Just another Muslim playing the victim and the Islamophobia card.
Sue at Is the BBC biased? noted that a Muslim had written a piece in the Guardian, where else BBC beside?, claiming that no-one had called the attack by Darren Osborne a ‘terror attack’. His starting point was a Times report…
Why was the accused, Darren Osborne, described as a “jobless lone wolf”? Why was he not immediately branded a terrorist, as violent extremist Islamists are?
Well firstly the immediate thing to see on the Times report was this….
Jobless ‘lone wolf’ Darren Osborne held over attack on Finsbury Park mosque
Not sure how our Muslim agitator could have missed that unless he wanted to. Nor could he miss the fact that just about everyone called the attack a ‘terror attack’….just google ‘Darren Osborne terrorist’ and you’ll find plenty of reports doing so from the time of the attack….
Police now treating London van incident outside mosque as a “terrorist incident”.
Our friend claims…
The Finsbury Park attack is a painful crystallisation of the recent atmosphere of Islamophobia, leaving no room for dispute regarding the immediacy or gravity of this scourge.
In fact the attack was a reaction to the rape and abuse of 1400 white girls by Muslim men and numerous terrorist attacks in this country. It resulted purely from what Osborne himself saw and read about very real events that actually happened not the result of some fake, anti-Muslim stories created to stir up trouble. The catalyst, as told by the police, was a truthful exposé of events in Rochdale by the BBC and then the bombing in Manchester and other attacks. The real cause of this attack, the real scourge, are the various attacks carried out by Muslims which turned Osborne’s mind towards his own terror attack in revenge.
What this article is really about is making excuses for Muslim terrorists whom the author wants to explain away as ‘mentally ill’ claiming that calling someone a terrorist and someone else mentally ill is so unfair…
These discrepancies only fuel Islamophobia further, insidiously promoting division.
It’s the usual Islamist trick of claiming a false victimhood and telling us it creates anger and fuels radicalisation in the victimised Muslim community and of course attempting to blame everything in the mythical ‘Islamophobia’ in an effort to attack all critics of Islam and Muslim behaviour and to persuade the authorities to give Muslims a privileged and favoured status in society….the end game to blackmail them into allowing Muslims to live in an entirely parallel legal and cultural system based upon Islamic values and laws….not to allow this would only make Muslims angry and marginalised and result in radicalisation and terrorism.
If the first victim in war is truth, then a close rival now must be clarity. For in fog, things can be confused, deliberately, to sow discord, conceal or misdirect as you advance.
And the bbc is releasing the canisters from behind the lines.
Hard, extreme, migrant, refugee, militant, freedom fighter, lone wolf, terrorist…. all carefully chosen and applied with care to conceal true identities, undermine identification of real threats, dilute resources and weaken morale and defences.
Quite an odd function for a state broadcaster.
Meanwhile, for da kidz, over on Newsbeat…
“In new programme Islam, Women And Me, Mehreen Baig talks to women about whether you can be an independent woman and a good Muslim.”
Two of the bbc’s Fave topics. Indeed almost to the point of exclusivity.
Comments could be going better, mind.
Meanwhile, at a box ticking gathering…
All of them would look better in a burqa. With the way they are going, they will soon be forced wear one.
What no Indira Gandhi? Golda Meir? Margaret Thatcher? Benazir Bhutto? Cory Aquino? Aung San Suu Kyi? I am surprised. But then what have they achieved compared with a school girl who was shot, a talk show host, and someone who was married to a President.
As an example of a Beeboid venturing into public space, and comments in reply possibly not headed in an optimal direction, this one seems a fair example:
ITTB has a nice summary of the route to a less optimal place ‘enjoyed’ by a fellow tweeting beeboid, in the post preceding this one:
Which raises some interesting questions on what the bbc created but then decries.
Against just one Osborne, who was fed up with massacre of young girls, and the tens of thousands of rapes of young girls by Muslims, I give you
I used to think Islam was fine for those who wanted it, and live and let live. Now I think it should be consigned to the dustbin of history and the sooner the better for its benighted subjects. I think my problem was growing up at the tail end of moderate Islam, the romance of Lawrence of Arabia and memories of Arabian hospitality, of Saladin and chivalry, of British India with Muslims and Hindus loyally serving together. Now Islam is a synonym for regressive intolerance and hate. No one suffers from Islam more than its followers. I believe the numbers who see through it will grow and grow.