Another day on the BBC and another idiotic smear story about Trump. The ‘Footlights’ used to churn out comic genius like Monty Python, Beyond the Fringe and the Goodies…now all we get from our universities are tragic clowns who end up as BBC reporters trying their best to combine satire with hard edged news and failing miserably at both and of course english graduates who think they are scientists.
Nick Bryant for example. He regurgitates ancient jibes at Trump in an attempt to disparage him and Fox News but instead ends up embarrassing the BBC as this tripe is given airtime on its flagship news programme the Today show[07:45].
So Trump watches Fox News….how I laughed when I heard that terrible old slur again…the incredibly partisan BBC sneering at a right-leaning Fox News…the BBC is so vastly superior don’t you know! Fox shockingly played ‘jingoistic music’ as it showed film of a US attack on Jihadis…the BBC would never do such a thing, it prefers to give its airtime to ambulance chasing lawyers and lying jihadis as they try to put our soldiers in prison and earn themselves some blood-money with the BBC aiding and abetting in that. They earn their 30 pieces of silver for that.
Then apparently Fox was reporting in a Fox manner, bad, on ‘undocumented immigrants’. Whothey you may ask? Ah…the BBC’s now official term for illegal immigrants which they now use regularly. Whilst the BBC tells us it won’t use terms that may appear to be the prefered term used by a particular party, such as terrorism [except when it’s a white guy/Jew], and thus indicate they are supporting one side they are happy to use what is a highly political term that has been designed by the Leftist pro-immigration lobby to try and make out that illegal immigrants are in fact entitled to travel where they like, documents or no documents, and not having documents does not mean they are ‘illegal’. However the term ‘illegal immigrant’ is the official term used here and in the US…the BBC is very definitely taking sides on this one. Does it call Jewish settlers ‘undocumented migrants’? Does it hell, it calls them illegal occupiers. What is it about the Jews that the BBC doesn’t like?
Then Bryant dragged in a commentator…oh, he’s from the anti-Trump New York Times…the only surprise is he’s not from the anti-Trump Washington Post. We learn that Trump watching Fox is like children’s TV where the kids react and the programme responds back…it’s a two way mirror…Trump watches Fox, Tweets and his Tweets become news, setting the agenda for the day. Erm…pretty much like the BBC then when the Today programme interviews someone, gets the quote they want and the BBC then uses that quote to lead all its news bulletins…usually something derogatory about Brexit or the government’s running of the NHS or welfare.
We then get onto an even more stupid smear…Trump’s tweet about the NHS being in crisis…apparently this is all Fox News’ fault once again. We now know that Trump’s an idiot because the NHS isn’t in crisis…it’s the best health service in the world as all its defenders came out to say. Thus Fox is peddling fake news.
Hmmm….isn’t it the BBC’s favourite story when there’s no other news around to claim the NHS is in crisis? Every winter, every spring, every season, every month, every day….the BBC tells us the NHS is in crisis. Except it’s not when Trump says it is.
The problem with Trump, we hear, is that he gets his world view from Fox….that the Russia investigation is a witch-hunt [I imagine he can work that out for himself as he must know better than anyone whether he colluded with the Russkies or not], that the FBI are at fault [well…it doesn’t look good for them if you read the news…not just Fox but the lefty NYT], and of course his belief that the Media are biased against him…where on earth would he get a mad idea like that? Can only be from Fox…or maybe just watching and reading the 90% of US media that is anti-Trump.
Bryant has produced an incredibly flawed, ignorant, partisan, misleading anti-Fox, anti-Trump tract that would be more suitable for one of the BBC’s favourite internet sites that it uses to spread lies and gossip when it can’t be seen to break such drivel as news itself, such as Byline and Buzzfeed, the technique, the trick, is to then report on the furore that the smear stories create and spread the ‘news’ that way thus distancing itself from the blame.
Amazed any editor worth their salt would allow Bryant to push such rubbish on the BBC’s flagship…maybe she agrees with which case the problem is even bigger.
I think what it really is about is that the reportersjust serve up what the editors : producers want to hear . They want to keep their jobs and get more prestigious ones in the eyes of their peers .
And the attitude will go throughout the organisation.
There can be no rebellion- independent thinkers like Brillo give up even if they don’t need the money .
So the nature and content of events/ reports become contaminated – biased . But boy do they sound smug .
Thanks for this, Alan. I listened to this garbage from ace reporter Bryant this morning with incredulity at the level of stupid bias. Even with my low expectations of the Today show, this was bad.
Excellent essay.
Possibly the greatest thing anyone has done for freedom and liberty in the last 40 years is Pres Trump calling out on the lies, deception, fraud that was being perpetrated by giant media organisations on a sleeping public. Pres Trump has woken the people about the reality of “Fake news”. That is possibly the real reason that the media so hate him, and will do anything to bring him down.
In the UK, the tax payer funded Radio Moscow BBC wins the prize for Fake news. There is no serious opposition when BBC is state funded to the tune of £3.7bn.
Globally though, the GoogleFacebookTwitter unholy trinity is a far worse threat to freedom and liberty. They are driven by anonymous and deep embedded algorithms. They too are lefty organisations, the very ideology that has killed more people and destroyed more lives then the Nazis.
The USA needs to break this monopoly of Big Brother GoogleFacebookTwitter.
I have just donated a few pounds to the Jacob Rees-Mogg campaign
I rarely watch the BBC these days, but it is only a matter of time (if it hasn’t already happened) that the “comedians” employed by the Leftist BBC start attacking him. They have nothing (except their dedication to a one Party State) to offer but their hatred.
Been watching and listening to the Sopels and Bryants of this world for well over a year now. Is someone going to say something positive about Trump? Ever? The BBC have a BIG and expensive team out there; theoretically, we should have heard something positive by now, law of averages or something like that (I’m one of the ‘uneducated’, so I don’t know much about these technicalities).
So far, nothing. I may have missed it, I’m deplorable that way. But when I have watched…why it’s like watching those little ballerinas on some little jewel box, that go round and round, twirling away regardless.
You always know exactly what they’re going to do and you always know exactly in which direction they’re heading, i.e. same as yesterday and the day before: nowhere in particular.
And if they do make a noise, why – it’s the same as yesterday and the day before. And you’ve heard it all before.
Er…I’m not boring you, am I?
You’re not – but the BBC most certainly is. As you say, it’s the predictability almost as much as the bias. Any reader of this blog could predict the line the BBC will take on any issue with 100 per cent accuracy. The same is true of its entertainment and drama programming. There’s not a single original or challenging thought in the entire Corporation as far as I can see.
Didn’t take the beeb long to link the Florida shooter to ‘right wing extremists’ and ‘white supremacists’. Quite remarkable really, when you think about it. Are we surprised?
My little ballerinas, mentioned above, are spinning round and round in their predetermined little grooves. Tinkle, tinkle….the little music box churns out the same old, same old.
‘There you go again!’ was Ronald Reagan’s famous put-down line that brought the house down. Indeed, Gipper. Indeed.
Didn’t take the beeb long to link the Florida shooter to ‘right wing extremists’ and ‘white supremacists’. Quite remarkable really, when you think about it. Are we surprised?
My little ballerinas, mentioned above, are spinning round and round in their predetermined little grooves. Jingle, jangle….the little music box endlessly churns out the same old, same old.
‘There you go again!’ was Ronald Reagan’s famous put-down line that brought the house down. Indeed, Gipper. Indeed.
The BBC was also one of the news organisations that were quick to report that 18 school shootings had taken place in the US so far this year. “Fake news”, I’m afraid, put out by someone with an agenda
News organizations — including MSNBC, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, Time, MSN, the BBC, the New York Daily News and HuffPost — also used the number in their coverage.
It is a horrifying statistic. And it is wrong.
It seems it is the number of shootings occurring somewhere in the vicinity of a school or former school & not necessarily seen or heard by or endangering children.
Still too many school shootings in the USA, it doesn’t need any exaggeration by the BBC