Nolan /di’khe’d/ A bigoted blowhard, someone unwilling to listen to other points of view, someone who thinks they have licence to cast moral judgement upon others, someone who makes a show of being independently minded, intellectually rigorous and scrupulously impartial but is in fact someone who toes the party line and is in reality no more than a PC ‘bot’ churning out the Liberal Establishment orthodoxy whilst suppressing inconvenient facts. Alternate /J.O’Brien/
The MCB, closely linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and the inspiration for the Trojan Horse plot, has initiated yet another ‘Mosque Open Day’ and the BBC has been giving it an uncritical bit of cheerleading, of course. Nolan was totally onboard as was the reporter who went to a Mosque where we hear that Islam is all about peace, tolerance and respect. No challenge to that naturally. All guests on the show were either Muslim or very up for the Mosque visit and very positive about it. Nolan wanted to know if one of the organisers was ‘surprised at the level of misperceptions about Islam and Mosques?’….No, she wasn’t…it’s because of lies in the Press and on social media. Yep, all those lies about bombs, murder, terrorism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, misogyny, intolerance and racism. All those ‘misperceptions’. We had ‘Cathy’ on to say she had always wanted to visit a Mosque and it was absolutely beautiful and the people were very friendly…as you might expect. Of course this is very superficial, as intended, the reality of what goes on in a Mosque, the reality of what Islam teaches, is not on show. Being given cups of tea, a friendly smile and a Mosque being ‘beautiful’ hardly gets to the heart of the issues about Islam. Her husband refused to go because he has a negative view about Islam for some reason. Nolan wanted to know if the ‘media had played a part in his prejudices about Islam’. So Nolan has already judged the man, who of course has not been on to say what he actually thinks, and because he may be critical of Islam is denounced by Nolan as ‘prejudiced’. Maybe he is right to be ‘prejudiced’. Seems that it is know-all Nolan who is the bigot here. This is all about ‘Dawah’, the Muslim obligation to try and convert others to the faith…it’s a propaganda recruitment drive for Islam….
Good of the BBC to help out.
Any more BBC bias? List it all here…..
I’m looking forward to (never) hearing an interview of St Jo of Birstall’s widower, as hostile as that which Damian Green underwent at the hands of Toady’s Muslima this morning.
Why on earth the Tories continually put up with this s*** I’ll never know.
This is excellent about al Beebus and its bias re Cox and his dead wife.
Al Shubtill..
Great article and spot on
Why do the Tories put up with ,and in some cases proclaim undying love , for their BBC enemy? That is indeed a question which I have pondered for years but for which a really credible answer continues to elude me. I am unable to decide which of three possible answers below may be the correct one .
Firstly, the Tories are scared of the BBC and worried that if they move against it it will do them even more harm than it already does.
Secondly, they secretly agree with its leftist stance on many issues and are actually happy to see politics in the UK move steadily leftwards whilst they pretend not to be thus keeping right of centre voters on side and preventing the formation of a true right of centre party.
Thirdly, they accept that on the biggest issue of the day , mass immigration and Islamification ,they need the BBC to keep everyone calm by feeding them bromides. They can see no way of stopping Islamification and so they want us to be kept sedated whilst it happens to us with minimum of fuss.
I used to think that the first explanation was the most likely. But as Lobster pointed out earlier today more and more people are sick to death of the BBC and if the Tory party went on the offensive they are in a good to cut it down to size.Also to be too scared to act whilst your enemy steadily eats you is not a very sensible strategy. So I rule out the first explanation.
The second explanation is of course given increased credibility by the socialist antics of PM May . But surely the likes of JRM would be in a position to know what the truth was and would have no truc with such a massive deception and would have already formed a new right of centre party. So I am doubtful about this explanation.The New Party may yet happen of course when Brexit fails to deliver what most Leavers voted for.
The third explanation, needing the BBC to feed us bromides, is a seemingly ridiculous conspiracy theory , but if answer one and two don’t fit the facts I can’t think of another one. Can anyone come up with another explanation?
The BBC has for many years has got away with its appalling bias and i would say its become complacent and cocky, and the reason, no one has done bugger all about it. How can the BBC be deemed as impartial when one of its senior Directors is James Purnell, a former Labour minister under Brown.
Until someone grabs the issue by the short and curly’s they will continue to behave as they do.
Perhaps its up to Mr & Mrs Joe Public to take them on, a mass refusal to pay our licence fee…??
That would certainly bring them to heel if it were large enough.
I find it very hard to disagree Doublethinker
Even Saint Nige remains coy on islam but I suspect/hope he’s trying not to sink the BREXIT boat
The Farage and UKIP have always been weak on Islam and Third Worlder immigration more generally too.
Kaiser, Al Shubtill
Gerrard Batten is not as frit of Islam and its media supporters as Farrage
Watch him respond to attacks on his criticism of Islam here. Takes the argument back to them
Niall seems to be a typical Sky dullard.Whatever was written in Leviticus, the Old Testament, it has been superseded by Christ’s message in the New Testament. If Niall finds the “Old Time Religion” embodied by the OT too violent and reprehensible then to be consistent he must find the “Old Time Religion” in the Koran equally or even more disturbing because Allah still requires his believers to commit certsin acts of violence while Christ tells his believers not to commit any acts of violence.
“Allah still requires his believers to commit certsin acts of violence while Christ tells his believers not to commit any acts of violence.”
Nail, head, hit.
G.W.F. Thanks for posting that, Batten did very well; al Beebus would never have allowed him to speak for as long as he did, about what he was, without perpetual interruption.
The fourth explanation is that we lost the war. May surrendered.
The BBC are the new government and function with the left and their Islamic mercenaries as the state
Our Quisling Prime Minister seems to have converted.
She does seem to be sponsored by Nike or that shampoo outfit.
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
FFS! Just look at her entire demeanour, how revealing the body language is.
I wonder if your first sentence should have finished with , surrendered without a shot being fired!
DT – I would go for your second option . The Tories have definitely shifted to the left hence we have been blessed with treacherous bores such as Anne Soudbry , Ken Clarke, Call me dave, Amber Rudd and indeed Theresa (Sharia is a good thing) herself.
Hopefully JRM is just biding his time before making a move . If not (with the Tories having effectively and corruptly kept Farage out of parliament, ) people will get very frustrated and eventually I can see civil unrest if things do not change soon.
Breaking News: the ‘For Britain’ website is now on stream:
Just read their policies.
All common sense, certainly would get my vote.
Just watch and see how frantically the biased BBC and MSM try to dish the dirt and label them as “far right” and “extremist”.
I would bet that there is a silent majority out there who are not just waiting but praying for something to change.
We need to stop letting the leftist bullies dictate to us how we should think, live and behave. I shouldn’t have to feel like a naughty school boy who is going against the grain just for having views that differ to the brainwashed masses.
My football team is Sunderland.
Since 2016 we have had a dreadful time, first, being relegated from the Premiership to the Championship and now we’re looking odds on to go straight down to Division 1.
My problem is, I don’t know whether it is Brexit or Trump to blame for this rapid decline.
We all know that anything bad that happens is because of those two reasons so which one is to blame for our likely double relegation.
I find that root cause of most problems in the UK is down to the BBC. I suggest that you search for reason for the decline of Sunderland there.
I think Allardyce leaving them for England was the start of the decline….
Nah, won’t wash.
Any self-respecting Beeboid would rather gargle battery acid than have to go to a town like Sunderland, full of white working-class people who are proud of their country, its heritage and culture.
Norman-‘but Labour say’-Smith is on typical form at midday today as he is joined by Labour’s pro-Brussels Keir Starmer. There was an opportunity here for our BBC chap to investigate at first hand Labour’s curiously veiled policies, on, for instance, the Customs Union.
Starmer is allowed to say Labour policy is to “leave that on the table”
Well, that’s as clear as mud. Of course what we BBC viewers do get crystal clarity on is a generalised attack on the Conservative Government. So BBC job done Norman! I’m no fan of this lot but seriously, what’s the alternative? Labour with their “leave it on the table” policies?
Just listening to Jeremy Vine and the story about Barry Bennell and how he encouraged his victims to degrade themselves. Doesn’t that sort of behaviour drive a lot of UK TV output nowadays? The BBC and Channel 4 in particular just love deviant behaviour! Why aren’t we all doing it!
Can’t wait to hear the take on Corbyn ‘the spy’, with the lead in question at the top of the programme ‘are you proud to have a Stasi file’? We’re all commies now!
Even if our islamic convert Prime Minister condones everything islam, I’m sure others here would wish to join the beginnings of resistance to anything and all things islam. Here is your chance –
Please let’s show these aliens that some of us still think British.
Seriously? This is news?
Why are these people even given the time of day instead of told to eff off and get a life?
Should I be offended when black people straighten their hair?
Channeling my inner mark, with extra spark.. “It is not news, it is just BBC ‘News”‘
So if a person of colour dyes thier hair blonde ?
They’ve got to be taking the piss?
[Among the fierce debate in response to the picture, Instagram poster sophia_mohamed addressed the star directly: “Jesy, hun, I love you, but please take this down or write an apology. It may have not been thought about at the time, but this is cultural appropriation.
“I’m not hating and you do look beautiful, but this hairstyle isn’t meant for you.”]
I’m surprised they haven’t had a go at her for the Botox and claimed that big lips aren’t meant for her either!
What about Gary Sinecure appropriating Elephants ears?
I guess they don’t remember this?
That’s a Welch cultural thing
BTW there is archaeological evidence of almost all ancient civilisations whatever skin colour, braiding their hair.
Isn’t that Mrs Overall arriving and saying ‘Ready to order’ Sir – Madam…
Two soups…
Proof that the bBBC does fake news.
I mean fancy referring to a Little Mix member as a singer!
If the grid girls had to go then this lot of wannabe strippers ought to go too!
While the politically correct fascists are raging about “cultural appropriation” perhaps they’d like to take a quick gander at some of the BBC’s foot print in this sensitive area.
Half the cast of Merlin, obviously set during the time of King Arthur, appeared to be mixed race Rastafarians.
In Robin Hood, poor dumpy Friar Tuck had morphed into a 6 ft West Indian.
Rather more worryingly, because it depicted a real event, William the Conqueror’s main lieutentant turned into a black bloke. Eh?
Minority characters are turning up giving Winston Churchill advice before Britain engaged with Germany during the 2nd World War. For the love of God! It’s utter bollocks, but if you query this historical illiteracy you’re immediately branded a racist.
Give ’em time Winston will be wearing a turban!
We ain’t seen nothing yet. One day,not too far away, we’ll have “Cheddar” depictions of Sir Winston Churchill, (sorry Jeff just noticed you already said that) Queen Elizabeth,Prince Charles and all of our little prince and princesses.
However, I’m sure there will be exceptions made for some of our great people due to their being considered too evil to be cast in beautiful black.
Step forward Sir Enoch Powell, President Donald Trump,Lovely Katie Hopkins, Nasty Nigel Farage, etc. etc.
Should any of you evil ,racist bastards who infect this website with hate become famous spokespersons for conservatism you are guaranteed to be depicted as “white scum” for ever and ever – and it serves you right! xxx
Has anyone ever upset the trolling Twitterati, and replied – (via the main media of course,) “to keep up the wailing and gnashing of teeth til you’re blue in the face, because I won’t see it as I’m not on Twatter or Arsebook, so carry on, you’re only upsetting yourself ! ”
How I’d love to see that. Once its realised that its all so bloody pointless, and they’re attacking thin air, it might, just might, stop.
Bookface and Twatter are the ones to avoid, so I cancelled them before they got their hooks in. LinkedIn gets me emails from all sorts of friends about business, and I retired over three years ago!
Now I get Gloriana wanting to see my Fitbit…
Sure to!
I imagine they Twat so much hate because they are in a permanent state of upsettedness. It is a major aspect of the Leftist psychological makeup. They appear to be very unhappy people who need to feel guilty about everything even though they may be guilty of nothing . They worry and feel pity for the underdog but that’s usually as far as it goes as if pity will feed, clothe and house the poor.
That, they consider, is someone else’s responsibility. ie the taxpayer.
They are experts at feeling and worrying but not so good at doing and paying for the doing. Otherwise some of them are quite nice people. As the saying goes they are their own worst enemy.
news letter came from work this morning
thought it was spam from the BBC
Diversity it IT report
How can we better support women in the workplace?
and then this master piece of wasting words and talking nonsensical shite
How I marvelled at Black Panthers re-imagining of africa
jeez retirement cant come soon enough
That is one hard to read article, so many words and so little meaning.
The whole Marvel Comic scene has always puzzled me, it originates from a country that can do amazing things by employing rational thought and science and yet there is a market for all this ‘super-powers’ stuff, magic and medieval fantasy, “Call that a knife? Well this is a gun, bang! You’re dead and you didn’t even get close”.
Perhaps the unhappy chappy writing the article should be back in Africa making his own films – about corruption, poverty, genocide, disease, poverty and living off the imperial teat? Or discover a super-mineral unknown anywhere else on Earth, reject science and embrace voodoo-ism, ‘the African science’.
My favourite sentence in the review:
‘But, make no mistake, this was not the time nor place for solemn contemplation or confessing past transgressions – but an opportunity for continental Africans and diaspora to offload socially sanctioned climactic expressions of individual and collective excitement and expectations, as well as lip-bitten anxieties about a fictionalised Africa.’
That’s what my nan always said
This is better. Sort the buggers out
Yippee new monty zuma – let’s take all of whitees farms away and turn them back to nachar- if that happened to me I’d scorch earth it
Just look at all that cold steel. Them fuzziewuzzies they don’t like it uppem yer know !
Reminds me of that Bernard Manning joke:
“Wasn’t fair really, our lads only had guns.”
If anyone can make Africa so attractive that Africans prefer it to Europe , then more power to them.
Well I clearly remember that, in the 1960s, some people considered Rhodesia worth emigrating to.
How times have changed.
Dt – by having lots of Whites there running the place.
Off to see what the bbc has ‘reported’…
Not much.
Something about Cy’s tummy.
Oh, and on searching, this from a while ago…
Looks like this is where McDonnel got his idea from for re nationalising all our state industries without cost to the tax payer.
I hate to say it but you could be right. I used to think it a good idea for African scholars to come to Britain for a first class education then return home and build and lead a truly civilized country but not much sign of that yet.
Why would anyone: “hate to say” something so obviously correct is right?
Please support the Oxfam : “Poor country young female entrepreneur’s initiative”
Our Oxfam staff will ensure your money gets direct to their hands by travelling to these countries to meet with these hand picked contestants…and have a private consultation after which if we find these “business ladies” meet our standards, we hand YOUR cash to them.
.. Our research shows that the project reduces UK prostitution, cos it reduces the market demand.
A double win.
BBC defends Corbyn and describes accusations as a smear campaign
No surprise there then. The bBBC are traitors just like those two.
With a “chick” like that on his arm you would have thought he would have been very susceptible to some sort of honey trap! In fact given the choice between Danny La Rue and Comrade Abbot I think even Danny looked sexier!
The notion of a Marmite trap is too horrifying to contemplate.
Guest you need help!
Tru dat.
I wonder if Jezza will pass the smear test?
Comrade abbot was given the job of counting the number of ships the Royal Navy had 1,2 ,b,c, 20 teen, …..
You naughty unfeeling boy. You will write out 500 times “I must not mock the afflicted” and have it on my desk at 9 am on Monday morning.
It’s amazing how these bastards jump to the defense of Catweazle, writing the accusations as false , ill founded et al, and the journos need to do more research, etc. Yet, when the same thing happens to Trump, they take every utterance, usual from unnamed and unknown sources as gospel.
It’s fair to say that the left seem to be going through a rough time at the moment. long may it continue!
Brendan Coxes tips against loneliness
..”If you’ve been a bit of a sexual predator, make sure you get all your mates in the media on board so they never report it
… Cos if they do start reporting, then you’ll find that you start losing friends
… And then you’ll feel a bit lonely probably only get support from people who ALSO have something to hide ..Andrew Marr
Stew I dont know whether you heard any of the “World at 1” but I think the BBC sistas may well have decided to jettison Saint Brendan after all as damaged goods.
There was actually some criticism of his behavior on the show. Sounded like he is just as I thought a typical pushy, lazy, over entitled hypocrite – who was smart enough to camouflage these less savoury aspects of his character by the clever use of a veil of political correctness.
In my book though too little – too late.
I expect it wont be long before they declare he was probably a secret Tory as any proper socialist would never do that – would they Harvey?
Hopefully Comrade Jeremy will now have to start looking worriedly over his shoulder too.
Emily Maitlis has page & half in the Times
#1 Poor BBC women are not paid enough
… but then they go on holiday, get back stage at a naked man show, then get paid extra for writing in a national newspaper
#2 I’ve said from the beginning that I expect BBC women earn more from image rights.
The article tell us little
The Chippendale interviewed says : he doesn’t feel objectified, cos he has a choice to go to another job.
– it’s earnt him money to pay him thru college.
Claims it’s different from getting into Hollywood where women have to go through Harvey Weinsteins.
I think there might well have been other benefits too for the poor chap from his Chippendale gig; lots of ladies wanting to…er…console him for having to “demean” himself like that on stage in front of them.
The hypocrisy astounds me. We can’t have walk on girls or grid girls but guys stripping for money is ok.
So he has the choice, but the choice has been taken away from said girls and Maitlis thinks that’s okay.
Sistas can make their own rules these days
Sistas doing it for themselves!
Questions you’ll never hear asked on the BBC
Just supposing tomorrow Britain was liberal-mindedly generous enough to offer to take in one million Rohingya Muslim refugees…
…if one month later there were not two Rohingya CEOs of FTSE 100 companies, would this show British society was racist?
Imagine how bad their remake of Civilisation is going to be? Muslims, black lesbians and Asian women created everything of value in spite of the oppression of evil white men. I bet Winston Smith is chief researcher.
They had street lighting in Damascus whilst third worlders imported from the EU were still building stonehenge.
The Arabs needed the street lighting to carry out beheadings and build their ieds
Next page of Times Matthew Paris, #MeToo my stalker was Dave Allen’s ex wife.
…He says despite constant phone calls he saw didn’t see himself as the victim.
He criticises Victimhood in feminists.
And virtue signalling.
RE: Little Mix hair style.
How can we ‘celebrate diversity’ in a multi-wonderful melting pot if you are not allowed to borrow others’ ideas? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Surely so many of the greatest human achievements have come about though people borrowing and improving others’ ideas? Steve Jobs mainly just took others’ ideas and meshed them together brilliantly, to the immense benefit of humanity.
Shakespeare borrowed 35 of his 37 plots of plays; several were inspired by foreign authors. Should we burn all copies of Macbeth, Hamlet and Romeo and Juliette because they contained ‘cultural appropriations’?
Who cares if someone copies your hairstyle, reads a book you like or whatever? Only a lunatic or idiot would care in the slightest. Most reasonable people would be flattered.
If some random moron shouting in the street stirred things up with moronic bullshit like this I would be annoyed, but for it to be our national broadcaster whom we are all forced to fund really does ‘trigger’ me somewhat.
Just wait until Mary Beard et al demonstrate in Civilizations that everyone stole it all from Mo
Or possibly Cheddar Man.
I agree with the beeb wholeheartedly
why rob these proud people of their greatest invention
can Africans please now stop
straightening their hair and dyeing it blonde
wearing clothes
driving cars/flying planes/riding bikes in fact no wheels allowed full stop.
the internet
…………. anon anon anon
and whilst they do that the ropers can ween themselves off everything invented by those nasty jews
I reckon I can manage without braids and curries
I hope the ROPers don’t start on about beards being exclusive to them, or I’ll have to tell the mother in law to shave hers off!
You’ve already made this point, Kaiser, and more entertainingly than I can, but it is worth remembering that since no black African society had even invented the wheel before they had contact with Europeans, everything in the lives of black people today could be classed as cultural appropriation. Were the concept not infinitely stupid and shallow, I would be incandescent with rage.
Goes around… comes ….
Poor Rog Harribo, will be crying into his soy latte when he watches this.
Is he related to Wensleydale Man?
What a cheesy grin ……
Times : 3 BBC dramas sold to remade in Asia with Asian actors .
… Hang on what happened to BBC skin colour disproportionality rules ?
..shouldn’t they be made with less than half Asians, just as UK product is made with less than half white? ..well in the positive roles anyway.
From thetimes : The BBC, not its presenters, is the real tax dodger, says worstall in today’s Thunderer
..The bbc is the real tax dodger rather than the employees the corporation persuaded to be paid via a personal service company.
If Christer Ackroyd had been PAYE gov would have got both employer’s/employee’s NI
..instead of corporation tax & dividend tax she paid.which is set to be about same as income tax without NI
What tax office is losing us the 13.8% employer’s NI…so BBC is stealing
BTW I can’t find a screen shot
… And The Behind the paywallblog got shut down.
Almost forgot about this but a comment here reminded me to do another search. Remember the car that accidentally collided with a school? Hidden away deep in the bowels of the BBC news site, a ‘man’ has been charged with ‘Dangerous’ driving…
Aquib Qumar… Norwegian name Im guessing?
Or Ancient Briton, meaning Cheddar?
Dave ,
I take it no one heard the “Ali’s snack bar “ call
Then .
I took off my Daily Mail, Gary McKinnon Haitian earthquake
story off . This is not the website for it.
Eddy Mair’s Radio4 PM prog had a sudden outbreak of sanity
#1 They’ve done their investigation into St Brendan & Save the Children , and found 3 women saying there were problem in STC.
#2 “We’re getting people people who say why to don’t we burn plastic ?
We speak to a London councillor whose council does this …”
Wow he was allowed to say this at length
.. Of course Harrabum was brought on
..he ummed and ahhed ‘well you can burn it and generate local heat as well ..bbbut see it still puts out CO2 , so recycling is the key ..blah blah.. the gov advisor says since it puts out more CO2 than gas , we should burn gas today and bury the plastic in landfill to mine later in a day when we have better recycling tech.’
… hmm so he wants use ££s to put plastic in the ground , and then more ££s to get gas to burn today, instead of just burning the plastic , cos we can re-use the plastic in 30 years time
1) He mentioned Carbon Capture ..a fantasy which is never likely to work in reality.
2) he claimed plastic in landfill doesn’t produce CO2
..This is not true cos there are bacteria that feed on plastic, but their effect over 50 years is unquantifiable.
I detect a new BBC libmob technique
#1 Ignore was their old technique .. like on Pervy Brendan
but when the public awareness happens
#2 Distraction technique
..Address issue head on, but switch to Distraction or Obsfication
They obviously have ditched St Brendan because he has become a liability to them. He is the sacrificial lamb to “prove” they can still do journalism or is he the distraction to take the heat off Comrade Jess/Codename Cob in “Tiffingate”
Unfortunately they know they can still get away with distraction and obsfication as most of the sheepie still only seem to have a limited attention span.
However I do wonder whether a few cracks are just starting to appear in their confidence.
He’s got three months to redeem himself before the st jo anniversary where the left will spend all day at the hallowed spot where she ascended into the socialist paradise these shits dream of.
I expect all he may need is three “Hail Jo s – forgive me for I have sinned” And maybe a tearful St Brendan on camera in quavering voice saying “I did not have sex with that woman” Amanda Platell can rush in with a hanky saying “See what youve done you’ve upset him now – he has kids you know!” Job done!
In the great scheme of things (such as the Rotherham rapes) what he has done is nothing. However by allowing his lefty friends to set himself up as some great moral and political Inspiration he has put himself in the firing line and deserves everything he gets. And hopefully the righteous left will also receive a well deserved blood nose too.
I just feel sorry for his kids, they are the only innocent parties in this. – still he should have thought of that.
Noted that Radio 4 tried to spread the love by doing a hit piece on Justin Forsyth.(P.M) Think he was Coxs wingman on those sex pest jaunts of theirs. And well remember him getting a free snivel on Channel 4 after Jokox became a victim of closing the loony bins too early. Funny how his case was brought back up over a year after we all knew of him from the Mail?
I think Forsyth was brought back to spread the blame so Brendan need only serve a week in chokey as opposed to two. Then he`ll be back on Womans Hour, waxing off on how Brexit will hit the waterbed iindustry if we don`t reverse our vote.
Never trust a man on a houseboat-remember I thought that Rosie and Jim had a bloke on there who seemed like a toddlers Harold Shipman.
Am I still able to upskirt a Muslim as he goes upstairs on the bus?
They must be praying for a disaster or some rob, Rory or Lucy to get a dodgy bronze at the rich peoples olympics
be a good time for another tower block fire I reckon
This was shown on BCC Look North
CHERYL TWEEDY has returned to her native Newcastle today to open a multimillion-pound base for the Prince’s Trust in the region.
The centre is a collaboration between the Prince’s Trust and Cheryl’s Trust, which aims to build on the work which the Prince’s Trust does in Newcastle.
The Prince’s Trusts goals include boosting employment opportunities for young people and supporting school pupils who are at risk of being excluded.
It will help young people from the North East who are “at-risk”. This includes those facing drug or alcohol abuse, homelessness, mental health problems and those who are leaving the care system.
The funny thing was though, all of the kids shown were hideously white..
If it’s a negative story about schools or children with modern societal problems you can guarantee, in al Beebus’ Clown World, they will ALWAYS be hideously White.
Exactly Al…
Jeremy Corbyn has spoken directly to The People in a You Tube video – thankfully short in which he doesn’t actually deny the spying stuff but just takes the “smear” line . Very carefully drafted autocue and im of the view that he was either tired or unwell .
Ideal time for comrade Mcdonald to take over as is inevitable and get down to some serious 1970s class warfare .
I gather from the twitter that comrade Corbin is running away from journos .
Makes a nice distraction from Oxfam , comrade Cox cock and 402 days to Brexit
Corby’s good at slick videos
..He did one about the Virgin Trains seat crisis
…. and then Virgin released the CCTV
Didn’t notice this one on the BBC?
Wonder if the “#metoo” brigade will be up in arms?
Wonder if anyone will join the dots yet?
Doubt it.
Any news about the Glasgow rape gang currently under investigation ? wonder how they will wriggle out of that one, lucky those me too starlets were not born in Rotheram etc from white working class families
Years have gone by with these horrifying crimes taking place with no progress despite perpetrators known to the police yet you can get arrested tomorrow for sending an offensive tweet or saying something that someone deems “offensive” tell that to the 13 year old girls serially raped…..this country is disgusting:
MORE than 100 victims of an ethnic minority child grooming gang in Scotland have faced “unacceptable” delays in bringing their abusers to justice.
By Paula Murray, EXCLUSIVE
PUBLISHED: 14:21, Sun, Apr 23, 2017 | UPDATED: 16:39, Sun, Apr 23, 2017
Scottish policeGETTY
Hundreds of victims of abuse have experience huge delays in legal action against their abusers
Although detectives have reported 27 suspects to the Crown Office, only one man has been named as part of the massive investigation into child sexual exploitation which ended more than two years ago.
Some of the victims were as young as 10 and all of them were vulnerable young girls, with many of them living in care homes in and around Glasgow.
Failed Afghan asylum seeker Javaid Akhond is the only named individual to face justice as a result of Operation Dash. He was 20 when he was sentenced to six years in prison in 2014 for the rape and sexual abuse of children as young as 12.
Following repeated requests to Police Scotland the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS), this newspaper has learned there have four convictions in total.
Why did they get it so wrong? It’s unacceptable.
Sarah Champion
However, only two abusers have been given custodial sentences and the other three individuals have not been identified while the details of their crimes remain unknown.
I would have thought Wee Krankie would have been all over that, protecting the Children of Scotland from the foreign barbarians.
Only if the barbarians had been English, I suppose.
1500 victims (known) in one town of 117,262 (wiki)
8.3% ASIAN 9800
assume 1 man 1 woman 2 kids (LOL I KNOW I KNOW)
thats 2450 call it 3500 – 4000 allowing for time
assume each victim had at just one unique perp
that mores than 1 in 3 of the “ASIAN” male population
The only possible conclusion you can come to is the police are up to their necks in it or they are all as inept as Clouseau and need sacking
Much made of Eastern Ghouta by dem grate BBC in recent days.
Funny thing: ask Google Maps to find Eastern Ghouta, suburb of Damascus, in Syria and they cannot locate it. That from an organisation that has mapped the whole world.
Could it be that dem grate BBC is using the name given to this area by rebels and that is not its proper Syrian name? Dem grate BBC, aligning itself with rebels, with those against the rule of law. Really?
I wonder what they think about Licence Fee lawlessness?
Several years ago I watched BBC world announcing some floods and landslides in Rio de Janeiro in Argentina (tiresomely 4 + times in 2 hours ) – so don’t assume political motives when stupid / ignorant work…
But yeah – the Syria coverage is utterly appalling >> sainted White Helmets (Islamoloon head choppers) and Tweeting from nice hotels far away from the action…. cnuts.
Only one of those two transgressions will get you a knock at the door…
Similar to the UK. Cops and antifa unite to disrupt German women’s march against Merkele’s immigration policy and rapes. Love the title of the movement – 120 Dezibels, the frequency of a rape alarm.
I am sure our UK feminists will rise up in their support. Perhaps in protest they could stop wearing their fashionable Burkers which are guaranteed to get theirpictures on the BBC
Cant beat a tea towel on the head to get a pic
Wonder how the BBc would deal with this ? (btw muslim area of Luton……)
A gay sauna’s bid to gain a sex establishment licence provoked a groundswell of “homophobic and hateful” comments, the Herald & Post can exclusively reveal.
Greenhouse Health Club, which has been running for more than 18 years, attempted to gain the licence so that it can sell sex toys and show adult films within its premises on Crawley Road, Luton.
But after more than 430 Bury Park residents signed a petition to counter the proposal the sauna decided to withdraw its application.
One of those who signed the petition claimed that Greenhouse “will bring unpleasant diseases to our communities”, while another slammed the owner for having “no shame” and attempting to expand the business with something “so disgusting near and around holy surroundings.”
Others labelled the sauna “immoral”, “crazy” and “dangerous for our children”.
One of the petition’s signatories wrote that homosexuality stems from “brain diseases/malfunction” and “incorrect thinking”.
The comments have been denounced by LGBT rights charity Stonewall, which told the Herald & Post that the language used is “homophobic and hateful”.
A spokesperson said: “These attitudes can be extremely damaging and can alienate and ostracise people.
“We hope that this is something that the local authorities in Luton hope to solve as soon as possible so that all LGBT locals feel able to be themselves and are accepted without exception.”
Luton Borough Council says that in addition to the petition, it received 103 objection notices which cited concerns over “cultural sensitivity”, the sauna’s “proximity to places of worship” and worries “about the number of families with young children living nearby”.
Excellent post. This will highlight the BBC’s dilemma as regards reporting. But the dilemma will be solved of course by the BBC pressing their massive ‘ignore’ button.
Albeeb grinds to a halt like a Microsoft computer then faced with two favoured minorities in confrontation .
It’s like the issue of the Islamic treatment of Wimmin verses the albeeb empowerment version.
Another popcorn moment – unless as is said – albeeb ignores it .
A faith group dares to tell the gays that their perv emporium is not welcome, will attract deviants and sex offenders to the area and may well spread STDs and worse.
Bury Park, Luton-thank you and about time too.
Now then-which Catholic, Evangelical of CofE group are now in the BBCs firing line for being bigoted and divisive? My bet is it`s the Methodists-but could be wrong. Do tell Beeb will ya?
It’s not working, is it BBC?
You cost us how much with this failure?
“”25 things you absolutely need to know about Top Gear’s 25th series””.
So big!

Must be seriously mismanaged
Beeboids’ #EverydayINVERTEDsexism
Elinor Jane Moran tweeted
subtext = Men are losers
BBC Motto = “White straight men are losers”
Rach has been teased out the bbc bunker.
Still going with the ‘rich tradition of satire’ thing though.
Honestly…. comments could be going better for her.
Just spooted a mad lefty tweeting this
“I did recording with BbcFeedback today, re bbc equal pay,
Jo Swinson interview etc
be interested to see if they use any of it.
I told them Bbc, particularly Today had failed in its duty to uphold impartiality & hold govt to account”
(part of the game they play, pretending R4Today is biased against lib/left)
Shock. Horror.
The BBC mentioned Corbyn and the Czech spy scandal. On the 10 pm news.
It rated…… 20 seconds in the ‘in other news’ section at 1015. The context, a warning by Corbyn about press freedom, went totally unchallenged.
No such reticence about Corbyn on BBC London news , which featured populist Jezza threatening the ( boo hiss ) City.. it was presented virtually as a PPB for the local government elections.
The Corbyn Broadcasting Corporation at its best.
Meanwhile, the bbc editorial integrity shines through and wins more friends…
Mark Easton, on the bbc, trust them. Millions do. Apparently.
Shocking lack of comment from the Beeb on COB for days and days… then finally the jokey dismissal. ‘Are you a Czech spy?’ ‘No!’ Done and dusted. Well constructed question for the BBC to ask, he can’t be accused of being a Czech national, nor of being a spy. The question remains as to whether he has been an informant (unwitting or otherwise) and sympathiser towards regimes hostile to the UK. Why isn’t the BBC pursuing this?
And – this is where i agree with others who take time off to lie in a darkened room with a preferred partner applying cool towels – the most read atBBC #10 says:
Corbyn: Spy stories show press is worried by Labour government
It was a closed question from the beeboid -Yes or No answer.
Not the normal sort of question posed by a ‘professional’ journalist. More like a safe long hop designed to be driven over the boundary.
Most investigative journalists would ask something like “What did you discuss with the Czech spy in your meeting, documented in the StB files?”