Tory MP Victoria Atkins fled Twitter due to the abuse she received and the BBC immediately headlined its bulletins with this breaking news….the same BBC that helped do so much to encourage the abuse of and disrespect for politicians, not only with its satire but with the vicious demonisation of Thatcher and Tories in general….and now it’s Trump in the firing line…literally. Much as the body parts of long departed Saints are paraded around the country the ghost of Jo Cox is resurrected by any politician wanting to impart how serious their own situation is, a bit of Jo Cox martyrdom gives a lovely bit of credence to their claims of living on death row as the looming threat of the Twitter mob darkens their lives. No mention of Stephen Timms being stabbed by a Muslim of course as this would distract from the narrative of a nasty bunch of fascist Brexiteers murdering all who oppose them. No mention that there is absolutely nothing new about death threats and attacks on politicians…not just threats of course….the BBC’s, and Corbyn’s favourite terrorists, tried to kill the whole Tory government in the Grand Hotel as well as many other attacks.
Ah well, let’s just forget history, or rewrite it if it’s too inconvenient for today’s narratives and agendas.
Spot the BBC trying to write the future….list it here…..
“I bow for a reason, it’s not that I confuse the end with the beginning. It’s that you are the sovereign people …that used to mean something.” – John Waters
Must remember not to listen even to the beginning of R4 News Quiz this week. They are going to be wetting themselves over the blue eyed black cheddar guy.
The racists at bBBC ‘news’ were creaming their jeans because white actors have been excluded from a new film.
Yes, lovely big plug for the film on the 10:00 news. Wonder how much that sort of prime time publicity would cost elsewhere?
Apparently it’s absolutely OK for young black children to be excited by an all-black film, indeed the most natural thing in the world. Yet any white children expressing the same preference for their own race would be unlikely to receive such approval. Probably social workers would be called in.
According to one black actress this is what African countries would be like had they not been ‘interrupted and assaulted by colonialism’.
Um, exactly HOW developed were they when the ‘colonialists’ moved in?
Unchallenged by the BBC, of course, so another victory for The Memory Hole.
According to one black actress this is what African countries would be like had they not been ‘interrupted and assaulted by colonialism’.
Um, exactly HOW developed were they when the ‘colonialists’ moved in?
Unchallenged by the BBC, of course, so another victory for The Memory Hole.
THE man leading the EU’s war against tax havens (Pierre Moscovici, the French European Commissioner ) has been accused of double standards for presiding over a system which allows eurocrats to pay just half the tax they would pay if they worked in Britain. { 12apr2016}
The basic salary of a member of the European Commission is currently £200,500 per year, while Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker earns £246,000 per year.
In addition, Commissioners are entitled to a residence allowance of 15 per cent of the basic salary and a monthly allowance for representation expenses of £487.
“Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker earns £246,000 per year”
Correction – he is paid that, what he earns is a matter of opinion.
New BBC Civilisations to ask whether Britain’s culture is built on ‘looting and plunder’ (Yesterdays Labourgraph)
Anyone who has watched and appreciated Kenneth Clark’s series Civilisation will not want to view the drivel spouted by lefties Scharma or Beard. This new series will exemplify how our cultural appreciation has declined along with the BBC itself.
Boycott this revisionist rubbish.
Two points:
1. Bringing ancient artifacts back to Blighty museums facilitated a wider appreciation of foreign cultures and history.
2. If we’d left them where they were most likely by now they would have been neglected and in much poorer shape, or worse, blown up.
Sharma – now aa resident of the USA if not a citizen – and beard who both earn their living from reporting their liberal view of history enjoy being Twitter victims and make a living off that too
I can’t see me wanting to see a second “ civilisation “ series after lord Clarke’s masterly first one which presumably far too high brow for al beeb 4 to put on. Same with the ascent of man -or as it must now be known the “ascent of err diverse people of various races genders and disabilities “ smashing title .
On sky.
I’ve just watched the pledge and for the very first time it was a reasoned and enjoyable hour.
The 3 girls all made sensible points as did the 2 men.
The show was much improved by the fact that the dopey airhead Sarpong and the extreme left, full of hate, Hirsch, were both missing.
Virtue signaller Dyke was also missing.
If you haven’t noticed it’s the Lefty men who are the worst they over virtue signal
… probably trying to get a shag from the lefty girls.
But was the gobby Muslim man on it ? Cant remember his name, but he never lets anyone else speak.
Should that read “a virtue signaller Dyke was also missing”? I also ask as TV seems to be full of such.
I note the BBC’s house magazine* is claiming that after a Hard Brexit in 2019 there will be 15 years with UK inflation at 21% over that period. Inflation at 1.4% for 15 years? (* The Guardian)
Oh, I wish! I do so wish.
It seems like it has been between 2% and 15% for my whole life.
Er, actually it has, near enough.
Climate Change to flood golf courses
: The BBC returns with the original ProjectFear
..Funny I thought the Mediterranean climate they predicted would be here by now with a super great cricket weather.
Sea level has always been rising for less tens of thousands of years, there’s no big modern change. Situation is complex cos land also rises in Scotland whist falling at the South coast .
They did a big thing about the sea level at Hull, but much of Hull is land stolen from tidal marshlands anyway. It’s just a question of keeping up with the drainage systems.
Climate Change to flood golf courses
: The BBC returns with the original ProjectFear
..Funny I thought the Mediterranean climate they predicted would be here by now with a super great cricket weather.
Sea level has always been rising for less tens of thousands of years, there’s no big modern change. Situation is complex cos land also rises in Scotland whist falling at the South coast .
They did a big thing about the sea level at Hull, but much of Hull is land stolen from tidal marshlands anyway. It’s just a question of keeping up with the drainage systems.
The usual eco-socialist 28gatemates of the BBC are behind this science-less tripe (WWF etc) and, of course, it goes completely unchallenged.
BBC fake news wins again.
Thoroughly debunked here:
Meanwhile, Angus Council continues to work to stem the affects of the tides on the shore side. Mark Davidson, a senior engineer at Angus Council, said: “Montrose Bay has suffered from some quite severe erosion over the years “Here we very much have a case of Mother Nature doing what it is meant to do.”
Key data has been established about the behaviour of the sea and its impact on the bay. Mr Davidson said: “We have been looking back in history and one good example of how to measure the changes is the Second World War pill boxes in the dunes, which now at Montrose have become exposed. “We have also got historic evidence that the beach was way back into Montrose previously. “
What we see is different cycles of Mother Nature at work. Basically, the North Sea is attacking the beach.”
Oh dear, TV Licensing moving up a gear, the letters have changed from ‘occupier’ to ‘named individual’.
I think that now puts them in breach of Data Protection and Stalking legislation!
I’m not a ‘customer’ of BBC TV by the way.
BBC balance at unique levels.
Watch the Biased BBC spinning their own listening figures : – “BBC Radio 4’s Today programme also added to its audience, with 7.14 million listeners a week tuning in at the end of 2017, up from 7.06 million in the third quarter.”
Then see the figures :
Absolutely typical BBC – very hard to find a single demographic that is rising with regards to R4 listnership, but they clearly found one!
Could it be all the LEAVE voters turning off their constant propaganda?
Fudge figures .
\\ A ‘listener’ is counted as an adult aged 15+ who listens for at least five minutes (in a week).//
Actually it does give the total amount of listener hours
Av of 10.9 hours/week over 11 million listeners
That means 75% of UK adults do not count as listeners
..And actual listeners listen less than 2 hours/day
And actually a lot will listen much less, with the many hours being clocked up by people who have it on all day.
Switch on Bingo win
Woman wearing “Second Referendum Now ! ” T-shirt
as I switch on Newsnight at 11:10pm
Watching the load of shite that is Question Time, I was reminded of a magnificent quote by Johnny Rotten –
‘For idiots, by idiots, celebrating ignorance’
That would make a great t-shirt don’t you think?
BBC- For idiots, by idiots, celebrating ignorance
Watching Question Time. As bad as ever. I would happily set about Terry Christian with a blunt instrument, and not tire of the task for at leat 15 minutes. Thankfully the majority of this week’s audience seem to agree.
Have just switched on Question Time Extra Time.
Terry claiming that he was badly treated by the patrician Dimblebore because he is “a working class boy, innit”.
Christ knows what happened on QT but everyone knows Terry has always been an ignorant, self-enchanted, loud-mouthed cunt.
I thought QTET wss supposed to be a phone in. They seem to have changed the format and the usual BBC nonentities now merely prattle incestuously amongst themselves. Have too many callers been challenging the BBC agenda?
Very brave for bothering with the dimbly production company show . Mr christian lost an employment case against all Beeb back in 2010 . He was on £90000 a year an an up north al Beeb radio station and lost his job. He lost the case . ( source ‘ Manchester evening news )
So although al Beeb wanted a professional northern accent who was down with the kids maybe they wanted him back in the al Beeb fold and make nice.
Disclosure – I have an amateur London type accent but not in a ‘cor blimey guvnor you’re a toff and no mistake ‘ kind of a way .
even as a manc, christians overblown manc accent does even my head in
Gina Miller says Soros-backed campaign to overturn Brexit is ‘undemocratic’
Premium :
Breitbart has earlier story
Funny Tweet from Russian Embassy
Sign of the times. Even the most obtuse remainer must be worried at the probability of an extreme reaction to this deliberate attempt to frustrate our will. Soros has no business here. i see the Guardian has been cheerleading for him. Trying to smear us with anti Semitism. Ignoring the fact that Israel is not exactly fond of him and his machinations. .
What has the fact he’s a Jew have to do with anything?
NO foreigner: Jew; Protestant; Catholic; Hindu; Buddhist or anything else, should be permitted to intervene financially in our country’s politics or governance.
Soros should be warned (once) if he persists with his subversion, then the next time he sets foot here he should be arrested for sedition.
The serpent Campbell was on that point in a flash, yesterday morning. So was the Guardian. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if it turned out that the ‘defend Soros’ campaign (an impossible task, surely?) was as co-ordinated as everything else these communists do.
Smear with antisemitism? Who could be so desperate as to stoop so… oh…
Another Bbc alumnus I do believe.
“For a lot of far right propaganda sites ‘Soros’ has become synonymous with ‘Jews’ ”
Interesting to note how our James (fresh out of Newsnight) perceives the supposed word association train of thought to others (not himself of course).
I recall a rare exchange hereabouts with a pro-BBC troll taking me to task over – of all things! – Jessica Ennis.
“You’re only criticising because she’s mixed race” (or whatever the approved ethnic identifier of the time)
In all innocence, quite honestly, I had never looked at her closely enough to tell or perhaps had never bothered to try to ethnically profile her – silly me, I guess.
I’d love to see Jordan Peterson in conversation with our Jimbo, if this is what he us reduced to.
Stewth – I object to the existence of soros and I didn’t even realise he is Jewish – so am I unconsciously anti Semitic ?
I’ve only ever had a small amount of this O’Brien creature but I get the feeling he’s got issues – a bit like that one who claimed to be an economist – was always on c4 news but left to become a full on apostle of comrade Corbin. Both seemed likely to add to the overdose stats.
Who could you mean?
Nice to see they both are agreed on what is right. If perhaps not based on anything other than tired sloganeering from another time.
As an aside, I am beginning to think appending ‘news’ to one’s name may suggest a certain career insecurity.
Worth every penny.
Good old gramps.
Truly fascinating, Jon. Who Do You Think You Are been on the case or are you a self-Genealogist perchance?
Gosh, let’s hope there’s a Beeboid currently on retainer who as a nipper asked what did you do in the war daddy and heard tell ‘well, not so much’, but his five times once removed aunt once barricaded herself into an Edwardian public Gents in support of proto gay rights or Indian Independence or save the donkeys or summit, dontchaknow.
And he was descended from negroes.
Guest – bingo – thank you .
Do you notice how many of these lefty commentators that get on the airwaves have mental issues – Campbell, o Brian, Mason and the Sunday morning beeboid . Just sayin .
Gina Miller is channelling her inner Blofeld.
“Prepare my escape sub immediately,” he quietly radios to his engineers, as Bond prepares to blow up his oil-rig fortress in Diamonds Are Forever.
“Five key messages from the Bank of England”
What? Is this a positive report on the economy by the BBC ?
But wait ……………..
“5. Global growth will drag up the UK economy”
The rest of the world will “drag”!!!
Why does the BBC hate Brexit so much ? Because its Londoncentric like the rest of the MSM who are of the opinion that the rest of GB are uneducated .
It is my opinion having been to London recently, you would have to be uneducated to live and work there .
Beeb website has an article on Right Wing terrorism. I quote “the growing problem of extreme right wing terrorism in the UK”. Really. Diversionary tactics as we all know the real threat comes from the other side of the fence and that includes a certain section of the Labour party under the guise of Momentum with shout me down politics. Tip of the Iceberg folks if they gain power under the falsehood of being democratic.
The BBC and their lefty cohorts recently invented the term Far Right and then people automatically consider right wing as Fascist or Nazi. Peterson recently remarked not ceding to their language, so let me dispell their lie. The first things that both Mussolini and Hitler did after acquiring power was to Nationalise. Everything from industry, business, education and the news was brought under state control. This was no better than Stalinism and if you weren’t wholly behind the idea you were removed from authority and untimately society. It is utterly astounding to me that people think that Nazism was somehow far right, when Nationalsozialismus is National Socialism and therefore Far Left.
Right Wing ideology is nothing to do with this doctrine. Right Wing can mean strong National pride, but there should not be an all powerful state controlling industry, business, education and indeed the news. The closest thing to a right wing state is perhaps Monarchy with no government. Sadly this doesnt really work with modern day democracy, but there is no country that i am aware of with a democracy that hasn’t been corrupted by the state. Human Nature is to corrupt. Giving people power under state authority corrupts them absolutely.
If somebody accuses you of being a fascist or neo nazi, you can educate them. Nazi ideology is Nationalisation, State Control and Socialism. Instead you believe in Private Enterprise, No State Control and Freedom.
Good points.
And of course the ‘Far Right’ US constitution is very clear on what items are national (a defined list as I recall) and that everything else is delegated to the states. And that changes to the constitution need a big majority of independent states to approve such change.
Meanwhile, I note that the global stock markets are in turmoil because the US economy is …….errr…….performing more strongly than expected.
Just remind me, how are things in Venezuela these days? Are families still selling their children in order to put food on the table?
Equities have reached Parabolic levels due to excessive exuberance from investors. Stock prices will need to come down quite extensively so that dividends can compete with bond/treasury returns, especially if interest rates are going up. I expect things to go crashy crashy and full on bear market.
And helping the whole lot go faster than a greased pig on roller skates sliding down a glass mountain will be the inevitable consequences of ‘quantitative easing’ – or ‘printing money’ as it should be known.
GC agreed, all that QE has achieved is delaying the asset crash from 2007/8 to give the banks 10 years breathing space.
Do beeboids
Good stuff – I concur with the language issue
– I use Reich instead of Germany
– ‘right on ‘ instead of politically correct –
international health service instead of nhs
Their ReichEU instead of the EU
Doing this can be a bit tedious but it does prevent one from falling into the language traps set be albeeb to unconsciously accept their corrupt and wrong value system .
Someone once observed is that having too many managers / politicians means they do too much – too much change or legislation – both parliament and albeeb just want laws to stop things they don’t like – and away goes another bit of freedom and more people becoming criminals for saying things they believe in .
Next time – blame and dependency culture
Fedup, yes i am the same, since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 89 the EEC ceased to exist and was replaced by the new German unification dream of United States of Europe or 4th Reich. I don’t blame the German people they have been hoodwinked.
The bbc seems to be testing the wingist waters in a variety of ways.
First spring chicken Paxo stuffs himself, and now they are footing this gem:
Ladies, Gentlemen… gender-confused trolls… I give you the force-funded ‘news’ broadcaster of the United Kingdom:
“Meet the couple who moved from South Carolina to Nova Scotia to escape Donald Trump.”
I wonder how such people come to the attention of the bbc, and attract a full crew to visit them? Katty Kay’s roots dyer?
I don’t recall such coverage of those who left the US to escape O’Bummer’s tenure.
Meanwhile, bbc ‘trending’ tries to get something trending.
Interesting what does not ‘trend’ on the bbc. Maybe my twitter feed is not as restricted as theirs?
Meanwhile, you can take the irony free hypocrite out of the BBC, but you can’t take the BBC out of the irony-free hypocrite.
paxtwat is so far in his bubble its become a bunker , he honestly believes all pensioners are as wealthy as himself
Awkward moments this morning on BBC tv as Breakfast presenters attempt to slalom their way around explaining why our supposed national treasure Clare Balding won’t actually be going to the Winter Olympics in Korea. It’s toe curling stuff (curling… geddit?). Our Clare says : “it would be too cold for me to do out there what I did in Sotchi”
There will still be a virtual studio from which Clare will be wearing her pussie hat and waving her GB rainbow flag
Do we care, Clare?
Yesterday a quick straw poll of sports fans who listen to Talk Sport Radio recorded 78% of responses to the Winter Olympics as “Not Interested”. That’s sports fans.
No wonder the BBC reporter chap who happens to be on the scene – some well-wrapped up Aussie – presumably more hardy than our super Clare (or let’s be honest, cheaper) – warns us to watch out for the “cultural and political aspects of the Olympics”
Oh no, please don’t, BBC. The endless mixing of sport and identity politics on the Beeb is tedious enough already.
yeah im in Oz at the moment and that aussie at the winter games is always on at the moment going nuts about how cold it is. They are really excited about the prospects of getting 4 medals. I love sports, but i couldn’t really give a stuff about people sliding down a mountain on a couple of planks.
Looks as though the BBC plan is to have the ‘couple of planks’ safe and warm in the studio watching all the sliding down the mountains but most keen to keep us up to speed on all the cultural and political aspects.
As I see it – I was looking forward to sitting down for hours at silly o’clock watching people scratching ice to make a lump of rock go faster but now that out Claire isn’t going to be there to put a queer perspective on things I think I’ll watch one of those ‘we want to live somewhere else and white English speaking’programmes ….
Fedup2, you mean one of those make up nine reasons why ‘we want to live some else’ apart from because it’s still ‘white English speaking’ unlike the former suburb we’re now keen to exit…
as I see it
Yes that’s the one – not my kind of programme but I’d love the presenter to ask ‘ why do you really want to leave newham, Luton, Bradford , any bloody where ?” And the reply came …….
Instead its the ‘shes A nurse ( god bless her) and he’s a gas fitter and they want a better future for the kids ( ie somewhere with an education system not full with rabid lefties who can’t spell)
NOTE – I thought about a third career as a gas chap so no disrespect
I love the explanations on “Escape to the Country”, its never the population change or explosion, its ALWAYS traffic problems, busier and heavier. I do wish someone would say “we’re fed up with the influx of migrants moving in “.
Yes, more truthful answers please, and are bBBC game show guests are randomly chosen? I suspect there is a lot of box ticking.
btw I would like to hear a contestant when asked what he/she/it would do with the money if they won, reply…’I’m going to put some of it into the bank for a rainy day, and put the rest into my pension plan to take advantage of the tax added back.’ But no, it’s either ‘I’m Gonna Blow It All On a Cruise’ or the altruistic ‘Give it to the homeless’ or some other such shit….if that’s what they say, I usually hope they don’t win….!!
BBC women newsreaders getting uppity? On the BBC1 morning show, the (male) “business” reporter ended his slot by seeking praise from the sofa for his seamless presentation of different stories. The female sofa responded by telling him that he had read his producer’s script very well. Ouch! So he is just a teleprompter reader, what does she think she is?
The BBC morning show rarely covers business, it’s nearly always just consumer affairs and then hosted by some female who should be serving up spuds in the canteen at a car plant.
The bBC, promoting its agenda of blacks trumps all:

White woman and a black bloke both win 4 votes each for the right to carry the flag have a toss up to see who will carry it at the Olympics opening, she wins, he cries foul play by playing the race card To the bBC its a f-ing human rights crime.
And here is how CNN reported the above:
The Winter Olympics haven’t even officially started yet, and we already have our first controversy — and it’s over who’ll carry the US flag in the opening ceremony. On one side is Erin Hamlin, a world-renowned luger, two-time world champion and four-time Olympian. On the other is Shani Davis — a decorated speed skater and five-time Olympics qualifier. The flag bearer is typically chosen in a vote of the eight US winter sport federations, which represent biathlon, bobsled and skeleton, curling, figure skating, hockey, luge, ski and snowboarding, and speed skating. But this year, Hamlin and Davis tied 4-4. Enter the coin toss, Davis said. Hamlin was chosen, according to the US Olympic Committee. And Davis was definitely not happy about it, venting in a tweet that the coin toss was “dishonorably” done.
Here we go, just as predicted, the BBC concentrating on the ‘cultural and political aspects’
Watching the opening ceremony I find the whole thing hideously white – it reminds me of the last clan meeting I went to when we went ‘hoods off’ .
Perhaps the Olympic committee freeloaders should mimic al beeb and set black and queer targets for participants .
I’ve put a bet on with paddy power as to how many of these poor devils are gonna freeze to death.
Is there a winter para olympics with down hill wheel chair action? I really would get the popcorn for that.
Please note – I do not wish to offend wheelchair users or anyone of the wheel chair fraternity and declared that I cared for a wheel chair user for many years so I know all about dropped curbs and cracked pavements. Thanks.
There is,
FFS, that is bonkers..blind 1 legged skiers. Watch out for the so called Islamic state toboggan team mowing down the opposition and Abdul the Eagle exploding in mid air.
Pounce – brilliant – I’ll pass on the too cool for school lot and go for the para olympics – as long as there’s no pretending going on like blokes pretending to be girls in the running fast ones.
In the comedy opening ceremony ( no sound ) there is plenty cameras focusing on pretty blond girls for some reason . Obviously not read the memo about no sexy stuff
I’m not an anorak on winter sports but judging by the participants there are plenty who are
No shit Sherlock it looks very very cold bbbrrr
no need to apologise it sounds like your going snowflake
Fedup, I did chuckle at the thought ! Having a wicked sense of humour does help when pushing a wheelchair. I too pushed my lovely Dad about and we had some great times, but the humour really kicked in when I threatened to let go of him on a steep hill !!
Maybe they should have had a black bloke with a white woman like all the adverts on British tele do now? Or a Muslim with a Jew . What laughs
so if I dont get my way its racist and i will spit my dummy out
I hope he falls over in every race
or can I not say race now?
I hope he falls over in every event
Outside of a few small bubbles, he has rather fallen at the first hurdle already if the Trending bbc trending doesn’t track is anything to go by.
Another thing the bBC doesn’t mention is this little snippet culled from the guardian today:
“This is not the first time Davis has been part of an Olympic controversy. In 2006 Davis became the first African American to win an individual gold medal at a Winter Games but decided not to take part in the team pursuit and raised the ire of team-mate Chad Hedrick. Their animosity toward one another was obvious at a news conference, when Hedrick brought up the team pursuit and Davis stormed out of the room.”
And if the black man wins, she cries ‘it’s anti women’ and runs off to file a #metoo complaint……
So it’s heads we win, and tails we win for the bBBC!!!!!!
I have always liked moths. I think they’re discerning creatures. R4 managed to squeeze in a bit about their invasion of the House of Lords, this am on Toady. (Between the commentator bashing Trump over Syria and the one telling us how wonderful Labour will be doing in the local elections in London (Surprise!).
I think moths really appreciate, and are trying to promote, democracy. They have realised that THAT unelected house with its snobby ermine wearers, who address one another as ‘noble'(don’t that just crack you up?) while droning on about equality, need a bit of chewing up.
It appears that -for the moment- they are ignoring those who are merely ‘honourable’ in the Commons (while they sort out their code of conduct).
Mice/rats appear also to have arrived in the Lords. Could it be that rats are just as discerning as moths?
What do you mean rats have arrived ?- there has Been a plentiful supply of political vermin in there for years
“Corrupt politicians make the other ten percent look bad.”
― Henry Kissinger
Toady watch
Didn’t bother – much better morning – less anger management – lower blood pressure – haven’t kicked the dog so much – stopped the teeth grinding
Understood Fedup. Personally, it doesn’t bug me. Force of habit: I did military service, and was taught to keep an eye on the enemy.
Thanks fake me too..
Seems Nollywood have a diversity problem … equality for all actors in all places in all the World …. 50/50 …. #NollywoodToo {}
I suspect that what got counted as harassment in the Parliament building is less severe than this case.
Yet the media focus on that.
The BBC don’t appear to be reporting on that rape
However they did open a page about an ongoing Rotherham trial
Yet the BBC are strangely obsessed with sex in other ways at, apparently, all times, Stew.
I open my BBC Home Page this morning and am greeted with this: .
I suspect that the BBC subconsciously think that if they keep constantly sexualising our children and grand-children and constantly broadcasting and talking about all sorts of adult sex and relationships that they are ‘very grown up’ and ‘progressive’ and will do away with the views of ‘childish’ religions and their principles on the subject.
The BBC are in complete denial of the ways in which, for example, Muslims view this. The cannot grasp that they, the BBC, are in fact giving some who are terrorism inclined even more reason to attack British society because – in their view – it is decadent.
That’s Newsbeat spanking its monkey all over social media for the weekend.
Speaking of whom…
It’s better than education in Canada, where social justice is the main focus of education for children “from early years to 8th grade”.
Is the right approach really to teach 4-year-olds about “heteronormality” before reading and writing? Apparently so, in Ontario, at least.
PJW on Canada’s Prime-minister’s “personkind” wackiness
“mankind” sounds too male so he makes up a word “personkind”
… em mate we already have a word “humankind”
UPDATE…..Trudeau’s chief adviser triggered by my video making fun of Canadian PM.
Says people who joke about Trudeau’s “peoplekind” comment are “nazis”.
Yeah, but that word includes three letters that spell man right at its heart, right in the middle.
We can’t have that!
There we go again with the Nazi name calling from someone changing language to fit their nutty narrative.
The old counters seem less sure of scoring than in other times.
Few posts up is the latest from Nish and the easy on the eye blonde and their ‘report’.
Seems some edgy satire is less palatable than others.
The bBC ” Complaints Team” in an earlier input referred to its “deep history of satire and humour” …………..what a chance they have to invite that “ghostface” Terry Christian back on to QT.
When he kicks of Mr Blobby and Rod Hell’s EMU could emerge from the bBC’s “deep history of satire and humour………………and set about the cretin….
Women live longer then men. The NHS is struggling due to women living too long. We need to reduce this LIFE GAP rather than the PAY GAP.
There are 413 days until Blighty is due to leavectheir ReichEU
The Guardian today is reporting that Northern Ireland will be staying in the single market and customs union .
So there we are people – a supra national state dictating to a member about its national arrangements . The last time a country did this we had to send a fleet , torpedo a battleship and kick their argie arses out .
Full Britsh brexit here we come . Or maybe it’s just bait from bollock soros Brown ?
NI staying in Europe, i really cant be arsed to check that Guardian story, it is too stupid to be remotely true.
If Britain must choose between Europe and the open sea, she must always choose the open sea. Churchy, oh yes.
It was confirmed by Barnier at a press conference today so let’s say we gave this ‘ negotiation ‘ lark a try and amply a50 now -see how all those who make plenty of cash from us importing stuff fix it. Barnier won’t personally lose but they will – particularly the krauts
And what do they suppose wee Nicola will want if NI is able to do that? Surely even our current rulers are not so stupid as to go along with that?
It’s all very confusing. In the early 1980s alien forces invaded the Falkland Island, which is thousands of miles away and British forces were sent to clear them out. Move forward to the 21st century, alien forces invade the British mainland and our government raises the white flag. I think we are entitled to ask why. The only people being enriched here are the invaders. Someone is taking the piss.
**BIG NEWS** some people wore African clothes to watch a film:
—”Chewing Gum actress Michaela Coel wore full Nigerian attire… as did blogger The Slumflower.”
—”There’s no way I could rep my Kenyan ancestors at #BlackPantherPremiere #BlackPanther without repping #WakandaForever”
I’m only in my forties, but I’m getting increasingly worried I can’t understand sentences any more…
I wouldn’t worry. I doubt if the people saying this stuff really know what they mean either.
See how the “UK Is Stronger In Europe” not only confused the EU (political system) with Europe (landmass) but also lied to people telling them that Hillary Clinton was a World Leader …. people who voted remain did not know what they were voting for.
Also, are they implying that Merkel is the World Leader of Europe? Where is David Cameron? This is a terrible omission …
Looks like a rogues’ gallery of people who ought to be behind bars, if you ask me.
How many of them are actually world leaders? Not many, when you count the has-beens, and those on the cusp of ceasing to be…
Sharia law on its way. Let’s hope it doesn’t become mandatory.
7th Century arrives in 2018 … “Female circumcision “has been described in a horrible way” and should be considered in certain circumstances, a leading member of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland has said.”
Mo Khan pays more for motor insurance
being discussed on R4 12:17am an investigation by the BBC’s Joel Moors
Try a white name, and get a quote *
… try same with a Mr Mo , and prices go up always
(He admitted that he was on the electoral roll at that address, and Mo wasn’t)
#2 Tried with Mrs Mo, and price goes up half the time
(this time the white name wasn’t registered at the address
insurance corp said second try might always get more expensive quote)
#3 Get a quote first using Mo’s name, change to a white name ..and the price mostly seem to drop
There are things like your own name might be more validated, cos you are on the electoral role.
Law says that if the end result is discrimination then it’s illegal.
They bring on Trevor Phillips and he call’s it the BME PPI
But You can’t quote for fake people verses real people
insurance uses credit check, motor insurance database
and cue check claim databases..
Why didn’t Radio4 mention that the Sun had a much bigger report last week ?
‘Mo Compare’
Don’t actuaries get involved?
Pretty sure it is still the case that nuances like opting for calor bottle blue on the old medical 4×4 may register these days.
I am sure some of the finest F1 or rally drivers trace their origins way East of Cheddar Man, but I do confess to giving a Nissan with sixteen people in it barrelling along a wider berth than some.
So how much does he cost the UK TV Tax Payer?
So after the BBC made so much profit the TV Licenses is now only £1 per person or is decreased every year … due to book sales …
… or due to private companies using Children to gain interest ….
Chris Evans makes £17 MILLION as a second-hand car dealer in this year alone
If I don’t listen to Chris Evans how do I stop the money via the TV Tax reaching Chris Evans’s pay check?
The state broadcaster in Singapore is MediaCorp.
The talent there therefore has limited negotiating options, but goes along with it because if your lovely mug gets on the telly you acquire value elsewhere.
I think the corporation also scores a % of what is ‘earned’ opening a shopping mall.
Maybe Chris and Katty should donate to offset licence fees for those not enjoying profile such employment affords?
BBC wants a fair trial for the Isis killers, and quote relatives of victims and others who agree.
That will give them an opportunity to blame western colonialism for their radicalistion which the BBC will amplify.
If they come here for a trial Treezer and Amber will meddle so they get off light with a release fter a short sentencei.
Best to waterboard them until all info is squeezed out and a firing squad with pig shit in their graves
This was floated earlier on their Facebook pages.
As ever, from the off, #CCBGB
Maybe they don’t speak for everyone after all?
Guest Who
There’s a lot of shit floated on their Facebook pages.
As a member of the Porcine race I must object to your suggested use for my manure which I think should be given free to our long suffering farmers to enrich their soil. I call upon you to issue a public apology on this site and withdraw your totally uncalled for Piggist remark, the shock of which which has caused my tail to lose it’s curliness. You have tainted my life.
My apologies, or rather I apologise for any offence, not for what I said. I think that is the modern way to apologise.
However, according to EU imposed rules I trust that you have not been eating any genetically modified food because if you have your poo will not be allowed to be composted and spread on our farmer’s fields.
Now you have compounded your insult by referring to my excrement as “poo.” What a fucking disgusting term. Your shit may “poo” but mine does not. Mine has a good old fashioned stink to it!
Now, I suggest we terminate this disagreement -in my favour- before we are asked to leave this site and it will be your fault.
Also on Jeremy Whine,
A BBC expert correspondent (Gordon Corera) excusing their behaviour because of the treatment that Muslims were given at Guantanamo (orange jumpsuits and water boarding).
“If they come here for a trial Treezer and Amber will meddle so they get off light with a release fter a short sentence”
First stop for them when they get back will be to inspect and approve a council property on offer above and in front of any others on the council housing list –
Meanwhile, the internationally valued UK justice system does not subjectively smile on those it dislikes –
Corrected image link cos Marky’s image below doesn’t show up on my screen

source page 9 of BBC Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17
So then,ex BBC Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman says that the over 65’s should not be allowed to vote.
He is nuts.
Thing is, how nuts was he when he joined the world’s least trusted lunatic asylum versus when he eased off?
I’m happy to lose my vote in exchange for not having to pay Income Tax, VAT, Fuel Duty, Council Tax, Alcohol Duty or any other sort of tax.
Is it a deal Jeremy?
I might go along with that provided I could introduce a few limitations of my own:
Voter must have been making a net contribution to the exchequer for at least 5 years.
Voter must pass tests in UK based history, maths and general knowledge to demonstrate that he/she has at least some clue about what he/she is voting for.
No criminal record, for anything.
That’s just for starters.
Today opts for comedy this afternoon:
“I thought to myself: ‘Wow, this must be what white people feel like when they just stroll into the cinema.”
Writer Reni Eddo-Lodge on new Marvel superhero film Black Panther and what it’s like to finally see more black people on screen. More here:
3:45pm Radio 4 mini-drama about a grid girl.
4:30pm MoL : item could be : Is China On Track to End Poverty by 2020?
4:55pm Ama and Jan – Racism on the Rise
A mother and daughter reflect on changing attitudes since the Brexit vote and what’s within their power to do about it.
8pm : Any Questions : from Berkshire
panel : Henry Bolto UKIP , Baroness Sal Brinton (LibDem president), Therese Coffey MP (Environment Minister) + Labour MP Stephen Kinnock.
Publicly-force-funded broadcasters are a plague. Once they are assured of the income flow they ignore the public and launch forth on virtue-signalling expeditions. Any country? CNN;BBC;ARD etc etc (In Austria there is now an interesting debate on the topic.) They then keep virtue-signalling politicians in power or try to build them up to get there. The more I ask myself why, the more I think Enoch got it right: madness. Only, this madness is like a communicable disease. How/why?
This is why Trump is so hated by the PC brigade. Their ever so reliable recipe didn’t work, and this baffles and upsets them. The guilt card didn’t work. The race card didn’t work. Trying to label ‘right wingers’ as uneducated rabble didn’t work. (The latter is a great favourite.)
Worked in Germany, where the guilt card is especially effective. (Also, conservatives were labelled as ‘das Pack’-the rabble). Worked in Britain, where someone like Nigel could be kept out of parliament (compare to many of the morons we have now). But not in the USA last time round. Luvvit.