This is, I think, worth repeating from the previous open thread.
Piers Morgan is not pleased about this tweet from BBC2.
That is utterly disgusting and they have clearly let TDS override any sense of good taste or decency. I have put in a complaint and would urge as many to do so as possible.
Agreed and done.
The template reply will of course typically arse backwards and need perseverance to get through ECU to ofcom.
Has piers Morgan responded to this? Surely he must? I’ve not seen any USA reaction to it yet but knowing there is a different understanding of morality and decency in America which might cause a bit of a reaction. To those working for al Beeb there.
And who could blame them? Bloody disgusting .
Rachel Parris website is down, she got a BA(hons? ) in music at the university of oxford and a 2 2 in drama at the royal school on music and movement . For such a funny lady on the national state broadcaster there isn’t much readily available about her.
I was thinking – if she did an amusing sketch like this involving President Putin she’d probably have a cycle accident or drink a fatal dose of radio active tea. Brave lady but any thing for a dirty laugh eh?
Ted Bovis (Hi-de-Hi) always said you need reality in comedy.
For balance and realism it should be Sopel rimmng Barry O.
Remember the Charlie Hebdo incident and the Danish cartoonist. I guess the BBC wouldn’t dare do the same thing to a certain Norwegian peace loving group. Shows they are cowards as well as sick.
It’s amazing, it’s disgusting and it’s utterly repellent, but, in all honesty, I’m no longer shocked, because this is what we have come to expect. I’m referring, of course, to the disgraceful “disruption” caused by a mob of left wing thugs (Momentum?) at Jacob Rees Mogg’s political get together.
No surprise either that the devious BBC have completely underplayed it. In the past I remember Nigel Farage being pelted by eggs and afterwards the lefty turd who interviewed him asked, “You’re not very popular, are you?” as though he’d brought this on himself. It’s the sort of “Cathy Newman” ploy; create the impression that the person you’re speaking to is someone we have to be be very aware of.
But in this case the victim of this assault (or scuffle, to use the Beeb parlance) was JRM, the most urbane, articulate and polite politician in Westminster.
To hear these half witted, semi literate louts bellowing “Nazi scum” at the man is beyond endurance and beyond parody.
These are the people that have said they’ll tear down any statue that is erected to Margaret Thatcher.
These are the people who have told us that any plaque put up to Enoch Powell will be immediately vandalised.
These are the people the media should expose. Little chance of that with our beloved Beeb!
We simply cannot allow this violent, intolerant trash win.
These really are the new Nazis
I hope some one sends it to Fox News or breitbart on the twitter so that our American cousins can get an even better understanding of Brand al beeb than the “ reporter of authority “ it claims to be.
Their inspiration is the sinister Gauleiter McDonnell who issues threats of violence to Tories on a regular basis when he’s addressing private meetings.
“These are the people the media should expose. Little chance of that with our beloved Beeb!” – Simply tools of their trade……………
Worse than that- these are the intellectuals (highly educated) of the future of this country. But it isn’t Bristol University – it is the renamed Merchant Venturers Technical College and it is mainly what used to be Teachers’ Training Colleges and Nursing Schools.
Normally the likes of daily mail identifies and follows up on this vermin and as a result should hopefully blight the prospect of their future careers . It’s the least that should be done…
Ah yes, the renowned University of WOE, as it used to say on their minibus back in my student days. Hardly ‘intellectuals of the future’ David, third rate ex-Technical College students, studying Mickey Mouse Degrees, at best. Whose to say those Momentum Black Shirts at the back were students there anyway, looked more like filthy, drug addled, Corbynista scum rounded up off the streets of St. Pauls to me. Mind you, now anyone can get into Yuni with 2 ‘D’s and an ‘F’ in: Mejia Studies, Reinterpreted History, and SJW Entitlement, who knows?
I remember the 70’s when the country was gripped by the Loony Left and we suffered from an orchestration of strikes causing power cuts, refuse piling up, the car industry irrevocably impaired, the three day week, food shortages to name but a few things. I remember the Beer and Sandwich sessions at Transport House where our elected “leaders” kow-towed to the Trades Unions. I remember listening on TV to Dennis Healy’s speech to the Labour Party conference in which he said he would squeeze the rich until their pips squeaked, much to the delight of the audience. I also remember how his mismanagement of the country’s finances as Chancellor of the Exchequer led to the IMF taking residence at 11 Downing Street until they had sorted the sorry mess out and how toxic was Dennis Healy’s reception at a subsequent Labour Party conference after he had seen the light and became an advocate of sustainable public spending. I thought those days had gone forever. How wrong I was.
Corbyn and Momentum will spawn many more Derek Robinsons, Derek Hattons et al than we ever had to endure before and bring this country to its knees. The Trotskists, Leninists, Maoists and Stalinists who turned up to disrupt JRM’s speech are, I fear, a portent of what is to become the norm and a reminder of the nasty and toxic political environment of the 70’s. Utter scum.
On the brighter side, my advice to Corbyn would be, beware of friends bearing ice picks.
The reaction of the libtards to the release of the Nunes memo in the USA is verging on the hysterical on both sides of the Atlantic. They clearly see that it and the follow up investigations are going to expose not just the way Hilary and Obama manipulated the security agencies but that it starts to expose the way in which the liberal left has penetrated and corrupted government agencies right across the West by the way in which they secure key posts for ‘their’ people who can then be relied upon to do ‘ the right thing’ even if it is illegal.
The whole Gramscian process will be laid bare. For instance we in the UK could see the way in which our liberal left elite are trying to stop Brexit by use of the BBC and the civil service. The way in which they are manipulating us over immigration etc.
President Trump may have just bust one of the key strategic dams that keeps the swamp full. But watch the global liberal left establishment swing into damage limitation mode and try to repair this dam and defend other sensitive areas. I think the President has done some real damage with this bombshell but the war has a way to go yet.
I agree, but with a major caveat. It is still the case that a majority of people get their news, and thus their opinions, from the Left wing media: the BBC, Sky, LBC etc. Judging by the degree of TDS I encounter and the vast chasm between what people believe and the facts, I worry that even such a major revelation as this will simply fail to make an impact.
The BBC, just as we all knew it would, has taken the Democrat line on the memo and is spinning the story like a top.
Will the average listener get the basic facts, which are that Hilary Clinton’s team paid for a fake report and then used it to mislead a court, thus gaining surveillance on Trump, both when he was her presidential rival and once he had won the election? They certainly won’t get that from the MSM.
This is a measure of the battle we are in – a battle for the truth in the face of persistent lying by the BBC and its fellow travellers.
The BBC is way past bias it is out and out propaganda, their reporting on the US memo reveals that absolutely now. Thankfully we can get the truth else where – that is why we know the BBC is no longer fit for purpose.
Speaking of ‘bias’. I’ve mentioned recently that I’m in a panto for a few days. One of my lines (as a parrot) is “next week I’m working at the BBC” (British Bird Count), but a wag in the audience shouted “hope you’re not biased” !!!
My point is, this is a Home Counties village effort, and its telling that more and more people are cottoning on to the left leaning of our national broadcaster.
I often think of panto when hearing lefty presenters and demonstrators
‘You are a racist.
No I am not, give me an example, an argument.
Oh yes you are
Oh yes he is’
Lol ! but true.
If you have enough so-called graduates of the “Common Purpose” programme positioned in enough MSM posts it must be quite easy to lead the sheeple in the direction of your left wing beliefs. I believe the BBC has paid for approx 70 of its employees to become “graduates.” They also have their own networking system, a bit like the freemasons’ society.
Kaffir Latte,
“I believe the BBC has paid for approx 70 of its employees to become “graduates.” Any idea where that came from? Whatever the source, if true, it will ultimately be on the licence fee payer. Any provision in the BBC’s Constitution for that sort of expenditure?
Totally agree.
Amol Rajan is on everything, he must be absolutely coining it.
Look! Not hideously white! Aren’t we fantastic?
More on the US doctor who sexually abused gymnasts. With the Newcastle abuse, all we heard was how the Police were wrong in how they gathered the abuse. Why no wallowing in the testimony of the victims for months?
Memo is ‘written by Republicans’ they keep saying dismissively.They never said Steele dossier was ‘written by Democrats’ – no that was absolute objective truth delivered personally from God.
Amyl acetate on everything? Is it harmful? – “Exposure to high concentrations of n-Amyl Acetate can cause headache, drowsiness, weakness, dizziness and even unconsciousness. * Prolonged or repeated skin contact can cause irritation, dryness and cracking.” – Google. The descriptions about right for the, ‘Arthur Daley’ of the news room. He always reminds me of a spiv market trader who tries to sell you some damaged or inferior product from his stall. I guess its his sartorial choices and demeanour.
Sorry luv, you’ve just given me a head ache
I made the mistake of tuning into BBC News Channel at 8.15am and caught the Breakfast newspaper review. Schoolboy error. Cue BBC guest Beverley Turner, rather coyly described as ‘broadcaster’. She’s new to me and the name might hint at some Detroit-based soul or gospel rooted Hootenanny guest of Jules Holland. Think again. Her appearance (and I’m consciously and deliberately going there) suggested pale RP English grad gal slumming it doing an impression of a 1970s hippy-ish supply teacher – retro plain black maxi dress possibly hinting at an interest in Wiccan. But I think she’s too Metropolitan for that. Make Twitter not Wicker would be her slogan. So, I should have known what was coming. Sofa bunnies Charlie Cairoli and Naga Mouskouri had already flashed through the press front pages; their main point of interest being the alleged impending reformation of the Spice Girls. You remember the music industry manufactured plastic pop Girl Power thing… one day you’d never heard of them the next they borrow a song from some Israeli group and suddenly everyone has a favourite Spice. Big hit with teenies, the gays and with dads. To the inside stories. Our sofa guest Beverley (media bubble insider and sister to the producer of the Apprentice!) went off like a firework or, more in her line perhaps, a suffragette after a four-day hunger strike suddenly presented with a buffet. Her press report choices – Mirror and Guardian (natch). Her take on the news – well, you know those now underemployed F1 Pit Girls – “tough”. Some story about hospital maternity procedures: “a healthy baby should NOT be the prime concern”. I kid you not (as I like to pun) she reckons pregnant women just want to have a pleasant time and you medics should stop prioritising the health of the bloody babes, ok?! I sense Charlie of the heavily pomaded hair and the withered gonads was for a moment struck by the sheer audacity here as he politely requested Beverley reiterate or perhaps qualify her rant. I felt a headache coming on and I could switch off. Poor Charlie must have felt like an uneasy witness to an early speech of an up and coming demagogic dictator. Is it ok these days to say such things? I mean for us blokes, women can clearly say whatever hateful things they like and the BBC are the platform.
“Tommy Robinson Catches Muslim Man Who Threatened to Kill His Family After Police Failed to Act” –
We would be unable to observe the rapid decline and bias in UK policing if it were not for the alternative news sources on the internet. Don’t the BBC hate them? Stand by for a full frontal attack on them when the Government publish its anti-terror research in respect of “Right-wing” news (‘propaganda’?) sources.
Yes I posted the vid in the special BBBC thread Tommy Knockers yesterday.
Today I’m thinking why when the Black Lives Matter guy shot 5 police officers from the Dallas rooftops the media didn’t scream about him being radicalised by BLM.
The, ‘memo’ in full –
Click to access HMTG-115-IG00-20180129-SD001.pdf
We await developments as regards the implications and the ‘McCarthy’ type search for the ‘Russian connection’. Seems they will now have to switch searching toward Clinton and perhaps GCHQ.
To pursue my argument that the Government and BBC work hand in hand, and there has been much cooperation against Trump, with Smiley’s people (Steele) and the Clinton’s.
A summary from one of my US friends
Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, under oath, to the FISA Court, said the dossier was justification for warrants to spy on US citizens, even though:
1. They knew the memo was unverified
2. They withheld from the Court that Hillary campaign and DNC paid for it
3. They withheld from the Court that the author said he was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected.”
4. They never corrected the lies and error in subsequent filings.
5. Mueller must know all of this and has (done) nothing to stop the injustice.
In other words, the entire Russia probe was based on a lie to a Court perpetrated over and over.
Does the BBC still run that trailer which precedes Caty(?) Kay’s slot where we see a flash of Comey attached to “the President lied to me” (or some such expression)? If they still run that excerpt (joy of joys for them of course) will they perhaps now remove it?
Quick link back to previous thread last page
video of hate speaker McDonnel directly inciting people like last night’s CorbyThugs shouting down JRM
JRM has just been on LBC at 9:10am calmly giving his account of last night.
The meeting was an open meeting and not one organised by Conservatives.
Mention was made of JRM intervening to stand between two angry people one of which was dark spec man who can be seen trying to throw a punch in the video.
Matt Frei show 10am has started with the Rightwing terrorism line
Back to page 3 more posts from yesterday evening topics included MPs TV licences, Osborne case, polar bears etc.
I was wondering how the BBC would report the ‘memo’, Anyone interested in US politics will have been aware of what Steele, Fusion (no mention by the BBC) and Clinton had been doing. It was in all the newspapers bar the Guardian during the election. The Times followed the case in exacting detail.
So here’s the BBC headline:
Trump Russia: Democrats say firing special counsel could cause crisis
The first 75% of the item is how democrats have issued warnings not to release it because “They warned that such action could trigger a constitutional crisis not seen since the Nixon era.”.
Its only when you get to the final section do the BBC actually trouble the reader with some elements of the memo.
But think on that presentation. If it is so serious as to “trigger a constitutional crisis not seen since the Nixon era.”, ought not journalists be all over it to keep the public informed?
If the US state combined with Clinton to influence the US election result, then that is such a dreadful proposition that it must be discussed out in the open.
Another worthy flasback:
Ps: Unless a metaphor for the state of public service these days, ‘Weekened’?
JRM better be on solid ground, but standing ground physically at the event, and up to a pathetic bbc ‘will you apologise’ attack line is a pretty good foundation for leadership.
Don’t these bbc creeps look at where the actual tangible threats are coming from. It’s like they took Pastor Neimoller and gagged him whilst Nick slid the other headphone over that shiny pate and hummed la-la-La as loud as he can.
Ha I see Labour’s media arm, the BBC, have changed the title of their report on the far-left extremist thugs who disrupted Mogg’s speech. The earlier title almost suggested Mogg was partly to blame. The bbc really are despicable.
I hate when the BBC news is now showing its reporters shouting from a scrum of reporters (for example when Mrs May or any Conservative minister for example is walking into Downing Street) such stupid questions as ‘Are you going to resign Prime Minister/Minister?’ Do they think that Mrs May, at that very moment is going to walk up to the media rabble and say, ‘I have had enough and your question has decided me, I am going to resign’. I presume the BBC when it shows these stupid questions thinks that the idea embedded in the question is going to sink into our psyche. I think it shows their reporters asking ever more stupid questions and getting more and more desperate for a story, looking increasingly more idiotic.
Laura K is getting particularly worse at this sort of questioning – her interview with Theresa in China reflected particularly badly on Laura.
I was listening to WATO on Friday 2nd and heard the segment about how these PM trips are a complete waste of time and that the trade deals would all have been signed anyway. I don’t remember these sort of criticisms when Tony B went on holiday (sorry, went somewhere to represent the UK). Plus Mr Mardell was scathing in tone about the number of jobs these deals would bring to the UK. I consider every British person in work in the UK a bonus for our country.
Deborah, I fired off an email to Sky and BBC moaning exactly about that, last year. How our journalists have sunk so low that they now scream like fish wives (apologies to fish wives) in order to catch their target’s attention is beyond me. I cringe every time I hear it being done. Like you, I think, do they honestly expect a reply ? I would so love it, if just one time, their ‘victim’ would come up to them and say “when you have more manners and stop screaming across the street, then I’ll answer your question”.
They all do it, from Norman Smith et al, and Kay Burley et al.
I had one reply, in effect saying that it was the “way of doing news reporting now “. In other words when one started doing it, they all followed like bloody sheep. Again I think we have imitated the Yanks – watch any film, and there is always a herd of microphone thrusting reporters screaming their questions.
Perhaps they feel that volume might help justify their pay levels?
It is even worse when shouted in Brussels to a passing EU politician whose command of English is not perfect.
“I consider every British person in work in the UK a bonus for our country.”
Exactly Deborah. You could have pushed further. Does anyone, who gets their news from the BBC, know we are currently living in a country with record numbers of people in work, or the smallest percentage of people unemployed since we joined the EU? That wages and productivity are growing?
Does any BBC viewer know Trump has turned a round the US from a place of structural unemployment to growing employment. The US has more people in work than at any time for the last 13 years.
Would the BBC viewer know that the growth in the US and UK economies is powering the world economies forward?
But that line of yours is bang on the money. Every job gained has a value and shouldn’t be sneered at by the BBC.
Deborah: Agree 100%. The shouted questions presumably are not expecting an answer. So what purpose? Possibly:
i) Look at meeee! Everyone recognises me -a household name- and knows how clever I am. This will confirm my sheer brilliance; they will conclude the PM is obviously a close pal of mine! Wow! Listen to meeee shout!
ii) If I am shouting out ‘Will you fire x today?’ that puts that thought firmly in the viewers mind. So I am setting the agenda! Wheee! Look at meee! Intellectual as well…
iii) If Emily’s listening, she’ll be mightily impressed and whisper my name into Jeremy’s shell-like; who knows, next week I could BE the Prime Minister!
iv) A bit louder and the BBC may even raise my salary from £250,000 to £350,000! Wheee! This IS fun! (Wonder if I should turn that down….? The publicity I could get, purely as a matter of principle…Wheeee)
And YOU thought YOU hated the shouting, Deborah….
WTF does boy wonder Zurcher think he is? Certainly not a reporter, obviously something far superior as he marks our card on the Nunes memo. Among other biased snippets we get this:-
If this is in fact an accurate characterisation of Mr McCabe’s testimony, then it would go a long way toward substantiating the memo’s contention that the dossier and the surveillance request are inextricably linked. But without Mr McCabe’s actual testimony, this becomes a very big “if”.
Zurcher provides no evidence to suggest that Nunes has given a false account of McCabe’s testimony to Nunes’ own committee.
What a beauty
As I commented yesterday, Zurcher’s reporting is a farce and his intention is quite clear – to assist the Democrats’ claim that the memo is worthless.
Interesting. I’ve just read Zurcher’s piece. He does at least mention a few things that BBC News, in its customary biased fashion, completely ignores. However, the BBC can always count on Zurcher safely to broadcast on the behalf of the Democratic party, and liberally sprinkle his reports with anti-Trump remarks.
It’s a bit of a a perennial theme for me, but I question the use of foreign reporters like Zurcher in any case. You could argue, and I bet the BBC would, that employing foreign staff means they have an insight a British reporter wouldn’t have. However, far too often they seem to show partiality for one side or the other which, in my view, is more or less inevitable as they have skin in the games on which they are reporting.
Similarly, some of the foreign journalists they hire (notably the Irish ones, imbued with anti-British sentiments and that curious Irish/Catholic bleeding heart liberalism (cf ‘Bono’, Geldoff etc) but also the French Canadians) strikes me as very unwise.
Always assuming, of course, that the BBC intends to employ impartial staff which, as we here all know, is most definitely not the case!
I can’t recall Zurcher or anyone at the BBC cautioning ‘a very big if’ on Steele’s Trump dossier. In fact they did the opposite, canvassing positive opinions about Steele’s honesty and reliability as a way of giving the dossier credibility.
Their blatant bias and anti-Trump agenda is open, arrogant and shameless.
In 1954, 67% of the public could name their MP – that has slipped to 63% with 38% saying their MP did a good job in 1954 – now sitting at 15%. An astonishing 62% of people agree that “politicians tell lies all the time – you can’t believe a word they say”. Greater familiarity with politics does little to dispel the view that MPs are liars with 57% of those who avidly follow politics thinking politicians are liars. The results today are quite shocking. “Just 15% think the Westminster parliament does a good job on ‘representing the interests and wishes of people like you”. One third of the nation now thinks Britain is no longer democratic. One noteworthy finding is that 35% of the public can’t pick a single feature (of political policy) to praise.After each general election since 1987, British Social Attitudes have asked people how much they ‘trust British governments of any party to place the needs of the nation above the interests of their political party’. The proportion trusting governments ‘just about always’ or ‘most of the time’ has collapsed from 47% in 1987 to just 20% in 2010. And the decline has been remorseless, with the proportion at each election lower than the election before. Political attitudes dating back to the sixties was completed just three years ago. What all this indicates is that the reputation of Britain’s political system, its very legitimacy, democracy itself, is at risk because politicians continue to abuse the system whilst adopting little in the way of ethics and professionalism. I suspect that really says it all-completely untrustworthy so where do go from here?
“…….indicates is that the reputation of Britain’s political system, its very legitimacy, democracy itself, is at risk because politicians continue to abuse the system….” You mean the, “Mother of all Democracies”?…….
Strangely enough, the same reasons apply to their being no discussion on islam. The cult’s handbooks speak volumes (forgive me). Any proper debate would lead back to the indefensible Quaran and associated Hadith & Sira and there aint’ no need to try and disguise the evil contained.
Jordan Petterson’s views on islam:
And the BBC, ever since the TW3 inspired ‘satire’ boom with numbers of belittling and deriding programmes thereafter, has been complicit in the decay and collapse. Very much at our expense, though certainly not theirs.
The worrying thing is that these are exactly the conditions in which people will shrug and accept a dictatorship ‘because it couldn’t be any worse, could it?’
Britain’s political class has betrayed the nation.
A terrible week for Corbyn, firstly being exposed as a compulsive liar re. his employment at Iran’s Press TV, then his Momentum thugs driving moderates out of local councils. Something that a ‘comedy’ show aimed at highlighting the past week’s news events would make hay with, surely? Nope, not on The News Quiz. Just half an hour of Trump and Tory bashing, without a mention of the most dangerous extremist that we’ve seen in British politics in recent history.
Don’t worry – the moment Corbyn’s usefulness to Momentum is over he will be discarded by the then Labour Party.
Only to be replaced by Oberleutnant Starmer, and GruppenFuhrer Reinhard McDonnell…
I googled ‘corbyn iran press tv’
The top links were for a variety of newspapers with, to be fair, a variety of political outlooks.
Not a single link on the front page however was to a BBC web page!
Sometimes the bias is the insidious one of omission.
“Men” have been misbehaving again (allegedly)
BBC tv news crawling headlines can’t find space for names other than the victim and nor can BBC online.
‘The men, two aged 21 and one aged 20 who are all inmates at the prison, appeared at Willesden Magistrates’ Court on Friday and will appear at the Old Bailey on Tuesday, police said.’
Although the BBC do find space for a dull pedagogic potted penal history lesson:
‘Built during the Victorian era, Wormwood Scrubs is a Category B prison with a capacity of 1,279 inmates.’
George Osborne’s freebie metroplitan anti-Brexit news-sheet may be somewhat unbalanced when it comes to news about Brussels but they do name a name when it comes to crime.
‘Ahmed Khyre, 21, Kalif Dibbassey, 21 and Enton Marku, 20 – all inmates at the west London jail – were charged and appeared at Willesden Magistrates’ Court on Friday, the Met police said’.
Similar to the BBC Police quote – but not the same. Are the BBC deliberately censoring the news – this does look a pretty cut and dried case – if so in whose interests?
I’ve complained in the past about bias like that and the standard answer, 2 weeks later, is something like “our Editors have the difficult job of deciding how much information we can fit into a web page they both report the facts and keep the page aesthetically pleasing”.
Al beebus and the rest of the Progressives in the MSM have downplayed and obfuscated black/brown on white crimes for decades.
The likes of the Moors Murderers; Peter Sutcliffe; Fred & Rose West are all widely known to the public, as is the “racist murder” victim Stephen Lawrence and many would still recall the Mary Bell case.
I wonder though, how many people you asked on the street, would know who Kenneth Erskine was, had even heard of the Kris Donald case or were aware of the murder of Katie Rackliff by a 12-year-old Sharon Carr?
The answer would be very few, which was their objective all along.
Has anybody else noticed that once every few days, the bBBC cuts out the sneering and goes an entire programme as an almost normal news broadcaster ? Even Mrs Hillbear occasionally mentions it to me ‘what’s happening to the BBC news today ?’ They cover all the usual topics – NHS crisis; Economic news; Brexit; Trump; Israel; hate crime, etc, etc – but WITHOUT the child-like sneering – even Spoel ! Then the next day, business is resumed as usual. I’m really not sure what they are trying to achieve with this tactic, but it’s quite predictable – every 7-10 days or so.
Perhaps your sneer threshold has been desensitised by constant exposure .
Yes hillbear – exactly that! I thought I was going mad. They do just that to confuse you.
Incidentally, my daughter used the BBC ‘not-asking-any-women’ in their pay-gap report as an example of bias and fake news in a school event. Went down very well actually and many people agreed with her that the BBC is biased.
I am her dad though and she does get the facts. A new generation of awakened souls is coming through have no fear. Not all children (not kids – goats have kids) are SJWs.
See it
Al Beeb can be quite skilled at this Goeballs level distortion . Sacrificing facts / truth for their protection of anything multi racial ( not using multicultural any more that’s another weasel word they use ).
The news quiz ( didn’t listen ) with the smug host ( miles) consisting of
Jeremy (hardy ) Lucy , Hugo and Victoria represent a diverse nest of bubble dwellers. Normally they have a token non white to be ‘right on ‘. Not a ‘mo’ or ‘Lenny ‘ in sight.
Anyway – I’m still wondering why al Beeb hasn’t got our spiteful miles to change his name to ‘kilometers’.
Mice – And do you know what, none of this will stick because the BBC led media dont want it to.
This is why the snowflakes in all likelihood will elect this dangerous and deluded marxist at the next election.
With the attention span of six year olds and used to getting their quick adrenaline fix from computer games and social media, Corbyn represents the possibilities of instant wish list gratification for the snowflakes with all his talk of just building more houses or just spending more on the NHS, wiping out student loans etc – In fact just spend! spend ! spend! After all its only money.
It doesnt help that we are currently governed by a Conservative party that has a weak and indecisive leader and seems hellbent on reinventing itself as a Labour “light” party rather than standing for anything that resembles traditional Conservative values.
Mr Corbyn promises to spend,spend ,spend, but as Mrs Thatcher once correctly opined “The trouble with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” Quite so. And I would add that the “other people ” run out of patience and vote them out. We wind up with a bloody mess, up to our eyeballs in debt.
Sorry Comrade Lefty but I have decided that debt is just an abstract patriarchal right wing reactionary concept. Theres loads of money out there – all you have to do is just print some more if you need it – simples!
That maybe so Sir but who wants to push a wheelbarrow full of waste paper to Asda just to buy a bag of sugar?
Now, the Conservatives are Labour, Liberals are hard left and labour are far left fanatical communists.
EG – No wonder the likes of Eddie Izzard is confused. (or should that be Edwina)
“Now, the Conservatives are Labour, Liberals are hard left and labour are far left fanatical communists.”
And anyone who disagrees is an alt far right nazi extremist racist bigot!
Good analysis Dizzie!
It`s as if they`ve all been moved a few ratchets along the left-o meter, and we the normals are pilloried for pointing this out and refusing to join the merry throng of lefty opinions. Been marooned haven`t we?
Ah well, we`ll win. Your picture helps me see that, so ta!
Heard “Everything she wants” by Wham on the radio, and this was soon followed by “Crazy Little Thing called love” by Queen. It occurs to me that two gay blokes trying to pretend that they were chasing women like George and Freddie would make them guilty of cultural appropriation. I mean-if I was a straight bloke pretending to be a bit ginger, then wouldn`t gays accuse me of parody or patronising stereotyping? No-time to boycott Freddie and George on account of their mocking heterosexuality.
No,No,No. Havn’t you been told? Homosexuality is the new normal. In the same way as death is the new life. Do try to keep up darling.XX
Italy Macerata drive-by attack: Foreigners targeted, say police
Usual BBC bias reporting the victims as both black and foreign. The suspect is an Italian local, Luca Traini, white skin skinhead.
Now if this was a dark skin suspect the BBC would be reporting as a “man” or even “a gun has fired at other men”. Skin colour and foreign nationality only get a mention when they are victims.
Standby for the usual Brendan Cox types to bang on about white right wing terrorists.
I’ve been reading that we must have ‘access’ to the single market.
In the very worst case scenario the UK will be massively better off if we match any tariff the eu put onto our exports to them.
3% of the eu imports will give us a huge extra pot of money because we import so much more from them.
There is no chance of getting NO access.
Does even the most fanatical remainer think that all trade between the eu and us will stop.
It’s farcical.
So, when the bbc news shows keep banging on about getting access to the single market it’s no big thing. Every possible outcome is as good as or better for us than it is for the eu.
I wish those interviewed would point this out.
Same with the customs union.
I’ve given up speculation. Its been eclipsed in the knowledge that we simply won’t get the Brexit we want. Indeed, as others have suggested, it will be a Brexit in name only not in practice.
G – Because these absolute tossers have been allowed to get away with a game of lowering expectations and ratcheting up project fear again, they currently feel quite confident in trying to represent acceptance of a Euro sellout as the “popular choice”
However I think they may well have totally underestimated the outrage and protest that will be unleashed if they try to sell us their “traitors bargain”.
If that’s an incitement to civil disobedience count me in. Enough is enough. After all I’m almost 78 and I haven’t seen the inside of Her Majesty’s porridge houses -yet.
Just heard on Classic FM news about a drive by shooting in Italy. 6 wounded, 1 seriously. perp is a Nigerian immigrant and his motives remain unclear. No doubt authorities are looking for a Tommy Robinson connection. The shooting seems to have followed the discovery of the dismembered body of an Italian teenager, probably the worst case of suicide ever seen!
‘No doubt authorities are looking for a Tommy Robinson connection’
This ‘guilt by association’ lark is getting out of hand.
Several media are trying to ignore what happened to the event JRM was at, and more interested in getting him to apologise for dancing with a girl who once danced with a guy who danced with a girl who danced with the Prince of Wales.
Working on my chain now GW.
Tommy Robinson-Brexit-Trump-Russian influence-Enoch Powell and Barry Goldwater-will have the others in place soon. As for Soros-Miller G-Osborne and Deripaska/Mandelson-Clinton and Branson, well lets not go all mad and conspiratorial now shall we? Only the progressives are now able to cite Roswell and Piltdown Man, Hitler diaries and Millenium Bug-like on us all. Tosspotz!
Alastair Campbell on telly again as I write-apart from his meds, what does he have to say that the media so like to hear I wonder? David Kelly is it?
Read the memo now.
So Clinton and the Democrats paid Steele to come up with some filth on Trump-and the man who was paying for it used a Democratic stooge front called GPSFusion to keep the Clintosn separate from the hatchet jobs on Trump that were paid for and were followed up.
And said cabal above were easily able to lean on the USA Deep State to get an order to do this via their compliant courts via FISA.
This is a real scandal-Trump was 100% correct when he said he`d been wiretapped to stop him winning.
Any chance of the BBC admitting they`ve been evil and wrong all along…this ought to trump Watergate if Trumps team plays it well.
Comey needs jail-as do Clinton and lots more Democratic politicos and their pliant hacks at CNN etc
Read the Nunes memo for yourself at vox.
Agreed – and yet millions of BBC, Sky and other listeners will have a completely different version of events – namely that President Trump has created all this to divert attention from his alleged Russian connections.
Has there been a better example of how corrupt the UK’s media has become?
It is said, by Sarah Carter actually, that only about 10% of Devin Nunes’ material has been released. I am sure numerous copies are made and so well distributed that the Deep State and Clinton Crime Family will not consider either the Seth Rich or the Grassy Knoll solution viable.
Toobi- judging by the selectivity of anything negative about non whites it will probably turn up on Tuesday on the world news at 2 in the morning and then pulled at 230 am . – one for maxi on nights
A concise presentation of what islam is all about –
Have any of you heard of any riots or balaclava masked mobs carried out by any lot other than the left.
It’s always the left who are violent.
When any demo by the right, be it UKIP, Pegida (where are they now) EDL or anything not left, happens, you get the mobs of hate not soap, Antifa, momentum, all the various left rioters, all showing up to disrupt it.
We let the lefties have their marches and don’t attack them but the left want to shut everyone else up.
It’s strange because most lefties are snowflakes who run off for a good cry if anyone upsets their feelings, a right bunch of wimps, but their militant wing is very violent.
I wonder when we will fight back.
When they renege on Brexit.
“Have any of you heard of any riots or balaclava masked mobs carried out by any lot other than the left. It’s always the left who are violent.”
I’ve noticed that only too well.
“It’s strange because most lefties are snowflakes who run off for a good cry if anyone upsets their feelings,”
1) On leave once, outside Dewsbury Bus station a CND stand was complaining about something and demanded they we sign their petition. I politely refused , whereupon the man behind the desk, became very angry and started screaming at me that I was a fascist. I informed him, that by his very own criteria, that not only was I the wrong colour to be a fascist, but he was . He then informed me he was going to teach me a physical lesson (Or words to that effect) Big mistake, as not only had I recently represented the UK at Atemi Ju-jitsu, I was also in the squadron boxing team, so imagine the shock on his face of instead of walking away, running away or trying to argue, I simply said Ok and started walking towards him, he actually ran away from me and lucky for him, my best mate rugby tackled me to stop me putting him in hospital. I will always remember how as he ran away, he continued to scream that he could have me.
2) Another time, I was in Leeds and there was this huge street float (with steel drums) Protesting against the deportation of a family. This white guy shoved a form in my face and demanded I sign. I refused, where upon this twat looked at me and said…”Your kind should stick together”
boy did he get a piece of my mind
3) A few years ago walking through town, I tried to bypass a group of chuggers . Unfortunately I was spotted and this burka wearing woman tried to accost me, I politely explained that i couldn’t talk as I was meeting a friend for coffee and I was running late. Not taking No for an answer, she followed me screaming in my ear that as a brother, I should be supporting AI regards Israel and how badly the Pals are treated. I stopped. She smiled, I spoke:
One, I’m not your f-ing brother
Two, Have you been to Israel, I have, and I don’t recognise your description of the country.
Three, wearing that (Burka) tells me you are a Musim, If you had spoken to me like that in a Muslim country How do you think I would have reacted, where women have no rights. I’m the bloke your mother, told you never to sit next to on the bus
She had by now realised, that she had pestered the wrong person and she was expressing concern on her face. One of her group a huge lanky piece of shit, had realised that she had walked outside the safety of the group and started to move towards us, I simply took a step towards him, pointed at him and exclaimed:
“Take another fucking step, and I will smash your face in”
The intent there was to make him stop as I knew he would
I turned to burka features and simply stated,
“Be careful, whose ear you scream into in future”
And I walked away with a smile on my face, having ruined 2 snowflakes day.
These people have no problem using numbers and intimidation in which to attack others, I have no problem playing them at their own game.
Interesting set of stories there Pounce. Good to read. Good thing your friend stopped you from using you J-Jitsu as, having done many years of it myself in competition, I know it would have been a very short fight indeed. Turned to Ki-Aikido as a ‘softer’ direction in the end – turned out to be even more effective.
I will not walk by a chugger as I don’t want to even have to explain myself. Generally in fact, the martial arts I have taken part in over the years lead me to avoid any confrontation with anyone. My Aikido sensei always told us to a) live without fear b) not to confront attackers (when you have tried leaving the situation but they trap you) but to turn to face the world with them
c) then act. ‘c’ ends up with one of you in a very unpleasant wrist lock.
Anyway – glad to read that you’re out there. It gives me hope that I’m not the only one.
Sounds like you managed to snatch the pebbles from the old Sensei’s hand. I’m not much of a fighter but I’ll willingly hold your coat while you sort ’em out. Cheers.
Oh I’ve had loads of runs ins, and tje One thing I’ve noticed is whilst these people are happy to scream in your face, on a one to one basis they won’t stand by their convictions
A few years back I was in a shop talking to my friend about my latest book ( 6 day war) out of nowhere this bloke inserted himself into our conversation and loudly started berating the Jews. I made the mistake of trying to talk to him, he simply raised his voice in which to shut me ,down. I let him have his 5 mins, then when he had quietened down walked over to him and asked him he wanted to continue the chat outside. His reply was:
“” I’m a lawyer”
I simply stated that Lawyers also bleed and asked him again if he wanted to step outside.
He refused.
Fuunny they believe to hate a Jew is not racist, how do they twist their little minds around that ?
Pounce – these days they try to incite a reaction in order to get you caught on the nearby cctv ( bound to be one ) then the full force of the “ anti hate squad of dedicated coppers “ will move heaven and earth to find you cos of your “dispicable” behaviour – and they’ve won.
Well thank you BBC, you have just completed the misery of a wet afternoon. The BBC have an article warning of the dangers of deepflake porn. Apparently it is being done to celebrities where technology facilitates taking an innocent photograph and transforming it into a strong pornographic image.
Th BBC gives the name of several celebrities whose image have been in this way displayed.
See the article
As an experiment, purely for research I tell you, I googled images for my favourite Prime Minister.
Lo and behold after Googling Theresa May Porn then hitting images, my screen was filled with hard core images of the Appeaser performing many interesting activities.
Oh dear. Suppose it can be applied to other favourite politicians.
Good to hear that the BBC is promoting its share of fake (including deeplfake) news.
All this talk about martial arts is making me feel a tad inadequate.
Ju-Jitsu, boxing, Ki-Aikido. Blimey, I have enough trouble pronouncing most of them let alone doing them.
Mind you I’m shit hot at Origami…
Actually one of my favourite lines Is:
“I’m a black belt in origami, I’ll have you in creases “
With your combative skills you probably mean that literally.
Actually, there is a very easy way to ignore snowflake chuggers.
Take out your mobile, and walk close to them pretending to talk into it! Even snowflakes understand that they’ll not get a word in edgeways!
Mind you, a good friend was doing this, and her phone started ringing when she was in “mid-conversation”..,
It’s “Brexiteer” Jacob Rees-Mogg not “Conservative MP” on the R4 6 O’Clock News, but it’s “Liberal Democrat Leader” Vince Cable not “Remainer”. As someone correctly pointed out on the last thread re J R-M – they really do fear him.
Bloody hell, just what is with the bBC, and it’s promotion of taking it up the arse:
Why gay dating is hard when you live on a remote island
How two gay penguins inspired a children’s play
It’s as if the bBC is on a mission . but then they do have form for getting Jim to fix it in which to fuck children from the rear.
If blokes want to take it up the arse OK but why do the rest of us need to know about and approve of it. It’s dirty. And as for gay animals, has anybody anywhere found any kind of animal with it’s member buried up to it’s nuts in it’s fellow animals bum – male or female? I very much doubt it. Now a dog will hump your leg or even the leg of a table but that isn’t because he loves you or the table. The anal orifice has only one purpose and that is the for the disposal of effluent. That’s probably why Mother Nature made it stink so bad, so that people wouldn’t use it as a playground. How disgusting can you get?
Now the Bum Boy Corporation seems to think it’s a splendid idea to teach young kids in our schools that buggery is absolutely normal so they should perhaps try it out in the lunch break behind the bike shed. It’s appalling. Apart from that short rant words fail me.
“How two gay penguins inspired a play”.
This is actually a story on the front page of the BBC webshite. An organisation with more journalists than the whole of Fleet Street put together.
Nope. It’s not April 1st.
It is however firmly in the ‘you couldn’t make it up’ category.
Utterly beyond parody.
Yes, the BBC finds its natural level at last!
The societal problems created, such as in this dreadful case, will only increase as what was once deemed as beyond the pale is perceived as above reproach.
Fantastic last minute drop goal from Johnny Sexton contra Les Francais!!!
I’m sure we will get coverage for this from the BBC. They’ll be thinking shame he ain’t Transgender. These pale stale males still do the biz when the chips are down.
Can’t wait for Rob Burley to learn of this thread…
Someone not happy his BFF is being associated with dubious party shenanigans.
Mixed feelings. On the one hand, the ex-BBC Editor is clearly not just nuts, but completely and utterly nuts now.
On the other, just how is it the BBC failed to notice his journey during his tenure with them?
Ha I just described libmob debatetactics of #2 Then deal with challengers : MisrepresentativeLabel/Sneer&Smear/ShoutYouDown/Dismiss/Runaway
..and there is PaulMason Smearing her and trying to shout her down and dismiss her
Looks like today’s royal rumble is Rob Burley in the red corner with Paul Mason in the even more red corner.
Is popcorn suitable for breakfast.
Wow, I thought the bBBC were actually going to address an issue here! Why isn’t the #metoo taking off in west Africa? Any guesses, retards? Well, yes, a micro video to tell you that it’s ‘not worth it’ and ‘there will be no justice’. End of video. So, no explanation of why it’s not worth it, or why there will be no justice. Are they afraid that they will have to reveal that African men are misogynistic (on the whole), violent, corrupt, and that religion might be a part of this?
Shocking journalism. Lying by omission once again.
This week I heard on the BBC JR Mogg introduced as ‘far right’ and Chris Williamson (a self confessed Marxist) introduced as a ‘left wing Corbynista’.
This explains the BBC interpretation of what they see as left and right.
The BBC perceive Corbyn’s brand of socialism is not far left yet anyone who is a Brexiteer is far right.
Isn’t it funny how no one is ever far Left to the BBC, but anyone to the Right of, say, Ted Heath is portayed as a foaming lunatic?
“The BBC perceive Corbyn’s brand of socialism is not far left yet anyone who is a Brexiteer is far right.”
Nowadays anyone whose views or opinions differs from that of the loony left is “far right”!
This is what they want us to believe. They want us to believe their perception of the majority view. They want to redefine normal to make everyone question themselves, rethink their thought ‘crimes’ and self sensor on the basis that we must be horrible people if we don’t agree with their views.
The term “far right” is used in the same way “n!gger” used to be
I quote “Dehumanisation becomes really, really simple
..suddenly these are no longer human beings you are talking about
these are hapless pawns in the nefarious plots ” *
Therefore it’s easy to attack them
There is also an element on “conspiracy theory” in the way people use it
There is this mass network called the “far-right” and they are out to destroy the world”
* There is irony in the origin of that quote
It’s from minute 11 of the BBC(What-we-want-to-be)Trending podcast. (A super SJW missionary show)
The speaker there is a mad libmob and is using to describe what he describes in his book as “Alt-America” ‘This far right network of Trump supporters’
The characteristic of libmob is that whenever they throw out accusation it’s PROJECTION
ie the accusations actually describe THEIR OWN behaviour.
..And indeed you can see he’s just MISLABELLED Trump supporters in order to dehumanise them and make them easier to attack !
ie strawman them
Whether it’s ClimateChange Brexit, NHS, Fracking etc
libmob’s MO is
#1 Create a ProjectFear
#2 Then deal with challengers : MisrepresentativeLabel/Sneer&Smear/ShoutYouDown/Dismiss/Runaway
In the JRM event the Runaway part is the way the CorbyThugs refuse to debate
and instead insist on chanting “No platform for homophobes !”
Tonight’s episode of Casualty……….
The most appalling biased political broadcast i have ever seen.
How the BBC got away with it, unbelievable
Never watched it . International Health Service has a lot in common with al beeb – poor financial control- too many over paid managers – loads of waste and a self serving culture which sees patients / viewers as the bottom of the pile .
Heresy eh?
\\ Osborne gets minimum of 43 years after driving a van into a crowd of Muslims.
The same judge Justice Cheema-Grubb reduced the sentence imposed on a muslim for driving a van into a group of white blokes from 5 yrs to 4 last November. //
The Defendant
Had earlier argued with this group of Non-Muslim British males
Then went &Got his van as a weapon
Mounted the pavement ..Throwing the group in the air .. like skittles????
All racially aggrevaited!
The lefty Truth is Van Attacks were invented by the ultra mega far right extremist Tommy Robinson, who then used a time machine to go back in time and implant the idea in the minds of Islamists in the Middle East.
After many hundreds of attacks by Islamists over many years, the same Tommy Robinson used mind control to control Darren Osborne to cause him to spend 12 hours driving around London and then to spot some people outside a Muslim community centre and drive at them.
Judge Cheema Grubb – a Sikh – must have been specially selected for that trial in order to get her on the positive discrimination career path.
No one inside the bubble would have the courage to question the length of the sentence . I think grubb Cheema may have over egged to sentence and will put the appeal court in a tricky position having to reduce it to 30 years or whatever the going rate for those Islamic terrorists who unfortunately survive their attacks .
I wonder if the current Labour Home Secretary gives instructions that he be put in the general prison population to meet his end as a warning to others .
The message is coming across loud and clear
“Tonight’s episode of Casualty……….
The most appalling biased political broadcast i have ever seen.
How the BBC got away with it, unbelievable”
My thoughts exactly. I knew where they were going with it as soon as the ambulances were queued up outside.
Then the trolleys in corridors.
The nurse exclaims something on the lines of ” one of the wealthiest countries with the best healthcare systems”
I must admit I do agree with her question…
“When are people going to start listening?”
Listening to the FACT that it IS down to immigration causing more demand than supply!
Mustn’t blame the immigrants though. NHS “crisis” housing crisis. Terrorism increasing, crime increasing.
No it doesn’t matter if you flood the country with millions more people we should be expected to just keep throwing money at it.
Ive come to the conclusion that the liberal left really are just f**cking thick!
I suspect that even dyed in the wool Left Wingers like Tony Benn and Peter Shore had they still been with us would have long ago joined UKIP. They were Socialist MPs but they had a strong sense of patriotism. They put a lot of our current politicians of all Parties to shame. They were good men. R.I.P.
For me, Peter Shore’s speech about the then Common Market has never been bettered. It’s simply wonderful.
Look at that traitor Heath in the background, with a face like a slapped arse.
You would be hard pressed to find a Labour MP of that calibre today.
You can judge how powerful a speech is, by how well it resonates today; this is quite superb oratory.
Like Enoch Powell, a man ahead of his time .
Old Enoch on the wrong side of history?? My arse!
Agreed-quite the best speech that I saw in the run up to Brexit.
Not a man I rated as a lefty way back, but I`m reminded of that phrase re the fox and the rabbit.
The fox knows many things-but the rabbit need know only one when the fox is in his field.
Shore, Foot, Benn and Castle, Cash, Goldsmith(j), Sked and Redwood, Rees-Mogg- ALL and more got it right on the ONE BIG THING that matters in 2018 regarding our country.
And Peter Shore is up there having a laugh with Enoch, I`m sure now that two such polar opposites now influence so many more than they did as lonesone prophets and “extremists”.
Did you know-John Stonehouse gets an honourable mention for supporting him during his “rivers of blood”speech crap? Who knew-so let`s remind the Labour lefties that Stonehouse was the only Labour MP worth a jot at one time.
They` ll like that.
Shiela Buckley-now THERE`S loyalty!
It was Tony Benn who came out with 5 points of democracy. As you say, he fought hard against the EU. Take a look at them, I bet he had the EU in mind
“What power have you got?”
“Where did you get it from?”
“In whose interests do you use it?”
“To whom are you accountable?”
“How do we get rid of you?”
Scribbling – Both Shore and Benn were of that generation that went through WW2. They were aware of the depths of extreme savagery that any society could could sink to if they became converted to any sort of creed that preached violence and death as a way of furthering your particular outlook on life.
I think they both realised the value of independent thought and I also think it would be highly unlikely that either of them would have been tolerated in the modern day Labour party
Good post, Oaknash.