We’ve all heard of ‘Populism’, the word used to describe, demean and malign, those ‘deplorables’ who dare to vote for anything that the highy educated, clever, articulate, rational and sensible beings that waft along the corridors of the BBC deem unacceptable and beyond the pale.
Populism is of course merely another word for democracy. The BBC et al dismiss it as exploitative politicians with evil intent conning people to vote for them with simple, crowd-pleasing promises and solutions to complex problems. Hmmm…wouldn’t that just about describe every election where the cry of ‘more money’ is the answer to everything…indeed the very same answer that you can hear the BBC itself promoting everyday, every hour, on the airwaves as it calls for ‘more money’ for the NHS or schools or housing or police or social services or for cancer treatment or mental health etc etc etc?
Populism is just democracy. We know the BBC doesn’t really like democracy so I suppose it has to cover up that dislike by using another word to express its hatred for the People and their uneducated, feral desires.
There is another word of course that describes the likes of the BBC and its fellow travellers who like to lord it over the rest of us…‘Copulism’.
In essence it means ‘F**k the People’. Might suggest that is precisely what is going on now with the attempts to betray those who voted for Brexit and even those who didn’t, for the confusion, uncertainty and instability being sown by the mutineers and saboteurs, the Copulists, and the prevention of a single, strong narrative and negotiating position undermines the British position and hands the EU the whip-hand…and should we get a very bad deal and May backpeddles on her ‘No deal’ alternative due to pressure from the Remainder Copulists then the EU will have us over a barrel and we will be forced to accept extremely disadvantageous terms that are worse than we now have….we certainly will lose the rebate and our voting powers will be restricted. In other words if we try to remain it will be a disaster worse than whatever Remain paint Brexit as….not in anyone’s interests, Remain or Leave.
The BBC and the Remainders have chosen the economy as their battle ground despite Brexit having little to do with economics. It plays a part but is not the main issue by far….it’s about sovereignty, control, immigration, infrastructure, culture and living in a place that you can call home where you are not a stranger in your own land. Day in day out we hear the BBC pump out their own negative ‘impact assessments’ [who needs the governments?] of the supposed Brexit effect on the economy….job losses, downturn in production, businesses fleeing abroad, lack of investment, inflation #duetobrexit, a plague of cancer, aircraft dropping out of the skies, no more holidays abroad, food rotting at the docks, a starving nation, swarms of terrorists and criminals, an NHS collapsing due to no more Polish nurses, no country wanting to trade with us etc etc etc. None of it true.
It seems that both for the BBC and Phillip Hammond it is a few fatcat businessmen who get to decide what Brexit means and the people who voted in the referendum get disregarded, not to mentioned abused and mocked, in their wake.
The BBC warns us that Brexit is a ‘populist’ spasm that people have been fooled into voting for by ‘fascist’ politicians like Farage who offer simple solutions but this quote from German journalist, Thore Hansen, demonstrates the devious double-think the BBC et al have to employ to believe their own nonsense…
‘If democracy bends so deeply to the economy that people think they no longer have any influence on institutions, and even see their interests as being betrayed, then the populists and fascists will have an easy ride.’
Interesting how he can get two contrasting thoughts and express them as the same thing…the people are betrayed by the elite and people who then come along and point this out and offer the people what they want, as in any democracy, this is ‘populism’ exploited by ‘Fascists’.
An elite oppressing and arrogantly ruling over the masses is bad but ‘populist’ solutions are also bad as anyone who promotes them is a fascist….this is just Hansen, as with the BBC, creating his own definitions to suit his own ideas and values about ‘populism’. He equates Turkey’s Islamic dictatorship with Brexit and says ‘Donald Trump’s populist rhetoric…revives memories of the darkest times’. So BBC.
Hansen berates the West for ‘a trend towards political apathy and passivity’. What? Brexit, Trump, Corbyn, AFD, Austria, Germany’s failed election? In contrast the problem, the BBC tells us, is that there is too much political activity and people wanting to have their say and vote…voices the BBC doesn’t want you to hear….unless they are Corbynistas abusng JRM perhaps.
Hansen could as well be a BBC journo, closeted inside the bubble, looking out into the world but not understanding, not wanting to understand, and reporting events and issues in a way that just doesn’t reflect that reality. Witness the BBC’s surprise that Trump could string together words and ideas in coherent sentences and wasn’t the foam flecked demented fascist that they protray him as as he spoke to Piers Morgan and gave a SOTU speech that was approved of by 75% of viewers. If they’d been paying attention to his previous interviews and speeches they’d have known that but they didn’t…either from sheer ignorance or deliberate, wilful ignorance and a decision to paint him in an entirely negative way in their reports….as they do with Brexit of course.
Populism the problem? No, it’s Copulism…the elite screwing the people.
The BBC is the broadcasting arm of the biggest anti-democratic movement this country has ever seen.
These anti democrats who decry populism are usually the same people who worry that young people don’t take enough interest in politics and current affairs , often calling for the voting age to be lowered to 16 .
I am afraid the BBC only represents the desires of the globalist elites and those who wish to homogonise our nation to consist of dull, obedient work units under the threat of importing someone who will do the job cheaper.
The BBC represents and protects the same elite that has granted them almost limitless resources providing they sing from the globalist hymn sheet. The slow degradation of our democracy and culture is wrapped up in a camoflaged netting purporting to be social concern , welfare and justice for all but in truth it only protects the vehicle that is to be used to rob us of our heritage, values and democracy.
Resistance to this it is snootily called “populism” because obviously us oiks are incapable of thinking any deeper than a can of lager or the footy and therefore need to be led by our intellectual superiors and hence the “tyranny of democracy” can and should be killed off. Of course the BBC will try and associate Populism with nazis, skinheads and gas chambers and hence it justifies their destruction of democracy (sorry I mean populism) by the state apparatus.
I would say “populism” is “popular” because it addresses our direct needs and concerns and is the logical way to deal with problems. The more these bastards sneer at the “populists” the more I am attracted to it because at the end of the day “populism” is the only hope we have to preserve our culture, values and democracy.
Of course the only other thing we have left will be civil war – perhaps it will come to that.
Oak – I think too many people will be so fedup with the whole enterprise by the time a50 is withdrawn that there would not be much popular enthusiasm for civil disobedience – even a 2 million voter march won’t have an effect . Marches don’t change things in the face on MSM coverage .
If we do end up staying in – with some well timed bribe to sweeten people up 17 million people are going to say “ well at least we tried”.
Unless – of course – brexit MPs take a bravery pill and dump May very soon – like this week . Let Us Pray
PS – for a real attack on JRM see the indep for some columnist who sadly cannot be described other than the c word ….
Fed, agree that we suffer from lack of supportive exposure (MSM I mean) and a large dose of complacent apathy. Meantime – the class warrior globalist army (which number about 5% of this nation – including their propoganda arm BBC) get to call all the shots and make all the running – if you believe what you see on the mainline MSM.
I do think May has the right moral understanding of the referendum result but she famously lacks the courage of her own convictions and even JRM has alluded to this.
If she can be made to rise to the challenge the game will very much be on – and she will need to see and feel the support of the people who’s hopes and aspirations she must carry.
I have waited for f*****g years for the opportunity of a democratic vote on our membership of the EU. We have won the vote – no if’s no but’s – I will take to the streets before my legitimate vote is cast aside by a class who have not the slightest interest in me or any of the 17.4 million others like me.
(excuse swearing – feeling disenfranchised at the moment)
Agree with you Honestus – We stay in this fetid organisation we lose any chance of future that our kids have as a free men and women.
Twenty pieces of silver and a knighthood for Mrs Nick Clegg is a poor reward for giving up our democracy to various globalist organisations.
Oak at the rate things are going the same the repression of free speach in the name of public safety will have taken place before any kids born now have smoked their first herbal cigarette
Maybe FE2 – but I still have to be able to look at myself in the mirror – funnily enough whenever I do they seem to break – cant work that one out yet!
Unfortunately for the 17 million there is no single place to crystallise what will / May become rage . The state will be looking for signs of serious discontent – we are easier targets that the tossers getting off on porn and beheadings in their bedrooms in tower hamlets , Luton . Newham and am extending list preparing for their sharia state.
Ps – funny how the muzzies and the feministas both suppress the female form .
Fe2 – They would probably make an interesting study for any curious Freudian “trick cyclist” You can imagine it – watching their porn and beheading videos ” Oh mummy Im so sorry – OH YEAH!”
I wish some one – anyone – would play the extract of Cameron declaring that there would be only one referendum ( as part of project fear ) and ask Soubry and others how they justify their drive for a second ref but getting the right answer this time – EU stylee
Is it beyond May to actually address the population of U.K. on TV to confirm that we are leaving the EU and an outline briefing of the governments approach and goals without giving too much away to our friends In Brussels. This is what should have happened instead of buggering off to Florence. We are overdue a comprehensive briefing from her instead of the drip drip of info from some No. 10 mouthpiece and then only when they feel some pressure.
The BBC and the Remainders have chosen the economy as their battle ground despite Brexit having little to do with economics. It plays a part but is not the main issue by far…’.it’s about sovereignty, control, immigration, infrastructure, culture and living in a place that you can call home where you are not a stranger in your own land.’ Yes that is what its about. The evil element that has been sitting ove the United Kingdom like a black cloud is being held in place by those who are its disciples.
The BBC always uses “emotionally biased” language to push its agendas.
The word “populism” is used to suggest that the population is too stupid to spot a demagoue and so will vote in a dictator who then abolishes democracy á la Hitler. In the fantasy world the BBC inhabits the popularity of Farage marks him out as a demagogue and his supporters, of course, by BBC logic the new nazis. A neutral term might be “direct democracy”. “Grass roots” democracy has a down to earth, folksy feel about it, so this is the type of democracy Momentum would indulge in according to the BBC.,The BBC will always say things like “Britain is a representative democracy”. More linguistic slipperiness. What they really mean is that Britain is an elected oligarchy. MPs are not delegates and supposedly act according to conscience (pause for guffaws of laughter) in the best interests of the people (more laughter). So essentially whatever the people who elect an MP think the MP can simply ignore them with impunity.
The election of a dictator is bad but the election of 650 mini dictators is not a great deal better. Why the House of Fossils is still in existance is beyond me.
The BBC is also always hand-wringing about parliament being “representsive” in the sense that there are the same proportion of MPs who are black, one-legged, transgender, muslim, lesbians as in the general public. God only knows why this is relevant. It would make more sense to choose MPs to represent the general public in the sense that 52% of MPs were pro-Brexit to reflect the opinion of the country at large
I have had a strange feeling that May has taken time out somewhere to do a little Merkel studying. And learning.
So: keep it vague. Moisten your finger, and stick it in the air. Ah, that’s it; now you know what to say tomorrow. Keep it meaningless, but make it sound profound. Remember, your primary objective is to stay in power. Every constituency in the country has to hear that you’re on their side.
Steer clear of policy and content; you have cabinet colleagues that will do that. There are many striking phrases that will appeal to the little people, but – on closer inspection – mean zilch. Use those at regular intervals. Keep a low profile when controversy abounds, but wear something striking so they will know you’re about, cos piccies will be inevitable. A trademark trouser suit perhaps? Some wildcat shoes?
If you HAVE to say something committal, the environment is safe. You CAN be green. If you have to bash anyone, right-wing extremists/populists/ neo-Nazis will be relatively safe targets. The media should praise you for that and, having done so, move on. (The advantage is, you can mix and match with that should you feel a little mischievous). And lotsa Social Justice stuff. But remember, keep it vague.
Go with the flow. etc etc etc
There could be one little difference: deep down inside, I suspect Merkel is an instinctive socialist. Wonder what May is, deep down inside?
Inside May is just a machine politician .the only belief is in obtaining and retaining power. There is no honour .,if there was she could not preside over brexit.
FU2 – She is a weak remainer (as her referendum conduct illustrated). However being weak – providing enough pressure is applied to her we just may get something slightly better than complete surrender.
In some ways she is similair to Corbyn in that she will sit on the fence and always see which way the wind is blowing before making a decision. Therefore she must not and cannot be trusted. However whilst there are still strong characters like JRM around all is not lost.
The European Union has long deliberately tried to bore us with the detail of what they`ve long been doing. Their Parliament is dull, their many languages obscure and what they`re planning to do is hidden.
For good reason.
If people were to get animated or knowledgeable, then things like Schengen, the Euro and the rise of islam would unsettle the demos. And therefore sleep, boring deatils and arcane irrelevances are used to keep us all quiescent and mute as we go to their abbatoirs.
And then the BBC DARE to say that democracy is not being engaged with? No-when Trump and Brexit happen-they desperately want the demos snuffed out and a hum of Stalinist databases to replace the rightful screams of rage and protest.
The new fascists wear tie dye pastels and march under a rainbow flag-but they are still the coming brownshirts that we need to deal with.
The German journalist Thore Hansen, Alan refers to, is a perfect match for Merkel and therefore a blueprint for the bbc. His primary agenda is PC virtue signalling, like the majority of G journalists. What is interesting is that all these PC articles in G papers are followed by a solid phalanx of critical comments, almost without exception. The ‘Focus Online’ (leftish) Barometer of over half a million readers shows an 82% disapproval of a continuation of the ‘GroKo’. Makes you wonder who voted for those clowns.