Apart from John Humphrys noting that Lord Malloch-Brown was ‘subverting democracy’ as he collaborates with a foreign billionaire to sell-out Britain to a foreign power, the EU, the BBC seems to have pretty much ignored Soros’ ‘cash for collaboration’ plot to buy influence over British politicians. If it was Murdoch? Did enjoy MB’s assertion that his treachery was ’empowering democracy’ and giving a voice to those whose vote for Brexit was a ‘howl of protest at being ignored’. He does this by ignoring their historic vote, their ‘howl of protest’, and by subverting that democracy.
The BBC doesn’t ignore Anna Soubry of course, she gets the red-carpet treatment, her every utterance treated, like the EU’s Barnum, as if an eternal and unquestioned truth. How different to other Tory Back-benchers who support Brexit and are regularly portrayed as mad fascists holding the party to ransom. Soubry gets a free hand to say what she likes as in the Week at Westminster where she claimed that she put the interests of her constituents before party, she is prepared to compromise, she’s pragmatic. MP’s must listen to their constituents. Of course her constituents voted for Brexit which is why Soubry puts their interests first by…er…trying to stop Brexit. The problem, as she sees it, is that her constituents didn’t know what they were voting for, no idea about the single market or customs union [despite it being made as clear as day by all parties in the referendum]. She moaned that she had been called a ‘traitor’ in the newspapers and says this has definitely led to death threats. Hmmm…maybe they called her a traitor because she is one…to her own constituents and to the British people who voted ‘OUT’. Her own actions led to the threats, can’t blame it on the papers who merely reported the truth.
Nice if the BBC spent more time pointing that out to all those Remoaners who demand a recount.
Any other bias out there? List it all here….
So, Treezer is attending the annual, Munich Security Conference. Our “Most Trusted” tell us on Toady that there’s much opportunity for confidential ‘side meetings’ for delegates off the record. I’ll bet a pound to a penny what we will never hear about is:
1. Any discussion about the growing ‘displeasure’ and disquiet amongst many EU citizens with having forced islam rammed down their throats ‘foie gras’ style. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32815SIgq1A
2. Any discussion about their management of the accelerating legal encroachment on the rapidly evaporating democracy and in particular, the so-called, ‘right to Free Speech’. All delegates can claim success in this regard with their, ‘Hate Crime’ laws and Treezer can make the point that she’s got away with her, intentionally crippling, ‘Hate Speech’ with not so much as a whimper even from the academic constitutionalists.
3. No doubt there will be discussion about the likelihood in some EU states of civil unrest over forced islamisation. Delegates can confidentially discuss what preparations their Governments are making to resist any disorder so that the transition from predominantly peaceful white populations throughout Europe to islamic barbarism and savagery can proceed unhindered. Treezer can also tell the other delegates that, in case of a potential coup, she has run the armed forces down to the bare minimum so as to eliminate that risk.
I think we would all agree that the Conference is a wonderful opportunity to show Treezer standing ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with her fellow islamic leaders in Europe. We look forward to the photographs.
And finally, another leader that failed to monitor and act on their populations’ unrest –
Why when I lookup a BBC Muslim prog does iPlayer say
“You might also like : A Labour Party Political broadcast, and The One Show” ?
Here’s that prog : New BBC documentary follows one woman’s mission to unite Birmingham
Crossing Birmingham’s Invisible Borders will broadcast on BBC One West Midlands this Friday 2 February
“Living totally separate lives just a few miles apart – it’s a feature of many communities in big cities like Birmingham. But does it have to be that way? We follow a pioneering attempt to turn strangers into friends, led by a woman whose family has suffered from anti-Muslim violence”
Aysha Iqbal gets a kicking in the Birmingham Mail comments
Prog link
Mitt Romney launches Utah Senate campaign with dig at Trump
well that’s a sure fire way to ensure that the BBC will, for once, avoid including the M(ormon) word in the report.
Seems the future voices of the bbc are unlikely to be baritone.
Why can’t they stand up straight?
No backbone…………
They want a pee and are too scared to ask permission to go
Application form makes it clear “second generation diaspora”, but despite the photo, it doesn’t say you have to be a girl.
“Work in English and one other of the World Service languages listed below” List of 21 , all from Asia/Africa except Russian/Ukrainian
– It’s London-biased cos that is the only location.
“This scheme is open to people from all backgrounds and from every corner of the UK.
We are looking to tap into the second generation diaspora experience within the UK and we welcome applications from BAME candidates”
More on Christa Ackroyd & tax tribunal judgement against BBC Personal Service Companies PSCs.
– Poached by BBC from ITV in 2001
– First of 100 BBC PSCs waiting judgements
– Found not guilty of tax cheating, but ordered to pay £419K back, cos in effect she was a BBC employee and should have paid tax at PAYE rate.
– ruling acknowledges “was ENCOURAGED by BBC to contract thru a PSC”
– BBC said it is “entirely legitimate practice”
– expert said “HRMC has effectively put her out of a job”
Yorkshire Post frontpage
Student Arjunbir Singh Soin, 21, was behind with his university work and also wanted a day in bed.
Brighton Apple shop worker called in five bomb threats against his employer to skive work. (link: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5375994/apple-shop-worker-made-bomb-threats-against-his-employer-to-skive-work/) thesun.co.uk/news/5375994/a…
“We’ve learnt in as clear a way as possibly could be learnt by anybody, that most of the press in free Western Countries are cowards.” – Douglas Murray @5:46
Now the bBBC is stirring up people to take offence at the word ‘negro’. What are we supposed to use, nigger?
I seem to recall that the (Washington Post?) had apologise profusely for using the word (correctly) ‘niggardly’ 🙂
So, I imagine that if ‘niggardly’ is unacceptable then use of your ‘N-word’ will be a ‘hate crime’ worthy of a beheading 🙁
I DO wish they’d make up their minds. As a child growing up my Dad told me off for referring to black people as ‘black’. Its rude to call them that, they are ‘coloured’. So for decades they are ‘coloured’, then the tide changes and they want to be called ‘black’, (duh!), latterly its changed again to ‘people of colour’. And now ‘negro’ is offensive. Sorry I cant keep up, can we have a dictionary please, updated every 18 months, with who wants to be called what and on which day of the week. Explanation of initials might be useful too.
“A pleasure to welcome @AndrewMarr9 to sunny Brussels this morning for a lively discussion on the #Brexit negotiations & the @Europarl_EN’s fight for citizens’ rights. It will be aired on Sunday.”
Hope JCJ hid the happy juice if Andy got a bit tired, or the typist pool best bail early.
Is Andrew Marr turning into a ventriloquist’s dummy?
That sounds racist, yet when you check the immigration rules of any Islamic dominated states they almost always privilege Islamic immigrants.
Also Israel can be said to favour Jewish immigration.
However unfair it sounds, it has got to the point where we should shut our borders entirely and only allow people in who have valid travel or work visas and health insurance.
When we have sorted out the mess in this country (someone/anyone?) we can think again.
Sorting things out includes scrupulously applying the same rule of (British) law to all.
If they were bilateral talks, would that make Mutti bicurious?
‘Bi curious ?’
Just saw on BBC News Channel a bit about the drop in number of 24 to 35 year olds being able to purchase a home comparing those in 1995 to the present day. They featured “Tom” who is renting in Brighton but travels to London for work. I’m sure he could find a cheaper property outside of Brighton if he wanted to look.
No mention of the fact that the UK population has increased by 10 million since 1995.
The sick messages that landed a Twitter troll in jail
David Bitton sent 600 homophobic, anti-Semitic, and other abusive messages to Greater Manchester Police and other organisations
This guy received the almost unbelievable sentence of 4 years !!!! for sending a few tweets, and check out the comments because everyone thinks it’s a crazy amount of time, given the other ones handed down for real actual crimes which cause people injury.
If this is the state our country has come to then its an appalling illustration of the oppressive totalitarian intolerant Fascism we all live under now.
The sick messages that landed a Twitter troll in jail
David Bitton sent 600 homophobic, anti-Semitic, and other abusive messages to Greater Manchester Police and other organisations
This guy received the almost unbelievable sentence of 4 years !!!! for sending a few tweets, and check out the comments because everyone thinks it’s a crazy amount of time, given the other ones handed down for real actual crimes which cause people injury.
If this is the state our country has come to then its an appalling illustration of the oppressive totalitarian intolerant Fascism we all live under now.
“The biggest decline in home ownership in the last 20 years has been among middle-income 25 to 34-year-olds, the Institute for Fiscal Studies said.”
Too many kids wasting their time in ‘yooni’, studying for pseudo degrees when they should have been earning money to get on the property ladder and building up their pension fund.
More than half of them should never have gone to university, they have wasted their lives. The country needs brickies, plumbers, carpenters, and electricians, not actors, journalists, political advisors and circus clowns.
We have somebody of this ilk where I work. Mid/Late thirties, owns extremely expensive watches, designer clothes etc etc and paid a ridiculous salary, but still renting. I don’t have any of these things (went to Uni mind) but my mortgage has just been paid off.
Forgot to mention two expensive holidays a year and a flash company car.
Was it maxincony ?
An oldie worth repeating via @Pounce
Scunthorpe April 2016 Mohammad Abdullah deliberately stopped and mowed down 2 blokess who’d been crossing the road
I was all on video and he got 6 years
But the story was not selected for Operation bangingOn by the media. BBC only ever mentioned it on 14 Oct 2016 but one story the title wrongly says it was in Hull.
Then they put it in the South Yorkshire section which is the wrong region.
Compared to 43 years for Mr Osbourne..
13 Russians charged over US 2016 election tampering
hmm we’ll see
“Three of those named have been accused of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and five have been accused of aggravated identity theft.
The announcement was made by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating alleged Russian meddling.
Three Russian companies are also named in the indictment.”
\\ “Defendants, posing as US persons and creating false US personas, operated social media pages and groups designed to attract US audiences,” it reads.
“Defendants and their co-conspirators also created and controlled numerous Twitter accounts designed to appear as if US persons or groups controlled them.”//
\\ to support Bernie Sanders and then-candidate Donald Trump.”//
\\ $1m a month//.. that is nothing in the scheme of things
\\ the indictment does not suggest collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians,
it says the meddling effort may have been aided by “unwitting individuals” associated with the Republican nominee.//
Any special reason you’d release such a story on a Friday afternoon ?
Andrew Pierce on LBC said
“Well the FBI is being asked why they didn’t do anything about the school shootiier when he posted his idea on Facebbok… and now suddenly they come out with this”
Perhaps now Muller will now enquire into the proven Democrat and Clinton-funded dossier compiled from Russian sources, and full of false smears against Trump. Unlike the latest Muller ‘reveal’, the smears in that dossier were actually made public before the Presidential election, and undoubtedly did influence voters, though happily not sufficiently. I hold no hope of Muller investigating that, however.
Great minds think alike. The excellent Scott Gronmark eviscerates the BBC’s latest morality play, David Hare’s ‘Collateral’ and, in so doing, discovers that James Delingpole beat him to it, in this week’s Spectator.
“Merkel ‘curious not frustrated’ after Theresa May meeting”
Curious? Mrs Merkel, we voted out!
I had Eddie Mairs execrable excuse of a show on 90 mins ago.
In my randon fifteen minutes I was told about
a) Brexit confusing the security services enough to put out an “unprecedented statement ” about Brexit…as if Blairs WMD politickings with MI5 had never happened before.
b) A Scottish Council to give free dinners all year to their bairns…as if the taxpayer won`t be paying for this, and some Poly Dolly doing “research into holiday hunger” was asked by Eddie “was this good?”, and “why oh why do we need this?”
c) Southampton getting a new theatre to bring in the citizens and show them why Labour got into power in 1945. Howard Brenton wrote it and all manner of “social added values and legacies” seemed to be worth the money and paying of these Oxbridge Footlight luvvies to bring arts to the chavs.
d) Team GB medalled in something in the Winter Games-let the nation rejoice, ring those bells!
And as I listened to this crap, one endless lefty cultural nudge and political dirge on a one stringed banjo?
I did think of turning off my dinner and boiling up some grass and getting my Clinton pantsuit on with a borrowed Lennon cap. Then praising Lord Hall in a choreographed ceremony.
This is now North Korea-in fact, their news is no less unctous, spiteful and lazy than is Eddie Mairs.
“Camra apologise for ‘offensive’ crossword in magazine”
Why is this even newsworthy?
Twittle Twattle from a load of snowflakes who seem to be ‘offended’ by nothing much to be honest. But it finds itself on the ‘front page’. WHY?
Think its pester power for grown-ups.
THe enemy have lost the big debates on Brexit and Trump, but-being lazy, overpaid and self-righteous consumers-they CAN use social media to stir up activist campaigns against any group not permitted by Antifa or BDS etc. Camra is a sitting duck, as is the Daily Mail.
That the owners of the Lefts targeted attacks inevitably fold like a pack of cards at the slightest pressure from a few twitter twats, only shows how spineless and pathetic they are.
WE need to tell Camra that we`ll walk out on them if they DO collapse at such trivia. The twitter gonks are not folkie real ale types-vegan students and hunt sabs mainly with no course this week, and a keyboard.
Pester power works both ways, we have more money and can hit the liberals in the pocket as they try to shut us down. Revenge on them, not that many liberals actually ARE market sensitive(nearly all public sector wasters or perpetual students , dole wallahs on the sick)
Alicia Sinclair
Had the Camra crossword clue contained the word Honky or Cracka not a word word have been heard from the Illiberals. Personally I wear the title Honky, Cracka (or Breeder from the queer brigade), as a badge of honour. Same goes for the title of Right Wing Buffoon or more recently ,Mrs Clinton’s Deplorable. It amuses me, but of course the Marxists are humourless whingers.
If they publish a crossword like that (p*sses off the lefties) I might join them.
9pm BBC4 Don Letts prog on Skinheads
“tracing its origins in the 1960s as a `harmonious subgroup’ through to its evolution throughout the 1970s and 1980s
into a `threatening and bigoted subculture steeped in far-right politics and violence’.
.. and its associated stigma associated by exploring white power nationalists in the US, fascist revivalists in Italy and Neo-Nazis in Germany. ”
In my experience skinheads were not any sort of subculture – just a bunch of thugs who ran like rabbits when challenged.
The bbc on its web site on Radio 4 news were scathing and cynical about Theresa May, the UK and Brexit.
Sky news reports that “The German Chancellor wants a EU-UK relationship “as close as possible” once Britain has left the bloc in 2019.”
Now, who can be right? They both cannot be.
BBC Trending basically needs a sticker on it saying “Made by Hate not Hope”
3 weeks ago edition was \\ The Far Right and Sweden
Why are right-wing extremists obsessed with one Nordic country?//
Start – “Patrik Hermansson was working with British Anti-racist org HnH
He wanted to infiltrate the extreme end as what has become known as the Alt-Right*….”
This week why are Far Right activists* around the world so preoccupied with Sweden”
..”It’s a country of less than 10 million people … it doesn’t seem like very fertile ground for the Alt-Right* …we went there”
Today’s edition is “Undercover with the Alt-Right
Patrik Hermansson spent a year undercover with extremist groups. He tells us his story”
Mike Wendling gets a $100 bonus whenever he manages to get the word “Alt-right”into a prog
OK back to that Sweden edition
The intro goes on to frame Sweden as great etc, and anyone concerned as a loony “far-right” , yet 5 mins into the show after playing Trump’s words, they admit
” Sweden has had a huge surge in immigrants in last few years.. 2015 more than 160K mostly Africans
then “Although at the time of Trump’s words theses reports of a surge in crime were mostly anecdotal ..there is now more concrete evidence that there has been a big rise in crime, particularly gun crime, and indeed a number of grenade attacks of high immigration
..but here’s another thing that is true the number of asylum applications has slowed dramatically”
.. See they say that Trump was wrong, then admit that he was right, then try to deflect …no one said asylum apps might not fall”
..they go onto to talk about the terrorists who killed 5
.. It’s like a PR trick, they know they have previously got a lot wrong , so they try to quickly update their story and move on
..But hang on they tried to mock “Far-right” for having an interest in Sweden , yet now they’ve just admitted there was something wrong all along.
…the prog continues going off on a tangent about the one weirdo who does call himself “Alt-right” ..and then the fact “ooh this guy praised Trump”
… I just wonder how many of their own friends BBC Trending are losing as their disingenuity becomes obvious ?
BBC Trending basically needs a sticker on it saying “Made by Hate not Hope”
3 weeks ago edition was \\ The Far Right and Sweden
Why are right-wing extremists obsessed with one Nordic country?//
Start – “Patrik Hermansson was working with British Anti-racist org HnH
He wanted to infiltrate the extreme end as what has become known as the Alt-Right*….”
This week why are Far Right* activists around the world so preoccupied with Sweden”
..”It’s a country of less than 10 million people … it doesn’t seem like very fertile ground for the Alt-Right* …we went there”
Today’s edition is “Undercover with the Alt-Right
Patrik Hermansson spent a year undercover with extremist groups. He tells us his story”
* Mike Wendling gets a $100 bonus whenever he manages to get the word “Alt-right”into a prog
OK back to that Sweden edition
The intro goes on to frame Sweden as great etc, and anyone concerned as a loony “far-right” , yet 5 mins into the show after playing Trump’s words, they admit
” Sweden has had a huge surge in immigrants in last few years.. 2015 more than 160K mostly Africans
then “Although at the time of Trump’s words theses reports of a surge in crime were mostly anecdotal ..there is now more concrete evidence that there has been a big rise in crime, particularly gun crime, and indeed a number of grenade attacks of high immigration
..but here’s another thing that is true the number of asylum applications has slowed dramatically”
.. See they say that Trump was wrong, then admit that he was right, then try to deflect …no one said asylum apps might not fall”
..they go onto to talk about the terrorists who killed 5
.. It’s like a PR trick, they know they have previously got a lot wrong , so they try to quickly update their story and move on
..But hang on they tried to mock “Far-right” for having an interest in Sweden , yet now they’ve just admitted there was something wrong all along.
…the prog continues going off on a tangent about the one weirdo who does call himself “Alt-right” ..and then the fact “ooh this guy praised Trump”
… I just wonder how many of their own friends BBC Trending are losing as their disingenuity becomes obvious ?
But they do interview the Swedish Iranian politician who is pro-immigration control.
Swedish anti racist Lefty accused of Rape
Yep from the same org that Swedish under cover guy Patrik used work with
(Sorry about the previous double post , don’t know how that happened)
Patrik’s done a Radio Sweden interview about his undercover work, from min16:00
That was back in September, but he’s only just finished fundraising $50K for his film about his undercover which must have been Sept 2016-Sept 2017
I’m a businessman.
I like making money.
I see opportunities where people don’t like lefty doctrine.
BBCNew’s North America Correspondent JimCook feels passionate about gun crime his tweet