Nolan /di’khe’d/ A bigoted blowhard, someone unwilling to listen to other points of view, someone who thinks they have licence to cast moral judgement upon others, someone who makes a show of being independently minded, intellectually rigorous and scrupulously impartial but is in fact someone who toes the party line and is in reality no more than a PC ‘bot’ churning out the Liberal Establishment orthodoxy whilst suppressing inconvenient facts. Alternate /J.O’Brien/
The MCB, closely linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and the inspiration for the Trojan Horse plot, has initiated yet another ‘Mosque Open Day’ and the BBC has been giving it an uncritical bit of cheerleading, of course. Nolan was totally onboard as was the reporter who went to a Mosque where we hear that Islam is all about peace, tolerance and respect. No challenge to that naturally. All guests on the show were either Muslim or very up for the Mosque visit and very positive about it. Nolan wanted to know if one of the organisers was ‘surprised at the level of misperceptions about Islam and Mosques?’….No, she wasn’t…it’s because of lies in the Press and on social media. Yep, all those lies about bombs, murder, terrorism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, misogyny, intolerance and racism. All those ‘misperceptions’. We had ‘Cathy’ on to say she had always wanted to visit a Mosque and it was absolutely beautiful and the people were very friendly…as you might expect. Of course this is very superficial, as intended, the reality of what goes on in a Mosque, the reality of what Islam teaches, is not on show. Being given cups of tea, a friendly smile and a Mosque being ‘beautiful’ hardly gets to the heart of the issues about Islam. Her husband refused to go because he has a negative view about Islam for some reason. Nolan wanted to know if the ‘media had played a part in his prejudices about Islam’. So Nolan has already judged the man, who of course has not been on to say what he actually thinks, and because he may be critical of Islam is denounced by Nolan as ‘prejudiced’. Maybe he is right to be ‘prejudiced’. Seems that it is know-all Nolan who is the bigot here. This is all about ‘Dawah’, the Muslim obligation to try and convert others to the faith…it’s a propaganda recruitment drive for Islam….
Good of the BBC to help out.
Any more BBC bias? List it all here…..
I’ve just put this to the Oxford English Dictionary –
“Perhaps a new form of dictionary is required or at the least a disclaimer?
“Hate speech” – as virtually any word can be taken by a ‘victim’ as subjectively disliked, use of ordinary words now carry a legal responsibility. Such common abbreviated expressions such as ‘Jock’, ‘Yank’, ‘Muzzie’ ‘Taff’, (what about, to, ‘Welsh’ [on a deal]. It can now offend), ‘Brit’. The list is endless.
You should consider the criminal law in accomplice cases i.e. ‘encouragement’ (to commit a crime). It could be argued that presenting the words that are now deemed illegal, OD could be encouraging a crime.
All very, ‘Brave New World’ / ‘1984’ but that’s the way our Government is pushing it. Be prepared.”
Let you know what their response is.
Come on Corbyn you scumbag, lets have the truth
And that Stasi file ? – he isn’t denying its existence …..
And that Stasi file ? – he isn’t denying its existence …..
Hold the front page!
However as this occurred at the Mumbai Inn the top trumps of offence-taking could get interesting.
I don’t think it’s a RoPER establishment, as the article states a “waitress” following them out and apologising.
I’ve NEVER seen a waitress in any Muslim owned eatery.
That might explain why al Beebus chose to cover the story.
UPA2 £5.5K, UP1 £2.7K
BBC slammed for offering 5k bonus for early-morning shifts
– The BBC has forked out more than £21million a year on ‘unpredictability payments’ to staff working unsocial hours at short notice.
This applies to shows such as Today on Radio 4.
UPA = UnPreditable Shift Allowance
Does Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans get this payment?
He gets UnPredictable & Shift-y Allowance
I know that Obrien on LBC is off the BBC playlist at the moment .But I have to get this of me chest. Please did anyone else hear the Leftist cretin state this morning that the reason white children are falling behind at school was …and get this. Because the Right had made learning and book reading uncool by implying only the Left want to read and improve themselves. .
I find that right-wing people read factual books while left-wing people read fiction. Its why none of the authors of my books ever get interviewed by the BBC.
It’s a fact that Metropolitan Liberal teachers have made learning and book reading uncool by implying that only uncool posh people like Mr Rees-Mogg want to read and improve themselves.
My Mother told me that I was bored at Primary School until the Vicar stood in for the teacher and taught six year old pupils, advanced Geography and History. But then after that we had to wait a few years until we had a teacher that taught O’level Mathematics to Primary School pupils.
So I would say that Political Correctness means the dumbing down of Education from an all White intake with an average IQ of 100, to the levels of pupils with an average IQ of 85. This would make the boredom for very bright White pupils, more than explain the situation.
The solution: I have just bought the last ever edition of “Pears Cyclopaedia” as a birthday present for a White eleven year old.
Clever people here eh Mr Pinder? Count yourself in!
I was an idiot lefty for years-and since I came to the (B)right side of the road back in the early nineties-I think that
a) The right are used to thinking for themselves, would rather be right than liked(the left are the very opposite).
b) We believe in the fallibilty and idiocy of man, his sheer unimproveability but his being made in Gods image, so redeemable at all times.The left don`t, for ever thinking that if they can perfect the systems, nobody will ever need to be good again( TS Eliot)
c) We have a sense of humour and poke fun at the utopian ideal. The left don`t and won`t.
d) We`ve learned from our own history, have kids in the game still and have experience and recent trends to hand-indeed we were often the reason for the left reacting as it did. Few of us are reliably employed as we were. I`m good as unemployable as a treacher, but not wasting what I learned about them and the unions.
e) We`re culturally astute, know what the BBC and its agenda is. These suit the left and islam, so only we have the jokes and laughs.
I presume O’Drain was made to learn and read books at Ampleforth, whether it was uncool or not, with boarding fees of £11,500 per term.
… By the way Ampleforth was where they had abusers.
….on Twitterpeople are wondering if J’O’B is a victim.
“decades of sexual abuse from at least 6 paedophiles teachers”
@Swelter It’s James O’Brien.. you can’t reason will the unreasonable
You’re in the real world, but he’d be talking about his fantasy universe
.. Look how is normal technique is to first misrepresent his enemy, thus create a strawman to easily knock down.
On the topic you mention someone tweeted him
..And that is why I don’t listen to him, although if you sat him down you’d defeat all his arguments.. On air he controls the agenda and he’s slippery & got tricks .
Oh!, I hope he doesn’t have to send his 11yr olds to school
…….. in a taxi, then again … all is hearts and flowers in his Latte Utopia
… no wait!
“BBC Radio presenter has been sacked following a ‘racist’ call to a taxi firm,
in which she requested a non-Asian driver”
hmmmm, say one thing …
That was 10 years ago
At some stage she split up with her husband and met her new husband.
– Then her exes new girlfriend shot him and got convicted for murder
Since she has regularly spoke out against Islam, I guess she doesn’t get too much mainstream work.
Jul 26, 2013 she posted at
Hi, I am the presenter who got fired from the BBC.
I haven’t worked in my profession since.
So thanks to my lack of political correctness my 20 year career was wiped out overnight, leaving me devastated.
As a single parent this had an awful effect on my life and I have now moved 250 miles away for a fresh start.
It seems my fears were justified after all. *
And there you go, I’ve just said that in public, so any leftie journos out there – feel free to quote me on that!
* (Her original 2008 clumsy comment was before the Rotherham taxi drivers were generally exposed)
How the bBC has lost touch with it prime user base
Tributes paid to ‘grime legend’
Skepta, Giggs and Devlin have paid tributes to Stormin MC on Twitter. The former N.A.S.T.Y Crew member, who rose to fame alongside Kano, Jammer and D Double E, is thought to have died from skin cancer.
Legend? I for one have never heard of this bloke and we own a huge Eclectic music collection, we own 2 top of the range stereo systems (I separates, the other a Denon system) that are used on a daily basis, I own 2 Ipods (nano and touch) 4 Sony MP3 including 2 HD units. Every room in our house has the ability to play music be it REVO Dab radio or an Alexa. Music is part and parcel of our home and yet I have never heard of this so called Legend.
On that note, this past week, I have purchased the red album by the Beatles and 1. All thats been played in my den has been the Beatles. If anybody or group should be classed as legends its the Beatles. (Currently listening to Penny Lane, who nowadays writes lyrics like this:
Penny Lane there is a barber showing photographs
Of every head he’s had the pleasure to know
And all the people that come and go
Stop and say “Hello”
On the corner is a banker with a motorcar,
And little children laugh at him behind his back
And the banker never wears a mac
In the pouring rain, very strange
Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes
There beneath the blue suburban skies
I sit, and meanwhile back
In Penny Lane there is a fireman with an hourglass,
And in his pocket is a portrait of the Queen
He likes to keep his fire engine clean,
It’s a clean machine
Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes
A four of fish and finger pies
In summer. Meanwhile back
Behind the shelter in the middle of the roundabout
The pretty nurse is selling poppies from a tray
And though she feels as if she’s in a play
She is anyway
Penny Lane the barber shaves another customer
We see the banker sitting waiting for a trim
Then the fireman rushes in
From the pouring rain
Very strange
Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes
There beneath the blue suburban skies
I sit, and meanwhile back
Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes
There beneath the blue suburban skies
Penny Lane…)
Grime legend my arse.
Grime shouldn’t pay 🙂
Dead right. Classic English whimsy, Eleanor Rigby also has a great lyric.
And is there another band who would write “With a Little help from my Friends”?…and then give it to Ringo the Runt to sing?
Great lads…even after bloody Yoko!
Apparently according to the bBC this is the stuff that legends are made of:
Bananarma come across as Oxford educated when compared to the above.
The only bit I heard was ‘Girls love Nazis’ 🙁
If you’re talking to a snowflake tell them that your favourite Beatles track is from The White Album – Happiness Is A Warm Gun. They usually have a major sense of humour failure.
The BBC’s in-house newspaper explains:
Why Get Out should win the 2018 best picture Oscar
Go on, hazard a guess:
It’s the awards season, so brace yourselves for more.
She likes gobbling cheddar? 🙂
A quip in the very best Max Miller-Benny Hill continuum!
Outrageous countryblues!
But this ought to be on the Citizenship Exam-if you don`t feel the need to go running off to Cathy Newman on hearing this-welcome to our country. Is there a place on this site where we can self-refer. Have noticed an outbreak of fruitiness on this site , and would like to snitch to no purpose. Be a Lefty in effect.
Another Cheddar cheese sandwich Madam? Sorry, that was dirty.
Note to self: avoid at all costs.
“Is it about the exclusion of black Americans from white privilege? ”
Like poor Obama, excluded from any high office. Twice.
“Or is it about an insidious welcome, a spurious inclusion, a learned pantomime of liberal friendliness, whose purpose is to disarm and defang grievance and relegitimise white class supremacy for the 21st century? ”
Blimey, even the liberals are part of the racist conspiracy. Apparently.
What a load of crap, he must have studied Sociology or Black Studies at Yooni.
Where else but the grauniad?
Predictably the John Cleese ‘comedy’ was about as funny as emphysema. So often comedy is at someone else’s expense or is offensive. As hurting anyone’s feelings is blasphemy at the BBC how can they ever make good comedy again? So many of their greatest shows could not be made now.
Men Behaving Badly: Too ‘misogynist’ and rude.
The Office: Brent’s hilariously un-PC blunders would be taken at face value and construed as promoting sexism, racism etc. The perpetually offended do not do subtlety or irony.
Only Fools and Horses: Cockneys have been ethnically cleansed from London so nobody would relate to it.
Fawlty Towers: Manuel’s incompetence and poor English, the engine for so much comedy, would be seen as xenophobic and Basil’s hectoring seen as bullying.
BB – how could al Beebus ever again broadcast “The Lumberjack Song”?
“As hurting anyone’s feelings is blasphemy at the BBC…”
Correction: hurting the feelings of their favourite ‘victim’ groups is blasphemy. White males, especially of a conservative leaning, are fair game for as much vitriol as you please.
“The perpetually offended do not do subtlety or irony.”
True, but the irony is it’s not usually the targets of those jokes who are offended, but the leftie-libtards who take offence on their behalf. And of course they’re usually not really offended, just being pc and virtue signalling.
It’s one huge game to silence those they don’t like and display their ‘superiority’.
It’s the rarefied atmosphere of the moral high ground they inhabit, affecting the brain and removing any senses of the ridiculous or humour, vlad.
How demeaning and patronising for someone to take offence on your behalf?
“He is black so he does not have the confidence to speak out, so I will bravely protect his feelings.”
They did that over the Man U chant about Lukaku having a massive penis. He loved it but the libtards stopped the fans from singing it! Now I really would be offended if someone stopped fans from chanting something about me which I really liked.
In the dog days of my teaching “career”, I saw both Catherine Tate and Little Britain being used in training sessions as well as school assemblies.
Lauren (Catherine Tate) and her abusing a French female teacher was shown so we could learn how better to manage her behaviour-I kid you not.
Lou and Andy(Little Britain) was shown at an assembly to illustrate the need to honour the disabled and help them-even as one of them took the piss as a great swimmer behind the cameras, as his “helper” spouted on about his charges inability to swim. And the head and team saw no irony or other message-the kids laughed and were told that none of this was funny-how would YOU like it etc?
Welcome to the Pleasuredomes indeed.
I left within a week, both times.
On look North news now.
Man jailed for 20 months for posting ‘hate’ posts on Facebook.
‘My grandfather didn’t die for this’ was an example given of the posts which were a response to the Ariana Grande attack in Manchester.
Despite many ‘likes’, ONE woman reported this (and was rewarded by the courts with a ‘gift’ according to Look North)
The judge, who called this man a ‘vile racist’ gave him 20 months inside.
They then had a Muslim on who said the sentence wasn’t long enough and said if it was a Muslim who had posted something like this they would have been jailed for longer.
Ive seen much worse on Breitbart and on here so any of us could be jailed for exercising our free speech if a person reports it as a hate crime.
I wonder if this man will stay alive in jail (unlike the man who left some bacon near a mosk)
Isn’t this exactly the same as East Germany during the Cold War.
It’s actually very scary that any of us could be hauled out of our homes and jailed for forthright views against the way the politicians are changing this land without asking the population.
I think it will mostly be used as a back up for when they really need to lock someone up but they have not done anything. They went to such extremes trying to nail Tommy Robinson for something spurious as they needed him out of the way. Now they could look at more or less any online post and do you for thought crime. The only test is whether or not someone was offended.
But you`ve hit on a big point here BB.
I was a United hooligan of a kind in the mid-70s. Not top end, but a bit of an arse at places like York, Norwich and Oxford as they welcomed us for a season. Stretford End or Paddock-only Millwall was a problem that year!
So-how the hell do a few simpering libtards get to police football chants-used to be the only place to let off steam(and admittedly was not nice for most). But if your own fans can`t take the piss out of your star player(who goes along with it)-then who the hell gave the tards and limpdick from The Fast Show the right to snuff it out? We`d have pasted the scum. And to be honest those old skills at Watford Gap or Moss Side may yet come in handy again for those of us who voted to leave the EU. One more payday perhaps? And sod the disability scooters for one last grab for glory!
So often now I hear that “one person has complained” and heaven and earth is moved to make whatever they perceive is wrong, put right. So how come I can moan and groan about waiting 3 weeks for a doctor’s appointment and never get anywhere ? Perhaps we can put out an APB for “one person has complained” so they can get me an early appointment !!
This kind of thing is happening everyday and the government together with Treezer’s London Mayor are pushing it and the cops are calling out for informers.
Everyone has to be careful.
Perhaps someone should rattle Treezer with some revelations about her dad.
ITV lead their news with the Barry Bennell case-30 years for abusing boys as a footy coach.
The BBC seem not to want to say too much about this-they far prefer the Brum academic who abused or raped nobody physically, but was a right creep and deserving of jail time. But abused nobody himself, so I gather.
And-of course-not a peep on their endless “Sportsday” vehicles as leaving the BBC showroom for us all to admire. Anyone would think that the BBCs links with Premier league football and the FA might not need any testing by any reporting of Bennells case.
If City were in a lower league, bet he`d be the top story-sport and sex normally a BBC dream.
Maybe Brendan Cox coached Batley Minors Eleven. Why else are the BBC soft-pedalling on sports abuse?
If this was a vicar,not a football coach?
well the beebs web shite actually seems to have gone to town with the two white nonces, links seem to be everywhere
But from the sketchy details its appears Bennells crimes were worth 31 years and Falders 32 though im unsure quite what he’s done
funny thing is though I dont remember any roper nonces getting 30year plus sentences
Ropers get group sentences 😉
Even if they did, they would be released after 5; like that one from Telford.
As well as Brendan’s rather rapid exit from Al Beeb’s web pages, the news from Oxfam that three of the Haiti suspects physically threatened witnesses also has gone with the wind rather rapidly. It is not on the front page, nor the UK page any longer. This also holds true for Landale’s report that further revelations are likely. You have to search under “Oxfam’ to find both stories I guess the ” gay couple kiss complaint” is just more compelling news..
Suffrage art and a celebration of female artists on Radio 4 right now.
Some feminism – what a pleasant change! You can vote for your favourite work of art by a woman. I like to just enjoy a painting without caring about whether the artist has a penis, was black or whatever but I guess that makes me a fascist.
1901 Galicia : But both ‘Mario’ and his bride, Marcela, were women.
The lesbian pioneers who fooled Spain’s Catholic Church
BBC = all agenda, all the time
Times reviewer hates the new History series
” the dire BBC remake, Civilisations, which begins next week”
“A ghastly progressive sportsday where all must have prizes
He hates the way they don’t have favourites , but rather artificially gush about every little thing.
I guess he’s seen previews
excerpt screenshot
The vile bbc are really beginning to get it in the neck from the online blogs now.
I haven’t seen anyone supporting their vicious hatred for the Brits, and all the comments are intended to get them chucked out for good!
Even that old fart Humphrys is trying to peddle anti-President Trump in the Waitrose mag, so what’s he ever done to get rich on our taxes? Feck all!
Perhaps we need a website where we can all just see one-line headlines of all the news, then ignore it if it comes from the bbc the grauniad, the inedependent etc, and then get the truth from some proper journalism!
I’m too old to do this, but surely someone else could step up to the plate…
I’m meeting more and more people in my everyday life who have woken up and now see the BBC for what they are. There is hope!
well Lobby’s obviously been red pilled, just look at the colour of him.
Blimey! I had to look up ‘redpill’, and Lobs definitely isn’t someone who is the sort of bloke to agree to that! He’s got understanding!
I take blue and white pills every day, to stop me burping all the time and upsetting Madame O’Blene, because it ruins her lunch…
They called Omeprazole, and have fabulous effect, such as wanting to jump on any lovely woman at all times, and become a father again, – then I wake up…
Better than that wine-flavoured Viognier or similar…
When you take the redpill , you wake up and see the real world
..but most people prefer to take the blue pill stops them seeing the world as it really is
Reminds me of the slimming joke:
Bill is walking down the road when he sees someone that looks half-familiar, he pauses and does a double-take. “John! It’s you! What happened you look twenty years younger!”
John stops and says, “Yes it’s me Bill! I went to this doctor in Harley Street and he gave me these fantastic pills. You fall asleep and dream that you are on a desert island where you are chased by nubile young ladies that want their wicked way with you over and over again. When you wake up you are covered in sweat and have lost half a stone!”
Bill thinks this sounds great so he gets the address from John and duly arranges an appointment and eventually a stock of the pills. Unfortunately although he loses weight the experience isn’t pleasant. As he tells the doctor, “I fall asleep, dream I’m on a desert island where I’m chased all night by a pack of angry head-hunters”. “How come I don’t dream of nubile young ladies like my friend John?”
The doctor says, “Would that be Mr. Williams?”, to which Bill nods “Yes”. “Ah!” says the doctor, Mr. Williams is a private patient while you are NHS.
Great to see you here again, and why haven’t you been posting on Guido’s site recently? Or Mine!!!
To respond, I’m the same and so is Mrs O’blene, we never ever get a positive response to the prattling class that is the bbbc these days.
They really are beyond repair, and paying so much money to appease squealing kids and thick households is just not acceptable.
I could use that money I pay them, because I need some dosh to do up a bedroom, but no, I have to watch feeble crap on a Russian styled propaganda show bunched up by the bbbc.
Hi Scrobs
Thanks for the welcome back!
I do dip into here and Guido’s site occasionally (which one is your site, by the way?), but I’ve had some major health issues and I haven’t been feeling myself lately (Oooh, Matron!!!). Hopefully I’m on the mend now, so with luck I should be back to annoy you all!
Speaking of absentees, does Grant ever come on here these days as I don’t recall seeing his name for ages. Perhaps he is back in Gambia.
I miss Grant. Hope he returns
Hope you’re clawing your way back to health Lobby !
And, yes where is Grant ? who ?
Sir Lobs,
I’m glad you’re on the mend now!
Just Google Scroblene-Webley-Bullock (long story), and you’ll be made very welcome! It’s all in green – you can’t miss it…
(Apols Alan/David, but he did ask nicely)!
And yes, I assume Grant is in Africa at the moment – hope he posts again soon, his info is worth every penny, unlike the bloody awful bbbc!
Funny thing, was thinking of Grant yesterday when talking about Gambia with friends.
Think his absence may be explained by returning to loved ones in Africa but also the caring responsibilities in Scotland AND, IIRC, he is still working.
Enough there to keep anyone more than fully occupied and away from Internet Forums. Anyway, good to see Lobbie and chrisH in full flow above.
How do snowflakes think that the promises of Comrade Corbyn, the lefty old twonk who is now in the public dock for alleged treachery, feel when they believe that there is an ‘elite’ who are in charge of the Brits?
How can they manage to consider that an ‘elite’ class is better than a democratic decision to actually make things happen? Comrade Corbyn wangled hundreds of votes by promising the snowflakes and the sjws free Ipads, tuition, cars, membership of the Idiot Plonker Society etc etc, and had no intention – or the wherewithal to pay for it, but the gullible snows and the sjws swallowed the whole lot – stupid kids.
Of course, the bbbc will not cover this huge story, they’ll hide it behind a football game or something crappy, and hope it all goes away. The people who are supposed to be journalists on one of the world’s most famous broadcasting organsations are just absolutely pathetic. Their output is dismal, they just read what their ‘managers’ tell them and pick up a huge paycheck each month for following orders.
Of course, snowflakes adore this sort of stuff, well, they believe it don’t they! It must be true because it came from the bbbc!
Strictly bbbc News – bollocks.
I see Radio4 have split up their brainwashing into 4 minute segments
Amazing, Stew. I remember the BBC looking down their noses in the 1980s at 1. ITV viewers, and, 2. even more so (with some inherent mockery) at American TV viewers and their children who were said to have developed shorter attention spans thanks to commercial breaks and the advent of TV remote controls.
On BBC2 Newshite tonight, Emily Maitlis is doing a bit in the USA on the Chippendales half nude male dancers.
She said, “I’m on holiday anyway so I thought I’d check put a Chippendale show”.
So was she on holiday and a film crew just happened to be on standby or she got the BBC to pay for her holiday in return for a 5 minute video? Either way it seems the license fee is being misused.
“Either way it seems the license fee is being misused.”
In so many ways, Tabs, in so many ways.
On holiday … being paid for being on holiday. Just like katty Kay using her BBC name to sell her book. Do the proceeds of book sales go to reducing the tv license?
“Hear Hear ! Another example of just how rotten, to the very core, is today’s BBC”
Above is one of the reader comments to an article in The Times demolishing the beebistan’s new series on ‘Civilisations’. (We are not alone in hating the Evil Empire.)
“BBC has missed the point of civilisation –
Kenneth Clark was uncompromising over what made good and bad art — the new presenters have no standards at all –
Kenneth Clark’s Civilisation is one of the glories of television. The series, first broadcast in 1969 on BBC2, is a triumphal progress through the highest achievements of European culture. Clark took civilisation seriously (…)
Most importantly, he tells you what’s good. And he tells you what’s bad. It’s brilliant.
In 2018 there’s no way Clark, an elitist with terrible teeth, would get anywhere near a camera. He counts as a fuddy-duddy and his Eurocentric show is “problematic”. Hence the dire BBC remake, Civilisations, which begins next week. As a culture-hungry teenager growing up in the northeast, Clark’s opening question, “What is civilisation?” obsessed me. What should I read, what should I look at, what should I listen to if I wanted to be cultured? Clark told me. If you want the best art why not try Botticelli or Vermeer. If you want the best books, try Shakespeare or Wordsworth. The best music? Try this piece of Bach or that bit of Beethoven. The programme is the perfect introduction for the culturally clueless but willing.
By contrast, Civilisations looks like a mess. Where Clark was stern about what counted as good art (yes to this painting, no to that baptistry — “pitifully crude”), the three presenters of Civilisations have no standards at all. In hock to modish cultural relativism and the painful TV doctrine of unceasing enthusiasm, they gush about everything…”
Ok – I confess – I watched a bit of newsnight (with the volume down) for the first time in probably 10years -and just turned the volume up when HRH princess Maitliss dun a piece of the chipendale male chaps who strip and pose in front of ladies . I know a still was posted here recently as the harassed sex kitten posed with what I suppose was a male babe in porn speak.
Ms Maitliss did her full year 2 undergrad sociology BA bit interviewing a chip chap. They showed footage of ladies enjoying themselves looking at blokes doing thrusty type stuff with gymed bods.
I , fedup , thought to meself – as long as no ones being exploited or oppressed who should give a tuppany toss . People should be allowed to have fun, live, enjoy themselves . So much now seems to be about a notional person being up set so this and that can’t be done or said. No wonder so many people of various genders are fucked up.
I’m as guilty as any one else for taking things far too seriously. Maybe everyone here – including our esteemed Alan – should just take a a vow to avoid al Beeb for 24 hours and see what changes . Any views ? In my part of the world it’s the small hours so forgive me if you consider this a ramble.
No, Fedup, the beeb must be attacked day and night, ceaselessly and remorselessly, before it destroys this country.
Al beebus delenda est.
Probably right – a moment of weakness . Others here pop up every so often and say that they are living without al beeb but i do wonder if we need to bear witness to it .
I suppose it’s a bit like walking into the road and not looking at the oncoming car which is gonna hit you any way . I’m going al beeb free Tuesday and see what I miss .
Fed, you’re among chums!
We haven’t watched anything the bbc squirts out since late September last year, and just enjoy long chats with a glass of something, and then a DVD or a good book by the fire!
I suppose it’s a bit like giving up smoking, which took me several goes, but the eventual result was less stink, more money, better health etc, and all that applies to avoiding the bbc!
I hope you enjoy your bbc-free day! I’m pruning the dogwoods in the garden, then having a stroganov and a few tinctures with Madame O’Blene, then dozing off before I pick up a rather awful book, but one which needs some perseverance…
Then we’re going up to the village hall to shout at the developers who are intent on ruining the place!
And all without any crap from the bbc!
I am one of those who just cannot tolerate the BBC output any more mainly due to the detrimental effect it has on my general wellbeing I tried the Mary Beard programme on Rome the other week and had to lie down afterwards with Mrs Swelter stroking my brow and muttering there there. .But I like to pop into this site to reassure myself that I am not alone .
The Snuffy household has just acquired a treat, a new boxed set to add to the growing collection: Frasier.
There’s enough quality viewing there to see a substantial dent in Radio4 listening this year.
Up, it really is a great idea to stock up on DVDs these days. We’re wondering what to get next, but will wait until the Autumn now – Auf Wiedersehen Pet is the favourite at the moment – last year’s was Foyles War, as they used to be so long with the adverts, we always fell asleep!
Del Boy always gets a look in, but sadly we had to pay bbc prices for the whole lot!
If anyone ever wants the best ever series ever made – (ever) – then get ‘Turtle’s Progress’!
It’s required watching here every winter…
Thank you your support on my al beeb free day -.ive included a no news of any kind clause and so far watched plenty of you tube as well a few dvds I purchased from Oxfam recently- sorry people but true . Later on the Oxfam people are sending a prostitute to Fedup Mansions …. I wonder if she /he /it will be young ??? ( Am on the edge of disgrace maxi?
Ignoring an organisation that promotes itself as the moral guide to the world with 50% coverage and it demands you pay or are prosecuted. The bbc that snuffed the reporting of savile but reports on Trump in a fanatical manner. The non political BBC saying Jerry Christmas… promoting one party over others. Equality as seen by the BBC.
I didn’t see the Maitlass piece and am not that bothered about its content. But if the piece was to pay for Emily’s holiday, well that is my license payers money, and that does bother me.
Watching Look North this evening, it featured a report by their pet Muslima about a C of E school in Bradford; which had introduced meditation to help its pupils behaviour and concentration. The classes were led by a Mr Saddique.
There was one white child in the whole class, a ginger to boot; Mrs S and I asked ourselves: are we are the only ones who notice this constant presentation of minority – majority propaganda by our Most-Trusted-Broadcaster?
Any which way I look, I’m beginning to feel outnumbered by ethnics, – out of 6 consecutive adverts tonight, 5 did not feature any white people at all, and the other one portrayed a mixed race couple. The pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction.
“Theresa May’s university review will not scrap fees”
Too many kids wasting their lives in Yooni.
They should be out in the real world earning a crust, instead of a four year binge drink holiday.
Snowflakes are taking a hammering on HYS.
Does the BBC love President Trump or Obama ?
“Florida school shooting: Trump ‘supportive’ of better gun background checks”
“Jeremy Corbyn should be ‘open’ over spy’s claims, says Theresa May”
What does Security Correspondent Frank Gardner or even the MI5 Know?
Where are Amber Rudd and Diane Abbott? Comments on a postcard.
The beebistan finds another way of slipping in its politics through the back door: get a Celeb to do it for you.
In this case let the self-important Jenifer Lawrence give voice to her (yawn) oh-so predictable, look-at-me, I’m-not-just-a-dumb-blonde, I’ve-got-real-opinions-like-a-grownup, lefty views.
On (yawn) equal pay, anti-Trump (ooo, how daring, how original), wimmin’s rights… bla bla.
Why is it that the more spoilt and indulged these wimmin are, the angrier they seem to get – or pretend to be.
Many years ago I was having a conversation with – or listening to a rant from – a young Swedish woman who was trotting out the usual lefty garbage against ‘the System’ and how oppressive it all was, like, man, innit, boo-hoo poor me.
I pointed out that in Sweden of all places she and the sistas were the most free, privileged, liberated, emancipated, wealthy, safe, equal, subsidised, protected etc, on the entire planet in the whole of human history. She’d never been challenged with the simple truth so directly, and she crumpled. To her credit, she admitted she’d been talking bollocks and changed overnight.
Perhaps now that her country is facing REAL problems, she might look back to those halcyon days and realise how good they were – before she and her compatriots threw it all away.
Jennifer Lawrence?
Yeah… let’s go with Jennifer Lawrence
…. watch carefully ….
There’s rarely a segment of J-Law longer than 20 seconds that isn’t spliced – she’s a dim bint who cannot string her own thoughts and words together.
Obviously she’s better at memorising stuff for the cameras though.
The BBC presents her as some kind of sage.
Harvey probably knows about some other “acting” talents she possesses.
Brexit will lead to a Mad Max style dystopia, the Beeb trashily suggests this morning. Evoking a seventies film – now that really is intellectually rigorous.
“The film presents a film of societal collapse, murder and revenge set in a future Australia. A policeman becomes involved in a violent feud with a savage motorcycle gang.”
Yeah it’s exactly like that, just as the economy collapsed instantly when we voted for Brexit as you guaranteed us it would. What did we ever achieve before we were in the EU? We all know the British Empire, habeas corpus, the mother of parliaments and Shakespeare all originated in Brussels and Nick Clegg played a winning part in all of them.
Oxfam is stil one of the leading stories! Almost two weeks now on the Groundhog Broadcasting Corporation.
A leopard never changes its spots. We just can’t expect them to be fair and balanced. Imagine if they got behind Brexit and mocked the EU coming with a begging bowl like Oliver? Maybe had some Union Jack skits with scenes from Shakespeare’s history plays between programmes instead of disabled Asians playing basketball? I am sure they could do some brilliant stuff if they got behind it. Alas, they have betrayed us and betrayal is one of the worst things you can do.
Beeb Bro
Apart from a quick visit to Ceefax a couple of times a week and then forming my own opinions I almost never watch TV. I don’t think I need to. Nor do I buy many newspapers but i do scan the headlines on all of them when I’m out and about so I get an idea what they consider is important to them at any given time. Then I just consider my own personal take on any of these news items and I know the BBC is peddling the opposite. I don’t see this changing any time soon.
Mind you if the BBC were to have an epiphany and completely change overnight I would be caught with my Y fronts round my ankles. In the meantime I rely on all of you good people to fill in the details. Sorry but I just cannot sit and watch and listen to Big Brother telling me what to think,feel and say.
Remember all the conspiracy movies of yore, when a hapless hero and heroine endure 90’ of derring do to safely bear the smoking gun/tape/flash drive to….. the tv station? And that is the point at which the audience heaves a sigh of relief.
Diane Abbott could be delivered to W1A with every NATO silo in the sixities tattooed on her bum and the BBC would still fly half its staff to Washington to cover a ‘sources who say’ from Katty Kay.
The corollary is that actual news of value, sourced at risk by true holders of power to account, most likely only on peripheral online outlets, will almost certainly be dismissed with an airy wave of the ‘editorial integrity’ hand of the national disgrace.
Looking at you Bowen, Simpson, Robinson, Husain, Derbyshire, Vine, Davies…
Corbyn threatens legal action. Tweet is retracted.
Still nothing from our world class trusted broadcaster the bBBC.
So there’s no evidence.
Does that mean the bBBC will retract all their allegations of Trumps “Russian collusion”?
They seem to have moved back to infidelity claims. Quite how the Newsbeat audience is meant to react, who knows?
BBC covers fighting the rebels in Syria and from the photograph it seems that the rebels consist of children.
I don’t accept BBC news and suspect that these children are locals from the Salford Quays area brought in to the BBC studios to be filmed as war victims.
I hope their education is not interrupted too much.
Over to Maxicony for its response
Listening to the diversity quota filler on Toady discussing “Britain’s ageing population” what is really meant by that is: Britain’s ageing indigenous population.
“I’m g’nna start with ice dancing…”
That was our Kate Downes welcoming us to what is, essentially, the posh people’s hobby sports Olympics in Pyeong Chang, Korea
I’m going to be switching off.
Just as a style note, I’m beginning to think the BBC are having their presenters do this aggressive verbal laziness deliberately.
Why does the BBC glorify Islamic terrorism and celebrate the deaths of British people? What else are we to make of the BBC calling a group of Islamic terrorists – the “fab four”, i.e. naming them after the Liverpool pop group of the sixties – The Beatles?
Maybe this is part of the BBC celebration that “I’ll Be A Muslim Too”
I trust we’re all tightly clutching our anxiety bears this morning – like the troubled young lady on the tv just now.
The consistently miserablist BBC Breakfast show is telling us Brexit Secretary David Davis is going to say that we’re not about to be plunged into a ‘Mad Max-style post-apocalyptic world’ after Brexit.
Which could be a timely fillip – assuming of course our Mr Davis doesn’t fall under a goth-style customised megadeath bus vehicle driven by shaven-headed genetically challenged tattooed femi-warriors – prior to him getting to make this up-coming speech later today and this news headline actually becomes… news.
Of course if you watch BBC Breakfast you’d have been tipped off that we’re already living the post-apocalyptic territory world – minus all the warrior heroics and exicting car chases.
Just this morning before we go off to work we’re advised to check with our GP (thought they were over-worked) any ‘consistent bloating’ because it could be ovarian cancer.
Suddenly I glimpse there’s a rare sight – a bloke on telly I thought for a moment I might identify with but it turns out he’s suicidally depressed and the issue of the day is mental illness and indebtedness.
Hey BBC, give this stuff its own channel and let us have unbiased news, travel and weather before we go off to work to earn your tax salaries.
Radio Times Editor may well have to think about finding a new job!
Sounds like this RT piece is definitely not towing the “Official BBC line”
“Colonel Tim Collins took aim at the BBC, saying its coverage of the Passchendaele anniversary last year was “saturated in grief”, and demanded forthcoming commemorations celebrate a glorious victory.”
“Last year’s coverage of the Passchendale anniversary by the BBC was a prime example.”
“While paying appropriate tribute to the sacrifice of the many soldiers who lost their lives, it was saturated in grief, in the horror and pity of war. ”
Telling that a real soldier takes this line whilst the “Class Warriors” that work for Aunty do their utmost to undermine our pride in the past victories by this country. Yes war is awful and it should always be the last resort when diplomacy fails – But at the end of the day pride in your country and its history is what bonds us together as a society no wonder the BBC and the left has worked so hard to devalue and re-write our past. I expect if you played a word association game with a BBC editor and said the word “pride ” he would instantly come back with the word “gay”
How our understanding of the world has changed.
Also nice to know that if things had kicked off in the cold war whilst some our soldiers were doing the fighting other members of our society would have been taking tea with communist “diplomats” and deciding over the spoils.
The left have come far – Letting your country down these days (be it either taking tea with “diplomats” or trying to subvert the will of the people) these days is now acceptable – But to many of us thank God it never will be OK.
All their fawning over the mosque open day, have they not heard of Taqiya? And are we expected to swallow that this is a wonderful, peaceful creed which poses no threat whatsoever even after Rotherham, Borough Market, the recent tube bomb etc? I would come down on them like a tonne of bricks. Why on Earth are people who worship at your mosques becoming extremists, and what on Earth are you doing to make sure it never happens again? We cannot sleepwalk into another tragedy like the Manchester bombing. Lives will be lost but they will not care as long as they are still paid a fortune without ever having to any proper work.
Alas the lazy cowards continue this reckless facade that everything is fine. How bad must it get before they admit there might be a problem? I strongly suspect lots of attacks are still happening but our treacherous leaders have decided they must be totally covered up at all costs.
Remember a period perhaps last summer when there seemed to be a terrorist attack somewhere in Europe almost every day? Why would they have suddenly stopped? I imagine the Inner Party has met with various Ministries of Truth and explained that we must be informed of as few attacks as humanly possible.
You could be right, BB. However, if that did happen, I would imagine there was one exception. Any incident that can even remotely or ever so tenuously be linked to the ‘extreme right’ or ‘white supremacists’ will be free for publicity, and a certain broadcaster, far be it from me to suggest names, will be more than eager to give this lots of. In fact, as the case of Frank Gardner showed a while ago, you can feel free to casually drop those terms into any incident discussion, even if it’s very obvious that there is NO possible connection.
Reporting has stopped. Knife attacks and pavement mountings continue. Collaboration is more secure
Why is this government so inept in its communications. Do they all have to take a leaf from Theresa’s book? The Mad Max analogy just plays into the BBCs hands. They concentrate on the thing David Davis says will NOT happen.
Meanwhile Agent Cobb now threatens the City. The retired agents of the KGB and StB must be so pleased. Of course the BBC still censoring the latter aspect.
Invoking a bad Mel Gibson film – pure class. Truly the envy of the world.
I remember when I was a kid ” Listen with mother.” Then there was
women’s hour and is it still on? What is on is women’s hour
after hour after hour. A subscriber wrote about this the other day.
We see the odd token male presenter and reporter. The last
bastion is Match of the Day. But give it time and one of the
plethora of women sports journalist’s will take Gary Lineker’s place.
A good candidate may well be the lady expert on football this
morning on the breakfast programme who told us that Sergio
Aguero had attacked a fan. This “expert” on football and the
martial arts did not mention that the hooligan had thrown a
punch at the Manchester City forward before he tried to
defend himself. Yes this lady sports presenter ticks every box
to take over from Lineker.
Just seen that Kirsty Sharman has been charged with a public order offence after leaving a note on an ambulance windscreen. Stupid and inconsiderate I say.
However I believe a “male” did exactly the same earlier this year or late last year. What action was taken ? And if no action was taken then why not?.
That’s the Tuesday rhetorical question out of the way.
As far as I can see, no action was taken against the previous case.
Can’t for the life of me imagine why ……
BBCs latest literary offering, Doris Lessing about women in the 1980s wanting to join the IRA. What a wheeze. Reinforce s BBC message that the IRA is both ancient history and a bit of a joke. Uncle Jeremy was so nice to cuddle up to them. He’s so authentic too.
R4 John Burn cancer researcher
9:21am ‘research rules got more difficult. For stage 2 we couldn’t do a wide trial like we did in stage 1, cos of European Union rules, the EU made cross country research more difficult cos of it’s rule the research project could only be funded from one source, leaving that source to take on all the risk/responsibility’
9:23am Starts mentioning close Matt Ridley’s involvement in his research .
How dare this prog depart from the normal libmob causes.
Full on bias on Toady this morning.
Claiming to be focussing on the ageing population, Hussein interviews Damien Green, now a backbencher, who is now working for some ageing population foundation or other, ostensibly to talk on this subject.
It was a calculated hatchet job. The first half of the interview was an interrogation about his resignation and the last section was shit-stirring about Brexit. Only a short central section was about the topic in question.
Meanwhile, Corbyn and the communists……silence.
The bitchy biased BBC at their absolute worst.
Sluff, I listened to that. I was waiting for Green to ask if she really wanted to talk about the issue at hand or did she just want to rake over old news – but of course that didn’t happen. It sums up the beeb in a nutshell. We have a really big issue with an ageing population and yet Hussein wasted 3/4 of the interview on their own agenda!
She’s too f*****g thick to make a proper job of it, even so Green should have challenged her about her line of questioning though; no bottle – just another slippery sod.
Funny thing on the BBC last week: they did not get into a tizzy over the inflation figures from the ONS.
I struggle to believe the unchanged figure and think the ONS have managed to miss out rail fare and road fuel price increases together with ongoing price increases in staple foods including milk, butter and bread. Then there are other household essentials: toilet rolls. I’ve seen price increases as high as 15% on those. Quite what was offsetting that to keep inflation at 3%, I know not but it must have been a substantial part of the index, whatever it was.
No questions asked on R4 in my hearing by the anti-Brexit BBC which is a bit strange. Last year they went into monthly hysterics over the steady climb to 3%+ and its unaffordability. Cancel Brexit, they hinted, wages are falling inflation, is out of control, Venezuela-style in the UK, people are dying in the streets.
Nary a mutter.
9:30am Jay Brave begins “I’m blah, blah ..and black, but I don’t identify as black
…whereas for other black people that is the most important thing .. So in this series I’m talking to them to find out why.”
Speaks to woman born in Nigeria, who comes to live in London
(She was offended that people refer to as black, rather than Nigerian
…duh go to Japan or Latin America ..and they call all white people by the generic word, without referring to the country they come from)
“…….but I don’t identify as black”. I predict that this is the looming next form of ‘Hate Speech’ we will all be subject to. Where else has the PC zealots to go?
Use if the words, black, asian, european (and derivations thereof) will all have to disappear as unmentionables. The Globalists are getting drunk on all this kind of stuff.
‘Black’ is an import from the USA, part of the ‘Black Power’ movement. As usual we adopted it here, along with all their ‘race experts’, even though the situations there and here are completely different. (Most ‘blacks’ in the US can trace their origins to imported slaves, most ‘blacks’ in the UK, despite the BBC re-write of history, chose to come here).
What is even more silly is that the US ‘blacks’ now tend to self-indentify as African-Americans while our ‘blacks’ are mostly ‘brown’, who self-identify as the ruling elite. (And that makes the current mania for all ‘African’ actors in advertising all the more stupid, the ‘blacks’ are the minority of the ‘BAME’s and detested by the ‘browns’! Alienate your native customers, alienate your new masters, all just to keep Sir Lenny happy!).
Even the Guardian want answers from Corbyn, great article..
dafydd-Very interesting article. Don’t expect anything similar
on the BBC. The Trotskyist and Fifth Columnist hierarchy will
see to that.
Im sad to say, i think your right
Times: “…new figures reveal a massive rise in measles cases across Europe”
Mmm, wonder why?
Not on the beebistan.
Mmm, wonder why?
And the SJW non-story of the day is . . . Calls for upskirting [the practice of taking photos up skirts] to be banned. Just 11 recorded offences since 2015 – it is almost as if it is a complete non-issue. That works out at about one every hundred days in a country with a population of 70 million.
Campaigners fear numbers may be higher though! Of course they would – they probably get paid a lot of money by the billion pound ‘equalities’ industry. One complainant was only ten!
There is one major pattern of offending which really concerns young girls. How did these Newcastle rapists lure their school girl victims to parties? This pattern of offending continues to be endemic, why not use your lavish funding to alert girls to the tactics of these terrible rapists? We are still yet to hear a single mention of these gangs amidst the Me Too hysteria. Their crimes against humanity are on a different realm of evil to just taking a photo up someone’s skirt or trying it on with the receptionist.
I spent the whole 1hr 36 mins viewing a talk given by Carl Goldberg on YouTube. It is entitled: “The “Logic” of Islam”. I have never come across such a detailed and unbiased explanation of what islam is all about and the mentality of its ‘believers’. As many people as possible should watch all of this video and deeply digest what Goldberg conveys.
CAIR, the pro-islamic US organisation states: “Carl Goldberg is a member of the Arizona chapter of ACT for America. He is a self-styled “Islam expert” and is known for his speeches misrepresenting Islam to wide audiences.” “…misrepresenting….”? Watch the video and judge for yourself.
Thank you for that G.
Pat Condell’s latest video has been pulled by Youtube…
Thank you, I’ve posted on my facebook page. Mind you, the majority on there want me sectioned under the mental health act.