Apart from John Humphrys noting that Lord Malloch-Brown was ‘subverting democracy’ as he collaborates with a foreign billionaire to sell-out Britain to a foreign power, the EU, the BBC seems to have pretty much ignored Soros’ ‘cash for collaboration’ plot to buy influence over British politicians. If it was Murdoch? Did enjoy MB’s assertion that his treachery was ’empowering democracy’ and giving a voice to those whose vote for Brexit was a ‘howl of protest at being ignored’. He does this by ignoring their historic vote, their ‘howl of protest’, and by subverting that democracy.
The BBC doesn’t ignore Anna Soubry of course, she gets the red-carpet treatment, her every utterance treated, like the EU’s Barnum, as if an eternal and unquestioned truth. How different to other Tory Back-benchers who support Brexit and are regularly portrayed as mad fascists holding the party to ransom. Soubry gets a free hand to say what she likes as in the Week at Westminster where she claimed that she put the interests of her constituents before party, she is prepared to compromise, she’s pragmatic. MP’s must listen to their constituents. Of course her constituents voted for Brexit which is why Soubry puts their interests first by…er…trying to stop Brexit. The problem, as she sees it, is that her constituents didn’t know what they were voting for, no idea about the single market or customs union [despite it being made as clear as day by all parties in the referendum]. She moaned that she had been called a ‘traitor’ in the newspapers and says this has definitely led to death threats. Hmmm…maybe they called her a traitor because she is one…to her own constituents and to the British people who voted ‘OUT’. Her own actions led to the threats, can’t blame it on the papers who merely reported the truth.
Nice if the BBC spent more time pointing that out to all those Remoaners who demand a recount.
Any other bias out there? List it all here….
OT. But it does involve one of the BBC poster ‘boys’.
Is anybody surprised?
“The BBC doesn’t ignore Anna Soubry.”
Well, her constituents will certainly ignore her at the next election.
She is probably retiring anyway, and using her remaining term in office for some ulterior motive.
How long before they blame this terrible event on Trump or Brexit ?
“Florida shooting: At least 17 dead in high school attack”
“How long before they blame this terrible event on Trump or Brexit ?”
Here you go…
Alan will no doubt post something tomorrow saying how terrible it all is whilst blaming either the BBC, leftists or muslims; or if he can manage it, preferably all three… (Obama/Hillary for a bonus points).
And how long will it be before you inform us all why you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich ?
We are waiting for your reply maxi…………
“South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma resigns”
Is this nation going to end up as another ‘basket case’?
More demands on the UK for foreign aid?
Why use the word ‘going’. To quote a certain person, SA is a sh****le country already.
“British Olympic diver Tom Daley has announced he is expecting a baby with his husband, US film director Dustin Lance Black.”
Incredible! Absolutely Incredible!
It should go in the Guinness Book of Records as another ‘first’?
I wonder who inseminated whom and how It must be a world first surely? Interesting.
“Transgender woman breastfeeds baby in first recorded case, study says”
Feel sorry for the baby, but why must the bbbc ram it down our throats as well?
“Her own actions led to the threats, can’t blame it on the papers who merely reported the truth.”
So now you’re justifying Death Threats.
You’ve already justified the murder of people you don’t like and the rape of of women who’s morals you don’t approve of, so I guess it’s hardly surprising.
I think you’ve misread what Alan said (or maybe I have?) – he seems to be making the point that it is her conduct in openly going against the clear instruction given to her (and every other MP) by both her own constituents and the population of the nation that has led to the alleged “death threats” (of which I have seen no evidence) and not the contents of any newspaper report.
Nowhere does he indicate that such death threats (if they exist) are justified.
Another “bus/£350million/NHS” moment…
You do your ‘bit’ for charity Max?
Maxi aka zero
You forgot to end your comment with the word ‘Pathetic’ or one like it.
BBC TV news brings us intensive and prolonged reports on the Florida high school shooting. We’re told it is both a ‘common occurrence’ and a ‘uniquely American’ phenomenon. So one wonders why the extensive coverage and top headline status almost blotting out all other stories for us here in the UK.
Well, there are some pretty sexy pictures in a Nightcrawler sense.
It will fit the BBC supported US Democrat Party anti-gun narrative.
And I suppose it keeps the agenda-busting Jacob Zuma story out of the top headlines.
Here is a photo of the alleged Florida shooter. Lefty communist, antifa without his Roy Rogers mask
If this is confirmed the story will die quickly.
I suppose the MSM has to report one of these occasionally or the public might start to think that the Right Wing buffoons that inhabit Biased BBC just might have a point.
BBC radio 4 Today has a good sneer at Fox News this morning. Yes it’s brash as American TV always has been, but heavens above it’s also aligned with Donald Trumps views . Bias is more subtle in the English world of the BBC. The prior item reviews press coverage of Boris Johnson’s speech. The first paper reported is… the Guardian. A left wing pro labour rag that few read.
Nick Bryant’s trivial and unworthy broadcast about Fox News and Trump was simply a hit-piece on Trump. There is no other explanation for it.
As for later on the Today programme, Sopel was wheeled on in order to criticise Trump, saying he was “strangely silent”, whereas St Obama always “responded immediately”. Sopel implied that there has been an upsurge in school shootings during the Trump presidency, and that Obama was not able to do anything on gun laws because of “Republican opposition”. Well, Obama passed a lot of legislation through executive action, by-passing Congress, and there seems no reason why he could not have done similar on gun laws. I strongly hope President Trump will now have a bill prepared for Congress to severely control the availability of automatic weapons. That is surely necessary.
I heard that Sopel interview. The drawback with radio is, of course, we cannot see the interviewee but from his tone and rapid speech I can only assume Sopel was actually frothing at the mouth whilst delivering his daily hatred of President Trump. Perhaps he has been bitten by a stray dog carrying rabies?
Automatic weapons in the USA are strictly controlled. Semi-automatic weapons are not. President Trump will not seek to change this, because half of America owns guns, and they voted for him. I doubt a single gun owner voted for Hillary Clinton.
The Americans who own guns do not want the federal government to seize them. They know full well what happened in the UK and Australia. That is their choice, and the President will respect it.
I heard the odious Sopel on Today this morning, speculating that President Trump might do a “Nixon in China” on gun control. I’d say there is no chance. I expect most Republican voters in 1972 did not really like their President cosying up to Red China, but foreign policy is rarely a big issue in US elections. Gun control is.
The President will stand by the people who voted for him. He has got more sense in this regard than Theresa May, who is always alienating her own supporters, hoping to win the votes of people who will never vote for the “Nasty Party” in a million years. Once again, Trump, the non-politician, gets it, and May, the so-called politician, does not.
Why are the deviant bastards obsessed with sex?
Has anyone on here been surveyed or is it just another “hot” topic being discussed at W1A and Islington dinner tables?
Obsessed? Or simply dedicated?
Interesting just how many logos are included in this PR in guise of news ‘story’.
Amol the merrier asks a question.
Ironic the one he used to work for went belly up despite the efforts of an oligarch and Arab prince.
Amol should get Nick back in. Quality.
To keep giving a fraud a platform to sell more fraud, to give a pedophile a safe-space, to pay opinionated people large wages who are supposed to be socialists but thrive on capitalism, to forget the 71 genders when drawing contracts, to pay grown ups who phone people and talk about having sex with their granddaughter and then invite them back for more pay, to let Directors claim £34 pounds on expenses when they earn 450k, to give these people on high wages free pass to opera and nights out, to write news that hides details, to over use a term like right-wing and forget the left-wing, to give Labour an easy ride, to drop the term Islam and Muslim and to play word and image association games to push your feelings on how the world should be. That is the BBC.
Repeat after Nick Robinson …
“Well there’s the fact we’re (BBC) the most trusted source of news & the world’s best nature programmes (Attenborough) & most popular entertainment (Strictly & Sherlock) & culture (Proms & Glasto) & sport (Wimbledon & the Olympics). Other than that what has the BBC ever done for us?!” – BBC Nick Robinson {twitter}
Nick’s response to Andrew’s tweet …
“BBC on ropes. Sport largely gone to Sky. Quality drama gone to Netflix. BBC news increasingly Brexit, weak & simply Govt press releases. If Netflix set up a sharp, balanced News service, what would be left besides local radio, a desert island & a few good foreign correspondents?” – Andrew Adonis
Al Beeb fixation with South Africa continues – apparently one corrupt anc leader is being replaced by another one. Al Beeb carried the outgoing corrupt ones rambling speech live on its news channel . Whitee really got the blame as usual.
I suppose al Beeb is so interested because it’s the old whitee guilt as well as the st Mandela Who Could Do No Wrong.
Makes you wonder who is really interested in it . The only thing I know about SA is their trolley dollies are very funny – there’s a scotch somewhere .
“The only thing I know about SA is their trolley dollies are very funny ” I met a bunch of them last year on a cruise from New Orleans, they were the life and soul of the trip, bloody hilarious and could they drink!
In this week’s Spectator there is a defence of Christopher Steele, the Brit who wrote the dossier which alleges that Trump colluded with the Russians who helped him win the election. These allegations have been subject to intense investigation for 18 months by a special investigator but as yet no proof has been presented that there is any truth in them. In the Spectator article it admits that the dossier was paid for by Clinton and that the FBI used as the corner stone to get warrants to spy on the Trump campaign without telling the judge who granted the warrent who paid for it. That an article defending Steele admits these key facts shows that good progress has been made by the Trump side in investigating Clinton and Obama’s illegal activities. In fact when you realise that the author of the Spectator article is a BBC reporter , Paul Wood, you really do begin to wonder if even the liars at the corporation are realising that at least Clinton can no longer be saved. Keep piling the pressure on Mr President we want to see heads on spikes and lots of them, for a scandal which has the potential to dwarf Watergate and to expose the whole rotten, stinking , corrupt mess of the international liberal left. Stick it to em Donald.
A very disturbing story that is hiding well down the Daily Mail website
IPSO (Independent Press Standards Organisation) have ruled against the Daily Mail and found them guilty of breaking the newspapers code of conduct.
The complainant was an asylum seeker called Mohammed Ahmed who had been housed by a Sunday Times (female) journalist and had then gone on to totally abuse her kindness. As well as viewing pornography on her computer, he took drugs, was both verbally and physically abusive and, in just about every way possible, made her life hell.
She wrote a long article about it in the Sunday Times last year.
The Daily Mail reproduced the article without any censorship whatsoever.
Mohammed Ahmed complained (or rather, some ambulance-chasing lawyer complained) that his right to privacy had been abused and his complaint was upheld because IPSO said to publish the article a second time was unfair.
Bit by bit we are being turned into a common purpose, authoritarian state where any attempt at free thinking or reporting is leading to prosecution.
I predict that within a relatively short period of time we are going to see serious civil unrest.
“I predict that within a relatively short period of time we are going to see serious civil unrest.” I do hope so, and soon. Its the only way we will rid the scourge from out land.
“IPSO said to publish the article a second time was unfair”
how does that work exactly? how many times have the bbc repeated some guardian crap
surely all paper repeat pretty much all major stories they miss and someone else prints first
‘Fair’ is up there with ‘reasonable’ and ‘proportionate’ in the hands of any corrupt politico-media establishment as it can be interpreted to mean whatever they want, mostly in favour of those doing what they like, but turned on its head if it is people not doing what they like or people they don’t like doing it.
Not a chance. This is the Former UK. Nobody cares enough, any more.
As every civilised method of protest or dissent is gradually being closed down the discontent will seek other ways of expressing itself. But we are still someway from that point and yet the state is already turning its full force on peaceful dissenters eg the ludicrous and very un British hate speech laws , which is sham justice by denunciation, are being enforced vigorously by plod, the appalling treatment of Mr Robinson . If dissent grows and achieves a significant mass we can expect the state to vigorously suppress it by whatever means is necessary. Of course the authorities know that by censoring the internet they will make it very much harder for dissent to spread and grow. Obviously the few remaining rebels in the MSM iare already being cowed hence the IPSO judgement, and the likes of the BBC are in vanguard of changing Britaininto a multiculty country whether the indigenous people like it or not.
Are they discussing this traitor on the biased bbc yet?
They are very keen to highlight President Trumps UNPROVEN alleged links to Russia.
How about Corbyns PROVEN links to Russia?
Second Golden Rule : If they shout accusations at you
..check if those accusations actually apply to them.
Projection is a libmob characteristic
Why is the BBC pulling up a video from a year ago on its home page?
The short film “Is your ‘neutral’ office dress code discriminatory?” asks “What’s really going on here? Journalist and academic Myriam Francois shares her view.”
There’s some preamble about dreadlocks, wearing red or blue ties, afros, rainbow accessories… and then onto the punchline: “Banning the headscarf at work which — let’s face it, is what most conversations about neutrality in Europe are all about, cannot be separated from broader discussions about Muslims as a problem community.”
What’s really going on here — brought to you courtesy of journalist and academic Myriam Francoise… who just happened to converted to Islam in 2003. A fact not mentioned, of course. But how intriguing that the shadowy lighting and thin, err… hair-coloured headscarf she wears makes it easy to mistake for her actual hair. Her choice or the director’s?
The relentless juggernaut of re-education continues apace at the Beloved ﻅﻅﺡ (Propaganda Be Upon It).
Agenda, agenda, agenda from Myriam François-Cerrah
The Sun provides the back ground
In 2003, following extensive research into the faith, she converted to Islam and became a Muslim. She is active as a spokesperson for Muslim understanding, appearing on BBC Big Questions (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011)
Twitter Bio :
“Child of migrants” – Her parents were Irish AFAIK
Good info, thanks for that.
Nothing says trusted and impartial more than an undercover Muslim talking about ‘neutrality’, eh?
bBBC reporting that book publisher ‘And Other Stories’ are only going to publish women authors this year. Blatant sexism, is it even legal? I would have hoped they publish only the BEST works/books!!! This company receives Arts Council support, what a load of cunts. Maybe any shops selling their books should be boycotted or suffer a wave of twitter abuse…… but I’m not holding my breath.
“Is Jeremy Corbyn fit to be leader of the Labour Party let alone the leader of the country?”
Mike Graham Talk Radio 03444991000
Jeremy Corbyn failed to book a seat on a train and then used it as a campaign photo (fake news) … but he can run a Country?
“Memoirs of Jean Monnet, … ‘we will go ahead with our federalist project in the face of public opposition or ignorance’ ” {youtube – Karen Devine speaks at the #Irexit Freedom To Prosper Conference}
In the light of some views expressed here, let me share my tales of woe.
Recently I sought to change my publisher by acquiring a new agent.
I’d say over 90%, possibly 95%, of agents are women working in a women only environment. Of those, most are seeking ‘strong authentic, strong female voices with strong female characters, preferably in STEM’.
It’s like Woman’s Hour in the real world.
After that, one faces publishers. I’d say the ratio of male to female editors, and the books they seek, are the same as the agents.
I spent more than 5 years developing different dramas and comedies with the BBC before I gave up. Only once was I allocated a male editor. I should add that the women I worked with were fantastic, talented and hard working.
Are we better for this direction or, dare I suggest, are we worse off?
Netflix, HBO, Showtime, Amazon and other US broadcasters have pushed the quality of drama way beyond the boundaries of the BBC without being locked into the BBC/Guardian mentality.
Were books with strong male characters, who may not be in STEM, worse than those published today?
What’s STEM?
New one on Fedup .
The gap in quality between the streamed ( American) drama and righton al beeb / itv stuff is huge and we all know why. Scribble explains directly but posters list tired al beeb dramas which just tick boxes .
I started going to theatre again recently but I am giving up. They have a black actor playing salieri
In Amadeus . Sorry it just don’t work . Women playing male roles in Shakespeare . It’s oh so right on but reflects mad times
I thought Mozart was supposed to be the black one. Oh no, that was Beethoven wasn’t it?
Can’t keep up.
Iain – the white kid who played Mozart did him as I kind of ‘ billy idol ‘ ( sorry 80s pop ref) and was embarrassingly bad .
Mozart’s wife was black if I remember but I went at half time as I preferred match of the day .
At least with footy they can be any bloody creed as long as they play/ score – except with the girly game which continues to be an embarrassing lightweight joke . Few lookers either apart from the one who is a dead ringer for Princess Meghan Gord Bless Ya
According to Wiki, STEM could be the acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, or it could be the above ground structures that have vascular tissue and that support leaves and flowers. There are many other examples of Stem given though
My favorite though was a woman who exhibits some stereotypical butch and lesbian traits without fitting the masculine stereotype associated with butch lesbians.
Herr Capitan
Thanks I found that reference as well . I was wondering if STEM is the new sexual variant Beyond the liquid, trans or whatever. I’m still waiting for albeeb to start supporting those who want sex with animals – maybe that’s STEM .
Al beeb really is fixated about sex – must be something in the Salford or W1 water …
I think Woman’s Hour last week had an item about a Canadian female author who kept submitting her one page summaries, but was always rejected, then her friend said “try with a male name”
The success was reversed , literary agents wanted to read manuscripts from the male name, even ones that had rejected the same summary.
I got the impression that it was also mainly female agents.
Of course it’s a great story, so maybe just being cherrypicked and repeated and repeated.
Of course you can cherrypick the other way
BTW confirmation that US publish is female dominated
“In sheer number, women—primarily straight white women—are the backbone of the publishing industry. PW’s annual salary survey showed that women represented 74% of the publishing workforce in both 2015 and 2016,”
but says ““Women authors do not get reviewed at the same level as guys; it’s just a fact. There’s been a lot of data about it.
Women are not winning prizes at the same level as men are.”
(Contradicted by the way most UK prizes go to women these days)
interesting examples Stew. My first publisher told me not to use my christian names, and just have initials. This, she explained, was becuase women wouldnt read books written by men – which is bollocks.
As a head’s up, STEM is used for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Clearly some people on this site do not watch enough BBC or listen to sufficient programs of Woman’s Hour.
Unusually al beeb reporting the latest teenage boy to be stabbed to death in London . On my count that’s one every 10 days .
The mayor – a former civil rights lawyer – is on the case . With his leadership the average killing should get to one every 7 days .
This is because he blames the government for cuts causing stabbings – as it were so chooses to not do anything about it.
On the upside less stop and search
Whole new meaning to ‘cuts’
Ta Thatch – fun out of misery eh?
I saw a thing about London being amalgamated into one big police force . Bound to stop stabbings that one
Lent began yesterday. A time for Christians to fast. I was disappointed that the BBC never broadcast Treezer’s message for Lent, like the one she did for Ramadamalinglong.
Treezer is trying to decide whether to give up chips, fags or beer.
My esteemed lawyers inform me that should I commit a crime during Lent I should explain to the Judge that I was fasting.
In the legal profession it is known as a cultural defence.
All cultures are equal, innit. Or Funt cultus as we say in our yoonies
I would advise Mrs May to give up the fags. Beer and chips are fine in moderation but there is no way back if you catch a disease from the fags.
Treezer’s photo is her “strong and stable” Government in action.
I must say our Theresa looks like the kind of gal who would have some pretty fine tattoos fixed to her skin. Perhaps she has a tongue stud too.
Sorry, my mind is running riot again.
Men’s Hour : A prog called the Male Room aired on R4 last night, with new editions Tonight and Friday
Three editions also aired in December
Topic was anger – repressed and explicit.
With David Baker of the School of Life, Policeman and barber Darren Birch., Martin Daubney, former editor of Loaded magazine, Freelance writer Abi Wilkinson. American satirist Joe Queenan.
“After Harvey Weinstein and #metoo,
daily sexual harassment revelations and disputes over power and pay,
gender relations are in a state of flux and the male psyche is under scrutiny”
@OllyMann was the presenter : Interview
The BBC – editorial integrity so bad, you should always read all the way to the end…
Power-sharing talks collapse at Stormont
Minister in charge of brokering a deal = Karen Bradley
No surprise there given the incredibly weak and pathetic BBC loving politician.
The woman has a history of failure in ministerial positions.
The hands of the EU or their proxies in Remain circles are all over this. The EU has decided that the Irish border question can be a powerful lever in the negotiations . They don’t seem to realise that they are playing with fire and that the ‘ Troubles ‘ could very easily be reignited . But perhaps that is what they actually want and claim that the only way to reestablish peace is to stay in the EU. But whatever happens , no matter if blood is spilt, we know that the BBC will be certain to claim that it is the fault of Brexit.
It seems to be a very fragile peace indeed, if the creation of customs border posts is going to instigate a return to violence. Do they want peace, or not? If they do, I’m sure all concerned will be able to find a workable solution.
You’ve got it D.T.
Wronged how the hell can she do Northern Ireland , West Ham footy club board and the apprentice . No wonder they did nt get an agreement . Wonder what she did wrong to get NI?
What about the Male/Female Life GAP?
Guest -so I’m guessing it might have something to do with a minimum of 500 000 thirdworlders turning up in Blighty every year …. but don’t suppose al beeb mentions that .
More review of BbC ‘science’ reporting, where sticking stuff in ‘quotes’ means pretty much saying anything is fine:
Our potential next Prime Minister
It has sent Paul Mason into a lather.
Speaking of ex- Beeboids…
The Beeb has totally ignored this story on its web site (TV?, radio?) – I guess the unsurprising revelation that Corbyn was being in some way complicit with UK’s Cold War enemies is somehow not worth investigating nor relevant to holding the potential position of PM.
And why do the Tory’s ignore this!
David Willis (yet ANOTHER BBC WASHINGTON correspondent), reports on the tragic Florida shooting on the TV news at 1.00pm, and has a dig at Trump because he has the support of the NRA. (see the trail leading from the shooting to the President..?)
One blessing: we didn’t have Sopel, who would have got completely carried away. Btw, does anyone have any idea how many people the BBC have in Washington? I’ve long ago lost count.
But we got a dose of Sopel on Toady lamenting the lack of Presidential tweets . He’s sure to be a comfort to the next of kin – Sopel
Fedup2 : Oh darn….I missed Toady! I do so love hearing from Sopel.
I suppose lack of tweets leaves him without anything to moan about?
No they found some lawyer who gave a lady of easy virtue $130 000 of his own money for reasons unknown and was trying to tie it to the Trump campaign .
I was thinking maybe this lady was very good at her job . Sopel and our Justin had the chat – sounded a bit like listening to a bubble dinner party .
A quick dig too at the NRA cos the kid got hold of an AR15 assault rifle . They prefer talking about America rather that kids getting stabbed to death in Blighty unless they can turn it into a racial of course
fakenw, there was a new one on R4 the other day, female, a graduate of The Dame Celia Vowel-Strangler School of Elocution. Sorry, cannot recall the name.
Sleeping rough. “This includes people of all nationalities, and a significant number of EEA nationals.” The ECHR has taken a look at the the issue and, on the back of that, our High Court has quashed the UK policy guidance as a result. Making it more difficult to send the EU national back to his/her home country. Well, what would you expect of our legal system?
G, maybe for comparison, we should send a group of folk to rough-sleep in Luxembourg and see how long it takes the Authorities there to shift them back to the UK?
I wonder if places such as Poland, that must have lost millions of citizens who have emigrated, will have perhaps millions of houses standing empty.
It must be very tempting for the eu, the far left and others to direct millions of their brown eyed boys to these empty properties, after all, with so many standing empty they must be very cheap.
The brown eyed boys could then do all the jobs that the indigenous chaps refuse to do.
Then, as were always told, millions of immigrants means a booming economy and Poland will become a hugely rich and prosperous land.
Unless they are telling lies of course.
They might have but we are likely to have lots of empty houses previously owned by Brits if companies like this insist on employing EE drivers and refusing qualified Brits.
How long before hignfy does a US special, with Katty, Jon and the Gang as guests?
It’ll be, like, OMGsville.
I switched on the lunchtime news waiting to hear Theresa May’s announcement that Antifa would now be banned given the American School shooters membership of that vile organisation. Strangely no sign of this. Can anyone explain the delay ?
Too busy banning some polish bloke coming here to give out a few home truths in a speech due in Bristol Friday night . An mp for Islamabad called Huq is leading the screaming against free speech on this one
Hope he got a flexi ticket on Ryanair
I’m sure that, in no time at all, the entire MSM will be referring to him as “Far Left”.
Unfortunately, the announcements will be drowned out by the sounds of Hell freezing over.
Antifa and UAF are an extra line of support for this government and the oppositions multiculty open borders policy. They can go that bit further than the police in breaking up meetings, enforcing no platforms and defending Islamic hate preachers.
Sounds about right for the world’s most trusted broadcaster.
Rape/Sexabuse not being recorded by police
The inspectorate has found N. Yorks & Thames Valley and are not recording 1/5 of crimes in their area.
I hope they are not covering up grooming or something.
R4 Drama now
Characters say ” It’s terrible the poverty gap these day”
BS when I was a child most of the shops closed down and then you’d go down south and find that’s a different planet
..and London again .
Then Im in Indonesia and wages are a 1/10th of here but houses cist 1/20th of here.
What the heck is happening in Sweden?
Are they suicidal or insane…or both?
I see the bishop feels the call to prayer will make the Muslims feel more at home. From what we hear of what’s going on in Sweden, I’d say they’re already feeling at home by the way they’re treating the women and fighting anyone who dares question their religion.
Clare Balding , Radio 4s main walking/countryside correspondent just admitted she wouldn’t ever camp or stay in a bothy “only a nice B&B with running hot water and comforts”
FFS how soft and London is that ?
So you pay your MP (via tax) who then pays the BBC (via TV License). If they want the BBC the MPs should pay out of their own wages (which you pay for). Another way the BBC gets paid, under threat of prison.
Anna (Soubry) of course pays for her own TV licence for her home. With regards to the link below, the TV Licence on Anna’s Office Costs budget 16-17 is for the constituency office.
What happens when you offer a course in free speech and people being triggered by simple words ?
…the students get triggered.
“What is it about deranged Remainer Lord Adonis that still attracts the bbc…?”
When was Lord Adonis elected by the people ?
A woman somewhere in Spain was told she would not be up to the pace of the job. Is this news? It is according to the BBC. A single applicant of the hundreds of millions of jobs worldwide feels was discriminated against – hold the front page!
Of course as a white paedophile Bennel will be given blanket coverage. Also a transgender person has done something!
Will this garbage ever change? The Groundhog Broadcasting Corporation uses it multi billion pound budget to say about five things over and over and over. It should be called BBC Views – there is little news.
Spare a thought for poor Christa Ackroyd who apparently was a beeboid North person. Poor Christa has just been landed with a £400 000 tax bill from hmrc after losing her case in tax court.
The information is coming from an al Beeb report so must be somewhat bias . Anyway I think she tried to minimise her tax employing herself and thus paying herself a dividend taxed lower tha PAYE like the rest of us shmucks. May there be many more ms Ackroyd s …
Despite Brexit.
“Lidl opens its 700th store in the UK”
At least they have faith and optimism in our nation.
Despite Brexit.
“Bombardier reports 57% rise in profits”
\\Now, Bombardier says it is moving “into a strong growth cycle”. //
Agree but readers will note this news is not accompanied by any Brexit commenary at all.
It is a BBC rule that Brexit is only remarked upon when there is bad economic news.
A guy on Toady this morning (amazingly out up against Ed Balls) who actually runs a business pointed out that although export/import paperwork on WTO rules looks daunting at first glance, once the computer is set up it is just a minor piece of business admin. Not a showstopper. Average WTO tariffs are about 2%, rather less than the 10-15% post referendum devaluation. China seems able to cope……
The Remainers doth protest too much, methinks.
Its about time that Al Beeb got behind Great Britain and promoted it to the rest of the world for a change . What else is it for, Europe?
Another bad shooting incident in the USA. A nice chance for the biased BBC to blame by inference Trump for failing to support gun control and a barely concealed attack on the USA for having the temerity to abide by its constitution.
How about some statistics?
The murder rate per 100,000 population is about 1 for the UK. For the ‘evil’ USA it is about 5, about the same as the Baltic States ( in the EU !!!). Anyone remember a BBC special on the murder rate in Lithuania? Nope, me neither.
Surely the socialist paradise of Venezuela, Jezza’s favourite country, has a low rate? Errr….no, the rate is 57!!!!!! Ten times higher than the USA. Any comment, BBC? Of course not.
But as we all know, the facts are irrelevant when the BBC have an agenda to promote.
Well we can see where the bBBC narrative is heading already, despite the fact that it has already been reported he had previously expressed support for ISIS!
“US media report that Mr Cruz has links with a white supremacist group called the Republic of Florida.”
If you pick the Kings Lynn or Boston paper you’ll see that a vastly disproportionate amount of crime is down to Baltic state people
Although I have hitch-hiked and free-camped my around those states and not felt it dangerous.
In the socialist paradise of Venezuela, in Caracas we had 10 murders/day 40 every weekend
Almost are all on the hill slopes where ex-countryside people put their illegal shacks ..life is cheap there.
If you go to the Wikipedia page and click on the rate column to order data by rate , the US is quite low
94 out of 220 states
Lithuania is 87 (Vzla has 10 times that rate)
UK is 183rd (Vzla has 60 times that rate)
StewGreen, if we can find these stats in minutes it just goes to show up the beeb’s agenda. And if they argue they have no agenda, they have to admit to being incompetent. It’s the same with their climate change reporting.
“Publicly inconsolable that racism continues, these activists seems privately terrified that it has abated.”
One of Thomas Sowell’s favourite quotations. Spot on. The stirrers at the Beeb do everything to fan the dying embers of racism.
Sometimes the degree of disreputable reporting from the BBC webpage defies any level of moral belief.
Political agitators are using the deaths of 71 people for political purposes and the BBC runs along with it without mentioning the background of the politcially motivated group Justice 4 Grenfell.
Here is what The Times has said:
People who actually suffered, who lived in the tower, have criticised Yvette Williams’ Justice 4 Grenfell of treating the tower “like a piece of meat”.
“Sid-Ali Atmani, who escaped from the 15th floor, said: “A lot of people are trying to make it political. It’s wrong. Please don’t use our name. When Mrs May came to the meeting she had a lot of respect from us. We are dignified people.”
“Edward Daffarn, 55, who lived on the 16th floor said: “This tragedy is being used as a focus for people discontented with lots of things and is also being used as a vehicle for other people who are discontent to pounce on. All this is an absolute disservice to everybody who perished in that fire and everybody who had to run away to avoid being burnt to death.”
If you don’t believe The Times then check the backgrounds of those misusing the people’s deaths
Either the BBC is to lazy to research this, else, it is complicit in the appalling exploitation of the deaths of 71 people, who died in the cruellest and most horrible circumstances.
Oxfam Haiti boss Roland vH comes out fighting
with a long letter
Seemingly explaining all
Says the accuser is alcoholic from Liberia, he himself never went with prostitutes but had fired staff in Chad & Haiti for that.
Claims his blame is having his lady friend visit his house 3 times, and that being a bad example to his staff.
Said he’d never even been in a bar in Haiti, never mind a sex party.
Everyone should watch the latest Still report on the Obama regime’s surveillance of Trump, and the active role of GCHQ. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgHjSmEq2Lk It includes discussion of a newly discovered (leaked) unredacted letter from Susan Rice to the UK Foreign Secretary, a certain Boris Johnson. This whole saga gets more appalling by the day. Now will the BBC start reporting facts from the US? [The question is purely rhetorical].
God I’m angry. Trying to calm down….deep breath.
Just seen the piece about Transgender “thing” breastfeeding a baby !! This to me is outright child abuse putting there perverted agenda into practice and involving a child. I’m sure there are lots of “real” women out there who would feed that vunrable child, but oh no the BBC see this as another move forward. I cant even figure out it the “thing” feeding the poor baby is a man playing at being a mummy or a women having a go at being a man !! And while I’m at it those twats at the BBC and every presenter including LBC stop mid sentence ….err i mean people kind…err fireperson…etc etc however they still use the term GUNMAN not GUNPERSON….Fuck off lefties I’m going for a walk. I just hope I don’t spend all night thinking of that poor baby !!!!!
“Just seen the piece about Transgender “thing” breastfeeding a baby !!”
Just wondering if “he” has had his monthly period yet?
If he’s a she one wonders with so much drugs in her/his/its system can she/he/it ever get to perform such an important natural act?
What worries me is the effect on the baby of all the drugs it’s receiving via the milk, not to mention what it will understand in years to come that it’s been fed by a man trying to be a women! Perhaps by then it will be the norm!
Calm down dear. It’s only a matter of time before the Lefties will take this nonsense to such ridiculous lengths that even the sheeple will realise what is going on. From then on it will be “adios Lefties.”
The Soviet Union went through a similar trauma but is now almost recovered.
Agree. It’s no longer enough to be just gay. Now you have to be transgender at the very least to be cool. I stood behind two girls (boys?) in a queue the other day and one said to the other, ‘I don’t think I have any non-binary friends these days.’
I had to get a translation from my daughter (17). It’s comforting to know that many kids her age think this is all bollocks. They also take the piss out of those in school who identify as boys, girls, cats or dogs whatever. Surely we can’t be too far from the point when even the beeb start to question just how ridiculous all of this crap sounds – plus they will start to worry about the drop in viewers/listeners eventually.
That human turd Kylie Morris on C4 news just now suggesting school shooter ‘a disciple of a white supremacist organisation’
Hidden away ………
Those ‘men’ again ?
Hi taffman, go to the first page of this thread and do a “control – F” search for Manchester. The BBC have an earlier article saying the police are looking for a man of “Asian appearance” – which they leave out in the later article you provided a link to.
Eg… ‘Obfuscation’.
I suspect that the BBC series Collateral has already had the slamming it deserves on BIASEDBBC.
The black population of London is around 13%.
Women make up around a 1/3 of the police force, and about 1/5th of senior positions.
Minority ethnic officers make up between 0.6% and 11% of police officers of various forces in the UK.
Yet here, just about all the officers were black and female.
How can the audience find it remotely credible?
The characters weren’t just Guardian stereotypes, speaking in Guardian language about immigration and the disappointment of the labour party, but they did it with clunky first draft dialogue.
The actors were fine, in fact many were just stunning, yet the dialogue was first draft and, well, shite.
Still, where else, other than the BBC, could you have a lesbian vicar in a relationship with an illegal immigrant?
The box ticking was ludicrous, in scene after scene after scene. The BBC has now moved to a point of laughable satire on its self and the funniest thing is, that the BBC just doesn’t see it!
I’d say it is like being hit around the head by a wet Guardian, like all other BBC drama, but looking at the comments section in the Guardian, the BBC have missed their audience.
Luckily al beeb is so bad at putting across the multicultural all together message one can assess the content of programmes like “collateral” within a couple of minutes and even in the trailer .
Some are so bad they’re funny . Al beeb has also adopted the Hollywood fashion of casting a white english man as a baddy – so no need to pay too much attention .
More news for the Al BBC to ignore, I did check their sh-t new local news platform … I shouldn t have bothered … its garbage
“Taiyab Hussain, Mohammed Hizar Rizwan, Shaheem Ratyal and Sohail Raja Ali, all from Burton, pleaded guilty to child sex offences in court last week, after their victims bravely came forward to their families and a police investigation was launched.”
Bit like the paki uncle who raped and murdered his niece and had been fanticising about raping a 17 year old virgin . Sounds like a Rochdale mini cab driver .
If “paki” allowed now ? I grew up with it as a shortened term for Pakistani . Same with “coloured “ or “darkie” which was also acceptable but apparently isn’t now confused ? Dot com
Oxfam related … “Humanitarian intervention is almost always disastrous. Let me give you an example, it’s called France. You will remember Britain and America liberated France. What thanks did we get from them? The French has spent that last 40 years trying to obliterate the shame, by doing everything they can to damage Britain and America. What I’m trying to illustrate is that people don’t like being freed. (** lots of moaning in audience and panel **) They mistake liberators for conquerors. Which is exactly what has happened in Afghanistan, it’s exactly what’s happened in Iraq. … Only one person can make you free, it is yourself.” – David Starkey youtube – @9:08
“We didn’t go into France to liberate France, we went into France to destroy Nazi Germany. What I’m trying to do if David (Dimbleby) you will occasionally detach your mind from your prompt sheet … and listen to what people are saying. (** awkward shuffle by David **). What I was saying was that people do not like being liberated. …”
Does seem strange that the political class took Blighty into a mainland European civil war started by the krauts TWICE in a life time – or death time – more appropriately and want to airbrush the sacrifice of British people for their freedom as fast as they can . Heath attempted to aid them in this by lying to us about the common market and now come the consequences .
Brillo on his twitter feed reports that the current kraut army is ineffective and using the american military to save having to spend money on defence .
I just hope the next time the Europeans have a scrap we stay out of it – unless it really is in our interest such as the inevitable attempt by Muslims to take over a European nation or part of it.