A salacious and very dodgy dossier on Trump produced by a man who was ‘desperate’ to stop him being elected and paid for by the Democrats was pretty much accepted as ‘fact’ by the BBC that had to be unproved rather than proved. A massive and extremely damaging exposure of US intelligence material by Snowden , who was quite likely a Russian spy and not a whistle-blower, was championed by the BBC as a necessary leak that revealed the extent of US surveillance of communications rather than the treacherous and dangerous betrayal that it really was especially considering we already knew that the US could ‘hoover up’ just about every communication by phone or on the internet at will…so Snowden’s ‘revelation’ was nothing new there but damagingly also revealed US intelligence techniques and exposed its agents to likely capture and possible death. Contrast how the BBC treated the leaked emails from the Democrats and Clinton, the BBC, not at all interested in their content, instead preferred to concentrate on who leaked them and to try and link the leak to the Russians and by association Trump. The BBC did all it could to dismiss the emails as irrelevant and to undermine their importance. A similar tactic is being employed with the ‘memo’ that is said to show the FBI’s actions were politicised and in concert with the Democrats. The BBC is doing all it can to discredit the memo and adopts an entirely negative and critical tone towards it giving more space and credibility to the Democrat/FBI voices that try to cast doubt upon it than on examining the truth.
All very telling about how the BBC sees the world and what highly partisan messages it wants to brainwash its audience into believing.
Anymore BBC bias…list it all here…
Dont `tell the BBC but -every night-in their run up to the ten O clock news-they gave a montage of their finest talking earnestly to camera.
Raworth, Sopel-and yes, that`s Carrie Gracie, our favourite “little China girl”(c/o Bowie). Don`t tell the BBC-good to remind ourselves of what a set of virtue-signalling hypocrites they are. And we pay for it.
For how long?
Again, comments could be going better…
Couldnt give a shit darling – who are you anyway? – now piss off and iron my shirt! – Oh and by the way, hows your investment portfolio doing these days and did anyone touch your leg? – BBC EMPLOYEES (past, present and future) WANKERS ALL!
Apologies for the profanity MR Jura made me do it!
Jane Standley was the one who reported the 9-11 attacks and collapse of building WTC7 whilst it was still standing behind her in full camera view. Then it fell down, as reported, sometime later.
The BBC list of excuses for this “error in reporting” are in the link below. Comments could have gone better!
Tabs, that is curious. I am not one for conspiracies, believing the cock up theory of history. But did Jane Standley did appear to have reported on events that had yet to happen. She has said, she was repeating what sent to her ear piece. So, it could have been coincidental cock up.
But as the BBC says in the page to which you linked us: “We no longer have the original tapes of our 9/11 coverage”. Ah yes of course you would wipe all tapes of the single most important event of the 21st century thus far. Actually BBC, all tv channels record their output so that if anyone complains about something going out live then it can be checked.
It is odd, amusing, stuff for drunken chat, but I’ll stick by my cock up theory of history.
It matters not – Jane Standley either a willing participant in a conspiracy or just good old fashioned incompetent, unprofessional and incurious journalist.
Any of these admirable qualities would make her perfect “BBC journalist” material, judging by what I listen to on R4 on a daily basis. Maybe they should have given her a pay rise after all.
I had never heard of her then found out the story of 9-11. As Scribbling says – Do we really believe the BBC have ‘lost’ all of their recordings? Certainly don’t. I’m not one for conspiracies but she did seem to vanish from BBC after that…
Jane Standley was pushed out BBC for her reporting on WTC7 20 minutes before it was bought down (7 secs – no fire or plane) along with the BBC reporter who repeatedly said he was hearing explosions. The video is still on Utube. Scientists and architects for 9/11 Truth show a large digial advert in NYC Times Square every September showing WT7 building collapsing in 7 seconds. I saw it myself when living in NYC and that started my awakening!
Jane Standley driven out of BBC because she was reporter saying WTC7 had fallen but actual fell (free fall 7 secs no fire or plane) 20 minutes later. Same with the BBC reporter saying he hear explosions he was driven out. Scientist and Architects for 9 / 11 Truth show a digial advert in NYC Times Sq every September showing WTC7 coming down. I saw it myself when living in NYC and it was the start of my awakening!
I have long given up on the BBC,and come here to see what REALLY should be on the telly.
And-Guest Who–that phrase “comments could be going better” is THE catchphrase that I love most on this Biased BBC Channel of ours.
You may have been the first here with it-so copyright and T-shirt merchandising are yours for the asking if you want that.
Or maybe it was a collegiate, evolutionary phrase that just -well evolved I guess- featuring as many site monkeys as Uptown Funk(great song, eleven writers accredited to it I think?).
In any event-I love this phrase, so British, so understated. Now can we section this Biased BBC into half hour slots so we get different programmes?
If so-make sure that every episode of yours always features “comments could be going better”.
Genius GW-thank you!
“Is he havin` a laugh?” was the last one worth a jot on the fetid BBC.
Not on the BBC he isn`t Ricky!
I don’t even give the BBC the benefit of the doubt any more because there isn’t any. I know it’s lazy but I rely a lot on what I can glean online and what people contribute to this site. I hope and believe it gives me a better chance of achieving some semblance of truth about world events and of course our National Broadcaster.
“Theresa May under pressure over Brexit position”
A reminder to Mrs May and the Remoaners that want a second referendum of what Mr Cameron said before he sent his £ 9 Million leaflet to every household in this country …………………….
Has anyone wondered why Mr Cameron has been airbrushed out of the news since he resigned?
Let’s be honest about this though, he really did think the vote would be to remain.
Bubble dwellers have no idea about the British people feel outside the more expensive bits of London … and if they do get a glimpse they are disregarded as “unintelligent idiots”. Which put Cameron in his political grave and will make him a historic laughing stock
Whatever our views on David Cameron and whatever his views on us I will always be grateful for the fact that he DID allow us to vote in a referendum on Europe and he DID ensure that the questions on the ballot paper were unequivocal. I think that he was the only one of the three main party leaders at the time who would have even considered such a move. I know my post will not be popular with some of my friends on this site as is their entitlement.
Anyhow, thank you Mr C. but please do not try to reverse the democratic decision of the electorate, which should be final. If you DO turn out to be an “historic laughing stock” it will be entirely of your own making.
More ‘global warming’ on the way…………………
\\Weather: UK braced for one of winter’s ‘coldest weeks’//
I’ve got more faith in the predictive accuracy of a piece of seaweed hanging up in my shed than I have in the so called climate “experts.”
Well if the BBC can use the term “so called” when it suits their agenda so can we.
Here is more evidence
Heaviest snowfall on record blankets Moscow.
It will be interesting what any bbc paper review picks up on.
And, inevitably, what it does not.
The thing is during the 1930s, the trains ran on time in Germany, the current bunch of traitors in Parliament can’t even do that.
The thing is during the 1930s, the trains ran on time in Germany, the current bunch of traitors in Parliament can’t even do that.
Probably that was down to that geezer with the tash and the dodgy salute. No, I do not mean our Enoch.
Looking forward to the post Marr Review….
Chapter and ‘nurse!’.
This is interesting, mainly by being an honest account from a tv executive.
Guest Who
Equal pay for equal work is what I say. But conversely unequal pay for unequal work. I think the definition of equal should be pretty clear. In my book it equates to identical. Broadly similar is not really close enough. If I work in a factory making ball bearings alongside a lady and she makes 5000 balls a day and I only make 4500 I would expect the lady’s pay to be higher than mine and vice versa.
So equality of outcome should also be part of the equation.
I think I’ll leave to the experts it’s all too much for my limited intellect.
Yes I read it yesterday and have some notes
It was a strong explanation.
He gave example of some MAN moved into his dept from a higher paying dept so keeps his salary meaning the exisiting M & F in his dept are paid less. Then the M leaves , thus now you’ve got a dept with a huge M/F pay gap.
in another story his dept is full of men, with no budget for new staff. So to get a woman in he creates a new job on a lower salary Assistant Director . But there is never a budget increase so after 3 years the woman really has the skill and is doing the job of a director , but only gets half the salary again huge pay gap.
She takes action and they are in trouble.
Today more info from an agent, Bruce Forsyth’s agent. He said the idea that women were paid less was laughable ..and said when people like Cilla were at the top of their game of course they got big money, better than almost all the men.
there certainly ahve been big women stars in the past like Lucille, MTM, Oprah there was even a female comedian in the 50’s who earnt a fortune Hylda Baker I think.
But I suppose there has been a tradition in TV presenting of father figures : like quiz shows were always hosted by men until Anne Robinsom, whereas women did cookery shows, music etc.
Delia and Nigella probably earned more than a lot of men.
The Top Ten Richest British Celebrities Under 30
Adele (£132m)
Daniel Radcliffe (£78m)
Ed Sheeran (£52m)
Harry Styles (£50m)
Emma Watson (£48m)
Wealthiest under-30 stars outside the UK
Justin Bieber (£231m)
Taylor Swift (£209m)
Rihanna (£169m)
Miley Cyrus (£155m)
Jennifer Lawrence (£143m)
…So 4 of the top 5 are women
JK Rowling earnt $95m last year “Not only is Rowling the highest-paid celebrity in the UK, she is also the highest-paid celebrity in Europe, the world’s highest-paid author, and third highest-paid celebrity in the world”
Only other woman in the top 10 is Adel at 69m ..Gordon Ramsay earnt $60 but he’s not as good a singer
Two observations this morning. First one showing BBC hypocrisy.
Whilst their obvious support of feminism and sexism, they still manage to sneak this shot in their Super Bowl advert..
Second one bias.. Our old friend Andrew Marr once more showing his obvious support for Momentum
Regarding. Claire Kober. The Labour councillor walking away after being targeted by momentum activists.
Marr comes out with. “With respect, this is only hearsay.
We should say very clearly that Momentum deny doing all of this stuff. It is a favoured media story of the wickedness of momentum all over the country.”
He follows this again by stating “Momentum deny all of this and there is a danger of smearing momentum…”.
At a council meeting last summer, Claire Kober called a Motion about antisemitism .. Momentum called a demonstration to cancel that motion. They screamed and threatened the council members. Marr replies,
“Demonstrations are lawful and They are fully entitled to demonstrate”.
Strange how he doesn’t have thesame sympathies for Trump or Brexit.
Institutionalised Leftism.
The MacDoland Report under Sir Malcolm MacDonald in 1993 clearly states that this is NOT an inherited disease, a DSM category of mental illness and nor is it a neuroscience category that can ever be condoned or explained away. It is a CHOICE-normally when cosseted and entitled “leftwards” are educated beyond their capacities, and are then allowed to develop unencumbered by real life. “Forever Young”, Forever student activists and forever tinpot stunted humans who care only about “The People”-but actually despise “people”. Marr is an emotional cripple and a hypocrite.
He has written well, and has a hinterland that would be commendabe if he wasn`t such an oaf when virtues and shrouds need waving as his bosses licence him to do.
Leftwards leaning, still proceeding.
Give me Jedwards any day-who at least are open that they`re thick and fake! They`ll go to heaven and meet Jade Goody etc-Marr will go to hell and ask Martin McGuinness for confirmations of what Adams told him.
(For Gordon Wilson, Enniskillen dad 1987)
Marr remarks he has a ‘studious neutrality on brexit’ – said with a straight face (gulp) and a forked tongue.
I must say Marr’s interview with Gerry Adams is simply a nauseating obscenity.
The BBC works itself up into a freny of moral outrage about the Cox murder and accuses Tommy Robinson of inciting it in some way, yet Marr has a cozy interview with, at best, an apologist for the mass murder of thousands of British citizens. I do not remember the BBC showing any concern about the MPs murdered by the IRA or the INLA, let alone the soldiers, policemen, prison guards murdered in the line of duty. The BBC of course is just running true to form as far as the “armed struggle” is concerned. Marr even uses the appropriate Marxist terminology. The BBC was eager to provide a mouthpiece for Sinn Fein when Thatcher banned then. It is fascinating to compare the BBC tut tutting about ordinary people expressing “far right” views on the social media when it was bending over backwards in the interests of “free speech” to allow terrorists air time to justify their crimes. The BBC pushed the line that Sinn Fein was a peaceloving organisation while the IRA were an extreme organisation “promting a perverse form of Irish Nationalism”. Where have I heard that one again? I see Panorama will be interviewing some muslim woman who went to Syria to marry a Big Beard. What sob story will the BBC dish up to sanctify mass murderers this time?
I liked Marr prompting Adams to reveal that he was a “man of God”. At least if he was a muslim he could say without hypocricy he was doing the bidding of his god by murdering enemies and non- believers.
Marr is a hypocrite.
I don’t buy all this ‘armed struggle’ crap, which implies that (often indiscriminate) murder in the name of such a ‘struggle’ is kind of OK. Who defines the legitimacy of the goal of any ‘armed struggle’? IS could argue that the murders they commit are merely an ‘armed struggle’ for a caliphate. THEY see that as quite legitimate.
Most ‘armed strugglers’ are also more than happy to allow for the killing of non-specific innocent bystanders. No problem either if these are theoretically ‘on their side’ and are killed by chance. The objective is usually to spread fear through terror.
The ‘political wings’ of such violent armies always protest their own innocence, but never denounce the killing or disassociate themselves from the murderers. They should fool nobody.
Only the hard fact of Israel physically stops a Caliphate from getting its roots deeply ingrained into what`s left of our culture.
Maybe we`re due a “thank a Jew” week. And soon.
It’s no different to doing a cozy interview with Corbyn really then.
LBC now Farage show is talking about the Corbythugs and how he Farage gets invitations to speak at university, but always turns them down cos he can’t afford the security.
– Farage has not been prosecuted for violence himself
but multiple people have been prosecuted for violence against him
eg. when he was in the pub with family and was hounded out the pub, his children having to hide in the graveyard
Farage and his wife got to the car , we were surrounded and “the protesters wrote my car off, yet no one was prosecuted”
“I went to Theresa May, and she said there is nothing she could do about the intimidation, not when it’s JRM on of her own, she’s talking about special laws”
He made special reference to groups which hide behind peace and love but behave the exactly the opposite.
Indeed Stew, and that appalling level of violent intimidation in the pub included a couple of Guardian contributors. One of whom was allowed to justify his acts in The Guardian a few days later. Apparently it was just a cabaret, so what’s the problem?
here is the pub landlord’s reply to the Guardian – and he is a Guardian reader.
In the past Farage has required police assistance to leave pubs. Imagine the BBC’s view if a Labour councillor required police protection from Daily Mail readers. You would have to put your fingers in your ears to cut out the shrieking.
White shirt guy Tom has just been on ..I guess
“I was there with my son, Mogg had no security at all
He started to speak, the audience applauded,
… and then suddenly there was a large bang and the upper doors burst open
…it was like being back in Northern Ireland with the terrorists” (NI accent ex-military family)
“Mogg went to reason with them, but these guys weren’t having, it
..these guys are supposed to be anti-bullying, but they behaved like absolute bullies”
NF “was there any violence ?”
“Well that’s the thing no, but one guy was particularly aggressive and moved into JRM’s body space
..I just felt I should move him out , cos he might have pulled out a knife or something ,
so I made the decision to pull him back”
Yep, a bang masked men, that to me is the start of violence , if a bystander in that moment went to neutralise a masked man, that would be the right thing to do, I think.
However after a few mins it wasn’t the same immediate danger, although any judge would completely understand white-shirts action in trying to keep the distance.
Now a part Caribbean teacher is on , says he can’t give his name but says the level of brainwashing in school/education is incredible .. I can’t admit I am a Conservative in the clasroom, it took me a year to come out as a Brexit voter, and then the called me a racist xenophobe even though I am part Caribbean “
Note that the scum who attacked Rees Mogg said that he`d not be allowing any “anti abortion” or “homophobic” types on his campus. or anybody elses.
Since when did anti-abortion and homophobic get linked? Unless you basically mean that no orthodox “Catholic” will be allowed to speak in public.
Does our scummy lefty mean now to ban Catholics speaking in public then? Even on a Sunday in their churches?
Getting to be the Chinese Way by the day in this country. Let`s hope we`ll find the will and way to sort and slot these vermin. They`re rarely alone-but we need to ensure that they do reckon for what they`re doing before it becomes a tsunami of lefty evil.
……Note that the scum who attacked Rees Mogg said that he`d not be allowing any “anti abortion” or “homophobic” types on his campus. or anybody elses.
Since when did anti-abortion and homophobic get linked? Unless you basically mean that no orthodox “Catholic” will be allowed to speak in public………
This is the standard of intelligence that our Yuni’s are churning out now. Can’t even correctly put a sentence together properly.
Maybe once upon a time we were the envy of the world at our education system. Not anymore. Recently chatting to an 18 year old student preparing to study Art at Yuni, so I started to engage about Constable and Turner – she’d never heard of them. Why wasn’t I surprised.
There is protection and security for some people….at no cost.

I would imagine that the “Anti abortion” and “Homophobic” labels could also be applied to Muslims as well as Catholics, but I don’t suppose they ever will be.
Touche! Lobster.
Farage : “Yes there is violence from the right in Europe
..but there isn’t organised violence, ultimately funded by say businessmen from Eastern Europe, naming no names”
Another teacher backs u[ the teachers view..” I do know other Conservative teachers, like one dare not mention UKIPs name in the staffroom, when I asked her about the brexit vote, she wrote the answer on a piece of paper and passed it over”
Another teacher basically says being Conservative is the new gay
“In the school if you are a Tory, you have to stay in the closet
..At teacher training college with the first question I asked I was shouted down in the lecture”
\\ The SA (Sturmabteilung or Storm Detachment) was better known as the Brownshirts or Storm Troopers.
From 1921 to 1933 the SA disrupted the meetings of Adolf Hitler’s political opponents
, the SA was made up of “ruffians” and “bullies”. //
Any parallels here ?
Sneaked photo of activist meeting organised by John McDonnell
Be worried very worried, book burning and banning next, women being told what jobs they can do……etc etc…..
Another good cartoon showing First the Nazis and now antifa battering free speech
The BBC rebuttal dept is calling this photo “fake news” and a “crude fabrication” because the colossal figure of Commissar Abbot is nowhere to be seen. Obviously, she was taking the photo and on this rare occasion has managed to keep her fingers out of the field of vision.
You’ve heard of back handed compliments
well note this tweet about Brendan Cox commenting on the JRM thugs
He really is quite a piece of work that Mr Cox.
More info a tweet from Professor Chip Byrd @profchipbyrd
\\ @LBC @Nigel_Farage I agree with your caller who was a teacher. When I was an academic at Cambridge I was put in front of a tribunal for saying I considered voted for you.
I was reported by a fellow academic from the senior common room and almost lost my job. //
Just seen on the Red Button and I see that “Jack Whitehall is sorry for some offensive joke at the Queen” from 2012.
It`s no 12 on the “World News”, no 9 on the “UK one” and no 3 on the “Entertainment” one. Well worth a check to see how and why this non-story emerges today, not a plug for the shitfest called Desert Islans Discs notwithstanding?
No-reminds us all about what the BBC are doing, sly subverting and reminding the base what they think of Royalty. None of heard the “joke” in 2012, so it`s typically sly of the BBC to do this.
Would they do the same over Savile, Ross and Brand, Liebovitz and Blue Peter/Radio 1 phone-ins? Rigged events that they used to specialise in in 2005-8?
Course not, old bat will probably only be at church anyway-the future is Jack Whitehall and Leigh Francis, Keith Lemon and Brendan O Carroll , Rufus Hound and Russell Howard huh?
A new category of “news” for my Fake News astroturf module. The devil truly IS in the detail with the satanic spunk that this “item” represents.
What a vast and empty vessel is gawky Head Girl Amber Rudd, dwarfing Marr in both size and hypocrisy.
It was one of the great misfortunes of the last GE that she managed to scrape over the line and get re-elected, another being Anna Sow-bry getting back in too.
One caller is talking about how “hard left politics dominates every issue”
“I’m both a Conservative and go on animal rights demos, but the end of these demos is just a huge rant against ‘so called tight wing’
.. I have to remain quiet
..my friend owned up to being a Conservative
and she had to stop going cos they hounded her by Facebook so much
.. if you ever post a link to a news story from the Daily Mail etc. they say they’re refusing to open it and scream abuse”
Maajid Nawaz is now covering why BAME doctors get 3-5 times more warnings than white doctors
… talking Cognitive Load in the tragic case of Dr Bawa Garba on @LBC atm.
He is taking the side of the Muslim doctor who huge simple error led to the death of a baby
he says well, she was covering for 3 other staff at the time and that it was a case of the system letting her down.
She’d just come back from 13 months maternity leave.. (that sounds a lot)
May be they should be asking why BAME doctors get 3-5 times more warnings..if a production line threw up lots of sub standard products there would an investigation into why and racism isn’t an answer to every issue involving BAME.
One could not fail to notice all of the medics seen on TV who went from UK to Pakistan to help the displaced Rohingya are white. Do they not trust ones from Pakistan (not saying she was)?
She made more than one error that cost a life..it went through the procedures. Thats what standards are for.
Madgit is now applying his razor sharp intellect to “post-operative transgender” folk. He seems to think that application of the surgeon’s knife and a load of hormones can turn a man into a woman. In more enlightened times this would be described as a eunuch wearing womens clothes. This seems to be a modern form of transubstantiation – mumble the magic words and bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ.
Man can be turned into woman by uttering the magic words ” I self identify as a woman”. “woof, woof” I’ve just self identified as a dog.
Madgit styles himself as a “liberal muslim” is that the same thing as a “liberal nazi”? In other words a circumlocution for not being a nazi or a muslim but a liberal.
Oh dear. The BBC really have unleashed something very nasty with their revelations on fakeporn. See link.
It could backfire on them. Just Google the name of a BBC star, say Mishel Hussein, adding the word porn to the name, then hit Google Images. You will be disgusted. I googled Clegg and to my horror he was there .
I just hope they have not reached Dimbelby and a few other male and female notables.
Disgusting that’s what it was. And all the BBC wanted was to encourage fake images of Trump.
i was having conversation to 30 year old who holds down decent job who had never heard of Charles Dickens. I had just been watching an adaptation of oliver twist and wanted to have discussion on the quality of his writing. Conversation closed. A few years ago i remember talking to lecturer who worked at manchester university and i was saying i was going to see Conwy Castle at the weekend. he didnt know where that was despite the fact he lived only 80 miles down A55 from it. I still find it hard to believe that to this day.
Sadly, I find this all too believable. I come into contact with a lot of younger people (younger, as in under 30) and I am stunned by the lack of what we once called general knowledge. The blame, of course, falls on the previous generation of ‘educationalists’, who taught the present generation of teachers to teach dogma instead of reason and knowledge. The universities are bad enough, but teacher training in this country is a scandal waiting to be exposed.
Compounding this, of course, is the state of the BBC, which has dumbed down to an infantile level.
There are two direct outcomes to this – a generation of teachers and broadcasters who are too stupid to realise they are stupid (the Dunning-Kruger effect) and an open door for Marxists, who only succeed in countries populated by the stupid and the uneducated.
Excellent post, GC.
The history of teacher training would seem to be
a)After the end of WW2, it was largely done by returning soldiers and women. No specialist formal training needed, but there was plenty oversight by seasoned locals who knew more than enough. And -seeing these were locally run by the LEA-any wasters or thickies would not last very long, parents wouldn`t put up with it, and they knew where you lived.
(by no means perfect though, corporal punishment and two tier education)
b)In the sixties it became a graduate profession with a specific BEd at university-or more likely “teacher training colleges” locally. Scope for lots of indoctrination-especially in Londons ILEA and the big cities-politicised , but there were still outpostw eho cried out against progressive capture. The Black Papers by Rhodes Botson etal showed that a rearguard action was being fought and won sometimes. But at great cost, as the national Curriculum took all creativity and independence out of the teaching “all graduate professions”. Thatchers fault, but she had plenty other fish to fry, poor old sod.
c)Complete capture by the blob of educational unions, academics and house-trained lefties was coming under Thatcher and Major-but was accelerated by the Bliar/Bown putsch of 1997. Education was removed from government responsibilty under Balls 2007 or so, and universities, OFSTED( a Tory creation, used pitilessly by Blunkett afterwards), state quangos and schools themselves became competing chains with third rate universities like Bournemouth and Worcester “accrediting” what schools churned out with content free slackers on a perennial gap year.
Schools now are filled to the gunnels with state ciphers, Lesson plans phoned down the line to them as they read their scripts like Richard Bacon or Iain Lee.
No original thoughts or teaching has gone on in living memory, the idea is to get Obama re-elected and to recycle your plastic. And get vaccinated too. The State has no future-and tells its compulsory sausage dogs that being nice and having a straight tie will save you.
Hence the content free morons who will back Corbyn or ban rees Mogg.
Our fault-and over your frailest minds for thirteen years to Blairspeak-and what did you expect.
Look at the dame he`s wreaked on those who were NOT made to attend his re-education camps? line media hacks , press and most of our state workers.
Exactly, chrisH.
Blair in my opinion did the most lasting damage.
I see a 20-something black single mum on the bus fairly regularly who once told me she thought American history was so much more interesting than ours. She was enchanted by the civil rights movement. When I offered my opinion that our 1000+ years of history was actually far more interesting than the mere 200 odd years of The USA, her answer was. “I don’t know nothing about no 1000 years.”
Education, Tony Blair style.
I’d feel at risk speaking casually like that for fear of the obvious allegation . I think a lot of foreigners here actually think they are in the USA. Our betters gave passports away like sweets . The fools
The lady must be quite refined compared to some. Wouldn’t they usually say “I don’ no nuffin abaht no fahsun yeers”?
GC – perhaps if you called it Conway Castle ….?
(For myself, I refuse to relinquish the use of the proper Anglicised spelling of foreign place names, e.g., Calcutta, Bombay (and am still tempted by Peking, though I have succumbed to Beijing in that case). So for me it’s still Conway!
It was Cromwell who mentioned the castle, MartinW – but I agree. Chinese friends tell me they couldn’t care less if I call it Peking. Meanwhile, the PC brigade is complete uneven in its adoption of ‘native’ spellings (why do we still say ‘Vienna’?) that I feel quite content ignore their virtuous ‘rules’.
Yes. I understand the Indian educated class says ‘Bombay’, eschewing the ultra-Hindu nationalist ‘Mumbai’. And the BBC PC brigade fails where that German city, München, is concerned. Unless, of course, they are making reference to the ‘ugly game’ (there. I thought I’d stir that pot as well)!
Expanding on my post earlier Cromwell.
Nawaaz just made a point about Muslim’s attacking Amanda Spielman for supporting a primary school re its headscarf ban
They put her name inside three brackets
..This is supposed to denote the echo-chamber about Jewish power/advantage echoes thru history
.. And can be used ironically in kind of parody accounts.
@amanda_spielman Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, Ofsted
What is the connection between BBC and Corbythugs of Momentum ?
..Well even BBC accounts which try to stay away from Party Political lines , often make comments in the same tone as Corbythugs
@BBCNewsnight reporter Lucy (Bernadette) Martindale said this on on Facebook Jan 18
Quote – ‘I fucking hate these ugly pigs. A lorry should of hit them. Racist scum’
Context she was fishing for guests for NewsNight film about StopandSearch ..and group a member Dean Pilky accused her of using gangster talk to talk down to them.
And that was enough for her to get triggered and have a tantrum.
oops here’s the link
This piece of wet shite called a Prime Minister now wants to make it a special offence to intimidate a politician.
She might start with state intimidation of Paul Weston who stood for election and was hauled off by her Stasi for quoting Winston Churchill, and of the constant harassment on minority political groups by either the state or its frontline thugs in UAF and Antifa.
It’s sure started. The slow start to total State control which will accelerate now because there is little sign of any valid opposition. They’ve tested the waters on ‘hate speech’ and got away with it without dissent so now they’ll move on as you describe. Cannot criticise the local authority bin collection will likely be next. I jest but you get the point.
Australian Foreiegn Office using taxpayers money to promote Modest Muslim Fashion
Antifa who disrupted Mogg’s meting at a Bristol Poly have updated their profile page.
I kid you not
Che with Corbyn superimposed.
They called Mogg a racist and homophobe. Che was a racist who despised Africans and shot gays
What I want to know is why this so called Antifa isn’t a proscribed organisation. Rudd the Dud and her Patron Mrs May seem happy enough ‘clamping down’ on the fantasy ‘far Right’.
Last year Katie Hopkins was prevented from speaking at Lewis Speakers Festival by these cancerous turds.
Of course I should have written Lewes not Lewis. Sorry. I knew it was a mistake to enrol in the Diane Abbott English language course.
GC – Both Sharia May (the incompetent) and the ghastly Amber both have been (and in Rudds case still is) in charge of the Home Office.
I suspect that they are both very lazy politicians who like the position, power and kudos the job brings but are more than happy to continue with the current status quo – which up until recently meant that every migrant was “enriching” us and the EU is always a good thing.
Consequently they appear to have been more than willing to turn a blind eye to the violent antics of Antifa at any anti migration demo whilst instructing the police to take a very hard line with the EDL or Tommy Robinsons Pegida. In fact with Tommy Robinson ( as we all here know) it seems the Home Office has deliberately engineered situations where his life is put at extreme risk as well as harrasing him with the police.
I think they see the likes of Tommy as a particular threat as he has a large working class following and in addition is highly intelligent and passionate about highlighting what these faceless bastards are trying to do to this country.
If his luck finally runs out I will consider both these repugnant, cowardly and dishonest individuals will share more than a slight degree of culpability for what happens. Of course dont expect any paper trails because there wont be any – But we know!
I consider that there is little difference between the behavior of May and Rudd and the likes of Mugabe (who let his thugs murder political opposition to his regime. ) It is interesting that Trump referred to “shithole ” countries (presumably referring to corruption and violence in 3rd world nations) Under this pair of clowns I would argue that we are also well on the way to acquiring this obviously favoured status joining the likes of Zimbabwe or similar (I suppose it would be nice for the PM and Rudd to claim we share the same economic, diverse ethnic mix , casual violence and politically motivated police force and corrupt media that is generally associated with these types of shithole nations and banana republics) .
As long as these two cynical schemers are still in power expect more of the same. They want to have as quiet a life as possible and it is always the easy option to shoot the messenger and let someone else to pick up the pieces years on down the line.
Oak, isn’t Zimbabwe the only other Country in the world with the same voting system as us.
That is, one more than the number of Countries with the same health system as us which is strange as it’s the ‘envy of the world’, just like the bbc tell us they are.
EG – I imagine the “ZBC” also considers itself a “national treasure” as well. Look at wiki says about the ZBC – “Like the RBC before it, the ZBC has been accused of being a government mouthpiece with no editorial independence” Transpose the word “Government” for the words “Liberal Elite” and I think I know the ZBC very well indeed.
“…. let someone else to pick up the pieces years on down the line.”. Problem is, we don’t have years within which to straighten this deteriorating mess out.
G – I think both Rudd and Sharia must know we are approaching some sort or Rubicon particularly regarding the EU and migration.
Unfortunately they are both lazy and unimaginative technocrats whos only thought is to keep the machine running now in their favour rather than making any sort of interventions which keep faith with the tenets of democracy and freedom which up until now have helped to keep the integrity and culture our country complete.
They only have regard to the here and now and the future? Well why worry about that – it will look after itself – it always has!
Cos it’s Left, and therefore untouchable.
BBC1 Wonders of the Moon.
A segment about so-called “British Muslims” how lovely the BBC makes them out to be while they practise their filthy moon-worship cult on British soil. (No mention of Jewish New Moon Festivals)
It seems that of all the ancient peoples of earth, only Muslims noticed that the moon follows a monthly cycle. Genius! How did we ever function without them on our backward British Island?
BBC trying to normalise Islam. They wedge it in and whitewash it every chance they get.
Lucy – “No mention of Jewish New Moon Festivals”… or the Hindu and Buddhist Moon Festivals, and probably every other religion under the, erm, moon.
Incidentally most of the much trumpeted islamic ‘inventions’ were actually taken from the much older and more advanced Indian civilization, from mathematics to science, medicine, astronomy…
Radio 4 – 3pm today, Bride & Groom Part 1
The Writer:
Alisa Ganieva is an author from Dagestan. Her novel, Salam Dalgat! (published under a male pseudonym) won the 2009 national Debut Prize. Alisa’s latest novel Bride and Groom was shortlisted for the 2015 Russian Booker Prize. In 2016 the Guardian named Ganieva number 9 on the list of Moscow’s thirty most talented young people.
The translator:
Dr. Carol Apollonio translated Ganieva’s debut, The Mountain and the Wall and was awarded the Russian Ministry of Culture’s Chekhov Medal in 2010.
The actors:
Most of which came from Wales were so unskilled that they could not produce an accent that created a believable sense of place. A shame that.
I hope they were not very highly paid by the BBC for not acting.
Am left thinking: ‘votizpoynt?’
WATO or whatever it’s called on a Sunday going on about drag queens and how they are normal in this society now .
When did Monty Pythons take over the land ?
“Tariq Ramadan charged in France over rape allegations.”
They just can’t help themselves, can they?
(The Swiss I mean – why, who did you think I meant?)
“Deepfakes porn has serious consequences.”
Why publicise it then? The first thing I thought reading this article is that I have to see some for myself.
Why do SJWs have no sense of humour? It sounds pretty hilarious to me. Watching porn doctored so it stars anyone you like sounds like another wonderful development in this golden age of pornography.
They are obsessed with victimless crimes: ‘offensive’ words – they love to report on ‘outage’ at minor thought crimes; unequal outcomes caused by preference; men and women being different.
Actual crimes go straight down the memory hole. No ‘outrage’ over soaring crime in London, endemic rape gangs or the tragic loss of free speech.
All over al beeb yesterday was the case of the Italian drive-by shooting of ‘migrants’, with much emphasis on the suspect’s ‘Right Wing’ connections. (The beebistan love that kind of story.)
Much less attention, however, had been given previously to what triggered the shooter, namely the brutal murder and dismemberment of a (white) Italian woman by a suspected black migrant drug dealer, in the same town, just days before.
So: white man wounds 6 migrants, headline news.
Black man murders and butchers white woman: who cares?
The beeb couldn’t be (gasp!) WAYCIST, could they?
Cant she hold her phone straight ?
She can’t hold anything anymore, ever.
Story above.
“Brits try EU migrants’ vegetable picking jobs in Cornwall”
Obviously they can’t cut the mustard…but then again, it would be like you or me doing it first thing tomorrow morning, when we’re used to working in a totally different working environment.
No mention that in the decades prior to 2004, overseas seasonal workers were given temporary work visas to do these jobs, and they did. How come there wasn’t a cabbage shortage then? The difference was that after 2004 they were able to stay indefinitely, and they did.
More BBC bullsh*t about how bad stopping unfettered immigration will be for us all. Memories are short, in the BBC they are seemingly non existent. Expect a similar story about how planes will stop flying over the UK once we leave the EU (Funny, I thought we joined the EEC? Were we ever asked if we wanted to join the EU?)
An acquaintance of mine who’s family are farmers, told me that one day before Christmas they were sorting potatoes by hand in running water, when the temperature was -4; the Poles refused to do it and went home but the English workers stayed and got it done.
He told me that in his opinion the Poles are nothing special as workers, but because they’re cheap and so can be employed in large numbers the work gets done more quickly than it otherwise would.
When people call me a Brit-I take that as badly as a black person or Pakistani getting called what THEY hate. When scum like Clegg call us this-he needs to be hauled before the courts, I find it deeply offensive. We know those who prefer to call us Brits, as opposed to English or British.
Thump the next person who says it in your presence.
And let the BBC know what you`re doing.
Bet Channel 4 won`t be telling us how our migrant boss made his money, any more than they told us how Abramovich got so rich without any trace.
“No mention that in the decades prior to 2004, overseas seasonal workers were given temporary work visas to do these jobs, and they did.”
Al Beeb really are biased against Brexit. Have they ever said some something positive about it?
They must have had aspirations of becoming the ‘European Broadcasting Corporation’ until Brexit came along and ‘spoiled their party’ ?
I think in the future after we leave the shithole we should proclaim a new national holiday called BREXIT DAY. Praise be to the lord.
Hip hip hooray Brexit day !
When (?) we leave the EU, it won’t make a bit of difference to the s**thole our country is turning into.
By 2030 here in the UK, the majority of those aged 21 and under will be BAME and by 2060 it will be the same for the whole population. Those dates take no account of all the illegals who are here and those who are yet to arrive, so it may be sooner than that. However even if all immigration was stopped, due to the falling birthrate of Britons and the high rates of BAME reproduction: we will eventually still be outnumbered here in our own country.
The absolutely infuriating thing about the Common Market-EEC-EU project, is that I could have half bought into it; if it had been to create a true “Fortress Europa”. To secure the European people within their own homelands; via a secure, strongly guarded external border.
I wouldn’t mind HMG paying £350,000,000 per week of our money for that.
Diversity watch for BBC News
Presenter : Female BME (Mishal Hussain)
Sports Female : BME
Local news : Female white
Local Weather : Male white gay
National Weather : Male white
Strange thing : They repeated an old story as if it was new news “The Tour of Britain brought £3m extra revenue to North Lincolnshire”
Well the Council PR dept put out the press release on Feb1 and it was reported on Look North then..I guess it’s taken them a few days to get some video ready.
The Council want us to believe that they didn’t waste taxpayers money doing the race.
Their previous stunt was £10K on the Luke Jerram , Painting Cryptic Treasure hunt which did bring lots of free publicity, so did work.
Diversity will only work when we achieve uniformity of ideas and aspirations. So 0% chance of success. But when you live in an ivory tower well, anything is possible. There will always be a difference between theory (BBC) and practice(Human Nature). But then I am just an ignorant pleb.
True it’s a worthless, sensationalist rag, but Sky is reporting that Trinity Mirror (far Left hypocrites squandering their shareholders’ money) has bought the Daily Express.
What was that about the media being dominated by the Right, thus ‘justifying’ the BBC’s far Left bias?
So we can presumably look forward to the Daily Express baying for a rematch on Brexit?
I would expect so. The rot at TM runs right to the very top. It’s a lousy company (not, I should add that The Express under the Richard Desmond was much better but at least it meant a choice of politics).
The problem I have is that the local press is owned either by Trinity Mirror, Argent or Johnston Press ..and they are all in with the Green subsidy merchants so all crusading for Solar/wind gimmicks* whilst vehemently opposing fracking.
Dumb cos It would generate vast tax revenues if we get started.
Whereas solar/wind subsidies/inefficiencies are ultimately paid by granny .
Putin is laughing his head off
Additionally these dumb local papers are keen to cutnpaste PR material from local councils when they are promoting their Big White Elephant projects..when they should be laying into them for wasting money.
Agreed – and look how much advertising money they receive from said local councils. The local press in this country is every bit as bad as the national.
I wonder sometimes whether we should both getting upset enough to use blogs like this .
For instance Mr G Adams apparently did Marr today saying what a great guy Mr J Corbin is . Who does this impact apart from bubble dwellers and the very small minority ( like us) who give a damn ?
Don’t get me wrong – i think it’s a great shame that the likes of mr Adams or his supporters like mr Corbin are still about . They should have gone years ago – but does al beeb really change peoples thinking – since so many people don’t ?
Personally, I think Marr’s influence is zilch. The only people who watch him (or Andrew Neil, or Gollum for that matter) have already made their minds up and are watching to get their fix. The real damage is done by the message pumped day in, day out, under the guise of entertainment. Remember Andrew Breitbart’s fine observation: ‘politics is downstream from culture’.
In other words, one episode of Call The Midwife does far more damage than ten minutes of Andrew Marr brown nosing a Labour politician.
The thing is while we check Guido & Breitbart first
… it’s claimed that INFLUENCERS do watch Marr, and Bilgenight etc. so that is why they are important despite the public preferring Celebrity Big Tits.
BBC progs are made by the lib-establishment people for the lib-establishment people.
But they already know what they think. And, by extension, what’s right for us.
They knew the referendum would be a NO
and that Trump wouldn’t get elected
cos they have the gift of 2+2=5 thinking.
FFS BBC Points West reporting on Bristol’s diverse mayor wanting to build more high rises. Our intrepid reporter visits a high rise in Bristol, we get a tour of a Somalian’s flat, where her three sons share one bedroom (no daughters?). Obviously all the white folk were out when the BBC came calling.
We get to hear she doesn’t like it, doesn’t feel safe, not enough space for her family, crime and last but not least fucking Grenfell..
If she doesn’t like it she knows what she can do, we can manage without her postman husband as well, we did before we and can give their flat to a grateful ex-squaddie.
First report here:
Something connects JRM intimidation & the financial crisis at Northamptonshire Council : INTIMIDATION
An entire Conservative borough council in that area has resigned claiming they can’t cope with the 2 years of intimidation they’ve had after they put the rates up.
Only in Lefty fantasyland can you increase the minimum living wage so drastically and not need tax rises.
The Tories have a wheeze, which is to gain their own depts extra money by cutting central tax money that goes to local government leaving them to pick up the slack by cutting or increasing local taxes.
So a council like Desborough Town Council has to find extra cash to empty the bins etc.
in 2016 they decided that their grant of £20 per household need to be quadrupled to £80. That grant comes from the Northamptonshire Council.
Some local residents organised a vote of no confidence where about 1/4 of residents voted, almost all agreeing. bbc
But The Conservative councillors stuck in
And they’ve lasted 2 years before all suddenly resigning saying they’ve had extraordinary levels of intimidation.
The Mail claims “claims of bricks through windows, children being targeted and cars being vandalised, the ten-strong ruling group of Tory councillors has quit.
BBC doesn’t mention that only
Leader Jane Pearce said “My husband’s taken abuse on Facebook. I’ve had comments made to my eldest child who’s only 15. I’ve had people try to stop children playing with my nine-year-old daughter. ”
Now BBC reports that Northamptonshire Council just can’t manage with it’s budget and is in crisis http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-northamptonshire-42925660
BBC is a facile organisation which has morphed from a public service broadcaster into a political pressure group and agent provocateur. They are believers in and promoters of the globalist cause and would see national democracy secede to a new world order. They set out a reporting agenda that purports to be liberal but is the exact opposite. It doesn’t encourage debate so much as close down anything other than its own narrow minded narrative. It can no longer be impartial, therefore it can no longer be believed – therefore it is useless and should be disbanded from top to bottom – or made to be commercially competitive which amounts to the same thing.
Breaking news onbBBC! The brother of an actress I’ve never heard of, star of a show I’ve never watched, has died.
brother of an American actress
and the key point of the article
(He died but) “No further details were given.
– A spokesperson for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said there was no reason to believe there was anything suspicious in the death.”
Radio Momentum is in full self-parody mode tonight. A trip to the freezing kitchen and momentarily switching on the radio reveals an appeal for funds (£34 or more, if you please!) for some charity of which I have never heard, claiming to rehabilitate ‘child soldiers’ in Africa, followed by a trail for the Westminster Hour in which some hack from Buzzeed (Buzzfeed?!?) is providing political commentary, there is a feature about what the polling companies who got the referendum result so wrong are hearing now, more twaddle on Brexit and then the next programme begins, explaining to us why women are unconsciously sexist.
Richard Littlejohn is right – you really couldn’t make it up!
BBC TV daytime children’s output.
It’s called CBBC.
I’m on my second marriage with a second set of kids. Both kids are under 5 years old.
The CBBC output is disturbing. At least half the kids and adults are non-white. An episode today centred upon two adults and two kids, and all were non-white. What’s the chance of that in a random selection of the population?
If all the participants were white, would there be an outcry from the non-white population? No, I suspect.
The outcry would be from the white Guardian and white Labour members.
Oh, the irony….
Hi Dover Sentry, your observations are important. I don’t watch BBC broadcasts but I have been observing their website. I have collated evidence that the BBC “agenda” heavily determines what they put on their CBBC newsround section of their website – including clear pro-Islam propaganda, anti-Trumpism, pro – gay marriage, pro-feminism, pro-celebrity world, pro – BBC and various other socio-political and BBC commercial activisms.
There was one example a few months ago where they had a CBBC Newsround video report about the importance of learning other languages where they were talking to some kids in a UK school – there was one black child who was from Germany, and then there were about 6 brown children with origins from various Islamic countries saying how it was important to learn Arabic, Urdu, Somalian etc. There were no Celtic languages mentioned and apart from German no European languages mentioned.
Indeed. We could perhaps do with a pinned thread regarding BBC exploitation of children via CBBC.
I have discovered that the CBBC channel has developed an internet help team for kids called “Own It” – and below is a link showing the six person team:
a) Two British – Pakistan Muslims (one male – one female): Parle & Saima
b) Two black people (one male – one female): Eman & Scola
c) One white female: Olivia Grace
d) One white transgender: Lewys
“How it was important to learn Arabic, Urdu, Somalian etc.”
That reminds me of on old, late, friend of mine .
After a can of lager for breakfast he would migrate to the pub by 11.00 hrs. By 15.00 hrs he was fluent in Swahili.
Possibly an idea for the Dept. of Education + the BBC?
Catching up with More Or Less, which takes two guesses for the proportion of ‘trans’ people in the population, which differ by a factor of one hundred, and naturally goes for the one promoted by the activist. (When the guesses differ by that much it kind of suggests that everyone is clutching at straws and the reality is probably even smaller).
I wonder what proportion of the population suffer from TDS, (Trump Derangement Syndrome)? Certainly must be close to 100% in the BBC, as we get the little throw-away line that ‘we don’t have insane presidents anymore’ (hah! hah! we are so witty!).
Earlier there was a BBC advert about some ‘mix’ programme that will cover 500 years of ‘black British’ history. The first 450 years shouldn’t take long.
Jim s I put the “wireless ” on around 12.17 and lo , there was someone talking about loving and death and how we need more loving and Trump don’t help and love more . I switched off .
And that was a comedy show !
Does anybody know if there is a news channel on BBC TV where
MEN have something to do with presenting or reporting the
\\Marine cuts would ‘undermine UK security’//
This is disgraceful.
Money wasted on so called Foreign Aid should be used to defend our nation – Defence of the realm is the Government’s priority! Or were they banking on a European Army?
Well, Brexit Day hit them with a bang ?
“Welsh ministers not prepared for no-deal Brexit, say Ams”
“We have always said that a ‘no deal’ scenario would be an appalling outcome for Wales and the UK, and our first priority is to work against that possibility.”
They were caught with their pants down, they never thought that the people of Wales would vote to get out of the un-democratic European Union. They were not listening to the people of Wales, like Parliament, they don’t listen to the people, they dictate, they are not listening now.
Its about time we had a referendum to get rid of the Welsh bureaucratic white elephant of an Assembly, it got in by the skin of its teeth last time.
Have I missed something?
There is no anti-Trump news propaganda on Al Beeb’s front page. Has someone ‘had a word’ with Mr Hall Hall ?
“Amber Rudd hits back at Tory Brexiteers”
“Home Secretary Amber Rudd has hit back at Tory Brexiteers over attacks on the civil service and claims of disunity.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-42935058
Mrs May needs to realise that the nation voted out! Most in her cabinet are ‘quislings’.
If she wants to survive, she should now do the ‘right thing’ and fill her cabinet with Brexiteers .
Get rid of the Remoaners!
Its Common Sense.
Common Sense?
That does not comply with Common Purpose rules.
Has anyone noticed yet a pro-Brexit BBC feature?
And you never will.
Dover Sentry
“Has anyone noticed yet a pro-Brexit BBC feature?”
Mr Hall Hall needs to have ‘his ear bent’ about this.
There should be a judicial enquiry into its evident Anti-Brexit bias.
Wacky HnH people with a conspiracy theory that the JRM thing was somehow orchestrated by Steve Bannon. TwitterThread
FFS everywhere I look their are weird rabbitholes these day
There’s an update it looks like the girl between whiteshirt and JoshConnor the Corbythug was not an innocent , she’s in a photo with the Corbythug as if she’s his girlfriend
The giveaway is she follows him on Twitter
So it it seems the conspiracy is with the antifa side
They had 2 prongs : the masked , and the unmasked who placed themselves in the way to stop security getting to the masked.
And if anything happened she was ready to play the VICTIM.
photo and her Twitter line is full Labour supporter
Ironic what Bristol Anti-Fascist put at the end of their statement
..It kinda looks like completely fascist.
Labour Robinson calls the masked protesters out ..and he’s a labour Supporter
…at the end of th video the shaded antifa punches out
Typo : Tony Robinson calls the masked protesters out
Tony’s tweet has that video with the antifa punching at the end
I watched Look North earlier and it had a feature showing a protest in Leeds by parents, due to the shortage of primary school places in the city. The reasons for said shortage weren’t examined, though I suspect Britain’s ageing population is probably to blame.
I was interested to see how when they showed a shot of the crowd and zoomed in on a child within it, the little chap was white! That is a rarity on our local al Beeb, as most stories involving schoolchildren necessitate the locating and filming of a BAME child in a group – even if they’re the only one there.
I wonder why they chose not to on this occasion?
Is it JRM or some Muslims that are the homophobes ?