Is there any difference between Afua Hirsch and Hitler? Both advocates of racial purity, both using race as a weapon to further their own political aims and those of their own race. It’s a shame that just about the only black ‘role models’ people see on the BBC or read in the Guardian are the race baiters like Hirsch whose sole aim it would seem is to create a race war, to set up a ‘them and us’ scenario so that Blacks only think of themselves as victims and the only way to be successful is to ‘be black’ [ironically…Britain is racist so be even more ‘black’ to beat the racism!] and to separate themselves from ‘white’ society blaming that for any or all of their problems. The BBC continues to play its very dangerous game of sensationalising race and giving platforms to people who are not acting in the best interests of black people and are quite happy to stir up racial division and conflict, constantly abusing white people and ‘white’ society in their own racist way because that is how they make a living…writing or broadcasting about race problems, no problems then nothing to write about, no money, no ego-boosting media appearances….problems they have invented or indeed generated themselves…..just like the old joke about the newspaper editor starting a war to sell more newspapers…only in this case it’s not a joke, it’s all too real and the BBC aids and abets in that.
List the bias here…..
Fed up/MM
Apologies if covered elsewhere but I can’t help noticing that the Chair of Oxfam, is……Caroline Thomson.
Ex Chief Operating Officer of……the BBC!
Who left our world class broadcaster with a £670k pay off, apparently as a sop for not getting the DG job.
Strangely her previous employment is not mentioned in this article. I cannot imagine why.
Isn’t it funny when scandals seem to affect the same sorts of lefty mindset organisations?
The female dominated world of HR also scurrying under a new rock as the spotlight spills, and the bbc’s is about as ‘unique’ in its professional record as the rest of its corporate performance.
Maybe she was mentored by Botney?
I thought that was a familiar name . The chief of Oxfam was on al Beeb r4 – I’m guessing he was sitting next to his lawyer . I think ms Thompson is the chair of the trustees which is a real high quality jobsworth role.
The head of Oxfam said that using prostitutes was not a breach Oxfam’s code of conduct . I suppose they’d think it was supporting local businesses … it’s funny how the people who run these outfits earn shed loads of cash but are often well spoken thick fuck wits .
Apparently Oxfam gets about half it’s income from you and me – the taxpayer – that’s £150 000 000 a year of our cash – to spend on toms and whatever the fucking like by the looks of accountability .
The bubble will be desperate to get this story buried soonest because the charity industry seems to be a rest home for ex beeboids …
I’m delighted to report that the D Mail have a full page spread today (Wed) on this very topic. Two days late, but better late than never.
Are journalists now using our excellent website as source material for factual stories?
Keep it up, writers and readers: we are getting through.
Top 10 countries receiving UK aid: So 9 out of the 10 are mainly Islamic, with one – Ethiopia – where Islam is the second most popular religion. Wonder how that ‘International Development’ is going?
to which I will repeat my fabulously witty reply, that will advance the cause of global peace and understanding …
Aren’t they all either Islamic countries, else have a high proportion of Muslims? So we pour money into countries from which people try to murder us and wipe away our civilization?
You know what, call me a Trump supporter, but is this wise?
They have a friendly article about music which is lighting up the midlands, interviewing young grime artist named ‘Eyez’ and positively drooling with approval for this vibrant go-getter.
He raps about attacking Police; stabbing rivals and leaving them to rot on the streets; robbing shops; burning people to death. It is absolutely revolting.
It is this ‘culture’ which is killing young men at epidemic levels, as well as leading to ‘distrust’ of the Police let alone decreasingly somewhat the likelihood of getting into Oxbridge.
Do the BBC express disgust at all his hatred and criminality? Of course not. He is some cool, aspirational figure who will soon be on radio 1xtra.
Beeb Bro
Sod the C-RAP jungle music from Bongo Bongo Land. I’m a Vera Lynn/ Mantovani/J.S. Bach man myself. Mind you I’m partial to Elvis and all the early rockers and jazzers, Fats Waller, The Jacques Loussier Trio, Dave Brubeck , Louis Armstrong and many more. So much more civilized. Unfortunately the UK is in the process of decivilizing itself. Still, luckily I will not be around to see the finished product so–bottoms up!
#MeToo – is now religious … #MosqueMeToo …. Religion of Peace … which piece was touched?
#ChurchMeToo? #TempleMeToo?
100 Women: Muslim women rally round #MosqueMeToo { 09feb2018}
“Muslim women are using #MosqueMeToo to share their experiences of sexual harassment during the Hajj pilgrimage and other religious settings.”
And I thought the Home Office were responsible for prisons. How come an Imam is in charge of religion in jail?
Nice one Amber – just what Treezer wants.
“Peter Rabbit film producers apologise over allergy scene”
What next ?
Will we see apologies from the producers of ‘Tom and Jerry’, ‘Buggs Bunny’, ‘Roadrunner,’ ‘The Simpsons’, etc, etc, for all the gratuitous on-screen violence?
The snowflake loons have taken over the toons!
Calls to #TellWileECoyote must already see a need for more lawyers.
And Elmer Rudd.
The comments are entirely as expected, but maybe, just maybe, someone high up in the bbc not briefing their lawyers might worry a bit about how utterly despised the corporate hive is.
Man who filmed himself punching a toddler in the face is jailed for 17 years
Haven’t seen this yet on the envy of the world broadcaster.
This despicable scum, Deividas Subacius, is from March, Cambs. I think we have a right to know if he is a guest in our country, and if so he should be ejected.
Update: now featured on BBC. Sky must have sent it through to them.
That name sounds like it comes from a Baltic country. How enriching.
Nine tonight and Mary Beard attempts to uncover the real Julius Caesar. Reject, if you will, any unfortunate mental pictures this may conjure, and concentrate instead on the length of time it takes the revered BBC historian to make comparisons with J Caesar and J Corbyn. Was Caesar a Marxist? Did he allow his slaves the vote?
Mary reveals all.
No doubt Mary will prove that unlike modern man mr. J Caesar was in touch with his feminist side in the multi cultural lovely diverse Roman Empire . A bit like the EU ….blah blah
I’d rather watch people slide along snow at -22 degrees and fall over in the 80 mph breeze. Why didn’t they have the Winter Olympics somewhere warm ?
And for now some good Brexit news from BP……….
“BP ‘committed’ to post-Brexit Britain”
“It’s not for me to speak for Britain by the way, on the negotiations, so nobody should misunderstand that, but for BP, (we’re) deeply committed to Britain, we will be around for a long, long time.”………………..
WARNING for those with blood pressure problems:
BBC1 Mary Beard dealing with Julius Caesar – no doubt re-writing history. Apparently, Trump will be mentioned!
BBC2 Collateral – a “crime thriller” with Carey Mulligan and John Simm – both big time virtue signallers – just wait for those refugees!
Does Obama shit in the woods?

It must be a coincidence that the Obamas chose Artists of Color to produce their official portraits. Shame they didn’t pick someone who could paint.
As for the BBC’s narrative about the Black Master Race. It’s a fact that those Black tribes that had no contact with Berbers, Arabs and Europeans until recently, were and are the most primitive and undeveloped cultures on Earth. I think they still exist in deepest Congo, with only tribes in Papua New Guinea being more primitive.
As regards Blacks being held down by whites. I believe the correlations show the opposite. Showing that the higher the ratio of whites in the population of a country, the higher is the standard of living of Blacks living in that Country.
I think what we have is that because Political Correctness means that Blacks have to be depicted on telly, as a morally and intellectually superior master race, then that’s why Snowflakes think that that’s what is true, and then get upset about historical reality. Then they are only able to explain it away by saying that the Blacks were the victims of rule from Europe, because Afrexit was bad for the African economy, therefore Brexit will be bad for the British economy.
Another thought: Charles Darwin was depicted as a monkey after it was revealed that white people evolved from monkeys about one million years ago. Now I wonder if the new revelations that white people evolved from black people about 40,000 years ago mean that a Black actor can now play the part of Charles Darwin in a new movie.
The new revelations explain why agriculture, domestication of animals and advanced civilisations did not exist before 12,000 years ago as the evolution from Black to White took about 30,000 years till the end of an Ice Age.
Don’t forget the Amazon, too, Richard.
“As regards Blacks being held down by whites. I believe the correlations show the opposite.” Think you are correct.
For example, some of my English born Ghanian friends have had successful careers as youngsters here and have returned to Ghana to start businesses or lend their experience & skills to existing ones. Ghana is moving up in the world.
BBC eco crusading
I’d say a plastic concern in every sense. Keeley Donovan? Another good Anglo Saxon name on the BBC.
Keeley’s degree in media studies enables her to take over from Paul Hudson on Look North to tell us the weather (at least when they don’t have the very very effeminate Owain reading the autocue).
More good post-Brexit ‘Vote for Freedom’ news not on Al Beeb yet…..
“Wall Street bank Citigroup will set up an innovation centre in London in one of the first investments by a big US bank since Brexit, the Financial Times reported over the weekend.” ………………………
On top of which, Katty just lost her signature line.
The artist who Obama chose to do his portrait, paints pictures of black women holding the severed heads of white women; I wonder why he’d choose someone like that?
7:30pm Anything useful or crazy in Inside Out tonight ?
East – It is now estimated that 1% of the British population are gender non-conforming
… and the number of people seeking treatment to change their gender is growing every year.
Behind these children changing their gender are their families.
Sophie Sulehria meets parents across the east, supporting the children who are desperate to change.
London – how London aid workers are making a difference to Burma’s refugee crisis.
Northeast and Northwest
– northern women bringing hope to families stranded in Greek refugee camps
– 11-year-old Daisy who plays cricket for Dorset and aims to hit the government’s child measurement policy for six after being sent home from school with a letter saying she’s overweight.
– Isle of Wight bus converted into a shelter for the homeless and learn of the fleet of buses it has inspired on the mainland.
Gender change kids
One was 13 wants to be a girl
– The other was 7 year old wants to be a boy
It’s when you see it aggregated like that that the case against the BBC becomes undeniable – it has a clear cultural Marxist agenda.
C4 news – not my favourite – interviews Helen Evans – effectively a whistle blower working for Oxfam describing the problems of Oxfam and the Charity Commision – both of which deserve a proper kicking .
Cathy Newman attempting to sound like a journalist again.
Oxfam is sounding like the co op did with a ceo on coke and toms and without a clue.
The chief exec of Oxfam was interviewed and looks like a dead man walking . Still plenty of pop corn to go on this . I’m just waiting for the paedophilia ring in ‘save the children’.
He’s just sacked his deputy in an effort to save himself and his ‘ snout in the trough’ left wing charity.
Nice to see a real sexual scandal and from the left instead of the faux outrage about the Presidents Club, grid girls and walk on girls at darts matches.
West Mids – reformed hooligan speaks about fear for world cup in Russia
South edition : IoW Homeless bus : double decker with bunk ,
but it was problem was to keep control of volunteers
… Volunteer says that £10,000 for his wages, but it was an unwritten agreement.
..bus ended up in storage ..and not available to homeless.
UKIP News !
Ukip, the Tories, Labour and the Liberal parties are all in a mess, they do not listen to the people of Britain. Its time for a new ‘common sense party’ to put this country first and take us forward.
I am not a conspiracy theorist – the grassy knoll can look after itself, but given the industrial strength inept uselessness of Henry Bolton, the question I am asking myself is – is he an establishment plant?
DB -I dont really like conspiracy theories but the facts as I see it are
Farage was beaten in his constituency election by dishonest means – but little legal action was taken against the Tories.
Ann Marie Waters who had popular anti Islamisisation policies was beaten for the UKIP leadership by a virtual unknown whos life has now descended into a tawdry red top merry-go-round.
Currently there is no established “right of centre” third party to keep Sharias feet to the fire over delivering a credible brexit and migration – leaving spin doctors and the media to dictate policy to this undoubtedly weak and confused woman.
Yeah DB – makes me wonder too.
There is always this new party:
It should be noted, though, that it took UKIP years to even get to their current position……….
I wonder if Priti Patel was set up to be sacked because she had evidence of wrong doing at the UN and in its various agencies and was going to go public with it?
Perhaps she should be reinstated?
@Upto you are right to consider the scenario that her sacking could have been orchestrated.
But if she had proper evidence of UN wrong doing , then she could still release it, as a back bencher, unless they have some leverage on her to keep her mouth closed.
She was sacked because she had numerous unofficial meetings, not sanctioned by HMG, with senior members of a foreign government including its Prime Minister; whilst she was a serving member of the Cabinet.
And that wouldn’t have been a sackable offence other than it was with members of the Israeli government. That was her “crime”.
Do you think if it had been the Russian government, for example, she’d still be in post?
It is completely inappropriate for a cabinet minister to hold meetings with members of any foreign government, without the permission or knowledge of HMG.
9:02pm “And master of the comb over”
and a picture of Donald Trump adorns the screen
Mary Beard gets in a dig at Donald Trump within 2 minutes of starting her show ..she’s actually talking about Julius Caesar
The BBC also has added ‘critics are saying’ for extra bbc editorial integrity.
Blackberries-as-violence critics or oppressive illustrated rabbit critics? I only ask because I’m sure the beeb has a roster of both on speed dial
Just like the Cartoon Controversy …. we have fallen as a respected Nation.
Yes says the mistress of the witches hair do . Bet she smells of wee
I was surprised to hear her refer to herself as a “classy cyst”.
“fluid-filled lump” certainly – but what’s “classy” about it?
Mary beard fresh from the baking programme doing a good Margaret Rutherford impersonation on a programme which reminds me of a BBC o level schools programme from @ 1975. As dumbed down as you like . Off switch time.
I think you may have meant to refer to Mary Berry not Mary with the whiskers .
I only mentioned it because I had written a comment about Mary with the goatee but cancelled it when I thought you may probably have made a mistake.
Lefty – no mistake -albeeb creates personalities and forever pushes them at the public. I’ve never seen the baking Mary but I know she had gained ‘fame’ this beard creature is another ‘larger than like ‘ character al Beeb has always depended on – like Rolf and saville ( don’t worry I’m not classing her as a sex fiend as she seems asexual ).
Sunday Times had a story about Beard, that has the libs spitting cos she won’t join #metoo and chase down the man who raped her.
Incredibly when Julie Lynn frothed about this in a Conservative Woman article , MB turned up in the comments to answer back
Julie Lynn that Sunday Times interview MB repeats a story she told in 2000 in LRB
… as a student travelling alone in 1978 she was raped by an architect she met on a station platform in Milan. He ‘insisted’ on booking her into a shared couchette for her journey south. ‘He bundled me in, took off my clothes and had sex, before departing to an upper bunk,’ Beard wrote. ‘I woke a few hours later just outside Rome to find him on top of me again, humping away.’
‘To all intents and purposes this was rape. I did not want to have sex with the man and had certainly not given consent. If I appeared to be compliant, it was because I had no option: I was in a foreign city’
But then back to the Sunday Times she adds
In the comments MB says
Of course, there are similarities from a male perspective. Consider drinking a lot and chatting to a female that you wouldn’t consider if sober. And waking up next to her and wondering why did I do it? Not to mention, of course, the young apprentices in factories that were almost certainly raped by the older females……
Mary Beard raped?
If ever there was a time the media could justifiably use the phrase “lone wolf with mental health issues” then this must be it.
I noticed a familiar face tearing into the German MSM during a recent March by citizens in Cottbus. It appears in a video in English, with German subtitles, in the newspaper ‘compact-online’. Worth a visit, even if you have limited German…
And speaking of the German MSM, there is now a clear indication of widespread unhappiness with Merkel (rather late, I hear you say!). The trigger seems to have been that Mr Europe, Schulz of the SPD, quit a day after ‘persuading’ Comrade Merkel to make him Foreign Minister in the latest version of the Grand Coalition (GroKo), throwing the socialists into chaos.
Dark mutterings in the CDU and the MSM are becoming audible about a need for ‘renewal’ in both major parties. The latest INSA poll has the AfD only 2 or 3 percentage points behind the SPD, and this puts pressure on the CDU -as partner in the GroKo- as well.
The Empress appeared on ZDF (think BBC) last night, to state her intention of serving four more years. Empty platitudes abounded. Think back to what Muhammed Ali liked to say, and you have it in a nutshell.
But many leading papers, loyal Merkel echo chambers for the last twelve years, are suddenly unimpressed. Even they are capable of basic arithmetic, and are wondering what it will look like in the ‘democratic era’ if a country has the same leader for sixteen years.
Could it be, friends, could it be…?
And if it is, could it be too late, the damage having been done?
Can’t wait for Katty Kay’s single word exclamation to this one.
Just caught a preview on the BBC’s latest epic Troy.
As it came on, I Said to Mrs Lar. Will this be historically correct or will we see a black face. Within 5 seconds there were at least two in a battle scene.
There they go. Rewriting history again. Problem is if you throw enough shit, some of it will stick.
Perhaps there were black people fighting in the Trojan wars, but in all of the ancient Greek myths stories and legends that I have ever read, I don’t recall any..
Correct me if I have missed any.
On the BBC Draughts board all the squares and pieces are black so there can never be a winner and most importantly there can never be a loser as opposed to the way real life has always been and always will be. Salud.
TV dramas etc., should come with a “Henry (as in Lenward) rating” similar to the old film board classifications. This would give the prospective viewer an indication as to the number of BAME actors who have been shoehorned into the production, usually out of all historical or cultural contexts and allow the viewer to decide whether to watch it or not. But the biggest offenders, at the moment, are the advertisers, banks in particular, with furniture stores running a close second. I actually emailed DFS last year to ask them if they only sell their wares to mixed race couples; still awaiting a reply.
Letting the BBC loose on Homer is insane. Hardly the PC story of all time. Not at all in accordance with the prime directives of the progressive bunch.
They will just mess it up as usual.
Just watched a few minutes of Mary Beard exposing her dirty teeth in wide mouthed lecturing on Julius Ceaser.
I was appalled at the medical staff who let this dirty hippy into an operating theatre where a baby was being delivered. Apart from hygienic risks the shock of entering this world and seeing that ugly cow may have a lasting effect.
It was also totally pointless and a waste of several minutes of the documentary. What was the cost to take all the crew into an operating theatre just to make the point that a Caesarean Section is named after Julius Caesar. I mean, derr. I think we all know that. Gave up after 10 minutes as it didnt get any better. Why do the beeb waste so much time of their documentaries on glib and excessive footage. What about the facts????
Interested if she would fly with full crew to the foyer of a ‘Blank Panther’ screening to discuss the origins of ‘Vomitarium’.
Anyway, for real history from a guy, try…
I share the interest of several as to the historical parallels of a regime who would put a combatant up for execution for seeking to resist their force imposed ideology.
being a BBC viewer I am wondering why the allies had to attack germany. Does any one know? Perhaps they could let the historian, Dan Snow, know.
Scribe – cos we all hate foreigners (we hate them so much that millions of our own people died being involved in a war that as a nation we could probably have walked away from.) But I dont expect the “History Guy” to show much interest in that.
Some people would claim that your post is Offensive, but given the Southerly direction of our National Culture I would suggest that it is Defensive given the obvious disdain of all things British that the bearded lady projects. I shall now repair to the bog for a piss and from there to my bed. Goodnight each.
Lefty Wright
Thank you for responding to my comment on Ms Beard and Julius Ceaser. It probably appeared offensive and if so I suggest it is removed by Alan or David. These are difficult times and I do not wish to invite harm to the blog. I wrote it in an angry mood which explains the personal nature. Angry because 1 Surgical procedures however routine carry risks and to turn an operating theatre into a TV studio in order to make a trivial point that any lecturer could convey in one sentence was questionable. 2. I took offence at the image of the US President along with mass murderers such as Mussolini, which added nothing of educational value but was a smack in the face of the many who voted in the US election, democratic and peaceful.
“President Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law was taken to hospital as a precaution after she opened a letter containing an unidentified white powder.Police sent a Hazardous Materials Unit to the building and Mrs Trump was taken to New York Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Medical Center as a precaution.
Two other people who were in the New York apartment at the time, not thought to include Mr Trump Jr, were also taken to hospital for precautionary examination.”
I heard about this on LBC earlier, clearly an act of terrorism, not a mention on BBC New at Ten, why was that do you think?
Can you imagine the BBC/Guardian/Ch4 news services had it been a relative of Obama who was hospitilised following a terrorist attack?
Or worse – that someone had used a racial epithet regarding Obama on Twitter.
To be fair, they are now covering it online.
(Their website search is sometimes a bit rubbish so always best to use another search engine).
Their website isnt rubbish, they dleiberately shuffle what they want viewers to see.
Thus the following non story from Canada is on their news fortn page for the UK.
Something for the Al Beeb and our ‘remainers’ to contemplate (and the rest of the EU)……
“2,500 young Italians compete for one job
Around a third of young Italians are out of work.”
Is this a dodgy cabinet?
Hammond joins Brexit roadshow…………………….
Similar problem in Greece. Youth unemployment high – BUT, the EU still needs to import “refugees.”
A message to Al Beeb at the close of the day …………..
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
I think your end is nigh?
Given the Oxfam situation and Brendan Cox’s activities, it certainly gives new meaning to the ‘white helmets’
Just wondering if Panckae Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday was today….i think it’s 25 days before Easter so is a movable day…..a quick check of the BBC web site shows “Words of faith” from 1994 95 96 97 all relating to Shrove Tuesday….then nothing. Nothing at all about faith wise about this traditional Christian feast. Why ?
Don’t know how to attach otherwise i would have put the search results on
It’s not a surprise that al Beeb publishes nothing about Lent – which as we know starts tomorrow with Ash Wednesday and ends on 29 March at the Easter weekend.
No doubt al Beeb will say that Christians eat pancakes because they believe god does . Unfortunately the devil took over al Beeb a while ago.
The World Service in particular has been all over the story of an indigenous Canadian wronged by an all white jury. They omit to mention that he had trespassed, was armed and wreaking havoc in the middle of nowhere – it must have been terrifying for the farm owner. The key facts aren’t mentioned. Obey the law and you will be ok, why on Earth bring race into it?
There is a Facebook post on the BBC news page and all the comments are scathing. Why pump poisonous misinformation like this around the world? So often you hear the loose gist of a story from the BBC but have to go elsewhere to find out key facts. They are a disgrace and we are not the only ones who fed up with it.
The politically correct narrative of certain groups forever being victims is collapsing – whether they be money-grabbing women, violent asylum seekers or vindictive homosexuals. We are individuals and all equally capable of being oppressor or oppressed regardless of supposed victim status. Until the BBC is free from the virus of political correctness with all its a priori false assumptions we will never be able to trust them.
We have seen the same unique bbc take on this story.
Here is another story, with an equally bbc editorial slant:
Going equally well in the comments.
Most of the comments are attacking the BBC for being a “Tory organisation” that’s not covering, wall-to-wall, a small march attacking the government on the NHS. They admit that the BBC do cover it but not enough.
Frightening to think there are some people who are so stupid they think the alt-left BBC is a Tory propaganda outlet. The average IQ in this country must be plummeting like a stone.
So what the BBC are saying is… we should order our society like the crayfish…?
Hard to tell. The bbc say a lot on Facebook.
Mrs Lasslo and myself watched BBC2’s Collateral last night, part 1 of 4. Already after just 1 episode, half my bingo squares are ticked. We had, in no particular order;
Gay Vicar, Lesbian Vicar.
Labour MP comments, “Were turning into a very nasty little country”.
Indian pathologist, Black Detective inspector.
Murdered muslim boy who “was a really decent bloke”.
Murdered boys sisters, poor refugees from war torn Aleppo.
Alepo where Assad is just murdering his people.
White blonde lady, army Captain did the murder. Cold, clinical.
… shaping up nicely this one, with liberal morals aplenty.
Sounds like all needed now are some boisterous young natives on ATVs and a jury whose race the bbc feels the need to classify, and a gender-approved judicial system overseen by shellfish.
Some satirical commentary not from the bbc….
Toady watch
Al Beeb fixated with South Africa – busily turning itself back into bongo bongo land. One corrupt politician handing it over to another . All very tribal and somewhere along the line whitee will get the blame.
Charity commission swallowing hard and announcing a ‘statutory inquiry ‘ to cover its arse as it was asleep on the job in an FCA kind of a way.
Working for these charities sounds like party time every night . They must swap tips on the best prostitutes where they operate And look forward to the next disaster for a new source of prostitutes
. Puts all those tearful day time adverts on the teli in perspective
Charity should begin at home with our own people bring the overseas aid budget back to Blighty and if it has to be spent at all spend it on care for the elderly .
Much now explained.
It’s interesting to note examples of how our liberal-biased media have taught people to speak differently, to give words new alternative meanings.
This morning our BBC TV News reporter goes down to the circus for a routine puff piece. The circus chap being interviewed reassures potential punters that they no longer have any animals in the show. Fair enough. He then tells us the circus has “diversified”. Presumably meaning they now only have acrobats and clowns.
Since when did diversity mean fewer different things?
Now I’m not claiming here that the BBC’s constant push for ethnic presenter diversity is really aimed at eliminating the disfavoured group – which is obviously white English.
What I’m saying is that the word ‘diversity’ has been drummed into the popular consciousness by our liberal-biased media as meaning something up-to-date, cool and particularly something politically correct. Diversity is just another highfalutin bit of management speak meaning good, right?
Hence we see one small example of how our behind the scenes lefty BBC ringmasters and presenter clowns have control of the language and throught that power they have control of the debate.
ASI see it
As I sit on my sunny beach I’ve been pondering the language thing. Many of the posters here unthinkingly adopt some the their terms without thought – me included.
‘Extreme ‘ – what does that actually mean ?
‘Right ‘ ( in political terms )
I’m not listing them but just giving examples . Some – such as ‘bubble’ are fairly easily understood and should not be ‘offensive’ to those of Greek “heritage’ ( heritage – there’s another one ) .
This one is for Purdy a posted here who may well be maxi in another guise. Accused me of being ‘full of bile ‘ in the way I described my home town – London.
Well – fatal shooting in Barnet last night and a soon to be fatal stabbing in sarfff London yesterday too. Three street killings in 2 days – and those are just the ones which made the press.
Al Beeb doesn’t report these .
The following piece by Monica Crowley a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research reinforces my view that the BBC and the rest of the lying MSM are fast becoming irrelevant.
Can you imagine for one moment the BBC presenting anything that was even slightly critical of Barak Obama?
“Federal abuses on Obama’s watch represent a growing blight on his legacy”
In all of the discussions about the political weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI, alleged corruption at the highest echelons of those agencies and serial abuse of the secret FISA process surrounding the 2016 election, one name has been conspicuously absent: President Barack Obama.
Given the tight control Obama exercised over every part of his administration and agenda, the idea that any of these appointees and loyalists freelanced their activities without at least his tacit approval or that of his White House strains credulity.
magic, I was dreamily listening to TODAY this am and I heard a reference to something bad in a USA Diplomatic sense and it was rushed over, with the Presenter (Justin Webb?) hurrying on.
Then I twigged: oh yeah, Obama was President then.
For once Thought for Today found a Church of England clergyman who wasn’t Giles Fraser. So no Marxist, feminist, trans or anti-British musings today. In fact we got a mention
of Shrove Tuesday and that Shrove derives from Old English shriven or forgiven. While the BBC always publicises Ramadan more than Lent, we have to be grateful for small mercies. As we creep demographically to Muslim dominance , who knows what Christian festivals will be allowed to be publicly celebrated in the future?
It does seem increasingly rare to hear an authentic Christian voice on Thought for the Day, or even on Prayer for the Day. I do wonder how many of the clergy allowed on to the BBC actually preach a Bible-based Christian gospel in their own churches, for example along the lines of Barry Black
Toady watch 2
Al Beeb gave unrestricted opinion to one Baron Rickets , a life long diplomat , on why Blighty should deal with the two Islamic terrorists who formerly had British passports caught alive, sadly, in Syria,
He being the standard unelected tax payer funded bubble dwellers wants them back in Blighty to suffer “ due process’ so that the likes of Leigh Day solicitors can make tax payers money from them – and even -maybe – get them off.
His misguided liberal argument is one thing – but what got me was the lack of an opposing view. Bias by process .
Let’s hope the two inquestion get killed escaping.
remember the pictures of Saddam being strung up
or gaddafi dying
thats the next pictures I want to see of these two pieces of excrement
Lucky Bristolians got to watch this on Inside Out, maybe already spotted by Stew.
Headline from BBC news webpage
“Trump’s infrastructure blueprint ‘a scam’
Then the report continues..
US President Donald Trump has unveiled his long-touted plan to revamp US infrastructure, but critics labelled it a “scam”.
So – the headline says it all… the BBC are critics. So much for impartiality.
So much Bbc… critics suggest?
Weinstein lawsuit: attorney general says ‘we have never seen anything as despicable’
If they bothered to look outside their Hollywood bubble they could read about several thousand white, underage girls who were systematically drugged, raped and sodomised by muslim men of mainly Pakistani origin.
Maybe that would change their minds.
I read on Breitbart that Macron has declared that he will restructure Islam in France so that it fits into the French State laicity , where religion and state are very strictly separated, and does not encroach on the state. Presumably, for example , he will ban any notion of Sharia law and courts being acceptable.If he can do this it will of great service to the rest of the continent . It may even show our Lilly livered politicians that you can impose our values on Islam not merely accept that Islam should impose its values on us.
Of course Islam in France is likely to resist any constraints imposed upon by the state so on this Macron may have a battle .But , and this is the scary thing, even if he succeeds and forces Islam to accept French values , such is the disparity of birth rates that within a couple of generations the Muslims will be able to dictate their own terms to the rest of the French people. Forcing Islam to adapt to life in France only buys time it does not remove the long term threat of Islamification. That is a much bigger problem. Nonetheless Macron is to be congratulated on his policy and I hope he succeeds.
How utterly naive must you be to think you can “restructure Islam”?
Perhaps. But unless a serious attempt is made to do so the liberals will pretend that it is possible and hence an excuse to do nothing. If Macron succeeds he will have set a template for others to follow. If he fails a few more liberal lefties will realise the danger that Islam poses and be converted into opposers of migration.
Apparently there is a rise in Scarlett Fever diagnosis – 700 cases reported last week. A dopy doctor has just indicated it could be a change in the weather (?) er really ? Along with other childhood illness – mumps, chickenpox, measles this has been virtually eradicated over the decades with antibiotics and immunisation. We have seen the return of rickets, TB, whooping cough and now scarlett fever, if the cause is a change in the weather, perhaps they’ll all disappear when the sun comes out ! No mention of the elephant in the room – migration, woah no, daren’t mention that. As we have them piling in from the middle East and Africa, how long before smallpox, polio and ebola become the norm ?
I’m attending the funeral this week of a young man who passed away with CJD – yes a one in a million chance of contracting this, but I do wonder what the authorities know that we aren’t being told.
Yes mad cow seems to have been swept under the carpet recently, it is still rare but it is the aggressive version of Alzheimer’s which seems to be on the increase in many countries. Finland is by far the worst affected as do many northern European nations. You are 280 times more likely to get Alzheimer’s in Finland than Singapore which does make one wonder why. I did read somewhere that the prions responsible for these illnesses are transmitted mostly via sewage and are not scrubbed from the water supply nor the food chain. So slightly disturbing if that is the case.
Further to your observations DBDEG, shortly after my young friend died – with no known reason as to where he contracted CJD, much press coverage was given to Russel Hulme a meat supplier to the likes of prisons, schools, restaurants etc. Not in the least am I casting aspersions, but all very coincidental !
Good spot, Brissles. Er, come to think of it, perhaps I phrased that poorly? Beg pardon. Has it been covered by the BBC? Have they explored all possible causes? No? I thought not. I wonder ….
Sorry. Again!
It could also be down to greater use of pure Penicillin, replacing other antibiotics about which there may be doubts over their efficacy. I know someone who landed up in an Isolation Ward with ‘Scarlet Fever’ due to a bad reaction to Penicillin.
As to Ebola, I seem to recall that the Head of Public Health England was supremely relaxed about it coming to the UK a few years back but was far more bothered at the time about people smoking cigarettes in the open air in Trafalgar Square. That is, by the way, where you have a greater risk from ‘Bird’ (ie. Pigeon) Influenza, imv, than secondary smoking!
Sobering stuff -I went to volunteer a pint of Fedup2 juice and the vampires bounced me because I might have had a transfusion 30 years ago and am a cjd risk . Bloody hell as it were .
“Emmanuel Macron to propose reorganization of Islam in France”
Ha, ha, ha…………..
I suspect that there are those that may have tried since the 7th Century. Islam is a political system which is part of a creed covering ALL aspects for living. That creed is supported by all muslims who, display their adherence to the creed by reafirming their dedication five times a day.
Perhaps the naive Macron hopes they will switch to praying for him five times a day.
One of the biggest questions of our time is to be solved by the Giant Jupiter Politician Marcon … if he can loan a piece of cloth to the UK for £40m and remove a problem of Calais migrants from this doorstep then why not tackle religion as well. En Marche! Forward!
French President Emmanuel Macron wants to reorganize Islam in France to better integrate worship, fight fundamentalism and preserve “national cohesion.” {jihadwatch 13feb2018
. . .
. . . . Has Marcon spoken to Erdoğan? . . .
“Islam cannot be either ‘moderate’ or ‘not moderate.’ Islam can only be one thing,” Erdoğan said in a speech at a program hosted in Ankara by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on women’s entrepreneurship on Nov. 9.
Macron’s lost it. Strange that his rule has been so short before that happened. What do the French think about his plan to ‘reorganise islam’. They’re, ‘on the ground’ so to speak.
Good luck with that, Macron.
I think you’ll find it works the other way round: Muslims will reorganize France to suit Islam.
I like the look of the shop: Sod Haraka. Wonder if they sell anything nice? Might take my children there for a day out.
This doesn’t by any chance happen to be a photo from the World Farting Championship I suppose. If it is you could do a nice line in gas masks.
Watch out for the dog poo boys – Paris is famous for it .
It’s safe to listen to LBC now
There’s no James O’Brien on Tuesday/Wednesday
Maajid Nawaaz is covering
BTW the smart meter advert that you are paying for is PC
The woman in their example is not named Mrs Brown/Smith , but rather Sangeetha.
I wondered what had happened.
Imam Madgit’s sermon for today is about ” the self-
righteousness of “organisations”, too blinded by their sense of moral infallibly to even entertain the possibility that wrong doers could be amongst them. As a “liberal” muslim, a designation as ridiculous as a “liberal nazi” maybe he should be turning his excessive verbosity on the “religion of peace”.
The weasel Madgit is now claiming that Jihadi John was produced by Britiain, by us. Radicalised in Britain.
It depends what you mean by “us”. Radicalised in Britain geographically, but not by anyone who could be described as culturally British. What a liar and twister of truth.
North Korea solve the Period Poverty … Period …
A former soldier says life as a woman in the world’s fourth-largest army was so tough that most soon stopped menstruating. And r*pe, she says, was a fact of life for many of those she served with. { 21nov2017}
BBC report on pedophile hunters is very negative. Note, these hunters trap pedos and report them to the police. BBC does not seem to like this.
I wonder why. Saville, cover up of grooming rape gangs perhaps.
They don’t like it because some al Beeboids might get caught.