Is there any difference between Afua Hirsch and Hitler? Both advocates of racial purity, both using race as a weapon to further their own political aims and those of their own race. It’s a shame that just about the only black ‘role models’ people see on the BBC or read in the Guardian are the race baiters like Hirsch whose sole aim it would seem is to create a race war, to set up a ‘them and us’ scenario so that Blacks only think of themselves as victims and the only way to be successful is to ‘be black’ [ironically…Britain is racist so be even more ‘black’ to beat the racism!] and to separate themselves from ‘white’ society blaming that for any or all of their problems. The BBC continues to play its very dangerous game of sensationalising race and giving platforms to people who are not acting in the best interests of black people and are quite happy to stir up racial division and conflict, constantly abusing white people and ‘white’ society in their own racist way because that is how they make a living…writing or broadcasting about race problems, no problems then nothing to write about, no money, no ego-boosting media appearances….problems they have invented or indeed generated themselves…..just like the old joke about the newspaper editor starting a war to sell more newspapers…only in this case it’s not a joke, it’s all too real and the BBC aids and abets in that.
List the bias here…..
Not so much bias but a lot of irony. The Asian newsreader on Midlands Today cuts to an Asian reporter speaking to a white CofE (bishop?) telling us that he doesn’t want to see Enoch Powell’s service as a Wolverhampton MP being commemorated by a ‘blue plaque’. (Of course he isn’t really CofE, he’s ‘multi-faith’ now). They then cut to the Asian chairman of the committee that will make the final decision.
We’s all effniks now, innit!
When you think about it, none of them are fit to clean double-first, Urdu speaking, India liking, Brigadier, Professor Powell’s boots.
Spot on. If only those in power in the last fifty years since his famous speech and prophecy had listened to his wisdom , the horrors that we , or at least those under forty, are going to see over the next fifty years could have been avoided.
Those who are doing the ranting, I feel, are clearly not happy in their skin because they are not in the majority. In America its recently been reported that blacks are happier if they are more ‘white’ (the father of Beyoncé admits she is where she is because she is more ‘white’ than black). Is this a truer explanation than just playing the victim ? Is this a reason why there’s an awful lot of ‘chips on shoulders’ whining ? that through dint of birth they haven’t been born white ? Living and working in a mainly black populated country is not an option, so why not play the victim card and whip up as much dissent as possible where you do live. These people will never see reason so its pointless arguing with them, they are so eaten up with a ‘why me’ attitude that they will never lead a contented life wherever they live. I would ask Hirsch why did she leave Norway, – because the white population seriously outnumbered her ? and she felt more comfortable in the UK amongst her own ethnic community ? Wherever that woman lives she will never be happy and will be an activist all her life, so I say to her and her kind ‘tough titties’ , you will never live to see the ethnicity change in this country, so button it or ship out.
It is impossible to see what Hirsch’s beef is. She may as well appear on the usual media orifices and claim “I am dead and have been murdered by white racists”, so self undermining are her arguments. She was privately educated all the way to Oxford, is a barrister, journalist, TV “personality”, and well connected to the British elites -her great uncle was a Sir Peter Hirsch and seems to belong to the power elite in Ghana This woman has enjoyed more “white beneficence” than 90% of the indigenous population. Yet she still whines on. She says herself that she was never chased down the street by racists with baseball bats”. Strangely, her partner in victimhood, Madgit Nawaz, trumpets the fact that he was chased down the street by racists with baseball bats as the reason for turning to Big Beardism.
Apparently, Afua’s better half (could hardly be worse) is black working? class. No doubt, the lack of any good victim cards to play dawned on her when politcal arguments were raging in the Hirsch household and so she has decided to snatch the victim cards of others and play them for her own glorification.
She tries to construct a victim staus for helf by touting vague metaphysical concepts like “institutional racism” and the “corrosive 400-year history of British colonialism and Imperialism”. If these malevolences have done her any harm it is difficult to see how. Her big idea is destroying Nelson column.
Like ISIS, she wants to destroy the cultural artefacts of her enemy. The next step is presumiably to destroy the people to whom the artefacts belonged.
I see Prof. Beard is the “grid girl” for “Julius Caesar Revealed” BBC1 tonight. Were all Caessr’s slaves black Britons with blue eyes?
If Ms Hirsch ever decided that she had a happy, successful and prosperous life in one of the best countries in the world, she wouldn’t have a lot to write about.
Sad to say mate but these days there are big kudos to be gleaned from misery. I’m old enough to assure everyone that it wasn’t always so.
A professor at 25. That is going some.
Enoch Powell was a formidable intellect. A scholar, a soldier and a patriot.
By contrast, Jeremy Corbyn could only scrape two Grade E’s at A Level, Angela Rayner can barely speak English, Dianne Abbott cannot count above ten unless she takes her shoes off, and John McDonnell is a hard line Marxist zealot.
Don’t tell me that’s progress!
Also: the best PM we never had.
Katty do like to dig.
Blast-so near and yet so far.
This ones for you Brissels…did I do good?
Number 4 though.
Look at Katty’s Twitter thread
#1 She does the old give my opinion by quoting someone else
In this case the NYT
#2 Politics Prof and @BBCWorld Contributor, Ron Christie replied
#3 We get Katty’s tweet above saying “allowed NK to drive even a small wedge between America and SK”
… I thought Trump’s team has been paying a game of Bad Cop to SK’s Good cop , thus pushing NK closer to SK.
The point is Team Trump remain above NK.
Nonsense from the BBC totally ignoring the effect Trump’s sabre-rattling has had, forcing China to impose sanctions on NK and NK to come back with some rapprochement…at least for now. Ignores the huge US effort behind the scenes to engineer NK/SK diplomacy. Tries to make out Trump/US as the problem.
KK, one K short of a dumbass stupid bigot. One woman who is overpaid whatever she is paid by the BBC.
Irony? KK/K tweets an FT frontpage that has a headline….
‘Seoul keeps US friends in mind to give guarded reply to North Korea’s offer of talks’.
Some people only respect strength, especially bullies like Kim and many ROPers. People will join the dots.
“How funny that this has never happened before Trump’s presidency?”
How can you report on the news objectively when you start with certain falsehoods which you believe to be true with a religious zealotry? They report on congestion, NHS problems and fewer teenagers having part time jobs without ever mentioning immigration. And of course Trump could never be a good tactician – he only beat both political parties, the Clinton machine and the whole media establishment on his first attempt at becoming president. Beeb staffers would have run to a safe space the second things got tough.
At one of President Trump’s pre-election rallies he said that his policy would be to keep the enemy guessing. I presumed that he meant both foreign and domestic adversaries, both of which seem to be finding his methods a bit knicker twisting. Good.
Well-long after those promised 100 Days, Katty continies to string her pearls of wisdom. But who gives a damn-as if she`d know the first thing about anything in America.
One Tucker Carlson or a minute of Ann Coulter is all that`s needed.
Absolutely no point in having the BBC in America-send them home Donald, they`re a Salvador gang in terms of criminality and lies.
Your right Chris. Big Don should expel the fuckers and ship them to darkest Africa where I know they will be very happy and treated with the deepest respect. If we’re really lucky and the natives get a bit peckish they may even find their title changed from BBC to BBQ.
Perhaps I read too many British comics when I was a kid eh? ( Some one reminded us that only goats have kids, but as far as I know my mother wasn’t a nanny goat)
‘Clearly the NK regime is a brutal dictatorship.’ this is an improvement from BBC Katty Kay’s “OMG” Twitter responses. And to say it outright is a good thing as the BBC have form when showing North Korea as a misunderstood Country – not a basket case (which it is).
What is a Gramscian ?
It’s not important to know the biography of Gramsci , a communist imprisoned by Mussolini , but his advocacy of a method to bring communism by surreptitious means to power .
Basically it’s a Long March through the institutions and bring change to the governance and thinking of a nation without violent immediate revolution , and also without votes , democracy and debate .
Its so sly , that the interesting thing about being a Gramscian is that you can be one without realising you are one .
For there is no formality about becoming one . No cards to be carried , no oaths to take , no reception or ceremonies , no hierarchy , rules , meetings , documents , acknowledgement , website or recognition by one Gramscian to another .
A Tesco’ s points card has more rules and formality than joining the ranks of the Gramscians . It is akin to one lot preferring lager to bitter .
All you have to do to be a Gramscian is subvert any government agency and any other institution that has any measure of control , however slight and however slight your position , to further the cause of liberal / left , progressive politics .
All you have to do to be a Gramscian is subvert any government agency and any other institution that has any measure of control … or to be a schoolteacher or a beeboid.
Good post. I would add that Gramscians are being massively aided by the post Modernists , who Prof Peterson rages against, in the destruction of our society so that they can build something they consider pure Marxism.
We have a strange set of forces ranged against nation state conservatives. We have the Gramscians, the Post Modernist, Islamists , Globalist capitalists, and the liberal lefties . What a shower!
The Globalist capitalists are just in it for the short term money and presumably don’t recognise the danger to themselves or think that they can escape to the hills when the other groups triumph.
The liberal lefties are so anxious to be able to polish their halos that they can’t see what is in front of their nose. They don’t realise that they are being used by the other groups as useful idiots.
The Gramscians and Post Modernist probably see eye to eye about most things and presumably think that they will triumph over Islam when the time comes.
The Islamists know with absolute certainty that they will wipe the floor with everybody else when they are ready.
Meanwhile the nation state conservatives are being attacked by the other groups and losing ground. Only in the USA is there a determined fight back led by President Trump .
We live in interesting times.
So what you are saying is –if I wanted to replace sexy Theresa May (LIB.) as our PM and replace her with the staggeringly hot Katie Hopkins (CONS.) that would make me an Anti Gramscian?
Nish Kumar Live at The Apollo, Sunday evening says he doesn’t like the fashion for young white men wearing a full well groomed beard and moustache. He said it reminded him of the English fighting Indians at the Golden Temple. Well I like the fashion and I think it looks good on many of the young men who chose it (certainly better than pants half mast). But as the daughter of an immigrant I appreciate this country. If Nish, of Indian descent doesn’t, may I suggest he has options.
I also don’t appreciate him saying people are right to get angry at a council a couple of miles from Hammersmith where a tower block burnt down. Firstly there is an undergoing inquiryand secondly the people responsible for the management of Grenville Tower ie The management committee including the local MP, one Emma Code Dent must also shoulder some blame but I don’t hear Nish holding Emma to account on the BBC.
I hate it when minority performers keep going on about race – it is so divisive and unless you are from that group you cannot directly relate to it, which is what so much comedy is all about. Of course the Beeb lap up such ‘diversity.’
The true extent of Kumars intelligence can be witnessed by all as he often appears as a guest/competitor in Taskmaster, regularly repeated on the Dave channel, Sky 111.
Almost guaranteed to finish last in a group of carefully chosen comedy cretins, and Bob Mortimer, his blatant stupidity and inability to think laterally, or any other way actually, proves his real comedic value as he fails spectacularly at every task he is set. Often failing even to understand what it is he is being asked to do. The viewer laughs at him, not with him as his embarrassed and fake overly used bray would suggest he really believes, and proves that if it’s not scripted and written down for him he’s lost. Even then he doesn’t convince as his painful and awkward “banter” with the comedy blonde in the Trump/ Morgan puerility from the Pish Report proves.
A complete and utter gobshite and a chancer.
Yeah that false laugh is terrible. I saw him years back at Edinburgh and he ‘bantered’ with the crowd for ten minutes and it was painfully unfunny. Yet he has his own show on the BBC, I wonder why?
Beeb Bro
I do wish people would refrain from using the H word on this site. the N word is bad enough but the H word is totally beyond the pale. It will get us all marked down as Neo Nazis and I’m sure the late Herr H. would agree.
‘Peter Rabbit film producers apologise over allergy scene.’
Trigger warning: this post might be upsetting.
In typical cry bully fashion they have ‘demanded an apology’ over a scene which makes light of a blackberry allergy. Who on earth cares about allergy insensitivity? They are such pathetic losers.
It’s funny watching that film ‘The Post’ about fearless journalists courageously uncovering the truth. That is how they perceive themselves, when in reality they are more like a group of spoiled, whining toddlers having a collective tantrum over Trump. It is like when David Brent hilariously compares his leadership to Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society.
The charity scandal is still lead story today. Any bets on how long they can drag this agenda blender on for? I reckon at least until Friday.
At least they haven’t reach the state where David Brent compares himself to Jesus.
Beeb Bro
I have an allergy to the BBC so I don’t use it. This treatment, which I call the Lefty No Brainer, works with all allergies and minor irritations which can drive susceptible people to commit suicide. Try it free for 40 years and immediately feel the benefit. If you are not completely satisfied then tough– you thick twat.
Some of the skills on show at the Winter Olympics are superb.
What a shame the coverage by the BBC isn’t up to the same standard – commentators who seem to have taken a day off school to help out and only seem to know one word sentences such as “Boom” and “Bangin”, and music to accompany the action that is just loud and truly awful…..I assume Sadiq Khan must be involved because it’s the same garbage that he used for the NYE firework display.
Grow up BBC and just show the sport please.
The BBC interviewed some yankee skier this morning about the strong winds just now in SK and not for the first time used this opportunity to promote the Gay issue!
Asked: was it very windy on the course……The gay guy said: I’ve just been off the phone to my “boyfriend” about it!
What’s the betting that this interview was set-up in the hotel bar the night before after the BBC TV crew had cruised the Hotel for a gay competitor who turned out to be out of the top 100 skiers.
Spot on Sir -er -or are you Madam? Either way, you try to tell the young people that today and they won’t believe you. They Won’t! (Courtesy of The Four Yorkshiremen)
They just would not believe that such a thing was possible.
There was an old saying that it was all done with mirrors. Now it is done with images and compliant place men and women. TV is truly an idiot box which is currently controlled by Communists and I would guess that many of the people who appear on the screen are not even aware that they are part of an agenda. Nevertheless they are nation wreckers.
No! I was still a Sir a few minutes ago!
Some of the skills on show at the Winter Olympics are superb….
Have started to watch it in earnest now. The Luge is death defying ! (lying on your back on a sledge travelling at 100 mph) and skiing over bumps with a couple of somersaults on the way down – more exciting to watch than some of the summer Olympic tournaments.
Some of the aerobatic/acrobatic skills in the snow-boarding were incredible – four somersaults through the air whilst strapped to a flimsy board and managing to land on a downslope at speed – amazing.
Not sure how having your trousers halfway down your legs and exposing your underpants helps but it must do because they all seem to do it.
Our weatherman Matt Taylor reassures us that temperatures are “where they should be”.
So pleased that the BBC are imposing the moral imperative on the climate.
Which is nice because watching Louise Minchin’s interview with some top knob at Save The Children we notice that he filibustered every question and our BBC gal failed to hold him to account on any moral issue.
A suggestion as a bit of fun, instead of putting ages in brackets after people’s names as the media are prone to doing, how about salary in brackets after the name of a beeboid guilty of spectacular incompetence.
So Louise Minchin becomes Lousie Minchin (£200k).
If you put what they are actually worth instead, it would be Louise Minchin (50p).
I recall just a few months ago seeing our BBC ace reporter Reeta Chakrabarti being embedded with Save The Children busy plucking young African men out of the Med and fetching them safely ashore in Europe. It was a good puff piece but I can’t help but think she might have been better employed asking some questions and listening to stories and following up leads.
Which reminds me of the apocryphal tale of the young cub reporter on her very first assignment with a local newspaper. She arrives at the Church Hall jumble sale only to see a sign on the door reading ‘Event cancelled due to the Vicar running off to Brighton with the Lady Mayor’.
Arriving back at the newspaper office she is asked by her editor ‘have you any story for me?’
‘No’ she says ‘nothing I’m afraid, the Jumble Sale was cancelled’
Another weekend gone
Another teenager dead from stabbing in London .
Al Beeb not reporting this as it doesn’t interfere with the traffic.
The victims are mainly working class black boys who are probably not Muslims so don’t receive attention .
Funny how things have moved on from Steven Lawrence who is used to beat up whitee on a regular basis on because the murderer called ‘wot wot nigger’ before being stabbed.allegedly .
Al Beeb reporting that America now willing to talk with North Korea . President Trump playing a careful game with them . Can’t imagine his predecessor doing this.
Fingers crossed as i have a 250/1 bet on that President Trump will visit North Korea during his first term…
Al beeb only get excited when it’s white on black crime. Black on white or black on black is an embarrassment and doesn’t fit the narrative.
Unless it can be turned into ‘how society has let down those poor blacks getting knifed on the streets’, in other words blame whitie, again, as usual, for everything.
You seem to presuppose that President Trump will be granted a second term. I have everything crossed for that possibility—fingers, arms ,legs, eyes and my heart. At my age I have to be careful crossing the road though, I’m not as nimble as I used to be .
Lefty ,
It is always the economy . IF the economy is still holding up in the states come the election he ll get the job again. If not he’s toast .
Who controls the economy? These are the people who will determine how the voters cast their ballot, not the elected representatives.
If The President displeases the controllers then he will fall.
Toady watch
Isn’t it great what giving 13 000 000 000 pounds of tax payers money overseas aid can do ?
It can enable all sorts of charities to make a profit from employing sexual predators to take advantage of foreign kids . Brilliantly thought through.
What’s even more clever is that the places where these charities operate may not have a legal system so – using taxpayers money for illegal sex will mean you won’t get caught.
Any all those charity CEO s on big money “to attract the right quality of people” crap.
Why no outrage from the BBC about Soros interfering with our democracy? They were all over imaginary Russian influence and how bad it was. Clearly any foul play is fine as long as their side is doing it, as we have also seen with their burial of Obama’s spying on Trump which would be the story of the century had a Republican spied on a Democrat unlawfully.
Too right
Beeb Bro
In 1974 When President Nixon resigned I was cockahoop and I thought we were rid of the right wing nut cases forever. I was sure that to have removed a sitting Republican President was proof that my Left Wing heroes had succeeded in capturing the dizzy heights of the political process in the States and that this happy outcome would surely be reflected in the UK. A veritable workers paradise with no more war or poverty with human kindness the most important quality was now a possibility. This mindset stayed with me until– Oh dear oh dear, The Blessed Tony arrived. Then I knew that the promised land was at hand. Except–that it wasn’t. The nasty little shit proceeded to destroy the Labour party with his stupid, insane foreign wars, and his destruction of British working class culture which was the only culture I knew. He put Thatcher in the shade with his “Tory” policies.
However, in hindsight I’m personally pleased that Saint Tony ruled and taught me the real meaning of stupidity and hypocrisy, particularly of the Socialist variety because they claim to be the saviours of mankind. Now, free from dogma, I can follow my own instincts. I really don’t give a damn how my instincts may be interpreted by others. As far as I am concerned they are mine and mine alone, they are what I truly am, not what somebody else thinks I should be. Amen.
Nixon would never have been forced out if he’d been a Democrat, just look at what Clinton got away with.
There was an unusually thoughtful radio documentary on albeeb r4 over the weekend examining the approaching the likes of Hungary and Poland’s approach to the ReichEU .
It played vox pops of English speaking Hungarians basically telling the EU to F off when it came to importing Muslims . Very unusually … semi unbiased.
It kept on using the term’populism’ on a perjorative way which I still don’t understand
Hmm, but wasn’t the election of Macron due to the ‘populist’ vote? Don’t see that mentioned at all (Especially by the BBC?). But hey, he’s offered to lend us his embroidered carpet for a bit, so all is good!
Nigel Farage has been visiting the Irish republic spreading the gospel of —- er— irexit. Apparently only 16 per cent of voters want Ireland to leave the EU .. but the attraction is growing.
I’ve seen no mention of any of their on albeeb – I sourced it from the Irish Times which is often useful for getting round al Beeb bias ( its free on line ).
More cutting edge investigative journalism from our roving Inside Out Team in the North east.
They managed to buy a 3 litre bottle of cider for less than £3.00
The things these guys go through to bring us a report.
Their reports on the BBC ‘pay gap’ were just as rigorous: asking themselves what they think about it. Truly the envy of the world.
In my experience, Beeb Bro, the Human Resources departments are often inequally led and staffed. I never hear the BBC ask about the HR Depts of businesses that they are criticising.
I wonder why?
The Director is often a woman and a majority of the staff are usually women.
Perhaps the answer is to have more men in the departments? The BBC never seem to ask about women not getting on with women and doing each other down. A Radio 4 programme in the last week or so has been the FIRST EVER to reach my ears as far as I can recall. They do not probe their own organisation: News & CA/Entertainment/Engineering and provide a gender breakdown.
I wonder why?
Can you still get 8 Ace for 99p?
It beggars belief that they actually receive cash for this kind of kiddie twaddle.
It’s all to do with a BBC moral crusade against the dangers of drinking white cider.
Apparently some young un died through drinking to much.
Therefore everyone else has to bear the consequences.
They want the price raised to price it out if the range of the poorest members of society (white population) who are to stupid to realise that too much alcohol can be dangerous.
All very well for them in their ivory towers with their champagne and cocaine fuelled party’s…
Toady watch 2
Some bloke giving the charity industry both barrels over their self serving conduct ( echos of al Beeb ) with Andrew Mitchell being accused of being a ‘neo colonialst’ Ouch. Some might say that mr ( Lord soon) Mitchell is part of the industry and will make a few bob as chief exec of some big charity when he heads for the lords . Good pop corn wireless. Someone must have told Humph to shut up for a change ..
Incredible that the prof Peterson / Cathy newperson c4 car crash interview now nearly 7 million on you tube and still being talked about “ what you are saying is… “ will haunt our Cathy with her first from oxford for the rest of her hopefully short professional life.
What is so terrible is that her patent nonsense about men and women wanting the same things, being exactly the same and equal outcomes being desirable is accepted as gospel and guides policy in every organisation. How much time and money will be wasted pursuing impossible and undesirable goals of ‘equality’? The ‘equalities’ industry is worth a billion pounds a year! Think how many nurses and life saving drugs that could buy.
The BBC constantly refer to ‘the UK obesity crisis’ in my hearing on Radio 4 and on their web-site. Their Home Page for the web-site may be responsible in part for it. No less than six food, one drink and one supermarket related item on the Home Page this morning.
Perhaps, BBC, you hold part of the solution to the obesity crisis in your own hands? Removing your obsession with food & drink from the web-site, your TV and Radio programmes may be a helpful place to start slimming the UK.
I remember Jasper Carrott once opined that the reason people get fat is because their top hole is bigger than their bottom hole. In simple language it’s the energy in/energy out ratio. It is so simple it’s daft. And that is why I weigh 16 stone when I should weigh 12 stone. I have a perfectly good pair of good quality walking boots that I have almost totally ignored since my excellent knee replacement in 2014. My status as a fat cunt is a self inflicted condition and I resolve to rectify that this year with plenty of cross country hikes – which used to be my habit.
Sounds like a slim cunt is fighting to escape your body 🙂
LW – swim every day, boring but nothing else like it for getting the weight off (IMHO).
According to the BBC, ‘due to Brexit’, the UK obesity crisis can only worsen because of the coming lack of foodstuffs on our Supermarket shelves!
Brilliant 🙂 🙁
the BBC re-writes history.
Last Word tells us:-
In the first instance this ‘Rosie’ wasn’t a riveter, she has no tools, and secondly the poster as originally conceived was produced by Westinghouse for its internal use to motivate all its employees in WWII.
The BBC isn’t interested in real history, just the ‘contoversial’, ‘divisive’ ‘hate’ campaigning of today’s misogynist ‘feminists’.
Do most women really want to be plumbers or welders anyway? Men are not attracted to masculine women and so many women struggle to be happy if they are not in a relationship.
“……Men are not attracted to masculine women and so many women struggle to be happy if they are not in a relationship.”
Having listened to a recent interview with the BBC’s favourite female writer and lesbian, Val McDermid, she carries an enormous amount of hatred around for someone so ugly. When asked why her book sales lagged behind some of her fellow authors, she claimed it was all due to men refusing to buy her books.
The claim went completely unchallenged by the interviewer of course.
I think more women than men read fiction. Maybe women are not attracted to the writing of this militant Lesbian? Or maybe her stories are not very good? I don’t think I will waste any of my precious time reading one of her books to find out, I wouldn’t want to make her a penny richer.
Thank you your post had me in stitches
If you haven’t already read it and you get the chance read “The Silencing” by Kirsten Powers. It tells us everything we need to know about the illiberal feminist.
from sKatty Kay
Her naive splitting up of the world into men vs women, and White vs nonwhite is SEXISM and RACISM and is wrong.
Equality is about taking people as individuals NOT by labels of gender or skin colour.
Yep in the past in ethnic white communities a lot of “white men” were figureheads of power, but they came from already privileged families whilst the poor white men/women were downtrodden.
And we know that although religiously driven culture put men as the figureheads it was often their women who were pulling the strings.
And then in other types of society you get things like Benazir Bhutto as Prime-minister of Pakistan
hardly a symbol of women’s equality
Her family was rich and powerful and her father had already been President and PrimeMinster.
And then you get an ethnic Bangladeshi MP in the UK : Tulip Saddiq.
A symbol of non-white and female emancipation ?
Not really, she belongs to a dynasty : Siddiq’s grandfather, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, was the country’s first leader; he was assassinated and his sons as well, but his daughters were on holiday in London.
One stayed in London ie Siddiq’s mother, the other one ie Siddiq’s mother’s sister went back to Bangladesh and eventually became its present Primeminster.
So much for ORDINARY white man’s privilege !
Stew, Katty must have had a very scatty brain when doing history at Primary and Secondary school if she believes that saying.
Maybe she was a total science and maths sort of girl?
No, I can’t believe that, either.
Wiki tells me she is a linguist and wasted in Washington.
The BBC can’t say what is happening … “German Car Makers testing on Humans” is just too vulgar. Just a vague question instead ….
Monkeys? Humans? The ethics of testing diesel fumes { 30jan2018}
“German car manufacturer Volkswagen is under fire following revelations that it part-funded tests in which humans and monkeys inhaled diesel fumes for hours.”
– Will all German cars have to be EU labelled “This car WAS tested on humans and animals.”?
I recall a scandal in Germany when corpses were used in simulated car crashes to test safety equipment.
Good find.
BERLIN, Nov. 23— A German university has reportedly used more than 200 human corpses in automobile crash tests. { 23nov1993}
Researchers used the children’s bodies with permission of their parents, the television networks said. There was no indication of where the adult bodies were obtained or who gave permission for their use.
Can we all just agree that the Germans are Grade A, certifiable, lunatics?
Of course Enoch Powell should be celebrated in his home town, his farsightedness should have been adressed more seriously-however this is what Clement Atlee said he must be spinning in his grave. As he said of the fledgling EEC in August 1962: “I confess I feel gravely disturbed. We are allying ourselves with six nations of Europe; it may be more, but six at present. Four of those we rescued only twenty years or so ago from domination by the other two.”
Three months later he said this: “Unfortunately, in this country the propaganda for entering the Common Market has been largely based on defeatism. We are told that unless we do it we are going to have a terrible time. That is no way to go into a negotiation. You ought to go into a negotiation on the basis that they have need of you, not just you of them.”
And that was said before Enoch Powell’s comments-not just propagandar but the public were conned through utter duplicity of later politicians resulting in the enslavement of this nation for over 40 years. WW2 cost us dear in lives and with a massive debt which took the UK over 62 yrs to repay to the USA. Being so much intrumental in saving Europe from the Jack Boot, it is the EU that should be paying us that debt of £ 62 billion not us paying them for leaving their gastly mess.
I agree. Preserving the balance of power in Europe was Britain’s foreign policy up until the second half of the 19th century , but then as the world and empire opened up to trade our interests ,became more global and less Eurocentric.
In the WW1 Britain went to war largely to protect its own interests because Germany was threatening not only dominate Europe to become a serious naval power with colonial ambitions outside of Europe and a major global tradie threat. Had the Kaiser not built up his navy it is unlikely that Britain would have got involved. A big error on the Kaiser’s part because Germany would have won easily.
The British reasons for going to war in WW2 are much more altruistic and less self interested. The Nazis would have left our Empire intact and had no overseas ambitions but wanted a free hand in Europe and European Russia. Quite different to the Kaiser’s ambitions. Those ambitions would have kept them busy for Many years. Britain’s had nothing much to lose by staying out of the war but risked everything by joining the war. The only reason for doing so was to stop the foul Nazi regime.
tarien and doublethinker: have you not heard? We’re all one big happy family now. Forget about all that nation state stuff. That is SO yesterday! Today were are simply citizens of the world. Do you not feel your strong affinity to Congolese, Brazilians, Indonesians etc?
Now, there are home-exchange systems: brothers from the Congo come and live in your house, you spend a while in their…well…er…hut.
If you are short of goodies, just call you local friendly Oxfam office.
They are happy to come and give it to you.
We cannot guarantee the return of your house, of course. But you will be making a family of 28 very happy.
tarien, my father – a mild Conservative – had absolutely no time for ‘champagne socialists’. He often used, as an example of the damage they do, the claim that it was ‘the champagne socialists’ who damaged Clem Attlee and took Labour down.
It was the ‘champagne socialists’ (or one of them who had had a privileged upbringing and private education) who got rid of the UK’s Grammar, Secondary Modern and Technical Schools in the 1960s, thereby closing off major a route of upward social mobility for the poor and working classes.
A very Gramscian move that was.
It links your excellent Brexit post to nibor’s excellent post above at (strangely, for Start the Week!) 11.41pm last night.
It is a considerable shame, imv, that Clem Attlee could not push the ‘champagne socialists’ out of the Labour Party in the 1950s. Life in the UK might have been very different today had he been able to do so.
For all his faults, Clement Attlee was a patriot and a brave man. He served at Gallipoli in the First World War, and after the Second he started the programme to develop a British nuclear deterrent. He had no truck with Communism. He was also a heterosexual white male.
He would find no place in the modern Labour Party.
“Britain simply failed to understand the depth and durability of the resentment held against us by the Germans and the French. By the Germans for the obvious reason that we defeated them; by the French for the less obvious but still more potent reason that we did not share in their defeat.”
J.Enoch Powell
Quicklink back to last thread Sunday’s posts
…… Mine got left of the end
Women will bear brunt of survival tasks as climate warms, warns Hillary Clinton
Indy ran the story 3 days ago .. no one noticed it hardly.
Meanwhile, Stew, I gather that some mentalistenviros are now complaining that Arctic ice is now TOO THICK and some poor species is finding it extra hard to catch fish!
Am not sure the ice thickness is the problem ……
“Dave…. Dave…. trust me; it doesn’t hurt a bit. Honest. Give it a go. Not going to let a little fox show you up are you?”
Brilliant post GW,
Think Global Warming mentalistenviros should be made to do that. Mind you, watching the fox is a lesson. He’s got a pointy snout and occasionally still gets stunned!
Loobyloo posted : Why you should love your ‘saggy boobs’
More utter crap from snowflakes (of the more important ethnicity) from the soft porn dept of the BBC. Well, I always felt bad that my thighs and bum were bigger than a supermodel’s – suck it up, and grow up! And BBC stop giving a platform to these professional whingers. They should take a look at people who have real problems in life.
I found “Why I tell my parents that everything’s fine, when it’s not” a rather gigglesome piece of crap
when it got to
“My mum was a housewife and my dad’s a teacher”
and then
“When my salary hit £20,000, I was already earning more than my parents had ever been paid. ”
I called bullshit
I found “Why I tell my parents that everything’s fine, when it’s not” a rather gigglesome piece of crap
when it got to
“My mum was a housewife and my dad’s a teacher”
and then
“When my salary hit £20,000, I was already earning more than my parents had ever been paid. ”
I called bullshit
I read that article and was a little confused how her father in 2012 was a teacher without. a degree. How her mum who was a housewife owned a shop. As for how at getting to 20k she was earning more than her parents have been every paid. A NQT earns 22k, so her father should have been earning more in 2012.
As for stopping somewhere to take a call on the M25 really?
The part about Cognitive behavioural therapy is a fucking joke. You can see that woman has had a sheltered life, a little bit of pressure. And she folds, I mean how can somebody say she never went out with her friends , or date, yet posts she went out of her way to not spend any time with her parents.
She then opines about how her mother tells friends that she is taking time out as the reason for her working at her mums shop, yet the stupid cow feels her mother believes that, no it’s your mum doing what mums do and that is protecting you, which is why you are a wimp”
What the article does show, is how years of molly coddling has bred a generation of people unable to take a little bit of stress. Which explains the snowflake generation
She also drives a left hand drive car ……so probably a translation.
…. how her father in 2012 was a teacher without. a degree…..
This can happen ! perhaps some teachers on here can enlighten us. The son of a neighbour has had several jobs over the years and has never been to Yuni. He now ‘teaches’ in a local secondary school, would you believe Physics !!!!! His mother did a lot of waffling when I asked how that could be when he had never gained a degree or went to university.
I believe there are helpful gentlemen in Lagos who can provide you with whatever degree certificate you would like.
Could be a Teaching Assistant – don’t think you need a degree for that. Used a lot in schools as they’re well cheap.
So, yes – could be ‘teaching’ but not a QT.
Edit – still, this chap could well be brilliant as a teacher. QT status does not a great teacher make.
“Chidera Eggerue, a 23-year-old award-winning blogger, is the driving force behind Saggy Boobs Matter”
Must be the crowning moment of why Stevo got into journalism.
Hugh Grant the patron of this award winning droo.. group by chance.
Ah right… so SHE’S ‘The Slumflower’… I’d been confused ever since the old thread where I didn’t understand anything about some people wearing African clothes to watch a film.
Further explication on her blog: “If you are having trouble accepting your body, please look at mine and look at how socially unacceptable my boobs are. But also look how bossy, snatched and GLOWY I look!”
Nope, still don’t have a clue
Has she no respect for other people’s feelings? How does she think Mr Nolan feels about his ‘saggy boobs’?
Don’t forget to come to my website at . Free access for just 9.99 a month – enter your credit card details here…..
All, ‘part and parcel’ of our defeat at the hands of the liberal/left –
How much did the Pakistan visit cost the London Capital .. and how much business will be returned? Sadiq Khan : Mayor of London Expenses for the financial year 2016-17
New BBC slogan:
‘we are just doing our bit toward distorting and corrupting peoples views on reality’. For which, we are World famous.
Whilst I am not a fan of Sundays Big Questions on BBC 1 I do occasionally glance at it over breakfast. As is the normal practice of the BBC there is generally an over representation of ethnic minorities in the audience. However I was surprised to see that the edition broadcast on 4 February consisted almost entirely of a white audience.
One of the two questions being debated was “Are women holding themselves back?”. I would hate to think that the BBC was biased in some way but the lack of Muslim representation on this one occasion did make me wonder. All the contributors kept strictly to the script of celebrating women’s suffrage and not one spoke about how in some parts of society women don’t always have a say in their destiny.
However I was reassured in yesterdays edition of the programme that full ethnic representation was back to normal levels.
I always feel that the audience in the Big Questions is just window dressing anyway, because most of the debating is done by the front row, and the rest just stare vacantly wondering when the tea and biccies are going to be served.
Deltic – I think you go both ways – I have a theory that every so often these programs have to have one legitimate episode to use when it gets criticised .
Question time was criticised for consistently have remainers on the panel but when this was raised dimbly plc had the one episode where they had more brexiters than remainers ready to go as an example of false fairness – when even those half as sleep watching that crap ( not me no more ) realises what you’re going to get.
I wonder if they still do the nice friendly question at the end now – some how I think not.
UK Foreign Aid. Space Programme. Army. Nuclear Warheads.
NO toilets and NO tampons (no tax on bindis and bangles – religious stuff!)
‘I couldn’t mourn my grandmother because I had my period’ (South Indian state of Tamil Nadu) { 12feb2018}
Noel Edmonds has gone a bit David Icke /Deepak Chopra
– He was on the Nolan show 11:10pm Sunday to plug a new series on BBC2 where celeb couples drive around Asia in sports cars.
He said some good stuff, about his suicide attempt etc
..but then got into pseudoscience stuff, which comes from people feeding you a bit of proper surprising science like the way that trees can seem to communicate to each other (which is the same a banana giving off ethylene gas, thus telling the next banana it’s time to ripen) and then that leading onto 2+2=6 science of water memory and magic energy.
“I stay positive, and stay away from negative people”
..yeh that’s the kind of thing you say when someone has brainwashed you into stuff like a Ponzi/Pyramid/cult scam ..and they don’t want you to listen to people who are “negative” about it.
He’s a nice guy, but you tell someone that their cancer comes from lack of positivity etc. then the next thing is they won’t take their anti-cancer drug and they die.
Writeup :
Match of the Day interviewer strains the patience of “Gentleman” Roy Hodgson
I remember that clip doing the rounds on Twitter in 2011 when he managed West Brom, don’t blame him, the decisions were rubbish and so was the interviewer!
I remember that clip doing the rounds on Twitter in 2011 when he managed West Brom, don’t blame him, the decisions were rubbish and so was the interviewer!
Someone just described BBC Global Warming “science”
..the same MO applies to a lot of BBC issues, that’s why they try to keep counter voices off the air
12th of February and BBC Radio4 have already used up their proper annual quota of BAME guests
Looks quite like Afua Hirsch to me (the tear down Nelson’s Column woman)
She should do something about her hair.
Has anyone seen MP David ‘£650 bike paid via expenses’ Lammy on his bike riding to the Houses of Parliament today?
Find out if your MP has a bike? …
The BBC continues its descent into Hello Magazine territory.
It’s easy to quickly explain
In her religion of Hinduism you go to the temple 1 year after your relatives death, to do a special prayer.
But the rule is you cannot enter the temple if you are menstruating
..there are conflicting explanations of “menstruating women are either impure or too pure” you can’t call it pure misogyny.
But it’s weird on that occasion, cos she’d gone all the way out to that special island ..she would have know from her calendar beforehand unless she thought she was about to get pregnant.
There was a time in this country (and told to me by Granny circa 1899-1984) when menstruating ladies did not enter a butchers, for fear of ‘turning’ the meat. As a girl growing up I was told it was also unwise to wash your hair or have a bath during this ‘period’ (!).
There, I’m sure I’ve added to the education of you all today.
Yeah .. … thanks a million.
We will definitely be leaving a space at the top of the next Thread for a Brissles post now …
“Shared parental leave take-up may be as low as 2%”
“It now plans to spend £1.5m to better inform parents about the policy. “
What a waste of money.
That’s £1.5m which could be better spent on training more doctors and nurses for the NHS. Anyone?
Katie Hopkins detained in South Africa for spreading racial hatred. She has now left the shithole with her documentary material
Perhaps the BBC will invite Andrew Neil to interview her in true BBC style.
PS. Neil is a piece of BBC multiculty apologetic shit who occasionally poses as a journalist
Neil tows the BBC line in his interview with Katie Hopkins
BBC staff slowly coming to realise that they are awful human beings
The Jane Garvey, Fi Glover Radio4 podcast only prog with Adam Buxton (some alleged comedian) as guest, recorded in the BBC canteen.
16m48s They discuss “An absolute toilet of a human being” as they realise that a Guardian story about a twenty second gust of wind catching Donald Trump’s hair is NOT news
Yet all 3 admitted in their limited time universe , they had all bothered to watch the clip on Twitter
Direct to audio segment
Later at Min 30m Fi says “Weirdly both my Mum & sister both campaigned at Greenham Common”
Min 33m30s One says “I don’t understand why every service station petrol station sells MALE porn, I want to ask where is the female porn ?”
They know that they are liberals, a special group different from most of the public.
BTW the podcast is the most unlistenable thing ever, as it’s 2 made women wittering on.
“Fi says “Weirdly both my Mum & sister both campaigned at Greenham Common”
I knew it! For years I’ve always said that she just looks like one of those Greenham common lefties!
Bet she wears denim bib-n-braces attire!
Just for those who fouled the areas outside the GC Fence, or protestors as otherwise known. When you left your barrels of fresh drinking water by the fence, did it ever taste fragrant in the morning? It was no problem to reach through, take the top off the barrels, and using a spare piece of angle iron as a channel, allow the troops, who had their holidays with their families cancelled to channel their urine. Replace the tops, and fresher water for the protestors.
Example of the BBC Clickbait headline being way sexed up
Each BBC web-story has a title
However they usually have a Clickbait-title secretly embedded in the html ..along with coding to possibly use a different picture.
Mark Hodgson just showed me one : The Indian state LEADING in clean energy
..Actually leads to “Viewpoint: The Indian state TO BECOME a global leader in clean energy”
See how “leading” and “to become” are different tenses
and actually it should be “COULD POSSIBLY become”
That sexed up title has been picked up by Green activists and massively tweeted
But there’s more – the article opens with this paragraph:
Further into the article there’s this:
It’s difficult to imagine a headline that less accurately describes the substance of the article.
More fake news/propaganda from the BBC.
BTW that article begins
\\The report – by the US-based Institute of Energy Economics and Financial Analysis
– predicts that by 2027, more than half of Tamil Nadu’s power will be generated by “zero emissions” technologies – notably solar and wind.//
ie a lib lobby NGO has done a rather optimistic report and the BBC have cutnpasted it
Defecation map for India 2011 (only 6 years ago) …

Marky – some poor sod had to go do that survey – imagine the job interview
Maybe everyone should send all the Jihadists to the Middle East … Anjem Choudary would love it ….
Art therapist Dr Bader Al-Razin explains the therapeutic benefits of art for jihadists
Art therapy plays a big role in their rehabilitation, according to their art teacher, Dr Badr Al-Razin. He told me that when they first arrive, many of the ex-convicts want to paint crude, violent images, often in red, but over time their images soften and become gentler.
Inside Saudi Arabia’s rehab centre for jihadists { 26may2017}
Couldn’t make it up – maybe warmer beheadings with a bit of mood music .
If it is a move from Sky to the Bbc on news, it is about all she will need to change:
Pop corn time
The lady deputy head of Oxfam has resigned . Apparently she prided herself of “ championing Wimmins rights”
They haven’t taken her website but on the Oxfam down yet so it’s comedy gold about doing good with taxpayers cash .
They are advertising for something like a “ global protector “ – not bad for 36 hours a week but it’s obviously so well paid that they don’t advertise the wages – or in board room speak – compensation package .
No mention of how much people like her get paid when they leave a company like Oxfam . She’ll be blubbing on Wimmins Hour in a while .
How long until she turns up in another well-paid charity or public sector job?
Talking of the public sector merry-go-round, look who turned up at one of the councils near where I live.
At least the library video section could liven up.
Sand well Council, the wonderful council that have made the borough bottom or nearly bottom of most league tables for quality of life of residents, yet can spend £60 million pounds on a swimming centre for the Commonwealth Games, built on playing fields, when there is a so called obesity crisis.
This is happening in my home town, there is plenty of brownfield land (ex factories) available, but the council would rather build housing estates that will be slums within 5 years.
Sandwell Council, yeah they really get their priorities right don’t they?
Roland -suffa a jet -guaranteed peerage
Most overseas charities and government so-called Aid is a joke, going mostly to overpaid managers at this end, corrupt and inefficient governments, middlemen and fixers at the other end. Oh, and now prostitutes (which is one way of helping local small businesses, it could be argued).
No poor country was ever helped by them. Those that succeed do so by getting their act together, then investment comes pouring in. See practically all of Asia, Eastern Europe and a few success stories in S. America and Africa.)
Africa’s problems are not the fault of colonialism, but their own inability to organise the proverbial piss-up.
But of course it suits the beeb and assorted Libtards to blame colonialism, for ever.
Seems they snagged the one from Zamunda in ‘Coming to America’ when the initial set for the rainbow paradise of colour in the movie was deemed a bit too close to the mark,
I have one simple question for all these self-loathing Lefturds and anti-white racists: if you hate this country so much why are you here?
To change the Country so it’s better. To remove it’s guilt by replacing all the people who live here. Why isn’t everyone running to Saudi Arabia or Turkey or Iran? Why?
The Beeb are certainly hyping up the new “Black Panther” movie or, as Dave Cullen called it, “Affirmative Action – the Movie.” In the article “Why Marvel’s Black Panther is no ordinary superhero movie” dated 9 February one of its stars, Lupita Nyong’o, comes out with the following piece of garbage describing the fictional African country of Wakanda – “This is a nation that is highly developed, and they are so because they didn’t get interrupted by or assaulted by colonialism.”
Is that really how black people see colonialism? An interruption in their development? Is she really trying to hypothesise that if the African continent had never been discovered by Western powers, that African countries would’ve discovered electricity, running water and two-storey housing by now? What a joke – just look at the state Zimbabwe is in and the rapidity with which South Africa is joining it.
Oh, and the movie will suck – not because it has a predominantly black cast – because everyone is being told they have to like it or else they’re a racist. Charming.
“Colonialism interrupted the development of the African continent.” That’s not the way Dr. Ben Carson tells it. Even if it was interrupted where was it headed anyway? One thing is for sure. Whatever did or did not happen in that period you and me are guilty of nothing. I never owned a slave or mistreated a black person, and neither would I, so I feel absolutely no guilt or shame and I feel no obligation whatever to open the borders of my country to whoever wishes to come here.
Did the reporter have to actually go and count the defecants?
‘Fictional country’ of bakhanda..more like, as this Channel Four like production receives ‘rave’ reviews.
97% rating on the Rotten Tomatoes website with 3 critics who gave the film a rotten review, currently being bundled off to a re- education Gulag.
The Tommy Robinson video “Germany Fights Back” is interesting because it confirmed Robinson’s claim of a biased German media without him being aware of it. He was in Cottbus covering a demonstation against a massive increase in violence by migrants. He was challenging various German media to justify why they were calling the protesters “rightwing extremists”. One of the teams he was trying to talk to was from ARD. Amongst these journalists, I immediately recognised “an expert” who the ARD, one of the German BBCs, always used to call on as an AfD denunciator when they were staging their anti-AfD media show trials a couple of years ago. He seemed to flee the scene very quickly. Impartial journalism at its best!
Desperate Dan waxes poetic over a cruelly abused Germany.
Could have gone better.
As he sew so shall ye reap – the whirlwind – I don’t get the post war guilt over this . Yes – a lot of women and kids died horribly – but let me think – who started it? The krauts blew up my granddads home and tried to kill my mum and dad. So fuck them and dan snow and his murdering grandfather.
I’d care more about the boys in bomber command who met their end doing the job for Blighty.
Any excuse by beeboids to denigrate Britain and her military, from the safety of their comfy studios – made safe by the soldiers they love to scorn.
FE2/Vlad – Too bloody right.
I think it is about time this condescending arsehole changed his moniker from “The History Guy” to “The Elitest snearing C##t”
I utterly detest this bloke not for his privileged upbringing (Mogg who I like has one of those) Not for his career in all likelihood founded on Daddies nepotism (The Dimblebores must also have taken advantage of this too and whilst I dislike them they dont vex me nearly so much)
No what I detest him for is his patronising”I know best because I have a history degree and come from the tip drawer attitude”
Looking back with the benefit of hindsight we can all be sneary about the relevance and degree of destruction wrought by the RAF in WW2 especially toward the end but what this utterly naive twat fails to realise is that this was “TOTAL WAR” and we were dealing with a ruthless enemy who had bombed and shot and murdered his away around Europe and the Oceans for the previous 6 years and was also responsible for the industrialised death of 6 million jews .
In total war the enemies defeat had to be total and with no chance of him wanting to carry on the fight for many generations. And if this meant that 25,000 or more people from the original belligerent nation had to die in just one raid – then so be it.
My Dad was in Bomber Command and lost friends so that toffee nosed smart arses like “The History Man” dont now have to speak German and still have the freedom to throw stones at their efforts. Dan I am sure takes this all for granted.
As Butch Harris said of the Germans “they sowed the wind and now they reap the whirlwind” – what did they expect?
Of course our “History Guy” in all probability looks at history from his own viewpoint. Being a bit of a toff in all likelihood if we had been overrun many people from his class (if they had wanted to maintain their privileged existence) could well have slipped back into favoured roles by collaborating (I suspect Dan would have been one of these) He was certainly very keen to get us all to stay in Merkels pocket in the EU referendum.
I am not sorry Dan that the RAF didnt leave many trinkets in the “jewel box” for you to pore over. It was called survival. And it doesnt matter how many times you have yourself pictured looking wistfully over Commonwealth Cemeteries I think your loyalty is always to your wealth and privledge and you would always have chosen that above your Country every time.
No Dan to me you will always be to me “Snow” by name and a “snowflake” by nature.
In 1944 Hitler planned to obliterate London with V1s and V2s. We could shoot down some of the V1s, but there was no defence against V2s. The only way to stop them was for the Army to overrun their launch zones. If D-Day had failed, the Germans could have launched V2s at London with impunity. That’s what we were fighting. It’s a shame Dresden was destroyed, but if the RAF and USAAF had not done it, the Russians would have.
It turns out that if you want to win a war against one of the most powerful and evil governments there has ever been, you have to break a lot of things, and kill a lot of people. Who knew?
The problem we have with today’s generation of thinkers is they feel that with hindsight all the actions of yesterday were wrong.
In the real world , when you have come back from the verge of annihilation and you are still fighting that enemy who can still hit hard. ( The battle of the Bulge , was only the month before) then you don’t try and talk civil to that enemy. Who was still running deaths camps, not only that but the Allies has still to invade Germany, which wasn’t going to be easy.
But to the enlightened , anything that they think should have been done different can only be wrong and there lies the problem.
Oak ,
Very well and painfully put . As some one with a life long interest in the period and gratitude for what that generation had to do – I put up with snow junior until I looked up his background and realised Daddy got him the job and his ancestor was another one of those over promoted assholes who sent thousands of boys to their death in The Great War as part of a near feudal system .
Thought the krauts were lucky to give up before being nuked.
FE2 -As well as being from a privileged background I am afraid that the boy Snow represents a generation of youngsters that have had pretty much everything handed to them on a plate and therefore take painfully won freedom as a given.
Because of this they are unable to appreciate that to gain freedom, wars had to be fought and many people had to die – horribly and yes mistakes and misjudgments are made in warfare as much as in anything else.
Unfortunately many of our history revisionists are cultural marxists who try to undermine our cohesion and pride in our nation by focussing on side issues such as the bombing of Cologne and Dresden rather than the big picture – which was of course preventing the Nazis dominating Europe.
People like Snow do the cultural Marxists job for them as they pull apart our history and national pride in what amounts to an exercise in virtue signalling.
Whether people like The Boy Snow like it or not we are still British first and not European. Just a pity they are allowed to get away with trying to prove otherwise. Maybe if Snow is so ashamed of us as a Nation he should move elsewhere where he wouldnt have to listen to us prolls and could dine on croissants and Ortolons Buntins for lunch all washed down with a fine wine.
The identity of a country is embedded in its history – in my opinion . But I fear that the teachers aren’t aware of british history and thus can’t teach the kids – or the syllabus is so biased toward the left that there is little likelihood of a reasoned understanding of what happened – even in our recent past – and why.
I’d like to know if they know who Churchill is …
Wonder if he feels the same about Coventry, destroyed by German bombers during the Second World War?
Nah BCW – Too full of working class Brits who probably spoke with a funny brummyish accent. Dan is only ever interested in those types when they are in their nineties and he can use them in a joint photoshoot to boost sales of his next book/film
Times : Matt Ridley writes on modern puritanism and BBC
“Perhaps, being a meat-eating, heterosexual, titled, atheist, climate-sceptic male who thinks communism was evil, gender is partly biological, genetically modified crops are good for the environment, free markets make people nicer and that Britain should leave the European Union, it is just me who finds himself perpetually on the politically incorrect side of arguments, or at least the opposite side from the BBC.”
Times paywall :
The BBC calls this “being on the wrong side of history” – Who could ever accuse the BBC of mind-numbing arrogance?
Don’t worry – me Peston realises he is in a bubble … but he still likes his bubble.
BBC Use Oxfam to push for more EU …
The EU spends that money on humanitarian aid and on emergency responses to world crises, as well as on projects in countries close to the EU and those hoping to join in the future. { 12feb2018}
Oxfam’s £31.7m puts it just outside the top 20 recipients of multilateral aid.
– When Africans become Europeans – ‘those hoping to join in the future’.
Arent they all either Islamic countries, else have a high proportion of Muslims? So we pour money into countries from which people try to murder us and wipe away our civilization?.
You know what, call me a Trump supporter, but is this wise?
Trump wisely slashed ‘aid’ to Pakistan.
We’re still sending the evil crooks £350 000 000 tax payers a year
I am praying that the Oxfam mess really blows up and the whole issue of throwing 13 billion taxpayers cash at ngo s is re visited . It won’t happen because of the “right on “ element and continuous internalised guilt about what bad white men have done in the past
What does MP Diane Abbott think about all this Oxfam charity nonsense? Whose side would she be on?
Diane Abbott Foundation spent nearly £30,000 on awards ceremony, accounts reveal (80 per cent of its annual budge on a party). {22aug2016}
– Would you trust this women with the a Security Budget? A big party followed by an invasion, sorry we had no money for the defence of the Cities.
Given the scandal involves the trading of sex for food, involving Di raises massive concerns.