The BBC is up to its usual tricks as it disparages and patronizes British people whilst talking of the wonders of the hard working Slav…or is that slave?
In this video the BBC stages a scenario engineered purely to show British workers in a bad light whilst telling us how vital and hard working foreign workers are. What we get is a bunch of ‘soft’ office worker types, mostly women, who clearly don’t do manual labour and know they are there for a day and that their living, thus their lives, do not depend on them picking a great deal of cabbages. They have never done this work before and clearly have no experience of the work, how to do it or what the tricks of the trade are, nor are they used to the conditions…extremely wet, cold and muddy here.
The BBC has set them up in a race against European migrant workers in what is obviously a completely unfair comparison…the EU workers are not only probably used to manual labour and bad working conditions at home but also, having done the job here, know the ropes and how to do it quickly and efficiently. On top of that their pay and livelihood depends on them picking as much as possible unlike the Brits who are here for the day and have no need to work hard. The EU workers have no choice, the Brits are playing at it for the cameras.
The BBC gets what it wants….the Brits saying it’s terribly hard work and they wouldn’t like to do it, and we really need the EU workers to come here.
The BBC takes no account that Brits receive generous benefits payments and have absolutely no incentive to live on a farm in portacabins far from home with a load of strangers, work in fields in all weather conditions earning the minimum wage….maybe more on a good day. Even if they could earn more in the fields the calculation would be is it worth the hassle and discomfort? The answer is obviously no. The BBC answer….keep paying the benefits and import massive numbers of foreign workers instead.
The BBC also forgets conveniently that farmers have told it that they would start automating things much more if the supply of workers dropped off…thus increasing productivity…and proving that the importation of an endless supply cheap labour keeps wages low and keeps productivity low….in factories as well as in the fields.
When the Tories say they want to make work pay and to get people off benefits the BBC continually attacks them and indeed is aghast at the ‘tone’ of the conversation…and yet the BBC itself is quite happy to label British workers as feckless, workshy and lazy people when it wants to pump out pro-EU propaganda.
Trite nonsense from the BBC. Shameless propagnda.
Saw the link for this ‘news’ video on the BBC webshite and felt it would be exactly as you described it Alan.
In my experience most Slavs do work hard, at least those working in this country, but then they’re not generally here to have a good time, or to settle permanently either. They’re here to make a lot of money, and then return to Poland (or wherever) buy a nice house and a business of their own (where other people do the hard graft) and settle down to the easy life.
You can’t really blame them, a lot of us would consider doing the same in their shoes, I’m sure. However, that’s hardly the point is it? By coming here, in such numbers, they’re displacing British workers, and by doing demanding work for such a low wage, they’re also pushing British workers out of business.
We do also have a generation of snowflakes who wouldn’t dream of getting their hands dirty and have very little grasp of what real work looks like, that’s a different problem which needs to be tackled as well. Having had a number work for me, all I can say is, the vast majority of those under 30 have been brought up (and educated) to believe themselves far too precious to actually work, and certainly have no concept of the pride of being independent and self sufficient. It doesn’t bode well for the future, does it?
Outrageous, disingenuous rubbish from the public broadcaster that put the letter I in the word SHITE. Just listening to them talk (and as you say Alan) it is obvious that few of them come from a background that is used to manual work.
I have spent at least twenty of my 54 years undertaking manual work outside in all weathers. If you want to really do something you will do it. It is obvious that recruiting from assorted office wallahs and people who work in the service industries very few of them would naturally take to this sort of work – that of course is why they work in offices or hotels in the 1st place..
As a side point because of the ridiculous way our benefits system works it is easier for much of our unemployed youth to sit at home and play computer games and breed rather than taking jobs which some of them currently consider to be “below their dignity”
The welfare state was never designed to provide high levels of comfort all it would take to change it is some honesty and the political will to do so (thus negating even this crap excuse to import even more migrants and reduce another migrant pull factor) . Sadly these days political will appears to be in very short supply with our politicians – except of course when it comes to thwarting the will of the people.
It’s the old colonial days here , literally here .
The policy of our governments and PTB over the last 25 years .
Our snowflake youths go to uni , to study God knows what , meanwhile Johnny Foreigner lumpen proletariat does the menial work which keeps Sara and Justin in the lifestyle that people who have careers in the City , Law or IT should be entitled to .
All that’s missing is an exotic place in an empire , hot weather and a verandah .
“All that’s missing is an exotic place in an empire , hot weather and a verandah .”
… and any idea of the profound irony in their ignorant support for an Imperial way of life that they are certain to condemn in others.
Thomas Sowell in his book Intellectuals and Society
Points out the the origin of the word Slav is the word slave .
If these East Europeans are as hard working as reputed, why are their countries shit poor?
Maybe because lazy peoples tend to find an easier way to do a job and make their countries more productive.
Or due to 40 years of communism ?
and who let that happen and last so long –
Yes the very same puppy dog eager to please the boss, East Europeans that have in a short time in UK managed to help the bosses remove overtime rates, reduce wages to minimum and usher in zero hours contracts, in any industry they have touched.
Fair comment.
……but they come over to the UK knowing that the remuneration for grafting is far higher than ‘the home country’. They can also claim ‘child benefit’ for non existent kids in ‘the home country’ (plus whatever ‘benefits’ they have been trained to claim.
When they leave, according to an old friend of mine who was in the Llanelli tax office at the same time, they then reclaim most of the tax paid.
He thought that said office was very busy (with Polish emigres) .
Short time + very high earnings (relatively) + tax refunds + benefits. What’s not to like?
Excellent points, No 7. Key facts the BBC chooses to ignore in pursuit of its open borders agenda.
There is EU legislation that allows short term migrants (about 6-12 months) can decide which country they pay their income tax in.
Hangon this is weird cos Channel4 are trailing a new show
British youth working for foreign boss
C4 Wednesday 9pm: My Millionaire Migrant Boss.
What happens to four unemployed Brits when immigrant millionaire Marwan Koukash becomes their boss for two weeks, offering them the chance of mentoring and a fresh start?
\\ … ‘my millionaire migrant boss!’
…another tv show explaining why we need a ton of cheap immigrant labour because brits wont work to death for a pittance.//
\\ Marwan Koukash came to Britain in 1976,
with a nest egg of £200 that the Liverpool-based Palestinian has since turned into millions:
he owns a hotel, a rugby club, a few racehorses and much else besides//
\\the idea that migrants drain the economy is worth challenging, but a televised experiment in which the unemployed must prove they’re not lazy spongers sounds like it’s merely swapping one toxic stereotype for another. //
Full info on Radio Times–08022018/
Koukash won`t long survive any serious effort to see how he got his money. Philip Green and Mike Ashley come to mind, endless snoops around to see the bodies or fully money.
Marwan though will be spared this, no Simon Brodkin for him.
Fcuk Channel 4 and their lies and postures. “Brits” are as wide ranging a category as anybody else-so how DARE they stereotype? The need sorting out.
Precisely ChrisH…… for “a few racehorses” read 98 in training in 2012. At about £45 a day per horse plus entry fees plus transport costs plus vet bills plus gallop fees. As they say -“You do the math!”
Thousands on young British backpackers are working on Australian farms right now
…Like they do every year on working holiday visas
A 10 second search on Google has identified how a modern economy can cope with the requirement for seasonal labour. This ain’t difficult people…
“The Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP) was established in the mid-1960s, after a few federal recruitment initiatives failed fill a post-war labour shortage in the country’s agricultural sector. It began with a bi-lateral agreement to allow a specific number of agricultural workers from Jamaica into Canada to work in southwestern Ontario farms on a seasonal basis in 1964, was formalized in 1966, and has since grown to allow temporary workers from 11 Caribbean countries and Mexico.”
In years gone by this work would have been done by Brits.
Why not now? What has changed? And how can it possibly be worth the while of these Eastern Europeans to come over here for such low pay?
Simple and obvious questions the BBC chooses not to ask as the answer in each case would be ‘it’s the benefits, stupid!’, thus exposing the fallacy of their biased, agenda-driven reporting and blowing out of the water their perennial support of calls from the Left for…..more benefits.
The “low pay” you refer to is the legal minimum wage in the UK which is more than three time the legal minimum in Bulgaria. If the EU had actually harmonised minimum wages (or set the exchange rates realistically) then it would not have happened.
In fairness to the workers they come mainly because the minimum wage is still 3-4 times what they can earn in their home country. The fact that the UK government showers them with additional benefits is not their fault.
But is it the benefits?
didn’t they have those years ago too?
Maybe the farmers / agencies are advertising solely in East Europe and the unemployed British job Seekers might just miss a card in a Warsaw newsagents window?
Perhaps wages in the industry need to rise well above minimum, and farms need to provide decent free accommodation.
There’s no such thing as a job people don’t want to do it’s all about money.
If people can get £14 an hour, sat polishing a chair, working at the job centre etc, they aren’t going to get up at 6am to work on a farm for a lot less.
My niece who has worked minimum wage, part time jobs for 6 years since leaving school after A levels has just got a job in a warm office with a laptop and mobile phone thrown in. She has no relevant experience but is being paid almost £30k p.a. What sort of employer would do this ? The Civil Service ! That is why small employers have labour shortages. Just ask for example a small builder in the north east where 60% of people are employed by the public sector.
1. The enlargement of the EEC (Were we ever asked if we wanted to join the EU?) occurred in 2004, which is JUST fourteen years ago. Memories seem to be so, so, short, or in the case of the BBC, non existent. Before then migrant workers came to the UK on short term work visas to pick cabbages etc. The difference between then and now is that then they went home after the harvest had been picked. Now they are able to stay all year. So, no, the economy will not collapse because unfettered immigration is stopped.
2. Productivity is low, why might that be? Maybe because employers can employ labour at, or just above the minimum wage instead of investing in machinery.
So, why invest in machinery which may take one or two operators, when you can employ unlimited cheap labour to do the job manually? It doesn’t particularly impact the employer, but it surely has an impact on the infrastructure of the country….Road congestion, number of school places, NHS availability etc etc. Eight people vs a machine and an operator….Guess which option increases productivity? So when you’re waiting in A&E for six hours, just ponder. Has the BBC ever mentioned this at all?
“Jobs that the Brits are too lazy to do eh?”
Replace the word “Brit” by the word “black” and then see just how racist and offensive, patronising and insulting this is.
For the record, the “Brits” who choose to make films like this and commission them for their nasty little agenda ARE doing jobs that EU nationals used to do very well. Goebbels and his Ministry of Truth used to make films like this one, only segueing Jews with rats and other vermin.
Guess Channel 4 are still learning how to split screen to see white trash being contrasted with migrant millionaires.
Truly sinister-and hope that the white and normal people of this country begin to note a few names and production companies for future proceedings.
This is racist and truly wrong.
The hard working Slavs are not likely to be representative are they? If they weren’t motivated, they’d still be back in their own countries* boiling cabbage and potatoes, or whatever they do.
I’m sure Brits working in New York are well motivated too.
(Perhaps some shithole that even Russia didn’t want, to quote Rick Spleen in Lead Balloon.)