Nolan /di’khe’d/ A bigoted blowhard, someone unwilling to listen to other points of view, someone who thinks they have licence to cast moral judgement upon others, someone who makes a show of being independently minded, intellectually rigorous and scrupulously impartial but is in fact someone who toes the party line and is in reality no more than a PC ‘bot’ churning out the Liberal Establishment orthodoxy whilst suppressing inconvenient facts. Alternate /J.O’Brien/
The MCB, closely linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and the inspiration for the Trojan Horse plot, has initiated yet another ‘Mosque Open Day’ and the BBC has been giving it an uncritical bit of cheerleading, of course. Nolan was totally onboard as was the reporter who went to a Mosque where we hear that Islam is all about peace, tolerance and respect. No challenge to that naturally. All guests on the show were either Muslim or very up for the Mosque visit and very positive about it. Nolan wanted to know if one of the organisers was ‘surprised at the level of misperceptions about Islam and Mosques?’….No, she wasn’t…it’s because of lies in the Press and on social media. Yep, all those lies about bombs, murder, terrorism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, misogyny, intolerance and racism. All those ‘misperceptions’. We had ‘Cathy’ on to say she had always wanted to visit a Mosque and it was absolutely beautiful and the people were very friendly…as you might expect. Of course this is very superficial, as intended, the reality of what goes on in a Mosque, the reality of what Islam teaches, is not on show. Being given cups of tea, a friendly smile and a Mosque being ‘beautiful’ hardly gets to the heart of the issues about Islam. Her husband refused to go because he has a negative view about Islam for some reason. Nolan wanted to know if the ‘media had played a part in his prejudices about Islam’. So Nolan has already judged the man, who of course has not been on to say what he actually thinks, and because he may be critical of Islam is denounced by Nolan as ‘prejudiced’. Maybe he is right to be ‘prejudiced’. Seems that it is know-all Nolan who is the bigot here. This is all about ‘Dawah’, the Muslim obligation to try and convert others to the faith…it’s a propaganda recruitment drive for Islam….
Good of the BBC to help out.
Any more BBC bias? List it all here…..
The bBC and its pathetic identity politics agenda:
I missed out on university but my son won’t’
“I didn’t hear the word university until after I had left school but I know I could have done well.” Daniel Bennett from Kennington in south London is a heating engineer. He did a four-year apprenticeship straight out of school and makes a good living but doesn’t want his son to follow in his footsteps.
Ok, I can understand the above, but lets be honest, a Heating engineer isn’t exactly poor. doesn’t finish his 4 year apprenticeship owning thousands, but its only natural for parents to wish for the best for their children. But reading on, the bBC article comes out with this question:
” “How many black students will we see?”
Darntá thinks it might be 20. Daniel reckons it will be about six.And Miata Noah, a behaviour support assistant in a school, says she herself dropped out of university before completing her degree.”My thing is to ask about support for ethnic minorities. I never felt properly supported. It felt as if everyone else was just flying.” Miata’s daughter, Kaela-May, 12, is interested in computer science and can already do some coding but wonders “how hard it will be for someone like me to get in to university”.
Then it hits me, the entire article is about black people. which is summed up by the following:
Parents have questions, too. “How successful are your programmes at getting students from non-traditional backgrounds into Cambridge?” asks one. Daniel wonders about racial diversity among the teaching staff. “It does make you think, ‘How am I supposed to be thriving in academia when they don’t look like me?'” admits Ore
“When they don’t look like me?”
Lets see as of 2011 the black population of the UK was:
England: 1,846,614 (3.5%)
Scotland:36,178 (0.7%
Wales: 18,276(0.65)
NI:3,616 (0.2%)
That’s roughly 4.5 people out of every 100 in the Uk are black. So regards the question:
“How am I supposed to be thriving in academia when they don’t look like me?'””
Well it appears that the UK is a predominately white country, Yet the bBC instead of stating the bleeding obvious, that the UK is 95.5% non black instead promote a vision of endemic racism in the UK.
The bBC, the biggest race hustlers in the UK
I remember Academics being so impressed by my short lived computer expertise after teaching myself how to program a ZX81, that they gave me full access to a Honeywell computer, including the ability to give myself a huge pay increase. So even in the eighties, students where given the impression that the Academics could need more support from the students, than the other way around.
Now things are so dumbed down that you can tell who the morons are by the fact that they jump up and down with surprise when they get qualifications that nobody fails at. Its why Remainers say we need Polish Heating Engineers because our children are so badly educated they have to go to University to learn how to read and write. Also, I heard that the only remaining jobs at the BBC in which intelligence is essential, are the electrical engineering jobs, which include people at the BBC who did not go to University.
As for solutions to“How am I supposed to be thriving in academia when they don’t look like me?’”
(1) Racial segregation (2) The modern American style “Racial segregation by absence” system of not allowing white students into university at the lower levels that Blacks are admitted at. (3) Black British students sent to African Universities, funded by foreign aid.
But the only segregation that is known to benefit students is segregation on ability. This is because students are put into an “intellectual gear” by academic segregation, while mixed ability classes mean that those above and below the average suffer from education being either too difficult or to boringly simple for the student.
Many prefer an alibi to achievement. If you drop out of university maybe you were not up to it. Student life is as close to heaven on Earth as you can get. If you need loads of ‘support’ to see you through you are probably just a chump who should not have been there in the first place.
Why do you need to be taught by someone with the same skin colour as you? It is absolutely ridiculous, imagine a white person saying that? My table tennis team captain is black and he was coaching me on my backhand the other day. Should I have told him to go and whiten up so I could more comfortable? And to think we fund the BBC to spout such divisive, patently untrue alt-Left nonsense.
What has “looking like me” got to do with the ability to thrive? Was (s)he asked? Or were the police called in with an accusation of racism, as would happen if I’d said that?
Pounce – not exactly up there with Martin Luther king are they – ‘not their colour but the content of they character ‘ line .
What sort of black people will give other black people comfort ? North Africans, south east or west African s ? Those from the islands ? Christian blacks . Muzzie blacks ? Bit more complicated me thinks
Confession- I had to teach sessions on racial awareness in an earlier life so my bigoted attitude as show above makes my sin even worse don’t it ?
Fedup2 wrote:
“What sort of black people will give other black people comfort ? North Africans, south east or west African s ? Those from the islands ? Christian blacks . Muzzie blacks ? Bit more complicated me thinks”
When this more black people at British unis came out (As promoted by the bBC) they kept quiet on the fact that actually British Unis actually have more people % wise from diverse backgrounds (Skin colour) than the national average something along the lines of 16% where the average is around 10%. It was also (and still is) that these people clamouring for black faces (started by a certain David Lammy) are actually talking about British born blacks and do not include foreign born blacks in their cries for more black faces. I quote the guardian:
“Nearly one in three Oxford colleges failed to admit a single black British A-level student in 2015, with the university accused of “social apartheid” over its admissions policies by the former education minister David Lammy. The data shows that 10 out of 32 Oxford colleges did not award a place to a black British pupil with A-levels in 2015, the first time the university has released such figures since 2010. Oriel College only offered one place to a black British A-level student in six years. Similar data released by Cambridge revealed that six colleges there failed to admit any black British A-level students in the same year.”
As part of a set of data released by the two universities that also revealed a stark regional and socio-economic divide in their intake, the figures showed that just 1.5% of all offers from the two universities to UK A-level students went to black British candidates.”
The answer from Oxford was :
“Oxford said students from black and minority ethnic backgrounds made up 15.9% of its 2016 UK undergraduate intake, up from 14.5% in 2015, and that offers to black students had more than doubled since 2010. Those figures include British Asian students and other minorities.”
Which as mentioned is well above the % for ethnic minorities in the UK.
As I stated in my initial post:
“The bBC, the biggest race hustlers in the UK
When I was at university, I didn’t expect anybody to ‘support’ me. University was about growing up and standing on one’s own two feet. Tutors were for support on academic things.
Quote from first person off the Empire Windrush:
“Oh shit, they’re all white.”
….How am I supposed to be thriving in academia when they don’t look like me…..
I would say, “just get on with life, as you’ll never fight the system”
In the late 50’s I took the 11+ – to get into a grammar school, and failed. My father was a miner, working at the coal face. Ok fair enough. HOWEVER, a doctor’s daughter, who would sleep in class, passed; as did the other 7 girls of business people.
A teacher friend of my Dad, couldn’t believe I had failed, and took it upon himself to search out my test paper from the archives in the county town. YEP ! I had in fact passed the 11+ but as there were limited grammar school places available, they were allocated to the girls of the better off parents. Dad was seething, but by this time I was settled into the A stream of the second modern and was doing well, so he left it.
We play the cards we are dealt in life. Who knows what I could have achieved, but my life was dictated at 11 by those few bods in the education system who took it upon themselves to give the privileged few a further leg up in life. Actually, I did alright as it happens, but I often wonder what happened to the doctor’s daughter !
Snap, I went to an inner city primary in the late 50’s and early sixties run by ex RSM’s who didn’t need any
teaching qualifications for the job, they were bullies and thugs in reality, would not have acted like that if they were working alongside grown men but with small boys they could be hard men.
But getting to you point one kid in the class was as thick as sh1t, couldn’t walk in a straight line, always bottom of the class, but he moved house to a better part of the city and passed his 11+ went to grammar school and ended up a dentist, where we plebs failed the exam and went on to a secondary modern in an A steam, unfortunatley run by morons just there for their salary and then a good pension. I have been bitter and twisted ever since but did get a twinge of satisfaction when married I moved onto an estate and discovered that my lousy maths teacher lived around the corner in a much smaller house than me and drove a car a quarter the price than the one I drive.
Well on the 11 plus I passed first time . !!! Then Shirley Williams abolished the grammar school and I was sent on another path .
I saw baroness Williams in the street in Victoria once ( all politicians look shifty up close ) and for a moment I thought I’d deck her but why give the bitch the satisfaction. Unfortunately she’s still alive .
I think I’d have enjoyed grammar school – it being less diverse back then
I can hear maxi now “ you’re a disgrace fedup 2” yawn .
I followed the same path as you at about the same time. My dad worked on the railways. I passed the 11+ and went to a girls’ high school. I admire your philosophy of getting on with your life, I admit I would have been very bitter. Your post came as an eye opener.
I left to do a secretarial course when I was in the Lower Sixth and as far as I am aware not one of my year group attained University level, it seemed back then entry was only for the very few high academics. Most friends seemed to end up in teacher training college!
I left school in ’66 and my recollection is that life was closer to being more egalitarian then than it is now…it seems the more the Left pushes its dogma the less equal society has become. Compared to today, we were all equally poor…we just didn’t think so. They keep harping on about Social Mobility (whatever that is), whilst the idiots keep on lessening it…DOH!
I was in a school of approximately 1000 pupils and, on average, 3 made it to University per year. No matter what money your parents had or your background, qualification for University was exactly the same for everyone from my school i.e. Latin O Level + Maths A Level (Grade A) + Chemistry or Physics A Level (Grade A) + English Literature O Level (Grade A). Now, I might have that slightly wrong but, I reckon that’s darn near the case if my memory serves me rightly.
I don’t know if other schools had different criteria but, that was pretty tough going. Only the cleverest and hard working pupils made it to University and isn’t that how it should be?
I too left school in ’66 and you are so right in your comment….. “Compared to today, we were all equally poor…we just didn’t think so. ” The majority lived in council/private rented, with only the ‘well off’ buying their homes, but growing up with school friends we were all virtually the same – though barely anyone was on National Assistance (benefits), and a lot of us had our yearly school uniforms/new clothes bought via Provident Cheques ! (credit cards didn’t exist till ’66)
Armed gangs WIPE OUT 15 villages in mass Christian slaughter in Nigeria
Five people killed in Dagestan church shooting
Allah akhbar!
‘How am I supposed to be thriving in academia when they don’t look like me?’
FFS – if they ask that sort of question I really don’t think university is for them. And isn’t that just a tad racist? Oh no, wait, it doesn’t count if it’s the other way around.
— Pounce: “Then it hits me, the entire article is about black people.”
Same thing happened when I read about the new Nike advert (thanks to whoever posted it on another thread). As to be expected, it’s mostly ‘cool’ sports which dominate, but there are a few whiteys in there (mostly poshos rowing or playing ice hockey).
Newsbeat however, wants to find out how some of the “non-famous faces” got involved. Notably, theres not a single white face in the article or the accompanying 7 images and videos. This comes courtesy of Newsbeat’s Nesta McGregor, who made ‘That Black British Feeling’, so maybe not so surprising that a non-white London is the ideal.
Six black schoolchildren out of a coachload does not sound wildly disadvantageous. If anything they were favourably represented (I don’t know how many a coach will hold).
Back in the 70s working class white kids weren’t encouraged to go to Oxbridge. In fact many teachers actively discouraged us from applying to them because they said we would not be comfortable learning in such an environment.
I see that Mr Kaluuya has won the “rising star award” at the BAFTAS. Thats a brillaint achievement and no doubt will sit nicely next to his Evening Standard award won in 2010.
Quote from 2010.
“Mr Kaluuya, has won the Evening Standard theatre award as outstanding newcomer in 2010”.
So basically he has been on the rise as a newcomer since 2010.
As an actor i am encouraging a different theme for the next set of luvvie awards. Last time blacks, this time not trying it on with wimmin , next time – better wi fi. So everyone will wear silver foil hats and boycott their mobile phones.
Weird times. What are they putting in the water ?
“Poor me, I m was a victim too, get my best side for the pics” syndrome by utterly self centred sycophants who are already secure … is the height of hypocrisy.
Stand up for girls/women by all means, be a public voice against sexual abuse of course, but make it the REAL VICTIMS, the shameful, disgraceful media, the beneath contempt political class
deliberately ignore
…We have over a million child/girl victims of orchestrated Islamic child rape gangs, the extent of abuse only now being exposed and its still happening … The NHS apparently see s child victims of FGM
almost on the hour.
If these self back slapping attention seekers had even a scintilla of moral courage over women/sex abuse, they would use that media attention to highlight such evil depravity
… its the least they could do
……. I won t hold my breath
Halifax…. (repeat of comment I wrote at the end of last thread)
I could only stomach the first hour – after I predicted (correctly) each winner. The real doozey was the Rising Star Award – Daniel Kaluuya (me neither), giving the most gut wrenching, cringeworthy and embarrassing speech I’ve ever had the misfortune to hear – including thanking the teacher who taught him acting. I thought, pity he didn’t teach you how to articulate then as he clearly came from the school of firty free and a fird !
“I’ll Be A Muslim Too” screamed the BBC headline, which the BBC headlined last Friday and over the weekend on their:
a) News Homepage
b) UK news homepage
c) English news homepage (still there)
d) European news homepage (still there)
e) “Must See” Video & Audio news homepage.
The question is what is the purpose of this headline? Again – the BBC are trying to normalise Islam. It is all part of the bombardment of pro-Islam stories, from cbeebies, CBBC, newsbeat, and adult home and world news. [Indoctrinating British Kids] [According to the BBC “Islam = Peace”]
Broadcasting wrote:
“I’ll Be A Muslim Too” screamed the BBC headline, which the BBC headlined last Friday and over the weekend on their:2
Thank you for that, as I noticed that also, but missed to join the dots regards that this past weekend was…..Visit your local mosque weekend. Funny enough the MCB was pushing this out:
90% of people haven’t been inside a mosque – change that this weekend!
Funny enough I was banned from the local mosque for fighting when I was around 10. Yup, I whacked the mullah with a small desk (almost like a small bench) used to prop your koran on, for making my sister cry . Inside mosques, Mullahs used bamboo sticks to punish you if you didn’t learn by rote your lines. He laughed as he punished my sister, I made sure he paid the price. Cost me a beating (He got two lads to hold me me by my arms, as he kicked the shit out of me) But I was already getting beaten on a daily basis at home, so this was nothing new and to be honest by then I was used to the pain. (I developed a huge tolerance to pain which i still have) The local Islamic community decided that I was a bad one and I was banned. From my point of view it was a result, my sister and I were taken into care not long afterwards. So for me a result as I escaped the clutches of the gay death cult. Unfortunately my younger sister missed her dad and returned , I refused.
Gosh, that’s terrible!
All undermined by the Quaran’s words……………
If people bother to read it alongwith the Hadith and Sira.
Have a pristine copyof the Koran that I carry around.
Any and every time some twerp tells me that Islam is a religion of peace?
I just get it out and tell them to open it at ANY page in the book.
Pretty clear what their problems all stem from. Too many Jews, too much Christianity and not enough punishment of the faithless and those who won`t roll over with their necks bared to them.
Try it yourself.
Well … Sharia May, was cheerleader for the MCB again!
… oh yes!, what ever happened to that sharia revue eh!, that was so desperately needed after the nightmare of sharia courts cough councils…
yep! that she deliberately implanted imams all over, so its totally compromised ?.
The Equalities Commission has done research that shows ‘8 out of 10 employees have antiquated attitudes to women.’ Of course their ‘research’ has zero academic rigour – of course they would find negative results as it is their job to find ‘discrimination.’ The smoking gun is that employers ask women if they are pregnant. What is wrong with that? My brother employed a girl who was pregnant. She worked for a month then he had to pay her all the while she was not working and it hit his family hard. What a bitch for crippling a small business like that.
Why do they feel obliged to do these non stories about ‘equality’ every day? It is boring, dishonest and always spectacularly biased towards their favoured groups. Why not some ‘research’ in two why so many young men are checking out of society to just play video games, or how race relations laws are exploited by opportunists to wreak havoc? They have the resources and wherewithal to do anything but they have totally downed tools as they are so crippled by the poison of political correctness.
What is the point in them ever doing ‘investigations’ or ‘research’ as we already know exactly what they will discover?
They are still on the Oxfam story! Is that two weeks now?
Why is it an ‘antiquated’ attititude to ask a woman if she is pregnant? They may need to tailor her workload to take this fact into consideration, maybe not give her a project she won’t be able to finish in time. Surely you cannot run an efficient work force if you have no idea when some people might need to have lots of time off?
Do feminists want the right to hide their pregnancy from employers? Is that the ‘modern’ attitude? That smacks of messing the employer around to me. But of course mentally deranged leftoids see any different outcomes due to biological realities or personal choices as ‘oppression.’
Beeb I used to do job interviews sometimes and got quite skilled at avoiding the HR minefield . The “ do you intend to start a family ? “ question got redesigned to achieve the same thing and even if one of these ladies taped the interview or was the occasion quality test I’d still beat the system .
I hasten to add- it wasn’t about whether a lady was able to do the job – Is was about whether she’d turn up . I’ll never believe you can have both worlds .
Appalling bias as ever from the BBC.
These ECHR quangos speak their Gramscian fantasies and so they`re always given a free puff whenever they come down from Olympus to put us right.
Any employer is perfectly entitled to ask if the person will still be there in a few months?…or will she(and the BBC call them “pregnant workers”) drop her new colleagues in it and cost the firm a packet?
Might as well not ask if their coming prison term might not be a problem.
No-having heard Eddie Mair drivelling on about KFC having no chicken in Nottingham-for fifteen minutes good as-safe to say that the BBC loath and hate any business that might rise or fall by its own merits. And not bleed the country dry as do the ECHR-and, of course, the BBC.
But the BBC are ignoring the complaints of U.K. workers in Oxfam shops of sexual harassment that ran to over 100. I have to ask why. I expect running the same noise over Oxfam in Haiti helps avoid mention payments by senior members of the Labour Party for passing info to the Russians.
Trump …. it was the russians, Russians , RUSSIANS!!!!
Brexit … it was the russians, Russians , RUSSIANS!!!
Labour ……… tumbleweed
The beeboids are patiently awaiting instructions from their masters on this one.
Over to the weather, travel and statistics where you are…
I wonder what you get in the regions? BBC London tv news more and more often headlines their morning bulletin with a statistic not an event.
And of course it is what I would term a ‘Negative Tractor Stat’ in other words the opposite of a Soviet-era state propaganda boastful production or quality of life statistic.
What we get from BBC London are miserablist lefty campaigning stats always attempting to highlight supposed injustices and plead for greater state intervention and higher public spending.
It’s getting to the point where the BBC should stop calling it the London local news and simply go with the title The Daily Stats
bBbc NI haven’t led with any stats on their homepage but they have some presented in the usual nothing-to-see-here nonchalant manner in their Bradby-style review of the newspapers item. They’ve kind of hidden these stats in clear view by noting them but not actually developing the story or addressing them in anyway. Does this actually count as reporting?
In Northern Ireland in 2017 there were 28 “paramilitary style” shootings, 25 of which were carried out by Corbyns Republican pals. Double the number of the previous year. bBbc blaming it on Brexit or all just “part and parcel” of the peace process? Well who knows, they offer no opinion at all.
In 3 years there were 30,000 crimes committed connected to persons on bail. 30,000?? Were they all nicking razor blades from chemists? No. No they’re not.
Amongst the 30,000 in 3 years were 8 murders, 52 attempted murders and 102 rapes possibly committed by persons on bail. Already charged with other crimes. I’m not sure how many of these crimes were hate crimes but shooting someones patellas off shows a certain degree of dislike. Thank God we only have one or possibly two mosques or who knows what the figure would be.
A local politician is going to raise this issue (not the lack of mosques but it’s only a matter of time) with the PSNI Chief Constable. That’s alright then.
I always laugh when I hear publicly funded bodies screaming about the need for small companies to fund the pregnancy of femail workers, keep their jobs open, employ someone else to do their job or get their work mates to carry their load.
Businesses are there to make money not be a social service . Even if there was an exclusion period – eg 5 years employment before being entitled to maternity cover I wouldn’t agree to it – I’m male so from the dark ages . But I’m a believer in “ make your bed – you lie in it” .
Public bodies – MPs – get the poor old taxpayer to take up the cost – why should small employers?
I have owned and run several engineering companies in my time, the current one being a glorified gentleman’s shed with 3 old farts in it. We’re a little forgetful but we know our stuff. And over the years I’ve developed some ‘hard-learnt’ employment policies which may seem a little sexist, but that’s just the difference between men and women; Don’t employ women of child bearing age. Lasslo’s ratio 6:1 men:women, the one woman stops the men from descending into barbarism, the woman tends to ‘administer’ the men and its a win win all round, but get more than one woman and they can descend towards competitive/bitchy (“oh she’s wearing those shoes again!”). Never let women make employment decisions, their unspoken number one rule is to employ women less attractive than themselves. Its a downward spiral to ugly! Always seek to have some middle-age married women, with kids out of the way in the company, they really commit to & ‘make’ the team. Young men, if required, will put aside all else in their life to meet targets.
Lassio – damn I was ready to get a slapping for being a sad dark age chap who needs to get into 2018 .
An employer would be insane to employ a woman who is likely to get banged up –
Absolutely FU2,
I’ve lost personal savings as they fell pregnant!
It’s strange really, the govmt think they can fix a problem by writing out a law, but in actual fact they achieve the opposite. In this case the more rules put in place to ensure young women’s pregnancies are supported by employers, the less employable they become.
On a different but related subject, we have a pretty young woman visiting the shed tomorrow, so the old-farts are tidying up. Pathetic.
Ha – that is hilarious!
The BBC said that during Davos the women had started an ‘equality’ area where only women were allowed, to protect them from sexual harassment. I bet the bitchiness was unbearable.
Was Brendan Cox on the door?
They never consider the practicalities of their ideology. My brother employed a nanny soon after his second son was born. After she pulled a fast one by barely working for him then getting him to pay maternity leave (full time wages) it caused all sorts of problems, especially for his wife who then had to get a second job and my mum who had to do most of the nanny’s work.
So what the BBC would see as progressive and empowering women in reality massively inconvenienced and angered two women. His wife was fuming having to do an extra job she hated to pay off a woman who had hidden her pregnancy from her employers.
Toady watch
The National portrait gallery is closed to the public today because it’s befn hire by a company .
Al Beeb not sure which way to go but inevitably there are screams for more public funding .
The solution is simple – charge for admission like other galleries do. I go to these galleries often . I guess that 90 per cent are tourists on a free bee. Some say free access is an added attraction to get tourists to London. Well does London need them . ?
No – charge people a fiver for visiting public galleries and self fund. Why should tax payers who don’t go subsidise those who do?
As predicted the Cox Cock story has disappeared from al Beeb except for reference in the “newspapers” section . Ironic that Toady which regularly had Mr cox and his cock on the programme doesn’t want to mention him.
The internal redacted Oxfam report has been published in uk but a full one sent to Haiti. Let’s hope the mail bribes someone there to get the full report and publishes it . In the public taxpayers interest – yet alone people like me who contributed to Oxfam .
Update on Oxfam
Just found the published report and read it. There are a large number of allegations – al Beeb didn’t mention the frauds, the leak of the investigation whilst it was still going on, use of Oxfam for private gain, breach of trust – and has concentrated on the sexual offences committed by Oxfam employees .
I think the report just confirms that Oxfam is not a charity – it’s a business using the good will of the public to reward itself – echos of al Beeb. No wonder they want to bury the story.
According to Nick Ferrari on LBC this morning, telling the truth about islam is holding bigoted views. In my opinion he and the vast majority of people in the media are the ones with bigoted views.
These people are either wilfully ignorant about islam or they know enough about islam to know it is a death cult but for whatever reasons they tell lies about it.
Also on Nick Ferrari this morning they had a “lady” on from the Guardian / Spectator on talking about the current “Save the Children” scandal. She spoke non stop for 3 minutes and never mentioned the word Cox.
If you are at all curious why the BBC have taken their pedal off the gun control throttle wrt to the Florida school shooting – get a load of THIS
The school shooter looks to have been a severely disturbed young man and just about every government body / bureaucrat seems to have brushed off dealing with him – including the FBI. The area concerned looks to have a Democrat run local administration – not that that matters much – esp to the victims… – but it might go some way to explaining the backing off by the media.
We have similar issues with MH in the UK – but the failings surrounding this go a lot further than gun control.
A back story that will only come out slowly once the coffin dancing agitators have moved on. I haven’t heard ‘ lessons have been learned™ ‘ – yet – but it must be in the hopper.
Bet the yanks are buying more assault rifles before someone tries to ban them again- as happened with the recent Kenyan President
I think the market is pretty saturated – there’s likely enough semi-autos out there.
That said – lax enforcement of the actual rules is one driving factor in the matter that bears (a lot) closer inspection – the ignoring of the warning signs …. well that’s going to run a bit.
Last time I looked in the UK (some years ago) the statistics for assaults by mentally ill people looked to be being massaged – especially the deaths caused by deranged drivers. There was one particularly nasty murder of an innocent housewife locally in Bristol by a nutter who’d been out of a secure unit barely 2 days that caused me to go take a look.
Tomo – I had a quick little to the link thanks – sounds like collective institutional arse covering going on so no one person can be held responsible for anything. I admit is must be difficult to see the trees in the wood when a country like the states has such a lot of guns and ‘look at me’ fruitcakes
The coffin dancers and the bureaucrats making common cause …. a surprise ? – not really.
Substitute BBC for CNN. And Sopel for Blitzer…
God I love how Trump punches back. The cry bullies in the media have stamped their boots on our faces for too long without anyone able to retaliate. He really is a knight in the shining armour of honesty slaying the dragon of political correctness.
Indeed Beeb. Trump understands that the liberal media will not let anyone else win, so its not worth debating. When Sir Tim Hunt went on the BBC to offer his soviet styled apology, the BBC simply used it to finally destroy him.
Recently, the Guardian has been out to destroy the character of Jordan Peterson. His crime? On the Ch4 news he offered a logical reason to Cathy Newman about why there are so few women at the top of FOOTSIE 100 companies. Newman, like the soft left, only thinks on a narrow set of left wing/feminist tracks so was left battered.
In his book, How to Debate Leftists, Ben Shapiro points out that Mit Romney is painfully nice and reasonable, yet the left wing in the States made him seem like a monster.
So Trump has it right, go for it Donny and let Boris see how it can be done, reach out to the people over the heads of the BBC.
You must never apologise, which is your natural response when all their might and fury is thrown against you. It’s polite and natural to apologise when you have upset someone, but their ‘outrage’ is confected and your apology will be taken as an admission of guilt which will be used to beat you with in future.
It was so glorious when he first mentioned the Muslim ban and when the media asked him to apologise he just doubled down. Better yet is when he not only doubles down but takes the chronic p**s out of his enemies, the Fake News Awards being a personal favourite. Humour is extremely effective and he is SO funny. SJWs/PC culture is so serious and totally unfunny.
Watching Groves outclass Eubank in the boxing on Saturday reminded me of Trump versus the media. The media swings wildly and keeps missing, then he lands a big right hand with a Tweeted rebuttal of their lies. Every time he calls them Fake News it is a scoring shot as they are just not used to being called out like that. Calling him racist does not score as they have cried wolf too many times.
A Tweet is such a clean, crisp shot. They cannot edit or manipulate his words and they arrive directly to people’s smart phones.
He is one hell of a fighter. The media are battered, bruised, and disheartened. Plus we are all booing them and cheering Trump.
I will forever cherish the memory of Trump calling on Sopel in a press conference.
“John Sopel, BBC.”
“BBC – that’s another beauty.”
“Free, fair and impartial.”
“Yeah, right – you’re worse than CNN.”
Beeb Bro
Has anybody uploaded that to YouTube?
I am not sure of that actual clip. It was around the Peegate period when he was about to be inaugurated or had just been sworn in. I will try and fish it out for you.
Only 39 thousand views – try searching on president trump press conference bbc and beauty – sorry I can’t do links – whatever the hell they are.
The clip is better than I remember it. He’s got my vote red neck trailer trash that I am
Where did you find this picture of me when I was a young man of 25?
Have you been raiding my knicker drawer?
R4Today Friday had a big case of Trumpophobia
The Beavis and Butthead presenters “Yeh he sits their watching every morning Fox and Friends ..a prog which caters to his point of view and he sits there tweeting away”
..Jesus think about the truck loads of irony meters that are delivered to the BBC every week.
.. R4Today itself might as well be called London-liblefty-F*cks and Friends
..cos it itself is a minority echo chamber that 80% of the British public NEVER listen to, whereas the few percent that are regular listeners do sit there tweeting back to the prog that panders to them.
I heard a very brief part of Any Questions , Radio4, Saturday. A question about The State feeding children during school holidays because they are going hungry.
The schools where I am a governor already feed breakfast and lunch, provide toothbrushes and toothpaste for the children. If schools are going to take on feeding during school holidays too, I have a brilliant idea. Why not take away all children from their parents at birth and feed, house and clothe them until they are 18? Perhaps extreme but I think it is where the Left are going. The more responsibility is taken away from the poor, especially if they are unemployed, then the more bleak their lives become.
Yes give them identical uniforms and a little red book (as used. By the shadow chancellor ) and a painting of comrade Corbin our dear leader.
If parents can’t look after their kids they should not have them in the first place . Lot to be said for compulsory sterilisation
LBC caller Sat/Sun pointed out the impracticalities of holiday school meals.
The fing schools are SHUT during the how are you going to get the food to the kids anyway ?
Are you going to lay on buses to the villages to bring the kids 10 miles there/back just so they can eat lunch ?
Actually I do believe that schools should be open 52 weeks/year 8-6pm, with some of those weeks/hours being play activity weeks.
Cos one of the purposes of schools is to act as a child minding service, so parents can hold down jobs.
… It’s when you leave the buildings empty for weeks that trouble like fires start.
I’m sure the teaching unions would support.
Deborah, It works on the kibbutzim.
Yes, because all the kibbutziks were in work on the kibbutz (so knew they had responsibilities to their co kibbutziks) but with the option of seeing their children whenever they wanted. That is they were all putting into a system, not taking out. And when did you ever hear of a Jewish family where their children are not their absolute priority? I don’t think it is quite the same for some living in the council estates here in the U.K.
Good News. We are all saved! Islam isn’t a threat to western society.
Well that is according to Julia Hartley Brewer on Talk Radio this morning whilst interviewing the interim leader of UKIP.
Apparently, it’s not an ideology it’s a religion and there are billions of Muslims all over the world who live normal lives and don’t want to kill us all.
It’s only a minority of extremists and “what about the crusaders!”
There have been lots of extremist views in all kinds of religions apparently.
Well, it appears to me there is one very blatant glaringly obvious difference between Islam and Christianity in that the scriptures of Christianity preach “thou shalt not kill” whereas in Islam it a requirement to kill the unbelievers wherever you may find them.
So a “Christian” murderer is therefore going against the scriptures whereas a so called Islamist murderer is embracing the Islamic scriptures.
Well that’s the difference as I understand it and they really need to have these debates and stop burying their heads in the sand with all the whataboutism!
“It’s only a minority of extremists”
The “most of them are OK” argument doesn’t really stand up when the psychos exceed a certain, but low, percentage.
Most Germans in 1939 were not psychos and most Irish Catholics were not either. In fact, as far as I’m aware, estimates say that that total number of active IRA members was quite low. When the extreme aims of the psychos strikes a chord with a significant number of “decent” people, many of the decent people have a tendency to hypocritically distance themselves from the bad bits and remain silent.
That’s the problem. Douglas Murray explains it better.
What initially surprised and offended many moderate Unionists in Northern Ireland was the enthusiasm with which many of their Catholic and Nationalist friends and neighbours embraced and openly endorsed Sinn Fein, the politIcal mouthpiece of the IRA.
To suddenly find yourself working and living alongside someone who supports those who advocate both indescriminate and sectarian murder to further their political aims, the destruction of Unionist and British society and culture within Ireland, is enlightening. Especially as they have had the same access to housing, employment, benefits, healthcare and education that you have had all their lives. There was no apartheid in Northern Ireland.
‘Distancing themselves’ has not been my experience of the ‘minority of extremists’ argument. What has happened here has resulted in a hardening of moderate unionism and a growing sense of Protestant nationalism and assertion of identity, as many were unaware they were ‘oppressors’ and resent the constant need to unconditionally appease Republicanism. There is, in my opinion, an increased and growing polarisation between the Protestant and Catholic communities, a real sense of distain and distrust.
This oviously suits Sinn Fein and it’s no surprise that their Nationalist Socialist friends in England, Scotland and Wales are attempting the same thing there. Willingly assisted and enabled in all areas by the bBbc of course.
“‘Distancing themselves’ has not been my experience of the ‘minority of extremists’ argument.”
I have little direct experience of NI so I’ll defer to your judgement. I certainly wasn’t aware that attitudes were hardening even now.
By “distance” all I’m saying is that they don’t openly approve of murder, but quietly hope that it delivers what they really want. And if it works, they’ll claim that they never approved of the methods employed.
Yes, I know what you mean Iain and I agree with you.
It’s easy to gauge how Nationalists/ Republicans have become emboldened by appeasement over here because who they vote for can be clearly seen. I don’t know how you can measure anti-British hatred as clearly amongst specific communities in England yet but it’s only a matter of time before, like Holland, an Islamic political party emerges and then it will become obvious. It’s clearly there.
Attitudes have hardened in NI but in a different way, it’s more of a ‘fuck you then, I’ll look after my own’. People I know who didn’t bother before, the vast majority of people I know, aware of someone’s religion but uninfluenced by it, now use shops, tradesmen, etc from their own community only as they’re tired of and confused by people that they previously trusted basically taking the piss.
Dystopian wrote:
“Apparently, it’s not an ideology it’s a religion and there are billions of Muslims all over the world who live normal lives and don’t want to kill us all.”
I always afford myself a little chuckle when I hear that adage as I ask myself if we should mention jews to any of the worlds Muslims what would their answer be? Then follow that up with America, then the Uk. Then ask them if they could be granted the right to live in any of those countries would they go? Exactly.
However I despair when I keep on hearing the Crusades card as it shows a revision of history where the invader (Arabs from Arabia) invaded the Christian and Jewish holyland and saw a fightback by Christians which Christianity lost. That fight then was taken further north to the Byzantine Empire and the fall of Constantinople in 1453, from there the Ottomans ravaged the southern European countries reaching as far as modern day Croatia and Austria. (siege of Vienna in 1529) The Turks ruled with an Iron jackboot until they were kicked out (At a price) funny enough the fall of the Ottaman Empire indirectly resulted in WW1, which ran into WW2 and then the Cold war. Funny how the folks who love to play the crusades cards, never manage to see that chain of events.
Cox has been memory holed today by everyone apart from nick ferrari on LBC. Its a disgrace that they are pulling out all the stops to protect this twat. Some new depths of hypocrisy are being reached with this. Step up Yvette bollocks and Jess philips for your awards
The baftas last night felt like a bloody funeral with all the forced diversity, metoo and times up bullshit. One of the lefts angels/brexit weapon has been caught out and not a word from the feminist sistas.
You’re right Katie but it’s not just Cox they’re protecting here.
And so the lionising of Cox continues. According to the D/Mail today, ‘Jo’s family’ are standing by him, and the columnist Amanda Platell (whom I’m usually in agreement with), also applauds his honesty, and beefs up that the charities will be worse off without him, and hasn’t he suffered enough with the death of his wife and having to bring up his children alone. EH ????? so pinning a woman against a wall and saying he wants to f…k her is alright then, while his wife and kids at home ?
I couldn’t believe it when I read Amanda Plattel’s column. Even if Cox hadn’t been married at the time, holding a woman by the neck, against a brick wall and stating that he wanted to f*** her, is never acceptable. If he really did that, and it is what I understand he did, I would expect rather more contrition and apologies to the ladies concerned before the press got hold of it.
I to was dumbstruck by Patells column. What honesty did Cox show He has been denying the allegations for a couple of years.
On Marr today on r4 some half wit who has written about ‘the rise of racism in modern day Europe ‘ was asked what is fascism –
His answer was ‘ the worst features of human nature ‘ it’s not a purely political belief any more . So there is no real definitition – maybe just a relative – subjective one – one persons’ worse feature may not be another’s .
Typical half thought out half wit but I guess he ll sell a few books. Bring back prof Peterson – the al c4 Newman interview is up at about 7.5 million views now…
There are only two recognised ways to view humanity these days.
You are either a Marrxist or you are Satan.
I’m not sure where that leaves the other 99% of us who are Fedup2 the back teeth with this baloney.
They don’t seem to do anything, but colonies are breeding everywhere.
“Trump & Victor Orban they’re fascists”
Marr’s Start the week manages to find a guest to say the thing they want to hear, Dutch philosopher Rob Riemen.
It’s the redifining language trick.
Fascism in accepted definition is about genocide, totalitarianism, invading/seizing countries ..and was worth British and American people making deep sacrifice and giving up their lives fighting against.
To redefine it to mean “modern democratic leaders you don’t like”, seems to me a great insult to both victims and heroes of the Second Word War.
We weren’t fighting aginst Hitler , just cos we preferred it if his opposition had won the election.
Then they claimed Trump did emotion
And Hillary did data
..Nope ..Hillary’s main lines are “I’m a woman, so it’s woman’s turn to be president, it’s my turn now” was an appeal to emotion
..just like saying Trump is a fascist IS an appeal to emotion.
Trump & Orban are Fascists? But-but-but-they are my heroes. So what does that make me? I shall consult Mr Google for a definition of the word. Mrs Wright– we now have a title –FASCIST. Let’s go and tell all our friends and neighbours because I’m sure they will be most interested. I wonder if we have a local Fascist club where I can go for a pint and a game of Shove H’apenny?
Lordy Lordy when will all this fucking nonsense end? Let it be soon Lord.
“Fascism in accepted definition is about genocide, totalitarianism, invading/seizing countries ..and was worth British and American people making deep sacrifice and giving up their lives fighting against.”
Oh, so nothing like Communism at all!
I am well aware. Just my feeble attempt at satire. The Lefties refuse to see any similarities though.
Stew what can you expect from some fucked up dutchy – the meds got tontheir heads years ago.
If I remember from my history the Dutch were very efficient at exporting their Jewish residents and others chosen by the krauts to go east to Polish death camps . Let’s forget about that eh since it was so long ago. – within a death time.
The Dutch don’t mention Operation Manna in 1945 either much do they ?
On a more important note there are fears of riots in ethnically diverse parts of London because the KFC s are running out of chicken – source al Beeb so many here say – oh the humanity .
Woman’s Hour 2 on R5 might be better this week, Emma Barnet is on maternity leave, and Chloe Tilley is covering.
Topics are still the same :
– “Have you ever been asked in a job interview if you plan to have children?”
– rekindling love with former partner
– Oh beginning with Dorset fireman WRONGLY accused of child abuse
..and how he wants an apology from Dorset Police.
That fireman was in jail for 2 years of an 8 year sentence.
He claims it was a basic case, cos the boy had claimed the abuse took place on the firestation pool table, but it’s acknowledged that they didn’t have a pool table until 10 years after the event.
Little gem in the Express write up of the latest outburst against a paramedic ambulance on a call-out in ‘their’ parking space –
“Also that month, another note was left on the windscreen of an ambulance in Small Heath, Birmingham, which read: “You may be saving lives but don’t park your van in a stupid place and block my drive”.
Teaching assistant Hassan Shabbir Ali, 27, later apologised for writing the note “in the heat of the moment”.”
Good job Small Heath is multiculti!
My dad was brought up in Small Heath in the 30s – he said they used to run out in the street to watch a ‘person of colour’ walk passed. They weren’t racist, it was novelty and they were curious. Bet it’s the other way around now :0)
If it comes off, could be fun
And still the Beeb is avoiding the story like the plague.
The BBC’s dereliction of duty: The allegations against Corbyn could hardly be more serious, STEPHEN GLOVER asks why the BBC is ignoring them?
Also Sky seem to be ignoring it… If these allegations are true then its remarkable.
Our potential Prime Minister (god help us) a bloody spy
BBC lead news at 11am
“When asked to state the calories in their daily food intake most Britain’s understate by 1,000 calories, thats’ equivalent of a cheeseburger”
What the heck relevance is that ?
No one is relying on Brits stating their calorie intake .
..In the rare case of medical patients asked to do this, authorities would know that the self-reporting has a big margin of error.
Certain fatties need to make sure they’ve walked around the block once, before allowing themselves a meal.
..and pin a photo of Diane Abbot on your fridge door,
that’ll discourage you from wanting to go anywhere near it.
Oh R4News did the ambulance case, but didn’t mention the ethnicity of the perp
Guess they fail to be able to accurately guess the cost of Mrs Browns Boys, Match Of The Day and Newsnight presenters salaries too. How about THAT then Beeb?..thickos or what?
1.45pm Radio4 ‘British Socialism: ep1/10 Robert Owen in mill town of New Lanark.
There is an “interesting “article on the BBC Website. ” The
lesbian pioneers who fooled Spain’s catholic church.”
Apparently in 1900 one of the women had a short haircut.
Donned a smart suit and the pair got married fooling
everybody. Yes James BADCOCK writes a really engrossing
Wow-and what about that bloody Kaiser eh? There might be trouble ahead…but thank God the BBC are up to speed.
Thank Allah that Asquiths Tory-lite austerity cuts will not affect the Titanic plans though-invest in infrastructure say I!
Nothing on the BBC about this yet but could this be a harbinger of what could take place in European cities a generation or so down the line. They would only need to replace the words South Africa with Europe and the white Lib/Coms. would back them to the hilt.
Would anyone like to hazard a guess as to what would happen to a group of white protesters displaying a similar sign in Trafalgar Square with the word white replaced with black.?
Where are the libs claiming what they need in Africa is more diversity?
Post of the year to date, brilliant MH and Harvey.
Thank you. We’re one and the same 😉
The fun you can have with just a couple of minutes work on a free, drag ‘n drop photo app.
The common factor is the libEstablishmnet COVER-UP
It would be false equivalence to say Brendan Coxes sleaziness is equivalent to groom/rape/pimping of gang members
BiasedBBC +libEstablishment complicit in cover-ups : of #HimToo Brendan Cox
And it’s such coverups that sow DIVISION in society
Hope he`s getting the eggy breath treatment from all the mums at Etons school gates this afternoon.
Wish I could take a peek in the quad…
Anybody seen that Cox story today?
Could have SWORN the BBC said it was lying around, like they always do…seems to be so 1973 this morning.
Now this is where we miss Max Clifford-who would have been bringing Coxes Cucks and Grid girlies onto the telly and media to “give their stories”. The BBC and Guardian seem not to want them-wonder why?
No mention of his involvement with the laughably-named Hope Not Hate ‘charity’.
This is probably the sort of behaviour that would guarantee him a senior position in that nest of degenerates.
Reading Michael Burleights great book on the Third Reich.
1. The State took away all voluntary and established charities like those of the churches-and brought them all under the States auspices, allying them to the Nazi engines of welfare distributions to their pets…
2. And binned the deserving, the righteous poor and the dutiful by way of camps and facilities that killed them. The old and frail who`d worked all their lives.
3. The State monoculture came via buying up of local rags and radio facilities(not many then)-hounding out any oppostion (Murdoch isn`t Jewish, but the parallels are there). And disguising their ownership and utter control. But allowing endless celebrity gossip and trashing of those not with the Nazi program using vicious means and threats(Der Starmer, Der Guardian, Der Frakfurter Independent, good as).
4. Choreographed sporting worship and big events-with charitable side spin with compulsion and bullying to dig deep for the Winter Aid campaigns)
5. Massive grandiose Infrastructure that went nowhere, but gave great pictures worldwide to show the scale of ambition and vanity for Speer etc.
There`s loads more-but Oxfam, Cox, HS2, Winter Olympics, Countryfile, Euthanasia and abortion. compulsory monomessaging until we repeat it back?
Well Josef and Leni would be most pleased-in fact they were far better at it than the BBC/Guardian.
Goebbels at least was honest in his intentions and didn`t pretend to be other thaan the Big Lie-unlike the BBC who are the Big Lie, but pretend to not be International and Global Socialists…but they hate nations so can hardly be National any more.
Global Socialism…would that be Gazis?
Here at Morrison Towers we enjoy a good laugh. Nothing, of course beats the Eurovision Song Contest, but we all sat down with high expectations for last night’s BAFTAs.
Not that I have seen any of the films of course except the one on Stalin which was curiously wooden given the good cast and relied for laughs, in the modern way, on saying the word “fuck”. I might have been tempted to see the Dunkirk and Churchill offerings but I have rather done both these subjects, read the books, walked the tours and bought the T-shirts. When a film relies for publicity on a man going down to an underground station, you can’t help thinking of the words barrel and scrape. The rest seemed the usual offering of preachy slush that accounts for the recent large drop at the Hollywood box office.
Sadly by 9.30pm I was stirring the cocoa thinking of an early night. Surely after all the valuable work done in the last couple of years, this prestigious awards ceremony is not reverting to pure luvviekissies, thanking mummy etc etc etc. Where were the Trump jokes? Where was the outraged victimhood, the sheer hatred for the proles who use their votes in the wrong way, the constant virtue signaling gained by suggesting the rest of the world comes and lives in Europe and the United States.?
Of course for us fans there was a bit. Apparently the ladies all dressed in black to signal some me too, up yours, in/out. tiswaz, tistwat movement (Note to ed: check latest fashionable cause and insert). Seeing this lot, whose ranks include some of the richest and most privileged entertainers in the world, play the victim card is one of life’s great pleasures. You would have to have a heart of stone not to find the whole thing screaming funny. In fact I would go so far as to say it is even funnier than watching a BBC journalist argue that she should be paid £250,000 every year because she possess the rare abilities to read out aloud and speak Mandarin Chinese.
The black dress worked well, I thought. The host Joanna Lumley wore a shapeless full length bag with a touch of the Mother Superior and the Muslim slave out doing the shopping in Oxford Street. Another actress wore a pelmet that just covered the essentials with a no doubt clear message to men in these puritan times, although one is struggling to work out just what was in her mind.
There was the odd mention of diversity and some black chap came up and accepted a newcomer award, something that according to a recent post he has been doing for almost a decade. I might have missed her but where was the Surrey minor public schoolgirl Emma Watson giving us a lecture on our moral failings. Straight out of her teens, I so look forward to hearing from this little poppet.
And thinking of minor public school girls – how nice it is to see them dominate the sports airways with all their posh elite pastimes. Apparently the programme is called the Winter Olympics and we all have to pay for it through sports funding and of course the BBC.
Looking through a glass half full, as always.
I’ve seen both Churchill and Dunkirk at the flicks . Both overhyped . Old man does a good impersonation if Robert hardy impersonating Churchill . Dunkirk doesn’t have the complexity of the first version nor has it the emotion – but I guess if it teaches the kids anything about 1939 -1945 it’s worth it
Not a yank in sight -just FDR on the phone saying you save freedom as we re not interested at the moment ( 39/40/nov 41)
The BBC’s favourite historian, Mary Beard in The Times today, reveals she is responding to tweets about her that while crying over them. The tweets in question, challenge her on her assertion that Oxfam does a great job despite the mounting evidence against it. She even posted a picture of herself looking tearful to wring out the last drop of empathy.
If she is crying over those responses, then what does she feel the victims of loved ones from the Islamic attack on New York in 20001 feel at her response. Just to remind you she said the victims “had it coming”. Nice eh? Just in case anyone thought she must surely have been misrepresented she was challenged a week or so later and repeated the chilling the statement.
Odd that she has never condemned the left on twitter in the past, despite their visceral hatred of anyone who is not precisely BBC/Guardian.
The whole thing seems like some bonkers set up.
First she tweets something that anyone with half a brain could see would fire the outrage bus into orbit past Elon’s convertible, and then does a HDR close-up of her tired and emotional to secure sympathy.
Meanwhile every girlie from Iain Dale to some women go full sista when your really should never go full sista, flat out ignoring what they and others do if anyone who totally should know better tweets a ‘what I meant was’ Epic Faisal.
“ going full sista” best chuckle today ta –
Coughed on me coffee on that one
Isn’t this woman the one who is reported as saying that Greek statues re inforce the stereotype that obese people are ugly ? The next step will be to break them up and use as ballast on the H2S track bed.
Guido now on the BBCs case for ignoring the agent Cobb story. It’s a week since it broke. Corbyn untouchable on the BBC.
England Expects
I’ve put my complaint in to bBBC…….do you think they’ll be on Newswatch?
Northern Dreamer…carry on dreaming
Its there beloved Corbyn, he that must be obeyed
So have I.
And i have also
How many simultaneous Woman’s Hours ?
#1 10-11am Radio4
#2 10-12pm Radio5 Emma Barnett
#3 9-11am BBC2 Victoria
#4 11:30-12pm WorldService WOMENS Conversation with Zimbabwian presenter
#5 10-1pm SixMusic : feminist Laura Laverne
#6 10-1pm (SOUTH) AsiaNetwork with Nomia Iqbal
#7 10-1pm Radio1 Clara Amfo
#8 9-12pm Radio Scotland Kaye Adams
#9 10-12pm Welsh Language : Female presenter
#10 10-1pm Gaelic Language: Female presenter
.. But Radio2, Radio London, Radio Wales, Radio Ulster and sometimes Radio3 have white male presenters in this slot
But stew – they might be men but fully in touch with their feminine side… can we have Wimmins foot as well please
ChrisM. The BBC wants to dominate the Media world of TV and Radio. Using just the TV license as a fig-leaf they can launch the ‘offensive’ and depite past BBC IT failures and the inherent lack of technical skills (which must ‘buy in’ anything technical like Electrical Engineering skills from SIEMENS (Germany technology) they hope to compete with NETFLIX et al. They even have a plan on world domination using iPlayer as a tool….
The BBC wants to dominate the online market, but still refuses calls to scrap the licence fee ‘The BBC intends to dominate the online TV market. That’s what its Director General, Lord Hall said last week. He wants iPlayer to be “the number one online TV service in the face of fierce competition”. Of course, what he doesn’t want is an end to the licence fee. No surprise there.
It has also been revealed that the BBC hires out its studios to Kremlin propaganda channel, RT. As I said in this piece, the BBC is not doing anything illegal, so we can only hope that those responsible in the BBC for hiring out its studios find their moral compass and end this arrangement. I live in hope. ‘
*excerpt from Freedom Association campaign newsletter. (who have long campaigned to end the TV license monopoly).
In the BBC ‘business news’ section:
“I lost my job after I gave birth.”
Isolated narratives are the ultimate cop out as you could get a story to show pretty much anything, even without having to make stuff up, which they obviously do as well. Always narrative over facts with the Left, I imagine facts or properly rigorous research are deemed ‘hateful’ or ‘alt right.’
In a country of seventy million we should not base policy on a single thing that supposedly happened once to someone. Just as with the Stephen Lawrence debacle a single misreported event and show trial was deemed sufficient to condemn the entire Police as ‘institionally racist’ – what a deliciously Orwellian phrase! The lunatic Leftists sank their fangs in from this jumping off point and it ultimately led to the lawlessness we see today, and the unfathomable events in Rotherham and elsewhere where Police let children get raped and tortured as they were too afraid of seeming racist.
I lost my job to a starship trooper…Have told the BBC and they`ll be round soon enough.
What a pack of Nolans they are-great definition Alan above!
To Oxfam, To Cox, To Gracie and To Lineker being other verbs we all know now….
Both To Camilla and To Batmanghedghli, To Vaz and To Huhne . The devil very much in the nuances and the details-but all are verbs.
Could that be the “Nolan Principles” of public life?–2
BBC/Nolan Principles ?
This is the current bBC headline:

Got me thinking, for all the Pakistani blokes sent down for gang raping little girls, how many have you seen the media (If not the bBC) refer to as…Paedophiles?
Hope he comes to Guys Marsh as opposed to the predicable Strangeways, what with the Bitter Bluenoses unlimited rials to get him in the prison transfer window( barred, but the doors always open).
Can we apply for this?…who`s his agent?
Seeing as Islamic adherents usually appear to be brown, and are deliberately referred to as “groomers” instead of racist, Islamic child gang rapists … you seem to be acting in a deliberately “waycist” fashion
Sorry , thought this was Barry Bennell.
The BBC were trailing his coming sentence, hiring minibuses for Citeh Youth 1976 in their Savilator…a Jimmy Savile camper van, usually up on bricks in Liverpool.
This guy`s a Cambridge Uni nerd-so unless he`s related to Dion Dublin. he`s not wanted at Guys Marsh.
Sorry to waste everybodys time but my own, Matron at the care home says this is very good for me!
Yes rather big photo that dominates the page
Now white guys can be paedophiles, but the BBC’s inverted-racism seems to mean that they don’t use such prominent photos in the case of non-white perps.
Normally there’s several of them at once, so photos have to be shrunk to fit in.
You see it’s their culture to rape little girls so that exonerates them in the eyes of the BBC. Indeed , the average Beeboid believes that if it wasn’t for the likes of reactionary , facist, racist , Daily Mail readers they could have been free to spread their delightful enrichment all over thousands more girls.
We have here yet another example of the double standards and hypocrisy of the BBC. By the way on Guido this morning they are saying that the coverage of Corbyn as a Czech spy, a lead story almost everywhere else for a week now, has hardly been mentioned on the BBC. Surely even the dumbest of the dumb can see that the BBC is manipulating the news, in this case by omission. How can anyone support being forced to pay for the BBC when it amounts no more than a leftist propaganda service.
And with those ‘Asian’ offenders they focussed on the failings of the Police and social services. I would focus entirely on how a culture could possibly think gang raping children was acceptable.
Bet he votes Corbyn
No fire or energy on their news app. Often articles stay up for days. They are chewing on the dead carcass of racism, sexism and all they sought to overturn in the sixties. All the passion is on the other side as their victory has been so absolute.
Now they are just chewing on bones that can cut and won’t digest. Equal outcomes for all groups, is that really a good idea? Any criticism of women politicians illegal, would that not undermine basic freedoms? Is it really sensible to do away with freedom of speech to supposedly protect the feelings of certain groups? Is that not leading us down a very dark, 1984esque road?
Always reminds me of the tiredest sushi endlessly going round on its conveyor belt with endless nudges and increasingly florid faces yelling at me to get the bloody thing off the belt and eat it. Could use the Generation Games cuddly toy, or the big pink suitcase nobody claims at YokoLennon Airports baggage carousel.
Been going round since 2008….”Imagine No Possessions”…so it says.
Bury PC who dived in River Irwell to save man ‘can’t swim’
A police officer who dived 8ft (2.4m) into a freezing river to save a man from drowning said he can’t swim. PC Mohammed Nadeem leapt into the River Irwell in Bury, Greater Manchester, on Saturday after a man fell in the water. PC Nadeem said he did not think about how cold or deep the water was nor about taking his heavy body armour off when he saw the man in distress. “I can’t swim. I’m not a good swimmer at all and having all the extra body gear was very hard but somehow I got to him… and we got to the side and waited for help.
Really, a Policeman who can’t swim and who didnt know that body armour becomes heavy when worn in a body of water. Not saying the bloke didnt do a good job, but come on, there could have been 2 deaths here. Instead of painting this guy as the Hoff, I’d be asking questions why somebody who can’t swim was recruited and why wasn’t something done to rectify the issue. (As a rule very few British born Muslims can swim).
Assuming the quote from our “Hero” is correct: “I’m not a good swimmer at all…….” ? A bad swimmer then? but surely not, “I cant swim”?
I’m not normally into semantics but this has to be pointed out.
We is all black now 🙂
Watching Cheddar Man last night, I was interested to see all the protective clothing worn by the scientist so as not to contaminate the DNA sample. Yet I was left wondering if no contamination had possibly taken place over the last 100+ years when it would been handled by every Tom, Dick and Winston? And have no intermediate Cheddar Men been discovered on their way to becoming white?
Probably stupid questions 🙁
We is , mi bredren!
Only confirms I was always a black boy in a white mans body…or is that the BBCs editing teams fantasy?
Anyway-we inner darkies and niggaz( can say these kinda things now) can now deal with all the racism thrown at us by the BBC in recent years.
Fancy a compensatory cruise to the Carribean myself, as long as the chavs who got on at Southampton have`nt quaffed all the rum punch. Got my camera though if they do!
happy days-and when Channel 4 and Clegg stop using the B word at me(Brit)-then I`ll think of not using my new N word. But seeing as I now am one inside-then like Eminem I get the liberal pass for this.
They have found 1 sample and somehow this is now representative of every person in britain forever.
It may be true , but it appears a bit of a leap to me.
And the agenda is so obvious it makes me very suspicious
Think I`m getting this.
When its mental health they bring in Alastair Campbell for the Today Fuck Spa…foot spa.
When its yooni tunies who fail to graduate, learn anything or mess up-that`s Andrew Adonis who gets brought in.
So when it comes to the mental health of students-surely due in on Thursday-then will they get Andrew or Alastair or even both to put us right?
As for David Kelly, unlected Lefty blowhards spreading bile and poison via the New Europeado(Sorearse version)-well, sorry we`re out of time.
Fupov Beeb!
Random flicks onto the Radio seem to keep bringing up drug habits of so called or alleged Russian competitors.
Do Immodium, Melodica. Metallica and Commodia all need to be endlessly advertised by the drug-obsessed BBC? It`s not as if you can date rape boys in Shepherds Bush or Salford with them is it…so why would they care?
Chemsex free advertising using sport as their pretext. Get the BBC finished.
I had no intention of watching Darkest Hour as being the Biased BBC aviation correspondent I noted that, in the film he used a DC3 (C-47) Dakota as his transport Aircraft in 1940 (It didnt enter service with the RAF until 1942). However I have doubley resolved not to watch it after listening to Gary Oldmans comments post BAFTA. And I quote (ish) “I admire Churchil he stood up to a Tyrant and a racist”. Now come on Churchil makes Trump look like Ghandi ! Churchil condemed millions of East Europeans (Along with Truman) to soviet domination for 45 years. So he ticked the Luvie box “look at me i hate Trump” without any recourse to looking at history . Lets hope one day the average american (and the main source of revenue for cinema box office) turnaround and say “F**k You Limey” get off my presidents back I aint going watching no leftie lover (commy) film……..
I spotted the Dakota too – at least it wasn’t in the d day configuration .
As for our Gary’s comment about Mr Churchill – maybe he was just being polite and still has his eye on the Oscar – which I’m guess gets him a lot wealthier.
Still waiting for arnie to play President Trump with Emma Watson as Melania – the driven modern woman
Has Erdogan totally lost the plot?
Thanks g
It’s like that thing that there could never War in Europe . With 403 days to go let’s hope we’re out by then at Article 5 of the treaty is negotiable – as with the Falklands
Trouble is it would turn haringey into more of a war zone than it currently is
What short memories the BBC have.
They are having a go at the government for the concept that people who go to University and then get better jobs as a result should pay something for their education.
Errr……..this was a LABOUR policy, try for example the Higher Education Act 2004. And would you believe it, the BBC covered this aspect back in 2009
But strangely, the BBC seem to have forgotten their own reporting!!!!!
I simply cannot imagine why.
From the BBC website:
“But Lord Adonis rejected the idea of different subjects having different costs as a “big backward step”, which would reduce numbers applying for science subjects, if they became more expensive than arts and humanities”
I though the answer should be to make STEM courses, essential for the country, cheaper than Media Studies et al which may benefit the BBC and Guardian!
A Birmingham University academic worker has been jailed for 32 years for paedophile offences.
Was this trial in camera?
A very serious case, yet no prior coverage on the bBBC. No trial coverage. Nothing.
Surely not trying to bury bad public sector news?
Same sentence?
Are you sure sluff?
Heard a few minutes of Robert Owen.
Tartan twaddle from the guilt-ridden Branson of his day. And like most lefties-didn`t end well for either him or his family.
Will McElvoy take a look at Bourneville-who did it all much better, lasted longer, sold no fried Mars Bar topped pizzas soon after they`d packed up? And didn`t lead us to Gordon Brown, James Maxton, John Reid , Galloway or Sturgeon?
Oh-and actually made a product that took over the world until the Americans messed with it? Nah, hence the lefts waling over Robert Owen-Jonesy.
Another white paedophile! He has mostly done stuff online, no gang rape or torture, but still good enough to run with as the lead story. Look – there are just as many white paedophiles!
It would make you shudder to hear what must go on behind closed doors at the BBC.
“I want you to find me as many white sex offenders as possible and report on the most prurient details. Absolutely no ‘Asians’, ok?”
On the plus side, bbc Pidgen now has competition.
However that does seem a lot of bbc staff in Lagos.
A cynic might wonder how much time is devoted to singing the praises of the NHS?
I’ve sampled the health service in Nigeria several times and I can completely understand that folk might want to go elsewhere.
Easily missed. Clearly they need a few hundred more.
There is a growing problem in Italy from Nigerian organized crime, the young woman who was murdered and dismembered was a recent victim of its “members”.
I don’t think it’s something which won’t be remembered, when the Italians vote in their election shortly.
The BBC likes to push the line that that our disaffected Muslims and ‘black’ youths are that way because they don’t see any role models in ‘modern Britain’, we need more Islam, more positive discrimination. We are also told that these are ‘minority’ groups and only a small number of them will go bad, (Enough is enough says our PM, though).
Looking at the vast majority of our poiticians, our news media, entertainment industries and now our advertisers I see very little in the way of positive role models for the ‘indigenous’ British. Where is the pride in our heritage, the respect for our roots or the aspirations of a better future?
The politicians, the media and the advertisers don’t chime with me and I suspect a good 90% of us. How many ‘disaffected’ do they want to create, 50 million?
I know men are men and women are women, that ‘gender’ is a made-up ‘social construct’ and our birth sex is natural and normal. I know that ‘normal’ means the vast majority and not every extreme variation. I know that people evolved lighter skins to cope with light levels lower than those between the tropics and where they live is a matter of vitamins not ‘racism’. I know that Islam isn’t good for anyone anywhere and I have seen nothing to convince me otherwise. I know it is natural to invest in our children and grandchildrens’ futures; I am grateful for my parents’ and grandparents’ contributions; I don’t understand why it is right for immigrants to benefit from my inheritance just because they would like to be here.
Who speaks for me?
“because they don’t see any role models in ‘modern Britain’”
And the question that is never asked – how come SE Asians seem to get by in so many different areas without special treatment? This in spite of coming from an alien culture which doesn’t even share our alphabet.
This comparison is NEVER made on the BBC because it raises uncomfortable questions.
What needs to be said – look at the Chinese community, as an example, and learn. The problem of course is that SE Asians don’t create a great deal of employment in the grievance industry,
Jim: the sad answer may well be that NOBODY speaks for you. And, that nobody speaks for me either.
That is why, unless we all on these pages, kick up one hell of a racket, even if it’s only complaining endlessly – the PC tide will sweep us away as if we don’t exist.
If advertiser X suddenly received 150 complaints with boycott threats, that may make them think: are there more out there? I’ve written to, and met with my MP plenty of times.
But if they hear nothing….it’s all OK then.
Every little bit helps.
Think they do.
They define most of my views in that if they approve-well it“ll lead to hell , Islamic supremacy or Venezuela on Tyne. So funnily enough they define much of my thinking. Their enemies are my friends, if I`ve got their enemies as my pals,I KNOW I`m going to be right.
Does Trump have EXACTLY the “right kind of enemies”?
You bet he does…
2:15pm Radio 4 Polygamy for Girls
Riot Girls
‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ Feminist vlogger Chloe undertakes a radical domestic experiment, when she recruits some extra wives to help raise her baby daughter.
Part of a season of provocative women’s writing about transgressive women. .. #EverydayINVERTEDsexism
And at 11pm Language and Gender Identity
CN Lester, author of ‘Trans Like Me’ is on the repeat of Word of Mouth
Is it a transfat if its obese?
Just asking.
Polygamy by the back door, oo er missus.
Didn`t Rachman, Grenfell and Phillip Green ALSO undertake radical social experiments too?
And haven`t the Mormons and Islam already tried this one bloke ten women doing the washing kind of thing.
She a lesbian?…or just lazy?…or maybe a lazy lesbian?
The Marquis of Bath tried this one with his wifelets…radical or what?
Tonight 8pm Dispatches
NHS is placing thousands of patients in private hospitals like the Priory; Dispatches discovers a worrying picture.
… they’ve just got a new prog commissioner whos come from the BBC.
Was the Premier Inn last week-are THEY private hospitals if a chemist stays there or theres condoms in the loo?
Lots of media hacks on their backs either blocking a bed, standing on the IV drip to get a camera angle-or getting a rub down from Professor Lenward Henry of Dudley and the Weald. Best to blend and mash up all this media crap…news has long tuend up its toes and left the building.
I wonder if Emily Maitliss claimed for her trip to see the Chippendales on expenses?
Time Dilation, or, How time passes at different rates for different observers… the bBBC………
Old soldier: Me and my pals gave a lot to fight Germany in two world wars.
bBBC: That was at least 70 years ago, we’re all friends now, shut the fuck up.
Mary Beardo: British and other white colonialism really screwed up large parts of the world, it makes me ashamed and sick to be British when I see the Union Flag flying.
bBBC: Yes, and it was only 300 or so years ago wasn’t it, we have a lot to answer for.
Minister for Housing: Well, if you look at the figures, we actually built more houses than labour did in their 13 years in office.
bBBC: That was 8 fucking years ago minister, why is there a shortage of housing?
MfH: There are a lot factors at play, higher immigra
bBBC: That’s all we have time for, over to Naga
Owen Jones: It’s all Fatchers fault!!!
bBBC: That was some time ago Owen, Oooooh no, I see it was only 30 years, good point Owen.
Owen Jones: ‘A week is a long time in politics’…I made that one up myself. I’ve got zits!!
Excellent, Northern!
Labour closed more coal mines than Mrs Thatcher’s government did!
bbbc – but that was in the 1960s, far too long ago to remember…