‘One lesson well understood in both Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany was that propaganda is most effective when it is backed by terror’
Remarkable what a few bombings, throat cuttings and drive-over murders can do, by fortuitous mischance, for the Muslim community, which of course condemns utterly the terror attacks…but still, eh, why not reap the benefits as the red carpet is laid out with everyone bending over backwards not to ‘offend’ them and to make sure they have every opportunity to exploit the appeasement? The terrorists are not Muslims, they pervert a great religion which is a religion of peace…and yet we are told that if Muslims are not appeased they will become radicalised and become terrorists…and yet…the terrorists are not Muslim?
Niall Fergusson in the Sunday Times….
We let Lenin rise, millions died. Now it’s Islamism.
The West failed to stop communism and is repeating the awful blunder.
I fear that we shall wake with a start to discover that the Islamists have repeated the Bolshevik achievement, which was to acquire the resources and capability to threaten our existence.
Just another day on the BBC, just another programme about Muslims, just another day when we are supposed to learn how wonderful and ‘just like us’ Muslims are. A sleight of hand, so to speak, because of course the problem is with Islamism the ideology and those who observe its strict and oppressive tenets rigorously and completely…..Islamism being totally at odds with Western, Christian, democratic, liberal society.
The programme brings us Mehreen Baig whom you may remember from ‘Muslims like us’, a programme that failed utterly in its intended purpose to act as a vehicle for pro-Muslim propaganda…instead it confirmed everything we ever thought about Islam and what goes on in the Muslim community. Notable was that Baig fell under the spell of the infamous Islamist in the programme and was always making googly eyes at him….despite his fanaticism and her supposed liberal attitude. What we saw was that ‘liberal’ Muslims were Muslim first and that it didn’t take much for them to start attacking Britain and British history. We also saw that the liberal Muslims soon caved in to the radicals giving up any argument and retreating into silence. The programme was a perfect microcosm of what happens in the real community as determined, intimidatory conservative Muslims enforce strict observance of the ideology upon everyone…non-Muslims as well it seems judging by the BBC’s appeasement….and of course the Trojan Horse plot.
Still, a bit of balance with ‘Fascists like us’ on the BBC next week….making the case that Fascists are misunderstood, marginalised and disenfranchised and really should be allowed to practice their ideology freely without condemnation or abuse. No?
List the bias here…..
BBC sacked St.John Stephen over nasty tweet but the BBC still pay (by threatening people with prison) for Russell Brand who left horrible messages on someone’s voicemail …
BBC Search for Russell Brand in 2018:
19 Jan 2018 QI: Series O: The Occult (with Russell Brand)
25 Oct 2017 Russell Brand: Society is collapsing
relates to : BBC SACK ZAC THREAT PRESENTER {order-order.com 06feb2018}
Surely an unlikely organisation, but should there be a Russell Brand Society it would be no surprise at all if it collapsed.
Also wondering if there is some unwritten rule in adverts and soaps that bans white women from having white husbands and children nowadays, taken to the extreme by Maltesers for some reason with no white men in the workplace either
Apparently not enough women and ethnic minorities at the Oscars now, or in the House of Commons so it seems it will no longer be a judgement of excellence or ability but a racist sexist corruption
R4 this morning was like “Woman’s Hour” – but one of the snippets mentioned the 100,000 Somali ( mainly refugee) in the UK. The bit mentioned majority were single mothers.
It would be interesting to have the Treasury Forecasting group give us a forecast of what this will be in 10 years.
You certainly couldn’t get the bBC to engage its forecasting crew….they are too busy doom mongering about Brexit.
PS Anna Soubry epitomizes the swivel – eyed loon….she’s bonkers!
As I have mentioned before here, the majority of these so-called Somali refugees are from the former British colony of Somaliland (Mo Farrar is an example). Today, Somaliland is self governing and seeking full independence. Apart from a couple of days of very light skirmishing in the early 1990s Somaliland has been totally peaceful and, yet, thousands have claimed to be refugees from this area.
Someone at UK Immigration needs to get an atlas and understand the dynamic of “Somalia” before giving these people refugee status. They are economic migrants seeking a better life. That’s all. It’s the same with Eritrea – another peaceful country with a growing tourism sector and where, once again, we are giving refuge. But refuge from what? Sunshine and warm blue waters?
I suspect UK immigration employs more than a few Somalis.
Eight things more likely to kill you in 1970s Britain than today{bbc.co.uk 04feb2018}
I guess they don’t show increasing things that might kill you .. things that cannot be named.
Also … TB rises in UK and London {}
HYS on this one would have been awesome.
Of course the BBC will report on all Muslim Majority countries will be joining in with the Women’s Vote100 celebrations just as Western countries were asked to join in the Wear a Hijab Day 01feb2018 Celebrations?
. . .
Laws in Iran forces gender equality to be practically non-existent. Numerous women continue to face mistreatment, especially by the law enforcement officers. An example would be the mass amount of violence that occurred towards women, during the 2009 Iranian presidential election, where many women were arrested for voting for Mir-Hossein Mousavi. {wiki}
Holy shit
Anyone else see that 100 year feminist hag just now on BBC News? Victoria Derbyshire found her blatant sexism hilarious and branded her ‘a hero’. Outrageous.
The solution to the NHS problem is glaringly obvious
The NHS budget is just over 150 billion
The NHS pays out of this budget 65 billion pounds per year in compensation.
Lawyers and compensation scammers are abusing our NHS system, why is not more made of this?
This is a national scandal of immense importance. No politicians when they go on the TV ever talk about it. Why not?
The bad publicity prevent medical charities from fighting cases through the courts unlesss completely necessary, the compensaton of scammers is a thriving trade and is rife in the NHS. They are depriving the people of this country genuine medical care.
I know, through my wife who is nurse of a scammer who has appeared on television with Piers Morgan with the heartbreak story. This couple has crowdfunded a lot of money out the public. They neglect to mention the fact that they been banned from numerous hospitals due to their aggressive behaviour of beating up nurses, dragging them down the ward by their hair. Almost certainly selling the drugs that are meant for their child, the child improved when taken away from the parents when drugs were administered,etc.The child is now back with the parents.
These parents went to papers,as a result the Local Authorities along with the NHS caved in.
These people don’t need to work for a living.
Local authorities have threatened legal action against them but do not trust the legal system which predominantly of the Left.
I am disgusted. Lawyers disgust me. Politicians disgust me.
The problem is easily solved, we now compensate more often than they do in the USA. For God’s sake when will our politicians do something about this financial abuse of our NHS.
The money for a well run NHS is there, its just that our politicians (ex lawyers ) won’t protect it for the benefit of the people it is supposed to serve..
Surely men as well as women fear abuse if they go into politics? By the nature of the beast you will never be able to please everyone. It is like being a football manager and demanding other teams are not allowed to score goals against you because that hurts your feelings. We cannot change that fact – politics might not be the right job for you if you feel that way.
Often simple and reasonable criticism is characterised as abuse. Newman played that card on Peterson after she had bullied and abused him in the most disgraceful fashion. So women in politics cannot be criticised in case it hurts their feelings? They have a cushy job and lots of money, what about the poor people whose lives could be ruined by their incompetence? Protecting leaders from all ‘abuse’ sounds a lot like tyranny to me.
Raheem Sterling missed an open goal on Saturday. People moaned at him not because he is black but because he should have scored.
Emily Thornberry received ‘abuse’ when she mocked working class voters, those whom her party was founded to represent. People had a go at her for being such a horrible person – gender had nothing to do with it.
When Diane Abbot shamelessly pulled a sickie for the Brexit vote people rightly had a go at her for being spineless and not doing her job properly. Of course she claimed it was sexist but of course it wasn’t.
“BBC is celebrating the Suffragettes by featuring several girls in hijabs. You just can’t make it up.”
. . . . in 2002 – only 15 years ago – not the 7th century . . . .
Saudi police ‘stopped’ fire rescue (stopped 15 schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress) {bbc.co.uk mar 2002}
“The religious police are widely feared in Saudi Arabia. They roam the streets enforcing dress codes and sex segregation, and ensuring prayers are performed on time. Those who refuse to obey their orders are often beaten and sometimes put in jail.”
“The Blasphemy law is back”. But under a different guise and more dangerous than the original:
No damage, no harm, no threats, no abuse – but a potential 7 years in prison because some pious sky-pilot claimed to be “alarmed” by a few drawings. {mediawatchwatch.org.uk 05mar2010}
“”Those who refuse to obey their orders are often beaten and sometimes put in jail.”
Not to mention smashing up shops which do not close promptly for prayer times. Neither to mention assaulting any customers in the shops at the time.
Best, part is, the ordinary brainwashed Brits and those who display placards such as, “Refugees Welcome Here” really have no idea whatever as to what’s coming down the tracks (credit where its due) with headlights glaring ahead, toward them. ………
Tolerance of the intolerant … *sigh*
Now look, this has got to stop.
I don’t tweet but I am told that Cathy Newman does. Apparently when she tweets out some opinionated piece of news like the Irish border could wreck Brexit, she is overwhelmed by tweets starting: “So what you’re saying is …”. Now its seems this poor woman only has to open her mouth and some scoundrel misrepresents her carefully thought out sentences. This is no way to treat a member of the Channel 4 Press Politburo.
Have I missed something here? What has this poor women done to deserve such misrepresentation?
It has to stop, instanter.
So what you are saying is that Cathy Newman has to live the rest of her professional life as a meme.
Cathy Newman should embrace this and wear a top with a lobster on it. Everyone can learn from this episode ….
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson @6:12}
Personally, I’d call that ‘Hate Speech’ toward the dear Cathy. She, as a very vulnerable person (unequal female dontchaknow), should immediately refer the tweets to her local stasi.
The speech is intended to upset her as a victim thus possessing adequate mens rea; and the actus reus is the actual offending tweet. Let’s see some of these hideous criminals who carry out this abuse locked away for a long time……….
“Al-Jazeera took a look at the booming economy of Gaza in a recent episode of “Economy and the People.” Footage from shopping malls, restaurants, and tourist resorts shows a very different picture than the suffering and blight the UN laments.”
Take a look at the article on Beeb’s website about pardoning Suffragettes. Picture showing Mr.Khan attending a gathering to celebrate. What a complete hypocrite this man is when he does not confront modern day issues within his own religion (cult). How this bloke sleeps at night is beyond me.
He laughs his self to sleep every night at the stupidity of the kuffir around him, he then sleeps very soundly on a big mound of your money, dreaming of his upcoming caliphate
I’m a total devotee to the expression: “Get with the Programme”. My interpretation is of the ‘Victim’. The more I look, the more I see that the State (in all its guises) will protect me (“to safeguard”) as, no longer a ‘vulnerable person’ but now, as a “Adult at Risk” (medically and by virtue of age). I suspect that many contributors here will fall into the same category. “Read all abhat it!:, “Read all abhat it”.-
Click to access SD8-Office_of-the-Public-Guardian-safeguarding-policy.pdf
Well, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it. Next to always complain as a now, Adult at Risk……………………
beyonces dad says her career was boosted by her lighter skin tone
introduces a new word for me
Mathew, who managed Beyonce’s career until 2011, was asked how colourism affects aspiring artists when they are looking for mainstream acceptance.
are they subdividing themselves now, does your exact shade define where on the victim scale you are ??
and bugger me if I lived in a sunny climate I reckon I would be darker than her mum, can I claim to be oppressed as well
Newsism – it sounds like news but is really just vacuous words to fill the day. Newsism!
Otherwise known as, “tittle-tattle”.
Ah, but this is news that picks up on race … Newsism!
What Beyonc’s dad says in his book is even more interesting:
Knowles says through therapy he later discovered that his childhood conditioning created a “rage” in him as an adult–something he thinks other Black men are experiencing.
“Within eroticized rage, there was actual rage in me as a Black man, and I saw the white female as a way, subconsciously, of getting even or getting back,” Knowles said. “There are a lot of Black men of my era that are not aware of this thing.”
These peculiar ideas are reminiscent of Hitler’s writings in Mein Kampf where he identifies Germany as a woman being violated by Jews., I suppose if you have a Freudian bent “eroticised rage” makes sense.
This could explain the paradox of racist Britain attracting more and more immigrants of colour over the last 60 years and hardly anyone leaving for less racist shores. If people of colour are so damaged by white racist societies why do they seek them out?
If Britain were such a toxic environment what’s the attraction?
The obsession with colonialism and slavery, the wish to destroy statues of the male, stale and pale shows similar revanchist tendencies.
Lauri Love case: Hacking suspect wins extradition appeal
The BBC celebrates a UK man evading justice in the US because he ‘wouldn’t get a fair trial’ and would kill himself. The BBC forgot to mention why he wouldn’t get a fair trial or why someone who might commit suicide should not face charges in a court of law.
Lauri Love is cursed with the name of a porn star, but his real problem is that he suffered from Asperger’s syndrome, an advanced form of autism.
So obviously his primary school would have picked up on this, as the teachers are trained to spot symptoms? Erm no. His secondary school? Erm no. In fact, no one even spotted he was on the autism scale until he was in court facing extradition to the US. He reached the age of 33 before anyone knew he had problems? Wow.
Next time I am in court on speeding charge I will know what my defence will be.
“Asperger’s syndrome, an advanced form of autism”
Isn’t Aspberger’s a mild form of autism?
I’d say it was more of a personality type common among geeks.
It is the anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s birthday today. I wonder if the impartial BBC will talk about his politics and legacy? We know how they love an anniversary.
Ronald Wilson Reagan was an American politician and actor who served as the 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. Wikipedia
Born: 6 February 1911, Tampico, Illinois, United States
After The Donald’s two terms, Mike Pence would make a fine President for another two. That would be sixteen splendid years to complete the job of draining the swamp, and restoring a non-partisan FBI and DOJ. I wonder if Hillary would be out of jail by the end of that period?
The Lord forbid that there would be, “…..an “imbalance” between Africans and Asians — thereby increasing inter-ethnic tensions.”
So, really what did happen recently in Calais?
That poor BBC chap who ‘mistweeted’ beyond the protective cover of ‘views my own’?
Trialling #CCBGB as it seems to hold a fair bit now.
Apparently this day 100 years ago a group of middle class women over 30 with a property qualification and university degrees won the vote. That is the most significant part of the 1918 Representation of the People Act according to BBC journalists who, by the purest coincidence, happen to be over 30, middle class wealthy women with university degrees.
I do not seek to minimize the enormity of the change in the vote and the heroic campaign that led eventually to full female suffrage. But how about hearing it for the men. The Act also gave the vote to all men over 21 and led to the most profound political changes in the coming years. The same men incidentally who lost almost one million from their ranks by fighting their way through the horrors of the First World War.
The blanket coverage on the BBC today of the female triumph ignores the role of the men and the sacrifices they made in the trenches that were a significant factor in all members of the male working class getting the vote for the first time.
Where do these women learn their history – don’t ask.
All wrong!
The most important event was Sophia: Princess, Suffragette, the BBC’s favourite brown-eyed girl’s heroine.
As we speak, Jez ‘never missed a bandwagon even Ed Miliband might dodge’ Corbyn is holding a vital press conference promising his prime ministerial priorities surrounded by adoring middle class female colleagues with lots of properties and, somehow, university qualifications.
Chris: I think this is not about historical fact. It is about Feminism and ’empowering’ women. Men don’t come into the picture at all.
If you’ve watched and listened carefully to the BBC , that’s what it’s been about, almost non-stop -for days on end. When I switched on the Sunday morning service on R4, even that had been completely hijacked; any idea of worship had ceased, it was all about commemorating the Suffragettes, i.e. purely political.
For many Feminists, men are the ‘enemy’, the oppressors. Just look at the popularity of ‘me too’ and all the other hashtags. They regularly morph into discussions about ‘equality’ and how many women there are in the boardroom/parliament. Sometimes the word ‘equality’ disappears, and the word ‘power’ takes its place.
Until recently your comment would have been my comment, but I’ve been astonished at the whole feminist assault of late, promoted by the BBC and others. So I did a little research.
It took me to Valerie Solanas, a tortured soul who attempted to murder Andy Warhol, and then started the SCUM movement. (Society for Cutting UP Men). One needs to keep a sense of balance and not generalise. But one also needs to examine events carefully.
“it was all about commemorating the Suffragettes, i.e. purely political.”
It is political. All the BBC reports I’ve heard on extending the franchise are about the role of the Suffragettes; there’s been nothing about the Suffragists, who were far more importants. I can only assume that the BBC is ignoring them because Suffragists believed in advancing their cause by peaceful argument not violent direct action. The more praise the BBC lavishes on the Suffragettes the more they legitamise political violence.
I wonder if all BBC soaps, true to their Reithian ideals, will be including consciousness raising references to wimmin’s suffrage in their oeuvres.
“If the devil cast his net…” as my old gran used to say !
Market slide, Trump to blame says BBC girlie.
I watched the video hoping to see a few bankers and stockbrokers tossing themselves off the sky scrapers as in the Wall St Crash but nothing that serious
BBC logic: Markets move up: despite Trump.
Markets crash: because of Trump.
‘Bankers tossing themselves off’, GWF? An unfortunate turn of phrase. Or did you mean Bankers with a W?
Something smells fishy here…
That photo makes Barnier look positively likeable, comparatively speaking of course.
In all their talk of online abuse against women, has anyone on the BBC yet mentioned that most of that abuse is perpetrated by other women?
Hello Feminists celebrating Vote100 …. the BBC have these articles which show one instance of brave women fighting oppression … all the other images are women giving into oppression whilst in fee societies … where do you stand?
Iranian authorities have arrested 29 people as part of a crack down on protests against the compulsory hijab. {bbc.co.uk 05feb2018}
BBC Newsbleat – aimed at kids.
Rania Ibrahim fighting FGM; “A lot of people think it’s for religious reasons, but it’s not allowed in Islam.“
“Tamsin Fagan, 21, fighting modern slavery”
“Nasra Ayub, 21, fighting radicalisation”
Look at the list of problems;
Harassment of women in the streets,
Modern slavery.
Clearly “English” problems and nothing to with Islam.
I wonder which crime obtained the most arrests? FGM or Islamophobia?
One day out of 365 – suppose it’s a start!
I call hate crime on “Let girls be girls”.
Someone should inform Surrey Police that nothing is allowed to be what it is. “Let females be males or intersex, according to their own particular disposition” is the better statement.
(Can I get bonus Global Citizen points for noticing that please)
My county Fire Service has sent me an e-mail boasting that it was placed 4th in the recent LGBTQWERTY rankings. That helps them fight fires how?
I guess they might fight over who follows who up the ladder.
I’m amazed that bBBC NorthWest hasn’t picked up the story yet.
And Sussex Police have risen 30 places to No. 47 on the list
Millicent Fawcett… Winner of R4’s woman of influence in the last century. Now I bet most of you are saying – who the hell is she…it will come as no surprise that she is best known as a “suffragist, campaigning for women to have the vote”…..Funny that on exactly the same day as they are celebrating votes for women…important yes but most influential…hmmmm not in my definition but then again I am just a man
Maggie wouldn’t even have got a look in. Couldn’t possibly, since equality is about socialism…
Margret Thatcher Statue- nope! Millicent Fawcett Statue- yes!
Statue of suffragist Millicent Fawcett to be unveiled in April {theguardian 06feb2018}
Call me cynical but did somebody know the result of the R4 most influential woman before it was known? Was it a set up? It just seems odd that a decision to have a statue of her was already in planning…and she won!
I don’t know whether M. Fawcett deserved the top spot. I am only relieved a part-time hotelier and ‘nurse’ didn’t get it!
Ah, she was Victorian, of course, so wouldn’t qualify anyway!
The Suffragists were the non-violence votes for women as opposed to the violent Suffragettes and were more influential in getting votes for women especially through their war work and support. They have had little media attention and many people have not heard of this movement, so I am glad Millicent Fawcett won.
CSE Child Sex Exploitation victim/campaigner Sammy Woodhouse writes in Yorkshire Post
Main Point : Sammy’s Law
A groomers trick us to get the victim to commit a crime
That way she/he will be in a bind and unable to go to the police.
The Law would recognise that crimes committed by groomed people should not be prosecuted
Secondly there should be an examination of cases of past victims so that such crimes can be purged from their records.
Other Points
Denial : We should recognise that such grooming is widespread almost to every town.
That we have duties to
#1 Have better prevention laws
#2 To have systems to support victims
– Schools should teach about CSE and teaches have training.
– Social Media corps have a duty to have measures..today’s are not sufficient
Examples of good practice include the introduction if CCTV into all Rotherham Taxis
– but mental health support for survivors is not adequately funded. Survivors are not being properly supported.
YP On Suffragettes day gives 1/4 page each to Sammy Woodhouse
And Green Campaigner Natalie Bennett
(likely to be soon election candidate in Jarad’s ..Sheffield constituency)
These people on the telephones fooled people into thinking that Britain would leave Europe (a landmass) if they voted to Leave the EU (a political entity) …. did they really know what they were voting for?
These 6 people are all talking to the same person on the end of the phone and confusing them …. vote to stay in Europe, we don’t want to move to Asia!
There should be an investigation on You and Yours about this telephone scam.
Would also make a good comedy sketch
..but claim is made that only left-cimefy is funny.
There’s never a meteorite strike when you need one is there?
I heard Elmer Rudd on Toady this morning, when the discussion swung around to Brexit; all she seemed concerned about was making sure the rights of EU nationals in the UK would be protected.
NO ELMER! Your job is to ensure the safety and security of British subjects within their own country, let these foreigners worry about themselves. If they don’t like it here after Brexit: they can go home. If they did whilst carrying a Remainer under each arm too while they were about it – that would be just wonderful.
VeggieThugs : “Association if Independent Meat Suppliers metup with Terrorism Police to discuss protester vigils. 20 yr old farmer Alison Waugh gets called ” Rapist and Murderer”
‘You should be kidnapped and tortured so you can understand how animals feel under you, your father, granfather’
Waugh leads the fightback on Facebook and in the Farmer’s Guardian.
‘It’s humans that domesticated these animals… for a purpose
Now farmers in the south may wake up to their cows being liberated by vegans’
‘They use emotive language -pigs screaming- it’s just a noise pigs often make
‘Vegetarianism isn’t magically environmental.. Look at the amount of water almond trees use..more than beef.
..yes J do think people eat too much meat..
Why are the protesters tagetting farms, rather than Latte or cheese shops ?’
They’re trying to control the supply not persuade the demand.’
She want to put the ‘halal certified’ sticker on her window. That gets rid of shite quicker than a laxative.
Kaiser and ID : Interesting contributions. Furthermore: the rewriting of British cultural history; now there’s a deep topic, the link between two current narratives, both popular on the BBC. One we know only too well. But the other (still in its infancy) could be in the process of kicking off.
The taking down of Waterhouse’s painting of ‘Hylas and the Nymphs’, inspired -I think- by the ‘me too’ crowd, from the walls of the Manchester Art Gallery, was food for thought. Admittedly, it has been put back up again.
But we know of people who like to remove art, say by blowing up a few statues of Buddha, because his representation ‘offended’ them. We also know people can be offended by statues of Rhodes and demand their removal as part of ‘decolonisation’.
Are we at the start of another great campaign? If this turns out to be the case, we could have two apparently unconnected ideologies in pursuit of similar and possibly overlapping strategies. So I’m going to do a little research about possible connections.
There should be a little time yet. While we have the likes of the Kartrashians and other ‘celebrities’ prancing about in public half-naked, not too many paintings should be taken down from walls, and – for that matter- we haven’t as yet got to the book-burning stage.
But every ever so often, I feel that if we are not vigilant, we won’t notice…
FNW wrote:
“The taking down of Waterhouse’s painting of ‘Hylas and the Nymphs’, inspired -I think- by the ‘me too’ crowd, from the walls of the Manchester Art Gallery, was food for thought. “
This subject was all the vogue a few years back, funny enough the ethical latte crowd couldn’t answer when somebody pointed out that those who demand the Sun/Porn mags and their ilk be banned are the very same ones who call similar pictures art when the person looking at them isn’t working class.
And meanwhile female Guardian tv reviewers will continue their hypocritical drooling over ripped semi-naked males in Poldark.
‘Feminazis’ – spot on.
And meanwhile female Guardian tv reviewers will continue their hypocritical drooling over ripped semi-naked males in Poldark.
‘Feminazis’ – couldn’t be more apt.
On the daily politics today, Justine Greening (studio guest) is getting, during each separate topic, at least 3 times the time (uninterrupted) that the 3 men (guests) got. The men were mainly just sitting there, largely ignored.
Now it’s outside with Katie price being interviewed by another woman before coming back to the studio where the 2 wimmin (jo Coburn and greening) are now chatting by themselves.
Finally it’s another woman outside interviewing yet another woman, banging on about the suffragettes before returning to the studio where the 2 women are joined by another woman to chat about wimmin’s things.
A few minutes at the end we actually have a male mp being interviewed about pr, getting some 2 minutes.
All in all, a 60 minute show with maybe 4 or 5 minutes of male comment, the rest, wimmin.
Reading news : 19 yr old Melvin Owusu-Ansah a school cook jumped into an automatic car put his foot in the accelerator instead of the brake and crushed a a Chinese Mother to death.
(Had only a provisional licence, and had no permission to drive the vehicle)
I think the name sounds Ghanaian
October 2016 also in Reading council worker Peter Owusu-Ansah was jailed for stealing £42K from the council.
20 miles away in Guilford : Trial of Priscilla Ngwenya for neglect : Live-in-carer left client in agony after stair fall only when neighbours intervened after 30 mins was ambulance called..then the carer did not try to comfort the deaf/blind victim.
UWE JRM event : Lefty Squawkbox is shouting “Hey whiteshirt once wore a Nazi Uniform, we win”
…err nope that’s just WhatAboutery cos it has no impact on what happened at the meeting.
People should not nesd to expunge from facebook photos of them dressed up as an Allo Allo character. Costumes which seemed gunny in one decade seem bad taste in another decade.
Bottom line the masked Corbythugs broke into the meeting to try to stop everyone ekses right to free speech, so they are the moral law breakers.
And is only they that threw punches and landed a punch ..all on video.
Virtue signalling MPs with their Suffragette rosettes, like prize sows in an agricultural show
Hey posers ever thought of using your political skills in support of the thousands of girls raped by the grooming gangs from the culture you all worship
Today is Suffragette’s Day
March 8th is International Woman’s Day
Labelling people according to only 3 categories hides true inequality.
… eg for some working class, white boys.
Times/Indy : “Watching David Attenborough documentaries can be just as good for you as mindfulness, study finds”
Tosh the University of Coventry study doesn’t mention Attenborough
Rather it was a study of Mindfulness, and found it has no effect on opens mindedness/empathy compared to doing nothing or watching TV
And anyway Attenborough progs are the opposite
They are propaganda progs filled with “think of the children” emotional blackmail..
So increase people’s stress and breed closed mindedness.
Cambridge Uni anonymous sexuaal assault and harassment reporting scheme has collected 173 complaints in 9 months.
Obviously some will be genuine and of magnitude.
…but if they have 30K staff students the offender rate seems quite low.
By all accounts the UK was never in the EU anyway … we were always drifting away according to David Cameron … so by his own account in the £9million leaflet we were heading away from the EU Ideal Utopia and not towards it …
The UK has secured a special status in a reformed EU:
• we will not join the euro
• we will keep our own border controls
• the UK will not be part of further European political integration
• there will be tough new restrictions on access to our welfare system for new EU migrants
• we have a commitment to reduce EU red tape
– Non of these conditions would mean we were Stronger In the EU.
The BBC seems to be all over the suffragette thing at the moment as if it was some kind of champion of democracy.
How ironic – not to mention hypocritical – ladies and gentlemen, as at the same time they lend their overwhelming support to surrendering what is left of our democracy to the Brussels oligarchy.
Unfortunately, what the BBC means by democracy is not what everyone else means by it. The BBC’s idea of democracy is that the electorate vote for an MP because shite (“shite” is a special gender neutral pronoun derived from the set theoretic union of the letters in “he/she/it” and used to designate MPs) has promised shite will do x,y,z for the electorate, but then because we have a “representative democracy” shite do the opposite of x,y,z because shite must use their best judgement and, of course, not listen to the plebs. The process is repeated ad infinitum.
No wonder politicans want to curb all that “coarseness” on the social media.
“So, what you’re really saying is that the European Union is undemocratic?” …
“Do u want to vote directly for the next President of the European Commission? In only one day already 35000 people have signed a petition to support transnational lists! The crucial vote is tomorrow. Make your voice heard & sign this petition! #IamEuropean”
Is that Verhofstadt starting to get desperate, or what?
image from Guy Verhoftwat..it’s down his twitter feed where he lists Murders in UK He says ” As you can see from this chart the Far-Right are a huge threat. Nationalism must be stopped at all costs”
The biggest column is stabbings in London…what the bloody hell has that got to do with Far Right..talk about fake news…
It’s a parody isn’t it?
Just watched the final part (repeat) of Hunters, narrated in predictably doom-laden tones by Sir David in which he foresees the extinction of the Polar bear. Scientific records apparently show that average body size and weight have decreased in the last decade or so, due to the retreating ice cap and subsequent lack of food.
There is another interpretation – though perhaps not one to meet with ‘scientific’ approval. Since at least as many respected, if under exposed, sources suggest that the Polar ice cap has actually increased in size, taken together with a massive protection program for such bears against traditional Inuit hunting, might not their numbers have risen to exceed their previously balanced proportions, resulting in higher demands on the limited amount of food within the increased area, longer distances required to find and hunt it, and a lower body size to compensate. Nature might well know best – even allowing for noted experts.
Caught the end of that whilst waiting for “Flog It”.
Attenborough hates the human race, doesn’t he? Although responsible for some great footage over the years, his climate change bullshit is disgustingly biased, and hopelessly wrong. The sad thing is that most hang on his every word because of who he is.
Same goes for Packham and, to a lesser extent, Oddie – because even his fans have begun to recognise what a nasty little shit he is. Despite playing the old ‘depression’ card once too often, that didn’t wash with Kate Humble.
He’s a member of Population Matters, whose intention is to reduce the population.
I never liked his crappy animal documentaries . Nature porn, get turned on watching the kills.
I work with big cats, tigers, and most of the time they are asleep. But that would not be of interest to Attenborough and his BBC bosses.
I must admit I only sussed it out this morning what’s been
going on at the BBC!! As an analogy you know before Armistice Day
in November for at least six weeks before the BBC staff start
wearing poppies. By November if a presenter, a reporter ,a member
of the general public is not wearing a poppy they get the look
that they should be hung , drawn and quartered , fair enough.
Today it’s 100 years since women got the vote. And from the
beginning of the year the BBC have been showing less and
less men if any presenting the news , reporting on the news.
Culminating today with a complete black out of men having
anything to do with news coverage.
I am a bookmaker and was thinking of running a book on when we
might see a MALE next read the news on BBC TV. I think I will make April 1st favourite. Then when we see Hugh Edwards or Clive Myrie . It will be an April Fools joke by the BBC !!
Pissed off with the Suffragette crap which is being ladled out by the BBC.
Perhaps I have a chip on my shoulder but I recall some of the old soldiers in my village who had nothing but contempt for the likes of Emmeline and Christobel Pankhurst and the White Feather movement, which rounded up teenagers for cannon fodder.
GWF – A very powerful documentary. This morning I too was spitting nails over the R4 Wimminfest. I think we even had one of the current Pankursts giving us all her observations on how wimmin are still oppressed – yawn! In the end it all became one very long and tedious white noise and my attention span was certainly lapsing.
Not much appears to have changed from todays feminists when compared against the ones in Pankhursts time. The contradictions seem to be the thing that more than anything symbolises the feminist movement.
They wanted equality but were quite happy for the men (only) to get their heads blown off in the trenches. Today they want to wear sexy clothes or “free the nipple” (yes please!) but then take offense when men look at them or make a pass or make a compliment. They want to join the infantry but expect the fitness standards to be changed to suit themselves. At the end of the day it appears that they dont really know what they want. Maybe they just want the right to be permanently affronted.
What struck me this morning as I listened to all of these self obsessed ingraits was apart from the normal hypocrisies such as pretty much ignoring sharia, Fgm, or the mass rape of Kuffar women (whilst concentrating on executive pay disparities or the outrage of being touched on the bum up 20 years ago) Is the fact the fact that all these wimmin who profess to be feminists all appear very middle/upper class.
Why is it only the Emma Watsons/Hattie Harmons/Laura Penny/Cathy Newmans seem to be trumpeting the “wimmin cause”
rather than normal working class girls.
Of course the proper BBC answer would be that these middle class wimmin are all better educated – but I wouldnt mind hazarding a guess that the real reason is that most normal women are too busy living life normally and actually realise that succesful relationships are give and take rather than a battle of the sexes. Of course our poor little oppressed middle class gals dont posses this insight because the majority of them have been brought up as spoiled little shits with an enormous sense of entitlement and they are unable to have any relationship unless they are on top. A sort self validation excercise maybe.
Yes girls you want it all. But when you finally get it do you really think you will be happy? The sooner you realise that it is not always always just about you the sooner you will be happy – or maybe not. But never mind eh you can always put on your sourface and get an invite onto Toady or question time as a consolation prize instead.
The BBC boys really must watch this. The intro and one of the stills, at -2min, really bear out the multicultural theme for them!
Thanks for this GWF.
Never thought before of the link between young men dying, and lefty militants of the upper crust shaming them into going to die for -well, nothing very much.
Might not physically be the same today, but it seems to me that white working class boys in Britain(and especially along the south coast) are offered peacock feathers, pink and lime green feathers, lavender ones to be gay, metrosexual, environmental loons or go into dance and drama, pop or boy bands-and not do a job worth doing that would once have mattered like bus driver, bin man or fireman.
And our Pankhurts are all in media, education, health and quangos snorting at the white cannon fodder who don`t get Cathy Newmans money or access to the correct answers that she gives.
Didn`t know either that so many lads died without being able to vote-and the Suffragettes are culpable, using them to lever in THEIR wish to vote in Bloosbury or other genteel places. This will never be covered on the BBC-so glad to have seen it. Thank you.
Katie Price urges MPs to tackle online abuse ….
Somebody should perhaps ask her if these new laws relating to digital media platforms should also include harsher penalties for driving whilst texting and or using a mobile phone..
fa**y like a wizards sleeve ……
I`m surprised she didn`t dress down for the occasion, I am glad that for once she was covered up as i was eating at the time…..
online abuse : what about the hundreds of threatening messages to the headteacher that banned young children wearing muslim headress ? not much attention given to that online abuse which included death threats
….or a clown’s pocket…
You win the prize for laugh of the day! (IMO)
Apparently she no longer has the ability to queef and her bum is no longer able to make a fart noise when she hits the baked beans etc… I`ll bet the MPs were quite surprised when her gob managed to produce that much sh*t…. Who`s next then?? ….Lily Allen ??
Another article about ‘polyamory’ – I think we had one (maybe re gays?) several weeks ago. More softening us up for an Islamic way of life, from the bBBC.
A brief look at the Muslim Council of Britain’s output will give one a general idea of how committed they are to dealing with the real threats to our country from within their own community, a complete “us and them” mentality is apparent with nothing but criticism towards this country, so strange that we do not seem to have similar “councils” of the Sikh, Hindu or Chinese communites for example that display such a confrontational attitude and unwillingness to integrate
A corollary to what was mentioned on the previous thread, about the shooting of six Africans by an Italian the other day.
Al beebus noted in passing that a young Italian girl had been murdered by a Nigerian drug dealer.
The report did not, however, go into the gruesome details of her demise; unlike the description of where these Africans had been wounded in the shooting spree.
The 18-year-old Italian may have been killed in a voodoo sacrifice, her heart and other organs had been removed and her body had been cut up. The mother of the victim had to identify her daughter from the decapitated head alone.
I wonder why al Beebus might choose not to mention such details? Maybe it was just those details that provoked such a violent reaction in the shooter?
Irony of ironies, the suspect goes by the name of Innocent Oseghale.
We have seen the BBc reporting about the African “backlash” about being called a shithole, can we therefore expect no more adverts begging us to feed their children while they spend all their money on guns and bombs, extort money at passport checkpoints because “this is Africa” and rape their countries’ revenues E.G. Sudan billions taken by president and his family while we collect money via Xmas jumper days to feed his kids?
It is a bit ironic that year after year the West chucks cash at African countries and little seems to improve .
It’s good to see the USA saying to countries which vote against it in the UN don’t expect free money .
UN is another overblown organisation in need of putting in its place having been infected with EU and al beeb disease
Irish times reports that the EU is laying down the law to six Balkan states which want to join their club -from memory its Serbia Albania Macedonia Montenegro Kosovo and Bosnia .
Good luck with that shower say I . I don’t recall al beeb or other main stream bubblers reporting this – I guess they knew the effect that Turkey joining the reich/ EU had on brexiters .
What could possibly go wrong?
All fine upstanding nations with a background of racial and tribal tolerance, I see no problem, with freedom of movement forced upon us for years despite our rejection of the EU they may be on our streets in months promoting harmony
Apparently they must prove they are not corrupt in order to join …. I’m sure a quick back hander to Barnier or the drinker one will prove that