The BBC is very excited about what is a bit of a non-story as Mueller tries to dignify his witch-hunt with a few Russian small-fry…let’s face it, should there be any surprise that Russia tries to interfere in a US election? Hardly a new tactic for them. And after all the BBC does it, the Guardian tried it and got slapped down. And the US isn’t known for its lack of intervention in other countries’ internal affairs…such the small matter of Brexit. Wasn’t it Reagan and Thatcher who toppled the Soviet Empire? Bet old comrade Corbyn was gutted.
Speaking of which…Comrade Cob-Nut’s alleged dalliance with Commie spymasters hasn’t hit the BBC headlines yet…it’s top story in the Telegraph, it’s in the Mail, not the Guardian of course, it’s in the Times…but for some reason a story about the leader of the Opposition, whom the BBC keeps on insisting is the next, and soon-to-be, PM, hasn’t made it onto their own pages. The BBC seems more concerned about Russian interference in US politics than the fact that a terrorist cheerleader who has close ties to Russia and Iran is so close to the top job in the UK…a man who wants to disband the Army, do away with MI5, trash Trident and neuter NATO….and of course destabilise society and crash the economy. Just how does the BBC manage to ignore this story….can it ride it out hoping it will blow over quickly or will it have to dust off the cover stories that show Corbyn was a flag-flying model figure of the British Establishment?
List the bias here….
The BBC have as of now a World News Headline (under “Features & Analysis”):
Memorial for Free-Loving Iconic LGBT Goose: Henry the goose spent many years in a love triangle with two swans, helping raise their children.
Once again the BBC sexualise everything according to their agenda.
“Once again the BBC sexualise everything according to their agenda.”
But, BBC. Most of the BBC employees seem to have some kind of sexual deviancy be it Gay/Lesbian etc etc…..promoting it etc etc!
So its no wonder the BBC sexualise everything – they can’t control themselves! They are obsessed with it!
Even worse. They think every viewer/listener is also obsseded
I was going to post the same as your headline – Guido is doing a great job with this story –
And still the ‘established’ MSM complain that people are turning to the internet for ‘news’ and blame independents for being ‘fake’ – yet they are totally failing in their journalistic duty!
The Biased BBC gave loads of credibility to an outrageous ‘paid for’ document that stated that Trump got prostitutes to urinate on a Russian bed that Obama slept in, and headlined that accusation for weeks, years now. But the accusation that the leader of the opposition was a paid Soviet spy they do not report. Guess they are still ‘investigating the allegations’ – or ‘not investigating’.
I think that exposing Corbyn will probably result in a net loss of votes for Labour. But I think that some of the snowflakes will actually think that spying for the Soviets and damaging Britain was a good thing and make them even more in love with the dangerous old fool.
Snowflakes have been brainwashed into hating their own country. They don’t know any better because they have been taught a fake history and a poisonous anti-capitalist, multicultural agenda, sustained into their adulthood by the subversive, Marxist BBC.
They will have to learn the hard way. Unfortunately they will drag the rest of us through a re-run of the 1970s – and worse.
The “fake news thing” seemed to go unnoticed during the Soviet era. The USSR must have spent millions over decades propping up publications like the “Morning Star” by bulk buying. Then, of course there was the “Soviet Weekly” which was full of “fake news”. Certain unions also received cash from the USSR as a sign of “fraternal solidarity” if that is not “interference in internal affaires” I don’t know what is. The BBC itself gave Sinn Fein/ IRA a terror organisation murdering British citizens a mouthpiece when there was a general media ban. Yet the social media are supposed to be facilitating terrorism. The Russian thing is just a pretext to clip the wings of the social media. Since Merkel the Mad’s craziness unleashed a tsumani of criticism of German politicians on social media, the trend has been to introduce “hate speech” laws to silence outspoken comments from understandably outraged citizens. The “coarening of political debate” shtick. The confected danger posed by Russian provacateurs on social media, is just a pretext to marginalise sites that don’t peddle an accepted line as accredited news sources
Exactly so.
I was going to post the same as your headline – Guido is doing a great job with this story –
And still the ‘established’ MSM complain that people are turning to the internet for ‘news’ and blame independents for being ‘fake’ – yet they are totally failing in their journalistic duty!
The Biased BBC gave loads of credibility to an outrageous ‘paid for’ document that stated that Trump got prostitutes to urinate on a Russian bed that Obama slept in, and headlined that accusation for weeks, years now. But the accusation that the leader of the opposition was a paid Soviet spy they do not report. Guess they are still ‘investigating the allegations’ – or ‘not investigating’.
I mainly visit the bBBC website to see the newspaper headlines. It states what the main story is under the front page image (for thickos who can’t figure it out, I guess). It usually does this without editorial comment, especially when it is damaging news for the government. However, it comments on these stories that the Labour leader could have committed treason, but then adds, “.. but Corbyn has denied these allegations”.
One other egregious tactic of bBBC is to comment on a story along the lines of “Brexit is going to be an unmitigated disaster” when that story is just a byline on the front page and not the headline. Also, when a headline states a potential benefit of Brexit, that is usually ignored and they comment on a byline.
The Russia story really is a farce and shows they will go to any lengths just because they want it to be true, the complete opposite of what journalism is meant to be when you investigate the truth first and the story evolves subsequently.
They omit the fact that some of the Russians were found to have been helping Clinton. It was the Democrats who paid Russian sources for dirt on Trump. That is a real smoking gun, Grisham thriller of a story rather than this pathetic non event about a few Russians having fake IDs which shamefully is top ‘news’ story on their site.
They seem institutionally unable to be fair and honest – it just gets worse. I guess that is the problem with ideologues like the leftist Beeb: they start out with so many wacky ideas about how the world works that everything is refracted through that distorted lense. Trump will always be just plain evil to them; the ‘wage gap’ will always be an issue; immigration never will. And so on. They will never budge an inch whereas any level- headed and objective observer often has to change their opinion on the basis of new information and shifting circumstances.
It would be surprising if Putin had NOT sought to sow confusion in the US presidential election. The Times suggests their efforts were directed to bumping up both (now) President Trump and Bernie Sanders. These two were the polar opposites among the candidates and a run-off between them would create more polemic even than between Pres Trump and the odious, sour-faced Clinton bitch.
As for Putin’s mates having carried this out, I found this quote from one of the accused to be illuminating –
“I am not at all disappointed that I appear in this list,” Mr Prigozhin said last night. “If [the Americans] want to see the devil, let them.”
“Russians indicted by Mueller for “information warfare” against the U.S.
If “information warfare” is a crime, why does US Navy & CIA engage in it in Ukraine, Iran etc.?”
Michael Hoffman
Why did they kick up a stench about that Chinese show with blacked up faces? If they did not publicise it nobody would be offended. Racism has been so thoroughly defeated that now it is defined not as judging someone by the colour of their skin but by being offended by something you could easily just ignore, which is often happening thousands of miles away, in a catalogue you would never look at or on a Twitter feed you do not follow. It is pathetic. The BBC should not fan the flames. What a waste of life searching the planet for things to be offended by.
Ooh ah #OutrageBus
Stand by for Project Fear 2 from Al Beeb . Defence and Security, how weak we will be after Brexit ? Don’t forget we were in NATO long before we were dragged into the EU. Europe relies on us . We hold the best cards. Al Beeb is still fighting the referendum .
We are all in danger from brexit . There will be more home grown terrorists . More attacks by muzzies from the European mainland
No on sentence one
Yes on sentence two
No on sentence three
The truth is the reich wants to stay in with the five professional intel countries – the 5i s because their own are crap.
Charge the reich cash to keep UK in but not otherwise . NATO matters but the EU reich doesn’t .
Al Beeb will now use every form of fake news/trickery it has up its sleeve to weaken/delay or prevent true brexit from happening.
Like the rest of us they twigged long ago that Sharia is a people pleaser and will always buckle when put under extreme pressure.
Unfortunately these bastards would rather see us as a weak vassal to a failing EU superstate rather than an independent Country making its own decisions.
As I have said before I do not think that any of these people have any pride in their own country. They all seem to see themselves as “world citizens” rather than British. They have an overarching sense of entitlement and superiority which blinds them to seeing the results of what they are inflicting on us.
Quite the opposite of pride: they have open contempt for much of this country.
Oaknash, I have to agree with you on people identifying as “world citizens”. A member of my family, he lives in London, recently declared that he regards himself european first rather than english. Being that he is an ardent England rugby supporter I countered his proclamation with what team would he be supporting in the six nations competition? His silence was audible.
Difficult to believe hundreds of thousands of Brits sacrificed their lives saving Europe from itself – twice.
Crude and tasteless it might sound but any financial settlement with the EU should start there. Half a million pounds per life? Not to mention the economic cost. This should have been thrown back at that arrogant piece of Kraut Eurotwat shite who said we are still obsessed with the war.
“Lecturers want ‘radical’ tuition fee review”
“Lord Adonis, another former education minister, has called for fees to be scrapped entirely.”
There are far too many ‘snowflakes’ going to ‘yooni’ to get uneducated .
They should be in real jobs by the age of sixteen.
Lord Adonis? Now where have I heard that unelected brainbox before ?
““Lord Adonis, another former education minister, has called for fees to be scrapped entirely.”
Momentum’s heavy pink jackboot storm troopers know that if they can deceive the students/unemployed youths/tree-huggers/vegans/and parents of said layabouts then their share of the national vote will be huge!
Its up to us patriotic citizens to combat their lies!
Don’t worry, the BBC will take him to task on where the money is going to come from/sarc.
““Lord Adonis, another former education minister, has called for fees to be scrapped entirely.”
Momentum’s heavy pink jackboot storm troopers know that if they can deceive the students/unemployed youths/tree-huggers/vegans/and parents of said layabouts then their share of the national vote will be huge!
Its up to us patriotic citizens to combat their lies!
“Why are white men more likely to carry out mass shootings?”
That is the headline on the Sky news site.
What a complete and utter disgrace Sky have become. It is completely inconceivable that they would run with a headline such as “Why are most stabbings carried out by black men” or “Why are most rapes of underage white girls carried out by Pakistani Asian men”
Every day the MSM seems to be sinking lower and lower in it’s efforts to virtue signal and nothing is being done to stop it.
The mechanisms of mass murder by ‘mental patients’ this side of the pond are noticeable by their absence.
As are the inanimate versus human targets of liberal excitement.
The Sky News journalist who wrote this, Rebecca Taylor, suggests on her twitter feed that we follow Wandsworth Labour and Wandsworth Foodbank and asks that we retweet to show our support for the Justice 4 Grenfell 3 billboards stunt.
Sky News, not the taxpayer funded bBbc I know, so no need to point out that her views are her own which is understandable because they’re not really her own anyway, most of her mainstream media peers will think the same. And although I say not the bBbc, other than funding there’s no real difference between the two of these middens or their minions.
Although it could be argued that Sky News are now more similar to the Guardian as both of them are haemorrhaging finance and followers, which is not in the least bit surprising given their apparent shared mindset and shared lack of journalistic ability and integrity.
So the bBbc, Sky News and the Guardian of Rebecca Taylor and her class in a nutshell. Same people, same news, same thoughts, same views.
Glad I don’t pay for sky and glad I don’t pay for al Beeb
Toady watch
Plenty of icebergs
1. The Oxfam scandal is the tip of an iceberg
2. The Russia thing in the 2016 USA election – also the tip of an iceberg
As reported on toady by the head girl and work experience one.
Had to laugh when they started talking about Russian interference with a uk election – we ll screw it ourselves thanks .
We have double voting students for Corbin and corrupt Asians doing a tower hamlets . The latter was so inept that they got caught but up and down the country much more clever.
Adding to that we now have ‘momentum’ election Corruption on an industrial scale. Who needs to Russians ?
If they want an election scandal, they should start prosecuting all those students who were stupid enough to brag on Facebook and Twitter about voting twice (or more) in the last general election, especially those NUS officers who encouraged it. Mind you, you can’t upset the snowflakes, it would hurt their feelings to be hauled into court.
The simplest way to discourage that, would be to ban anyone engaging in such electoral fraud from ever voting again; in any local / national elections or referenda.
Not the BBC but Sky News in Australia and New Zealand. We all know that Sky News in the UK is as leftwing as the BBC but imagine my surprise when I listened to the Bolt Report on Sky Australia, available on u Tube, and found it to be highly anti immigration, very fair to Israel, completely objective about Islam . It was quite amazing to hear such non leftist views being listened to and given a fair hearing.
Why is there such a difference between the Sky News in the UK and Sky News in Australia? Interestingly from the little that I know the main Australian tv channel, ABC, is as near a clone of the BBC as you could possibly get.
Once, Sky news was very good and painfully fair. However, a few years ago they had new faces in charge and they immediately saw the problems of Sky news: nearly all the experienced journalists were hideously white, appallingly middle aged and despairingly male.
Thus, this was changed, almost over night. As seen during the Brexit and US elections, these children had little knowledge, perception and no sense of history. They didn’t know what it was like when Ronald Reagan or George Bush became president. The US and Brexit election results were inconsolably awful for them.
Thus, Sky became the BBC without the immoral pensions.
I have often wondered if it was a change designed to make Sky look more palatable to the government as its US masters tried to take over more control.
If so, then it failed, and we are left with news from 3 Guardian minded outlets: Sky, BBC and Channel 4.
As the Guardian is the worst selling national newspaper in the history of national newspapers, this country is not well served.
Scribble. One of the best and informative posts I’ve read. Spot on.
Those dead white men are really a blot on our history – Newton, Edison, Watt, Descartes, Einstein, Maxwell, Fleming, Faraday, Tesla, Pasteur.
The ‘patriarchy’, I suppose the “progressive” Left would call them.
The Left lacks any shred of gratitude for the extraordinary achievements which have brought us to the level of comfort we enjoy, for a while longer, at least.
The Left is intent on cutting off the branch on which they (and the rest of us) are sitting.
Why? Resentment, arrogance, jealousy, spite, and wilful ignorance.
Truth indeed Sir. And can I just add the musical genius J.S. Bach. Unsurpassed to this day.
I find it suspicious that Sky stopped broadcasting Fox News, the only antidote to the left wing bollocks.
Maybe Fox News haven’t updated their Sky Satellite Dish. Just a thought.
The other driver behind Sky’s editorial decisions is its fear of alienating its advertisers. As we’ve seen recently with the Daily Mail, groups like Stop Funding Hate” have shown themselves to be aggressive and effective in pressurising advertisers to withdraw their custom from anyone promoting supposedly “unacceptable” views. Sky is a commercially-driven organisation and they stick to what is perceived to be the political mainstream precisely to avoid attracting the attention of such groups.
Q. Why are we governed by advertisers?
A. So they can tell us what to think of course.
End Product. IT WORKS. Oh fuckety fuck !!
These bastards do not need guns. They will defeat us with TV images and words.
Presumably because the Aussies and New Zealander’s haven’t lost their sanity yet like the British and Canadians .
I also think they expect foreigners who are lucky enough to get to their country to behave themselves but in our case we just get walked over and blamed for just about every damn thing through their spokes man – al Beeb .
Political Correctness is a global phenomenon. Well, in the developed part anyway. It is a mistake to think that Australia and NZ have some how rejected it. The battle rages throughout Australia as it does in the UK. Where the Aussies have been successful is in dealing with illegal immigration. But there is still lots of support for opening the borders by the left wing of the Labor Party and especially the Greens.
Freedom of speech and ‘hate laws’ are hotly contested but yes there are some voices that won’t be silenced, thank goodness, like the old troopers Bolt, Latham and Hanson. And hopefully Cory Bernardi’s new party can make some inroads.
New Zealand on the other hand is very PC, out of the way, and with a population almost totally oblivious to the goings on in the wider world. The inhabitants being somewhat like Tolkien’s hobbits of the shire, insular and naive. It is apt that the ‘Lord of the Rings’ was filmed there.
I’m getting the impression that our eu friends are also getting fed up (not 2) with Theresa May’s dithering.
She hasn’t made any decision on anything yet regarding our eu Brexit (apart from the easy ones where she concedes everything in return for nothing)
Ireland has been kicked down the road, the money we are going to pay is not sorted, just something about 40 billion and, like hs2, will no doubt keep rising, and the eu citizens still don’t know for sure what’s happening.
Murkle is getting frustrated saying nobody knows what May wants. Same as here.
Lancaster and Florence were good speeches, she should stick to them but she is trying to please her fellow remoaners.
I think if only Theresa & Donald could consummate their partnership we could preserve our culture and our freedom of speech and thought for our offspring and beyond.
May it come to pass in my lifetime .
I sympathise to an extent, but for one reason or another, mainly to do with the Remoaning members of her Cabinet and Soubry being so vocal (and allowed far too much Al Beeb airtime), hasn’t finalised our requirements.v
She hasn’t managed to reach consensus but our EU ‘friends’ are pushing for more flesh on the bones by end-March, so let’s hope she gets it right by then.
The ever-estimable Guido recently posted that she has said on 50 occasions that we are leaving the EU and confirmed her red lines. She did so again today in responding to a question after her speech. Our EU ‘friends’ clearly want her to commit unconditionally to maintaining THEIR security whilst accepting their diktats. She didn’t oblige them.
Quicklink back to last nights posts
eg Marr is in Brussels with Guy Verhofstadt
“Does most of her training in the US”
“Born and raised in American by a British father and Malaysian mother”
It’s tenuous, but about enough for the BBC to wave the GB flag in self-justificatory style and keep them banging on about stuff their audience are not interested in as they chuck resources at the posh people’s hobby sports winter edition.
It’s just another small but pernicious example of the BBC pushing its “civic nationslism” or “liberal nationalism” line. This is supposedly a “non-xenophobic” form of nationalism. Culture and heritage are not relevant. Anyone who signs up to the usual “liberal values” and obeys the law becomes a citizen. This is the “British in name only” or “legally British” theory of Britishness.
Having a “legally British” athlete win medals “for Britain”. Hip hip hooray!! Is just another “BBC nudge” to get the public to believe you don’t have to be British to be British. It is as ridiculous as it sounds. The BBC spends a lot of time trying to convince the British that they don’t really know what being British is. One ploy is to do street interviews and ask the man in the street to “define British values”. Anyone would struggle with this pseudo-philosophical question designed to bamboozle. It’s like asking an English native speaker to explain how he learned English. Culture is lived – it is not an excercise in moral philosophy.
So did you hear about that poor homeless man who died just outside Parliament the otherday due to the cold:
Homeless man found dead ‘on doorstep’ of Parliament
A man has been found dead in a Tube station underpass that leads to the Houses of Parliament. The man was homeless and often seen at the entrance to Westminster underground station, politicians said. MPs have called on the government to make a commitment to end rough sleeping after the “terrible tragedy”…..Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s staff are thought to have been in contact with the man, often bringing him food…..
Shadow education secretary Angela Rayner also called for change. She said: “Whatever the circumstances it’s a terrible tragedy that somebody ends their days like this, the govt must do more to combat homelessness.”
All the above have been taken from the bBC article.
Here is what the bBC hasn’t told you:
Homeless former model who died yards from Parliament ‘returned to the UK illegally after being jailed for sexually abusing a child and kicked out of the country TWICE’
The homeless man who died yards from Parliament returned to the UK illegally after being jailed for sexually abusing a child and kicked out of the country, it was claimed today. ….Portuguese government officials confirmed Marcos, who was of Angolan origin, had been deported in 2014 and 2016.Its Ministry of Portuguese Communities Abroad told respected Portuguese daily Expresso: ‘In 2014 he was deported to Portugal by the British authorities and assisted on his return. ‘In 2016 we were made aware he had been deported again from the UK for being in the country illegally.’ Respected Portuguese daily Correio da Manha claimed his first deportation happened after he served prison time for sexually abusing a child.
I wonder why the bBC hasn’t mentioned any of the above?
Wow just wow,
BBC libEstablishment are obsessed with PR & narrative RATHER than the truth
So once presented with a narrative to use in the BBC operation “Tories must fall”, they just ran with it.
“Marcos, who was of Angolan”
.. was one of the reasons for higlighted reporting the fact that he was non-white ?
No known relatives in Portugal
‘It is known they could be living in other countries, namely Angola, where he had family connections.’
A charity was bragging about how they were helping him find a job.
With Oxfam?
You might want to screenshot some of the zany left tweets
about ‘the poor homeless man, and uncaring government’
before they start deleting them
screenshot of Corby’s handwriitten card
Other Labour people called it
“A wake up call”
The Portuguese newspage which is the source
is coming up blank and the google cache version is also not available
ah one Portuguese newspaper has a story
Yes it seemed Expresso had put up the full name
..and of course since the relatives have not been found and informed, they backtracked & rescinded that and ran with the name “M” whilst other papers used the name “Marcos G”
Don’t worry for facts are only a small part of the al beeb version of the world .
Bet that won’t be a case study on the Fake news summit today – Saturday
I wonder how many houses Corbyn would have to build in support of his mass immigration agenda?
And I wonder how many homes are occupied by illegals? Lessons learned from Grenfell? Not a chance – give them all an amnesty and, whatever you do, don’t use these alarming revelations to investigate abuse of precious social housing stock across the rest of London and the U.K.
I’ve just been told about the death of a rough sleeper right by the entrance to Parliament. I can’t carry on walking by on the other side while people don’t have a home to call their own. It’s time I took up this moral challenge and properly housed everyone. But I cant be bothered because like the other Communists at Oxfam, I don’t really care, I just fake moral superiority over everyone else, to look good in the fake media.
Jeremy Corbyn and Bob Geldof
Good riddance, just unfortunate he didn’t meet his demise before he molested that child.
BBC 4 news just reported this with one sentence
“Kasur city, Pakistan : Man given four death sentences for rape and murder of Zainab Ansari ”
Further to the front page major stories from the DIVERSITY
department on the BBC website about Tom Daley having a
baby.Followed by the scoop that two gay women were getting
married and the breast feeding saga of the GLBT. Today it’s
the climatic news that Center Parcs is refusing adverts from
the Daily Mail because Richard Littlejohn thinks that it’s
best for a mum and dad to bring up a child.
What the BBC is doing is almost fascist.They are demanding that
we follow their agenda on diversity and the way they cover it.
Why BBC are these major stories? If it is the norm now?
A gay couple having a baby? A gay couple getting married?
Why are these major news stories?
I suspect that the BBC make such a play on these stories so
that if there is any reaction to them, they can follow it up
with even bigger diversity stories. Who are these weirdos running
this lunatic diversity department of the BBC?
When nature and the animal kingdom start reproducing from same sex parents, then I’ll consider it normal. After all (figuratively speaking) there was a reason for there to be an Adam & Eve !!!!
“It is now thought” that the Adam and Eve story is fake news. Experts now believe it was Adam and Steve.
LW…. luv it !
“Who are these weirdos running this lunatic diversity department of the BBC?”
Effeminate adult male fans of “Little Mix” maybe?
(I believe they are some kind of English gurl band who can’t stop taking their clothes off on stage)
“Who are these weirdos running
this lunatic diversity department of the BBC?”
Imagine working in that office?
Me: “I’ll just put my sarnies in the fridge”
Fridge Resource, Equalities Keeper (FREaK): “What’s in them?”
Me: “Ham & Cheese”
Sound of klaxon going off.
Those of us on here, on Guido, on Breitbart etc. really need to organise to tweet the likes of Center Parcs that they’ve lost our business because of this. It matters not whether that’s true. It’s the volume of tweets that counts and they need to be as afraid of us as they are the other side before making these decisions.
Whose going to Center PARC’s on holiday ?
… Hang on news just in
: Center PARC’s will now have “camp guards” at the entrance to check guests don’t have possible homophobic views. (c)
I’ll post that to the satirical Twitter account @StopFundingHats
…. oh hang on that account has been suspended by Twitter now
Ooooo no!! We don’t want your sort on the camp do we Sandy? Oooo no Julian, they’re far too sporty for me dearie!
I’m surprised they’re still in business judging from the reports I’ve had. A friend said he could have had a week in Benidorm for the cost of a 4 day weekend at Centre Parcs !
Of course, it could be that the name Center Parcs is in itself euphemistic, perhaps referring to potential sexual choice……
I wonder what the results would be of a survey of Centre Parcs’ customers, seeking to ascertain whether their views on homosexual couples adopting children or hiring women’s wombs to provide themselves with them; were positive or negative?
A quick trawl through wiki shows that apparently the owners of Center Parcs UK, Brookfield Property Partners, originally a French Canadian firm now run by an American Jew, have no problems dealing with partners from the Middle East, notably the Qatar Investment Authority and the Investment Corporation of Dubai, especially when buying companies like the Canary Wharf Group.
Outraged as they appear to be by a customary article from Richard Littlejohn, I wonder what they think about the beliefs held by their Arab friends with regards to, just a few examples, gay rights, sexual equality, freedom of speech and religious tolerance?
Any chance of Stop Funding Hate asking this? I know the answer. No.
At least we can use their lists to decide where to spend our money, but definitely not in the way they intend.
Have a. ‘play-around’ with the graphics. Check out migration into the UK from other than the EU. Also, check migration from Pakistan. That’s gone up significantly year-on-year and shows no sign of falling; same for Nigeria; same for Bangladesh; same for India. Only Jamaican born seems to be level since 2004.
If any evidence was available that showed that those who voted for Brexit may have been deceived into believing that withdrawal from the EU would halt or reduce immigration. They were sadly misinformed. “Get control of our borders back”? That requires a desire to actually do so which this Lib/Labour government that we currently have in power does not wish to happen.
All amounts to a Government who could exercise control if they wanted to (unlike the EU citizens who cannot be stopped from entering the UK). Have they? Will they? Simple answer: NO.
G: I realised some months ago that, although keen on Brexit, there could be a very large swamp I’ve/we’ve wandered into, in the process.
This thought came to me when I heard that ‘a group of Conservative MPs want to arrange a fast-track system for visa arrangements with Nigeria’, once Brexit has happened.
I’ve always wondered why only EU migrants ever get discussed, even before the referendum. When I heard about the fast-track thing, the penny dropped.
COULD IT BE that this whole Brexit story is a huge con? We worry about a few EU migrants but become ‘OPEN’ to the entire Commonwealth? Very little is ever said about levels of immigration from there.
Gosh, I hope I’m wrong on this…
One of the reasons only EU migrants are mentioned is that they’re largely white, so it’s more difficult to be called racist.
the third worlders flooding in have been hidden behind the smokescreen of eu open borders for years
when/if we leave there is no hiding place for westminster anymore and they know it
On borders and immigration (EU/non-EU) generally, we need our own Viktor Orban.
The only problem is that the card they can play is:
“We need to make up the shortfall in immigration from EU countries because of Brexit.”
To bring in more immigrants from the Third World.
There needs to be a moratorium on all immigration to the UK. The Third World immigrants and their descendants who are here, need to be encouraged to leave.
I listened to what was presented as the Mueller case on R4 last night by Razia Iqbal, Russian spies etc. It sounded to me like a very weak case, if not to say laughable. To me this had one thing written all over it: the Mueller team are enjoying the limelight and they want to stay on the (no doubt lucrative) case.
Pathetic really. R4 claimed that neither Rosenstein nor Mueller could now be fired. If true, that could be the other motive.
I’m no lawyer but the Mueller case sounded pretty DESPERATE to me. It thus matches the BBC and R4 well: they too are DESPERATE. Anything on Trump will do, even grasping at straws. Are we hearing anything about the FISA court/judge/memo from the Beeb? Of course not. BIAS writ large….
Agree 100%. The BBC is guilty of a lot of bias, but anyone who thinks it is biased towards Brexit is either deluded or being dishonest.
You show admirable restraint and courtesy. Anyone who says that the BBC is pro Brexit and actually believes it has lost most of their brain . Anyone who thinks that anyone else might believe such a ridiculous claim has lost all of their brain.
You’re being too charitable. It isn’t lack of brains. It’s from the school of “tell it often enough”.
Andrew surely is beating Rob Burley on points?
The Times today has a report on the charges filed by the special investigator Mueller into Russian interference in the US election. This chap is so far only investigating pro Trump interference , not the proven Pro Clinton interference. After 18 months he says that 13 Russians were involved in a plot to influence the election in favour of Trump. His report makes it clear that the Russian plot did not ,repeat not, involve any American citizens and that no Americans were involved. So after 18 months of fevered investigating all that emerges are allegations that some Russians were involved in attempting to influence the election. Yet despite what seems to me to an investigation which has presented no shred of proof of Trump’s involvement , there are numerous comments in the Times which are calling for him to resign or be impeached. These leftist Trump haters are going potty, they are deranged.
Meanwhile on the other side of the street we have the proven and undisputed facts that the Clinton campaign paid a foreign national to collaborate with Russians to pull together unsubstantiated smears on Trump. Further we have the undisputed fact that this dossier of unsubstantiated smears was used by the FBI to obtain an illegal warrant to spy on the Trump campaign but never told the judge who granted the warrant that it was paid for by Clinton. None of this Clinton wrongdoing has, as far as I know, ever been reported by the Times. Once the truth about Clinton and Obama comes out these leftist Trump haters are going to have nervous breakdowns. Some may commit suicide. We need to brace the NHS for a surge in of mental health problems.
What about Uranium 1?
Russian businessmen make donations to the Clinton Foundation whilst Hillary is Secretary of State.
The State Department then permits the sale of American Uranium to Russia.
Why isn’t a Special Counsel investigating that?
Most of the newspapers running story about Corbyn and the collaboration with the Czech secret police, but a quick search of the BBC reveals nothing yet.
Telegraph runs with this headline,
‘Jeremy Corbyn knew I was a spy and was a Cold War source, says Czech ‘diplomat’
Whereas the Guardian predictably runs with.
‘Jeremy Corbyn denies ‘ridiculous smear’ that he briefed communist spy’
Whatever the truth is, due to the sensationalism and lies of the MSM, I find it difficult to believe either story until it can be proved.
I think that is the difference between me and my left wing mates is that I don’t think rumours, claims and hearsay mean anything until proven. Where they jump on the bandwagon immediately.
If it is true, and I would like to think it is. It will be buried as quickly as it emerged by the BBC. But when it is Russians interfering with Trump or Brexit it runs forever..
Yesterdays news titbits
UKIP ordered to pay £200K share of Jane Collins £670K libel payment to 3 Rotherham Labour MPs
FFS the court found £670K of damage was done to their reputations !
TfL says Uber shold indicate whether the driver is female so women can guarantee a safe driver
… doh ..the bad guys will use that as a way to find driver to rape.
Yorkshire Post :says 137 historic offences of sex abuse within shops
Times : says that despite Roland new denials that he never used prostitutes, they have seen Oxfam documents which say he did admit that.
– A Times commentator said we should simply cut out the middleman and give aid CASH direct to individuals
… Nutter the village mafia would just take the money etc.
A film production corp guy has got $300m for switching allegiance from Fox to Netflix
(He’s the brains behind thinking up a series of boring but succcessful show formats)
NEWSTH ALERT : Boysth who are confusthed by their gender are likely to listhp.
Well, blow me 🙂
Careful CB… it’s not long until the weekend post midnight shift.
As the great max always signs off
“You’re a disgrace …… “ what a catch phrase – still prefer the dick Emery one – a comic years ahead of his time and for some reason rarely repeated by al beeb
Oh you are awful…..but I like you
That’s the one – third -I grew up laughing as chaps dressed as ladies but I suppose they can’t even put that on “Gold” now for fear “some one” might get upset .
I remember laughing out loud at Benny Hill as he slapped the little bald bloke on his head and then went scuttling off to chase the bikini-wearing totty – all to a great soundtrack.
When he died the BBC interviewed Ben Elton who said he wouldn’t be missed as chasing semi-nude girls around was neither funny nor clever. From that point on I have refused to watch anything Ben Elton is involved in.
“Ben Elton ”
Why do British stand-up Comedians think that shouting makes them any funnier than ziltch?
I can think of more fundamental questions about British stand-up comedians. Like, for instance, why aren’t they funny at all – shouting or not.
comic years ahead of his time and for some reason rarely repeated by al beeb………
Perhaps too many at the Beeb identify with his character – Daphne !
Warned you…;)
Ah, history, and those who interpret events for the bbc.
For those on the twitter there is a breathtaking exchange between my lord Adonis and Andrew Neil – with Adonis claiming brexiteers have taken over al beeb – oh really . Perhaps lord Adonis has mental health problems …
Some as ever excellent factual complement from ITTB:
Getting the feeling the likes of Nick, Ken, Michael, Gina, Anna, etc may be agitating the Bbc cancels the Loopy Lord’s all access pass as he’s rather raining on their parade.
Guest , Nice to know a beeboid ( ms beard) can understand why it’s so understandable for white westerners to screw underage black girls in disaster zones —-suppose she’d understand why Saville did it – the pressure of fame darling .
She can probably justify it because the Romans did it.
I like the idea that the leader of Her Majesty’s loyal opposition left a condolence card for a convicted child molester who had been deported from Blighty twice and was illegally in the country .
Now I suppose the taxpayer will have to stump up to send the body back to Portugal .
Sure will – in the middle of the night, from a quiet deserted airfield, hidden in Michael Foot’s old duffel coat. Then the BBC will be able to say they never new about it…
That tweet beggars belief.
Mary Beard openly saying that she understands why they abused young girls and that she admires them.
Is this the same moaning, left-wing hag that complained when someone dared to criticise her appearance?
One can only presume she has her own camper van in the bbc car park.
It will be interesting how the bbc responds (if at all, as they are wont to do in such cases), as their history (see what I did there?) with errant tweets by those not blessed with bbc hive royalty status can be quite swift and terminal.
Do you think she is a bit resentful of being born plug ugly?
Unless you were referring to the Bash Street Kids I think you might be doing a disservice to your everyday, household plug.
Most of the time I heartily agree with the thoughts on here, and though I may not be of the political persuasion of Ms Beard, I wouldn’t stoop to the level of Twitter trolls in getting personal about her appearance. I doubt many on here can call themselves George Clooney doubles, but we are all the product of our parents – good looking or otherwise.
Point taken about getting personal about appearance, as many aspects of appearance are beyond our control. But in some respects the good aspects of a person shine through their appearance, as in the film about the so called elephant man, whose inner virtues overcame his unpleasant exterior. Many people who I admire are lacking in good looks, but that is not the aspect of our BBC exalted academic that shines out. Her lack of beauty invites criticism because of the smug expressions on her face as she delivers odious political beliefs disguised as historical facts, and her condescending attitude to the viewers when she over does the mouth work when explaining things to us thickos. Its the smugness in her appearance and body language which invites personal attacks.
Most of the time I heartily agree with what you post here and we seem on the whole to be politically aligned, but I think it is only fair to point out though that if someone enthusiastically chooses to work in the very over privileged sphere of national communications where you get to air your views to millions of voters and to be rewarded financially to a degree that most of us can only dream of then you surely should be wise enough to silently deflect the flak as part of the job, however personal and not rise to the bait. While Mrs Thatcher was our PM I never knew anyone to be more caricatured and personally vilified as she. (And I, as a shit for brains Leftist, enjoyed every minute of it. Shamefully?) But did she complain? Not that I am aware. She took it all and got on with her job. If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen. Long live satire. Would you be as concerned about it if she was a he?XX
Am with Brissles here.
Beard is a sitting duck. An elitist unoriginal historian who has her agendas and they coincide with privileged Guardian viewpoints. Predictable and dull.
And her efforts to play the “I like shoes like the rest of the girls” card was and is embarrassing, ingratiating.
But we were all lookers once I guess, and to grow old in public must be mortifying, even with the money.
Feel sorry for her. Imagine all manner of poppets even less able than her are snapping at her heels in medialand.
In principle, I agree with Brissles and Alicia, we should be judging an academic on their words, rather than their appearance, regardless of gender etc…
However, Prof Beard seems a rather half arsed academic at best, lacking in any kind of special insight on her subject, or even, frankly an appreciable intelligence, or pulse? I’ve seen her in a number of documentaries now and in all cases she’s either been stating the blindingly obvious (very, very slowly and laboriously…), or talking utter shite. On those grounds alone I wouldn’t really class her as someone worthy of any form of academic credentials, maybe she comes across better in a lecture hall, maybe she writes well? Maybe she presents better when she’s not arrogantly assuming her audience are all some kind of subhuman amoeba? Somehow though, I suspect she got her job through ticking the right boxes, don’t you?
If we consider her as one of those kind of ‘popular academics’ so beloved as presenters by the BEEB (you know the Brian Cox or Alicia Roberts of the world), she still fails miserably though. Okay, they clearly don’t need to be especially gifted academically, and are handed an honorary ‘professorship’ in ‘Making Science Accessible for Dimwits’ from the Uni of the Outer Hebrides (not to be confused with the far more prestigious Outer Hebrides Uni) along with the job, but they do need to be charismatic, dynamic, and at least reasonably presentable, and she’s none of those.
Then there’s the hypocrisy of it all, no laughing at older women for the cruel ravages of age, but quite reasonable to mock older men for the same? Let’s just put Trump’s hair (or whatever it is) out there as an example. An older man, worried about losing his youth and his dignity along with his hair, rightly, or wrongly, a concern for many men over 30, let’s all laugh about that, again and again, and again shall we?
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, so I say let’s all point at the naked Emperor in his ‘new clothes’ and laugh, otherwise we’re doing what, exactly? Feeding the troll that is the BBC and the soul sapping evil of political correctness, that’s what.
One thing is for certain – she’s no David Starkey.
….Would you be as concerned about it if she was a he?…
Yes, actually I would. In fact I get quite narked at reading/hearing Jacob Rees-Mogg being much maligned for his ‘old fashioned’ way of dressing. Why is the way he dresses got anything to do with how he carries out his job ? The man wears a 3 piece suit for Christ sake ! And yes, I agree with you that taking flak is all part of the job.
Al Beeb knows full well that Jacob Rees-Mogg is a threat.
They will now lampoon this man who’s interest is the well being of Great Britain.
I predicted that on this site about a month ago.
With you all the way on this one, BRISSELS. I don’t give a damn how anyone looks, on the left or the right.
A lot of people claim admire JRM for his politeness and manners. Perhaps we could follow his example a bit more. I believe in tough debate, but commenting on a person’s looks is not for the public domain especially regarding ladies. And that includes Dianne Abbott (sorry to spoil people’s ‘fun’)
[For those with long memories and copies files (e.g Maxi) I did once say on this blog that a Nicola Sturgeon would look better in a Burkha, but I was referring to her political beliefs as she is so pro-muslim immigration]
Thank you all
I gave everyone who noticed my comment and considered it worth a reply a like. By the way, as one who resembles a 16 stone version Albert Steptoe with rickets I do not think Mrs Beard is ugly. Just very nauseating.
LW .. aww bless yer ! lol ! no doubt you’re loved to bits.
Lovely in-house family thread this one.
“Just a bit of fun” to quote Rob Brydon.
What a nice bunch we are-who else would allow Maxi to wet himself on the beanbag , and not fit a catflap?
My hubby knows you`re all sweet too!
“Harmless” is his word.
Well, here is Iain Dale speaking for the nation. In fact ladling on just how much of the nation he speaks for.
Thing is, when others in the public eye tweet perhaps less carefully than they should, far from circling defensive wagons, their media colleagues tend to join the frenzy.
It seems to depend more on which side if the ideological righteous divide they inhabit than what is being said.
And they may reflect on the collateral damage of the trend they usually lead.
Guest Who
Beardie Mary might consider a few more things about Oxfam. Start here with its patronising attitude towards Africans
I love the bit about sending bags of shit to the natives so they can fertilize their crops.
‘What passes for humanitarian aid today is often lacking in humanity. It may not intend to, but it often dehumanises people in the Third World. Consider Oxfam’s own ‘Making a Living’ project. It encouraged Westerners to send a ‘pile of poo’ to help poor black people grow vegetables. The problem with white, comfortably off Brits sending bags of shit to Africans was seemingly lost on Oxfam and its supporters.’
Maybe she will be getting her wardrobe next time from the dogs trust instead.
Seems a worthy metaphor for bbc World service output.
As with the doughty Virgin Mary Beard (think Dragnet), the comments there, too, could perhaps be going better.
‘Proof of the pudding…….’ it is said. Certainly it pays increasingly to have a range of news sources particularly in view of the ‘selective’ and massaged news coming over the BBC’s Radio 4. In fact, I heard about the most recent gangland shooting in Londonistan via Westmonster and then, the Evening Standard by a link kindly provided by Westmonster. Indeed, for me, the BBC’s news is becoming an irrelevance as I lost trust in it some years ago.
The facts of this would make a good documentary for the BBC to produce and broadcast on Cbbs and all the rest of the chanels.
Never mind the transgender nonsense, the public, including children ought to know what’s fast coming down the tracks toward them. But surely, any responsible public broadcaster would do this. Wouldn’t they?
Times : How’s the NHS management clearout going ?
Compared to 2013
: 26K managers now 32K
: senior managers up 26% (those earning £77K+ that 10 thousand)
Context vs normal staff numbers: nurses up 4.6%, doctors up 11%
NHS reply ..”we’ve reduced managers since 2010 by 3,600)
The bbc can of course be quick to correct errors. Here is the usually combative Rob Burley in uncharacteristically humble mood:
Were such corrections from other quarters so addressed.
An interesting piece on Toady ( yes really) where they sent a reporter to Brighton to talk to “homeless “ people .
One bloke begging was very forthcoming – he expected to get £40 for the day – he’d already got £20. When asked what he was going to do with the money the reply was “ buy drugs”
If I recall he was from Cumbria but had come to find somewhere warmer.
Now I know this may be a one off and there is genuine hardship but then someone like comrade Corbin goes off on a socialist rant it’s something to recall.
I was surprised albeeb ran the piece. I suppose plenty of them live in Brighton and get fedup with the beggars .
Have you noticed the term “homeless” is gradually being replaced with the new PC phrase “rough sleepers” – thereby justifying sleeping on the streets as a lifestyle choice.
I am a rough sleeper. This is largely due to a combination of hip and back pain, and intolerable snoring on the part of Mme Goat.
AISI – didn’t such people used to simply be described as ‘tramps”?
A fire has broken out in a building in Great Portland Street. According to the Express, the building is full of gas cylinders.
Don’t get excited, it isn’t where you think.
But if the explosion were really huge, maybe?
Sums them up, really.
“Oxfam apologises in a full page advertisement in today’s Guardian in which it says sorry to the people of Haiti and the charity’s supporters.”
Only an true-believer inhabitant of the bubble could “apologise” to the people of Haiti by placing an advert in a newspaper that represents 1.85% of daily national newspaper sales in a country 4,435 miles away.
The real reason for this report is to divert attention from the abuse of those genuinely in need of aid by those publicly commited to providing it, to all those nasty evil rightists in their many forms who are “attacking foreign aid”.
Another attempt to stifle all debate as to the proper nature of aid, who should pay for it, who should deliver it, and who should receive it: all perfectly legitimate questions that you are never, never permitted to ask.
Sexual abuse in the charitable sector? We need an expert, surely!
Brendan? Where are you, Brendan?
The Guardian also ran a main feature from Oxfam’s chief executive, Mark Goldring, complaining that the current level of criticism is ‘…out of all proportion….’ and that it perhaps stemmed from ‘an anti-aid agenda.’
The unpalatable truth is of course that the entirely valid criticism is based on Oxfam’s attempts to ignore, cover up, brush aside and refuse responsibility for the number and frequency of paedophile acts perpetrated by Oxfam officers and agents on readily available and vulnerable children. The preferred and anodyne definition is to describe such acts as ‘prostitute abuse’ but with a wealth of well documented BBC experience to call on and the Guardian to promote the deception, Oxfam and its CEO prefer to bury their heads in piles Jimmy Saville’s used underwear.
Indeed, Beltane.
After all, it’s only a bunch of Haitians, innit? Like it was only a trashy white girls “oop north” somewhere. Like it was only Jim who fixed it, Brendan is really a saint, PIE was never supported by Labour etc, etc, etc.
Drain the swamp.
Alan: “The BBC is very excited about what is a bit of a non-story as Mueller tries to dignify his witch-hunt with a few Russian small-fry…let’s face it, should there be any surprise that Russia tries to interfere in a US election?”
I heard this as it was breaking on R4 and two approaches seemed to be taken by the BBC. News presenter Razia Iqbal was saying (I assume with a slightly red face on behalf of the BBC) ‘Trump is off the hook’ while ‘the correspondent’ (not Sopey) was keen to get in a suggestion that Trump is deficient in some way because he had dismissed claims about Russian interference GETTING HIM INTO THE WHITE HOUSE* as FakeNews, not withstanding that the 13 Russians and the organisation have not yet been found guilty in a US Court.
I assume that in the USA there is the same presumption of innocence until found in Court to be guilty?
One thing immediately struck me. Why would the Russians try to put an opponent (ie. Donald Trump) in the White House? Why not try to get their man in? “They did”, you reply: “they were also on Bernie Sanders side, according to the indictment.”
Well, does that not suggest that they were against Hillary Clinton for nothing more than her being Hillary Clinton and keen to fight a war? I’m no fan of Donald Trump but I was definitely an ABC when it came to the November 2016 vote. ABC = Anyone But Clinton.
I hope this one comes to trial soon. It would be a shame to deny President Trump’s opponents, the BBC, their day in court.
* I wish I could have ‘italiced’ that but could not.
Just put an ‘i tag’ at the start and an ‘/i’tag at the end of the text that you want to italicise.
i.e. <i>getting him into the white house</i>
Up2: The pathetic anti-Trump brigade (incl.BBC) make fools of themselves on a regular basis. This is the latest transparent attempt to get at him. Laughable.
You are right, fnw.
But it’s also embarrassing in that what was once a prime world-class Broadcaster has slumped into becoming a first-class political shyster and huckster, anti-Trump, anti-Brexit, anti-Conservative, anti-May, Johnson, Davis and Gove for nearly all of the time on air. I wonder if the non-politically aware in our population have noticed it?
Funny thing: they do not attack Field, Hoey, Mann & Stuart for their Brexit stance, despite their being as prominent – or even more so – than the Tory Leave campaigners. That rather makes the BBC’s ‘anti’ stance even more obvious.
Even Drama & Light Entertainment is not untouched by this incredible bias in News & Current Affairs.
(Small correction to my 4.38pm post – I have been reminded by the BBC that 13 Russians and THREE organisations have been indicted. Why no arrests? Surely the 13 Russians must all be flight risks? No questions about that from the BBC?!)
Cartoon + News Review for the week:
In the ‘Africa’ section of BBC News it asks which Back Panther character I am.
That’s easy, I’m his parole officer.
“Earthquake felt across parts of UK”
\\Louise Craig, from Connah’s Quay in north Wales, said it was “the most excitement I’ve had on a Saturday afternoon for a while”.
“I get a lot of fat wood pigeons jumping up and down on my chimney and I first of all thought the noise was them but they must have put on a heck a lot of weight to make the house shake,” she told the BBC.//
Bllody snowflakes , the lot of em!
Louise needs to get a boyfriend.
Me? I thought that Caerphilly cheese doesn’t agree with me.
That linked article has an audio recording of Roxanne Woolhouse’s account along with a photo of her pouting showing her piercings.
This UK earthquake is a rare geographical event so who do the BBC interview? A scientist? Nope, they interview a couple of nobodies who tweet and facebook all day long.
Might as well have asked Brendan Cox if he thought the earthquake was due to Trump’s policies and/or brexit.
Perhaps they have been too busy looking for a Brexit link?
All the illegals in Blighty stamped their feet at the same time taff
The Remoaners did the same, thus compounding the effect.
“Pressure is mounting on the FBI over the agency’s failure to act on a tip that Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz might carry out an attack.”
If they got that wrong, did they get this wrong ?……………
Were they spending too many of their resources on the wrong case?
Al Beeb are loving this ………………………………..
“UKIP members voted to sack embattled leader Henry Bolton”
Bet the champagne bottles are popping already but I have a strange feeling that this might come back and bite them on the backside.
taffman, you could say ‘how appropriate for the BBC to be at the champagne over UKIP’.
I have a feeling that both organisations may be ‘drinking in The Last Chance saloon’.
Got to admit that twat who got sacked was a joke . At least he can go shag the girlfriend now and appear on the front page of the Mail on Sunday in mid manoeuvre
Anne Marie Waters should have won anyway.
So good riddance to Bolton.
And they`ll sink to extinction if they don`t get AMW back.
Nigel is a busted flush-but, given how crap the Tories are re Brexit, he`d be good at hounding them into giving us the full Brexit as we ordered.
Yes, “a busted flush” well said. This ejection of Bolton is a huge blow to Nigel and one can only hope he will take it on board and stop trying to control the party. Ukip’s decline in support started in the final weeks the 2015 election when he started to say things which, to put it mildly, did not enhance the party’s chances or his own in South Thanet.
Since then he has increasingly been at odds with his own membership ridiculing them and insulting them.
The truth is that the last thing Ukip needs is Farage back as leader.
It is only when Ukip can fly without him that the party will take off again. The sacking of Bolton may well a turning point in a series of unfortunate events. The next year will tell.
A Mensa member has been appointed leader of UKIP.
The BBC is very upset about this, and is also angry that he has called their favourite terrorist ideology a “Death Cult”
On the other hand the BBC’s schools website, aimed at brainwashing children into being uncritical of terrorists and violent ideologies, gives an uncritical view of Islam, one in which men and woman are depicted as equal and the Prophet Muhammed stressed the importance of women. But the same website states that “Many people think the Christian Church is sexist. It does not treat men and women equally.”
Also, most BBC staff do not like Jews because their favourite terrorist ideology is anti-Semitic, Israel is not a member of the EU and friends stick together.
So if I understand Labour / bbc (same thing) policy:
1) Let the whole of the 3rd World in.
2) Give them all a home.
I sure hope that magical money tree has a good yield when they come to power, they’re gonna need it.
Lord Adonis has written to the albeeb DG asking whether Mr Farage should be on QT for the 32 nd time when UKIP has 2% of the vote –
The remaining 400 ish days are gonna get v emotional and tesco is gonna sell a lot of popcorn .
We, after all, have done our bit and as the PM said today there will be no second referendum
Judging by the mood of the krauts and others at the Munich security bash it might actually be dawning that we really want to leave and will go and it’s not a game of chicken
The never elected Lord Adonis claiming the elected shouldn’t get as much airtime as he does.
The magical money tree will shed its leaves pretty quickly, vlad, if, as promised, Corbyn renationalises all the ex state owned industries at no cost to the tax payer.
Noting that the BBC have said nothing about the Corbyn story.
Imagine if May or Farage had been on a National Front march or gloated at the death of Steve Biko?
This Corbyn story is a shocker. At the very time when Havel was in prison, not long after Jan Palach had immolated himself in Wenceslas Square? Corbyn was telling the Czech spies in this country all about who their enemies were, so they could pre-empt opposition. And the BBC don`t regard this as news?
Utterly appalling-the Czechs say he was”stupid but honest”. No longer honest, just a traitor. And trying to take our country over, by the sounds of it. But the BBC say nothing.
But the BBC DO regard Trump not answering a reporters shouted question about gun control(as he was visiting the hospital and relatives) as “a news item”.
How low do this lot go?
Lower than a rattlesnakes belly.
“Lower than a rattlesnakes belly.”, in a wagon rut, LR.
Please tell me that on the new BBC multi episode drama on the story of Troy, that starts tonight, that Achilles is not played by a black actor?
I was irritated that in the Shakespeare plays a year ago that Margaret of Anjou was played by a black actress. I find that this clunky political correctness totally destroys the narratives. An excellent effort at the plays is ruined by pathetic PC politics, this is typical of the BBC.
I have absolutely nothing against black actors & actresses but I do like to have some degree of accuracy in portrayal of actual people in history.
Al Beeb don’t do history. They make it up as they go along .
Oh, come on man, this IS a panto you know . Surely you don’t expect historical accuracy? You do? Oh well, good luck Sir.
“I was irritated that in the Shakespeare plays a year ago that Margaret of Anjou was played by a black actress.”
But I thought that everyone knew that Margaret of Anjou was from Somerset. As were all the chaps in The Black and White Minstrel Show.
“I was irritated that in the Shakespeare plays a year ago that Margaret of Anjou was played by a black actress.”
It was laughably ridiculous. Everybody knows Margaret of Anjou was 5 foot 4 inches. Sophie Okonedo is 5 foot 8!
Soon as I saw that I had to turn off.
Anyone else notice that despite the outcry of ‘not enough black actors/actresses being cast’ there is a small circle of black performers who appear time and again in major film roles and dramas. Sophie Okonedo is the ‘go to’ female for serious roles – appearing in several dramas in the last few years; then there is Denzil Washington, Halle Berry, David Oyelowo along with Chiwetel Ejiofor (had to cut and paste those !) and David Hare who have had prominent roles – not exactly a large pool that Directors have to choose from.
“Please tell me that on the new BBC multi episode drama on the story of Troy, that starts tonight, that Achilles is not played by a black actor?… I have absolutely nothing against black actors & actresses but I do like to have some degree of accuracy in portrayal of actual people in history.”
‘Actual people’ like Achilles?
Zeus as well as Achilles is black. Well, it’s certainly a “retelling” by the BBC of the story. They will “retell” every story in such a way if we don’t watch out. I may be wrong but I don’t think the ancient Greeks would have imagined their chief god and greatest hero as sub-Saharan Africans.
(By the way, I didn’t find Helen to be all that attractive. But that Aphrodite was a bit of all right.)
Don’t know, Phil. This mindless trend is bound to continue. History will be rewritten in the name of ideology. A dangerous trend, really – when you think about it carefully. Where will it stop?
Let’s see: we can safely assume that Hitler won’t be black, anytime soon. But once you start perverting truth to suit your own absurd narrative, hardly anyone is safe.
Events will presumably be the next victims. All for the sake of PC. Watch this space…
Adolf Hitler not black? How dare you Sir . Not only was Mein Fuhrer black but he was a devout follower of Islam and he saved 6 million Jews from the gas chambers. Were you taught nothing at school?
“Don’t know, Phil. This mindless trend is bound to continue. History will be rewritten in the name of ideology.”
I know “fake”; none of the other “white” actors were half-way swarthy enough to pass as Greeks.
Soon as I saw that I had to turn off.
Is it known that the ancient Greeks were swarthy? Not much sign of that in the sculpture. There have been centuries of Turkish influence.
How many times have we got to tell them that “we are leaving”. Oh how Al Beeb is doing its best via propaganda to keep us in the EU.
You cannot “leave” the Cosa Nostra. You have to call in Elliot Ness and The Untouchables to sort them out.
Lefty Wright
You could be right.
Half the British Empire gained independence in half the time! Its a bloody joke!
Nigel, Nigel, get us out !
New series. Animal curiosities.
Polar bears and Grizzly bears are apparently mating in the wild to create Pizzly bears.
This was first tried in captivity many years ago and at first it was thought that the offspring were sterile. Like Donkey / Zebras, and Lions / Tigers. But second generation Pizzlies have been found.
Anyway, due to Global warming, yes global warming the Grizzlies are moving north and the Polar bears moving south so they are now crossing into each other’s territory.
Alarm bells begin to ring.
Surely the bears territory’s were always in a relative position and cross breeding has always happened despite what Attenborough wants us to believe.
A quick bit of research shows that this has been noted since 1996 (well before climate change and global warming were on the current agenda.) and probably many years before. It is only recently that scientists are recording such interference with the species.
Never mind, Global warming was mentioned another three times as the probable cause for this.
Next curiosity. In the 60’s, American Bees and African Bees were cross bred in Brazil and accidentally released. The result was an aggressive hybrid that invaded all of the Americas over the next 50 Years. Attenborough then states. “However this invasion was halted when the Bees reached the temperate climate in the north.” You would have thought that according to Attenborough’s preaching, global warming would allow them to move north into Canada. They didn’t, and haven’t.
Funny how global warming made the Grizzly bears move north, but not the Bees. A slight contradiction there ….
My name is Wright – right? So if I shag next doors dog will we produce a “Wog”? This is all too much for me. Goodnight each.
Reality check for Attenbourough.
The link includes references (ref. maxi).
Attenborugh should stick to flying squirrels and the then ‘threatened’
and very rare (!) rhesus monkeys (he found a small population outside their normal habitat). Playing quasi scientific politics is not in the remit of a BBC presenter/auto cue reader.
Number 7,
“Reality check for Attenbourough… The link includes references (ref. maxi).”
Very interesting ’Number 7’, except if you’d bothered to check you would have noticed that the ‘references’ are solely to other ‘climate denying blog sites’, which in turn endlessly reference back and forth between each other.
What you won’t find is a page link to any actual peer-reviewed research or anyone who has actually carried out some field studies.
Seems to be a rather glaring omission wouldn’t you think?
How about you try:-
The number and distribution of polar bears in the western Barents Sea – Aars et al 2017
Variation in the response of an Arctic top predator experiencing habitat loss: feeding and reproductive ecology of two polar bear populations – Rode et al 2017
Demographic and traditional knowledge perspectives on the current status of Canadian polar bear subpopulations -York et al 2016
… and there is plenty more
Usual pathetic rubbish from Maxi, probably refering to the paper by Harvey Et Al .
Except if he had bothered to check he would find out that they had been advised to withdraw that paper for legal reasons as it is a total load of lies .
But the Loonie left never let facts get in the way of their lies .
The Muller story is rapidly reaching the point when indictments must be handed down. First on the charge sheet is the BBC, which has spent over a year touting the lies of the failed Clinton campaign that the Trump organization won the Presidential election in collusion with the Russians. For a year the Useful Idiot Jon Sopel has been polluting the airways with the tittle-tattle he calls journalism scrapped from the dinner party tables he assiduously cultivates in Georgetown. A short sharp spell in the can seems only just.
Speaking of cans, Mueller has been on one for a year now and the train is still stuck firmly in the station. Not a scintilla of proof has been produced to link the Trump campaign with the Russians. Indeed it now seems that the Russians were keener on promoting hard lefty Bernie Saunders.
The latest indictments are just a bunch of Russians working on “troll” farms in Russia. Most people in the States wonder what the point of the indictments are since the alleged culprits live in, well, Russia. All of the other stuff seems to be just recycled Democratic campaign dirty tricks. Still the BBC agenda is that the Muller probe is lapping the steps of the White House. Frankly if the IQ of most BBC journalists was any lower, you would have to water them.
Of course the main story over Corbyn is largely ignored. It seems that the Russian Trolls, Czech Division, claim he was a valuable contact during the cold war. Apparently his code name was “The Knob” although I might have to just check this. But of course who would ever believe Corbyn was a Russian spy? Having said that the historian Dominic Sandbrook recently wrote that not only was he unfit to lead the Labour party, he was unfit to be a Labour MP.
You read it here last on the BBC.
Great post Chris
Why does that fading old twonk Humphrys get a dig at President trump in theWaitrose freeby rag?
He’s allowed to be a ‘special’ correspondent, but why say that nuclear power gives President Trump ‘a big button to boast about’?
Twat. Silly old fart – should be put out to grass somewhere.
That’s several days of not shopping at Waitrose accounted for!
I don’t need bbc twonks getting me on the other side because they’re paid to. Take note ‘Supermarkets’. you’re not that fantastic!
How could you do a Waitrose ?
Just think – Humph gets his £650 k for Toady (yeah I know he had to take a notional drop ) but then gets paid for mastermind and then for stuff like Waitrose magazine – which goes into his production company.
Meaning his effective revenue is up above £1 000 000 pa at least. Add the after dinner speaking income to that and he can probably buy wales – not bad for a Grammer school boy
Fed, the after-dinner speaking isn’t that good either.
Some years ago, I was a member of a big crowd of Movers and Shakers in London, and he was the speaker one evening. I didn’t go, but all he did was ask members what they wanted to know about his huge influence in the bbc, and everyone I knew there (most of them), told me a few days later that he was incredibly boring.
I think it’s a throwback to the fact that anyone from Wales who got a job with the BBC back in the fifties, would become famous, especially if they came from Tiger Bay…
(With absolutely no bad feelings aginst Welsh people – I spent many years living there and loved it – and them).
Humphries isn’t worth his money, but is considerably worth more that Mishal and Sarah Montague, Has the Today programme kept its audience? Knowing people on here plus Quinton from the DM, I would be surprised. So justification for some serious salary reductions.
I agree with you Deborah.
He’s not worth £650,000 but he is definitely worth a higher salary because he’s excellent at his job. There are times it can be frustrating when he appears to be pro-Labour but I regularly heard him make Labour ministers sound like complete fools during the Tony Blair period. He does his research and he is very intelligent.
I think he’s great on Mastermind as well, I can’t remember a time he mispronounced or stumbled on any question regardless of how difficult they were.
In comparison the other Today presenters are not in the same league and don’t deserve anywhere like the same salary.
Troy was followed by the news which showed a rather fucked looking British prime minister being questioned by an arrogant kraut called ‘wolfgan’ Wondering why Blighty might want to leave the Reich.
European security is a bit of a laugh when the krauts took a million Muslims in and the southern states have been busily dragging North African males out of the med when anyone sane would have left them to their fate. ( maxi – no need for a cut and paste on that one )
I think that if I was a citizen of the EU now, I would be worried, very worried.
They will know their history and they will know how Great Britain has saved them from themselves so many times in the past. They also know how much we contribute to their defence now.
They will also know why Britain is called ‘Great’ .
It is being reported that the UK will not be (by the EU) permitted to use the Galileo satnav system.
Can you imagine the chaos caused by all those (Polish etc.) lunatics driving HGVs having to use a map – carnage – they have trouble with satnav. sarc.
From a technical point of view, how do the idiotic, unscientific bureaucrats imagine they can block reception to a particular receiver anywhere. To elucidate, the satellites transmit there exact position globally. Your satnav box then triangulates the received positions of said satellites and gives your position. In the case of more advanced satnav boxes, also your altitude wrt. median sea level.
The American system is quite adequate in any case as it does give worldwide coverage unlike Galileo.
As an aside, In the early days of satnav I was off Portishead, Bristol Channel.
The satnav box was telling me I was in Park Street, Bristol!
Wrongly posted – meant to be a new post – slapped wrist.
“EU may block Britain’s Armed Forces from global satellite navigation system after Brexit”.
But they’ll still want our armed forces to defend them…..Do they have any more toys left in the pram? Picked cherries or eaten cake maybe??
Bit of hasty prioritising on the Marr paper review?
5 Love news now covering this expressing surprise
“due to a story in the Daily Mail”
Nolan, “Are you shocked at that story Edwina ?”
Seems Corbyn, Vaz and Macdonnell are also in a spot of bother.
Maybe the Marr Show can simply turn into an all singing, all dancing show like, say, Top of the… oh…
McDonnel has come out fighting , shouting liar at the Telegraph.
BTW the BBC has the Cox story
They give selected quotes ….. but I’d prefer to see raw video
… He added: “In the past I have focused on disputing what I felt was untrue in the allegations,
but I realise now that it’s more important to take full responsibility for what I have done.”
It’s the main news at 11:30pm
“In the past I have focused on disputing what I felt was untrue in the allegations,but I realise now that it’s more important to take full responsibility for what I have done.”
Translation – ” I’m a lying sex pest”.
David Vance;
“…rich men, alcohol, scantily clad women = how life rolls in some circles. Get over it.”
‘Yes, I WAS a sex pest’: Jo Cox’s husband confesses as new sexual assault claim forces the murdered MP’s partner to quit her charities
Nolan trying be cautious “Oh we have scant details”
Edwina gently reminds him , that Cox has resigned
Shafiq the Labour supporter is praising Cox on anti-terrorism
.. Ah no he just mentioned Asian gangs and some people not shining a light on such things and Saville and the way the powerful protect some people.
“…rich men, alcohol, scantily clad women = how life rolls in some circles. Get over it.”
@Maxicony don’t know who you are quoting
But it wasn’t me.