Hungarian PM putting the boot into the EU and political correctness…
Hungary became well-appreciated. Our recognition and influence is more widespread than could be expected based on our size and economic strength. To what might we owe this result? Primarily to the fact that the Fidesz and KDNP over the last eight years suspended political correctness. We deep-sixed the Euro-blah-blah, the liberal artsy-craftsy, the empty doubletalk. We sent the muzzle back to Brussels and the leash to the IMF.
Africa is not capable of setting foot on the path of Asian-style development, and will not be able to create humane circumstances for their young people. If they let these hundreds of millions strong youthful crowd make their way North, then Europe will be soon under terrible pressure. Moreover, most of the immigrants will be arriving from the world of Islam. If everything continues as it is today, Europe’s largest cities will have an unequivocal Muslim majority, and London will not be a cuckoo’s egg, but the first swallow [not an exception, but first of many]. Our culture, our identity and our nations, as we know them today — if everything continues — will cease to exist; our worst nightmares will come true. The West will fall, while Europe does not even realize it is being invaded.
Julia Hartley-Brewer talking sense….
. Pro-Christian, anti-EU, pro-Capitalism.
That Viktor is a great leader for his country it’s such a shame our lot don’t seem to care about what’s happening to our country.
Mr Orban can see what is happening to the other countries in Europe where our national identities are slowly being erased and the Christain culture is being replaced by so called multi-culturism. This is fake though because slowly it’s not multi-culturism when islam is gradually taking over everywhere. Hahal food shops everywhere, mosques everywhere, sharia law . It’s a joke. I fear that in the future only the Eastern European countries will still have their identities and culture intact because they have leaders who care. I hope things can be fixed in our country.
Amen to that Rebel – What we lack is plain speaking like Victor and like Julia. This is because too many of the liberal left, have been allowed over the last few decades to infiltrate Government/MSM/education in fact pretty much all of the Government machinery and have used it to stifle any grown up debate .
It is no surprise that many of the crooks who enabled this invasion to start such as Tony Liar are in hock to the arabs and the likes of Soros.
In the past many of us tended to ignore what was happening because it was either boring or just too ridiculous for words. However with the current migration to the West of large numbers of uneducated and hostile people, Europe is starting to wake up and see this migration for the invasion it really is.
Lets just hope it isnt too late to avoid a blood bath.
Even Sweden, certainly not a country which can be described in any way as Right Wing or anti-immigration, is getting fed up with the excessive level of crime, and especially serious crime, committed by the immigrants they have allowed into their country.
What is the reaction from the bBBC’s beloved Brussels Eurocracy? That the Swedes should be willing to open it’s doors even wider and allow even more to flood into their country. Well, what else would you expect from them as an answer.
UK: Muslim rape gang sex crimes against children at “record high”
Averaging at 177 cases a day, child sex crime allegations including rape and grooming are at a record high in the UK
One would think that these sickening crimes against children would have ended by now, given the scandal over their having been covered up. Not so when the crimes are perpetrated by an extraordinarily privileged group: Muslim men, who are protected by “Islamophobia” campaigns against anyone who reports and comments too much about their abuses. Obviously, not all Muslim men commit such crimes in the name of their religion, but those who do are being shielded because of their religious identity.
Breitbart London previously reported how an examination of previous alleged child sex offence records published by the NSPCC found that the majority of child sexual abuse cases were taking place in areas with significant ‘Asian’ populations.
It’s not funny (ok, it is) and it’s true.
Hungary has a sense of its own history having been subjected to occupation by mo the moor for something like 400 years and they are not having it again. I think Hungary is so far from the hq of reicheu that they have no idea about public sentiment in the Magyar .
They were bullied by the communists , now it’s soros and the reichEU – obviously not the first time with the reich either .
On Saturday 24th Feb a big event is taking place. The Roman colosseum is going to be lit up red to represent the blood of Christians who have died or have been killed because of their faith. Let’s see if the bbc reports this.
Douglas Murray made the point recently that Eastern Europe’s history of being steamrollered by armies coming from all directions has given them a clear sense, not only of identity, but of the joy and fragility of survival and freedom.
He thinks they will be very different from the supine nations of the West in future, much better off.
It’s always a pleasure to listen to the straight talk of Viktor “Big Sam” Orban.