“It’s quite reductionist,” she tells me firmly, “to call them ‘jihadi brides’. They’re facilitators, logisticians, propagandists. There’s more to these women socially, politically, psychologically, culturally, that we don’t understand and that we need to understand.”
'My Return from IS' will not be broadcast as planned. We have made this decision for duty of care reasons following discussions with contributors to the programme.
— Panorama ???? (@BBCPanorama) February 5, 2018
Panorama has pulled, seemingly indefinitely, its film called ‘My Return from IS’ which would have told ‘the story of a British woman who is back in the UK after living with so-called Islamic State in Syria for more than two years before managing to escape with the help of her mother. She was arrested, but after extensive debriefing by counterterrorist officers the CPS decided there were no grounds for prosecution. `Fatima’ tells Panorama reporter Peter Taylor how the group has hijacked Islam, with men acting as cannon fodder and women used for cooking, cleaning and giving birth.’
As you might imagine it was most likely going to be a puff piece that portrayed the ‘Jihadi Brides’ as naive and well-meaning victims and the men as brave, if deluded, defenders of Islam under attack from Western aggression, men who didn’t understand the true, peaceful nature of Islam and who believed, wrongly, that they were carrying out its commands. Naturally that is a picture the BBC has always wanted to peddle but even a Muslim expert on radicalisation doesn’t accept that saying the Jihadi Brides were far more willing and active than the likes of the BBC would have you believe telling us “It’s quite reductionist,” she tells me firmly, “to call them ‘jihadi brides’. They’re facilitators, logisticians, propagandists. There’s more to these women socially, politically, psychologically, culturally, that we don’t understand and that we need to understand.”
The question stands though as to why the BBC pulled the programme? It tells us that it spoke to contributors to the programme and made the decision to cancel based upon ‘duty of care considerations’ but not expanding upon that.
You have to think that this may be related to the Darren Osborne terror attack at Finsbury Park and is a reaction to the news that the BBC drama ‘Three Girls’ was the catalyst for his descent into radicalisation….though why the programe wasn’t called ‘1,400 Girls’ is beyond me. Good I suppose that the BBC admits, in a very roundabout way, that its programme was in its way responsible for the attack because the BBC otherwise has signally failed to admit that its coverage was ‘the catalyst’ preferring to blame the Far-Right, social media and Tommy Robinson, who had little to absolutely nothing to do with the attack. The BBC was absolutely right to show the film, if years too late and an exercise in trying to make itself appear to be a leading campaigner against the abuse, when in fact it had covered it up for years….one of its own journalists admitting that he knew what was going on and asking why the police did nothing…but not thinking to ask why he himself failed to break the story which would have forced the police and authorities to act.
Douglas Murray in the Spectator believes the BBC may retreat back into those old ways of covering up crimes and other unpleasant behaviour by Muslims because it fears to report them may lead to anti-Muslim anger.
Will the BBC go back to ignoring grooming gangs?
For the best part of a decade the BBC – like most other mainstream media – chose to ignore the issue of the northern Muslim grooming gangs. They didn’t know any of the victims, didn’t know the towns and somewhere along the way (subliminally or otherwise) made the decision that all this was just too horrible and delicate a story to wade into.
I know what people at the BBC and elsewhere will be thinking. Perhaps this vindicates the silence of all those years. Perhaps the public cannot be trusted. Perhaps they are indeed the sort of people who have in their midst people on a hair-trigger who are willing to hire trucks and drive them into crowds of people at a moment’s notice. Perhaps the censorship and silence were after all a good idea? Personally I happen to think not. But nobody should be surprised if the BBC reverts to ignoring crimes like Rochdale in the future.
Matti Freidman in the Atlantic notes a similar attitude when reporting about Israel as the reporters choose to side with the Palestinians….’This group of intelligent and generally well-meaning professionals ceased to be reliable observers and became instead an amplifier for the propaganda of one of the most intolerant and aggressive forces on earth.’
Orwell spelt it out years ago….“The argument that to tell the truth would be ‘inopportune’ or would ‘play into the hands of’ somebody or other is felt to be unanswerable, and few people are bothered by the prospect that the lies which they condone will get out of the newspapers and into the history books.”
That is precisely the BBC’s attitude. They believe that reporting such events ‘play into the hands of the Far-Right’ and thus should be censored and suppressed. But that attitude sacrificed 1,400 girls to the Muslim predators that groomed, raped and abused them under the noses of the media and authorities who held back from acting due to concerns about race and religion. It also of course does in the end serve to bolster the Far-Right as the story becomes massive and very toxic in a way that it never would have done if it had been nipped in the bud so many years, and so many victims, earlier. The censorship creates the very thing it is meant to stop…just as the media’s attempts to silence voices on immigration lead to the rise of the Far-Right across Europe as most other people are intimidated by the ‘liberal’ intolerance of their views and the labelling of them as racists making life for them very difficult.
The BBC has in fact been slipping back into its bad old ways of suppressing or indeed rewriting history in order to change people’s perceptions by providing an alternate truth, alternate facts. Reports of a Trojan Horse plot by Muslim conservatives to take over and Islamise secular schools was fully backed up by the evidence and several investigations and yet the BBC ignored or downplayed its existence when the story first broke and suppressed crucial evidence that confirmed that such attempts to Islamise schools were in fact official MCB policy as revealed in its 2007 guidance document to schools, drawn up by the same man at the heart of the Trojan Horse plot, that tried to pressurise schools into Islamising their curriculum, buildings and activities…in order to make schools more Islam friendly so that Muslim pupils could fully follow their beliefs and would feel more integrated…and thus, the implicit threat, would not feel alienated, marginalised and angry which may lead to radicalisation, extremism and terror.
The BBC always reported the plot as if it was something made up by Islamophobes and that the letter which outlined the plot was a hoax. The BBC’s Phil Mackie insisted that it was just fantasy, created by paranoid, racist Islamophobes…
Despite the plot having been proven the BBC is now working to discredit the story and you may hear several programmes that look at the subject and revise the facts the suit the BBC’s own agenda telling us that the letter was definitely a hoax and that there was no plot.
Recent events of course show why that narrative is not only wrong but dangerous as Islamists force a school to bow to pressure and Islamise itself.
Religious extremists are using schools to narrow children’s horizons and “pervert education”, England’s chief inspector of schools has warned.
Amanda Spielman said some community leaders see schools as vehicles to “indoctrinate impressionable minds” – with extremist ideology in some cases.
Ofsted inspectors are increasingly coming into contact with such extremists, she said.
She is asking head teachers to confront those who foster extremist behaviour.
The BBC naturally sides with those who would surrender to the extremists…‘is it the role of a head teacher to dictate who should and who should not be allowed to wear such an item? Even if they are in charge of uniform policies. By calling on head teachers to exercise a “muscular liberalism” in the face of ultra-conservative forces, she may yet stir up more opposition than she anticipated.’
Yep, let’s not make the extremists angry….do what they want us to do and all will be peaceful….and Kirsty Wark thinks ‘there may be a danger you conflate [islamic] conservatism with extremism’…Muslim of course, as the BBC always conflates conservatism, the blue kind, with extremism. However, Muslim conservatism is extremism in the context of any Western society…completely at odds with our values and beliefs.
The Trojan Horse Plot is true and the BBC reaction is the same old one of trying to suppress the truth in the vain hope of keeping the peace…..not realising that the extremists will never rest and that every appeasement just emboldens them to keep on demanding more….and of course there may well be a counter-reaction all the more violent as it has been suppressed for so long.
As mentioned above, it does seem that this is the true nature of BBC journalism now…
‘This group of intelligent and generally well-meaning professionals ceased to be reliable observers and became instead an amplifier for the propaganda of one of the most intolerant and aggressive forces on earth.’
The left really have betrayed the the people and you can’t get further left than the bBC:
1) A young boy was kidnapped, thrown in the boot of a car, driven 100s of miles, then beaten up, stabbed and then set on fire . His pakistani killers had gone out on a mission to kill simply because one of them had lost a fight . Not once did the bBC refer to this as a racist crime until after the court case, and even then they do it quietly.
2) A young man and his girl friend walking through Peterborough are attacked by Pakistani thugs and he is murdered by having a knife shoved in him. The bBC has never referred to his murder as..racist.
3) During the 90s, people were talking about lots of white girls getting raped across the country, by Muslims. The police refused to take any action and if anything arrested the victims and their family. The bBC which will report anybody looking funny at a Muslim faster than you can utter ‘Allah ackba’refused point blank to report the peccadilloes of the Islamic faith, in fact they went out of their way to defend Muslims as only followers of a peaceful religion, who respect women and that anybody who said otherwise could be a racist. Cue : Ann Cryer, Tommy Robinson It took a brave reporter from the Times to expose how the left had used PC in which to turn a blind eye to Islamic rape in the Uk and yet, have they admitted they got it wrong. You only have to look at how they push out a daily Islam can only be great story to see how they haven’t.
4) After 9/11, the bBC held a Question time where they invited the US ambassador, they also invited loads of radical Muslims who openly chanted that America deserved what it got.
5) After the London bombing in 2005, the bBC referred to the Muslims who carried out that attack as misguided criminals. in fact after any attack in the UK, the bBC cares more about any possible backlash than about the victims. I didn’t hear that been said when Darren Osbourne killed 1 Muslim.
6) The bBC refuses to refer to Muslims as Terrorists, yet has no problem with white people
7) The bBC airs lots of articles about how bad homosexuals have it in the Uk, whilst promoting the viewthat Islam is wonderful for Gay blokes.
8) The bBC has told me that Muslims and not the RN saved the UK from the Spanish armada
9) The bBC due to its lovefest with Islam openly hates:
All three take no truck with Islam and as such the bBC goes well out of its way to disparage them. Just look at how they report the news.
10) The bBC tells me that the British Empire (1815-1914) was evil, yet tells me that the Islamic occupation of Spain (711- 1492) was great, that the Ottoman empire was even better.(1301-1922)
11) The bBC brainwashes our children that all the worlds greatest inventions are due to Islam and that the British invented..nothing (you really do need to watch the video)
This constant propaganda from the bBC has led people to believe that all whites are evil , racist and bigoted and that Muslims are wonderful. The fact remains not one Islamic country subscribes to any form of human rights and due to their own intolerance, we find their own leaving in which to find pastures new and what do they do, they bring their bigotry and intolerance with them.
crime (Muslims make up 4% of the Uk pop and 20% of the prison population) I used to dream that Muslims (and I come from an Islamic family) would integrate into the British way of life, however due to the many concessions made by the left (Positive discrimination/ Halal food/ bigamy/child marriage/FGM (not one prosecution in over 30 years) allowing them to use the ‘r’ card to silence their critics) we find we have arrived at a place where the tail is wagging the dog. and the bBC has played a huge part in all of this.
Pounce. An extremely powerful post. No rational person could argue with any of your points, although the Beeboids would of course.
I wholeheartedly agree with your summary except one minor point though.
You say, “The fact remains not one Islamic country subscribes to any form of human rights…..”.
As a counter to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the islamists created their own Cairo “Declaration”. This was done in 1990 ‘some say’ as a reaction to the UN Universal Decl. of Human Rights. It is really a, “see, we really are as good as you” reaction based entirely on sharia law and outlining their own forms of, “Goodness” to their fellow man (including kuffars naturally). Here’s a copy:
Click to access cairo.pdf
Often we see the islamic community complying with their ‘Declaration’. Take for example the Gulf States including Saudi Arabia taking in millions of ‘Refugees’ from Syria and other war torn islamic places. The list is endless of instances where the signatories to the islamic Declaration exercise and protect others Human Rights under it…………………….
Sorry, I’m having a laugh in my last two sentences!
But, all said and done, take a look at islams answer to a “Commission” on Human Rights:
Take a look at the Darren Osborne article and read how his attack, “…….can be traced back to the door of the Zionist lobby in London.” Oh dear!!!!!!!! The hatred (as the leading ‘mo’ stated in the Quaran) shows no bounds.
pounce wrote:
3) During the 90s, people were talking about lots of white girls getting raped across the country, by Muslims. The police refused to take any action and if anything arrested the victims and their family. The bBC which will report anybody looking funny at a Muslim faster than you can utter ‘Allah ackba’refused point blank to report the peccadilloes of the Islamic faith..
This incident in our history is the most shameful of all.
In all history, no country or group of people has conspired and kept quiet and hidden, the rapes of tens of thousands of young British girls by imported Muslims.
If we ever recover our sense of right and wrong, all rapists, their imams, and the establishment powers, from the cabinet down, should be tried for war crimes. War crimes against children and vulnerable girls.
Why war crime? Islam is at war with us, though we refuse to acknowledge it.
Oh dear. I’ve just watched some of the other videos about Islam aimed at children. There is a parody of a makeover show entitled “how to look great Islam” where the presenter is mimicking Gok Wan. I can’t imagine him going down too well with the Muslims. Anyway, surprisingly they don’t just dress the woman in a niqab…
I can only conclude that the bBBC has been infiltrated and is run by Islamists!
It was the BNP oop north that first drew attention to the Muslim grooming and in particular Nick Griffin . The BBC not only buried the story as did the rest of the media but they actually tried to entrap him at a meeting with hidden cameras with the sole purpose of getting him sent to prison.
So actually the BBC didn’t suppress the grooming, they actively sought to silence opposition to it.
Like NG or not isn’t the point. The salient point is he was right.
Alan, it is like shooting fish in a barrel but your piece above is spot on. The MSM and, chief among them the BBC, either take us all for complete idiots or just don’t give a toss. Their constant smoke and mirror censorship is sometimes almost childish in it’s lack of subtlety in their attempts to promote multi culti harmony and inevitably results in Islamic driven criminality being down graded/under reported or just plain misrepresented whilst actions against Islam/Muslims are amplified and exaggerated in a dishonest attempt to equalise cause and effect.
You can add stupid to the list of BBC characteristics because all this does is accelerate polarisation and harden attitudes in a way contrary to the ideals of cultural harmony the BBC deign to project.
The MSM and, chief among them the BBC, either take us all for complete idiots or just don’t give a toss.
A lot more sinister than that, H, I think. Like any on the Far Left the BBC is an advocate of open borders and the Soros/UN one-world government agenda which lies behind the global warming fraud.
I reckon their belief is that if they can brainwash the people of this country into believing that Islam is enhancing our culture, we’ll accept any race or religion.
The left in the form of Momentum.. 3rd/4th wave feminisim wot-evuh, The Bbbc, and others too numerous to name, are now revealed to be what they are, utter hypocrites and cringing moral cowards…bullies too, in the way that cowards usually are.
Which is interesting , considering the ‘Stand up to Bullying’ campaign..where the biggest bully in the playground is the Ideology of self detonating stabitty stab beardy bacon dodgers.
“The left in the form of Momentum.. 3rd/4th wave feminisim wot-evuh, The Bbbc, and others too numerous to name, are now revealed to be what they are, utter hypocrites and cringing moral cowards”
Tell um National Conscription is being brought in! They would soon be off!
Monty Python had this sussed long ago with ‘Never be rude to an Arab…’ Probably not something the BBC would sanction in these enlightened times.
Even more bizarre is the decision to prosecute James Matthews who was fighting with the Kurds against IS in Syria. Apparently, he “attended a terrorist training camp” or some such nonsense.
Maybe the BBC has developed a sense of shame and cancelled “My Return from IS” when it suddenly realised that making the usual apologies for returning muslim mass murderes would not chime well when a Briton fighting against the muslim menace was in court on some trumped up charge. The British state rewards returning IS Big Beards with council houses but tries to jail a patriot fighting against IS.
Something is definitely rotten in the state of Britain.
That’s the new unbalanced, biased legal system for you. This two-tier legal system now benefits immigrants and muslims over the likes of you and I. It will get worse as it becomes more blatant.
ID wrote:
“Even more bizarre is the decision to prosecute James Matthews who was fighting with the Kurds against IS “
Personally I feel this is more about appeasing the Turks than anything else. I mean at the start of the week we had all those Kurds arrested for people smuggling, why now, why not 10,5, or even last year.
Yes, exactly what I was wondering.
But minor appeasments like that will just be seen as further signs of weakness. Erdogan has had some fun humiliating the Germans. During elections he tours Germany as if it were a province of Turkey, tells Turks that dual citizenship is unturkish and that they should outbreed Germans to extend turkish influence in Germany. He has also banned German MPs from visiting German troops in Incilik. Westeners don’t see that a game of positional chess is being played here. Any small stategic advantage is pocketed and the next mini-battle fought and won. Another mosque built here, some concession to sharia law there, C4 news has more hijabs than TRT news. .
Google too like the BBC is a Islam sympathiser. But then Google like Facebook are Hard Left.
ast year, Google changed its searches on Islamic topics to push Islamic proselytizing and propaganda. For years, Jihad Watch was the first result that came up when one searched for “jihad” on Google; that was when Google search results were based on subject congruence and popularity of the site. But now, when one searches for “jihad” on Google, the first few pages are full of Islamic apologetic nonsense about how Islam is a religion of peace; Jihad Watch doesn’t show up until around page six.
Noble words for very ignoble intentions. The only “Duty of Care” the BBC ever believes in is protecting itself or protecting those who hate our society and wish to directly harm us as a result.
The BBC is quite happy in playing along with fostering a victim status amongst the resident Muslim Community (thus indirectly encouraging violence against us). Yet at the same time expects us to meekly accept this hostility as a part and parcel of modern life.
The MSM and in particular the BBC are cowards. The are all quite happy to accept the huge salaries for doing very little – but when it comes to any of their “talent” telling the truth about what is going on, (with Charlie Hebdo in the forefront of their minds) they will never implicate the religion which within its “holy texts” gives licence to the release of a medieval savagery with which this country has not experienced for hundreds of years.
If politicians and the media actually got together on this we could do somthing about it. Instead it is left to the likes of Tommy Robinson to highlight it and deal with the inevitable risks solely.
I am afraid these days the BBC “duty of care” goes no further than the doors of the mosque or Broadcasting House. And for this reason alone this organisation should be considered below contempt for any right thinking people.