Tory MP Victoria Atkins fled Twitter due to the abuse she received and the BBC immediately headlined its bulletins with this breaking news….the same BBC that helped do so much to encourage the abuse of and disrespect for politicians, not only with its satire but with the vicious demonisation of Thatcher and Tories in general….and now it’s Trump in the firing line…literally. Much as the body parts of long departed Saints are paraded around the country the ghost of Jo Cox is resurrected by any politician wanting to impart how serious their own situation is, a bit of Jo Cox martyrdom gives a lovely bit of credence to their claims of living on death row as the looming threat of the Twitter mob darkens their lives. No mention of Stephen Timms being stabbed by a Muslim of course as this would distract from the narrative of a nasty bunch of fascist Brexiteers murdering all who oppose them. No mention that there is absolutely nothing new about death threats and attacks on politicians…not just threats of course….the BBC’s, and Corbyn’s favourite terrorists, tried to kill the whole Tory government in the Grand Hotel as well as many other attacks.
Ah well, let’s just forget history, or rewrite it if it’s too inconvenient for today’s narratives and agendas.
Spot the BBC trying to write the future….list it here…..
Would BBC’s Andrew Marr say that the EU does not have much control over the UK … wait, what is he saying here …
“… and mould the whole of Europe into a copy of Germany …. a good place to start is to ditch the easy historical comparison (ignore history and you will repeat it) … because Angela Merkel is a figure of our here and now and it’s vital to understand her better because she (Merkel) matters more to our future (UK) than, what, 95% of British Politicians.” – BBC’s Andrew Marr 2013
“The Making of Merkel with Andrew Marr BBC documentary 2013 about Angel Merkel imp politician” {youtube}
So what you are saying Andrew Marr, is that this is a very good reason to get out of the EU?
Sex violence officer for Westminster?
Why not several for Rochdale, Rotherham and other enriched areas where they are desperately needed?
#BBCJustLikeBrexit …. Economic collapse: The real message of the fall of Troy { 08feb2018}
The fall and sack of the city of Troy at the hands of an avenging Greek army is one that has been told for some 3,000 years, but contained within it are clues to a much wider global collapse – with lessons for our own 21st Century.
I read that. They managed to get both climate change and benefits of immigration in! Who knew that Homer was so progressive?
“… most of you are political junkies (panel members on Question Time). Most of the country isn’t.” – David Starkey @ 2:35
Should Jeremy Corbyn ‘take responsibility’ for the drug-taking and rampant sexy-stuff that took place at Glastonbury 2017? I say: Hell no! I am ashamed at the way the country flees down a puritanical rabbit-hole rather than bravely face the real issues of the day. #bbcqt – David Starkey
Earlier, I posted a contribution on Alan’s other page: ‘The Jihad will not be televised”. Two links there might be of interest generally.
1. the islamic Declaration of Human Rights –
Click to access cairo.pdf
2. the ‘islamic’ Human Rights Commission –
Have a laugh on me…………….
Could not find a mention of World Hijab Day … odd?
“The trail of responsibility for the murderous attack on Muslim worshippers in north London’s Finsbury Park last June can be traced back to the door of the Zionist lobby in London.”
Thanks Marky
Not one of my favourite websites .
When one of their non Muslim critics as named on the site comes to a sad end I bet we won’t see the creatures of the British Parliament queuing up to shed crocodile tears and claim expenses for the flowers in a jo cox stylee.
I bet irhc is a registered charity – and that there’s more than a few mussies infesting the charity commission…
Always worth looking at other sites … freedom of speech is a gift not to be missed.
Brexit means join later Brexit ….
“He (Soros) has previously suggested it was possible that the UK would apply to rejoin the European Union soon after Brexit.” { 08feb2018}
Soros/UN: funding the mass movement of so-called, “Refugees” from Africa and the ME into Europe for later dispersal to the UK. (on Free Movement excluding Calais though for those who make it under their own steam)
Free movement but funded?!
During 2015, it was spotted that the UN were handing out backpacks containing all the essential info. and kit the prospective emigrant refugee needed. I can’t immediately find the link but I remember seeing it and a photo of the backpacks displaying the UN logo.
Anyway, up to date:
Brexit is going to be the real crunch in our battle against the progressive elite.
The entire political class is suspect and as for the liberal media and the corporate class their hostility is obvious.
We cannot afford to back down and give up on the Brexit we voted for.
This is now nothing to do with economics and jobs. It is about who really rules in this country. Shades of 1642 and all that means .
Is this correct?
When we leave the eu, ALL trade with them will cease.
That’s the message I’m getting from the likes of the bbc and the treasury as they push project fear 2.1
Not one olive will be allowed to be imported and the eu will not allow anything into their block.
All our aircraft will be banned from the eu.
Isn’t wto rules about a 3% tariff and we will, in fact, be able to trade after all. It doesn’t sound like it the way all of the media are really pushing these latest leaks and Armageddon scenarios.
Oh, another thing, ‘leaks’ my arse.
It was cynically put out for all to see and gratefully given top billing by the remoaners
SO wecan’t buy EU wine,Germanand French cars, etc. Businesses who manufacture these items are going to love that, as are New World winemakers as are Japanese car builders.
This is all very silly indeed. It is going to lead to a upsurge in anti EU nation feeling that could easily come to dominate politics here. Stubborn lot we are and if we feel threatened then who knows where we are heading.
The UN, George Soros and the rest of the world’s unelected political elite (including one H. Clinton) who know what’s best for the little people, make no secret of the fact their ambition is for a no-borders world ruled by a single world government.
Jose Manuel Barroso when EU President claimed that the EU is ‘the blueprint for a future world government’.
Go join the dots.
Isn’t it illegal for a foreign citizen to donate money to a British political party? Seem to remember the LimpDims got done for that a few years ago….
Al Beeb still pushing the tower block fire agenda- apparently some of the comrades in the London fire brigade are doing the London marathon in April for charidee. This is the same London fire brigade which told people who rang 999 to stay put and thus may well have led to their death.
No doubt when the anniversary comes around in the summer they’ll be a whole week yo tower fire this and tower fire that for the thousands of foreigners / illegals who died in it …
Get the pop corn ready ..
The latest brexit story from the bBC
The video is over 8 mins long.
Can’t the BBC chase this Expenses Story?
The amazing 51 pence expense claim by a BBC Deputy Director Graham Ellis who is on a £200K salary?
BBC Deputy Director Graham Ellis (£200K Salary) goes to Paris and stays at Eiffel Hotel and spends 51 pence on expenses in feb2017 … mystery and intrigue! Nurses struggling with food banks? Fair?
Graham Ellis (Salary £200K // Pension £212K)
Hotel 02/02/2017
Auteuil Tour Eiffel Hotel
BBC Deputy Director Graham Ellis
working at home – Have dedicated their lives to?? WTF it only happened recently unless they are soothsayers they ‘are dedicating’ their seemingly sad lives would be more appropriate
I watched this video and have yet to hear any sound rationale reason why these people want to stop Brexit..they piped up with normal phrases like I have a son and grand kids in context of freedom of movement- how on earth did they think people travel to the US and the Far East? It isn’t an issue..
This is sheer propaganda from the BBC and the headline at one point about support for Brexit dropping was deceitful..
Too right Pounce. Why didn’t they just let him go – Justin Trudeau recently said he wants more Africans and not Europeans
Guardian compare Jacob and Jeremy …
In these times of confusion, when even Labour can’t offer an unambiguous position on Brexit, conviction is nine tenths of the law. Rees-Mogg’s lofty righteousness is both his strength and his danger. His privilege underwrites his breezy political adventurism, but also his composure and grace under fire. He (Jacob) is Jeremy Corbyn’s equal in authenticity, but with added clarity.
So Jacob is Jeremy+? I.e. better than Jeremy!
Some good news amongst all the doom and gloom-laded BBC. Jordan B Peterson has gained over 100,000 followers on Twitter since C4’s ‘So you’re saying’ interview. Be interesting to see how often he’s invited onto current affairs programmes now – the left really don’t know how to handle him – apart from character assignation of course. But encouraging that his fact-based, scientific observations are gaining popularity. Advise anyone who wants a way to counter all those ridiculous arguments the left put out there, to follow him. Plenty of good content on youtube as well.
Tweets by jordanbpeterson
Birkenhead Boy’s Club most read story…..allegedly? Where/When/How will all this guff end?
I’d prefer bad eggs and rotten fish to mortars and grenades!
“prevent hostile vehicle ingress” – the action or fact of going in or entering; the capacity or right of entrance.
‘UK Council for Supply of Hostile Vehicle Mitigation Bollards’ – cannot use the word terrorism.
. . .
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {Jordan Peterson talking to Mark Steyn}
. . .
O’Brien silenced him by a movement of his hand. ‘We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull. You will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation — anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wish to. I do not wish to, because the Party does not wish it. You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of Nature. We make the laws of Nature.‘
Exactly. I refuse to use their weasel words as must all of us.
London has been disfigured by these anti terror measures. That alone is evidence that our civilisation is failing. We are giving up freedom every day and we need to know it and make our anger clear.
There is a pressure building and it is not going to be easily ignored now.
‘James’ O’Brien?
Yeah – odd connection. Orwell would seem to choose good comparisons for future use.
I should know!
Sadly, not having time to read all the comments here this morning, I’m quite sure (from what I’ve had time to read) that ‘Cheddar Man’ has been done to death here already and I don’t want to repeat what others have said.
However, I just wanted to add that as someone with a keen interest in history I’ve been following the recent theories of early human migration with some enthusiasm and am disgusted (but hardly surprised) with how this ‘breakthrough’ is being presented.
Following the currently perceived ‘correct narrative’ and DNA analysis, the first Homo sapiens (as opposed to Homo neanderthalensis) to live in the British Isles are believed to have been a now extinct race that had dark skin, light coloured eyes (probably blue, grey, or green), and quite different features to any modern race. ‘Cheddar Man’ seems to be further good evidence of this race living in Britain at the time. However, this racial ‘type’ is now considered long extinct, and are believed to have gone extinct not too long after this man died. Why they died out is unknown, although a popular theory is that they were much less ‘civilised’ than those who replaced them, reliant on hunting and gathering for food, rather than agriculture.
They were replaced at some point after the Neolithic Revolution (starting around 10,000 BC in today’s ‘Middle East’ and surrounding areas) by humans of totally different races/race, who brought with them agriculture and domesticated animals. Otzi the Iceman belonged to one of these later groups, which are all genetically similar to modern Europeans. Where, exactly modern Europeans evolved is impossible to say, some racial traits came from the Near East/Med and some from Scandinavia (modern blue eyes), and some from Ireland/Scotland (red hair). History, at least, gives some clue as to how the various components mingled over time.
Linking ‘Cheddar Man’ with any modern racial group is disingenuous, his race went extinct, their type are no longer found anywhere on Earth. We don’t know much about them either, in fact we know more about the earlier Neanderthals, who aren’t even considered the same species.
So, ‘Cheddar Man’ find: interesting historically and scientifically as representing rare evidence of an extinct race of human (the vast majority of human races that once existed are long extinct), but certainly no relevance whatsoever with regard to those races which still exist, to link them is scientifically illiterate – the equivalent to saying evidence of Dodos proves wild Turkeys once lived on Mauritius.
The ‘reconstruction’ which has been made looks suspiciously to me as if the sculptor has worked from pictures of West Africans, then just given him bright blue eyes. To me it clearly shows how much ‘artistic interpretation’ really goes into these ‘reconstructions’, rather than any rational science.
Political correctness is so reductive, a straight-jacket. It is like ‘the wage gap’ – there are countless angles and nuances rather than just ‘oppression.’ And obviously here the idea that this was 100% proof that we have always been part African was bound to be riddled with inconsistencies.
The great thing is few are falling for their bullshit anymore.
Given the agenda-fest that has followed on from this ‘revelation’, who’s to believe the findings at all?
Our cue for long-standing fake, agenda-driven science is ‘climate change’. Why should we believe this lot are any different and haven’t simply come up with the answer that fits their open borders, ‘nation of immigrants’ ideology?
So now we have all been sent the same reply (ahem, to save licence payers money) to our complaint about the awful Trump-Morgan cartoon. In a nutshell to paraphrase ‘the tone of this item would not have been unusual for ‘The Mash-up’s’ usual audience. Well, that’s okay innit, fucking whitewash. btw, you cannot reply to this mail, now fuck off you piece of uneducated shit.
Perhaps worth copying here:
Nope, that won’t do. That wasn’t “flattery” I saw. It was gross indecency. And the scheduling of the programme was irrelevant. I didn’t see it on the programme. That picture was put on BBC2’s Twitter account for all to see, at any time of the day. I wonder how they’d react if we all posted similarly indecent pictures to every BBC Twitter account?
Clearly, they intend to batten down the hatches and I for one don’t intend to let them away with it that easily.
If that was the case (satire!!!!) why didn’t they show the cartoon that was on the front page of Charlie Hebdoe? I think we all know the answer to that.
I wonder what the average age of the BBC Complaints Team is, or which Yuni they’ve ‘just’ graduated from.
A small dose of daily yawn politics – Brexit , krauts, having a new royalboat . Nothing about the old in care homes being mistreated or carers being flogged to death on the minimum wage or the care or lack of it for the growing numbers or ordinary British people (as many as one in 3 men and women) – like you dear reader – who will get this awful illness.
For those affected – you will understand my comment. I am not ignoring you either. ( declaration – I cared for a relative with dementia and know just how awful support is).
Oh yeah – daily politics – talking welsh in Parliament . Sorry welsh people – 3 million of you . 7 million jocks , 2 million? Northern Ireland and the rest English , foreigners – foreigner illegals .
There are more important things to separate us apart from language .
Pure selfishness. As I’m sure the BBC would be the first to tell you, the needs of ‘Syrian refugees’ (aka Pakistanis, Nigerians, Somalians, Romanians and Lord knows what else) must take priority.
Gary ‘£1.75m BBC Wages Paid Under Threat of Prison’ Lineker gets out of the celebrity immigration crisis with a quick bit of thinking …..
“I’ve got 4 sons in my house and it seems we’re all descended from immigrants. Science really is a bugger.” – Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker
In response to : “Gary, I see you still haven’t offered your house up to all these adult child male immigrants. What’s the deal?”
** please note that Gary thought using science to test the age of migrants was wrong. Science is good for him but bad for others.
As they say:
“One in five has witnessed sexual harassment.”
How do you know you witnessed actual harassment? It is so easy to misinterpret. What if a married couple have just had an argument and the wife slaps her husband’s hand away? If a woman shakes her head to a man a hundred metres away is that ‘witnessing’ harassment? What constitutes harassment?
As always their ‘study’ has all the intellectual rigour of my eight year old’s English comprehension homework. Of course they use it for a whole day of navel-gazing and virtue signalling.
Important breaking news on my Twitter feed:
Comments could….
“H-” awards revealed … the all inclusive group that excludes lots of people.
Just heard on World at One, the BBC journalist say the UK economy is good, “… helped by rapid growth around the world”. Odd, as economists keep saying the it is UK and US economies that are powering the world economy, not the other way around.
Perhaps the BBC should read the EU’s own analysis on its economies.
Here are the unemployment rates of EU countries.
taken from
Wiki’s view on Real GDP Growth Rates in the European Union 2016:
This table puts the following countries below the UK’s GDP growth: Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Denmark, Italy and (of course) Greece.
Anyone else fed up with the whinging and whining that goes on all day on R4? Doom Gloom, poor me groups of victims whine away….
Mark Mardell on talking about Germany’s Grand Coalition..He is a true Beeb…AFD – “hard right” – He links AFD to Nazi’s (how unusual)…AFD are “21st century illiberal, ethno nationalists hostile to the EU and immigration”
He obviously doesn’t agree with the hard right – those damn voters expressing their views..
His whole tone and mood is dour, opinionated and boring…How much does he earn?
Simple answer (which has been there all along) – switch the fucking thing OFF!
Problem is Goat – there is little choice for an alt view – we need a national fox type radio station but msm is instinctively European left – if in doubt ban or regulate and restrict freedom – speech equals hate , men meeting equals mysogeny , Brexit equals right racist — in their version of the world anyways.
On another issue ….
There was a Twitter on the Twitter today from the flat earth society saying they have members all around the globe …. surely shum mishtake
ah Goat Old Chap. Yes and I do…but I am drawn to the dark side on the basis of if you don’t know what is going on you can’t have an informed discussion with them when you brush up against it…but more and more I do switch it off
I wonder what label a real far right party would be given because it seems that everything not to the left of Corbyn and the bbc is far right.
The label ‘far right’ is fast becoming meaningless through over use, same as racist. No longer an insult.
Intolerance will not be tolerated.
Perhaps a resident of Somerset would ask their police force to define what a “hate crime” is, so we can avoid transgressing (yes, I’m being sarcastic).
CPS Info:
Thank you for that. I interpret to law to mean that non-personal criticism of races, nations and religions is permitted. But can anyone rely on the police to interpret it the same way? Notwithstanding these guidance notes to the law, it seems a good deal of subjective leeway is available to the police and others concerning, for example, whether what they perceive to be a ‘hate crime’ should be referred to the CPS.
Does this include hating Marmite?
Wow! Blocked from Twatter! What an achievement. I fail to understand why anyone wastes their (and in the case of the constabularies, our) precious time with Twatter, Farcebook, or anything of that ilk.
I like twitter – it’s the outpourings of peoples thoughts … a lot of the time without thought of the consequences.
What did you say to get banned ? I monitor it ( particularly JRM) but never write on it ..
..I fail to understand why anyone wastes their (and in the case of the constabularies, our) precious time with Twatter, Farcebook, or anything of that ilk……
I don’t, and never have subscribed to it. Not wishing to sound smug (but I will), I’m in good company, like Joanna Lumley, I don’t possess an i/smart/phone !! (I confess to having a mobile, for SOS only, but it doesn’t even possess a camera); and strangely my life is non the poorer, but amazingly I have actual conversations with those around me – even in restaurants, and I’m the perfect train carriage traveller, not a peep out of me !
That makes two of us at least, Briss, I hate so called “social meeja” with a vengeance, almost as much as I hate the BBC!
I agree with you both. And isn’t it interesting how the BBC drools over social media, not only using it as a regular source of the fake news it broadcasts (‘outrage over X’) but it actively nourished the monster at birth by encouraging its viewers and listeners to communicate with it via Twitter and Facebook from very early on?
Both the BBC and social media promote dumbing down and herd instinct behaviour. Life would be better without them.
Spot on GC ! and its telling how everyone ‘assumes’ that everyone else are like themselves. My Consultant at the hospital when offering alternative treatment, advised that there are several ‘APPS’ available that I could connect to that could help with my condition. You can imagine my very polite reply.
Avon and Somerset police must have lots of money and plenty of policeman if they can dedicate so much time and resources to perceived hurt feelings.
Could they not send some of these extra policemen to Rotherham where there are at least 1,400 proper crimes to investigate.
The boys in blue- nail varnish.
Avon and Somerset police, didn’t they get it all wrong over how an Iranian asylum seeker was stabbed to death by his white neighbour not once but twice.
Kamil Ahmad
Bijan Ebrahimi,
unfortunately for the 2 victims murdered 4 years apart, the police were as much use as a chocolate fire guard.
…The boys in blue- nail varnish…..
Takes the old saying “policemen are getting younger” to a whole new level. My late and very manly Dad would say they should’ve done a shift down the pit. No more needs to be said.
European Union member admits that the European Union is not democratic … all too late I would say …
“Do u want to vote directly for the next President of the European Commission? In only one day already 35000 people have signed a petition to support transnational lists! The crucial vote is tomorrow. Make your voice heard & sign this petition! #IamEuropean” – @guyverhofstadt
Apparently the krauts are going to offer some concessions that Cameron was asking for before getting his arse kicked. They’ve realised they could well lose a lot of income . I don not believe the concession rumour.
I’ve s said here before that the reichEU will offer sweetness to try to win another referendum or vote – I’m guessing – free Wi-fi across Europe ( paid for by uk taxes ) or some other bribe to win over public opinion using soros money he took from us at the end of the ERM.
I always remember that John major admitted ringing the krauts for help as the uk economy went toxic when we came out of the ERM but got a ‘fuck off’ from the ever friendly krauts. And he’s a remainer….
Further to reports that council tax bills are to increase.
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how these cash strapped councils have such lovely head office buildings like something out of grand designs (see photo on attached report).
I note that the council office in Doncaster is a lovely glass fronted building whilst the rest of the place is a sh1thole.
Also true of Wakefield council with its cafe and glass lifts.
They also manage to support all manner of diverse “causes”, at public expense, including the hanging of rainbow flags from
theirour buildings.Cornwall farm workers on BBC
Monday – BBC runs a #ProjectFear story ‘who will pick the crops in Cornwall after Brexit ?
Thursday 3pn News : Police raid site in Cornwall where gangmasters are keeping 200 foreign workers in illegal conditions
Presumably the crops were picked before we joined the Common Market, or did they rot in the fields?
Times : Government signals that non-stunned Halal meat will be labelled.
– “Existing scenes like Red Tractor & RSPCA Assured already guarantee their meat is not unstunned”
Let’s have a competition to decide what symbol to use.
I don’t want to eat meat that has to have heard a prayer to an evil deity.
I understand that the stun for halal slaughter can’t be too strong because the animal has to be able, theoretically, to hear the prayer.
So animal welfare rules have to be compromised so that muslims can carry on with this massively absurd requirement. And, we are all swallowing it, literally. The majority has to pander to the minority.
Times exposing top BME again
: Roshi, Lord Mayor of Leicester is under investigation for planning application corruption.
Diversity mania : The Church Investors Group managing £17bn in assets says it will vote against any board which has less than 1/3 women.
Censorship again : A Christian group hired a Vue cinema to do a private showing of a Gay Cure film
..After pressure Vue cancelled the booking.
RT prog featured a remote interview where the speaker had BBC Yorkshire logo behind them
… Cos RT has a contract with BBC to rent studios for such remote segments.
Damien Collins complained, presumably cos he doesn’t want RTs reputation to be harmed by having an association with the BBC.
Rod Liddle at his brilliant best explaining a reason behind the so-called BBC pay gap:
TS – thanks for linking that, excellent piece.
What the heck does Garvey mean ?
If you are getting above, then you are not accepting mere equality.
Does MP David Lammy cycle to work still? If not then why not when he claimed a bike on expenses?
I bought a bike at the auction for £20
And B&M supplied the lights at £2
Maybe I’m more skilled at managing money than Lammy
Since be paid 30 times more.
Ah, but you paid for yours and someone else paid for his! Socialism in action.
Marky ,
Don’t worry – it’s only taxpayers money – and we re the 5th richest country in the known universe apparently .
Guido/BBC/Union-stooge again
“terrible article about Troy from BBC”
Selby Times front page
Ask MPs what they do with their BBC TV Tax Demands? What does Chris ‘£2.3m + CarFest’ Evans think of it all, whose wages are extracted under threat of prison?
Find out what your MP spends your money on….
She has to watch al Beeb as part of her job to stay in touch with real people and other millionair beeboids …
The Times Editorial
“The state-funded BBC, once just a broadcasting organisation, has quietly become a publisher threatening diversity. In the past few years dozens of local and regional newspapers have closed. A recent study by King’s College London found that more than two thirds of local authority districts were not served by a dedicated local daily newspaper that reached a significant number of households. This represents more than 56 per cent of the population.”
” Theresa May has said that the review would consider all approaches to revitalising the press. If the government wants to do its bit, it could start by curtailing the BBC’s damage to local newspapers. It could also discourage councils from printing their own pseudo-newspapers which use public money to price out competitors less sympathetic to the local authority’s message. “
Social Engineering or Real News Service? You can’t be both ….
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
It would be good if their pay rates reflected the society upon which they prey. I wonder how many beeboids claim their tv tax licence on expenses? Percentage of employees paid above the average wage ? The number on more than the PM? The number in production companies paid through dividends ? The number paid through off shore accounts ? The cost of pensions against contributions ?
I could go on but we ll never get a true answer.
What happens if the bloke (With meat and two veg) who says he’s a woman is white but identifies as black, is gay and walks with a walking stick as it looks cool , oh and he wears a burka.
He/She will be invited on to Question Time !
bBBC Radio 5 live been banging on about poverty all day.
They had a load of effnics (judging from their names) reading poetry all about how shite it is in this country.
In one guys poem he mentioned how he left a big house in foreign lands for this.
Maybe he should go back?
My Lord Bragg of Melvin apparently did so sob story on an American slave type who wrote a book. I never heard it but I suppose they were using it as an excuse to hit whitee again – I’m surprised they didn’t do some obscure wimmins rights type and rolled out the usual Hattie Harmon, no alibi brown, Vera Britain’s ( yawn ) daughter and a dose of dame Lawrence of victimhood or lady nugee …. I should be an al Beeb producer eh?
Can’t seem to find this on the BBC
Excellent work Home Secretary – what ever happened to her? At least people with knives know that the boys with blue painted nails will let them get on with their stabbings without harassment man . Innit
Wont be long then before Piers fucking Morgan starts campaigning to ban kitchen knives.
On a day when the pound is up against almost every currency in the world and is 6/ths of a cent up on the dollar, the BBC’s lead story at 1700 is:
Business Live: Pound gives up gains
. Live now.
I have to assume irony is not Ms Kay’s strong point.
Memo, what memo?
Is this the ultmate in protecting children from a sense of failure in school? Sports have winners and losers and it ain’t much fun if you lose. You can give everyone an award but in many sports one team has to win, as in soccer.
Here is an attempt to eliminate that sense of failure when your soccer team loses and you don’t score any goals.
Remove the bloody ball, then everyone can say they scored and nobody loses.
Scoring is a matter of interpretation . Post modern soccer
What next, war without guns?
“We won I shot you first….”
Ah well if it was up to the loony left they’d take away all our balls!
They have been doing a pretend work version in council offices all over the UK for decades. The BBC have perfected the journalism version.
An episode of Star Trek was based on a war without real weapons.
A touch of armageddon
In have just been informed that this video is a satire – not real – on the left’s believe in equality. Well, all I can say is that it drives the point home
Clearly a joke……Isn’t it?……
Can that be played Iin the Premier League on Monday night!! ( my team West Brom who are bottom play Chelsea!)
Seriously, what a bloody stupid idea.
BBC radio Newcastle in utter meltdown this morning when a roving reporter vox popped the wrong person regarding the leaked report that Brexit will devastate North East economy.
He supported brexit hated the EU and then had the audacity to mention Muslims. ( obviously about terrorism) You could instantly feel the tension that this bloke had said something not on the beeb agenda that they weren’t comfortable with.
Of course our two local presenters, the reverend Alfie Joey, and Saint Anna Forster went into panic mode defending Islam. “It’s got nothing to do with Brexit She screamed with Alfie agreeing when they finally found a Brexit supporter to back them up.
It was hilarious……
“If you lived in London, the possibility of leaving the EU was so remote … laughable even.” – Kemi Badenoch
“Kemi Badenoch SLAMS London Liberals over Brexit”
Every day that failed politician – Osborne – used his editorial position as the editor of the evening standard to piss on brexit . Fortunately he can’t harm brexit because London is full of snowflake kidults who believe in globalism anyway .
He ll land up as a presenter on al beeb doing railway trips
The wind is about to change and he will get a good soaking .
He could end up as a host on Top Gear ?
I followed that very interesting link, and I spotted this one as well which I thought was well worth sharing.
The constant whining about the ‘extreme right’- because some people still believe in the nation-state and controllable borders- is leading one little country down the road to nowhere, and there is a lesson there.
Merkel could have formed a genuine conservative coalition between her CDU, the FDP and the AfD. But the incessant drumbeat of ‘extreme right’ prevented that; the AfD was not acceptable. So now we have socialists taking over the finance and foreign ministry. They’re going to st…f things up big-time!
All to have M given another 4 years. Unbelievable. A lot of German commentators say they can’t even bear the sight of her any more.
Easy to understand.
A punch or an attempt to deal with a blockage in a man’s throat, performed by a Police First Aid Officer?
BBC appears to get their news from the likes of the Socialist Worker Party
“The Bank of England has indicated that the pace of interest rate increases could accelerate if the economy remains on its current track.”
I am not an economist, but the way I see it is that its all good news, but that’s not the way Al Beeb sees it.
So the economy is much stronger than the Bank of England thought it would be after Brexit? Am I wrong?
There are some good comments running on HYS
How much longer is that disingenuous; slimy; Canadian @ssh0le going to “Remain” in his job?
Al Shubtill
Mystic Meg would have done a better job, and cheaper by far.
Al – Wasnt sure whether you talking about Mark Carney or the Canadian Prime Minister (otherwise known as Gods gift to “peoplekind”)
Mark Carney should be packed off back to Canada where he got parachuted in from before his shit hit the fan by Cameron, the guys a Tory stooge, in from his native Canada to become Britain’s Bank of England governor on an £874,000 salary for one reason and one reason only: to serve as the creature of Chancellor of the Exchequer the master of disaster Osborne … and should have been history long ago.
Mark Carney is obviously suffering from some BBC-type amnesia-type forgetfulness, noggin. The BoE and its MPC are only meant to control inflation in the UK, not respond to growth worldwide.
There will be no inflation this year, said Mark Carney anyway, and a slough of economists used by the BBC to guesstimate all agreed.
Ohh yeahh?
Fine, fine, fine ….
Carney remaining in post is a direct result of Theresas hand wringing/fence sitting approach to Governance. Instead of deciding on what your priorities are and appointing the best people to do the job – she attempts to offend no-body by retaining poor quality/obstructive candidates (such as Carney and Rudd) and ends up offending everybody.
Every cloud has a silver lining and I expect I expect the Canucks are more than happy with us retaining one of their very own arseholes for as long as it takes for the penny to drop with Theresa. Unfortunately for them they also seem currently to have plenty of their own to spare at the moment.
Maybe to cement UK/Canadian relations we should undertake an “arsehole swap” as they say change is as good as a rest.
Does Al Beeb hate Brexit ? Is it Biased ?
“Theresa May kicks Brexit can down the road”
I know a broadcaster that needs kicking down the road. 😀
Yes and yes.
Al beeb reporting the capture of two British passport holders in Syria who have been Isis fighters. Unfortunately they remain alive .
No doubt some British prostitute – sorry – legal firm like Leigh Day will be jetting out to represent these poor misguided children who have now seen how wrong they were … yawn …