‘One lesson well understood in both Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany was that propaganda is most effective when it is backed by terror’
Remarkable what a few bombings, throat cuttings and drive-over murders can do, by fortuitous mischance, for the Muslim community, which of course condemns utterly the terror attacks…but still, eh, why not reap the benefits as the red carpet is laid out with everyone bending over backwards not to ‘offend’ them and to make sure they have every opportunity to exploit the appeasement? The terrorists are not Muslims, they pervert a great religion which is a religion of peace…and yet we are told that if Muslims are not appeased they will become radicalised and become terrorists…and yet…the terrorists are not Muslim?
Niall Fergusson in the Sunday Times….
We let Lenin rise, millions died. Now it’s Islamism.
The West failed to stop communism and is repeating the awful blunder.
I fear that we shall wake with a start to discover that the Islamists have repeated the Bolshevik achievement, which was to acquire the resources and capability to threaten our existence.
Just another day on the BBC, just another programme about Muslims, just another day when we are supposed to learn how wonderful and ‘just like us’ Muslims are. A sleight of hand, so to speak, because of course the problem is with Islamism the ideology and those who observe its strict and oppressive tenets rigorously and completely…..Islamism being totally at odds with Western, Christian, democratic, liberal society.
The programme brings us Mehreen Baig whom you may remember from ‘Muslims like us’, a programme that failed utterly in its intended purpose to act as a vehicle for pro-Muslim propaganda…instead it confirmed everything we ever thought about Islam and what goes on in the Muslim community. Notable was that Baig fell under the spell of the infamous Islamist in the programme and was always making googly eyes at him….despite his fanaticism and her supposed liberal attitude. What we saw was that ‘liberal’ Muslims were Muslim first and that it didn’t take much for them to start attacking Britain and British history. We also saw that the liberal Muslims soon caved in to the radicals giving up any argument and retreating into silence. The programme was a perfect microcosm of what happens in the real community as determined, intimidatory conservative Muslims enforce strict observance of the ideology upon everyone…non-Muslims as well it seems judging by the BBC’s appeasement….and of course the Trojan Horse plot.
Still, a bit of balance with ‘Fascists like us’ on the BBC next week….making the case that Fascists are misunderstood, marginalised and disenfranchised and really should be allowed to practice their ideology freely without condemnation or abuse. No?
List the bias here…..
What al-beeb won’t tell you.
Want to know what’s really going on in the world, with the wonderful religion of peace?
When the Woolwich murderer posed to cameras covered in blood with a meat cleaver in his hand, and declared ‘You will never know peace!’ I thought the PR for multiculturalism might take a hit.
Your brain naturally over-emphasises extreme events like this. So many will have that image seared into their memories; a million bs positive stories could have erase it.
As the Muslim population increases, attacks will get more frequent, with “moderate“ Muslim demands that the state give more to the “marginalised” Muslim youth, or they will become even more radicalised. And so on. The more you give to the so-called moderates, the more our society will become Islamic. Moderate and radical Muslims play the good cop bad cop routine. Final stop, 50 years or less, Sharia is declared the law of the land via parliament.
There is no hope for the West. Due to the mind boggling stupidity and ignorance of our politicians, Islam will rule Christendom – a goal and dream that Islam has had since its inception.
The only way is not mild resistance but to let events continue till a civil war is the only option.
Im hoping sweden goes down the pan BIGLY a big ugly lesson is needed
I wonder if Sweden will be calling Germany or
001 – 202-456-1111.
Their tactics are frighteningly effective. Nobody says anything to offend them in case they kick off. We should have come down hard on them over the Rushdie affair but our politicians are cowards; now they know we can be bullied.
My brat nephew employs similar tactics. If I do not give him what he wants he throws a spectacular tantrum and starts hitting me and his brother and is generally unbeatable. You soon learn it is easier to just give him what he wants, though long-term he may well turn into a monster as a result. Politicians rarely think of the long term. They just want a cushy life while they are in power and leave future leaders to clear up the mess.
“If you find me an honest man you will find me one man plucked from ten thousand.”
Hate crime figures leaked by police in Germany have caused alarm, as they revealed murder, assault, and arson numbering among almost 100 attacks which targeted Christians in 2017.
Published by the Funke media group several months before annual crime statistics are due to be officially released, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) data showed attacks on churches and Christian symbols accounted for a quarter of the 97 cases.
At least 14 of the cases in the report involved asylum seekers and refugees, including the murder of an Afghan Christian convert by a fellow Afghan in May last year which prompted politicians to urge the BKA to record “anti-Christian crimes” separately for the first time.
Yes, you are absolutely right.
We have seen the same thing played out with Irish nationalism.
The SDLP were (are?) a moderate non-violent Irish nationalist party but seemed to be largely ignored. Sinn Fein posed as a “party of the ballot box”, moderates who the UK government could engage with without seeming to bow to violence. Of course everyone knew violence would intensify if Sinn Fein demands were ignored as the organisations were, as George Galloway would say, two cheeeks of the same arse. The Irish nationalist community is to the IRA/ INLA etc. what the muslim community is to the various Jihadist groups. There may have been some Irish nationalists who opposed the use of violence to obtain a united Ireland, but there were many more who claimed to be for nonviolence, i.e. Sinn Fein but would not condemn acts of terrorism by the IRA. We have seen the same response from so called moderate muslims. As Douglas Murray says why should anyone expect the British government to handle muslim terrorism any differently to the way it handled Irish terrorism. Sinn Feinn/IRA ends up playing a key role in the NI government. You can see this happening in Londinistan and other Ministans where muslims wiil eventually become the majority population. Once that happens there will be demands for various culturally appropriate changes to law enforcement at first, then demands for more and more obvious forms of self government. All helped along by atrocities which have nothing to do with Islam.
Have the BBC cancelled the Panorama programme “My returm from IS” scheduled for tonight?
A bloody catastrophe that our politicians have inflicted on a peaceful society.
The only hope I have is that Muslims accelerate their demands verbally and by terrorism, leaving no option but a civil war – Bosnia type, but with no partitions on offer- win or lose. No quarter given or accepted.
That Trump Hate fest – Beyond 100 hundred days, has not been reporting on Trump for the last two days.
I wonder if it is because Senator Nunes’ findings show that Trump Russia collusion was a Democrat-Clinton- FBI fabrication/collusion.
I suppose BBC’s Trump Hate fest is waiting for the Democrat’s version.
“In 50 years Islam will rule Christendom.” I pray that you are wrong,but if you’re right I just hope the Liberal Leftists enjoy the show.
1.Wimmin kept in their place ie 2 paces behind and covered.
2. Homos executed
3.Female babies subjected to clitorectomy
4.Compulsory prayers at the Mosque daily
5. The concept of the nuclear family restored.?
6. Men rule the roost.
Long before then I shall be sitting on cloud nine with my jug of ale in hand surveying the scene and thinking “I told you so you daft sods”
And the Leftist will be denied the right to erect a statue in honour of their belated hero The Right Hon. Enoch Powell MP.
Well I can dream can’t I?
LW, regarding point one ‘wimmin walking two paces behind’ I hear that Afghani men are now making their wimmin walk 16 paces in front. When asked if this was a sign of cultural progression the answer was “No, land mines”.
I’m amazed that women who have this gift of being the CEO of a family for life, for just being women, prefer to be wage slaves on a shop floor.
Or is it that women have had to go to work because unlimited mass migration has reduced men’s wages, forcing women to become wage slaves.
Mass immigration can thus be blamed not just for importing the cancer of Islam, and ensuing terrorism and rapes, but the breakdown of the family, increased divorce rates, fall in standards of education, and general breakdown of law and order.
This is how the destruction of a nation starts. Mass immigration of a unassimalable culture under the guise of multicultism.
To reverse it, one has to reverse mass immigration.
No wonder leftists totalitarian thugs hate Pres Trump.
Interesting BBC reporting internet abuse of a selected few females but not too keen to persue those who threatened to kill headteacher who banned children wearing veils
Following on from a discussion at the end of the previous thread with Dover Sentry over the BBC’s heavy handed practices to indoctrinate British kids through their CBBC channel …
… I have discovered that the CBBC channel has developed an internet help team for kids called “Own It” – comprising a six person team of:
a) Two British – Pakistani Muslims (one male – one female): Parle & Saima
b) Two black people (one male – one female): Eman & Scola
c) One white female: Olivia Grace
d) One white transgender: Lewys
You are surprised? All you have to do is watch country file and see a typical school class selected..if you were new to this country you would not think white boys existed. When will the BBC realise it is not racist to expect a true reflection of the country to be used rather than their idealised view.
Indeed, when will they realise that their propaganda and bias, which is displayed daily does sweet FA for the > 52% that voted OUT. If you could suggest a way in which the BBC could further alienate this, ‘divided country’ what better than what the BBC are doing right now?
Me? I say replace all the BBC staff with BAME foreigners. Don’t do it piecemeal. They are well on the way with doubtful employment ‘positive discrimination’ policies. Don’t slowly taunt us. Do it and see what happens.
Look at adverts on TV. Females – white, Black, Brown, Muslim, and a solitary Black man. The only White male will be the butt of a joke.
I find it all so counter-productive as well. I have never been racist; I’ve served with many other ethnicities, lived next door to and happily played golf with them as well. But I think this is all driving me to dislike them as a group to the point of being called a racist. I would suggest an analogy. If you had a co-worker who got all the best jobs, was praised without good reason, got held up to clients as the ideal employee purely because, say, they had red hair and got promoted without merit what would most people think towards that guy? If the employee took advantage of all this, I’m pretty sure he/she would not have too many friends. Now make that same person BAME and guess what – you’re a racist!
what would most people think towards that guy? If the employee took advantage of all this??
A tragic accident down a flight of stairs?
The Today programme has become Woman’s Hour
BBC is a channel for women, and ethnic minorities of the right sort. Muslims, Blacks, yes, yes.
Christians, Hindus and Chinese – NO.
Perhaps the last three should start bombing, raping and wanton truck driving on pedestrian ways.
Jihad Watch is full of rapes ands murders by Muslims. Plenty of it in Britain, Sweden and France. None of it shows up on BBC.
Visual of that diverse staff

That fails to have any straight white males
I think the Charter says the BBC must reflect its audience
“The lives of the people in the United Kingdom today will be accurately and authentically portrayed in the BBC’s output and services to raise awareness of different cultures, contribute to social cohesion and invest in the development of each nation’s creative economy.”
“As the national broadcaster, it’s vital the BBC reflects those we serve – and that’s everyone.
If we don’t look like the modern UK, we can’t represent it fully.”
The BBC More Equal than others statement
The contradiction is how can they reflect the audience accurately whilst giving specific emphasis to minorities ?
Well I could go and look at their Twitter output or would I be going down a rabbit hole ?
Campaign mottos
Presenter @ScolaDondo just tweeted
\\ We’re live on @cbbc until 5 talking all about Own It! //
\\ The theme of @safeinternetday 2018 is ‘Create, Connect and Share Respect’
This video from CBBC Own it,
shows just how important it is to educate our children about posting comments which hurt//
And what values does she teach your kids ?
Yep your BBC presenter of child safety campaign day
.. puts a pinned tweet which has a sexy pic & sexy message
That’s the example she sets for your kids
The following is a CBBC video report the BBC produced in November that was given its special promotion status – with links from its homepage etc.
Headline: What language would you like to learn?
Can you speak another language? Well a new report says that more of us should learn other languages, especially as the Britain is about to leave the club of countries called the European Union. So we went to a school to find out which languages these kids know, and why they think it matters.
So the BBC just happen to stumble on a class of six children, one black child and five Muslim children. The languages they were able to speak were German, Urdu x 2 (Pakistan Muslim), Arabic, Somali (99.9% Islam – the child Muhamed gives us an Arabic welcome), Bengali (Bangladesh Muslim).
Maybe the BBC like the idea just like the head of the EU does … that English will disappear ….
Brexit: English language ‘losing importance’ – EU’s Juncker {bbc.co.uk 05may2017}
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has told a conference in Italy on the EU that “English is losing importance in Europe”.
If that’s true, then why are we treated to Barnier going full Gordon Kaye when he makes a statement? He should stick to French and let the translators do their job, I gather the EU employs a few of them about the place.
At a time when negotiations require precision of language, we don’t need EUreaucrats afflicting their pidgin English on us; as Tusk and Drunkard do, they should stick to their respective tongues: Polish and Cognac.
In any century, and even now in most parts of the world, this tax payer funded propaganda would be regarded as treason.
“A source has insisted. . . “ is today’s headline.
How do we know the source is not made up?
And later on Will I am will be on to talk about his book about being a teenager! Well I will have to take the day off work to catch his superlative insights on developmental psychology; the Black Eyed Peas are renowned for their academic rigour.
So what if he knows nothing about the subject? He has black skin which means his opinion is worth a million times more than someone who is hideously white. Anyone who criticises such a patently absurd idea should be put in prison for thought/hate crime. All heil diversity!
Now some garbage about the ‘pay gap’ and how – shock, horror – if you work part time it means your wages will not progress as much as if you work full-time. Loads of phoney analysis which ends with:
“All this caused by some women preferring to work part-time.”
There you have it, Sherlock: you have solved the unfathomable mystery. What enigmas might they untangle next? Why raping children and threatening to or actually committing mass murder causes some to fear Islam? How some cultures not valuing education and not working hard at school means their children are less likely to study at Oxford?
However much they pay their staff it is clearly not enough. Think of all the expertise required to suffer progressive Tourette’s, blurting out the same hackneyed ideas over and over every day.
This was on the Today programme Monday morning. Justin ‘s solution to part time work was more child care. The idea that mothers might want to spend time raising their children didn’t occur to him.
But if you look at highly paid doctors, the women want to be part time and more women are trained as doctors than men these days. It costs the same to train a doctor whether they are full or part time. The same goes for training for other jobs, and private businesses will take that into account when deciding whether a job can be part time.
It costs a fortune to train a doctor. Women are over-represented in medicine and more often choose to work part-time. If fewer women became doctors there would surely be more hours worked by doctors at the NHS and more work in proportion to the money spent on training?
Alas, such obvious solutions are wrongthink.
Why do they only look at the narrow angle of money? Many people who look after children for a living are morons. The first few years are crucial for a child’s development. Any loss in earnings would be worth it to have a child grow up happy and cared for. My brother used to have nannies look after his children and they were horrible to the boys.
As Jordan B Peterson says, ideologies are low resolution views of reality. Raising a child is extremely complex; to say any disparities in income is ‘oppression’ is moronic and reductive. My brother’s wife was more oppressed having to leave her baby in the care of some moron than by any loss of earnings. Why deny a mother that golden time with a new born child?
Solid post BB.
“Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man.”
It is nonsense to say women are victims as they do most of the childcare. What is more noble and essential than ensuring the continuation of our species? Some parasite lawyer or devious advertiser may earn twenty times what a poor but loving mum earns, but my respect lies with the devoted mother.
Loads of high earning people are monsters anyway. I could have had a career in law but chose to work with children instead. For the most part they are the most revolting, over-paid, Police devious parasites on the planet. I felt physically sick at what they get away with. And they are the paragons we should all admire as they cheat their way to high earnings? Give me a break.
Goodness how I agree with you Beeb Brother. My wife 47 yrs ago when we had our first child did not go out to work, we managed on my salary and when anothe child was born we gave up any thought of having holidays abroad, clothing ourselves in the most expensive /latest fashion-we had no washing machine when first married had to save up for one- we had a small house with a nice garden and that’s where we spent time with our children-they were fortunate also to have grandparents who were most helpful as and when in later years my wife and I were invited out, the grandparents were happy to baby sit. No it was a struggle but as I managed to improve my position so the family prospered but again I never earned anywhere near what the top management earn today or indeed some sports people, almost obscene-certainly offensive to those that give somuch to our spoiled society in so many ways for often little reward. Bloody dam sick the whole dam countryhas become obsessed with following the Americans in the way we work, talk, and behave.
My brother’s wife went straight back to work when her first boy was born. He has the most terrible issues now and I swear it is because she was not there when he was younger. We are dreading what he could be like as a teenager. If the BBC want to see an oppressed woman they should witness him pushing his mother, hurling abuse at her and hiding her stuff.
What does a child think when their mum does not want to look after them and instead pays some glacial moron to look after them instead? He could be a wrong in the head forever now, how much ‘oppression’ will that engender?
Beeb Bro
The Missus and me have actually witnessed this kind of child behaviour more than once in our local supermarkets. We just grin and assume someone said the word “No” Maybe there’s more to it than meets the eye then?
We raised 4 boys and I can honestly say that we never once had to endure that kind of thing in public. I think the lads were just too self conscious. They certainly played Mum up at home though, when I was at work. Now, they can’t do enough for her
Cultural Marxism pure and simple, BB.
CM needs struggle and a “victim”, usually a minority, to champion and if none exist, they will create it. From its inception in the last century, CM has seen the family unit as the greatest obstacle to its success and what we are seeing today is the media, in particular the BBC, doing its damnedest to bring about this destruction.
The Left needs baddies. They can never just leave us alone.
Beeb Bro
They absolutely crave someone to— dare I say it?? —HATE!!
….“Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man.”….
That is one of the truest comments ever uttered. I remember my (non-religious) Dad saying it whenever he was involved in an argument/debate on religion, – back in the days when Islam hadn’t ventured past Istanbul !!!
“Give me a child until he?(Sexist— should read IT)is seven and I will give you the man? (Sexist—-should read PERSON)” Please try to adhere to the principles of Newspeak.
From my personal experience Comrade BRISSLES I would agree but would add “Until that man begins to think for himself” Only then does he endanger the New World Order and must be eliminated by means that must remain shall we say—- accidental.
For those ‘youngsters’ on here who have never heard the expression………..
The quote is “Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man”. It is allegedly attributed to the Catholic Order, the Jesuits. In one respect it demonstrates a good understanding that the child’s development from a young age is very influential on the rest of their lives.
Thank you for that Brissles. I was recently reading about the history of the Jesuits – a fascinating order, and fascinating history. Had heard that quote before, but didn’t realise where it came from, it fits with their ideology though. The Jesuit reductions in Argentina and Paraguay are particularly poignant.
That quote particularly resonates with me as I’m a single parent (yes, a single Dad, we are a very small, and often ignored, minority, but we do exist).
For reasons I don’t want to go in to here, I was left with sole care of my two boys when the youngest was two. Faced with a tough decision, I chose to leave my career (which was quite ‘high flying’ and demanding, I guess), to spend time with them while they were young and didn’t have a mother around. As there was no real part time work locally, I set up my first business so I could work around them. Now they’re at Secondary I’m on to my second business working from home, which just about pays the bills and keeps me sane, but will never make me rich. I can say though, I’ve never had a penny of help from the state, my parents have helped me out, but not the state – I don’t understand these people who work as nurses, for example, and still claim to be too poor to buy food for their children… in fact it’s a lie, isn’t it?
My boys are both in top sets for all the more academic subjects, and I usually get told how well behaved and ‘mature’ they are. They aren’t angels, of course, but they are well balanced, hard working, and socially aware. By the time they’re independent I’ll be too old to go back to what I used to do, so they are my career, do I have any regrets about it? …. NO. Do I moan about some imaginary ‘pay gap’ (more like a chasm) between me and my old work mates? No, of course not, they earn every penny they make, and I made my choice and don’t feel the poorer for it.
Prof Peterson tweeted recently that the C4 car crash interview has now been viewed on YouTube 6 000 000 Times !
Our American brothers / sisters love it !
Not just the Americans, apparently it has been subtitled in dozens of languages.
People worldwide are enjoying the sight of an arrogant ill-informed interviewer getting handed her hat by someone of learning, integrity and wisdom.
And so do I.
A wife and mother is the CEO of the family. She gets this top job without having to apply for it. It is hers if she wants it.
All final decisions are hers. The husband may bring in the salary, but it is she who decides where it is spent and when. She moves from mother to grandmother, and her CEO position is extended even more to end of life.
To me its is amazing that feminists have convinced women that being a wage slave on a factory floor is better.
Yeah men know women are in charge. They know best.
Beeb Bro
Correction. Mothers are in charge not just the generic female.
Poor Justin – might be difficult for his family to hire an east European nanny soon.
a few years ago a senior male medic raised this issue and he was attacked as a misogynist sexist..never to be heard of again.
The truth hurts and reality can be ignored in this utopian world…The BBC didn’t talk about the positives the PT workers get…and the negatives to business
Why can’t the media accept people make choices in life and with choices come consequences…..and why can’t some of the ‘victims’ accept it too
They also ignore the gender ‘spending gap.’ Men may earn more but so much of their money is spent by their partners. The key issue is who spends the money, not who earns it – a hate fact ignored by the Beeb. I would much rather work part-time and spend someone else’s earnings when I am not working.
I’m waiting for the day when the BBC and its team of over paid feminists agitate for equal outcome in Nobel prizes for Physics – a disgusting White male preserve.
Neffer u mind Herr NCBBC zis vill be arranged fairy soon. You vill bee amaissed at our ingenuity. Eff ve say it vill heppen it vill heppen just mark my vords. Ve heff vays end ze BBC vill ensure our victory.
So now we know, David Dimbleby doesn’t watch BBC London News
You remember how our Question Time host bristled at the acusation that the BBC never brought us any good economic news without the sneering pro-EU proviso ‘despite Brexit’…
Well this morning BBC news script editors have presenter Victoria Hollins deliver a blatant example : “In London over the next five years construction jobs will increase, despite Brexit…”
You see the BBC just can’t help itself.
If JRM is ever allowed on the dimbly company show he won’t be asked for examples of so beeb using “ despite brexit “ examples because the next hour would be spent providing examples
Shut it down and use the money on the NHS. On second thoughts no: because it can never be enough. Instead use it to support talented people with ambition to become business builders who create jobs for working people and engineers,scientists,surgeons,physicists,soldiers ,sailors,pilots,carpenters,bricklayers,plumbers,electricians,plasterers,coal miners,scaffolders, etc.etc. and all those other unsung working heroes who enrich all our lives with their skills and dedication in doing the best job that they know how. Cut all public spending on show biz careers. It’s an overcrowded self centered profession that largely bores the pants off me.As does the PC and climate change industries(for industries are what they are– a totally unnecessary concern which incidentally have made a handful of people extremely rich and powerful) I doubt that (in my opinion)the greatest ever music genius/composer J.S Bach ever had a government subsidy but here we are 400 years plus after the great man’s death and he is still recognized as one of the all time top classical composers. All of the above mentioned (and others ) deserve public support and admiration instead of the vacuous,shallow twaddle fed to us by our M.S.M. which no longer carries out its mandate to inform, to educate and to entertain us. It has become instead a left wing propaganda machine to dumb us all down. I have to tell them that with me they haven’t succeeded
Clearly, bbc editorial integrity means there is not always time or space to report on everything, and so professional discussions need to be made on what is important news:
“Who says make-up is just for girls? ????????????????
South Korean men spend more on beauty and skincare than anywhere else in the world. Take a look at their quest to challenge beauty standards: http://bbc.in/2EECWkg
Comments thus far… could be going better. Seems a fair chunk of the UK is still not spoken for by the national broadcaster.
Our Justin in somber mood over some shit with Asperger ( allegedly ) who broke into US computers “for fun” and is now due to get justice in the US unless our courts stop it
His dad was on al beeb saying what a great prison system we have for people with mental issues whilst the yanks apparently are third world .
Must be the first time on al beeb something positive has been said about HM Prison Service .
Our Justin didn’t ask the dad why he didn’t stop or know about his little Johnnie breaking into American computers .
Standard anti American al beeb fare . Let’s hope they send him there. But our independent judges are fully politically aware
Following on from this the character claiming Aspergers did it ( broke into American government computers ) he now gets a free pass on American justice .
So the next time you are exposed to the uk justice system why not go for the aspergers defence which is now currency due to at least two fucked up loops getting off using it. Now where are those predator drones …?
Al beeb will be all over this event to find another reason to give the “bird” to President Trump .
And at the bottom of the page I saw this fairy tale!
Next they’ll be telling us that TV detector vans are real and that Islam is the religion of peace!
Sorry Guest Who-but I`d be failing in my duty if I didn`t follow you round the threads once in a while like Father Ted Crilly did with poor Victor Meldrew!
“Comments could be going better”…my catchphrase for 2018! Thank you for giving it to me…I`m Janet Webb, I am!
PS, My brother is going to see Barry Cryer in London this April-can he take out insurance in case he pegs it before the concert itself?
“Only asking guv”…see, that may yet be MY catchphrase!
Coming from you… modest blush here at Who Towers 🙂
Someone (you?) asked if I came up with it. No idea. Don’t recall seeing it before but it appealed and is now delightfully open source, so who cares?
I find understatement almost as potent as humour, and even more so when risking a post in the weasels’ den.
There is also benefit in erring on the cryptic, which I have found most lefties don’t get and open themselves up to a whole new thread if they kick off. Or if they do it’s usually in a ‘so what you are saying is’ Newmanesque attempt, which is easily dealt with by pointing out they are they ones who actually said it and terminating the conversation from that point.
Drives them mad. Which is nice.
So true.
Understatement and cold listeing to what they`re actually saying is crucial. They`re so thick and contradictory, so unused to arguing that it`s so easy to make them appear “like a right Newman”
Or indeed a Chatty Cathy…
I`m currently reusing my own Cockney Rhyming slang..or Hockney Rhyming Slang(HRS), seeing as we`re clever and cultivated!
It`s a blend of Chas and Dave, Arthur Daley but with some new twists
e.g-“he`s a bit Doris”(Doris Day)=gay.
a bit ginger is the same meaning but we`ll make a distinction soon.
What an “orphan” (orphan Annie)=tranny. This includes ALL categories of pervies-best to keep it simple for them I find!
Need a few more. But I`m on my way. All suggestions welcomed.
‘They are all Hattie’ (Hattie Jacques) = snowflakes
‘A little bit Ian’ (Ian Lavender) = transgender
Begrudging reporting of “ no customs union” now declared by May to save her job this week .
So now HMG can force the Civil Service – who look forward to postings to the EU for a jolly – to get on with planning the border at last . They’ve been in denial and praying for a “stay in” vote thus slowing the leaving process and needing a ridiculous 2 year transition .
A brexit PM would have compelled the slugs in the civil service to have got Blighty ready for the 32nd of March 2019 – the first day of our escape from the EU
An article by Martin Howe QC, Chairman of Lawyers for Britain, summarises the political and economic reasons why we should not be in “the” Customs Union, “a” customs union, or “aligned with” or “shadowing” the Customs Union.
“ … Staying inside the EU Customs Union after ceasing to be a Member State would necessarily entail a severe and continuing curtailment of the UK’s powers to govern itself as an independent state and would subject it to the continuing effective jurisdiction of the ECJ.”
One of Starmer’s six “tests” for Labour supporting the so-called final deal is “a deal with the European Union that retains the benefits of the single market and the customs union”. Semantics.
I hope JRM remembers saying that not being under the jurisdiction of the ECJ is his “reddest of red lines.”
The greatest wimmin in the Arts in the last 100 years – I kid you not – they put on some one who suggested “ French and Saunders “ there you are – quality broadcasting from al Beeb .
Carol Kirkwood putting us all at ease this morning regarding the current cold spell
‘This is just normal winter weather’
It is interesting to look at their Facebook page.
Firstly, so much of their ‘news’ is fluffy twaddle: some men are wearing male-up; a comedian said a joke; cold weather in winter.
Secondly so many comments are against their narrative. Trump’s attacks have really hit home as nobody accepts anything they say at face value. They have a typical emotive piece about Belgium failing asylum seekers and the comments nearly all say European counties should look after their own people first, that incomers are bringing crime and other problems.
It is the same with their post about the ‘pay gap.’ Loads of women sticking up for men as well! Nobody is buying their bullshit anymore – it is glorious! Shame they still pump out torrents of it and we have to pay for the privilege of being lied to.
You must check out the comments, there are some real beauties!
“How did a once respected organisation become such a laughing stock?”
“Work more get paid more, thanks BBC.”
“BBC is a joke reporting things that do not exist!”
“Cancel your tv licence – they are lying, money grabbing tossers.”
“More North Korean styled propaganda.”
Al Beeb seems to have given up on reporting them murders by stabbing of teenagers on Londonistan streets. Another one last night in barking – the evening standard has it but strangely not al Beeb – if a racism allegation was in involved they’d have a full outside broadcast with an news autocue reader and flowers all over the show…
At the going rate it is three deaths by knife a week in londonistan since the start of 2018.
BBC thinking here, as revealed in Belgium report on migration
‘the foundation states that its mission is to replace a Europe in which people are “nationalist, tribal, xenophobic, withdrawn, closed [and] nostalgic of borders” with one that is “cosmopolitan, universalist, inclusive, open, with a strong legitimate citizenship and appreciation for diversity”.
Al beeb very thoughtfully telling us what to think – and feel – on their Home page. Via 3 different routes: ‘Must See’, and ‘If you see one thing today’ and ‘In a Hurry? Here’s what you need to know’ (sounds a bit Orwellian), you will be directed to a story about a UK muslim driving to a refugee camp to help fellow muslims.
So he’s helping his own, all very worthy, but how the story suits al beeb’s agenda: Look how compassionate this muslim is (well, to fellow muslims at least) and look how sad the migrants’ plight is.
(Personally I’d be so much more impressed if some British muslims drove to the Middle East to help the Christians being victimised and massacred there daily.)
Brits try EU migrants’ veg picking jobs
A biased short video of giggling young white Brits being useless as cabbage picking with about 15 mentions of how great the migrants are compared to the brits. We never get to see the faster migrant team at work so we have to take the BBCs words that the Brit team are crap.
Of course the whole tone of the video is “how will we cope without migrants?” and “Brexit is bad for that one farmer’s profits”.
I assume the BBC will do a follow up video on “how migrants live 40 adults to a house on minimum wage and how it is modern day slavery”.
This is on social media and being slated as an unrealistic set up.
Or, as is it is more commonly known, BBC ‘News’.
What about the migrant pay gap? I bet the cabbage pickers are on less than average UK salaries. And how unfair that they are separated from their UK benefit-claiming children ‘back-home’! Let’s build houses for them! Let’s bring over gran and grandad and aunt and uncle, after all they have a right to a ‘family life’.
It’s only ‘public money’ and with a bit of luck they will vote Corbyn too!
““how migrants live 40 adults to a house on minimum wage and how it is modern day slavery”.” And all on benefits I’ll wager.
Not BBC but SKY – pretty much the same these days.
Black cellist on breakfast show this morning. When did SKY last have a classical musician on?
He won the BBC Young Musician. I’m sure he’s very good but it was impossible to tell from this as the only thing he played was some Bob Marley thing. Naturally. It was close miked and sounded terrible.
In the meantime, what happened to Ben Goldscheider, the genuinely outstanding horn player who should have won?
Oh do get with the narrative, Mr MuirI
Goldscheider is a name that sounds a trifle Jewish.
Win a BBC competition? With a name like that?
Got to go, there’s a flying pig in my garden….
Can we have the VAR and an action replay for that incident? Gosh now we can even sub-title the ref chatting with the linesman, so surely this one that happened in the studio should be looked into…
Far be it from me to want to dob someone in SJW style but did anyone out there catch Big Match Two’s Mark Lawrenson scoff “That’s what you get with foreign goalkeepers”
Tut tut, BBC.
And our Jason Mohammad hosting the show said not a dickie bird.
Very odd, especially following a week where the BBC breathlessly scolds a chap at West Ham for suggesting there’s a collective attitude characteristic of African players.
A job ending comment? That wouldn’t be my punishment but that does seem to be the trend, eh BBC?
Lawrenson entitled to make the observation that foreign keepers tend to punch outwards back into the area of play rather than clear to the sides or into touch.
There to be challenged, for sure, as something of a sweeping statement (was that Schmeichel snrs style for example?). But no, an uncomfortable ‘lets move that on as quickly as we can’ sort of brief silence as the studio pundits quickly weighed up the career implications of getting involved in any discussion that would get theTwitter race baiters howling at the moon.
Fortunately, as yet, we don’t have Cathy Newman presenting BBC sport or we would certainly have had a ‘Lawro, so what you’re saying is…’ moment.
By the way, why was Lawrenson dressed like Basil Brush?
Elsewhere on the bbc:
Whilst being a big fan of Cyrille Regis and all that he achieved for black footballers, the BBC’s OTT coverage of tributes at football grounds up and down the country has been oh so predictable and yet another opportunity for them to remind us what a nation of rabid racists we were back in the day (and still are in the eyes of most Beeboids).
However it reached a new low of self-parody on Match of the Day on Saturday when their commentator at The Hawthorns (when the BBC finally got to showing us the match after extended coverage of the Regis tributes), noticed the temperature was three degrees: ‘Somewhat apt in the circumstances’ he observed.
Not even Alan Partridge in his sports reporter days could have been that cringingly bad.
That is how they roll: disproportionate coverage of anything that fits their narrative, whilst most else goes down the memory hole. Increasingly they are reluctant to report on any events actually happening, hence their reporting on celebrity gossip, weather, SJW ‘investigations’ masquerading as news.
I’m a West Brom fan as some of you may know and heard that on Saturday night and cringed. I had actually taken a screenshot of the temperature on my phone on Saturday afternoon and tweeted it ( I do do Twitter, but basically to talk to other West Brom fans), but I did it out of a genuine grief for Cyrille. They were exactly the same on Midlands Today on the day of his funeral, there was some black female sports reporter I had never heard of before saying how digustingly racist my home town was in the 1964 General Election and how racist football fans were. Nothing about what a bloody great footballer and man he was( I met him when he was playing for us and he was lovely), just the racism angle.
Contrast this with the end of Central News, which was a musical montage of shots of various times during the day and reduced me to tears, after the end of Midlands Today, I just thought typical bloody BBC, they’ve got to insert how racist us white people are and left me with a nasty taste in my mouth and dry eyed.
The preamble above:
“…..Islamism being totally at odds with Western, Christian, democratic, liberal society.” Yes, yes, yes. And even the ECHR has deliberated on this subject but no, we are forced by law to keep silent about the public’s disquiet with islam.
See and, particularly examine, the European Court of Human Rights thoughts on islam and in particular, sharia law –
The ECHR is the court that liberals in Europe are in love with because it permits family members to join migrants; it denies a country within its remit to remove a foreign national to his/her homeland if that would involve a breach of his/her human rights. And many other rights that seem to lay out the carpet for terrorists and criminals. The ECHR and UN: well beyond their ‘sell by date’.
A friend once pointed out to be that Gordon Brown has this facial tic when he speaks. I had never noticed it before but once he had shown me it I noticed it every time he spoke; I couldn’t not notice it.
Totalitarian ‘utopias’ only operate effectively when the information is controlled, hence in Mao’s China the only legal book was the red book of his sayings; Stalin threw any free thinkers into gulags.
Once you have been ‘red pilled’ by videos like Peterson v Newman it is impossible to believe leftist lies. Your awareness has been heightened and that cannot be undone. With the internet they are losing hearts and minds at breakneck speed because we can all learn their ideology is a house built on sand, the patently untrue idea that men and women are the same and all cultures and beliefs are of equal value – even worse, that minority cultures which bring little but misery are BETTER than Western culture which has, amongst myriad miraculous achievements, put men on the moon.
Is it me but I thought it strange that the BBC report on R4 this morning about the Islamic Terrorist (Bataclan) on trial in Belgium managed the first report without mentioning Islam or any derivation of the word and not even terrorist. In the latter report terrorist attack was added…
Over the past few days the beeb seem to have pulled back on their love affair for communist china, what on earth could have caused this I wondered
ahhhhhh china doesnt love its muslims as much as it should , running students over in tanks thats ok, but religious oppression of the stabby stabbys thats bad bad bad
Perhaps the BBC should publish its hierarchy of groups. We know , and your post confirms it, that Muslims in any shape colour or size are at the top. We also know white Western males are at the bottom. But in between the competition for places is intense. Feminists v transgenders v persons of colour v socialists v any other group that the BBC can turn into victims of white male oppression and then campaign on behalf of.
Imagine a transgender Muslim? They might have to actually worship the individual.
The Sunday Night 10.00pm R4 hour-long news and discussion programme brought us the joys of listening to Sophie Walker, leader of the Women’s Equality Party (MPs 0; members 65,000?).
With all the other parties committed to this concept, and PC almost prohibiting anything to be said to challenge it in ANY way in ANY conversation, and the BBC pushing it non-stop, I was surprised there was the need for such a party.
Every now and then there was a slip of the tongue and ‘equality’ disappeared to be replaced by ‘power’, which is really what it’s about. (Same as any discussion on ‘sexual harassment’ it frequently morphs into a conversation about the number of women in the boardroom or women in parliament).
Other than that it was noticeable that Sophie didn’t want ANY definition of ‘sexual harassment’, which was to be the basis of MP recall in the case of misdemeanours in parliament. So ANY accusation of sexual harassment and ZAP, you recall your MP, presumably to stand trial, without examining what the offending behaviour was, and whether it would have constituted S H. I suppose that will be decided by a panel of feminists, all dressed in black, with highly-polished jackboots?
Cos as with offence, SH is anything that anyone decides it is. Or have I got it all wrong? (Hadn’t heard of the W E P until last night.)
R4 Now sympathetic prog about poor Fourteen year old Mohammed was excluded from school after letting off a firework in a corridor.
And the Muslim charity trying to reform him.
The father came from Pakistan to Bradford to be a taxi driver.
(Father saying the British system is too soft)
The actuall BBC blurb seems to have words missing
“They feel that schools ** properly resourced to get to the bottom of problems once they arise and parents are not involved in putting things right. ”
… ** I guess the missing words are ‘are not’ and they are talking about what the main causes are.
Not a happy ending
Near the end they get another school to accept him
After a few days his mother goes to a family event in Pakistan.
Whilst she is there she gets a phone call to say he’s been kicked out. Kid says it was cos he was late once. The school said it was multiple reasons including on camera vandalism.
Later she claims the school won’t speak to her , so she’ll keep him home from now on.
It been an interesting week for the BBC. Not only is the BBC femail presenters ranting at the BBC’s failures to disclose huge payment differences toward the favoured few (sundry well paid male compounders of BBC Bias (allegedly) because they are worth it (as the Shampoo Ad says). Even bald faced lies are worth a bung at the BBC. And then what of the BBC dinner ladies of daytime TV? I say, pay them a premium! – and then send them all on a mission to China as (collective) foreign correspondent. Hours flexible of course. Its all ‘flexible’ contracts at the BBC and more flexible ‘the better’ to get the huge pay bonus and annual increases that the BBC elite enjoy (favourably for men) on just 3 days a week. Lord Haw Haw and Alan Yentob have both done rather well on a 3 day week. Ironically whilst the BBC moralise about equal pay ‘on Air’ they conceal that fact to staff for obvious reasons that some are paid a LOT more than others even doing the same job. As the TELEGRAPH rightly headlined it as the more the BBC denies any pay bias against women it just digs a bigger hole for itself as it denies BIAS of any kind. Which we all know is the biggest lie of all. How much any of them are ‘worth’ (on the ‘open market’ ) is very questionable as almost all of them would be on the comedy circuit or unemployed actors – so on benefits mainly. Working for the BBC is like winning the National Lottery for lefties and pay is a big factor in attracting the biggest lefties. So they are all eqaully bad so they should be paid the same (communal) wage. It will of course BANKRUPT the BBC to pay them all the same as the license fee is now expected to top well over – £200! and that could be interesting as the BBC flails itself to death by a thousand cuts. Equal pay is a double edged sword. Of course everyone at the BBC deserves the minimum wage + (thats about £300,000). I think they are worth-it as we shall see how they can afford it. Wage increases for all or a wage depression for this famous public sector quango?
And they get their money by threatening to send poor and vulnerable people to prison. Think of this the next time they lecture us about food banks. A tv licence fee could feed a poor family for a month.
Nice to see the BBC getting attacked from both sides.
Feminists berating it for its gender pay gap; normal people for its execrable anti-British content.
The Left always eats itself sooner or later. Google is getting the same treatment from both wings.
Gender pay gap, and now a class action lawsuit about how it discriminates against white people, men, and conservatives.
The question is: How much damage do we have to pay for before they all self-destruct? Ask Cambodia …..
Found this positive article on President Trump… though video ends the article on a low, rather than a high … i.e. embarrassing ending.
Sean Spicer on having Trump as boss. {bbc.co.uk 02feb2018}
The former White House press secretary tells the BBC the president usually stood by him when he made mistakes. He was “forgiving”, says Sean Spicer.
That Steele Russia dossier is so farcical. He sold it to several different groups and made hundreds of thousands of pounds – no imaginable motive for lying then. He paid Russian sources lots of money for stories. If someone bunged me a few grand to make up some stories I would come up with all sorts of nonsense.
This is useful, maybe a new BBC tool …
Spurious Correlations was a project put together as a fun way to look at correlations and to think about data. Empirical research is interesting, and I love to wonder about how variables work together. The charts on this site aren’t meant to imply causation nor are they meant to create a distrust for research or even correlative data. Rather, I hope this project fosters interest in statistics and numerical research.
At school we correlated shoe size and pocket money over the whole school. Lo and behold the way to get more pocket money was to have bigger shoes.
Like Deputy Dawg, I find myself asking -like Vince-“where`d he go? where`d he go?”.
He was the muskrat as I recall, but “Fact Check BBC” seems not to be bothered. But I am.
I could have SWORN that there was some story from the USA about what the FBI, migrant courts, Democrats, Clintons, MI5/6. Mother Jones, Buzzfeed, CNN, BBC , DOJ, Steele(C), Comey and Mueller, GPSFusion, Carter Page amongst all others had been up to before Trump got elected.
He mentioned that he was being wiretapped before election, but was obviously a grandiose fool, a deluded blowhard and a sociopathic fantasist, neurotic and vain.
Some memo came out on Friday…the BBC mentioned it, but -since then?
Well, who`d really want to know eh?
Don`t the BBC know what we`ll be doing with this before too long, The Americans will do what they`ll do-but the bloody BBC have no right in lying, covering up for Clinton and the US Big, Deep Permastate.
That they do will finish them. Let`s ensure that it does Insh`allah!
I thought the BBC would suggest becoming bi-sexual to double your chances?
Why gay dating is hard when you live on a remote island {bbc.co.uk 02feb2018}
Might get a bit dodgier still once the new guests are rehoused.
There’s always the sheep.
The problem is when the virgins run out.
No, sheep are far too individualistic to tolerate that nonsense.
Even the cost of a trial for a terrorist is a cost to the country …. who could be protecting its citizens.
Up to 200 police will be guarding the courthouse for the trial (Salah Abdeslam), which is expected to last four days. {bbc.co.uk 05feb2018}
This show of force is designed to reinforce the narrative that angry unwashed racist white people are going to gather in mindless millions to lynch this person.
Turning the oppressor into the victim is a favourite sleight-of-hand of the Left.
Salah Abdeslam: Five things about Paris attacks suspect
Dear BBC, I can think of a 6th thing and it begins with the letter “M”.
A Pakistani man Muhammad Al- Wahabi 33, has been sentenced to death due to his inability to control his fart. The judge sentenced the man to be executed after he was expelled 17 times from different mosques for excessive and uncontrollable farting during Ramadan. {peplnews.com 01jul2017}
“Islamabad Herald reported that the judge was lenient to the man as he gave the man the option of the method of his death either to be beheaded or stoned to death.”
A lot of this going soft on crime eh Marky?
In my day there was no “choice” about it.
Got to be a science, re size of stones etc-haven`t the BBC given us the Al-Pierrepoint I Spy Guidebook to optimal stoning procedures in regard of deliverable outcomes?
Gender? Weight and size? local geological conditions? Come on Beeb-educate and enlighten huh?
Perhaps they thought he was a fan of Trump?
Perhaps it was an involuntary reaction to the nonsense and hate being preached?
I’m sure a visit to the atheist doctor who does not belief in such things would help – but death is a life long solution to most ailments.
So much tosh above re the BBC and all its evils, but found myself drawn to the MOTD stuff re . I find that sport remains a Klondike for a few old school notions that let us peep up aunties pinafore, and see what they`re up to. Devil in the detail an` all.
For example.
Yesterdays “Sunday” show on Radio 4 had some piece of crap about what Jesus might have looked like. Didn`t hear it-why would I?
But got the idea that Posh Edward Stourton found it absorbing and controversial.
Ed finished the piece and asked Catholic Big Prig Vince Nichols what HE thought. Vince spoke of all manner of stuff re Gods glory in Jesus` face, price of photographic paper back in Judea way back etc…well, I`m ad-libbing here, maybe?
But Ed loved it-and said that we out here might want to tell Ed what WE think-maybe less exalted than Vince though, yet worth a spot on Tony Harts God Gallery, if we get a parent to vouch for our efforts etc…
Ed talks to Bishop, we may not be as clever about what Jesus looked like as Vincey boy, but come on you chaps-let the toffs like Ed and Vince have a butchers.
Patronisng sods aren`t they? Vince needs to choose his pals more carefully…looking ever like a leper colony for the faithful is Media City,Vince!
Amazingly watched a 2 hour drama last night based in 1968, and it was almost historically correct ! A fleeting glance of a mixed race shop assistant and that was it ! Endeavour story was a bit gruesome (oh how I could REALLY mother Shaun Evans, – by the by), but at least the dramatist and set dressers portrayed a realistic view of the period.
Well I thought the book must be better.
On TV it was rushed ..they didn’t really explain why the taxi drivers were killed.
And it wasn’t so much that the detectives solved the crime and explain to us. No they had an inkling and then we see the girl go to the last victims house and then as she kills him she explains the whole story of her motivation and method. ..unsatisfactory to me .
And the sales girl in the lipstick shop and one stripper was how they did the BME quota . I can’t remember a non-white male.
There was a black guy in the strip club audience that was shown before Endeavour spoke to the mixed race stripper.
Sort of like ‘Where’s Wally?’ sometimes isn’t it?
Does Anna Soubry pay for her TV License at home as well? I have asked and am awaiting a response.
Find out what your MP spends YOUR money on: http://www.theipsa.org.uk/mp-costs/interactive-map/
Re Mogg shoutdown, Andrea whose Twitter account shows she was actually a good friend of masked man Josh
receives a “So what you are saying”
Times Churchill Cafe rockets up TripAdvisor charts after last week’s Momentum raid
Times buries article about her, but then hits hard in the Editorial
\\ one was an ex student called Josh Connor & his girlfriend Andreea Dumitrache age 25, a Romanian. //
Times : “Charity chief’s son led heckles of Rees‑Mogg”
The ringleader of a group of left-wing activists who invaded a university debate attended by Jacob Rees-Mogg, the Tory MP, is a middle-class student.
– Joshua Connor, 24, and his Romanian girlfriend Andreea Dumitrache, 25, were part of a ten-strong group
Mr Connor is described online as a digital communications student at the university. His father is a software engineer and his mother leads a charity in his home city of Nottingham.
His social media account showed that he is linked with Momentum. Ms Dumitrache moved to Britain to take a journalism degree at the University of Worcester and is studying for an MA in creative producing at UWE.
The Bristol antifascist group defended the protest,
“we felt that it was appropriate of us to disrupt his speech”
Editorial : Bully Boys
“His younger admirers may not see it, but Jeremy Corbyn’s party and his personal brand are tainted with an ugly and retrograde thuggishness”
The article then focuses on the Kober issue and the Lavery scandal about tax money being used for the his football club.
Note that today in 1974 the IRA blew up and killed twelve soldiers family members on a bus on the M62.
Forty four years later Gerry Adams gives his blessing and benediction upon Jeremy Corbyn, live and on the BBCs very own Andrew Marr Show.
So there you go….doubtless Corbyn would have got on the bus, but it was “ram packed”.
And he is only six points behind May as choice of PM based on some poll or other.
How shit do the Tories have to be to have that worthless pube primper still with a shout of getting into power?
Is shite a grade below shit-or is it the next one up the scale?
“There have only been two groups of people in recent years who have tried to blow up the British people. The IRA and Islamists. And one of the very few things that links them is the support of Mr. (Jeremy) Corbyn.” – Douglas Murray
And neither group would come under the BBC definition of “Far Right”.
When Islam is denounced should it be preceded with ‘far-left Islamic belief’?
BBC expert pundit Owen Jones reckons such an endorsement seals Jezza’s sainthood and petal-decked path to No. 10.
Can’t wait for Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei posting a like on his Facebook page as he tours Kones Cranes.
The only reason that more didn’t die, was that the bomb was at the bottom of all the other luggage.
R4 1pm WatO news is a pay gap special
..isn’t it always ?
The have a new reporter whose going to work on PM also
I checked her Twitter ..yep full of SJW & retweeting stuff about “why you not to talk to white people”
Wow!!!! R4, World @ One. Martha Carney joins: ‘we will be devoting the programme to……..’ Womens equality etc etc. Off button immediately. Got to be a record for me perhaps no more than two minutes in. Ah well, the sign of more things to come. At least it releases me to deal with similar objectionable issues I tackle with equal relish like cleaning the sh1t of the soles of my shoes.
How are we doing with equality on the oh so equality obsessed BBC? Well, the dilemma of sports bigwigs who have retired and are suddenly just ordinary people, was a big feature on the lunchtime TV news.
We had one black and one white lady, giving us their sentiments. The Great Example, who had set up a flourishing restaurant, was Dame Kelly Holmes. The feature was concluded by a second of blurry males playing sport behind a general comment. So there we have it at last.
Total equality.
Switched over to ITV1 after the BBC local news, where there was a feature on woman getting paid less, followed by the ‘torture’ of suffragettes through force feeding, followed by the all-women Antarctic team.
My heart bled for those poor retired sports ‘stars’, forced to earn a living from commentating on The Great North Run, womens football/rugby/darts, and other sports that nobody is interested in, or chairing ‘a question of sport’, or horror of horrors, getting a real job. Oh how awful to have to ‘find myself’, or ‘reinvent myself’ purleeese! You’ve been doing something you wanted to do, it was your choice. How about some sympathy for women who simply wanted to earn their living from looking good, adding to the spectacle at sports and media events, and generally just getting on with life, they have had NO CHOICE!!!
Sorry for the long post — I’m a pretty mellow guy, boringly middle of the road, but this is outrageous: Britain First deputy Jayda Fransen ‘aggressive’ to Muslim.
Who’s the victim of aggression? A guy whose brother was on trial for gang-raping a 16 year-old girl. (Let’s call him Guy). The aggression took place outside the court. Guy opines: “She was so aggressive, and so loud.” The trial is mentioned almost as an aside.
Incident 2: ‘Bloke with Foreign Name’ (BBC blandly calls him a ‘witness’) asserts that Fransen was screaming and shouting. Witness was “so scared, I thought she was going to start fighting with me”. Aggressive, loud, angry woman again. So where did this take place? Outside 555 Pizza, which, the BBC helpfully informs us, Bloke with Foreign Name’s “friend owns”. Random pizza restaurant… eh BBC?
No, actually it isn’t. The 16 year-old girl was gang-raped in the flat above 555 Pizza: the home of Guy’s brother. A man who had been charged with three counts of rape. So Bloke with Foreign Name’s friend = Guy’s brother. Dots connecting yet, BBC? No, of course they’re not.
‘Related topics’ linked at the end show: Ramsgate, Penge, Canterbury, Britain First. **NO LINK** to the original rape case. A case which resulted in convictions for 4 men who gang-raped a drunk, vulnerable 16 year old girl who had made the mistake of asking directions. A case in which — according to the Senior DI — the girl was “subjected to some of the most horrendous crimes imaginable”.
If there is a more underhand way to bury important and relevant info, I’ve yet to see it.
NB: Of course the BBC account of that trial (via Google) neglects to mention any of the rapists’ nationalities (all Afghan).
Nutter who hacked into US computer systems wins his appeal against extradition cheers the BBC
Mr Love, 33, speaking outside the court, said he hoped he had set a “precedent so this will not happen to people in the future”.
“I’m hoping that this outcome can contribute to the discussion we are having as a society about how to accommodate people that have neuro-diversity, whose brains are made up in a slightly different way,” he said.
Obviously the man needs treatment.
What is his chance of ETC?
Or something more traditional?
Surely, those torture machines should be occupied by/reserved for all the promoters of that ghastly disease known to mankind as “Transgender-blessing”.
Time the UK similarly got on with calculating the cost of deportation compared with the “benefits”. I doubt it would be much different in result from what the US has calculated. You never know when this tide will turn.
The Government should appoint Migration Watch to cost large scale deportations.
I suppose the US officials feel a bit like ours did, when they always refused to extradite IRA terrorists from America to the UK.
Boy! There’ll be hell to pay in the house holds of every CIA head tonight knowing that they were the one’s who wanted to abduct Mr Love and take him back to the US so that he could work for them not to learn a degree legally in order to spy on their own spies!
“There is “no evidence” showing what kind of Brexit people voted for in the EU referendum, according to the first minister.”
We in Wales voted out Mr Jones, Out, not half in or half out but Out!
He should have read Mr Cameron’s £9 Million booklet that came through his letter box. Or gone to Specsavers.
They are not listening to the people of Wales, they never have done – get rid of the Welsh Assembly, its a total waste of money.
Surely Carwyn’s deceitful line about not knowing what Brexit voters want isn’t to do with this …
Of the first two tranches of EU money, totally 6 billion quid(!), poured into wales for Objective One funding, the Assembly hoovered up 2/3rds for itself. Hywel Williams of Cardiff university could only find 4% of the 6 billion spent on its intended target, the poor regions of Wales.
Carwyn should know that I, and many others, knew exactly what we voted for.
We should all celebrate diversity and multiculturalism as it’s done so much to bring us together to form a vibrant community.
The journalists conclusion: “I wish I were optimistic about the outcome of this experiment, as the majority of the English population remain even today.” – Who has Mr Pipes been talking to?
Missing from this picture is the tolerance of the Religion to others … signs on road to Mecca “Non-Muslims” may not enter ….
Notice that the sign for the likes of us whites is RED.
Now what does RED usually remind your east-facing, god fearing, magic-carpet riding Muslim of.
Notice that the sign for the likes of us whites is RED.
Now what does RED usually remind your east-facing, god fearing, magic-carpet riding Muslim of.
Oh, go on then! It tends to drip on the end of your local butchers boning-knife!
This morning the Sky web site offered the view of the historian Simon Webb on the Suffragette movement. He makes the case that they were violent, bombing terrorists who were out to cause physical harm. The Suffragettes actions delayed parliament being able to change the voting rights to allow women and 40% of men the right to vote.
Brave historian and brave Sky you might think.
Ah, by lunch time a rebuttal of those arguments was put up on the same web page. These were offered by Prof June Purvis, who’s emeritus professor of women’s and gender history at the University of Portsmouth. She also edits the journal Women’s History Review.
Interesting why certain views are always challenged, and others sail through the media without having to have a rebuttal.
BTW, I keep saying, but no one on the BBC seems to be listening, over 40% of men didn’t have the right to vote until the 1918 act. This was not just a woman’s issue, forced through by women against evil, smelly men.
Good old Jacob seems to have made the Lefties get their knickers in a tangle
As Guest Who would say, comments could be going better …..
A good read, but not in the way that the paper intended. Really scrapes the barrel.
It amuses me how the Left has developed its own vocabulary, with its own set of meanings. JRM will debate with anyone and fight his corner, using logic and reason. He is never shouty but, to the Left, he is a “bully”.
A person who calmly “bullies” with reasoned argument? That’s a new one.
The public sector does something similar. Complain at lousy service, or no service at all? “We don’t tolerate bullying!”
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson @6:12}
I see what you mean. Nice one.
Some new research has come out of Turkey ….
Turkey’s highest religious authority has said that every pious Muslim must only use their right hand to eat and drink – because, apparently, only demons are left-handed. {rt.com 05feb2018}
** from the same place where this came from “It is not Diyanet’s first eyebrow-raising ruling in recent months. In January, it appeared to have endorsed the marriages of boys and girls at the age of 12 and 9 respectively. “
A big problem for the BBC and the leftist empire generally is how uncool they are. Jordan Peterson stood up to the bullies and he is now a global star with the best selling book on Amazon. Many must see what he has done and look to follow in his footsteps.
It is impossible to get excited and inspired by their message. Women get paid less if they work part-time! Well, that is a message to die for. I doubt their political videos could get 6 million views in a year, let alone for one interview like Peterson’s with Cathie Newman has.
They have had pretty much a generation in charge and utopia is yet to materialise like they promised. Quite the opposite in many ways. People are starving for fresh ideas denied to them because of the tyranny of political correctness.
Trump tweeted about the NHS being in trouble and the BBC support his view! Wow. The BBC agrees with Trump on something!
Will the BBC go back to ignoring grooming gangs? – Douglas Murray {spectator 04feb2018}
“For the best part of a decade the BBC – like most other mainstream media – chose to ignore the issue of the northern Muslim grooming gangs. … But nobody should be surprised if the BBC reverts to ignoring crimes like Rochdale in the future.”
BBBC 5 live presently emoting about poverty in Britain. Asking listeners to call in and tell them about how they are struggling to make ends meet.
A woman almost in tears on the phone when she describes how she doesn’t qualify for Jobseeker’s Allowance as she “earns too much” from a widows benefit after the father of her child passed away.
She received around £125 a week which she said was for food, fuel bills, water and TV.
TV tax crippling those in poverty whilst the beeboids live a champagne lifestyle and pretend to give a toss!
They went into one about the ‘bedroom tax’ although that affected few people. What about the tv tax?
The Times : Producer accuses BBC of dirty tricks over McMafia
\\The BBC maintains that McMafia, written by Hossein Amini, is original series,
but Wilf Varvill says that the broadcaster stole the idea from his short film Londongrad //
Mail : legal case since October
The BBC are now acting as a mouthpiece for one of the guys who carried out and planned the slaughter in Paris in 2015. This demonstrates that the BBC are the enemy of the people, directly supporting and giving voice to Islamic terrorists by headlining their claims on European society. The BBC are currently running the following headline on their World News homepage:
“Paris Suspect attacks the anti-Muslim bias: Salah Abdeslam claims there is prejudice against Muslims and refuses to speak further at his trial.”
This is yet another example of the BBC taking and articulating the point of view of Islamic terrorists in creating headlines. It is more important for the BBC to continue their claim that Muslims are victims of our society than to sympathise with those the Muslim terrorists murder.