Looks like betrayal is in the Campbell blood as the ‘Dodgy Dossier’ author tries to betray the Brexit voters and urges the Remain troops on….as he did with the British army in Iraq….which Labour then hung out to dry putting them on trial for ‘war crimes’…ably assisted by the BBC…..
Your energy and passion is much needed. Get those uni campuses stirred up. We need resistance and rebellion from people because there is so little from Parliament https://t.co/zSKbwGdiA0
— Alastair Campbell (@campbellclaret) February 16, 2018
Hmmmm…would that be a ‘populist’ rebellion or what, maybe an ‘internationalist spasm‘ that Campbell is fomenting? Better have a word with Lord AdiEU…Brexit being a “a dangerous populist and nationalist spasm worthy of Donald Trump”. I guess he is employing the same logic that the Weathermen terrorists used in the US…when democracy ‘fails’ you…take up violence.
Maybe he could think back to what he himself has said about people power…a threat to the world…..
Global Implications of The New Populism. What is it? What is the emerging new world order and what does it mean? Why is populism becoming so attractive around the world? How we can expect the world to change – what is under threat? Nothing much – just the whole of Western civilization and the future of the planet maybe.
Still, inciting riot, rebellion and resistance to the most democratic vote Britain has probably ever had…what’s not to like?
Shame most of the comments on the Tweet really put the boot into Campbell in a way the sycophantic BBC never does when he all too frequently appears in their studios….guess all is forgiven after their little Iraq War spat….the BBC rescued Campbell from the slough of despond, and his no doubt guilt driven PTSD, by practically employing him so often was he on the airwaves…even given his own little show at one stage.
Campbell moans about ‘populism’ and campaign tactics that lack intellectual rigour and depth…
Populists the world over, not least in Europe, will take heart from this. The insurgent has an inbuilt advantage. The more noise you make the more people seem to listen. Making people laugh, or making them feel, is as important as making them think. Getting down and dirty, despite what Michelle Obama said about the need to stay high when your opponent goes low, seems to have won the day.
He claims it is a new thing, naturally it is not, it’s as old as politics…Reagan famously campaigned by ‘sellng the sizzle not the steak’ and what is Corbyn’s sudden surge in popularity based upon if not a massive social media campaign that harnessed the stars of youth culture….a ‘populist’ campaign that the BBC rhapsodizes about…despite its own disdain for populism…otherwise known as Democracy.
Brexit was not about money but about regaining independence. An independence that we have fought for, and for others in Europe, which they dont seem to appreciate. Too, not to be shackled by a bunch of bureaucrats following orders from Berlin.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? – Mark 8:36 King James Version (KJV)
The same applies to nations. Look at Germany or France. France particularly, tied to Berlin for money. Has sold itself to Germany. And as for Germany – its a powerful economy, but so is China. But China has a soul. Germany’s soul was throttled in WWII. Why do we want to be ruled by a soulless nation, whose idea of its soul is exemplified by making great cars. Its so tied to making things well, it has to cheat to stay at the top. That is soulless.
We have nothing in common with these soulless nations. No common language, no Common in law, or a thousand other things. Our commitment is to freedom and liberty, both in scant supply in Europe. If we continue in the EU, the little freedoms we still have left in Common law, will be rolled over by the EU magesterium.
Freedom v Authoritarianism – i read a discussion where a remainer questioned a brexiter about what parts of the ReichEU they disagreed about so much that wanted to leave .
I realised then that there is a fundamental disconnect between the opposing views .
For brexiteers it’s the whole damn creaking monster of a federal EUreich whilst remainers just about particular issues .
And basically there is a degree of accountability in our system but none in the reich EU
I’m afraid the disconnect is far deeper and almost certainly beyond resolution. Campbell quotes M Obama about high/low, suggesting Remain has the moral high ground. Hah!
George Osborne: “A vote to leave would tip our economy into year-long recession with at least 500,000 UK jobs lost and there would have to be increases in tax and cuts in public spending to fill the black hole,” ”
“Brexit would trigger recession” – IMF
‘Brexit’ could trigger World War Three, warns David Cameron
Obama – Great Britain will go to the back of the queue (in relation to a trade deal).
They are unable to comprehend or recognise basic truth. They lie and threaten for the greater good of their own agenda.
I, on the other hand have never lied or misrepresented my case that I want a GB governed by representatives who have been elected by the people of this land for the benefit of the people of this land and, if they do not carry through on their election promises – can be unelected come the next election.
Not much to ask for is it?
It’s also worth pointing out that when Michelle Obama gave her little sermon about going high when your enemies go low, she was lying.
The Obamas are Chicago machine politicians to the core. Obama’s administration ran “Fast & Furious”, an operation to allow gun running to Mexico so as to discredit the NRA. He hated his political enemies so much he was prepared to allow people to die, and to use their deaths as political footballs. That must rank as one of the lowest, most cynical actions of any American president ever.
Similarly, the Obama Justice Department colluded with the Clinton campaign to produce Christopher Steele’s bullshit anti-Trump dossier, and used that to con a FISA court into allowing them to bug the Trump election campaign. There has been nothing like that since Watergate.
The Obamas must surely rank as the sleaziest political crime family since the Clintons, but don’t expect to find this opinion anywhere in the MSM. The left wing media are paid up cheerleaders for this corrupt bunch of scum. The election of Donald Trump is starting to seem like a real life miracle, in the face of so many dirty tricks by the left wing MSM opposition.