‘One lesson well understood in both Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany was that propaganda is most effective when it is backed by terror’
Remarkable what a few bombings, throat cuttings and drive-over murders can do, by fortuitous mischance, for the Muslim community, which of course condemns utterly the terror attacks…but still, eh, why not reap the benefits as the red carpet is laid out with everyone bending over backwards not to ‘offend’ them and to make sure they have every opportunity to exploit the appeasement? The terrorists are not Muslims, they pervert a great religion which is a religion of peace…and yet we are told that if Muslims are not appeased they will become radicalised and become terrorists…and yet…the terrorists are not Muslim?
Niall Fergusson in the Sunday Times….
We let Lenin rise, millions died. Now it’s Islamism.
The West failed to stop communism and is repeating the awful blunder.
I fear that we shall wake with a start to discover that the Islamists have repeated the Bolshevik achievement, which was to acquire the resources and capability to threaten our existence.
Just another day on the BBC, just another programme about Muslims, just another day when we are supposed to learn how wonderful and ‘just like us’ Muslims are. A sleight of hand, so to speak, because of course the problem is with Islamism the ideology and those who observe its strict and oppressive tenets rigorously and completely…..Islamism being totally at odds with Western, Christian, democratic, liberal society.
The programme brings us Mehreen Baig whom you may remember from ‘Muslims like us’, a programme that failed utterly in its intended purpose to act as a vehicle for pro-Muslim propaganda…instead it confirmed everything we ever thought about Islam and what goes on in the Muslim community. Notable was that Baig fell under the spell of the infamous Islamist in the programme and was always making googly eyes at him….despite his fanaticism and her supposed liberal attitude. What we saw was that ‘liberal’ Muslims were Muslim first and that it didn’t take much for them to start attacking Britain and British history. We also saw that the liberal Muslims soon caved in to the radicals giving up any argument and retreating into silence. The programme was a perfect microcosm of what happens in the real community as determined, intimidatory conservative Muslims enforce strict observance of the ideology upon everyone…non-Muslims as well it seems judging by the BBC’s appeasement….and of course the Trojan Horse plot.
Still, a bit of balance with ‘Fascists like us’ on the BBC next week….making the case that Fascists are misunderstood, marginalised and disenfranchised and really should be allowed to practice their ideology freely without condemnation or abuse. No?
List the bias here…..
Radio4 Now, a repeat of Black Art Matters from 6 months ago
‘ The rise of the movement came in time of Thatcherism as a reaction against it …blah blah ‘
Radio4 = Red-io Labour
Interesting BBC reporting internet abuse of a selected few females but not too keen to persue those who threatened to kill headteacher who banned children wearing veils
Do pleased that a foreign leader has made an obversation about the beloved international health service – some clown this morning was suggesting that National Insurance should be replaced with a tax ring fenced for funding the International Health Service !! Radical – except that people were sold the theory that NI was intended for the international health service in the first place .
Privatise the bugger and charge under 65 s £20 a go or more if bevied .
Bevied ? Hmm, try A and E on a Sunday and see the plethora of gutbucket Sunday footballers with twisted ankles clogging up the queues, another revenue stream that should really be explored
Radio 5 live news a moment ago.
The BBC political correspondent was asked his view on the current discussion between David Davis and Barnier following their press conference. the correspondent sided with the EU and Michel Barnier. Of course, no surprises there. But then, in what felt like a scathing delivery, he said something along the lines of, this is where the dreams of the brexiteers meet the harsh buffers of reality.
I do love the latest twist (assuming it can be believed). The Remainers have spent so much time and effort, conjuring up all sorts of versions of ‘no’, always with some version of the customs union membership– giving rise to ever greater creativity. We found out there were so many different versions of ‘no’ and that you can be a little bit pregnant, after all.
And now this. But counting chickens would be wrong. The eventual approval of parliament (which is ignoring Direct Democracy – ‘we don’t know nuffink about THAT’) is required. And the usual suspects will be demanding a second referendum etc until they get the answer THEY want.
Pakistan : Politician accuses someone of blasphemy
..But this time he’s been arrested
Gulalai Ismail, founder of Aware Girls in KPK, was falsely accused of blasphemy by Hamza Khan (23, leader of the youth parliament)
She made a legal complaint against him and he’s now been arrested without bail.
..I’m guessing that her family has more more influence that his.
Pakistan is not just about men having power over women, but rich people over poor.
Rightly there is a great deal of gloom about current social and political affairs on this site. But I think the mood is starting to change, just a little. Deep down most people know that the majority of political violence comes from the left. They kinda know that Hamas and IRA friend Corbyn , sinister Marxist McDonnell, useless Abbott and snobby Thornberry would be a disaster for this country. This, despite the clear wishes of the state broadcaster.
And they kinda know that comparing intelligent people to Nazi holocaust deniers if they question all the dodgy so called climate activism that is deemed “settled”, is the work of dimbulb morons. Speaking of dim bulbs –well they might put up with that but when the green loonies come after their cars and set about de-industrialising the planet within 40 years, then they will take action. We will not need to be moving into comfortable caves with convenient running cold water before it becomes blindingly obvious that banning efficient cheap energy can only be sustained if the population of the world falls from seven to two billion, helped by global famine, disease and warfare.
Maybe that is something the Prince of Wales might consider – that is if he can stop complaining that first class seats on commercial aircraft are too uncomfortable for his Royal Posterior and give up his private jets, boats and trains. Looking at you too Branson – if you want us to worry about hurricanes blowing down your Caribbean tax bolt hole, maybe you can stop swanking around the world in Galaxy Girl, a super piece of kit by all accounts that has plants of every variety singing its praises for the amount of CO2 it blows out of its backside.
Maybe, one day, the BBC will start to report all climate science fairly and objectively. For instance it might consider the suggestion that levels of CO2 (a non toxic gas vital for plant and human life) in the atmosphere is just one of maybe hundreds of natural variations that affect temperature. The activists, who are so desperate for attention they award themselves fake Nobel prizes, (the latest clown doing this is Dr Peter Stott from the UK Met Office) say there is a direct link. Many real scientists say the situation is a lot more complex. Of course they do not say that on the BBC because they are not allowed on the airways.
And I think the majority of people realise that almost everyone in the world wants to come and live in Europe and the United States. And it would be lovely if they all could and they bring all their customs and squabbles and civil wars and everybody will live happily ever after. Good luck on that one Silly Lily, Sweden and of course the BBC.
A lot of people are starting to realize that when the Mullahs nuke us, the effete liberal elites will be talking about transgender bathroom rights and how to trash free speech. Trump is right when he suggests that the western societies need to stop apologising and reassert control of their own destinies – be proud of their own democratic cultures, religions, learning and proud of a history that has given them prosperity and political freedoms unimaginable to any previous generation.
But don’t expect the BBC to play that tune anytime soon.
What can I say but —–BRAVO! I hope and believe that you probably speak for everyone on this site. Thank you.
The Orwellian word play chosen by the BBC replaces the words “Real Brexit” with the words “Hard Brexit” and the words “Fake Brexit” with the words “Soft Brexit”.
Also the economic argument for Brexit using proxy evidence, proves that democracy always produces a boost in a nations standard of living.
Nations similar to Britain (majority English speaking ethnic British population with the Queen as head of state) but having never been a member of the European Union such as Australia, Canada have a higher standard of living than Britain because they do not have to pay for free trade while Britain pays a £13 Billion per annum membership fee for free trade with an organisation in which it is in a £60 Billion deficit with. On the other hand and despite the restrictions, Britain has a trade surplus with 67 territories around the world. That has to be proof that Remainers must be either morons or loonies.
I would say that there are two types of people in British society today:
(1) Educated: Brexiteers educated in Science, European Union governance and the modern Commonwealth and World as it is today.
(2) Uneducated: Remainers uneducated in Environmentalism, Political philosophy, Arts and Media studies and the British Empire pre abolition of slavery.
Have only just seen the Tommy Robinson Kirsty Wark interview.
Does the BBC really think that Kirsty Walk lecturing Tommy Robinson and shouting him down when ever he attempts any sort of reply, is a way to enlighten its audience?
Walk’s infantile shrieking was embarrassing.
She was probably panicking and lost it when everyone on the earwig were screaming “Don’t go full Cathy… never go full Cathy!!!!”.
Too late. If Mishal can have charts of deaths, so can there be charts of career endings.
What does mass immigration achieve? {twitter}
So, with so much that is newsworthy, and so much there is no space to include it, what does the national broadcaster of Britain bring a grateful public by way of stop press this fine evening?:
BBC Radio 4
“When I first met my husband he was a homeless alcoholic living in a bush…”
Cue almost relevant music…
President Trump: NHS ‘going broke and not working’
In a joint response to the US president, they said people had marched “to show their love for the principles of universal and comprehensive care free at the point of use, paid for through general taxation”. {bbc.co.uk 05feb2018}
They added: “We don’t agree with your divisive and incorrect rhetoric.”
Dear President Trump,
‘NHS in crisis’, is that true? Or did you hear it on the BBC, (ad nauseum)?
This may at first seem counter-intuitive, but bear with me.
Here is why everyone with an interest in impartial information, education and entertainment via the world’s least trustworthy broadcaster needs to submit complaints when it… isn’t impartial, and damn well knows it.
So, they said ‘Sawwwwwy…’, promised not to do it again, and promptly have. Again. And one might therefore reasonably argue, ‘why bother then’?
Well, they are a £4B worldwide propaganda channel, outright lying in the name of this country, and that really is not on. It is cumulative, and has consequences. Often serious ones.
And while OFCOM is rammed with BBC ex-colleagues, they are at least a degree of separation further moved than the hilariously misnamed ‘Trust’.
Which means that having driven a valid concern through C to ECU, O might have to take more note.
Especially when the BBC keeps not doing what the BBC says it will, because the BBC knows it is exempted from any tangible accountability, and cynically exploits it.
Hi Guest Who – those complaint shouldn’t be addressed to the BBC because the BBC just ignores it or becomes more slippery in its propaganda. The complaints have to be taken to politicians and elsewhere with the focus of removing the BBC tax or splitting up the BBC.
OTish, but I found this interesting.
Curiously timed to follow the BBC’s venture into animated attack ads, it seems the impartial US media have decided to follow suit:
Good luck to them. It’s the land of free speech, and if they can sustain an audience by obsessing over the President daily then who cares? Well, folk seeing real benefits economically* may.
And, actually, over here, I care. I find the BBC being allowed to play like a kindergartener with a dildo as a brush and pot of Dulux vinyl, high on Red 40 and scrawling over the neighbourhood a bit vexing.
*Interesting that over there the economy is irrelevant to all sorts of other stuff, but over here on Brexit nothing else matters now.
If any watched the parliamentary committee proceedings last week you got first rate evidence of al beebs senior £200k plus management .
They were simply inept in their approach to equality of pay – for instance not involving the HR mafia ( which every organisation wishing not to land up at tribunal will do ) .
MPs who knew their stuff were aghast. These beeboids are so insulated by their regular dose of unearned tax income that minor details like pay equality ( and it is not minor in my view )
Are just an inconvenience detail – like the truth and exclusion inconvenient facts of crimes committed by our diverse community .
‘MPs who knew their stuff were aghast’
So, fewer ex-BBC ones on the committee?
If so aghast, one can only wonder at their actual powers given the BBC routinely demonstrates what it really is all about, often gets confronted with it, faux apologises, promises not to do it again… until the next time.
‘Unique’ surely can get stretched only so far?
Fairs fair – the aghast MPs were labour types who had experience in the equality industry ( I have too ) but the sheer cavalier attitude of Hall Hall who tried to take the inquiry over and was put back in his box a few times was pretty supportive of the view that al Beeb really needs ending or reform.
Example being – producer / editor being able to negotiate pay package with beeboid without reference to anyone else thus landing up with some crap ‘market rate’ such as old duffers like Humph on £650 000 pa minimum where else others are on a modest £ 200 000 .
Note – £200k seems modest in their world. Personally £100 k would be too much. This because there huge numbers of meejs studies graduates who want to get famous through being on the teli and would work for peanuts for their sad 15 minutes of fame.
OOOOH! I HOPE NON OF YOU IS MISSING Laura Kuensberg on Brexit negotiations on TV1. You know you’ll be getting an unbiased view. Followed by Kamal Ahmed. Now you know it’s going to be straight down the middle.
Sort of…
Also: don’t miss the special report on the Sufragettes, a hundred years after. No, no you didn’t hear that yesterday, or the day before, or last week….all week…..
And then there’s something on a ‘white supremacist’. Surely not, on the Bbc?
Well at least Kamal Ahmed is a man. I didn’t think MEN were
allowed on BBC TV news programmes between 6PM and 7PM in
the London area. I know I am getting paranoid about this but
what has happened to MEN presenting the news on BBC 1?
Saw a bit of that useless “Suffragette” film on Channel 4 the other night. Earnest, predictable and somehow manages to suck all the life and point from what they did.
Bloodless rubbish-and didn`t some “new wave feminists” lie all over the red carpet at the premiere to protest something.
From bricks through the Treasury windows to a synchronised death roll at a Leicester Square premiere of a flim , forced feeding to fat shaming?
Well done ladies-thank God for REAL women who`ve won all their battles and kept our civilisation going.
I`m afraid the coming crop will be in burqas and getting speculum checks by the local imam within ten years. Hard to think how a whole civilsation can be bartered and trashed so cheaply and with no protests.
…I`m afraid the coming crop will be in burqas and getting speculum checks by the local imam within ten years….
My thoughts for some time now ! Little do these ‘feminists’ realise that they are putting back the cause of woman by decades. Notice how the latest ‘fashions’ (p’raps not, most of you are blokes on here), are very much in the vein of the Stepford Wife – and look what happened to them !!!
Chris – I tried that film too- got to the first adverts before losing the will to breath and found relief in watching the millionaire running around kicking a ball ..
I got in trouble here last week because I mentioned the value Muslim families put on their precious girls’ virtue and how their boyfriends got around it. Apparently it was a long way of al Beeb bias but I thought it was all part of albeeb/Muslim culture – which seems interchangeable in recent times. Poor sleep deprived maxi was most upset …I got a bite !
Judge who gave Darren Osborne 43 years for the Finsbury car attack reduced the sentence of this driver from 5 to 4 years.
After all, he had been fasting during ramadamamalinglong
The judge’s comments reported in the Mirror are interesting:
Recorder Justin Wigoder said: “I have to take into account the way this incident came about.”
“You reversed, not hard, into an individual which led to him and a group attacking you.
That incident passed and they walked off.
What you did after that is totally shocking.
You quite deliberately drove your van at that group who were walking along the pavement.
I’ve seen it on CCTV and you deliberately mounted the pavement and drove straight at them and right through the middle of them at speed.
Some were thrown to the side and three were struck by your vehicle front-on, with one going over the bonnet and hitting the windscreen.
It’s quite remarkable that nobody was seriously hurt or killed and the only injuries complained of were bruises and scratches.
One indication of the force of the collision was your windscreen was smashed – you claimed it had been hit by an animal when you got it repaired.
You accept your intention, driving at them, was to cause serious injury and that’s what makes this case so serious.
The motivation was driving at them to get your revenge, to get your own back from the fact they’d assaulted you.
I accept it was completely out of character.
You’re of very positive good previous character and I’ve received a considerable number of references setting out all the good that is in you.
You’re a good family man with a young daughter and I take that very much into account.”
He said what the driver did was “totally shocking”, then falls over backwards to justify the low sentence. Reminds me of the three drunk Muslim girls who avoided custodial sentences after kicking the shit out of a white girl.
BBC news west interview with JRM. The creepy David Garmston asked him ” don’t you think you should have arranged your own security for the UWE event?”. Why would JRM think to be threatend by attending? Why did the BBC presume he was in danger for thinking the way he does? Utter lefty scum!
Both al Beeb and c4 celebrating the loon who hacked American computers. No doubt his dad will continue bleeding for the poor fruitcake and his painstaking attempt to conceal his identity from investigators.
I hope he goes back on the puter and hacks al beeb and c4s systems to black em out for a while – then we ll see a celebration . Yanks must be fedup .
I would have thought that the FBI, US Central Bank and NASA wouldn’t want it to be known that a ‘boy in a bedroom’ hacked their systems.
User Name: admin
Password: admin
More likely:
User name: root
Password: root
Yes, I am that old!
I was once a user of a secure system, (Secret Atomic), of which the systems administrators were unaware that the computer manufacturer had built in a higher level account for its own staff’s use. After all, what does one do when the customer has managed to delete the password file or cause a similar ‘finger trouble’ disaster?
It takes a brave, (or reckless), person to push the security limits of a ‘live’ working system so if a ‘bedroom boy’ does it for you perhaps you should be grateful? (I can’t be the only person to never dare to test that a backup recovery actually works!).
My guess is that Jeremy Corbyn could walk down any street in Britain without security in complete safety, pressing the flesh knowing that the average Briton would jump to his defence were he to be attacked by a white nutter– black nutter being extremely unlikely because they know who their supporters are. His only concern would probably be from Far Left agitators with Britain First badges pinned to their dirty T shirts. The main concern for him would be maybe that said agitators might not turn up on cue
Too close to the truth! The BBC would spin it however it worked out.
David Garmston is the BBC News West political correspondent. He runs a local Sunday Question Time hybrid programme where he shows his true colours, champion of the leftist mindset. Tis a shame he is allowed to get away with it time and time again. He always has a little Humpf when somebody calls him out on a point.
Or not recgnise him …
“The BBC has attacked Anglicans after a study revealed that nearly nine out of 10 want immigration levels “reduced”, claiming that Christianity demands support for open borders.”
Envy of the world. Apparently.
On the Robert Elms Show : Jan 13, Dec 16 etc.
“St John Stephens answers your gardening questions”
ie The hatey man is the once a month garden expert
The bBC reports on a bi-sexual white supremacist neo-nazi who has been charged with terrorism and who didn’t kill anybody:
Ethan Stables: Bisexual terrorist who hated himself
A 20-year-old self-confessed neo-Nazi sympathiser hiding a secret about his own identity has been convicted of preparing a terrorist attack against a pub that was hosting a gay pride night. The case raises worrying questions about the use of far-right material online.
And here is how the bBC reported on another bisexual bloke who murdered 49 people:
Orlando gay nightclub shooting: Who was Omar Mateen?
Omar Mateen was a US citizen who had been known to the FBI since 2013. He opened fire inside a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida in the early hours of Sunday, killing 49 people in the deadliest shooting in modern US history.
FBI officials say the 29-year-old, who was killed by police, appeared to “have leanings towards” radical Islamist ideology, although it was not clear whether the attack was a case of domestic or international terrorism.
I suppose dead people can’t be terrorised.
This 20 year old Cumbrian bloke does seem to have come from “Nazi Stereotype central casting
: Swastika flag in his room. axe & hunting knife* in the apartment.
(The text says machete, but it’s just a knife)
Facebook shots of him with a rifle.
Burnt a rainbow flag
Posted on Facebook
\\a message saying he was “going to war” and would “slaughter every single one of the gay b*****ds”.//
Certainly seems more of a Walter Mitty rather that a professional terrorist.
But nutters like him can still make threats and carry them out.
Strange there was no evidence of an after plan : Like was he going to make a suicide attack or did he have a next target ?
I used to dismiss the BBC’s claims about islam’s massive influence on developments in Britain. But you can’t deny that home grown British terrorists are using islamic methods when they are feeling a little murderous. Running down people in a variety of vehicles, the classic machete attack, the axe attack, – Geert Wilders did escape unharmed from an muslim axe man, but a couple of Chinese tourists were killed in Bavaria, – the knife attack. Even the same targets, i.e. homosexuals are chosen.
Nothing like a bit of cultural cross-fertilization.
I used to dismiss the BBC’s claims about islam’s massive influence on developments in Britain. But you can’t deny that home grown British terrorists are using islamic methods when they are feeling a little murderous. Running down people in a variety of vehicles, the classic machete attack, the axe attack, – Geert Wilders did escape unharmed from an muslim axe man, but a couple of Chinese tourists were killed in Bavaria, – the knife attack. Even the same targets, i.e. homosexuals are chosen.
Nothing like a bit of cultural cross-fertilization.
The One Show and two more intrepid and well-versed scientists venture into deepest English woodlands, risking life and limp in an attempt to show the depredations CO2 is wreaking on our atmosphere – although final analysis may be 50 years away.
Naturally, H&S rules prevented their camping out and spending the night in such a hostile atmosphere, but had they done so in the interests of science and the BBC interpretation, how might they have withstood the ghastly side effects of the secret and little understood process of ‘anti-photosynthesis’, only experienced after dark, where life-giving oxygen is sucked from their lungs by the menacing plant life, to be replaced with the noxious and pervasive horror that is known as CO2 gas.
This sort of horrifying gas attack explains why nursing matrons and sisters removed all flowers from their wards at night, thus lowering the death rate in pre-NHS days – when, coincidentally, climate change was a tiny but dreadful cloud on the horizon.
What can I say in response to your post but— in the words of my late, lamented work mate when the stupidity got too much for him —-“Oh dear, Oh dear, Oh dear. Oh POXY FUCKING DEAR”!!
Its not the CO2 you have to worry about on hospital wards, its the state of the toilets that’ll finish you off if anything !
The bBC and its Islam can only be a victim in the West agenda:
So one of the masterminds behind the terrorist attack in Paris in 2015 which saw 130 people murdered is in court and here is how the bBC reports this story:
Salah Abdeslam trial: Paris attacks suspect lambasts ‘anti-Muslim bias’
Here is how the rest of the world report the same story:
Paris terror suspect tells court: ‘I am not afraid of you’
Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam refuses to answer questions at trial
France 24:
Paris attacks suspect Abdeslam refuses to answer questions at Belgian trial
Paris attack suspect Salah Abdeslam’s trial begins under tight security
I’m not afraid of you’: Paris attacks suspect refuses to stand at trial
Abdeslam trial: Prosecution calls for 20-year prison sentence for terror accused
Al Jazeera:
Sole surviving Paris attacks suspect to go on trial in Belgium
Sole surviving suspect in 2015 Paris attacks goes on trial
2015 Paris attack suspect Salah Abdeslam stands trial in Brussels
Suspect in 2015 Paris attacks refuses to cooperate in court, reports say
‘I place my faith in Allah’: Salah Abdeslam, the sole surviving suspect in 2015 Paris attacks, defiant as trial begins
I put my trust in Allah: 2015 Paris attack terror suspect in court
Strange how the bBC is the only major news outlet in the world promoting the victimcard for a terrorist with a lot of blood on his hands.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism.
I didn’t watch any news or see any papers today and I feel gggreat! A minor point but the new online BBC Weather page is RUBBISH. ‘If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!’
I noticed that as well, really confusing it looks like it is raining 24/7
You mean you didn’t get your daily “fix” today? I’m pleased to say I gave up the habit years ago. Good luck.
Try netweather.
Not always right but they do better than the BBC/MO.
Lucy – come on you must like the “Vision On” approach to the weather “ here’s a crap picture of a field with sheep in it sent in by a sad bastard for zfordshire “ .
They have a balanced profile of Trump on their news site. Is that so hard? State a few facts about his history and political stances without the name calling and emotional incontinence.
What a stupendous achievement it was. To take on both political parties having never held any political office before. He had all big business, media, the internet, the Clinton machine et cetera throwing the kitchen sink at him and fighting extremely dirty. What a ride it was! And his presidency has not disappointed either!
Beeb Bro
WOT? The Bum Boy Corporation breaking the rules? I don’t believe it! Please tell me that your post is a spoof.
A balanced profile of Trump, Beeb Brother? I suppose we can safely assume it wasn’t written by Sopel. It also carried a ‘balanced’ photograph, I think, which is as surprising.
So now we await something exclusively positive about Trump, one year + and counting. Without reservations, or a bit of badmouthing, something along the lines you suggest.
That’s not so hard either?
But don’t hold your breath…
The BBC are taking great delight in lambasting Trump about his tweet on the NHS. It is hilarious..the Left can’t agree with Trump can they? Nor can Labour…when they are constantly banging on about how the NHS can’t cope and needs ever more money – now that is the definition of a ‘business’ going bust.
The march that he refers to – look at the placards – they are all about more money, more staff etc… But they can’t agree with Trump so Corbyn and cronies say – the march was to show “our love” for the NHS…Do me a bloody favour.
So the Labour party have just admitted the NHS isn’t going bust and therefore doesn’t need more money – it’s all about the love..bloody hilarious
Grid children to replace Grid Girls in Formula 1.
That should go down well with the child buggerers of the BBC.
Can we expect a new version of kiddies Celebrity Squares or some Blankey Blank kind of grid. so all the kids can be seen by the BBCs staff?
Sorry-sport, the BBC and kids again-what IS it with them there?
I`d stuff the grids with trannies and Swampy lefties so we can enjoy the fragrant flower of lefty youth in full bllom. Why isn`t ita ll trannies and pervs on Strictly and Bale Off…more BBC,more…and let`s see you die the slowest death of a nation laughing at your freakery.
Does Eddie Izzard get paid more by the BBC for being a tranny that he does for being an unfunny Mike Winters understudy? If you`re sexually confused at the BBC, do they pay your girly side less than your blokey bit? Tell us BBC!
Why are kids brought in on everything ? do they pay the licence fee ? I rapidly switch channels when a mic is thrust in the face of a child to ask them a question, why bother ? I’m not interested. Its like water torture having to endure the photos of other people’s grandchildren, so I certainly don’t want to listen to them on the box.
Today’s blog from Richard North highlights an attempt at deliberate misinformation by Andrew Marr yesterday. In his interview with Amber Rudd Marr used a quote from The Prime Minister:
” Whether that means we must reach a completely new customs agreement, become an associate member of the customs union in some way, or remain a signatory to some elements of it, I hold no preconceived opinion. I have an open mind on how we do it.”
Marr represented the quote as meaning the Prime Minister wanted to keep us in the customs union. The words are accurately quoted, but by taking them out of context Marr has twisted the meaning so far from the truth as to make them a lie. If we include the context we get:
“I know my emphasis on striking trade agreements with countries outside Europe has led to questions about whether Britain seeks to remain a member of the EU’s Customs Union. And it is true that full Customs Union membership prevents us from negotiating our own comprehensive trade deals.
Now, I want Britain to be able to negotiate its own trade agreements. But I also want tariff-free trade with Europe and cross-border trade there to be as frictionless as possible.
That means I do not want Britain to be part of the Common Commercial Policy and I do not want us to be bound by the Common External Tariff. These are the elements of the Customs Union that prevent us from striking our own comprehensive trade agreements with other countries. But I do want us to have a customs agreement with the EU.
Whether that means we must reach a completely new customs agreement, become an associate member of the Customs Union in some way, or remain a signatory to some elements of it, I hold no preconceived position. I have an open mind on how we do it. It is not the means that matter, but the ends.”
Marr pretended that the Prime Minister was saying that we had to remain in the customs union, when in reality she was explicitly stating that we could not be a member because we had to be free to make our own trade agreements. I don’t expect Marr to display any integrity, but it’s always good to see his duplicity exposed.
North’s full blog post is here:
Marr was never big on truth or integrity . I would be interested what his viewing figures are like – it can only be bubble dwellers and the very few who listen to the routine al Beeb multicultural crap with a steel band at the end to make whitee feel ‘right on ‘
A term I am using instead of ‘politically correct’ – comes around goes around.
PS – what is Amber Rudd – Got to be the most light weight home sec since ….. Teresa -fgm /slavery/ stabbings May.
Reported earlier, but had to comment on this.
A white supremacist who plotted a machete attack on people at a gay pride event has been convicted of a terror offence.
And look at this….
Bloody hell… he’s got hinges
He must have been un-hinged!
I’ll get me coat…….
Looks like he was a carpenter ?
Karen ?
Mr Stanley I presume ?… unhinged – you’re banned lob.
Let’s make sure we get the Union Jack in the photo because being patriotic equals white supremacy allegedly?
Trouble in paradise?
Guest – I bet he won’t be taking it out on the right honourable fun loving MPs for the people’s democratic republic of north and south islingtonistan ….
Kamal Ahmed on 10.00 news explaining that we export 23% of output with 46% of that going to the EU. The trouble is that I no longer believe anything the BBC says. Does that 46% include Services which the EU has said will not be included in any deal and represents almost half of our exports? If so, then the effect on us will be about 25% of 23% of our output. Then I read somewhere that the export to EU figure actually includes shipments to Rotterdam for onward shipment to the rest of the world, so the effect may be even less than that. As I said, I can’t trust the BBC to tell the true story of it doesn’t suit their purpose.
Whatever the true figure, they stand to lose more than we will.
Indeed Lobster. They never mention that we can impose tariffs too. It’s suggested that only we suffer.
Is it too simple just to say to the eu that after we leave we will do whatever you do regard tariffs.
If you charge 3%, so will we.
If you charge 0%, so will we.
And so on.
Same for eu nationals living here.
They will get exactly the same rights (and benefits) as their parent Countries give our nationals living there.
Irish border.
They (eu) can build one if they want one, we don’t need one.
Is it so hard?
You’re right it is simple – EU loses cos we import more from them and we can source stuff from elsewhere in the non EU world.
It’s Project Fear Two – the conspiracy run by Clarke Soubry and Adonis with the support of the EU. It’s a dirty war
You’re quite correct about Rotterdam being the primary destination of UK exports by sea that have final destinations outside the EU – and yes, they are classed as exports to the EU.
For a number of years I worked in air-cargo systems, and the same applies there.
After more fuss from the feminazis, Formula 1 motor racing is removing the pretty girls and replacing them by young boys.
Let me see, hundreds of testosterone-fueled men mixed with scores of schoolboys, in exotic venues. What could possibly go wrong?
I can’t possibly imagine, Sir Arthur, but I’m sure Jim’ll fix it.
bBBC NorthWest has been telling us all day today that one of their staff from Blackburn is blind but allergic to dogs, so a miniature horse is being trained to act as his guide animal, although it needs another two years of training until it can obey instructions and safely negotiate traffic. Food shops will have to change their hygiene regulations to let it in.
What they didn’t tell us is that the beeboid is named Salim Patel, and that such peaceful ‘men’ regard dogs as impure. So of course we have to adapt to suit them. Drip, drip, drip.
I suppose the taxis driver or restaurant which refuses the two of them will be classed as racist and bigoted by the bBC. Meanwhile in the non bBC world from 10 years ago
Fatwa allows Muslim’s guide dog inside mosque
I’m surprised he didn’t ask for a donkey. I recall reading previously that they like to give it in the ass!
At least he could take the donkey with him to Pakistan when he visits his relatives.
I thought Patel was an Indian name and most of the Indians I’ve met in England were pro British. That’s my experience, anyway.
Mohammed, according to the Lancashire Telegraph
bBBC forgets to mention the Mohammed bit.
Mohammed Salim Patel, 23, is visually impaired and instead of having a guide dog to help him, he will have an American miniature horse to help make his life better.
“But I have a big phobia of dogs that I was not able to work out and it was good when I heard about horses being trained.
Ok so it’s ok to be dog phobic but not Islamophobic.
Which do you consider the biggest threat to our way of life?
Has anyone considered whether the horse has a phobia?
Pity the fellow passengers in Virgin upper class when he goes long haul for a story.
So the horse guides him, who pays the horse guider?
Do they do guide pigs?
He claimed to be “phobic” about dogs. Much like the Prophet of God (pbuh).
The BBC really don’t think we can see through their pathetic bullshit.
Yet more Global Warming ?
“Moscow has had its heaviest snowfall in 100 years, with a month’s worth of snow falling in just two days.”
So there’s 17 year old Arya Mosallah . He had this you tube channel where he posted pranks, the other day he uploaded a film where he throws water in peoples faces in London.they don’t know him or that the liquid is water. You tube delete his account, he opens a new one, they delete that. How do you think the bBC report the above. Yup you tube boy is the victim:
I wonder if a white bloke who didn’t have Allah in his surname would have been given such an easy ride?
Only the cock sucking arse bandits at the bBC could ask this question:
Soon it’ll be compulsory: f**k a trannie to prove you’re not transphobic , or do time!
Soon to be a crime to refuse a date with a woman with a cock.
Except that tranny bloke is a real nasty aggressive piece of work behind the smile. Quite funny as well when he gets angry his man voice comes out.
The bBC asks the question :
Why is Asia spending big on defence?
According to the all knowing bBC it’s down to…more money to spend. Actually it’s down to Chinese belligerence.
China is throwing it weight around, be it against India, Japan, Vietnam, Australia, Malaysia, Or Indonesia. Pakistan which is the biggest recipient of British Aid, is used by China to pester India, as is Bangladesh , Burma and Sri Lanka. ( look up Chinese string of pearls ) Then there is the South China Sea where Beijing has been throwing its weight about. Taiwan well that’s a no brainer and of course …Japan..
In order to look benign China has built the biggest coast guard fleet in the world, but all the ships are civil in name only. In fact quite a few are actually navy ships sporting weaponary to match. These ships have been caught on video of running down, ramming and sinking fishing vessels in their own nati9nal areas, but which China has claimed as its own.
In fact a lot of the rearmament by Russia isn’t due to NATO, but rather China, it’s just that Russia has been caught hopping and they are making up for lost time. Plus the fact that Russia has been stabbed in the back by China a number of times. Kind of explains why strategic assets have been relocated from the west to the East. Why Russia is even building a new naval base on one of the Kuril islands they stole off the Japanese, simply because Vladivostok is so vulnerable . A port which places Japan between it and China.
Funny how the bBC Defence experts don’t know any of this.
“Funny how the bBC Defence experts don’t know any of this.” They’re useless, and too busy kowtowing to the Chinese.
Vladivostok used to be closed to foreigners, yet now there is a large Chinese contingent living there.
It is predicted that the Chinese will become the dominant ethnic group in the Russian Far East by 2030.
BBC Forgotten Causes.
1) Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe.
Has she been released ?
She’s on a rota with the Rohingya, and Mediterranean migrants to fill in any gaps. ????
Didn’t stir the masses now a bit better informed via the internet on actual facts and context than BBC editorial integrity managed.
Collateral. Moving on….
Remove hard Brexiteers, ex-minister Anna Soubry tells PM
Predictable, Anna Soubry recruited in the campaign to take down JRM. BBC getting their teeth in now.
Shut the door behind you!
I like the part where she states she is willing to leave if Boris and Mogg take over. The thing is, as she isn’t in the cabinet or anything else, all she can do is leave. Yet when was the last time an MP quit full stop. Exactly. It’s a cushy number with low hours, lots of perks and a very good pension, she isn’t going to ditch that for anybody.
Pounce I think she “left” a long time ago. Many years ago in more enlightened times she would have been the family” embarrassment” kept in the locked room, in the unused wing at the top of the castle. Its a sign of how far things have deteriorated and how ridiculous “care in the community” has become , that this obviously unhinged and obsessed individual now has a job in Parliament.
Does this foolish woman think the Tories will win the next election if her wishes are granted?
Anna Soubry, successfully bringing the role of partially melted waxwork into British politics.
Anna won’t quit as an MP, she’d lose her sponsorship from Gordon’s.
Al – I think we should have “ be nice to Anna” day – after all wimmin have come a long way since terrorism got them the vote – she is the embodiment of that journey – the drunken lefty loon … on reflection perhaps tomorrow should be the ‘be nice’ day…
All this hard, soft, far lark is awfully confusing.
Here the BBC is asked a question (and we know how that works out) by a presumed Momentum foot soldier:
Guessing them blowing that off will count as getting the whole ‘balance’ thing about….. right.
I think the ‘asker’ is actually at our end of the spectrum as I follow him on the twit.
I can answer it – Hard Brexit means leaving the EU —- soft Brexit means not leaving the EU .. I cite JRM on a QT extract for support.
I owe them an apology then.
I had presumed the pursuit of levels of extreme on the left at the BBC was more a ‘get it about right’/balance thing.
He was fed up with the continuos use of the Hard / Soft terminology on al Beeb —- bit like ‘extreme right’.
Well, Duh.
The Soubry question gets answered in short order, as the first commenter also points out. If the BBC see her as the next great blonde with roots tired and emotional hope after Ken, they don’t half pick ‘em.
Toenails adding himself to the Newman roster would funny if it was not so sad.
Best outcome would be Mogg to get in as prime minister then take down the BBC.
As the great Katie Hopkins once said on The Apprentice:
“When your best friends are Mr Pinot and Mr Grigio, you’ve got a problem.”
The bBC and half a story.
Isaiah Haastrup: Father appeals against life-support ruling
The father of a brain-damaged baby is intending to appeal over a decision to stop his son’s life-support treatment…..During the High Court hearing doctors told the judge, Mr Justice MacDonald, Isaiah suffered “catastrophic” brain damage due to being deprived of oxygen at birth.
Sad but here is what the bBC isn’t telling you as reported by CNN
Isaiah was born by emergency cesarean section on February 18, 2017, at King’s College Hospital after his mother, Takesha Thomas, experienced a rupture in her uterus.Isaiah had no audible heartbeat, respiration, activity or muscle tone when he was born, according to an independent expert, Andrew Whitelaw, who provided evidence to the court.
“This is as near death as it is possible to get and still have heart action started by resuscitation. In former times, he would have been declared a stillbirth,”
The way the bBC report the above, its all the fault of the Hospital that this poor child is at deaths door.
To be honest, a lot of very ill babies who would, in the past, have been allowed to slip peacefully away, are now kept alive at great expense and to no benefit to themselves or their families. Once upon a time doctors were trusted to do the right thing, but those days are long gone. Who benefits?
A hundred years since women got the vote! Two women presenters; women politicians on from around the world; Theresa May talking about ‘abuse online’ and how all these empowered women are too weak to take it.
‘Investigations’, ‘leaks’ and anniversaries are such a cop out: just an excuse for them to ram their agenda down our throats. They should report the news, not create it. Today will be total overkill, wallowing in former oppression and whining about how terrible men are – a remorseless emotathon.
They report on congestion on roads. Why could that possibly be? Probably all those nasty elderly Brexit voters clogging up the traffic. None of those 500,000 or so entering every year might need to actually get to places – how racist to think that!
Don’t be daft Beeb….there is no link between growth in population and anything except love, harmony and the never ending supply of doctors ,engineers and other highly qualified people
Rudd admitted that although she and May were able to deal with online abuse, some younger women would be too afraid of such abuse to go for a career in politics.
Well, I for one don’t want a coward or a delicate flower representing me in parliament or, heaven forbid, leading my nation in a time of war. What these powerful, fearless, successful women like Rudd always forget is that most men couldn’t handle the brickbats either and would make poor leaders as well. Leadership isn’t found in numerical representation, comparative numbers, ratios, correlations, quotas, percentages. It is a rare thing. It will not emerge just because an easy route to the top is opened up for inadequate people.
Anyway, the implication of what she said was that young women are different to men, more sensitive, more easily hurt, and more easily discouraged from entering public life by nasty people online like me. Rather illogical since the usual idea they push is that men and women are equal in every way.
All “part and parcel” (as the leader of the Londonistan caliphate would say) of living in a diverse multicultural ‘homogeneous’ society where you need ever increasing drastic laws to prevent the people voicing a negative opinion.
The slow slide continues apace.
They need to stress difference/weakness in order to get preferential treatment when they want, but they still claim to be just the same as men when it counts. You get to have your cake and eat it, be victor and ‘oppressed’ at the same time. The second you do anything bad and people rightly complain you can whine about being a victim and get out of jail free.
Yeah I am off that weird belief that your ability to do a job is more important than your gender or skin colour. Khan’s ‘diversity’ has not magically made him good at his job.
Beeb Brother
Yes the usual suspects have rather revealed their hand by yapping on about “patriarchy”. You can’t hold up the Soviet Union as a model society but in the good old days, I did see with my own eyes Soviet women cleaning the streets with their birch besoms and other women doing some hard lifting. Whether the pictures of woman miners and steel workers in the papers were simply propaganda or not I don’t know. In the west “women’s equality” has never been about sharing the burdens of work, but rather increasing the political and economic power of women as a class at the expense of men. In a naked struggle for power there is no moral reason why men should cede their “privilege” such as it is. The proponents of identity politics are surprised when men see the light and vote only for men and white people only for white people and so on.
When the IRA were trying to assassinate Winston Churchill in the 1920s, he took to carrying his Colt .45 automatic with him. One time, his bodyguard had to persuade him not to have a go at some suspicious Irishmen who were tailing him. We have completely lost politicians with any sort of spunk. Whatever their sex, nowadays, they are mostly complete wimps.
Alarm goes at 6.00am and Mischel Hussein’s voice has droned on about the centennial of women getting the vote. Hey Mischel, as a card carrying member of The Labour Party and a Muslim how do you feel about Muslim Labour Party members being segregated by gender at ward / constituency meetings?
And while we’re on the subject, I have to deal with a lot of Muslims in my job but I’ve never met one with your Christian name (he, he, he), why’s that then?
Toady Watch
Just couldn’t do it
Head girl plus work experience Muslim girl plus 100 years since terrorism got the misrepresentation on some people act and that was enough for fedup 2 .
Been with Toady since I was a geek kid but al beeb finally got me.
Had to switch off. Just a complete joke and proves they have become self serving and totally unaware of what is going on outside of their bubble. Still, soon they won’t have a gender pay gap problem as the sound of a male voice is becoming less frequent and soon to be extinguished altogether.
BBC News Channel Breakfast then BBC London News this morning and the BBC’s monstrous regiment of wimmin march on and on led by Anna Soubry and Harriet Harman.
The biases are so obvious as to make analysis redundant.
Just one small point which I think is indicative – in a discussion on child internet bullying a guest encourages parents to “empower” their children. How about parents help their children to ‘grow up’ ?
The BBC just can’t cut out the metro-lefty bullshit
It is becoming unbearable – I agree. They don’t seem to think they have a duty to report on what is going on in a fair and balanced way. It is just non-stop agenda. I can understand the odd window to promote a pet subject but it is relentless these days.
Amidst all their obsession with ‘diversity’ they never stopped to think of the quality of their programmes. Sarah Sands seems to see it as her bounden duty to shoehorn some feminist claptrap into every programme. I am sick to death of it. My beloved Radio 4 has become infected with the ‘diversity’ virus whereby even total crap from a ‘minority’ performer gets commissioned.
By the time they reach peak ‘diversity’ by 2020 I imagine their programmes will be less popular then ever. They will have to try and send the entire county on a reprogramming course.
It was a dead issue for many by the end of the 1960s, Beeb Bro, and for everyone else by the time Margaret Thatcher became PM.
This current stuff from the sinisterhood rather suggests that having found they have got everything they want, they are all as greedy and grasping as the most avaricious of men and want much, MUCH more. How’s that for equality outside of the Garden of Eden?
This was exemplified by yesterday’s most amazing photo of Sunday’s complainer about Weinstein – Uma Thurman – cheek to cheek with aforementioned Weinstein on a Monday newspaper front page. (I assume the photo was taken some time ago before Uma Thurman’s complaints and Weinstein’s threat to sue her.)
The irony on the anniversary of 100 years of women getting the vote, the cock suckers at the bBC who love to swallow what their mullah unzips (No female mullahs under Islamic law) come out with this:
Can you be an independent woman and a good Muslim?
Anna Soubry has threatened to leave the Conservative party if JRM and other brexiters get us to leave the EU.
Can I hold the door open for this over blown loon ?
Many here have predicted it. She is the type who will cross the floor during PMQ s( and sit next to Chuka , Diane or some one of the same loon mindset).
She won’t do it of course however much al beeb pushes her as she has some attention now but won’t get as much when she is a liberal or labour loon .
Meanwhile Today is doing its best in Facebook:
“Should suffragettes be pardoned and Tory strife. Amber Rudd is here.”
Lynne Truss would be impressed.
Since I don’t have a tv licence I did not watch Marr on Sunday morning. I am told (“some people say…..”) that during the interview with Vince Cable, he named the “Liberal Democrats” (and in the same breath), ‘as the party that will fight to reverse Brexit tooth and nail’.
On the basis of the Referendum, what therefore is, “democratic” about the LibDems pray tell me…………
Fortunately, the ‘ever flexible’ (LibLab Pact et al.) LibDems are a finished force.
Fed, she may risk losing her seat. If the Govt lose an important vote or a series of lesser ones in the House, they will probably have to call a General Election. Whether or not Labour win, Soubry may find her Constituency Party equally divided and without the support of half of them campaigning for her she may find it hard to get re-elected.
Up I agree if I remember the voting stats last time it was Soubry 24000 labour 20000 UKIP 5000…. so she must have some idea she will be preparing her tearful concession speech on at 4am that happy day…
Got a lot of RTs. Not sure it makes sense.
Exactly it says they want to keep it broken.
BTW they treat the NHS as if it a holy church beyond criticism.
“Given the track-record of the civil service, the question of whether Treasury officials are indeed being politically biased is a controversy which deserves to be debated on its merits.” – Danny Nicol, Professor of Public Law University of Westminster.
Re: JR-M’s allegations of bias in the Civil Service. Thoughtful article in which Nicol explains the Civil Service (in that regard) are certainly not, ‘Whiter than White’.
It Had to Happen Dept. cross-platforming with the Have a Good Chuckle at This Today Dept.:
Item on the BBC web-site Politics page, r/h sidebar, entitled –
Conservatives ‘literally re-writing history’
Time the BBC Feminists to push to erect that statue of Thatcher!
Maybe set Thatcher’s statue next to George Orwells?
Statue of Margaret Thatcher to be rejected because of ‘monument saturation’ {telegraph 17jan2018}
As we celebrate 100 years since women got the vote it is worth reflecting on how that has translated into power. With the Tories now on their second female Prime Minister it is a glaring anomaly that no other party has put a woman into 10 Downing Street. Labour and the LibDems are more conservative in many ways… {order-order.com 06feb2018}
My wife said to me earlier can I notice anything different on BBC 1
this morning. I said no. I can see a women presenting the news
on both Breakfast TV and the Londonistan Programme. Nothing
new about that. In fact I haven’t seen a male presenting the news
at all this year on BBC 1
The Sports reporter was a women. Nothing new about that. The latest one has a thick Irish brogue which I suppose is a change.
Weather Forecaster a women. There was some women with a head scarf ,but that’s a very common occurrence as well.
My wife said “THERE ARE NO MEN!!” It’s a hundred years since
women got the vote! ”
I said Glenda I really didn’t notice any difference. On any normal
day women news readers and reporters outnumber men at least 3 to 1. So today its 100%.
Significant progress was made in the delivery of the BBC’s staff diversity targets. BAME staff now represent 14.5% of the overall workforce and 10.3% of our leadership teams.
This means we have met our 2017 targets and are on track to meet our target of 15% by 2020. The proportion of staff with a disability or long-term health condition is 10.2%, with 9.6% in leadership roles. Women now
represent 48.2% of the workforce with 42.1% in leadership roles against our 2020 target of 50%. Representation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (‘LGBT’) staff is 10.5% across the workforce and 11.5% across our leadership teams, compared to our 2020 target
of 8%.
And the target of having the number of apprentices making up more than 1% of the BBC’s workforce was reached in 2014; two years ahead of schedule. That figure has now risen from the 2014 total of 177 to over
230, and there is a new ambition of offering
more than 400 apprenticeships by 2018.
– Notice the word ‘men’ is missing! Equality?
BBC Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17
. . . IN OTHER NEWS . . .
BBC Rochdale drama Three Girls ‘trigger’ for Finbsury Park attacker Darren Osbourne’s Muslim hatred {birminghammail .co.uk 01feb2018}
so its a hundred years since the day that some wimmim got the vote
all because of the suffragettes apparently
did anything else happen on that day BBC were millions of men also given the vote in 1918 no? hmmm that year rings a bell for some reason what couldit possibly be that was happening then, maybe I should have paid more attention in history lessons.
next article why are comedy shows dominated by men 100 years after wimmin got the vote
next article something about wimmin, wimmin, wimmin, wimmin, wimmin, wimmin
I am actually starting to resent some women and wondering whether them getting the vote was actually a good thing
all this propaganda seems to be radicalising me rather than converting me
Kaiser.. you are not alone…it is what the left and liberals are missing that not only does this incessant bias actually engender (is that word allowed now?) frustration and dare I say anger for the vast bulk of normal good men, it also creates a backlash against these wimmin from normal good women like my wife who turned BBC off this morning in disgust….we are equal but not the same…..i’d never marry somebody who looked like me..
Kaiser.. you are not alone…it is what the left and liberals are missing that not only does this incessant bias actually engender (is that word allowed now?) frustration and dare I say anger for the vast bulk of normal good men, it also creates a backlash against these wimmin from normal good women like my wife who turned BBC off this morning in disgust….we are equal but not the same…..i’d never marry somebody who looked like me..
Proper News:
Meanwhile, on BBC World News: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-42955132
You know this fuss the BBC have been making on R4 about ‘Woman of the Century’?
The window for voting closed around 8.30am. Result to be announced at end of TODAY programme if not before. I have been looking to see who the winner is on the BBC web-site. It declines to tell me.
Another good reason for James Purnell to be sacked!
I have been looking for the final list of 12 they mentioned and it can’t be found…My bet is that the winner won’t be who you might think but a leftward leaning luvvie..possibly with a bit of BAME
Pretty sure it will be Socks.