Tory MP Victoria Atkins fled Twitter due to the abuse she received and the BBC immediately headlined its bulletins with this breaking news….the same BBC that helped do so much to encourage the abuse of and disrespect for politicians, not only with its satire but with the vicious demonisation of Thatcher and Tories in general….and now it’s Trump in the firing line…literally. Much as the body parts of long departed Saints are paraded around the country the ghost of Jo Cox is resurrected by any politician wanting to impart how serious their own situation is, a bit of Jo Cox martyrdom gives a lovely bit of credence to their claims of living on death row as the looming threat of the Twitter mob darkens their lives. No mention of Stephen Timms being stabbed by a Muslim of course as this would distract from the narrative of a nasty bunch of fascist Brexiteers murdering all who oppose them. No mention that there is absolutely nothing new about death threats and attacks on politicians…not just threats of course….the BBC’s, and Corbyn’s favourite terrorists, tried to kill the whole Tory government in the Grand Hotel as well as many other attacks.
Ah well, let’s just forget history, or rewrite it if it’s too inconvenient for today’s narratives and agendas.
Spot the BBC trying to write the future….list it here…..
The repeats on the BBC have now got beyond parody…
Homes Under the Hammer … first shown in 2014 BDD (before Dion Dublin)
Flog It… first shown in 2012 (brown furniture was still fashionable)
Bris – Just stick to re runs of Frazier – it’ll do you good. A while ago some beeboid boasted about how they were going to improve the quality of daytime tele but they care less – attics , auctions , old quizzes and moving to somewhere less diverse eh?
Agreed Fedup2.
Get rid of the BBC, use your money for Netflix and endless reruns of this magnificent show Frasier.
If you want to see the genesis of what we live with today, you could do a lot worse.His “sexual harrassment case” where he forced the radio station into having to attend a course is brilliant-and would not be made today, for it mocks that PC crap.
Newsvert dropped into your ITV local news
“A breakthrough : the first methane powered tractor”
..”zero emissions blah, blah economical etc”.
(Well of course they DO emit CO2, which is theoretically absorbed by next years crop)
– So today your farm has cows who eat the grass, and emit CO2 into the atmosphere.
– Future farm, you’d give up some cows and then harvest some grass and put in in the anaerobic digester
.. OK that’s fine if you burn it for heating or electricity, but for fuel, you’d have to have a compressing stage.
..Now that beef/dairy still has to be grown say in Brazil, so effectively your farm gets moved to a cut down bit of the Amazon etc.
– New Holland logo was all over the place.
Gingerphobi : BBC Lincs third headline : Off duty Ginger policeman has protested he suffered abuse for being ginger from Chef in a Lincoln restaurant.
Their main headline was “report says Brexit will hit Brexit voting areas hardest..especially the northeast where production will drop 16%”
…Yeh right
… They then brought on a Conservative Remainiac MP to state his case ..he was unopposed.
BTW they spent all Monday banging on about MP Victoria Atkins having to leave Twitter due to abuse
… She’s a staunch remainer
Her Louth & Horncastle constituency voted to Leave by 70.7% to 29.3% .
Declined al Beeb news today but gather that they are doing the “first man was black ‘ routine, all I’d say is that when these people were about they hadn’t invented factor 50 so they’d bound to have a touch of the tar brush – nor there’s a good old English term you won’t hear on al Beeb….
Before the advent of soap. I image they all looked and smelt the same.
Cheddar Man.
Fake News or cheesy propaganda?
The usual ‘Liblab’ claim ‘we are all immigrants’, which used to persuade us for more ‘open doors’ to the world to come in and help yourself to the ‘International Health Service’ etc?
Gender identity? It looks like a woman to me .
Did some comedian leave a photo of Flabbot in their lab?
At some point all of us moved into the house that we now live in, there was an earlier time when we didn’t live there, (that applies even if you were born there).
Even a Beeboid would get upset if a stranger moved into their house on the basis that the Beeboid had also moved into it at an earlier time. They would be using arguments like, “I paid for it” or “My parents paid for it”.
And so it is for roads, schools hospitals etc. etc.
I am surprised to find myself reporting a balanced report on BBC Radio 4 about Burma and its Rakhine State. Well, it was almost balanced. The reporter, on the PM Programme between 5.35 and 5.57pm (was it Alastair Leithhead?) still took a pop at the Burmese Government, thereby implying the BBC remembers or knows little about Burma’s past or present governance. It was digging into why the Muslims had in many cases fled and were possibly going to meet resistance in being allowed back from Bangladesh. At long last we heard some testimony from the other side, from non-Muslims.
Balance from Burma – of a kind – at last.
Report came from Jonathan Head, not Alastair Leithhead, it is now on BBC web-site:
A Labour MP is to undergo reprogramming/diversity training for calling a poet ‘bent’ and calling a Chinese meal ‘something derogatory’ i.e. a “chinky.” Are they serious? Of course they are. £3.7 billion for this crap?
It is about intention. It sounds like he had no malice but just failed to use the accepted words. This is extremely sinister as one can be a thought criminal without actually having bad intentions; when good people are criminalised we have entered the realm of tyranny, which is of course where most utopian ideals end up. Who decides which words are ok? The only test should be one of intention – a subjective test, with perhaps the odd exception for words which all agree are deeply offensive like the ‘n’ word.
What sort of wretched individual tells the authorities when someone uses the word ‘bent’?
Who runs these ‘diversity awareness’ seminars? On what studies are their teachings based? I grimly suspect these ‘equality training’ courses are run by whining morons who think ‘subjective’ is a record label.
Even if he opposed homosexuality – which it does not sound like he did – why is he not entitled to that opinion? Most people might not agree but he should not have to be reprogrammed – we’re not living in the Soviet Union. Should he have a show trial where he confesses his crimes?
All their obsession with ‘diversity’ does not include the only diversity which matters: diversity of opinion.
A Muslim MP could openly say gays are evil and the silence from the BBC would be deafening.
Beeb Bro
You don’t mention the Labour MP’s name but he sounds like a man with common sense. Someone who ain’t afraid to call a spade a spade, a spic a spic and a kraut a kraut. OMG what have I said?? As an old, white honky and a cracka I like his tone.
Beeb Bro
Mark Twain had no such qualms about the use of words. I would make copies of all his works available in schools and colleges and allow the kids their intellectual freedom to choose what they say and how they say it . That’s the way it was when I was in school and we didn’t have all the whinging and whining we hear today. We have produced the miserable, stupid society that just cannot cope with adversity. What don’t kill you will make you strong. Oh,and yes we had marmalade with a lovely little golliwog on the jar,and very nice it was too.
“Brexit: Official forecasts suggest economies throughout UK will be hit”
The forecast does not, for balance, identify areas of Europe where equal, if not more, commercial havoc will be caused by a Brexit no-deal? I wonder why. Perhaps that might focus minds across the Channel.
I also wonder why, in its opening, the forecast gives a health warning? viz.
“Please note that Forecasts for the UK economy is a summary of published material reflecting the views of the forecasting organisations themselves and does not in any way provide new information on the Treasury’s own views. It contains only a selection of forecasters, which is subject to review. No significance should be attached to the inclusion or exclusion of any particular forecasting organisation. HM Treasury accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of material published in this comparison.”
A, “selection of forecasters”: who selected them and why we are not told but contributors here will instinctively know……..
The forecast –
Click to access Forecomp_November_2017.pdf
I do not regard myself as innumerate but I find the presentation of the Brexit effect totally obscure
The forecasts, seen by MPs, model the 15-year impact of the UK staying in the single market, doing a trade deal with the EU or leaving without a deal.
In each scenario, growth would be lower, by 2%, 5% and 8% respectively, compared with current forecasts.
Are these percentages per annum? (from when)? or the difference in the level of GDP between Brexit/Eu membership after 15 years? If the latter how much will GDP in 2033 be above current level?
Should the UK leave the EU in March 2019 without any kind of deal, it suggest four parts of the UK would see a double digit fall in GDP.
GDP would be lower than present? Or lower than projected under the status quo? When 2019 or 2033?
NISA, to answer your question lower after the time period starting either in 2019 or 2021, so in 2034 or 2036 but affecting the Qs +/-GDP all the way to the end date.
GDP increases are expressed in Quarterly amounts, + point something or – point something, being the estimated (note the word) growth over the total up to the end of the last Q. Thus, for example, two successive Qs of minus numbers and the UK is said to be in a ‘technical’ recession.
Problem is – ignored by the Remoaner BBC and the Remainers they have brought on to create a fuss – they have forgotten all of that and more that dear old Steffie taught them in her time as EconEd. In addition, the fact that the figures are often adjusted later, sometimes more than once, and it can be some time before they are agreed as finalised, make the whole fuss look a bit silly. [Which is exactly how Ken Clarke described it when he was CoE in the 1990s!]
Then there is the vagueness of the calculation of GDP itself.
Divide the worse scenario envisaged by that report (leaked on Buzzfeed – what about FakeNews, eh, BBC?) into the time span and a guesstimate of about -0.5% on a year’s GDP (a good UK year is +3% to +4%, maybe up to +6% to +8% for really, very good, almost outstanding year) and you can see where one half of one per cent almost becomes not worth talking about.
You would really need -4% in Q4 of one year followed by -4% in Q1 of the succeeding year to create a real frisson among good economists. Or both disastrously bad Qs in the same year. Both scenarios, in theory, would mean more or less zero growth for two successive years but then bouncing back to normal very soon after.
Hope that helps.
The Corleone brothers that run Europe will almost certainly send their boys round with an offer we can’t refuse. We should refuse it anyway.
“Briton who fought Islamic State faces terror charge” –
Meanwhile, the Home Office suggest that returning Jihadis will be, “‘offered council house bribes to reintegrate'” –
Another example of the dual justice in the UK when islam is involved.
Read the full text of Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech. This is exactly what he portended: a dual justice system created due to the Race Relations Act.
“The kindest thing that can be said about those who propose this legislation is that they know not what they do.”
Beeb Bro
But will the next generation forgive them?
The coming generation will really rebel against all the multi culti/diversity nonsense. The cool counter culture will be to oppose it. Plus they will realise they need to fight to retain the freedoms we always took for granted. Free speech has gone. What next? One fears it will get much worse before it gets better.
I’ve often thought this – as an ex-punk in the late seventies, I am disgusted by some of my peers who in their day were the embodiment of even the Anarcho/Crass strain of punk – they now parrot the government/msm line on essentially everything.
See when you point this out to them, they get even more enraged.
‘Never thought I’d see the day when you would agree with the BBC and the majority of the Conservative Party’
Like you I too was a punk in the late seventies and early eighties.
If I learned nothing lese it was that Callaghan and his “winter of discontent2 HAD to be removed-and even the hideous Maggie would be happy with our doing the fanzines, selling our records and cobbling up thrifty cheap fashions.
Punk was essentially Thatcherite-and today it`s all Trump and Brexit in my view.
How come then that the states organs spill out their rebellious guts with endless reruns of Siouxsie Sioux and the Slits, we mean it maaan type of postures? Then expect us all to go cap in hand to the state to spout rebellion, but leave the BBC alone and vote labour. That`s not rebellion-that`s licenced state fakery that hypoctires like Lennon, Vine and Geldof preen with.
No-Trump and Brexit were REAL rebellious, punk-like acts. But`s REAL rebellion, not spitting over the prep school wall like the BBC think is safer.
Trump is our Johnny Rotten, but the BBC prefer Paul Simenon posings, or posh boys like Strummer(RIP).
Yes as a new waver back in the day I was aghast at a leading light of the Liverpool Punk scene who frowned upon anyone thinking of voting to leave the EU, as it did so much good for our region?
Not sure how the late Poly – styrene evolved but here she is warning us about Identity politics….maybe…?
Worboys the lead story yet again tonight!
He looks frail, expressed remorse and there is a media lynch mob after him – he is not likely to reoffend. They only focus on him so much because he is a white rapist taxi driver. Do they think by covering this same story over and over for months they will convince us white taxi drivers are as rapey as their ‘Asian’ counterparts?
Beeb Bro
The answer to that is ———- YES!
BB, and Worboys is said (or he has claimed) to have become a Christian while in prison.
Not often mentioned by the Beeb.
I wonder why?
(There I go again – it’s starting to get to me. Ta tah)
On BBC2 right now is ‘Eurovision: You Decide’ where we have to endure the acts that will be voted to represent the UK.
It’s been explained there is a hidden panel of 6 secret judges, hmmm! 50% of the vote is a public vote and the other 50% is from these hidden (most likely very politically correct) judges.
For an ‘expert’ opinion after each act they have 3 people, two of them are gay.
Now for the (box ticking) acts…
#1 women – tick!
#2 gay man – tick!
#3 black woman – tick!
#4 black man – tick!
I cant watch any more!
Also I noticed lots of bald heads in the dark waving EU flags. About three patriots waving the Union Jack, surrounded by thirty bald headed officials waving EU flags. But the good thing was that the politically correct vote was so divided that a blond indigenous British girl won the contest. But then I cannot imagine the hideously white people of Europe voting for someone that looks like a boat person. But despite the hysterical reception, all the songs where predictably bland, forgettable and the same as last year.
Turned over after “Britain’s Brightest Family“ on ITV: As a Mensa member you rarely meat any Black skinned ethnics, due to only white skinned Orientals and Jews being of higher average IQ than Europeans. But on “Britain’s Brightest Family” after four weeks we have already had three dark skinned families with another one due next week. That’s 40 percent of Britain’s Brightest Families are dark skinned ethnics but no Jews or Orientals. It does make it look obvious that the program has been subject to a politically correct racial profiling fix, because after four weeks none of them has beaten any of the white families, and only one white family has been eliminated, but by another white family.
How many genuinely bright families would touch this with a barge pole?
ha ha eurovision sorry but its just a pile of absolute shite, possibly the most musically irrelevant music show in the whole wide world
beloved by gays and fag hags who hate music
It always makes me wonder that the nation which gave the world so much wonderful music from the 60s to the OOs does so babbles. I mean Benny Hill and Ernie is better than most Eurovision entries and that was a joke record. Can you imagine the outcry if the U.K. picked Whistling Jack Smith
Fiona Bruce did her ‘smiley smiley’ face when she did the ‘Cheddar Man’ report today. She never stopped grinning throughout the report.
This is not news, this is social engineering using speculaton. I switched channels and started looking at an ad for BUPA. It featured an ill white woman with a caring Arab partner.
The social engineering is all around and I defy anyone (Twatzicony) to say it isn’t.
Hello again !
When did the mysterious bug land in Europe, Cassandra, that has infested and infected everything? Symptoms of a bite are – yes indeed- an enthusiasm for social engineering on a grand scale! But it is a malign bug, for the social engineering is directed, not for the betterment of anything, but against oneself; one’s own country; one’s own people. It has been conveyed in the ether by the media who have become so obsessed with virtue-signalling, the end can’t come fast enough for them. The madness, the mindlessness, has spread relentlessly. Only when all that has been built up over hundreds of years has been extinguished, will the virtue-signalling cease. There is no better example of this disease than the BBC. Through the licence fee they have been empowered to drag us all down with them, and they are hell-bent on so doing…
There is an antidote out there, no doubt. We need to find it, and fast.
Yes get rid of the Telly Tax. Simples.
Yes indeed, Taffman! But how do we convince the powers that be to do that? They all seem to have been infected long ago…
One day Al Beeb will bite the Tories hard on the backside then they will wake up and get rid of the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
Interesting comments running on HYS here, get your in now before it closes ……………………..
Yes indeed, Taffman. It looks like it’s going to have to be a very, very hard bite? (nothing’s worked so far)
Lord Hall is on record Taff , saying he would like to scrap the license fee.
He wants a system like the German model, where everyone pays, not just the address, to fund the two national broadcasters, whether they own a TV set or not. They pay in 4 quarterly installments. It totals around €60 IIRC, my son, who lives in Munich and does not own a TV was fined last year for none payment.
We are not German. We are British because our forefathers made it so.
Scrap the telly tax and let it be financed by subscription.
If its as ‘good’ as it says it is, it will survive and make a substantial profit for the nation it purports to support .
Totally agree Taff, subscription based. If the bastards are as good as they think they are and held in such high regard, they will have nothing to worry about.
“Brexit: Official forecasts suggest economies throughout UK will be hit”
15 years ahead?
The ‘experts’ could not correctly forecast the day after we voted out in 2016 let alone 15 years ahead!
What has May achieved since 23 June 2016? As the nation voted out why did Mrs May surround herself with a ‘war cabinet’ full of remoaners?
The whole report and its leak are charade.
Time for the Tory Party to change the leader, Mrs May is a remainer.
Its Rees – Mogg for me all the way and I am not a Tory but I am pretty sure that he would have the whole might of the Kippers behind him.
Yes indeed, Taffman. But how do you get the Tory Party to get rid of her? Look at Germany: a lady who should have been long gone has yet again lead everyone by the nose into the great self-distruct…
I could not do it but I think its imminent?
That would be great, Taffman. I only hope we don’t go from out of the frying pan and into…
I mean, is there anyone sane left? OK: JRM, I agree. But there other eager beavers around, and some of them would stab their own mothers into their backs…
I’ve not posted on here for ages but read every day so thanks to everyone keeping up the good fight. Just flicking through my freeview channels just now as the interference was so bad I had to go flick to see if I had any signal at all. First thing I’m greeted by on BBC is some sort of work scene in a drama (Don’t know, don’t care what it was) where they were all working with a dwarf. I have nothing against dwarves but I knew I’d hit BBC straight away as it wasn’t a logical character placement in said work environment. I’ve been in the workforce 30 years across several different industries and never had the pleasure of working with a dwarf so don’t see why they feel the need to virtue signal one into whatever crap program it was they were making. Can’t they just make normal shows without slipping in a minority in there somewhere just to tick a box!
Try going to the theatre and seeing women playing men and black men married to white women – gets beyond confusing in its right on ness . Shakespeare wrote plays for whites – the occasional black character but bloody hell
If you watch the BBC for the ‘news’ you may have missed the ObamaGate as it breaks. The news is that the former President stated flatly that he has no involvement in DOJ or FBI investigations – then months later there are FBI txts – deleted now recovered – that show Obama was being informed of progress in the Billary email investigation :
Unfortunately the BBC has not the slightest mention of this – the biggest political scandal since Watergate – but they do have ‘headline news’ of someone who works for Trump who apparently assaulted his ex-wife.
Al beeb talking about parole
But not asking whether parole has any value other than bribing prisoners to behave and give the prison staff an easier time.
It’s come to a head with war boys . I think the public deserve to be able to understand sentencing . I’m sure AI will help reduce judges and the cost of the system . Some clown gave warboys 8 years and now he will be freed because of a dumb system run by dumb people
Lojo: The beeb’s anti-Trump narrative runs independently of reality.
In that little festering bubble, O is a hero…
It will only change when the virtue-signalling stops. And who knows when that is?
Another great day without the BBC, just a snatch of Laurie Taylor to stir the blood.
As for Worboys, the EU or Cheddar blokes etc—just not on my radar. March 29th 2019 is Brexit Day. We need not be sheep, led by Mays crew after that. They want a civil war about it? We`ll be ready.
I pledge to shutter up the nail bars locally, and ensure than no coppers can get our high heels. That will show them that this is serious, and they`ll soon slink off.
Then the civil war to arrest the likes of Campbell and BBC quisllngs. No need to obey anything WE`VE not passed into law after March 2019,
Just finished watching Love Unlimited: Polyamory in Scotland on BBC2 Scotland.
I remember a few years ago some people saying that if marriage was redefined to include gay relationships, there would be no reason for the state not to similarly recognise polyamorous unions. They were pooh-poohed.
Well, the ground is being prepared for the total destruction of traditional marriage with programmes like this. The whole purpose of this propaganda exercise was to normalise polyamory. It was pretty clear to me that everybody involved in this is emotionally and psychologically messed up. From the exhibitionists and narcissists to those from broken homes with no self-esteem and a predilection for putting ironmongery through their noses.
And the way these people talked about love made me want to puke. They haven’t a clue. They all talked about monogamy being claustrophobic and restrictive. Well, yes, you morons, it is restrictive. Marriage is restrictive. It is a sacrifice on the part of the two partners in order that any children born to them will grow up in a secure environment. Some of the participants in this programme could probably have benefitted from having parents who vowed to stay together in a permanent and exclusive relationship. Of course marriage might feel boring at times but it is a noble sacrifice that the parents are making. These self-centred, superficial, drivel-spouting deviants just don’t get it and don’t have the character for mature relationships and making sacrifices.
Thank you, BBC, for further weakening the institution of marriage and taking another step towards the destruction of our civilisation.
polyamorous is this a code word for polygamy
or is it just some throwback to the hippie sixties free love and all that crap I presume they all went on about a deep spiritual bond
in my day we just used to call it shagging a lot, we didnt need some made up psycho babble name as an excuse for not keeping it in our pants
BTW if you are feeling sorry for Tesco shop floor workers
.. there last pay rise was 10.5% over 2 years
B TW today on the a woman with 20 years with them was complaining about a cut in premiums, that’s cos she was on the old contract where people got double time for Sundays. She didn’t say that the union had negotiated a lump sum to compensate people like her.
On Sexual equality : when was the last time you saw 3 MALE characters laughed as they pushed a not very guilty woman off a cliff ?
Well that was the plot in reverse for ITV Girlfriends drama
It turned out the husband hadn’t been having an affair, his badness was that occasionally he lashed out with his fists in rows.. something that could have been tackled with counselling not murder.
I don’t think in this era the TV corps would run that plot in reverse.
Despite the BBC doom and gloom, I feel that Trump will determine Brexit. He supports Brexit and has no time for the EU.
His power and influence dwarfs that of May and her remoaners.
‘Strength Through Weakness’ is May’s family motto, so I hear 😉
We’ll see.
Switched on Radio 4 about 6.40 to hear a female comedienne (well I assume she thought she was) getting a laugh by saying she had to explain to her 6 year old what the Holocaust was. Maybe I heard it out of context but I listened no further and switched off. But I have been into primary schools to talk about the Holocaust and I am glad to say that none of the children found it funny.
Al Beeb and Radio don’t do comedy.
The only laughs you hear is ‘canned laughter’ (pre-recorded laughter ).
They haven’t done comedy since Pontius was a Pilot.
“Brexit-backing Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg has accused Treasury officials of “fiddling the figures” to make all options but staying in the EU look bad.”
Evidence ?………………………
No mention of the impact on the EU of any retaliatory measures taken by the UK? The swamp media in this great nation needs to be drained.
The EU are worried , very worried because the end of the EU is nigh.
From proxy figures looking good (Australia and Canada) and the reasons why its worse than that for Britain in the EU (Trade deficit and Membership fee). I would say that the Treasury has “censored figures” to make all options but staying in the EU look bad.
So like Global warming, you don’t need to fiddle the figures if you censor the core information to the point of universal ignorance amongst those who do not know what is missing.
“Tesco faces £4bn equal pay claim from women staff”
Your food bills are going to be dearer, shop elsewhere.
It didn’t take long for her to come out of the woodwork and give her two penn’th on Cheddar Man. Afua Hirsch. Say no more.
I do wish Bernard Manning was still around. He’d have a field day with this lot, and the current state of Arthur/Martha and those in between.
Anyone notice the sudden propensity of ‘multicultural’ adds on TV?
A disproportional representation of the population in the UK ?
Propaganda ?
Has TV only just reached the Welsh valleys?(!)
Our major supermarkets have celebrated a ‘black’ Christmas for at least two years now.
But you are right, there has been a huge upswing lately, we now play ‘spot the hideously white advert’. Our ‘creatives’ must have a serious problem finding sufficient ‘black’ actors else they all become ‘Bert Kwouk’, (the only chink in the game), moments.
Sick and tired of the unwritten rule that white women no longer have white husbands on TV
Their ‘investigation’ into Westminster shows bullying, with one man saying he felt stressed.
Their campaign against Brexit is brutal bullying and makes us feel very stressed indeed, as does being told we have a mental illness if we question open borders, the ROP et cetera. I guess their bullying is ok though as they know best – mummy and daddy will be very upset if we do not do as we are told.
Lead story is that ‘1 in 5’ people has experienced or witnessed harassment or bullying. Witnessed? Given how low the bar has been set this could mean once seeing someone touch a woman’s arm or ask for her phone number. Given their are several bars at Westminster this is an astonishingly low number, but of course they hype it up.
Another feminist story leading the news – what a surprise. They will wallow in the most salacious stories, replaying the stories for maximum effect. How do they know ‘respondents’ to their investigation are not exagerrating or making things up? BBC staffers must have mates who work at Westminster who understand the Beeb’s almost sexual list for a victimhood narrative. Unless a story makes it to the courts I am highly suspicious of any story.
Trump has had a bad hair day! Haw haw haw! He has a bald patch and tries to hide it! Sniggering all round!
BBC editorial is seldom anything other than massive exercises in allusion, guesswork and selected quote.
Here’s the bbc email summary this morning:
“Negative Brexit forecasts revealed
Areas of the UK that supported Brexit would see the biggest slowdown in economic growth as a result of leaving the EU, estimates by government officials suggest. Forecasts seen by MPs look at the potential 15-year-impact of different scenarios: the UK staying in the single market, doing a trade deal with the EU and leaving without any deal.
And these suggest that, in England, the areas seeing the largest slowdown in economic growth would be the North West and West Midlands. The research also suggests London – which mainly backed Remain – would see the lowest reductions.“
So, Justin gets a ‘revelation’, with the word ‘suggests’ used… a lot… that Leavers are doomed and plucky Remain Londoners are still the only winners.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the building…
Listening to “Up all night ” on Radio 5 this morning at about 0430 UK time I found I had mounting fury as two interviewees(a NE representative of the CBI and a NE MEP) commented about some treasury forecasts that indicate the NE will have a -16% outcome in terms of its economic performance.
The entire discussion moved inevitably to the proposition that Brexit was a bad idea, that the only solution would be to have a second referendum as most people would be inclined to vote remain.
They totally ignored the arguments expounded by the Leave campaign,endorsed by 17 million people, they ignored more recent developments coming from the EU (army, political integration etc) and they ignored the fact that many people thought and voted about many other considerations than just the economy. I found myself wondering if the origins of this discussion had emanated from a previous incumbent of the Sedgefield constiuency. The ‘soft’ slimy, insidious proposals with no alternative view allowed or considered was typical of the constant drivel that emanates from the BBC
What they fail to ever say/understand is even if the NE has a -16% outcome the good people of the NE dont care because -16% of fuck all is still fuck all
Toady watch
You would nt know it but it’s another good day for brexit . This is because a foreign billionaire has put alleged £400 000 to the lord bollock brown led let’s stop brexit campaign .
Some papers are carrying this disgrace but al beeb thinks problems in the swamp of Parliament are more important .
Having seen the morality of soros before you can be sure he will profit from Blighty what ever happens . Leaches come to mind
Bias by omission example ( we should grade the bias – Ed)
Pro brexit people need to counter the negative onslaught even if msm won’t use positive news
Rather funny moment on twitter last night when an FBPE fanatic accused the Telegraph of being parotid delusional pushing such a story of George of the Bung-all, only to have the Graun front page served up to him.
Still Gina gets some nice new outfits to speak for the nation.
Soros must have another mega bet on for Brexit to be wading so deeply through another nations’ business . He is effectively running the campaign .
I suppose he ll get a list of free lance al beebers and famous people that people trust such as Jimmy Saville to endorse remaining in the belief that voters are thick enough to swallow the message
Seems the comrades are headed to the barricades:
It’s high time these far Left loons were exposed for what they are.
If George Soros is, once again, taking action against the UK then he is, quite literally, at war with us.
There’s a simple remedy for that.
Made-up to look beautiful. Sent out to die.
A children friendly cartoon showing how evil men make women put on a bomb and blow themselves up at markets! God knows how much of the BBC budget was spunked away on this rubbish.
The only mention of the “M” word is near the bottom, “Boko Haram is considered one of the deadliest militant groups in modern history. Since 2009 they have killed more than 27,000 innocent people – including Muslims – in Nigeria alone.”
Yet again, Muslims only get a mention when they are the victims.
The bBC continues with Project fear with this headline:

Council tax hikes planned ‘across England’
Nearly all local authorities in England are set to raise council tax and charges amid concerns for their financial stability, a survey suggests…The research – carried out by the Local Government Information Unit (LGiU) think tank and The Municipal Journal – claims the biggest pressure on authorities’ budgets is children’s services (nearly 32% of councils), then adult social care (close to 28%) and housing and homelessness (19%).
The bbC even knocks out a little chart to explain the above:
Gee I wonder why so many councils have run out of cash regards children, adult services and housing? Whilst the bBC don’t say why, Here’s one the Daily Mail knocked out in 2016.

I wonder why the likes of the bBC, Lilly Allen and that wanker who sells crisps are so f-ing quiet over how Mr average, has to put dip into their pockets in which to appease their leftwing ideology.
R4 and Breakfast – all making big deal about Trumps that really is news…Naga outwardly mocking him..Now where is that memo about bugging Trump’s campaign..oh that’s not news..
If you want a morning laugh with your coffee – here is a quote from the response I got to one of my complaints to BBC
“BBC News does not have an opinion on Donald Trump’s presidency” How I laughed
As usual they avoided actually addressing the point of the complaint
Yeah – let’s make fun of personal appearance – stupid looking fat black people and slimy paedo looking paki Muslims – quality journalism .
Anyway – I followed up on Malloch Brown – the bubble dwellers hired to keep Blighty in their EU .
Basically – if you accept the wiki information – he is as much a bitch of soros as Corbin is a bitch of his union comrades .
There is a scandal here – as there is in bollock browns association with the foreigner Soros
And interference withUK politics .
Al beeb bitches about alleged interference in elections but none on this soros character
obviously a russian 73p goes a lot further than an hugarian-nazi £400,000
and despite the damage he did to britain with the ERM debacle, some “British” people side with him that really does have me perplexed
“BBC News does not have an opinion on Donald Trump’s presidency”
But every single one of their journalists has one and doesn’t bother hiding it.
I avoid the BBC the way others might avoid a cake laced with cyanide and covered with icing made of cat’s pee. But last night the tv came on with the One Show where, point by point, people were making unpleasant personal comments about President Trump.
John McDonnell can support and admire the mass murderer Stalin, whilst advocating lynching a female tory MP and the BBC will avoid references unless it is forced.
At one time the media had swarms of legal eagles ensuring that nothing is said that the corporations could be sued for, so whatever happened to slandering someone in public ? or is that different to ‘making unpleasant personal comments” ?
This will sting a bit.
The bbc will either ignore it or go into full ‘who us?’ mode, but I would dearly love for Jeremy Bowen to be tasked on his efforts by someone less conflicted than Samira Ahmed.
Gave up again – main feature is a bubble issue about onanistic politicians bullying and harassing in the parliament ( doesn’t feel like mine now)
There is an easy solution – shut all the bars and make it like a place of work not s tax funded palace / club . Dragged down by false traditions – remember that building it not that old – certainly not ancient
If fact – turn the parliamentary estate into a theme park museum and ship the government chambers to a relatively cheap bit of London like barking – which for soubry and Corbin would be most apt
Yeah I only managed ten minutes.
The bars are subsidised as well! Who not only thinks it is ok to get drunk at work but also gets their employer to pay for the booze? Everyone knows being drunk at work is a sackable offence, and rightly so.
It sums up the problem: do as I say not as I do, just like the pigs in animal farm. All their nannying and finger wagging at us whilst they say it’s fine for them to do whatever they want.
The Mail today reports that Toady has lost 300,000 listeners. Penny to a pound, the mood at the BBC will be one of astonished ‘how could they? What’s not to like?’. They have absolutely no self-awareness.
” ship the government chambers to a relatively cheap bit of London ”
whilst it resides in london our problems will remain
Build somewhere in the middle of the country put a couple of blocks of high rise flats in for the mp’s to use when they are far from home
job done
” ship the government chambers to a relatively cheap bit of London ”
whilst it resides in london our problems will remain
Build somewhere in the middle of the country put a couple of blocks of high rise flats in for the mp’s to use when they are far from home
job done
Why should us poor so and sos have that shower in the middle of the country!! I’m sure there must be a nice, deserted island off the coast somewhere they could go!!
Sounds cosy. Guessing the guy overseeing the guys who oversee their mates at the bbc thinks it is a trusted and transparent institution envied the world over?
Would rather hear from the leading man for the gender pay gap Chris ‘£2.3m BBC Wages’ Evans … did he say sorry?
Conclusion is that
#1 Matt Hancock is a new switched on culture minister
#2 That he’s almost in bed with the BBC get much more by listening to extra bit at the end of the podcast
On the on air show he said
#1 “Facebook is neither just a network (like the post office telephone system) now a traditional publisher who has read every article before publishing .. but what they can do is filter out things like child porn etc. with their tech
#2 In reply to Amol asking him if he supported the BBC Licence fee & increasing it in line with inflation, he replied “Yes”
The extra 6 minutes of info from the podcast
“I’ve only been inthe job a month”
#1 R4Today is not his main morning radio “My family love Chris Evans.. if it hits the Chris Evans headlines its a proper story.
…I listen to R4Today sometimes in the car”
#2 “An email gives me a summary of all newspapers”
#3 TV news , I’m too busy to watch
#4 Do you watch Netflicks
Yes we love ..last watched Game Of Thrones
#5 “Most intimidating newsman is Andrew Neil”
#6 “Newspapers are important for AGENDA SETTING..they break stories and thus define the agenda
.. I wouldn’t say they are less influential even tho circulation has fallen”
#7 “Do you think the BBC as essentially run by metropolitan liberals”
Ans “No, no the BBC isn’t liberal, many Tory MPs are ex-BBC staff”*
he rushes on “BBC has to do more to reflect the nation : gender, ethnic background, and SOCIAL background
..they have been trying to sort that with the apprenticeship scheme etc.”
*(Jesus just cos you are a Tory MP doesn’t mean you are not a Metro-liberal who is completely out of touch with majority of the electorate”)
#8 What do you want for your legacy
“Making the internet a force for good..not harming others
Changing the values from a liberal let it all hang out
… ” (He means censorship I guess)
“I don’t believe in for a free for all , no one thinks the govt should get out of the way (Well many do)… we have to have rules”
Is this “news” or just an extremely long advert for a BBC programme?
The Apology Channel.
Guest -damn -I’d switched off -comedy gold . Swinson is delightfully light headed too – a soubry protege methinks
I think she was the one in The Thick of It talking about “ Batpeeple “
the Humph did put her down very quickly as the question was completely out of context with the subject at hand
I actually cringed on swinsons behalf she is such a fookin idiot
Malloch Brown on R4.. sorry is he slightly bonkers..he talks about democracy and in next breath we need to overturn the referendum (subtext all Brexiteers were mislead and are stupid).
“He also attracted some controversy, not least owing to his occupation of a grace-and-favour home in Whitehall” on his resignation 2009
When Malloch-Brown took up his post on Soros’s hedge fund in April, he also became vice-chairman to the billionaire’s Open Society Institute, a private grant-making foundation. 2007
Bolton (US official) commenting on him in 2006 said “Malloch Brown’s condescending, patronizing tone about the American people, was the worst part about the speech.”
So he has form – he is one of the best things for Brexit – a rich crony who knows best for all of us poor deluded people
Malloch Brown has a very long and unpleasant history. He is another one who needs the full glare of publicity to expose his role in anti-democratic activities. He epitomises the UN/EU/Quango class that lives like lice, sucking blood from this country.
Notice the BBC don’t show how much is spent on stupid projects … and high salaries … golden pensions … and gender gaps ….art purchases …
Nearly all local authorities in England are set to raise council tax and service charges amid concerns for their financial stability, a survey suggests. { 08feb2018}
Council tax is set to rise in 95% of authorities while 93% will hike service fees, according to the 2018 State of Local Government Finance research.
The planned increases come as 80% of councils fear for their balance sheets.
See Pounce’s story above – relates to Migrant payments as well
The left and their intolerance, and the bBC with half a story:

I came across this story, whilst searching the net:
less than 1 minute on the net, and I find out what he wrote (something the bBC can’t do)

The local BBC news spent time last night on the Mayor of Boston story. To be honest, it was switched on but I couldn’t be bothered to hear what they had to say. I was only there for the weather although Paul thinks it funny when he gets it totally wrong.
We have Tim Iredale as the political editor and there is no doubt where he sympathies lie both by the choice of stories and what he has to say. He is also ace at having the camera pointing up at him when he want to give a very anti Conservative story so increase the sneering look as he tells us how wicked the Conservatives are.
BBC have a special section for the Gender Pay Gap … but oddly don’t show Chris ‘£2.3m + CarFest Promoted for free by the BBC’ Evans who is the leader of the pay gap crowd? Why isn’t he being asked what he will do?
Gender pay gap {}
Reminder that is a PAYE list only
So there are people Women/men not listed cos they are paid via Private Service Companies
It’s wrong just to assert that Claudia Winkleman is the highest paid star
eg … Anne Robinson amassed a lifetime earnings of £40m , largely thru the Weakest Link
Yesterday the bBC made a huge song and dance about how so many people are now going vegetarian. (Yet fail to acknowledge that a large number will be women who eat salads at lunch and such in which to try and keep slim) with that in mind, you think that they would cover the big story of the day:
I wonder why they haven’t?
Unlabelled Halal meat in the food chain is a reason I don’t eat as much meat (except pork) when I`m out and about.
I only eat meat from local butchers who I can trust.
Our local Butcher, when asked about unstunned meat was quite explicit, “none of our meat is Halal, if that’s what you`re asking”.
Embolden, if you want really clean meat, then may I suggest you try to buy the hind quarter of a kosher killed animal. It will not have been pre-stunned as the animal has to be healthy at the point of killing (which is why you know you are eating a healthy animal) but its death will have been swift. It is very difficult to complete the koshering process on the hind quarter which is why is goes into the ordinary food chain (that means you get your steaks etc cheaper), leaving the poorer quality fore quarter to be eaten by those Jewish people who want to keep kosher.
If it was made compulsory to prominently mark meat slaughtered by barbaric methods, we might actually make some progress in this area. But I can’t see the BBC agitating for that, somehow. Fantasy ‘equal pay’ campaigns, however….
Amusing, or what? Switched on to R4 just before 08h00 this a.m. Caught the tail end of Justin Webb (I think) interviewing someone, possibly a Tony Maddox (American?) They were talking about fake news, Trump etc.
Both agreed that ‘centrist’ broadcasters like CNN and the BBC were the way to go.
Centrist? CNN and the BBC?
That would make the late Comrade Trotsky a dyed in the wool Conservative!
The news started up, droning on about harassment in parliament. I don’t like harassment either, and there are not many in parliament who impress. But I know a never-ending current narrative from Toady, when I hear it, so I switched off again.
Always worth a mention to remind us this is not a new problem … corruption of the media … “It’s now universally accepted that the press is parti pris (a preconceived view; a bias).” {youtube} – Christopher Hitchens circa1993
Brexit watch
Al Beeb did a three part documentary about a chap who apparently was a liberal PM recently called Cameron .
It’s actually …reasonably straight ….. but it does remind us of how the referendum was framed —— in or out —— no messing. No mention of semi customs unions or transition periods — just Purely leave their Reich EU. Pity it’s not repeated a few times
The bBC has been banging its drum all morning regards the increase in council tax, I quote from their article:

“The research – carried out by the Local Government Information Unit (LGiU) think tank and The Municipal Journal – claims the biggest pressure on authorities’ budgets is children’s services (nearly 32% of councils), then adult social care (close to 28%) and housing and homelessness (19%).”
and here is a story from today which explains all of the above, but you know the bBC will never air it:
Funny how Customs are a lot better at stopping people leaving than they are entering.