The BBC is very excited about what is a bit of a non-story as Mueller tries to dignify his witch-hunt with a few Russian small-fry…let’s face it, should there be any surprise that Russia tries to interfere in a US election? Hardly a new tactic for them. And after all the BBC does it, the Guardian tried it and got slapped down. And the US isn’t known for its lack of intervention in other countries’ internal affairs…such the small matter of Brexit. Wasn’t it Reagan and Thatcher who toppled the Soviet Empire? Bet old comrade Corbyn was gutted.
Speaking of which…Comrade Cob-Nut’s alleged dalliance with Commie spymasters hasn’t hit the BBC headlines yet…it’s top story in the Telegraph, it’s in the Mail, not the Guardian of course, it’s in the Times…but for some reason a story about the leader of the Opposition, whom the BBC keeps on insisting is the next, and soon-to-be, PM, hasn’t made it onto their own pages. The BBC seems more concerned about Russian interference in US politics than the fact that a terrorist cheerleader who has close ties to Russia and Iran is so close to the top job in the UK…a man who wants to disband the Army, do away with MI5, trash Trident and neuter NATO….and of course destabilise society and crash the economy. Just how does the BBC manage to ignore this story….can it ride it out hoping it will blow over quickly or will it have to dust off the cover stories that show Corbyn was a flag-flying model figure of the British Establishment?
List the bias here….
Gotcha, you b*stard.
But he’ll be back soon, you can bet on it.
Expat John
And so will maxitroll. What happened to him?
His needle seems stuck.
One mistake that many ‘conservatives’ make when facing the ctrl-Left is to play nice. It doesn’t work.
Far better to be an in-your-face thug, like President Trump, who simply has no truck with identity politics games, and says so, bluntly. There’s nothing in the Leftist playbook to counter that.
That’s why I also like Viktor “Big Sam” Orbán, the Hungarian PM, who flatly states that the “true spirit of the age” points to a resurgence of conservative values centred on country, family, and tradition.
I totally agree, you have to play hard ball with the left, never apologise for not sharing their views, State your own just as aggressively as they do theirs, contest every inch of ground and don’t yield an inch.
The centre right has been playing too nicely for far too long whilst the left have been playing dirty. It’s now a desperate fight against the left and we have to be implacable in the fight. No mercy.
This must start with arch hypocrite Brendan Cox , his charities , Oxfam and other international leftist to the core charities , need to be ruthlessly exposed. They must be treated in exactly the same way that the BBC would treat some business fraud or scandal, never letting go milking it for all they could day after day.
Speaking of the foul corporation the tax fraud must be exposed all those who have been paid as none staff members to avoid tax must be exposed their wrong doing shouted from the roof tops. They must be humiliated as hypocrites advocating higher taxes that ordinary people have to pay whilst avoiding paying themselves.
I’m sure that President Trump will not miss the Clinton Obama axis of evil and hit the wall, he will nail them, along with all the senior people that they placed in key government agencies. He will expose the corruption of the left. Yet the leftist MSM in the USA are trying to suppress news about a scandal that is far wider ranging than Watergate ever was.His brave stand may yet turn the tide.
But what this diatribe leads to is an underscoring of why we need a free , pluralistic press and broadcasting media. If we had to rely solely on the BBC and Guardian or the US MSM would we ever know anything about the goings on on the left hand side of the political spectrum? All attempts to shut down right of centre newspapers, or censor the internet must be resisted. The BBC monopoly must be broken and right of centre broadcasters allowed to operate in this country. If we lose the battle of the media we lose the war and the left is in a powerful position.
Excellent above Rick and DT.
Hear hear!
Harry Enfield revealed why the BBC is censoring the Jeremy Corbyn Communist story.
In a television program we see a reenactment of a BBC board of directors meeting in which these statements are revealed.
“Are you a communist?” “This is the BBC – we’re all communists, aren’t we?”
The Youtube video of this has been removed but the transcript still survives on the internet.
Richard Pinder,
“Harry Enfield revealed why the BBC is censoring the Jeremy Corbyn Communist story.”
Richard Pinder’s cerebral cortex has been removed but a transcript still remains on the internet.
Not been here long, but even I know that Mr Pinder is one of the brightest on a very bright website.
As for you Max or Paddy. You`re guilty of majoring on minors as ever. Figuratively.
Greetings from the outer reaches of the galaxy. While I have been travelling these past months to the more easterly regions I have been mercifully freed from Al Beeb propaganda. I am happy to report back to you that while it is still possible to get Deutsche Welle (yawn), Bloomberg (ditto), and CNN (no thanks) and some others, most of the space ports in these realms don’t seem to bother with Al Beeb.
Anyway I thought this morning that we should all give a thought for poor Brendan Cox who has resigned from his ‘charitable works’ due to ‘mistakes I made several years ago’. Stitched up by those bastards at the Daily Mail. At this difficult time I am also thinking of poor old Maxi who must be deeply affected as he/she munches through his/her muesli in (?) Camden this am. If you’re out there Maxi, stiff upper lip old chum, I’m sure you’ll be able to identify the ultra right conspiracy soon enough.
This prompts me to wonder how long it will before we see Mr Cox on Al Beeb again ? In a relatively short period of time methinks. After all, as the current (but for how much longer ?) CEO of Oxfam has so helpfully pointed out with regard to the shenanigans there ” I don’t think it was in anyone’s best interests to be describing the details of the behaviour in any way that was actually going to draw extreme attention to it “.
More on Oxfam and Al Beeb anon.
“Anyway I thought this morning that we should all give a thought for poor Brendan Cox…”
No need;
“…rich men, alcohol, scantily clad women = how life rolls in some circles. Get over it.”
Got’cha Maxi. That twat B. Cox has been keen to lecture us all with his world view. Now he must face the consequences of his actions. Fairly do’s!
Nice to see you’re an early riser, Maxi.
But maxi you miss an important point, the point which enrages many.
The rich men and the scantily dressed women both know where things may lead and don’t pretend otherwise, nor do they preach and moralise to the multitude. They don’t spend public money.
Now bring on the likes of Oxfam and St Brendan, they spend our hard earned money, the preach to use and adopt a holier than thou stance. They rape , they abuse their power on girls with desperate needs, they take a droit de signeur position . They stink to high heaven of foul hypocrisy.
That is why the Cox and the Oxfam and the Kids Company cases are so different from the antics of a few rich men and paid for women in private clubs.
What a goon this muppet is.
“Scantily-clad women”? Or poor women unable to afford clothes lost in the earthquake? And you DEFEND this Max?
That`s the thing about lefties-utterly venal, nasty and unable to see just how wrong it it to abuse your power in poor lands. And then come ome first class to berate the rest of us for voting Brexit and not stumping up for their salaries and freebies.
God help the Venezuelan poor turning to prostitution at the moment-Max is maybe checking his flight stopover options as we speak. Hypocrite of the Week runner-up Maxibhoy!
” I don’t think it was in anyone’s best interests to be describing the details of the behaviour in any way that was actually going to draw extreme attention to it “. Similar words were used by the Labour candidate for Rotherham, Sarah Champion, in 2015 after UKIP MEP Jane Collins, and candidate, had said that Labour MPs must have known of the child abuse scandal. Unfortunately, the voters believed Champion….. To paraphrase a well-known saying: The MPs we get we deserve.
“…rich men, alcohol, scantily clad women = how life rolls in some circles. Get over it.”
What motivates you? Why do waste time here supporting an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich ?
I think Maxie was on the sherry last night. Copious quantities required after having to do some unspeakable acts with a well-paying client of hers.
I think some of the drugs Maxicony uses during his peculiar sexual activities have an effect on his brain
Poetry Please on Radio 4 was hijacked last night by a chap from Guyana whose oeuvre was hackneyed garbage about ‘a foot in each dimension’ and ‘power through difference.’ Yet another programme ruined by their desire to be ‘diverse.’ Diversity is fine but it should never be at the expense of quality. Of course his poem is part of the A Level English syllabus, I wonder why?
His selected reading was something to do with slavery. Are all ‘minority’ performers really so obsessed with race issues or do they just talk about them because they know lefties like the Beeb will lap it up? It is so divisive. Anyone who is not part of that group cannot relate to it. It is a real pet hate of mine, comedians are just as bad.
Some trougher twat like Purnell with some meaningless job title like ‘engagement manager’ will probably be proud of their ‘work’ in making Radio 4 more ‘accessible’ and no doubt earn something absurd like £300k a year. They were concerned that not enough ‘minorities’ listened to Radio 4 but why can’t we like different things? I thought diversity was our strength? It is the quintessential eccentric, polite, middle class ‘Englishness’ I have always adored about Radio 4. Why can we not having anything for ourselves? It is not as if any Indian plumbers or whatever are going to hear that some try-hard waffler is stinking out the poetry programme with his prattlings about hip hop and suddenly decide to listen to Radio 4.
Shame Saint Brendan has fallen, who will the Beeb speak to now in the context of terrorism discussions to suggest all communities are equally likely to be victims of it?
Just as they regret the fake news meme which came back to bite them, their insistence that heads roll for the slightest misdemeanour may come back to haunt them.
Ho ho ho ho!
Just walked past television Centre and saw this card stuck in Lord Haw haws window.
SAINT WANTED! to replace former saint who s golden sandals have somehow turned to shit coloured clay
To assist the BBC and other mainstream media outlets in the complete destruction of British traditions and Culture
Sense of moral superiority
Overarching sense of entitlement
Politically Correct in all things
An ability to promote a personal tragedy in order to further ones career in the public eye would be an advantage as would an ability to use said tragedy to further a political viewpoint which concurs with the BBC s world view that our current Judeo/Christian Culture is just soooooo yesterday and needs to be replaced.
Ideally the candidate should be a “family person” who is willing to grant interviews on how wholesome he/she/cis is. And considers themselves firstly and foremost citizens of the world and therefore wants to further the interests of peoplekind as a whole and not just the interests of Britain.
Any embarrassing past actions which conflict with the wholesome Saint requirement should be suppressed in such a way that the “lying right wing scum press” will never be able to find out what you were up to when no-one was looking.
If an information of this nature does come out the employer agrees to protect you with a “boys will be boys” excuse or if that fails it will call for the suppression of all viewpoints and outlets which see you for the hypocrite you obviously are.
Salary – Lots , The BBC will employ all deviousness means to ensure you are paid far more than you are worth
Interview priority will be given to BAME, wimmin and Cis candidates
White , heterosexual, Christian male candidates need not apply.
Sorry everyone I was unable to get a photograph of this however if Aunty has left anything out of this add I am sure she would be pleased if we could let her know.
Like this, very funny!
Rapes hidden away in regional news again while headlines is harrasment of wimmin at work:
A young man has been raped after he was grabbed by two men in a Buckinghamshire park.
The victim, in his 20s, was sitting on a bench near the Campbell Park car park in central Milton Keynes at 11pm on Thursday.
Two men approached him and one grabbed him then forced him to the floor.
His accomplice then raped the victim.
The man who grabbed the victim is described as black, about 5ft 10ins tall and of a stocky build.
He was wearing a hoodie with the hood up.
The man who assaulted the victim is described as black, about 6ft 1in to 6ft 2ins tall and of a medium build.
“I can’t help but notice you have a kinda trans-Atlantic accent, tell us about your links to Great Britain?”
If you have to ask there’s obviously a problem.
But that was BBC sports presenter Kat Downes doing her level best to anglicize Izzy Atkin a runner up in a skiing event who trains in the US, was brought up in the US and has one British and one Malaysian parent. By the way, despite (or perhaps because of) the resoundingly middle class atmosphere of posh hobby sports Team GB our Kat in her reports from Korea is not exactly a fan of clear RP diction. She prefers ‘lotsa kindas’ and she throws in the odd ‘bonkas’. Our bronze medallist Izzy appears to be a personable well-educated probably rather priviledged young lady typical of the obscure and expensive Olympic hobby sport fraternity so beloved of the BBC.
“Well, my uncle and aunt have flown out all this way to Korea from the UK to watch me”
I’m sure we’re all very pleased for her. I hear it has cost well over £20 million pounds to send team GB to the Winter Olympics – that won’t include what the BBC has spent on coverage.
I really do struggle to understand the BBC’s concept of Britishness. Clearly to justify the corporation’s fast waning in relevance sports coverage they have to frantically brandish the Union flag at the most tenuous of opportunities.
I was so impressed with BBC coverage of our Izzy’s success I now want to rush out to paint her local pillar box bronze in her honour.
But I wonder how the US Postal Service might react?
‘Mailboxes are protected by federal law, and crimes against them and the mail they contain are considered a federal offense. Violators can be fined or imprisoned for each act of vandalism’
Going with the latter, but both is a possibility.
Interesting google site search for “right wing terrorists” 1750 results “left wing terrorists” 8 results
the term “left wing terrorist” hasn’t been used since 2010, that must mean IRA, Neo National Socialists and Antifa are just lovely people now.
An explanation for that would make a worthy FOI request.
The answer is of course already uniquely predictable, but asking may give them, or google, or both, pause to ponder.
Almost certainly the biggest issue in western societies in the past year, but with our National Socialist broadcaster for the last 12 months “islamic terrorists” 4 mentions “muslim terrorists” 1 mention
Easiest job in the world being an editor on the Marr Show today…
Brexit or BrendonCoxexit?
Czech the Corbyn story or can that be Trumped by yet another re-hash of the US gun control debate?
Rob Burley will be on fine form juggling those noticing the bbc’s peculiar editorial integrity choices.
Any making good points will of course be ignored.
A discussion on the World Service programme “Weekend” produces grudging acceptance of the Polish government’s objection to reference to Auschwitz etc as “Polish” death camps. I find the Pole’s attitude more than understandable, as this report, in line with many others, was conducted without the words “Germany” or “Germans” being uttered. It’s all down to apparently stateless “Nazis” it seems.
An example of where the Poles are coming from :-
Interesting that in addition to Stephen Fry another brain the size of a planet VIP was similarly ignorant (& thanks BBC for the info)
In 2012, Barack Obama made an uncharacteristic gaffe that set off a small diplomatic crisis – he referred to the “Polish” – and not “Nazi” – death camps of the Second World War.
For Poles, it was an acutely painful faux-pas. The nation has for years objected to the term “Polish death camps”, saying it implies complicity in the Nazi camps built on its soil during occupation.
It’s nice when supposedly high end bbc programmes support other broadcasters, if the reasons seem at best selective.
I mock the idea of ‘micro aggressions’ but there are so many many minor things that make my blood boil on the BBC.
All their trailers for the FA Cup are voiced over by a rapper.
“Make no mistakes.
We are raising the stakes.”
I am not averse to clever rap but this is not very good and is only shoved down our throats because it is ‘diverse.’
BBC news about stars wearing something or other to do with sexual harrassment. Someone famous does something, do we need 7000 in the news team for this? Only the seven billionth story about sexual harassment with no more substantive events to report, just more mass emoting and virtue signalling.
They have a Guardian journalist on to talk about ‘Russian collusion.’ They really are the most fair, balanced and impartial broadcaster on the planet. Apparently Russia knew years ago Trump would run and become president, despite it being the most unpredictable and unlikely election in history. And of course the Russians did Brexit as well. None of the Trump/Russia stuff has ever had the slightest ring of truth to me and the best lies must seem believable. An alpha male patriot sucking up to their Cold War enemy?
Surely even Pravda in Stalin’s era was not this transparent and relentless?
Andy Marr ‘the biggest story this morning….’
Wow, St Brendan?
Wow Traitor Cob?
No…. According to Andy Pandy, it is the mess our schools are in. Not even the bBBC’s own front page of newspapers has a schools story!
Denial, Andy says Uncle Jeremy allegations pretty ‘thin’, so that’s that covered and covered up, innit?!!!
Then our Andy in very much off-the-cuff editorialising mood says of the Brendon Cocks story “very sad”
Sure, Andy, possbly he’s a soul mate of yours but I’m only sobbing as far as the off switch.
Ohh, quick, better sniff up quick and switch off licketysplit – here comes some Guardian pal of Andy’s with his Putin wot done it Trump and Brexit conspiracy theories.
Due to no TV licence, I cannot watch Marr on Sunday. I was pondering on that earlier and asking myself what I miss. I concluded that it was the paper review. Three ‘knowledgeable’ guests pontificating on World events. Mainly, I used to enjoy listening to the so-called, “ex-advisor to No. 10” of which there are many. Overall, I was never impressed. Lack of quality, calibre and foresight always struck me as the obvious that these are just, ‘nobodies’ pushing their own agenda on a very gullible politician. One Marr couch occupant sprang to mind: one Aisha Hazarik, described variously as ‘a stand-up comic’ which she took up following her role as a, “Labour Party special advisor’. Say’s everything……. But, good to know it was an Asian at the top of the greasy pole advising those who made decisions at that time.
So what exactly do the Russians get from Donald Trump winning the US election ? (Crickets chirping)
Some bloke on Marr wrote a book about it and apparently these Russian people paid for somebody to dress up as Hilary in a jail suit to interfere with the election yeh that’s what done it not 30m people voting for him – Marr’s programme reminds me of John Craven’s Newsround.
Andrew said it must be a tough time for St Brendan after all he has been through – yeh Andrew must be tough spending your weeks assaulting women – but you support him eh Andrew .
So in a nutshell Russian collusion evidence is rock-solid but the evidence against slimy Jeremy Corbyn is paper thin. I bet a thousand pounds that is the other way round BBC/Andrew?
Andrew would of course.
So another socialist ‘Point of View R4, from A. L. Kennedy (again), this time telling lies about the free market and Adam Smith.
And the fragrant Paddy following on, wheeling on a close friend of St Brenden to provide a lengthy exposition of how wonderful he really is. However, at least Paddy pointed out that St B was sacked from another charity three years ago for sexually inappropriate behaviour, a fact that seems to be unknown (!) to other BBC hacks.
I’ll leave it to others to fisk the already highly partisan and biased piece that “Jim” Naughtie is currently reading on R4.
It was Clueless @LucyPorter on St Brendan
Ah you see this just blowback from people angry at the good things he’s done
– Quite a contrast from her view on Toby Young –
good screenshots
Lucy said ‘I have never heard any rumours/whispers before’
‘Not what he was doing but how he made other people feel
… refreshing and principled
… terrific dad to his two children
… powerful statement … I applaud Brendan…’
Ah so St Brendan, “he’s Labour family”.
Whereas ..some American women, “not one of us”.
Ah there is a new thread on St Brendan
Naught Naugtie a BBC pensioner was brought on in the middle
to do a Guardian type piece about how hatey & divisive debate has become .
He kept saying “from both sides”
Nope it’s clear to most that t Angry Hatey people are from libmob & Remain.
He then tried to pin it all on Trump ..saying that it began with him.
Seems to me people mock libmob characters like Corby, Hillary, Diane but from the other side comes genuine hate fro Trump/Farage/Tories etc.
The BH prog is libmob Remainer territory, that’s why it’s become unlistenable
It’s PARTISAN and then says “oh debate has become DIVISIVE.
…irony meter broken
Naughty Naughtie’s gibberish : He wrongly claims Snowflakes are
#1 “small voice of calm”
#2 come “from BOTH left/right”
#3 “the person who’s mind changes, cos of the facts”
#4 NOT mainstreams which are real problem, but “non-conformists”
Doh they do CONFORM to a lib/left grouthink
Direct link
Earlier he primes us with some anti Trump framing
but here’s an excerpt from a few minutes in
Next came
Dame Anne Leslie
“We are now having religious wars without religion …with the exception perhaps of ISLAM”
Naughtie’s tosh Earlier from 32m35s
Oxfam : “opposing sides dug into their trenches”
Put on your armour Oxfam/Brexit/ClimateChange/ ..from both sides of course ..PublicOwnership/
..culture war of contemptuous language and insult on both sides (nope lib/left are far more insulting)
Social media echo chamber encourages shouting
..but look to the US for consequences of dividing into con/lib
..There you’ve got radio/TV where you hear nothing to challenge your views
DONALD TRUMP is the shining product : the love-child of 24h news & corporate greed ..a Twitter demon .. a nano attention-span appetite for insult & division
..and an aversion to the very idea that things might not be quite so simple (plays cherrypicked clip) so the habit takes hold
..Choose your side just like a referendum SMSay, “simplicity itself”
… (that’s his anti Brexit dig)
..Think of the politics of our 2 big parties
: The Brexiteers and* the Conservatives winning a public argument that brought down one primeminister *(he means “of”)
and forced the other to change her mind almost overnight (funny cos later he is praising snowflakes claiming they change their minds)
: And Momentum in Labour ..a Transformation so quick ..
When ..The target is not just the other side, but reasoned debate itself, that is a culture of contempt ..clip (of QT Brexit woman complaining she is being shouted down)
..what gets lost in the namecalling, twitter trolling even if there is no Russian finger on the keyboard, absolutism masquerading as conviction is .. (now hes on to the seg I quoted previously)
The story he is portraying is absolute rubbish, he makes out as if the fault lies with both sides and predominantly non-libs
Rather he seems to be the typical angry sneery lefty/Remainer PROJECTING his own sides flaws onto the other side.
“Citing the findings of a meta-analysis of other studies published in The New Atlantis by Dr. Lawrence Mayer and Dr. Paul McHugh, Hendershott writes that “the hypothesis that gender identity is an innate, fixed property of human beings that is independent of biological sex—that a person might be a ‘man trapped in a woman’s body’ or a ‘woman trapped in a man’s body’ is not supported by scientific evidence.”
Somebody tell the bbbc.
The idea that there are biological genders, that men and women have differences, is now taboo in the US and Canada.
Innate differences between men and women was the point made by Google engineer James Damore in his memo, and he was fired for “perpetuating gender stereotypes”.
Coming soon to a workplace near you.
The next Olympics should be interesting. Presumably the trans folks will be able compete in either the men’s events or the women’s. The six foot six twenty stone trans will have a slight advantage over the women in the ladies javelin etc. Should be fun. It may well be the moment that world see this crazy trans fad for what it really is.
Why is “DNA analysis” the determinant in so much lefty stuff like crime? But not wanted in sex and gender debates?
Wrong way round surely-but it`s their madness and rules, as opposed to what we know to be true.
XX, XY and those few rare geezerbirds inbetween-very rare.
Note the word “disorders”
“All scientific evidence indicates that gender identity disorders result principally from cultural causes and moreover, modern society is facilitating them, according to an analysis published Friday.”
So there you have it bBBC sientific evidence that the gender bullshit is not NORMAL
A sick organism like the beeb creates a sick society which naturally breeds all sorts of pathologies.
Some serious disinfection required. Drain the swamp.
Excellent comments on Breitbart especially liked this one.
Credit “Idogiveadamn”
The LGBTXYZ tribe are extremely temperamental.
50% Temper – 50% Mental.
The intolerant but tolerant group.
JRM on LBC 10am-12pm
Disappointed with JRM on LBC.
First part ostensibly about TM’s Munich Speech re the Common Foreign and Security Policy.
I thought he fudged the questions on Defence by a lady caller pointing out the issues continuously being raised by @VeteransBritain. Does he genuinely not know what is going on here?
A remainer called asking about our vetoes. Again JRM didn’t seem to know that we had lost some relevant vetoes, including on CFSP, since November 2016 (i.e. after the referendum).
I don’t pretend to understand it all (Pounce?) but it looks like things have been ceded by stealth.
A petition was started by @VeteransBritain yesterday – Ensure the UK leaves all EU defence rules, policies and structures on 29/03/19
See also
Very much the flawed article, a work in progress.
Great on legal stuff and constitutions etc, hopeless on Islam and a bit of a catholic cuck, come the big issues.
Would be a great Party Chairman, Leader of the House.
Owen Patterson is my man. Seems well able to shaft the left at will, and has that common touch as far as I remember.
Couldn’t take any more Andy Marred, switch over to the Winter Limpets.
St Clare of Boulding and panel moaning about funding……click^ off, ND has left the building.
Brendan Cocks is only quitting for a while. He intends to return.
Mr Cox said it had become “much more difficult” to focus on the two charities he set up after his wife’s death, the community group More in Common and the Jo Cox Foundation.
“For that reason, while away over half term, I decided to step down from my current public roles for the time being,” he said.
Have I miscalculated or did the behaviour for which Mr Cox feels he needs to resign take place while he was married to his then living wife?
It’s what St Jo would have wanted……
Maybe it was what Brendan wanted?
Do you think the saintly one maybe should have used some better moves?
May I respectfully suggest next time instead of (allegedly) flirtatiously throat grabbing maybe some sweet nothings may work better. How about this instead?
“We have far more in common with each other than things that divide us – now get em off!”
Please spare a thought for Toady tomorrow .They will probably have to edge the frames of all the pictures of St Brendan with black silk. And as for poor Misha I can see her crying now into her Soy Specialty Latte. Shame.
Standing down for the time being eh?
Kids Company…why not?
What a lovely thing it is to see the pious moralising virtue-signalling LeftMob exposed as the hypocrites they are.
Especially when their own weapons of choice (social media) are used against them.
The sun is shining and it’s a good day.
Labour MP’s defending Brenda Cox behaviour. Remember the witch hunt against Toby Young for less…. I knew Sky, BBC and ITV would defend him…disgusting
Its a good thing Brendan Cox didnt touch a woman’s knee, when she didnt mind. The BBC doesnt like that at all – if the person doing the touching is a lying Tory scum.
Not that the BBC is interested in the rape allegations within Labour or the Lib Dems, and the resultant cover ups. All of which is actually illegal.
Knees are completely out, throats are okay though.
……but back to matters.
Listened while half asleep to a bit of Sunday, R4 at around 0740.
Two guys being interviewed about the Oxfam fallout. One was a Beeboid replicant, sanctimoniously peddling the Guardianista line that to punish Oxfam is to punish the most vulnerable people, and in terms only ‘right wing idealogues’ would want to do that. Needless to say the pro blank cheque aid budget argument went unchallenged.
The other interviewee was certainly no right wing idealogue, but an aid worker who had spent years in the field and raised a lot of cash. He pointed out the chasm between the large charities HQ management and the lot of the avaerage workers out in the field, who he argued in the main are not having sex with those they are supposed to support but in practice are pretty hard working, on pretty low pay, in pretty crap living conditions and completely unsupported by Head Office.
This arguable case was met with ‘sorry we have run out of time’.
Yep, even centre-left arguments are unacceptable on the bBBC when there is a hard left alternative to promote.
Noted at mass that a CAFOD worker has been sacked, although he was working for Oxfam at the time.
Bizarre, wheels within wheels and something very fishy at the top. We give to Cafod, not to Oxfam.
And now we don`t give to Cafod.
Brit wins gold at the posh boy and girl Winter Limpets, congratulations to her. I bet it was spoilt for the bBBC haha! by the use of walk on girls in the presentation ceremony….there will be some hand-wringing going on at the bBeeb. They’ll probably drop the summer and winter Limpets now, and get exclusive rights for the Wimmins Rugby World Cup, and the World LGBTXYZ Bee-keepers National Honey Tasting Championships.
Don`t we British only win things when our sports people are on their backs, tummies or arses?
Horses, toboggans and boat things.
Thought sport was for exercise, not for posh kids who can`t run but can afford a luge or a yacht.
The bBC, plane crashes inside Iran and half the story:
Iran plane crash: All 66 people on board dead – airline
Sixty-six people have been killed in a passenger plane crash in Iran, airline company officials say. The Aseman Airlines plane, en route from Tehran to the south-western city of Yasuj, came down in the Zagros mountains….Iran has suffered several aviation accidents in recent years and has an ageing aircraft fleet. The country has struggled to maintain its planes in the face of international sanctions imposed to curb its nuclear programme.
So yet another plane crash inside Iran and whilst the bBC tries to blames sanctions, and fails to inform the reader that the plane crashed into a mountain in thick fog. and here is a phone clip of that route:
Funny enough Iranian planes have a bad habit of flying into mountains, during bad weather. That has nothing to do with sanctions
Perhaps the pilot took a moment out to pray? Perhaps amongst the passengers was a Mutaween keeping an eye on others.
Saudi religious police (Mutaween) refused to allow girls out of a burning building because they weren’t properly dressed………
Ben Brown on the BBC News Channel:
“I wanna bring you a statement from Save The Children”
On a style note we can’t help but notice this morning the BBC having their presenters use what I believe is known as ‘assimiliation’ of words and what my former teachers might have termed sloppy diction.
To the substance of this press release our Ben is now so keen to give us – I assume this is the first time the BBC have acknowledged an old press story about Mr Cock’s previous alleged sexual transgressions – not the more current ones.
And of course this being the balanced BBC the dirt associated with the first press release is countered with a gushy semi-apologia re Mr Cocks behaviour press release from our Jo’s sister. So that’s alright then.
Any chance of a spectrum re the sex pests.
Is Weinstein or Cocks the bigger sex pest?
Or are we talking Damien Green and Michaal Fallon-who both were hung out to dry for very little.
Was Cocks better or worse as a perv that these Tory tubs?
Hope “All In The Mind” will give us a Savile Index so we can place Cocks on it.
As a nurse we used a turd Index called the BSI. What viscosity and shade/% runniness are we talking here?
I know the colours are red and green, brown when mixed.
Anyone for lasagne? Will wash my hands later!
Like this AS.
Savile =100.
Green(D)=3( albeit unproven either way).
Cox = 70.
Got to add factors like %hypocrisy, political expediency and cultural cover up indices and weightings…so Sir Cyril has gone up to 95 now!
There`s a maths formula here-only wish I taught at high schools.
Good mention of C Freud. Often seems to be forgotten in this context, but some of the female sales people at a certain pharmaceutical industry event in Vienna some years ago would I am reliably informed validate your score.
The Chinese have released a new film where the enemy isn’t Americans, Russians or even Brits. I wonder why the bBC aren’t wetting themselves over this latest blockbuster by asking:
“Which Chinese soldier are you?”
Watching the tanks I noticed many chinks in their armour 🙂
If Geert Wilders takes this to court (as he say’s) and it ends up with the ECHR coming to a decision that his Government don’t like, methinks the BBC will have to consider their “positive discrimination” employment policy. Watch this space.
So you can`t discriminate…that`s illegal.
But you CAN discriminate if it is “positive”?
But then that surely means that others have to be “negatively discriminated against”? Wilders is correct.
Looking forward to THIS one being explained away. Imagine the lines will go down and BBC editors will be making hissing sounds to pretend that the signal is failing.
Classic Beeb.
Excellent bias example on al beeb news where the House of Commons environment food and agricultural committee has said brexit will cause higher food prices .
What it does nt say is that the membership is majority remainers . So they would say that wouldn’t they ?!
The radio news explained it thus
‘#1 Brexit will get us a bad deal, thus food prices will go up
…but #2 if world trade gets us cheap food .. that will kill our farmers
So either way it’s all your silly fault for voting Brexit’
I still can’t get over the fact that my Tax is being given to Charities every year. My Tax money is supposed to be going to the NHS, Defence , Police/Fire & Ambulance and the crumbling infrastructure of this Country. I do not remember agreeing to give anything to sodding OXFAM or any other Charity.
BBC how about you do a Panorama about this?
Mis-appropriation of the U.K.Taxpayers money – have a look at that £600m we are giving in Foreign-Aid to China every year too – what is that all about
P.S. When you close down for the night could we have the National Anthem with a picture of Clare Balding and her wife – she’s just great and not on the tele enough these days (sarc)
The Stupid Tories have fallen for the ‘Gordon Brown’ methodology. Which Mcdonnell is set to increase, and then some.
Where virtue is achieved by the amount of money spent on something rather than any actual outcomes. The NHS is a prime example.
So to get the virtue tick-box for DfiD you have to spend 0.7% of National income. But they dont know what to actually spend the money on, so they literally either give it away to the likes of Oxfam or (and) when they are really stuck they offload it into a remote bank account so it is off the books and they can claim they have spent it !!!!
Immoral, disgraceful, disingenuous, virtue-signalling total bollocks.
Unbelievable ! Every one passing comment on bad boy Brendan (not the one booted from Strictly !) has spoken how good he is in stepping down from his role in the charities, and his honesty for his past conduct. Dear God, he wouldn’t have done so had he not been caught out. Had he NOT been the widow of Jo Cox the responses would have been totally different, but clearly the shock is palpable by all his mates in the media, yetnow they’re backing him up. He’s toast now.
Just enjoy it all,
The BBC Press Reviews over the last 24 hours have been very funny.
Can`t trash Trump-the FBI have other issues at the moment.
Can`t mention Corbyn and the Czechs.
Can`t mention Brendan Cox except in a half-mast fashion.
So the Press Reviews were great-a dreadlocked poundland Benjamin Zephaniah on the sofa this morning was reduced to the centre spread in the Sunday Express magazine…something about the old being lonely in front of their computers.
Left for work then-but bet that dragged out ten minutes.
Really funny. The curse of Trump seems to be taking hold.
I I think Brendan Cox cock took the lonely thing a bit to literally . I can’t wait for the full details to come out . They must be pretty juicy for him to have fallen on his sword . Maybe he went for young ones ….
Al beeb will be looking for some anti brexit and Britain poison to cover it up
So good you named him twice eh Fedup2?
Like this,,,very acceptabubble.
PS-what colour was his sword?…feminist pink I`m thinking, with a lime green whitewash available.
S`pose no pork swords allowed in Muslim lands.
Normally I’d leave comments about the sins of Mr Cox alone but his revolting exploitation of his position of victims’ husband was just too much.
He ll land up on Wimmins Hour having a “there there “ interview . Al beeb won’t be investigating his activities and any one who does will be labelled as ‘extreme right’ to consciously adopt al beeb language.
No pork swords allowed there I’m afraid. They have to make do with the humble mutton dagger.
I’m surprised at you Alicia. This is all getting rather risque. You are awful – but I like you.
Thought of offering a sex pest hotline.
Whether you want to confess or snitch-that`s two lines then.
All premium rate money to go to -er-Oxfam I guess.
Haven`t thought this through have I?
Fancy Brendan Cox getting booted off his wifes charity ! And it`s not as if he was a sad widower seeking comfort is it?
No wonder they edited Jess Phillips-who clearly had condoned him for five minutes before they could get the soundbite that the BBC required of her…and of the cherideez!
Worth watching, an obvious edit.
Actually, now I know that Oxfam is merely Victorias Secret and Anne Summers, Agent Provocateur and the Knickerbox Shop all rolled into one…now might be the time to get your fancy dress and kinky stuff cheap. Bring your own brown paper bags though-very good for the environment too!
They`re out of latex nurse outfits though-we`ve bought all them up for next Sundays care home open day.
I have it – the perfect fundraiser to put some smiles on everyones faces and raise money for Oxfam or Save the Children.
We could have a televised great British Grope-aphon where we the ignorant masses could ring up premium phone lines and pledge money for whoever we would like to see groped on camera. It would all be for “charity” and if the gropers are saintly leftees and the gropees are Tory scum then no harm done anyway!
Great idea Oaknash. And what about role reversal, revenge gropings? Where Brendan Cox and Toby Young are in speedos running away from Carrie Gracie or Charlotte Proudman etc who are in chastity belts and burqas?
All money raised to fund the digging up of jimmy Savile, so we could throw our used knickers at him, and give him the worst of bad body language. Folded arms, specs on end of nose and shouting “This is not acceptable”.
Alicia – Now your just getting silly!
I suppose at the end of the day the main victims in all of this will be Bendan Coxs Kids. The bloke knew he had these black marks against his name yet he allowed himself to beautified to MSM sainthood. Yet in the back of his mind he must have known this could well come out further down the line.
I suppose this says a lot about his arrogance or his laziness or both. Not wanting to do a real job which involves actual work (like the rest of us) instead, spend a lifetime cashing in on his wholesome family values and his wives grusome death at the hands of a loony.
What do theses people expect ? You put your head above the parapet then they act surprised if someone tries to chop it off.
I just hope he realises whos fault it is if his kids come home from school crying one day because other kids have labelled their Daddy a perv or similair.
After this I expect the BBC will be increasing support for Max Mosleys Impress. Cant have the press outing their favourites can we.
Alicia, loved the idea of a Sex Pest Hotline !
Reminds me of a comedy tv series in the 70’s where the teacher of the Class always wanted to know … “and do you have any sexual problems ?” (Mind Your Language ?). Isn’t odd the things we remember from 40 years ago.
I`m leaving the BBCs Licence pen on April 30th.
And have high hopes that at least ONE of Netflix , Amazon and all the others will offer me “Mind Your Language”.
Appalling nonsense, but good eye candy and enough stereotypes to annoy the virtuous.
At the moment, all we`ve got to annoy them is the appallingly useless “On the Buses”.
And -many words come to mind-but “eye candy” is not one of them.
Poor Pat Ashton. The only proper “actor” on that ludicrous show. Why aren`t I surprised that Bob Grant and Stephen Lewis were lefties-didn`t end well for poor Bob either.
It`s been a long half term, maybe I`ve had too much time on my hands eh Brissles?
I’m trying to get my wife to cancel her direct debit as well Holly. We haven’t had any bBbc at all, radio or television, for the past fortnight. Of course you notice it at first but with Amazon Prime, Netflix and other streaming we’ve become far more selective in what we watch and my daughters are enjoying a far broader and entertaining variety of programmes than the bBbc can provide. It hasn’t been and won’t be missed. The bBbc has really just become a habit and background noise, white noise even, for the vast majority of it’s viewers.
Toast of London is on Netflix, Oaknash and Alicia get your clipboards and whistles ready. One episode suggests a fundraiser perfect for the bBbc – a Celebrity and Prostitutes Blow Football Tournament.
Something for everyone in the bBbc dysfunctional family there I’m sure.
I must say that you do seem to be quite well informed about the virtues of the noble art of the unorthodox rumpy pumpy.
Quite the little Bohemian on the quiet then? You naughty girl!
P.S. By the way what are the paper bags for?
Lest we forget……….
UK population: 64,769,452 (July 2017 est.)
Ethnic groups – white 87.2%, black/African/Caribbean/black British 3%, Asian/Asian British: Indian 2.3%, Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 1.9%, mixed 2%, other 3.7% (2011 est.) – Source: Google search.
In the midst of the conspiracy between all broadcasters and media to distort the stats. by public exposure to their programmes and advertising showing white’s in the minority, I just think the above stats need airing – often.
Channel 4 (deputising for the BBC) brings us 10,000 years old Cheddar Man tonight. The Radio Times report includes this unsurprising snippet from the programme
one of the scientists says, “We may have to rethink our notions of what it is to be British.”
Is this the show which talks of “The First Brit”?
End of. That`s racist. Clagg calls us Brits as do all his ilk who hate us.
So-thanks for warning me off Channel 4. Would never watch a programme referring to me as a Brit.
Thinking of boycotting EU goods now, after their intention to punish us earlier this week.
New Zealand etc costs more-but if the EU are flogging it, we need to hit them.
Would the BBC use this story I wonder?…Ha!
You’ve taken umbrage at use of the abbreviation, “Brit”. So you should. If I receive a visit (and admonishment) by two of the local stasi for referring to you-know-who’s as “muzzies” and a “victim” disliked that, you must have a case to refer the matter to the police as, “hate speech”…………..
‘Ethnic groups – white 87.2%….’
To be fair to our BBC they might just be thinking ahead a few years…
Unfortunately the 87% have to watch their tongues for fear of offending the 13% but not the other way around. If that’s justice then I’m a cucumber.
That’s why Al Beeb don’t do comedy anymore.
St Cocks won’t be getting a knighthood or OBE. I assume he will be chosen to stand as a Labour candidate.
A really irritating little twirp on the BBC is Paddy O’Connel on a Sunday morning. Always pretending to have rational discussion, always going emotional with carefully selected soundbites from Trump, or a crude Trump imitator, all to discredit the President. This morning he had some drivel about the power of black wimmin, and how they’re getting them registered in America – basically to get rid of Trump.
I catch bits and pieces of Paddy every now and then, and the theme often sounds anti-white, certainly anti-Trump. There are always guests at the end, to read from the papers. My guess is that 80-90% follow the predictable PC line. Presumably the others are there to pretend some sort of ‘balance’.
If they got rid of Paddy, we may have something on R4 worth listening to, who knows.
When he started on al beeb mr o Connell was a reasonable journo -but after having been there a while and been exposed to mr e night mare he became the smug lefty beeboid he is today .
It’s another one I stopped listening too .there really are so many now which of no value
Substitute ‘white men’ in any mention on the BBC of ‘black’ or ‘women’ and listen to the snowflakes get an attack of the vapours. It is fine to say the black women affected the vote in Atlanta (I think it was on BH), but what if it had been white men? There was some mention of a woman’s writing prize; but could we have one restricted to men? Works every time.
Todays BBC website headline
‘Murdered MP’s widower quits charities’ is so lame and does not initiate the story behind the headline.
What about ‘Alleged sex pest husband of Murdered MP quits’
‘Save the Children sex pest quits.’
‘Hypocritical Brendan Cox quits after admitting to sex claims’
BBC subtlety in order to protect their own.
And did you notice how they included comments from fellow workers praising him, rather than any efforts to speak to the victims?
The bBBC ‘news’ tells us that lots of Labour luvvies like Brendan Cox.
So that’s all right then.
Mid afternoon and the balance is fairly even. Give it a few more hours and the Mail on Sunday will be the main culprit for daring, in its sneery Tory way, to expose such a highly regarded public figure. Brendan manfully – perhaps with a touch of tearfully – will own up to letting his army of supporters down, promising to devote the rest of his life to the destitute and downtrodden, due to savage Tory cuts.
The Sunday Times reports that the supposedly “greatest ever documentary, Civilisations” is to be remade by the BBC.
It will be co-presented by left-wing, labour supporting historian Simon Schama, left-wing, labour supporting historian Mary Beard, and left-wing, labour supporting Nigerian historian, David Olusoga.
Three random historians all chosen for their academic prowess.
From that line-up of luminaries and from the plural S in Civilisations, I think we can guess where this is going.
Of one thing you can be certain: that additional ‘s’ tacked on to ‘Civilisation’ will ensure that the remake will not begin to approach the standards and informed levels of Kenneth Clarke’s original.
Schama, Beard and Olusoga will happily and predictably prostitute their supposed credentials to establish that BBC-style reality.
I believe the oscars are coming.
Does anyone know the current state of protests (or virtue signalling to give it its proper name)
Is it still Harvey Weinstein or is it too few blacks getting oscars. Is it too few wimmin.
Is it maybe your general anti Trump do or even anti Brexit.
I’m having trouble keeping up with the poor little luvvies and their black dresses,rubber wristbands or lapel ribbons showing that they care more than us.
Do they still hand out little golden statuettes or has that part been been dropped as it is distracting viewers from the real reasons for these jollies.
I don’t know, but it was white roses at the Grammys, perhaps symbolising the little angels’ virginal purity.
Ha ha ha.
Oops, wardrobe malfunction.
That’s a lovely tweed jacket she’s wearing.
All in the best possible taste eh?
If only Kenny Everett had known how good he was in pinning this culture.
I was going to say that it was “houndstooth” thirdoption.
But it`s a black and white test card.
And any serious look will give you epilepsy, especially under a strobe light . Which surely will give migraines to the vulnerable who have to look at it.
Health and Safety, I`d have thought.
While watching the Kenny Everett Show I often wondered what Cupid Stunt looked like. Now all is revealed – well almost all.
Emmanuel, what chance is there that the BBC might care about pronouncing Harvey Weinstein’s name in true ‘European’ fashion or are the BBC merely FakeEuropeans as well as purveyors of FakeNews?
That gets me as well.
It’s not Weinsteen.
Same as Frankensteen.
I just noticed, it’s the Baftas.
Same as the oscars though, full of attention seekers showing us lot how good they are and so much better than us.
Breaking News: Everyone’s shagging everyone else, or trying to.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. Shag without end. Amen.
Talking of which, tonight’s bBBC Countryfile has Adam the farmer learning a new facial recognition technique for identifying sheep.
Well, you wouldn’t want to get an ugly one, would you?
Nobody informed me about this. I feel deprived. I thought Mr Bliar made all Britons equal. I shall write to my MP Mr Dick Pump. No doubt he is getting his share!
I just want to note the total hypocritical double standards of the Left when its one of their own who is a sex pest.
It’s truly sickening to see the parade of women Labour MPs refusing to even use the word harassment in connection with Cox let alone the assaults he is accused of.
Contrast this with the hate and the bile reserved for Harvey Weinstein or the wealthy men in the London hotel daring to touch a ‘hostess’ on the bum.
It reminds me of the great grope of Cologne when the Left refused to condemn or even admit what had gone on, or the feminists claiming they wouldn’t condemn sexual assault in case it gave ammunition to ‘bigots’!
Or the SWP kangaroo rape court which exonerated one of the comrades.
It’s only harassment or assault when we say it is – the same as every other of the fauxbias and isms they’ve made up too!
Sunday Times: “Brains for Brexit: top academics and thinkers put the case for ‘leave’”
(Not reported by the beebistan yet, but coming soon I’m sure.)
There’s even to be a new website soon:
Those who voted ‘leave’ are often dismissed as dim or racist. But now some of Britain’s top academics and thinkers — from the left and right — have banded together to put the positive political and economic case for independence.
Brexit supporters are overeducated toffs who dream of ruling the waves and biffing Johnny Foreigner. Or they are racist proles too dim to see through the lies of the Brexit campaign. Either way, they have one thing in common — they are all, every one of them, as thick as the slowest-witted plant in your garden.
That link between low IQ and a Brexit vote is now an entrenched ideology among many, if not most, remainers. You hear it at dinner parties, you see it on television, you read it in frothing newspaper columns and you can detect it in the fear of professional or private exposure among many “leave” voters.
But, from today, Brexiteers can come out of the closet and hold their heads high. They will know that they have the support of Nigel Biggar, professor of theology at Oxford; Sir Richard Dearlove, former head of MI6; David Abulafia, professor of history at Cambridge; and Sir Noel Malcolm of All Souls, Oxford. In fact, they will have the support of 37 of the brightest people — both from the left and the right — in the land. And soon there will be many more of them.
The list is due to appear because a pair of Cambridge academics, one leftish, one rightish, were sick of the vilification of Brexiteers, the distortions of the remainers and of being “deluged with one-sided propaganda”. In a calm, professional egghead sort of way, they’re mad as hell, and they’re not going to take it any more. “I thought of it during one of those terribly pessimistic weeks,” says the economist Graham Gudgin, of the Judge Business School at Cambridge, “when Theresa May wasn’t going to last until teatime and there was definitely going to be a second referendum. Together we thought, ‘Gosh, we ought to be better organised than at the last referendum’… (More)
As a Londoner – who’d like to see a reasonably safe big city – I wait for al Beeb to report the killing of teenagers . Well last night the 13th teenager was stabbed to death in London. As a reference there were 20 in the whole of 2018. The mail is reporting the latest one. I’m glad I haven’t got teenagers as children – mind you if I had I’d have been on the white flight long ago .
By the way – the total of killings by stabbing in London in the last 7 days is 3.
I’ll amend my entry as I have just found a report of it on the al Beeb website .
Just turned onto my Sunday afternoon R4 book programme with Mariela Fostrup (woman). She was interviewing another woman (yet again). The topic was whether female crime writers were finally making a breakthrough they deserved. In Australia, but the general drift was that men had always elbowed wimmin out of their rightful place as the superior sex and obviously the superior crime writers.
What planet am I living on? I grew up with Enid Blyton, then Agatha Christie, then Dorothy L Sayers, Ngaio Marsh, then PD James. Were they all secretly MEN? Or where they not sufficiently raging feminists, who had the damned cheek to put men into their books.
This is the same sort of reality denial that sees black actors playing Achilles or whatever.
Next is my poetry programme. Last week, after 2 wimmin guest presenters, Roger McGough had a gentleman from Guyana, who had BIG issues with living in Britain. Got no problem with black poets at all….rather like the late Derek Walcott and his poetry. Don’t like poets with issues about living in Britain. Dare I switch on?
Oh hello, it’s yet another woman presenter, Liz Berry. What a big surprise. It’s sure to have some social angle.
God forbid that we should have a man. And surely not anything like Keats or Milton. The first poem is her own. My God, the second poem is not her own, but rather Dylan Thomas. Isn’t he a MAN? That’s disgusting. And read by R Burton? Does Mc Gough want to get fired? What a relief, the third is a woman. So is the fourth. That’s it. Back on track.
And so it’s been with every programme lately, Science, History, Linguistics, doesn’t matter. It has to have a strong angle about gender or race. And as few white men as possible, please. This is the BBC…
But it’s out of our hands Fake, slipped through our fingers, baton has been passed and dropped. This is all because mens paws have become crudely contorted and rough, shaped to hold beer cans and remote controls, necessary tools for sitting idly unaware. And also perfect for touching things they shouldn’t clumsily.
The hands of women however have evolved and developed to become ideally suited to wine glasses and paperback books, instruments required for listening, artistic appreciation, aesthetic awareness, meaningful thought, contemplation, enlightenment, foresight, understanding, personal development and owning it.
Heard this on a bBbc Radio 4 Science programme presented by Sandi Toksvig and Clare Balding. Mel and Sue were discussing quantum physics and the Kardashians whilst Victoria Derbyshire covered tanning mitts and everything else.
Tone breaks down.
When the bbc presumes to list what is ‘key’, time to look further afield.
The seven key takeaways? As in Chicken Tikka, Prawn Madras, Vegetable Biryani, Doner Kebab, Chicken Chow Mein, KFC, and Fish and Chips presumably?
Ha ha Lobster – guess your favourite is the prawn.
Perchance the BBC will consider Hillary and Steele, and of the chance that Steele might be hauled in.
Good article here
Great article-need to read nothing more on this topic now, thank you!
The bBC, the whitewash merchants for Islamic terrorism
Dagestan church shooting leaves five dead in Kizlyar
Five people have been killed in a shooting at a Christian church in the Russian republic of Dagestan. Five others were also injured in the shooting, Russia’s interior ministry said. A local man fired at people leaving an evening service in the city of Kizlyar, Russia’s Tass news agency said. The attacker was shot and killed at the scene, and two police officers were among the wounded, the news agency reports.
And here is what the bBC isn’t telling you:
Dagestan: Five women shot dead at Russian church by Allah ackbar shouting guman.
Funny how the bBC leaves out the bleeding obvious once again.
BAFTA tonight. People arriving in black. Tsk tsk. Wonder why? Will it be like in the US, where you can wear outrage black and still be half-naked? Showing as much of your bits as you can? More HYPOCRISY tonight?
The bafta’s…. it’s already turning into a left wing political rally, bBBC live feed reporting on actresses talking to Dagenham strikers, and gatecrashers are being give coverage because they are against Treezer and the govt’s ‘abuse’ policies. Neatly staged set-up.
Oh, and someones won a prize.
Beyond parody…….
Funny how the use of the word ‘negro’ depends on where it is used? When reported by the Beeb for being used in a crossword:
Apologies required, oh NO wrong, wrong, wrong, nasty word!
But when it’s in the title of a BAFTA award winning documentary (I Am Not Your Negro), no clamour for an apology. Suppose it depends if you’re a luvvie?