Apart from John Humphrys noting that Lord Malloch-Brown was ‘subverting democracy’ as he collaborates with a foreign billionaire to sell-out Britain to a foreign power, the EU, the BBC seems to have pretty much ignored Soros’ ‘cash for collaboration’ plot to buy influence over British politicians. If it was Murdoch? Did enjoy MB’s assertion that his treachery was ’empowering democracy’ and giving a voice to those whose vote for Brexit was a ‘howl of protest at being ignored’. He does this by ignoring their historic vote, their ‘howl of protest’, and by subverting that democracy.
The BBC doesn’t ignore Anna Soubry of course, she gets the red-carpet treatment, her every utterance treated, like the EU’s Barnum, as if an eternal and unquestioned truth. How different to other Tory Back-benchers who support Brexit and are regularly portrayed as mad fascists holding the party to ransom. Soubry gets a free hand to say what she likes as in the Week at Westminster where she claimed that she put the interests of her constituents before party, she is prepared to compromise, she’s pragmatic. MP’s must listen to their constituents. Of course her constituents voted for Brexit which is why Soubry puts their interests first by…er…trying to stop Brexit. The problem, as she sees it, is that her constituents didn’t know what they were voting for, no idea about the single market or customs union [despite it being made as clear as day by all parties in the referendum]. She moaned that she had been called a ‘traitor’ in the newspapers and says this has definitely led to death threats. Hmmm…maybe they called her a traitor because she is one…to her own constituents and to the British people who voted ‘OUT’. Her own actions led to the threats, can’t blame it on the papers who merely reported the truth.
Nice if the BBC spent more time pointing that out to all those Remoaners who demand a recount.
Any other bias out there? List it all here….
The disgraceful links between the BBC and the Far Leftist so called ‘Charity’ Oxfam:
An examination of the massive conglomerate’s chairman, former BBC high-flyer Caroline Thomson, is a key to its nature.
Her Christianity-free, jargon-driven multi-national empire derives half its income from government funds – predominantly the EU, a raft of agencies of the UN and the British and Swedish governments. It is not, therefore, truly a ‘charity’ at all, but an arm of the burgeoning global governance and rights industry.
And who is Ms Thomson? Her background speaks volumes about the organisation and aspirations of the enterprise she chairs.
She began her career as a BBC trainee in 1975 and rose – via a spell as political adviser to arch-Europhile Roy Jenkins – to become the Corporation’s chief operating officer. In 2012, she was granted a £670,000 pay-off when George Entwistle thwarted her bid to become director general.
Her credentials for her roles with the BBC and now Oxfam are exactly as might be expected. She is the daughter of the late Lord Thomson of Monifieth, a Labour peer, the UK’s first European Commissioner and later chairman of the former television regulatory body, the Independent Broadcasting Authority. Her husband of more than 40 years is the Labour peer Roger Liddle, who was Tony Blair’s special adviser on European policy, and then moved to the European Commission in a similar role under Jose Manuel Barroso, its then president. His Lordship currently heads a think tank on EU policy and has written a book with Peter Mandelson.
Neither of the Liddles, it could be deduced, would vote Tory or UKIP. Ms Thomson joined the Trustees of Oxfam in March 2017 – adding to a clutch of similar roles – and assumed the chairmanship in October. Did she conduct due diligence?
A brief visit to the charity’s website reveals the doctrinaire Leftist propaganda within. There are hundreds of documents on ‘equality’ (code for anti-capitalist), climate change and ‘women’s empowerment’ (though rarely in Muslim countries, of course). Treatises and projects tackling corruption, providing cheap energy, entrepreneurship and sound business administration are strangely much harder to find.
Maybe someone who had worked at the BBC would find these Oxfam doctrines exactly to their taste. And maybe, because such goals are felt by those who uphold them to be the beyond-reproach ‘higher good’, Ms Thomson did not delve much further into how Oxfam staff conducted themselves in places such as Haiti and Chad, and in the UK’s so-called charity shops.
While at the BBC, Ms Thomson was deputy director of the World Service, whose charity and aid-sector arm is now known as Media Action. Its current boss? That will be Caroline Nursey, who before she assumed her current role was a director (in several different areas of responsibility) at – of course – Oxfam.
I joined BBC Media Action from Oxfam GB in March 2009. I had rotated through a number of Director-level roles at Oxfam that enabled me to work both in the UK and in the field, and the work was enormously rewarding. But when I was approached about the opportunity to become Executive Director at BBC Media Action my ears pricked up
I first came into contact with BBC Media Action through the work I was part of in Darfur with Oxfam.
Although it is shocking to find yet another revolving door between the BBC and far leftist money tree organisations it is sadly unsurprising. The only solution is to privatise this monster, and there’s no way Blue Labour are going to do that.
Just to add on the Oxfam issue where the late Fascist Jo Cox worked in a senior position is the anti Semitism the charity has. It also receives a great deal of funding from the EU, no wonder they’re a bunch of remainers also !
If the last post of the links between senior staff at Oxfam and the BBC didn’t raise your blood to boiling point these two link almost certainly will.
Well done Thoughtful .
I think the sense of entitlement that our Powers That Be is getting out of control .
No more is the Labour Party the party of the working man . It’s now the party for university professors , BBC , top civil servants , and the occasional trougher who sells something to the government .
As an aside , just to show how stupid the PTB are ;
There’s a shortage of 45 000 lorry drivers in the UK so what are they going to do about it . Well next month their going to tax them on their night out expenses , effectively making a pay cut .
Well that’s going to help isn’t it ?
Stock up on food and other items , as even if truckers don’t take any industrial action
1 ; some will change from tramping to day drivers , meaning a little less will get delivered
2; some will leave the industry as a final straw
And now that some of those trucks are going to be less efficient , returning to base instead of being flexible and picking up a load , more empty running . Great for the environment , what ?
Yes, not surprising that the BBC is pretty much untouchable and that its worldview is so prevalent with the revolving door between it NGOs, political parties, academia, other media outlets, think-tanks and so many other influential organsations. It has many friends in high places and has almost unstoppable power to peddle its worldview relentlessly…even setbacks like Hutton are mere bumps in the road as the BBC essentially sets the news agenda and can rewrite history at will…and as with the Taliban time is not a problem, it can wait. Politicians come and go, the Public’s memory fades but the BBC continues and gradually, gradually revises history to make itself the winner.
And we must not forget this bit of sleazy work by Oxfam:
“Oxfam is obviously a far cry from its beginnings in the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief, a group of Quakers and Oxford academics. According to the UK-based Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), “Oxfam has funded workers at a clinic run by the abortion-provider Marie Stopes International” and “has also admitted to providing grants to two organisations in Ethiopia and Yemen which are affiliated to IPPF [International Planned Parenthood Foundation], the world’s largest abortion-promoter”.
Close our eyes and they’ll have the wallet out of your pocket! And for our beautiful female readers, handbag.
And we must not forget this bit of sleazy work by Oxfam:
“Oxfam is obviously a far cry from its beginnings in the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief, a group of Quakers and Oxford academics. According to the UK-based Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC),
“Oxfam has funded workers at a clinic run by the abortion-provider Marie Stopes International” and “has also admitted to providing grants to two organisations in Ethiopia and Yemen which are affiliated to IPPF [International Planned Parenthood Foundation], the world’s largest abortion-promoter”.
Close our eyes and they’ll have the wallet out of our pocket! And for our beautiful female readers, handbag.
Over and over again, why is anyone surprised? Oxfam?
utterly corrupt … cover up/complicit
BBC News – Oxfam income rises to £401.4m , how much via the government?
Anyone recall the Javed Khan and Eamonn Holmes interview?
yep! … that was Barnado s – annual revenues of nearly £250 million – most of it, via the government, from the pockets of the UK taxpayer. In other words it has more than enough money, campaigning muscle and political clout to make its influence felt on any socially important issue … the still escalating number of child victims of Islamic rape gangs? how about the escalating problem of FGM?
utterly corrupt, utterly compromised, mind you … the police? the now non existent social services??
“BBC News – Oxfam income rises to £401.4m , how much via the government?”
Just think how much interest this is making by being invested in one of those back street London banking establishments that only the very wealthy visit! (Without doubt Oxfam has some fancy-dan friends within the UN who give very select financial advice to its Nigerian/African friends..and their friends!)
Totally agree and this is happening right across the West where the MSM and government agencies , education, judiciary, police have been completely politicised.
In the USA there is perhaps the beginning of a fight back where President Trump is battling heroically against the leftist monolith which he calls the swamp. If he is successful in exposing the full depth of the Gramscian politicisation and illegal activities of Obama, Clinton, the collective heads of the FBI, the Dept of Justice, the CIA , the Dept of State we can be absolutely certain that exactly the same thing happened to all our equivalent institutions under Blair. Hence the inability of any government to get anything done that isn’t in line with the liberal left.
Those who value democracy, liberty and rule of law must support the President’s struggle to drain the swamp.
I think what you say is very interesting. Some while ago, a thread somewhere took me to a group called “Common Purpose” who are ostensibly a management training scheme.
However, they are also linked to the Fabian Society and are somewhat secretive about their participants. Their aims are to find participants throughout the civil service, local councils, msm and even older school children and through neurolinguistic training teach them to become tomorrow’s leaders.
The more I read about this group, the more creepy it sounds. Their “graduates” – i.e. after a one-week course, will have been taught to “go beyond authority” – what the heck does that mean? Do you want people employed, say, by the police to go beyond their remit?
Some 60 “graduates” are employed at the BBC.
The tentacles (if that is not too melodramatic a word) stretch globally. Their belief is communitarianism. Their aim appears to be a global government broken down into small pockets. They have training programmes around the world. They are registered as a charity but make millions.
This theory is believed to have been born in the early days of the E.U. when it was thought that this would be the path to peace.
If this sort of theory is being taught in universities, schools and through the left wing media but under a somewhat masonic type secrecy where only “graduates” know who are other “graduates” it sounds like a democracy threatening conspiracy.
Julia Middleton founded “Common Purpose.” Georg Soros is believed to have helped fund it, St Brendan of Cox is associated with it, Cressida Dick is said to be a “graduate”…..
You will not find any publicity about them and naturally the BBC has never done an investigation into an organisation that is training Tomorrow’s Leaders.
Do look it up and tell me if I am barmy to be worried by it.
I notice the word ‘criminal’ popping up in the common law definition…
There used to be a poster on this site called ‘Atlas Shrugs’ and he would warn us about Common Purpose and indeed how its tentacles were spreading. However he did have an unusual style and in those days I had certainly not heard of CP. Whilst I thought Atlas’ posts completely mad I could see they had a grain of truth. Well that is what I thought then – now I realise he was absolutely correct.
Thoughtful, you haven’t linked to where the information about Thomson and Nursey was posted – it is on The Conservative Woman website:https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/leftist-anti-british-anti-capitalist-corrupt-oxfam-getting-millions-tory-government/
One wise fellow observed that old divisions of Left and Right have now changed into a vertical hierarchy of 3 levels.
1. The Nomenklatura, the self-appointed elites who dole out rotating jobs and awards to one another to disguise their incompetence, and despise everyone else. (Caroline Thomson seems to be a classic example). They largely see themselves as above the law when it comes to things like paying tax or claiming expenses for building duck houses.
2. The Underclass – the refugees, the utterly unemployable, the welfare class. They operate beneath the law to the extent that they pay no tax whatever, instead leaching money from the state to buy extra-strength lager and cigarettes.
3. Everyone else. The only people who worry about paying tax, the only productive members of society, the people who actually do things, increasingly squeezed between the disdain of the Nomenklatura and the resentment of the Underclass.
The top of society have co-opted the bottom of society in a war against the middle of society, and it isn’t going to end well.
More like the rich and upper middle class have co-opted the lower
‘just managing ‘ middle class to join them in a war against the poor,
called austerity.
”pay no tax whatever…….buy extra-strength lager and cigarettes.”
Sneaky sods
They must be employing top class tax avoidance experts !!
It’s almost as though the BBC and Oxfam have some kind of Common Purpose…
Great research thanks for that.
Do we know where Brendan Cox has gone to ground since this scandal broke. Surely , as a well known celeb who has basked in the reflected glory of his dead wife amongst his liberal left chums, he should waving the Overseas Aid flag and championing the Charity sector. Unless of course he too has something to hide. Perhaps the allegations from a few years back were true. Come on Brendan come out from hiding and declare your innocence, don’t let your fans down!
Excellent point D/thinker, he’s normally the first talking head that the Beeb go to, perhaps he’s off somewhere, – doing charity work !
A cracking post, Thoughtful. Thanks.
The commonality between the bBC and Oxfam is amply demonstrated
by Cover-ups.
The original Oxfam story appeared in the Times on a Thursday night
.. I posted it here on the Friday lunchtime
..The BBC picked up the story on Saturday for OperationBangingOn
why did they wait 24 hours before reporting it ??
Today’s Times has more on Oxfam
2010 Haiti
#1 Belgium boss Roland has prostitutes brought to villa
#2 Separately the Kenyan worker organises sex parties with “young prostitutes”, other Oxfam staff attended
#3 There’d been some prostitution scandal in Chad.
— The issue is no one ever says the ex-workers got fired for this prostitute thing, so they just go on to new jobs
New today
2004 Roland worked for Merlin, noe part of StC .. in Liberia he used company drivers to bring him prostitutes. A Mr Hardcastle and Ms Miller seperately complained and Roland was removed.
The manager is now dep-head of StC
Likewise Oxfam didn’t pass info on when Roland resigned in 2010 and went to Action as gsinst Hunger in Bangladesh.
Separately the Oxfam chairman was arrested in Guatamala, for alleged corruption when he was Guatamala’s Finance Minister (3,000 buses paid for 455 arrived)
And that those cover-us are aimed at protecting people involved in paedophilia. We know the bBBC’s record in that respect but it would seem that at least some of the so-called prostitutes
BBC World Service, 2 am 14 February 18: John Sopel reporting on the US Senate hearings on Russian Interference in US elections says that “… all the present and previous heads of intelligence agree that Russia has and continues to interfere in the US election process, but … that Donald Trump has repeatedly denied that the Trump campaign colluded with Moscow to win the Presidential election”. So by such cunning wording, Sopel has done what he intended, i.e. to imply that Donald Trump is lying, and that his campaign did indeed collude with Russia to win the election. This is BBC fake news writ large.
Sopel undoubtedly knows that after a year and a half of intense investigation that no evidence has been found that Trump & associates colluded with the Russians. Sopel undoubtedly knows (as do we all on this blog) that the overwhelming evidence being uncovered shows that it was the Democratic party and the Clinton machine who co-opted and paid Russian sources for ‘dossiers’ of fake news to smear the Trump campaign and personnel, both before and after the election, and that such fake dossiers were the main justification to set up the Special Council that Muller stuffed full of Clinton supporters. Sopel is undoubtedly well aware of the politicisation of the upper echelons of the FBI and DOJ by the Obama regime, and of the increasing number of resignations of Obama appointees who are now feeling the heat. Yet Sopel continues with his fake news reports.
Martin: Sopel has a cushy number, living it up in Washington. I gather he gets over £200,000. I have yet to hear anything resembling an insightful analysis from him that has not been cut and pasted from the NYT or the WP. It sticks out a mile that if he can do a little Trump-bashing in a dramatic voice, and completely ignore one side’s case in a pitched battle between two opposing forces, with huge constitutional and security implications, then that’s job done! Not a bad little earner.
Once I’ve listened to Sopel, I go straight over to someone like Bill Still on YT to get the other side of the story (and probably, the truth). Bill’s top guest would -for me- be a certain Mr DiGenova, for a sharp mind that can cut through the most elaborate maze and would have Obama/Clinton and accomplices in jail in a jiffy. Obama’s favourite decapitation artist wouldn’t be far behind. Doubt Sopel would even begin to compare.
We can only hope that if the President is successful in draining the swamp and forces those guilty to trial and then hopefully prison, people will realise that they have been lied to by the BBC for several years. But such is the BBC monopoly of what Brits are allowed to know that they will probably find a way of smoothing this over and spinning it away. Only government action to smash the BBC can let us know the truth about all manner of things . But we have been waiting for that for years and years and it never happens. Meanwhile the supercilious leftist scum at the BBC know that they are untouchable and can peddle their lies with impunity.
Agreed, the BBC will spin everything away (i.e. lie). In my knowledge, the BBC News briefly mentioned the very revealing Devin Nunes memo on just one day, but their report was so twisted and so full of omissions that the average listener would have gained no understanding of the issues. They were careful to mention straight away that it was a Republican memo and “Russian interference”, and naturally made no mention of the falseness of the dossier, or its origins, or that it was funded by the Democrat and the Clintons. So why should we hope that the BBC will ever give a truthful report of what is already a scandal far worse than Watergate. Possibly if H. Clinton is consigned to prison, but even then they would report it as political vengeance rather than a just price for criminality.
Climate Alarmists lose in court : Canadanian Green Party leader fails to supply evidence against Tim Ball for 2011 case
Ball awarded costs
‘Yeh, if you dare question us, we’ll tie you down in the libel courts for years ‘
A tactic used by Michael Mann
and Greenpeace Germany
(Ferdinand Engelbeen said “I have had a similar libel lawsuit from Greenpeace in Germany.. it takes so much time…
In Germany Greenpeace starts lawsuits against any journalist who dares to publish something negative about them. Quite effective to shut them all up…
It ended not too bad: a fifty-fifty result..”)
Cases still stalled in the Canadian courts for more than 5 years : Mann vs Steyn .. and Mann vs. National Review
BBC fail to mention crim is foreign
\\ Cambridgeshire blackmailer jailed for punching toddler
– but why do our newspapers refuse to mention that this scumbag is actually Lithuanian??!//
Because they don’t like to admit that any of the foreigners who come here, are anything other than hard working-salt of the earth-backbone of the NHS / UK economy types.
Other contributors here might recall my brush with the police last year when I was visited in the darkness by two police officers to discuss with me, my use of the abbreviation, “muzzie”. This had been reported to them by a local person who overheard the expression and who didn’t know me and therefore reported without malice (one would hope). A pure informant stasi style.
I’ve been collating the legislation that covers the so-called, ‘Hate Crimes’ and, as an interim observation, it has been a slow process by Government to clandestinely introduce restrictive legislation since the Public Order Act 1986. Bit by bit any right you may have believed you had to object to the vast numbers of foreigners entering this country to settle for one reason or another has been curtailed. As always, the CPS is the prime mover in all this and they state:
“The CPS uses definitions agreed with the National Police Chiefs’ Council to identify racist or religious incidents/crimes and to monitor the decisions and outcomes:
“Any incident/crime which is perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race or perceived race”
“Any incident/crime which is perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s religion or perceived religion.”
So, what further restrictive legislation can we look forward to short of the Government hiring a fleet of container vessels to ship all British white’s out? I suggest they will appraise the process of arrest and simplify the process making it easier for the police to literally drag you away without any formality being applied.
G welcome to the wonderful world of racially aggravated 5A. Which seems to be able to be criminalised if you upset someone .
Next time don’t say a word . Don’t open the door .
And if you can get a digital dictaphone and be ready to use it without the Stasi knowing you have it.
Same rule with al beeb licence tax people
Every one will get a “well done “ for nailing another racist .
Disclaimer – I am not legally qualified .
And ask the police if it is also a hate crime to use the abbreviation “Aussie”.
Quick link back to comments from last 24 hours (2 pages)
R2 now “Brexiteers are not giving enough positives in order to convince Remainers”
“Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson says it’s time for Brexiteers to reach out to the millions who voted remain”
..So they are inviting Brexiteers listening to phone in
to their studio of Remainers
… Negatives ? ..I thought that was Remainers and ProjectFear
I wonder if the bBC would air this video?
What was said .. and what came to pass …

BBC Humberside journo celebrating sad news that area is getting SUBSIDY sucking industry, instead of proper industry like fracking which will increase the taxpile
Unicorns don’t pay for subsidies “granny does”
“Great news for the city”
Nope, Bad News for local area, locking us into White Elephant industry dependent on SUBSIDIES not paid by unicorns
(Granny pays for them in everything she pays for)
But Fracking will put money into the taxpile
Ask them when will wind subsidies end ?
Just reflecting on the hand signal in a post on the previous thread, where Gordon Brown and Angela Merkel pose with it. So does Treezer.
The Iluiminati perhaps
GWF: Thanks for these. I look at the top one and think: we are in trouble. Especially when you then start considering who sits on the Opposition front benches.
Just informed why the narrative created by BBC Dramas of Black indigenous Brits and White Immigrants, proved by the “Cheddar Man” story, is fake news. Apparently Cheddar Man was almost certainty White in winter, with a 76 percent probability of being heavily tanned in summer. Not as radically different from today, despite Europeans being classed as 100 percent White.
The explanation is that our ancestors must have been Black 40,000 years ago, but after 30,000 years in an Ice Age environment, evolutionary logic implies that we must have been white 10,000 ago. We also know from the earliest written records 5,000 years ago that north Europeans where whiter than the olive skinned peoples who where the first people to record the world around them. So the fact that there are no known reasons, such as an Ice age between 10,000 years ago and 5,000 years ago, proves that the story must be fake. A bit like Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia producing fake science that just happened to fit the current political narrative.
The Politically correct narrative implies that as you go north from Spain to France you go from Olive to White and then as you cross over to Britain on to the borders of the Ice sheet, you would find Black people.
The University College of London is known to be one of the most politically correct universities with probably the largest intake of Black students in Britain. I am told that politically correct repression has made moral very low amongst the academic staff, not just in the Astronomy department as regards the left-wing environmental thugs. Also they have noticed this type of fake science from the anthropology department of York University. And without free speech its difficult to challenge the fraud because the academic staff would get accused of Racism and lose their jobs.
Also further to this I remember two other points: (1) Even the most indigenous people in Britain, the Welsh, do not have any ancestry inherited from Britons beyond 6,000 years ago. (2) Genetic evidence recently revealed that this was because the original European population was wiped out by Mounted peoples from the Russian steppes, with the exception of the Basques. But the Basques are not Black, adding proof that the Cheddar Man story is fake.
I expect Cheddar Man sailed from the Dark Continent in a beautiful pea green boat, bringing with him honey and plenty of money wrapped up in a five pound note.. Well, Edward Lear makes more sense than our re-writers of history.
That well known public intellectual David Lammy tweeted
“I am so here for the comments on the @MailOnline story on Cheddar Man revealing that the oldest known Briton had dark skin. Solidarity with you Mr Cheddar Man – I just wish I knew about you when I was growing up and people asked me where I was ‘really’ from. North London, bruv
12:59 PM – Feb 7, 2018
So what’s the beef with” British colonialism”?. The colonization of Africa was just “bruvs” returning home.
If the oldest known Britons had dark skin where did they all disappear to? Maybe they just became extinct because they couldn’t stand the British winters. Or maybe the dinosaurs ate them all and then they in turn became extinct because there was nothing to eat.
Preface that with the archeologists get out phrase “It is thought” and hey presto a fact is born. To be written into the history books for ever and ever, amen. So I have just created “a fact.”
It’s strange how “the facts” invariably seem to nicely fit the Left Wing narrative.
The Font of Truth actually addressed the Cheddar Man phenomenon in Radio 4’s “Inside (pseudo) Science” this afternoon. I didn’t hear much of the relevant guff, but even the BBC was saying that Cheddar Man had died out and was not represented genetically amongst the current population in Britain or in Africa, for that matter. Does the existence of albinism in Africa make white Europeans anymore “at home” in Africa?
Whether Cheddar Man was pink, black or blue has nothing to do with Britishness in the modern sense. Lammy was unsettled by people asking him “where he was from”. He is clearly not “from North London” in any meaningful sense of the phrase. Why insist on being called “Black British” rather than English. London is in England.
I had a school friend who belonged to a military family and was actually born in China when his British father and mother were stationed in Hong Kong. As a joke he would say he was Chinese because he had been born in China. In the Lammian sense he wss from whatever town in China he happened to have been born in, but he was raised by British parents in a British enclave in Hong Kong. He was British because he wss raised in a British environment no matter what his geographical location may have been.
The discovery of a white 10,000 year old “Shanghai man” would not have made my friend any more or less Chinese or strenghtened his claim to be Chinese.
If I was on trial I would demand 12 Englishmen/women on the jury, not 12 ‘British passport’ holders.
(Obviously one or two Welsh/Scots/NI allowed).
If you run your own business folks, according to Momentum and Labour, your a perv
Did Stafford grooming get reported ?
A woman who requested a female NHS nurse to perform her cervical smear test was “embarrassed and distressed” after a person with stubble and a deep voice summoned her for the intimate procedure. {thetimes 31dec2017}
When the patient pointed out the mistake, the nurse replied: “My gender is not male. I’m a transsexual.”
– Might be on the BBC site, then again.
Honestly ? if a bloke had to undergo a cervical smear test then he’d think twice about changing sex !!!
In this crazy world, males who identify as females are eligible for a smear test…females who identify as males are not!
You need re-programming to think correctly 😉
Wish I’d known that years ago C/Blues ! I would have changed my mind and presented as a Clive/Kevin/Brian, as the nurse came charging towards me with a speculum like someone enjoying a medieval joust !!!
Apologies if its been up previously.
BBC News – Rape attempt on 10-year-old girl in Openshaw
Tucked well away in Al BBC-land into the regional news … when you actually find it, get half way down,
“A search for the suspect, who Greater Manchester Police described as being of “Asian appearance” and in his 20s, has been launched.”
There is CCTV too … oops!, but not in BBC land
now then … what if it happened to be an Islamic 10 yr old?
would we struggle to find it?
Al Beebus like the rest of the MSM downplay the crime committed by blacks and browns, in particular when the victims are white; which they so often are in the case of sexual or drug related crimes.
photo Police described as being of “Asian appearance”
4:30pm Media Show : Times will explain how they got the Oxfam scoop*
(+ will Netfix take the football ?, Express takeover)
* Maybe They mean why did they stop covering it up ?
8pm Moral Maze : romance and whether it is a good thing
with : Shiv Malik, Mona Siddiqu, Melanie, Fiona
No white men on the panel of course
Melanie is now on LBC talking about the ” jihadi beatles” and seems to be having some kind of mental breakdown.
“Our boys”, “these London lads” should be brought home and given “a good dose of British justice”. “They were raised here, they went to university here, they are our responsibility”. “Is it the right thing to leave them where they are and take their chances?” ponders the host Sheila Somebody. What is wrong with these crazies? Where do they get the perverse idea that we owe some duty of loyalty to traitors? The media can’t refer to them as “muslim terrorists” because they want to maintain the fiction that they are “followers of a perverted form of Islam”. Yet they are eager to refer to them as “British terrorists”. Christ knows what these people think makes muslim terrorists “British” other than an accident of birth. They are muslim terrorists because they are muslim descendents of muslims who follow the koran to the letter – in other words they are good muslims and want a kuffar-free caliphate.
“they went to university here” – and still didn’t realise it was wrong. Were they radicalised in University?
The Times lady said that their investigation began 11 months ago, with whistleblower telling them about how a sexual assault in an Oxfam shop had been covered up.
When they published that 6 months ago, another whistle blower came forward with the Haiti story.
– but how did people like the Times not already know ?
Loads of people must have seen aid workers in Africa .. the big white Landcruisers are always parked outside a town’s fanciest restaurant, and the bar of there would be where the prostitutes hang out. Then you learn that stats on the ground get inflated, cos that brings in more aid money.
Then you think about it , and realise that no one speaks up, otherwise the big Charity’s good name will get damaged.
Then the Helen Evans thing , she said Oxfam bosses ignored her report about the 7% of 120 staff in Sudan and she was afraid to go to press for fear of damaging the charity. transcript (opens in incognito window OK)
Probably the same reason why BBC staff covered up Saville.
The Times woman said that as well as the Haiti story the had gathered others like the Chad story to drip out over days.
BBC …. Yay! for the sisters, “doin it for themselves” etc
BBC Sport – Women are playing Australian rules football professionally for the first time in 2017, drawing sell-out crowds and stunning TV ratings.
Hmmm … bit like “wimmins” footy over here, with the BBCs utterly obsessive fawning and over exposure of it then?….
Well … without the sell out crowds or the ratings that is
… Wait a minute! … WAIT A MINUTE!!
… jazz hands, croissants, and latte s at BBC HQ
BBC Sports – Transgender first for Australian football as Hannah Mouncey is accepted.
Hannah Mouncey, 28, who previously played at local level in Canberra, hopes to take to the field in the state of Victoria this season.
Despite the decision made in Mouncey’s case, the AFL has still to define its national framework for gender diversity.
Away from the world today so interested if any reaction to boris’ job application to be PM – sorry – brexit speech . I read it . They said don’t mention. The war or NATO so he didn’t . Nice swipe at Mr Farage and UKIP but he senses it’s safe to do that now .
I’m guessing al beeb will bury it in an Oxfam kind of a way. Still banking on a “save the children “ paedo ring or an unusual form of comic relief
I don’t get it. How can you be on a “women’s” football team if you don’t know what gender you are? Is it a woman now who used to be a man? Or is it a man now who was born a woman? Perhaps in the future there’ll be unisex football teams. Some things actually make you glad you’re not young anymore.
so thats 1 more actual woman who is out of a job or the team or whatever
this could get quite funny all those blokes who dont get paid to play football could identify as women and sign up for the womens premier league
I’m afraid you can’t win with PC ideology.
A man with a bushy beard waving a machete about “self identifies” as a woman – you MUSt believe (add the appropriate, agreed personal pronoun) or commit a transphobic hate crime
A man with a bushy beard waving a machete about “self identifies” as a muslim (Allahü akhbar) – you MUSt disbelief him (no PC problem with “him”, I think) or commit an islamophobic hate crime – no believer in the Religion of Peace could by definition exhibit threatening behaviour.
Lauren Southern became a legal man within a day in Canada.
As someone commented, a very cute little dude.
Vinnie Jones, where are you when the sport needs you?
Wimmim rule : “Network Rail has announced it plans to hire 50% more women
over the next five years as part of its commitment to diversity ”
R4 drama just now
Asian boy was the winner
The white classmate was exBNP, drug addict failure, who even when trying to help burnt down Asian boy’s restaurant with the father inside.
What in the name of buggery bollocks is going on at the bBBC. Tom Daley and his husband are having a baby!!!!!!!!! Hold the front page….family and friends delighted……I don’t care what anyone says, this is not normal….now, where’s my sick bag…….?
There is no indication in this BBC report WTF this is possible. Assume surrogate mother, doesn’t she deserve a mention (presumably not wanting a name check)?
Daley, 23, revealed he had a boyfriend in a YouTube video in 2013
so 19-20
Black now 43
so 39-40
That Black sure does like them young
Must be a BBC employee
Yep! There’s even females who delight in aborting infants – and, proud of it!:
Yep! They are lesbians!
But they are SO beautiful. They’ve got me a-twitchin’ and a- throbbin’ already. Not.
Thing is Lefty.
Outside some of their American clinics these excuses for caring adults have hung inside their windows big banners with wording: PROUD!!!
You can read them a mile away! Sleazy, infant killing so-and-so.s
Thing is Lefty.
Outside some of their American clinics these excuses for caring adults have hung inside their windows big banners with wording: PROUD!!!
You can read them a mile away! Sleazy, infant killing so-and-so.s
This is a smack in the face for thousands of women who have miscarried.
It may be considered necessary to abort, but it is not a good thing
Abortion should not be used as a contraceptive.
Society has given up on itself.
En Marche! Forward! We can do it! Enough is enough! For the *meh*, Not the *meh*.
Do you have a link to the story as well?
Yes, this is where my tolerance of in your face gaydom ends. Men can’t have babies with men. Usually, they use one woman’s DNA and another woman’s womb. The child never gets to know it’s mum. Although sometimes there might be some sort of auntie like relationship. This is why I won’t listen to the Archers anymore.
I have a vague memory of reading about the theoretical possibility of taking DNA from two males, e.g. skin cells and somehow creating two gametes and then a zygote. Presumably the development might still require an egg ‘shell’ from a woman? These experiments might lead to increased knowledge of reproduction and the nature of cells but who knows whether they might be seized upon to normalise gay reproduction.
There is a perfectly good existing system of reproduction.
Here you go chaps !………………..
https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/britains-first-gay-dads-planning-768457 (Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow)
Another bunch of confused adults in the making. Mother Nature will eventually lose her rag and start kicking some arse. Guaranteed.
When I read stuff like this Islam begins to resemble a viable alternative. It’s Dr. Frankenstein made real.
“Men can’t have babies with men.”
And what about those revolting, cases were the MOTHER concieves for her daughter by her own daughters boyfriend!
Taints you skin doesn’t it!.
ND – Lets hope it is delivered by the stork. Rather than involving all that grunting, pushing and warm towels.
YP : “Exports up 11.3% since Brexit”
There’s a group Artists For Brexit
includes Roger Daltrey, Michael Caine etc.
And some Labour supporters and non-whites like Dreda Say Mitchell.
Thanks for the info. As Michael Caine reportedly said “Not many people know that.” Well I certainly didn’t so I’ll give them a Google.
Golly – in Essex pub
Fillippeno hard man Duterte has banned Fillippenos from going to work in Kuwait after 8 separate unexplained deaths of domestic workers. There are 260,000 there working currently.
BBC “Darth Vader” Scout story
11 mins 35 sec
Oh dear
I won’t be holding my breath to see this reported on the Beeb, Lucy.
With depressing expectation of an out of control biased BBC here comes a 10 part celebration of British Socialism:
Anne McElvoy now traces the story of British socialism.
In this opening episode, she visits New Lanark, the early 19th century Scottish mill village run by Robert Owen, to find out how it became the seedbed for his pioneering vision of socialism.
Owen was a successful businessman – but he was also the great early visionary of socialist ideas in Britain. What led him to argue for a utopian transformation of British life, based on ending capitalism and replacing it with small settlements based on communal ownership?
With: Lorna Davidson, Gregory Claeys
Radio 4 Monday 13:45
Be good to see how they cover
a) WRP scandal with Gerry Healy raping his girls, as Vanessa Redgrave thought nothing of it.
b) Role of the left in CND, Russian intel, IRA and Libyan stuff in the seventies and eighties, Scargill and Jack Jones as I recall, being linked to some of it.
c) Paedo Info Exchange and the Lefts role in supporting the likes of O Carroll, etc
d) Tom Driberg and the gay sex rings that precluded Nick of Wiltshire Police fame.
e)John Stonehouse.
f) The lefty unions and their support of Enoch in 68
g) The left refusing to condemn invasions of Hungary or Czechoslovakia
h) The left cosying up to Hiter when Stalin signed his pact. Am sure that there`s more-but how much of this will make McElvosy script? I doubt that any of it will.
I know somebody else has posted this breaking news story from the bBC :
Tom Daley announces baby news with husband
“British Olympic diver Tom Daley has announced he is having a baby with his husband, US film director Dustin Lance Black.”
I’m sorry , but a bloke can’t become pregnant, so TD can’t be having a baby with his husband.
“They have not revealed any more details about the pregnancy, including whether or not a surrogate is involved.”
When a hetrosexual couple have a baby via the use of another woman it is classed as surrogacy :
Surrogacy is a method or agreement whereby a woman agrees to carry a pregnancy for another person or persons, who will become the newborn child’s parent(s) after birth.
Which is what this happy married couple will have to do in which to become parents.
Then there is the rest of the article:
“Daley, 23, revealed he had a boyfriend in a YouTube video in 2013, and the pair announced their engagement two years later.”
“The couple had a belated honeymoon in August last year, sharing pictures from Barcelona.”
Not news bBC, so why include it?
FFS bBC, what qualification’s do you have to have to work at your gaff. From the look of things SFA
It’s simply an attempt to normalise this degeneracy.
Just a thought. Oxfam is one of many charities and NGOs that receive tax payer’s money yet campaign against the values of this country and the free market.
Friends of the earth received 14.5 million euros from the EU alone and trousers money from the UK government.
Why are we paying this money to people who despise our way of life?
Was in Oxfam earlier.
Staff looked a bit put out, especially when I said that their stuff ought now to be half price, given their need to sell things before any future problems. But no-pricey as ever, but glad to say that I got Cleggs Brexit book out of the shop window. Did say that to be in the news AND to offer this red rag to passing grumps in Peterborough might be the wrong thing to do.
The manager(who-sad to say , did NOT try and come on to me)-took it out of the window.
“ought now to be half price, given their need to sell things before any future problems.”
Don’t worry! Their friends within the bowels of Whitehall will work it that Oxfam wont lose a cent!
Yet in the clown world which is the UK, the air ambulances are only kept flying by charitable donations.
This is interesting. Coming to the UK near you at some point.
A guy becomes a woman. I understand that. Anyone who ignored the BBC/Guardian pretending the brains of men and women are the same, would understand that and sympathise with this person. You can have a female brain but a male body.
But now this woman has been signed up to play in the Woman’s Australian Football League.
Yes, his brain is female, but his body is male and toned up after playing in male sports teams.
So how is this fair on women who have female players?
The bbC, link into his twitter page, well worth a butchers and yes he has the body of a bloke, a six foot shit house bloke.
Another one who thinks he can be a mother if he wants.
It doesn’t matter! The more women see what Feminism actually is and how it attacks them and their interests the better. The more that left wing idiocy is seen as such the better, so I hope she makes the international teams as well!
Got to feel sorry for so many blokes.
Time was when they`d have had dads, grandads and jobs where they could get away and do important things-or at least manufacture things or mine stuff that would be important in tangible terms. But schools and celebrity culture has leached all manner of feminising culture into their water-and who`d want to get married, be a dad and try and do an honourable job that does not involve endless Gramsci public sector poses and groomings?
When we`re pissed off, we go off and have kids as we want to. Blokes only get to top themselves or be gay.
And given the Weinstein crap, it will only get worse-being a heterosexual round loads of women these days could be a career wrecker. If you`re known to be gay, likely to be far safer.
How sad is all that? Blokes deserve far better, but telly and schools as well as the pop culture (only black bling homophobes and bearded Muslim male ubermenschen are allowed to be ” men”) has softened up two generations of blokes into weird stuff like sport, or turns them into pervs and freaks for Channel 5.
Sad to say that having children is NOT wanted by the metrosexual misanthropes-Green doctrine. So blokes have no resources to draw upon. Can only hope it`ll change-Jordan Peterson was so correct, no wonder Cathy Newman exploded, this truth is his as much as anybody elses.
How sad is all that? Blokes deserve far better, but telly and schools as well as the pop culture (only black bling homophobes and bearded Muslim male ubermenschen are allowed to be ” men”) has softened up two generations of blokes into weird stuff like sport, or turns them into pervs and freaks for Channel 5.
Holly, I agree, but I think after the Glam rock fad of blokes wearing platform shoes, the overall ‘rot’ set in with the likes of David Beckham. His wearing of alice bands, sarongs and matchy clothes with the girlfriend, sent an entire generation of males down the rocky road of metrosexual aspirations. Conversely the hard man image of tattoo adornment is also down to his love of inking, but then he speaks. Oh dear.
Sad but true.
More scandal set to break from Oxfam with Cameron & Mays weak government incapable of taking action just like the Kids Company affair.
The Charity Commission and government departments have serious questions to answer: why did they take no action in response to concerns raised by Helen Evans in June 2015 and August 2015? Are there other whistleblowers that have brought safeguarding concerns to the Charity Commission only to be ignored?
It is crucial that we now understand how far this appalling scandal reaches, and whether the Charity Commission is operating effectively as an independent regulator.
Noted Batmanghedghli on telly earlier-RT.
Is there a radioactive half-life for her likes? A toxic charlatan like her gets a few months out of the public gaze until it`s all been hushed up and back to normal. Then she`s relaunched(use this word advisedly) as if “that was then, we`ve all moved on”.
Given her half life of two years…that of Chris Huhne as being 18 months, Vicky Pryce as only nine…I predict a six month “period of reflection” for Brendan Cox. The lefties love to protect their icons.
Don`t let them.
Holly – I think they are just shameless. They know the BBC and Co will support them come what may. The BBC were aware of all the Jimmy Saville accusations for years but they never actively critiscised him until after his death. I dont recall Hatty Harmon ever going away at all even after the PIE story came out.
Fundamentally it is up to them. If you are one of the BBC s favoured ones you will be backed to the hilt no matter what you may have got up to in the past.
More scandal set to break from Oxfam with Cameron & Mays weak government incapable of taking action just like the Kids Company affair.
The Charity Commission and government departments have serious questions to answer: why did they take no action in response to concerns raised by Helen Evans in June 2015 and August 2015? Are there other whistleblowers that have brought safeguarding concerns to the Charity Commission only to be ignored?
It is crucial that we now understand how far this appalling scandal reaches, and whether the Charity Commission is operating effectively as an independent regulator.
“Charity Commission and Government have questions to answer on Oxfam scandal” – but not Oxfam itself, according to Labour Press Team:
FuxScam ?
Apropos the Obamas paintings……………
If they were desperate to have their portraits painted, they should have watched a few episodes of Sky’s Portrait Artist of the Year – admittedly its down to personal choice, but the talent amongst professional and amateur artists is ‘awesome’. Yes there are some slap and daub offerings, whilst the style of others are almost photographic, but any one of them would have made a better job than what the Obamas received.
Who on earth was that woman in the Mrs Obama painting because it sure looked nothing like her?!
If Obama glanced in a mirror, it would look like this..

Maybe it’s “Michael” as the artist saw him/her?
Obama’s portrait shows him with six fingers on one hand, but at least the artist was black. That’s all that matters.
bBBC ‘news’: Katty Kay me-me-me-me-me.
Ex Canadian PM agreed with someone’s tweet and added her own tweet
Kay wrote an entire article at that, it looks like a sneer cos it doesn’t even quote the tweet
\\ I am struck by how many women on television news wear sleeveless dresses
– often when sitting with suited men.
I have always felt it was demeaning to the women
and this suggests that I am right.
Bare arms undermine credibility and gravitas! //
even a 15 yer old girl knows that showing MORE flesh is a sexual signal.
If male hosts wore short shorts, when females didn’t, it would also seem sexual
“I hope this does not mean my credibility is shot and my gravitas is sunk.”
To the former, as sunk as the latter, and as long since sailed.
If you watch the latest episode of the X-Files, it starts with what seems to be the FBI motto of the moment: “Accuse your enemies of that which you are guilty”
It seems to be a Pro-Trump coded statement from Chris Carter “Accuse Deep state enemies” Donald Trump and Brexit supporters “of that which you are guilty” (1) Treason as regards Russian money for the Democrats and a failed attempt at interference in the American election by the FBI and CIA. (2) Treason as regards the support for the anti-democratic foreign rule of Britain by those supremely elitist white European Eurocrats in Brussels.
Worth a look to see what Pres. Trump’s up against:
I’m sure you will not hear a peep out of our “most trusted”.
Who says the Grauniad doesn’t know how to unwind and relax after work? From this weekend’s crossword answers:
– Massacre: Palestinians in Lebanon
– Massacre: Warsaw Ghetto
– Massacre: Bataclan in Paris
– Massacre: Saint Valentine’s Day in Chicago
– Car bombing: Omagh, Northern Ireland
– Abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib
– Home Secretary
– Iran
– Left wing comedian/Guardian contributor Mark Steel
– Jon Snow (Ch4)
– The Clash (punk band)
– Musician Graham Nash (songs include ‘Immigration Man’ and ‘Military Madness’)
– Something else massacre related
– Something else massacre related
– Something else massacre related
– Something else massacre related
And finally… a film (‘Reds’; not seen it) about an American journalist who journeys to Russia to document the Boleshevik Revolution and returns a revolutionary. His fervor for left-wing politics leads him to Louise Bryant […] who will become a feminist icon and activist.
The fun just never stops at Guardian HQ.
A question of Maffs…
Apparently, there’s a new initiative for kids to learn their 12x tables by the time they are 9 years old. My recollection is that the alphabet, reading and writing…and the 12x tables were beaten into us by the age of 6! We even touched upon calculus before the 11+ exam.
I was at Primary School in the 50s and have always assumed that my education was quite normal for the time. However, I’d welcome observations and comments from others here on their own experiences 🙂
But…but…but…all learning has to be FUN!
It`s a lefty tactic to deprive tomorrows kids of their heritage and birthright.
If you can`t check your bills, do a calculation or read Orwell or Solzhenitsyn-then this is EXACTLY what the Left require of the New Model Citizens of cyberworld.
Zuckerberg, Rudd, Jobs(RIP) and Branson etc-follow on social media and do NOT attempt to find out for yourself or read, compute without their content.
Free iPhones and driverless cars-shoplift for ever and scrips online. And Islam will come anyway.
If you don’t mind me saying so you’re talking bollox.
Agreed. I’m a little way ahead of you in age so I attended Primary School in the 1940s and I’ll never forget the whole class were made to chant the 12 times tables with the lady teacher conducting (literally) the proceedings. To this day I can still say these tables and I consider them to be, along with a reasonable grasp of the English Language, two of the the most valuable lessons I ever learned. This was before the advent of childhood social engineering which seems to be a more important part of the school curriculum than the three Rs. Of course we were also taught the pounds ,shillings and pence tables (now defunct). I consider myself privileged to have been born when I was and to have been brought up in the countryside. These days my childhood would probably be viewed as “under privileged.”
Utter bloody tosh. Sure the years following WW2 were tough but they were tough for most of us. I can still vividly recall during the war seeing the convoys of tanks and other military vehicles roaring through our little village damaging the road as they went. I was then 3 or 4 years old and saw that as a great adventure. Sometimes the soldiers looking out of the backs of the lorries (Canadian?) would toss coins into the street and of course there was a mad scramble by us kids to retrieve them. Even at that age I was allowed to wander through the local fields on my own without fear. I feel that the children today are intellectually under privileged and over protected.
Yep Lefty, I’m with you all the way on this one. Times tables, Janet & John books, able to write my name and address all while in the infant school. Like many others, Mum took me to school aged 5 on the first day, to show me the way, and then I was on my own after that – if it rained she would come to the school with my raincoat, – these days the Social would be informed. Today, 60 odd years later, many in the same age group are sent to school in nappies – barely toilet trained, and cant hold a knife and fork. Not the fault of education standards admittedly, but the standard of parenting by those who were brought up in the progressive education system.
Same here, CB.
Bloody nuns would stand over us, beating the rhythm of the tables chant on our knuckles (boys only) with a ruler. When we got one wrong, they would bring it down hard and make us start again. I used to visit schools when I “took” early retirement from my proper job (wrong shape eyes and external genitalia)and when I heard the 2 2s are 4 etc., chant, my knuckles would tingle!
The head nun, who looked like Boris Karloff in drag had a sign over her door, “suffer little children, etc. it said (she was unaware that suffer in this sense meant allow)” and boy, did we! The bastards where also terrified of the communists, who were sweeping across Europe, having just invaded Hungary. They would tell us that if we were captured by the reds we had to make sure we died for our faith! Bloody 8 year olds! We used to shit our selves! They was always after money as well for the “poor children in Africa”. Plus ca change!
Not the first time I’ve heard tales of tortuous nuns Toobi. Some girls in my age group went to the local convent school, and were at nervous breakdown point by the time they left.
The future of child education can be seen in a Canadian curriculum “from early years to Grade 8”. Entitled “Social Justice Begins With Me”, it goes on to list the focuses of work as “ableism”, “heteronormality” “equity” and “classism” among the other SJW cliche bingo terms.
Approaches like this have helped Ontario to knock competence in mathematics at Grade 6 down from 58% to 50% in just 5 years.
“Ex-British soldier ‘who fought IS’ charged with terror offence”
So, are our soldiers who fought in WW1 and WW2 and other conflicts going to be ‘brought to justice’ retrospectively in the future? Who on earth brought this case to court? ISIS?? The Liberal party? Any taxpayer money involved here?
and more pertinently why him but not the 400+ Islamic jihadists running around scot free
Perhaps this is part of the tendency to balance prosecutions of izlamics with at least some normal people so as not to appear izlamophobic. Like making sure that some Sunday Schools are censured for extremism as well as madrassas.
Classic BBC news front page now: muslim victim No 1 story of course, backed up with wimmins rights, Jamaicans womens bobsleigh god help us do they have no shame maybe an office competition they run chuckling as they do it
“Classic BBC ”
I’m very surprised that there’s never been a demand by one of the many gay BBC employees to have BBC TV Centre facing east!
Not the BBC but it looks like yet another box ticking exercise on ITV’s “Britains brightest family” as yet another family of effniks have just been humiliated by a hideously white family.
So they will have us believe these are the brightest families going head to head. They don’t seem to have been chosen for their brains.
Diversity over ability.
London and New York have roughly the same populations and numbers of police. What are the differences in crime stats? Well, “London has almost three times the number of reported rapes and while the murder rate in New York remains higher, the gap is narrowing dramatically.” But, its all down to, “….to the difference in tactics adopted by the two police forces.”.
That’s alright then as it is simply a case of aligning London’s policing style to that of NY. What’s the problem?
At the 2011 census London had a population of 8,173,941. Of this number, 44.9% were White British. 37% of the population were born outside the UK, including 24.5% born outside of Europe.
Whites in the minority and numbers falling year on year. Otherwise known as, ‘white flight’.
New York? “Perhaps the most striking changes are the large decline between 1990 and 2000 in the share of neighborhoods that are majority white, from 40.3 percent to 26.6 percent” –
Click to access The_Changing_Racial_and_Ethnic_Makeup_of_New_York_City_Neighborhoods_11.pdf
Seems NY has a white flight problem as well. I wonder why.
“The European Union economy grew at its fastest pace in a decade last year, figures from the EU statistics office Eurostat have confirmed.”
“UK no longer shackled to a corpse”
There is a HYS running on both.
They seem to be very quick to report the positive news about the EU’ economy? Not so with the UK’s economy?
This should be good news to Brexiteers, because the EU won’t be dependant on our financial support from now?
Reminder to Al Beeb and Boris – We wanted out because of immigration, sovereignty and democracy.
Is that the same EU economy as the one with negative interest rates and quantative easing of 60 billion euros a month? Surely not the one with structural unemployment which reaches 40% of under 30s? It cannot be the same one where countries such as Spain and Italy and now poorer than they were following the 2008 crash? Still less the ones riddled with bad debt, such as Italy and France?
No, else the BBC would have mentioned this, surely?
Scary language from BBC’s Kamal Ahmed … “But the UK is still a major beneficiary as the EU marches forward.” {bbc.co.uk 15feb2018}
“EU joins global growth bandwagon” (article title)
There seems to be an upsurge of background noise relating to a ‘possible’ second referendum. I have noticed several commentators pitching in during the last couple of days and Anne McElvoy had a piece in the ES yesterday advising Remainers to ‘change tack if there’s another referendum’. Even the notoriously non partisan ES views (letters) featured a ‘Brexiteer’ comment urging the PM toward another referendum with a view of settling the question once and for all.
This is the most insidious and dishonest of soft campaigns and seeks to establish the likelihood of another referendum as inevitable.
This must be firmly resisted. The Left/Momentum/Soros/Campus Sheeple are mobilised and awaiting such a sign of weakness – they will not allow the ‘wrong’ vote to be passed again.
The country needs JRM for PM, and it needs it now .
The question was settled on the 23/6/2016. Only a tyrant would say otherwise and we appear to have a quite a few of those in Britain at present.
we voted out so now
the only possible questions if it should even be any should be
take the shite EU deal
Nothing doing WTO and fek orf EU
How long before they blame this terrible event on Trump or Brexit ?
“Florida shooting: At least 17 dead in high school attack”
Sadiq to spend £6m on toilets for bus drivers
“Permanent toilets will be built along 40 routes where there is limited access to facilities.”
At most that is one at start and end of each route,
in practice many will share start or finish with another route
Assuming 40 new toilets would make £150K for each toilet.
Is there a special reason the mostly ethnic Pakistani bus drivers can’t use pub toilets ?
Back home I thought they used the street.
Will Sadiq’s toilets be gender neutral?
He should be able to get toilets cheaper than £6 million in his London shithole
What about safe streets …. all cultures are equal in 2018 …

“Is there a special reason the mostly ethnic Pakistani bus drivers can’t use pub toilets ?”
Oh, hint hint…
London bus drivers aren’t; “mostly ethnic Pakistani”.
And even if they were…
Is there a special reason why you are pathetically trying to turn a story about access to toilets into some anti-muslim propaganda?
Whoops. I liked Maxis comment by mistake. Take one off.
God loves you maxi . I hope you had a nice st Valentine’s Day
Toady watch
Standard albeeb report on people living and in this particular report dying in Westminster tube station near the entrance to the house of expenses and wasted air.
The bubble spoke. It’s terrible and something must be done. Comrade Corbin left a card and flowers and someone from St Mungo s charity talked down from the moral highground.
What wasn’t mentioned was this – that a good few of these people are foreigners . Some choose this ‘as A lifestyle choice ‘ and some get there by circumstances . Many refuse help.
I’ve dealt with quite few people over ther years and to talk of them as a group simplifies things in a way beeboids can feel comfortable .
In my view – giving money to beggars is not always in their best interest and assuming that the state is failing them all is also wrong. Many should go back from whence they came. I’m speaking as an ordinary Londoner who sees this every damn day.
Ironic bit on toady
That haughty queer remainer shit Matthew Parris wrote that he was tempted to turn his wireless off because there is too much about wimmin on it. Some might be tempted to turn it off because both Matthew Parris and men hating wimmin are on toady .
Our Justine and sopel where engaging in mutual…. max trump hating because he hasn’t twittered enough about the latest mass shooting in his country .
Standard al Beeb European mindset of restricting freedom because of the current fashion for using assault rifles in schools to kill teachers are children . Al Beeb cannot get it that America is not Britain .
Update on the dead body at Westminster tube . Although not named – being described as a Portugese national.
You might not have noticed but a significant number of Muslims in Blighty are at war with us because we are not Muslims. The rest bury their heads and thereby assent and are busily pumping out more baby mo s using our benefits .
So , in that nice british way, this site highlights Muslim behaviour which is alien to the british way of life.
Off you go now – I suggest you cut and paste the line before this one . Enjoy nights . Bad for your health apparently .
Hi Maxi, aka Zero
You like public toilets, still use them for fisting? You have form here.
Yes because many Muslims don’t sit on the toilet seat but crouch on it for one or other of their religious mores.
Many years ago at my hall of residence at university we had an outbreak of finding toilet cubicles with piles of excrement on the floor. In those days there were many fewer Muslims about than now and we knew nothing of their odd habits. We termed the unknown perpetrator the Phantom Crapper. After a few weeks we eventually tracked the culprit down ,who was a Muslim from some ‘Stan or other , and he was told in no uncertain terms to use the toilets properly. The problem was solved. No hate crime was recorded , no accusations of racism etc etc. But we are talking of the seventies when we were still allowed to assert our cultural beliefs and norms and not be forced to accept those of others that we took exception to.
Double – I worked in an office where the gent toilet had the same issue. Work often ground to a halt as everyone speculated over who the phantom was. He was never found . The cleaner had a bloody nervous breakdown . Third World Peasants . They can’t drive ( buses ) in London either – but then no one can . Brake accelerate brake…acc
I think most English and Welsh people know how to use toilets. I guess this notice is for people whose religion tells them to shit in a different way.
“They can’t drive ( buses ) in London either – but then no one can . Brake accelerate brake…acc”
Too much experience/heartche of hitting cows on’t roads of Pakistan – white humans in London? that’s fine! I don’t care for the white people, I like their tips though!
And they say migration has enriched our way of life !
Can anyone remember a time before we were swamped, that notices had to be placed informing how to use a toilet ??
Answers on a postcard, Maxi ?
Obama on tape about the Hillary email investigation
“I guarantee there is no political influence in investigations by th DOJ or FBI”
Melanie Phillips had some good points in the Times yesterday
“As Priti Patel observes, however, this is but the tip of a sanctimonious and morally compromised iceberg”
Bet you couldn’t send this to the Guardian online without it being deleted at once!
I have learned that the Guardian hates these words: Iceberg and Tip.
Jane Ludlow, the Wales Woman’s team coach is offering advice to Ryan Giggs.
I kid ye not. Could anyone outside the BBC take this seriously?
The BBC helpfully say: “There are parallels between Giggs and Ludlow, Wales’ head coach for close to four years, both of them having enjoyed playing careers at the highest level in their respective branches of the game.”
Really? Really BBC? There are few male football stars in the world who have equalled what Giggs has achieved.
Jane modestly says, “”In our own realms I guess we are comparable. “
Really Jane. You sure? This is Ryan Giggs, former Manchester UTD superstar.
Only the BBC. It would be laughable if I were not forced by law to pay for this nonsence.
BBC Civilisations is coming to your local museum
… will it be brainwashing your kids ??
“Civilisations is an epic new series spanning 31 countries on six continents, and covering more than 500 works of art.”
Fine but we know they will likely push certain pet issues
Special Victim topics will be pushed …whilst traditional non-lefty
topics like free market ideas, colonial helping will be buried.
BBC say
“The Civilisations Festival takes place from 2-11 March and comprises events staged by over 250 museums, galleries, libraries and archives.
These unique events, which will address the question of what civilisation means to local communities, will be listed on the Museum Crush website.”
#BbcPetIssues ?
eg Edinburgh
“On the eve of International Women’s Day, writer Jo Woolf looks at the life of this quietly determined woman and describes some of Isobel’s adventures that are all the more fascinating for being little-known.
Wednesday 7th March 2018 12:45 – 13:30”
Actually as I scan thru the events the BBC influence seems small and most other museums have not selected a right-on PC topic , but have gone for something local like “The legend of Dick Turpin”
BBC Civilisations is coming to your local museum
Wow. Who did the most to spread civilization, invent maths, produce libraries full of wonderful books, initiated major scientific discoveries, navigate the earth, invent the computer, radio and television, and had it all taken off them by ‘orrible white Christian Islamophobes.
We can be fairly confident that said Festival will dovetail nicely with Socialist philosophy so I shall make sure I am otherwise engaged for the duration. I have plenty of good, Conservative reading to catch up on and with the lengthening of the evenings it may even encourage me to Dubbin up my walking boots and take to the hills. Not before time I might add.
When the bbc asks questions in this way, it usually does not like the answers.