‘One lesson well understood in both Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany was that propaganda is most effective when it is backed by terror’
Remarkable what a few bombings, throat cuttings and drive-over murders can do, by fortuitous mischance, for the Muslim community, which of course condemns utterly the terror attacks…but still, eh, why not reap the benefits as the red carpet is laid out with everyone bending over backwards not to ‘offend’ them and to make sure they have every opportunity to exploit the appeasement? The terrorists are not Muslims, they pervert a great religion which is a religion of peace…and yet we are told that if Muslims are not appeased they will become radicalised and become terrorists…and yet…the terrorists are not Muslim?
Niall Fergusson in the Sunday Times….
We let Lenin rise, millions died. Now it’s Islamism.
The West failed to stop communism and is repeating the awful blunder.
I fear that we shall wake with a start to discover that the Islamists have repeated the Bolshevik achievement, which was to acquire the resources and capability to threaten our existence.
Just another day on the BBC, just another programme about Muslims, just another day when we are supposed to learn how wonderful and ‘just like us’ Muslims are. A sleight of hand, so to speak, because of course the problem is with Islamism the ideology and those who observe its strict and oppressive tenets rigorously and completely…..Islamism being totally at odds with Western, Christian, democratic, liberal society.
The programme brings us Mehreen Baig whom you may remember from ‘Muslims like us’, a programme that failed utterly in its intended purpose to act as a vehicle for pro-Muslim propaganda…instead it confirmed everything we ever thought about Islam and what goes on in the Muslim community. Notable was that Baig fell under the spell of the infamous Islamist in the programme and was always making googly eyes at him….despite his fanaticism and her supposed liberal attitude. What we saw was that ‘liberal’ Muslims were Muslim first and that it didn’t take much for them to start attacking Britain and British history. We also saw that the liberal Muslims soon caved in to the radicals giving up any argument and retreating into silence. The programme was a perfect microcosm of what happens in the real community as determined, intimidatory conservative Muslims enforce strict observance of the ideology upon everyone…non-Muslims as well it seems judging by the BBC’s appeasement….and of course the Trojan Horse plot.
Still, a bit of balance with ‘Fascists like us’ on the BBC next week….making the case that Fascists are misunderstood, marginalised and disenfranchised and really should be allowed to practice their ideology freely without condemnation or abuse. No?
List the bias here…..
Just watched the launch of the Falcon Heavy. Rather reminded me of all those ‘refugees’ waiting to come here, all young men, no women *, no children!
* Except for a distracting LoC who kept waving her chest about and flirting with the camera.
I’ve just read the story about EM, Riveting . starting from nothing he build Pal pal and Zip 2 cashing in on that and with a full wallet he wanted in on the Space race, in 2001 he went to Russia to buy a couple of rockets, they not only tried to overcharged him, they spat in his face. So he walked out. (that was just over 16 years ago) from scratch he built Space X. Not only that but he has done with $390 million what would have cost NASA $4 Billion. He actually undercuts Russia and China.
Someone yesterday pointed out CBBC was having a @safeinternetday
…. At the top of the CBBC presenter’s Twitter feed she has a pinned post
Sexy pic of her in a big-bikini text says “Young and luscious”
… Is that her kind of example of a SAFE posting ?
What an achievement for Wimmins suffrage –
So it’s sexual harassment one minute and tarts for kids the next . Something is going wrong somewhere….
BBC don’t do math/science
BBC Radio Lincolnshire reports on Lincoln traffic delays
exasperated voice “Some Lincoln people are spending as much as 36 hours a year stuck in traffic”
36hours/year = 3 Hours/month = 180 mins
You work 20 days per month so that’s 9 minutes per day
you make 2 journeys /day ..ie there and back
so that’s 4.5mins wait each journey …i
SG, that’s still a long time to balance on your penny-farthing without falling off.
You did say it was Lincoln.
Gina Miller is another person who can’t do maths
Last night’s BBCInside Out Northwest had an item on a seemingly inefficient charity
They called on “charity campaigner Gina Miller”
Now it is true that she has for some years run a charity transparency campaign,
but 5 years ago she got a kicking cos her org produced a report with deeply flawed maths
and she wouldn’t own up to be wrong
The principle is that her analysis used the naive assumption that there is only 1 type of charity : ie that collects money and gives in out
But there are other types #2 A charity with it’s own business : eg Sue Ryder shops, A large part of turnover going into running the shops
Another charity type #3 Facilitator Charity : eg a charity that organises Children’s parties. Say it rents church hall so that volunteers can bring food and make games ..it’s only spending on the kids is renting the hall, whereas the bulk goes on bosses salary etc.
Now it could start hiring the Ritz for parties instead and thus it would seem it’s percent spending on kids is much higher than staff salaries, but they’d end up doing less parties.
Big decision now
How are you going to watch Clare Balding bang on about suffragettes on BBC4 10pm
whilst on BBC1 10:45pm you’ve got Islam, Women and Me
Alan opened a special thread about it
“She meets the young women who claim Islam is a feminist religion
… that empowers them
and a woman who has rejected the religion because she believes it’s inherently sexist.”
“She meets the young women who claim Islam is a feminist religion and also a woman who is in hiding.”
Meanwhile talks to form another ‘Grand Coalition’ (GroKo) in Germany drag on and on. Always seemed likely that the Grand Destroyer, Merkel, would get in yet again. One interesting sign of the contrary is that about 25 000 new members have joined the SPD (socialists) in the past few days. Possibly a good sign, as it is speculated that these may be GroKo destroyers: the SPD membership has to vote on any agreement with the CDU (socialists disguised as Christian Democrats) once one is at hand.
The populus is getting fed up (sorry, Fedup2) with the endless negotiations and the nauseating politicians who pop-up to say how it’s going, so some believe (now WHERE have I heard that before?) that the joining fever may lead to a thumbs-down for GroKo. A possible option then is a minority government. Merkel, who could ask the AfD to join a coalition government, but won’t, as they are Neonazis (conservatives, who believe in national sovereignty and borders) would then actually have to do some work: every piece of legislation would have to be fought for in the Bundestag.
Merkel would hate that. Too much democracy in action. Too much work. Too much showing your true colours. Less chance for meaningless but nice sounding phrases impressing anyone. Less chance to bribe (sorry, meet with) True Democrats like Erdogan the Ottoman, and wander about having selfies taken with invaders (sorry, refugees).
Would she rather quit?
We live in hope. Let’s hope the socialists get another 25 000 at least.
Speaking of Erdogan, I see he went to Rome yesterday to discuss the status of Jerusalem with the Pope. A Christian and a muslim discussing the future of a Jewish city.
I thought the Ottoman Empire fell a century ago.
A little more info on that visit:
Kurds protest as Turkish Dictator meets Pope, who calls Erdogan an angle of peace.
Aren`t the Dutch in some kind of diplomatic war with Turkey at the moment? And why aren`t the BBC or the EU telling me something about it?
Yes, the Dutch refused to allow Turkish politicians from canvassing before the last election, this came abut after Turks attacked Kurds in Germany and Holland. Funny enough Turkey is a NATO member , and not only is NATO remaining silent on the invasion of Syria, but reports of Torture and disfigurement of female bodies are coming out:
Can you imagine the outcry from the bBC if the above video clips was American, British or Jewish soldiers caught on camera.
The thing is the Kurds are really making the Turks pay:
Hi All, this is my first post after spending a month reading your posts. I can honestly say this site has helped save my sanity after having to listen to endless revised history and twisted logic from the BBC. Today in particular has taken the biscuit with the sanitised and agenda-driven drivel about about the women’s vote etc. My hope is that the BBC and those on the left will push too far and most sensible people will recognise their deceit.
Look forward to engaging with you in the future.
BBC Radio 5 news : “American stocks dropped 4%”
em NOT true
The NYSE index is UP 1.37% ..stands at 12,745.45
Dow Jones is UP 2.33%
..they still have about 1 hour left
FT ended down 2.64%, same France, Germany
They’ve just gone over live to the US American correspondent an he’s not even mentioned the rise
That’s Kerry Leahy of Decision Economics ..and he talked as if the market had only fallen
SG, the BBC time their stories for maximum propaganda effect. The Dow Jones Industrial Average ended the day up, but it had moved both up and down. At its highest it was 600 points up and at its lowest it was 567 points down. The BBC timed their story from the bottom of the trough. Rather like at Trump’s inauguration, when they estimated the crowd size before most people had arrived.
The bBC went all cock a hoop over ‘World Hijab day’ last week. Here is a story regards WHD they won’t bother reporting:
Woman refuses to cover up on World Hijab day, calls made to expel her from university for Ignorance.
Long shift today.
Sounds like it was a feminist festival of hypocrisy, denigration and divisive posturing as waved in the faces of the nation by the likes of Womans Hour, Channel 4 and the usual suspects.
The real women of this country are ignored as much as the white working classes , the boys and men who comprise them.
We work long hours, get paid badly but accept it`s the market we`re in. We get countless compensations and have had full lives thus far, and will probably do better in the long run too. We make and made our choices, no regrets more often than not.
And we hate the lefty wimmins movement, they do NOT represent anything but the Momentum morons and fey tokens like Harman, Derbyshire and Sarpong.
It`s not male or female when its Islam, the Left and the anti-democratic efforts of Soubry, Blair or Clegg that face us all.
Some ‘Interesting’ HYS comments running here.
Get yours in now …………….
Votes for women: Pardoning suffragettes ‘complicated’
I liked this one, having a grandfather who had his shoulder joint blown off at the Somme (Sam Davies – Royal Welsh Fusilier.)
“I think the celebration of the centenary of the Representation of the People Act 1918 has been disgustingly hijacked by radical feminists.
The act also gave men over 21 the right to vote too, though this has been completely overlooked. An utter disgrace given the millions of young men who sacrificed their lives for king and country in WW1 prior to the act being passed.”
Number 7
Well spotted .
Why have they have forgotten the men?……………………………..
Yet many in the UK are happy to sell our hard earned democracy to the unelected EU.
“US shares claw back ground and finish up on day”
“US stock markets have ended a day of massive fluctuations on a high note, rebounding after recent steep losses.”……………
More interesting HYS comments
‘Sources say’ the the ensuing crashes in the British and European markets were a result of the BBC R4 early morning news reports.
There was an explosion in Sweden tonight – https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/906242/Sweden-explosion-Malmo-Von-Lingens-police-station-lockdown – unfortunately the Biased BBC only gets £6Bn a year so they couldn’t afford to cover the actual NEWS, so you have to go to the Express to read all about it!!
‘Flying gas main’?
Lojo, don’t wish to come across as Scott flying in with his big ears, but you may wish to look at the date on the report.
“EU wants to restrict single market access to UK”
“The European Union wants to be able to restrict the UK’s access to the single market if there is a dispute after Brexit, a leaked document suggests.”……………………
Time for the EU to be Mogged!
Apologies Taffman, I have referred to this article on the new thread. A classic in biased anti-brexit prop. They are playing it down…. Even Sky quote it as a ‘punishment plan’
Bastards! BBC and EU
Guido : MPs on £30K jaunt to New York/Washington to “research” stopping FakeNews
top comment*
“If they want to solve the problem of fake news in the UK,
a very short and cheap Tube journey will take them to the headquarters of BBC News.”
* Well it will be if another 5 of you upvote it
Child Bride Magazine

(Free speech is not hate crime)
h/t Guido commenter Anthony Nesbitt