People are surprised Andrew Marr defends @MrBrendanCox…
— Harry (@brixham1982) February 18, 2018
H/T Stewgreen for the links.
Sheer hypocrisy….just this one example will do to show the absolute two-faced tribal circling of the wagons to protect one of their own….
How times change when it is one of your own….taking responsibility just as the news breaks hard….always denied it before and even now says it’s all about nothing really…..
Backstage with #thechippendales #lasvegas
— emily m (@maitlis) February 16, 2018
The cocks confession has shown the elasticity of labour female MPs morality and outrage as well as the silence of many who might be expected to get fired up by this.
Beating up men for real alleged or just for being men has become an acceptable hobby and now perhaps we see where the limit lies .
It kind of reminds me of feeling guilty about being a bloke and walking alone through a park. The young mums look at you as a threat – is he a paedo? It might just be paranoia on my part but the feeling has strengthened as more and more cases have been reported.
Don’t get me wrong I’m not excusing men exploiting wimmin or children – but for chaps like me who do neither it’s almost got to the stage of switching the news off and avoiding the press too.
If they didn’t have double standards, those lefty cnuts wouldn’t have any standards at all.
The stench of hypocrisy is never far away when leftists are about. If you are a Tory and you touch a women’s knee your dead. If you are a leftist you can abuse women all you like but the leftist women will defend you in public , the BBC will do all it can to spin for you and before you know it you will be rehabilitated.
Spiritual polygamy. One lefty beardy getting his balls tickled and his sins covered up by a harem of thick shrill lefty ladies.
No wonder they approve od Islam. And as yet, not one BBC goon seeking out those vulnerable victims stories from those that Cox kissed, Kissing the Pinks indeed.
Where`ss that Pankhust Me Too shite when it`s actually a reality, as opposed to a balloon on Clapham Common.
If I were Tommy Mair, I`d look a bit deeper re lefty blokes and what happens to their wimmin. Bob Geldorf….say no more.
Lucy Powell-wasn`t she Ed Milibands wankstand? can only thank her for the Ed Stone and that Womens bus of hers-and think we can now safely say what THAT was used for.
Maybe the Jimmy Savile personalised number plates were still on at the time.
Labour-the Paedos and Sex Incontinent Mobile Brothel -for the minging, not the food.
A few weeks ago great Ormand street hospital said it was going to send back the £500 000 charitable donation from the much criticised chaps night out which msm decided it didn’t like ( love to see these newspapers Christmas Doos ) .
At the time l said the hospital cared more about false principle rather than its patients. Now it seems the hospital is going to take the money. It’s not dirty any more
I’m guessing some one with half a brain realises the charity sector may not be successful in the short term and they are after as much cash as they can get .
Since these charity workers seem to like to employ prostitutes maybe the charities should just run their own brothels . Morality is relative eh?