First we get the denial of service then we get the slow rebuttal service then we get somewhere half-near the truth…almost like the BBC is trying to cover something up.
We had the radio silence on Corbyn and Cox, then the grudging admittal that there might be a story and then today we get a [and fair do’s to the BBC if belated ala Rochdale etc] proper examination of the evidence so far against Corbyn on 5 Live with Sam Coates from the Times [not slagging off Brexit as the BBC usually employs him to do] and then Livingstone given a decent quizzing. Curious though that the BBC considers the story is now worth reporting when nothing has really changed since it broke a week ago…if now why not then? Similarly the Cox story…we heard today that ‘very serious allegations’ had been made about him and again we got a pretty indepth look which didn’t pull any punches as it exmained Cox’s behaviour when he worked for Save the Children. How is it only now, a week late, that the BBC deigns to do its job and look at ‘very serious allegations’?
And in regard to Cox…Neil Henderson @hendopolis (BBC Newsdesk and Planning editor) told us that he didn’t publish the Mail frontpage because he was threatened with legal action….I’m sure I read somewhere that he originally said that he wouldn’t publish it because he just didn’t like it…but I can’t find the reference or link….if anyone knows please put it in the comments. But maybe I just dreamt that?
Ah….I did dream it…he was censoring the Sun story on Tom Daley…still, guessing legal action or not he may well have censored the Cox frontpage judging by this:
I'm uncomfortable with what the Sun has done this evening so I won't be tweeting it. I leave it with you to judge.
— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) January 20, 2017
For Christ sake what the hell is going on with the BBC news website !!!! another charity with white male member made “innappropriate comments” is national headlines, RE another witch hunt well under way, yet another Muslim rape gang operating in Glasgow under investigation and no news at all, a male raped by two black men hidden in regional news, black asian attempted rape of 10 year old hidden in regional news, thus is so insidious it stinks
Annunaki – You know what is going on with the BBC they are all a bunch of overpaid hypocrites who justify their guilt over their enormous salaries and self loathing by siding with anyone (IRA, jihadis etc) who represent a threat to the society they “belong” to . Its bit like punishing themselves but using us as a substitute.
I expect if Saint Brendan had been Brendan Ahmed the BBC would still have been “fighting the good fight” on this.
Re Corbyn – BBC website just contains a number of selected Corbyn denials and rebuttals and repeats the (obvious) Czech downplay.
What is worrying is his several statements regarding the press who have, after all, reported on a bona fida issue which has a topicality and relevancy.
Corbyn – “Instead of learning these lessons they’re continuing to resort to lies and smears. Their readers – you, all of us – deserve so much better. Well, we’ve got news for them: change is coming.”
The change is in reference to the extremes of the next stage of the Leveson enquiry and confirms basic Marxist ideology – when challenged, threaten.
#releasethestasifiles should be trending on twitter
RE Oaknash_ maybe maybe not who knows why they want to commit cultural suicide, I never really noticed the threat until I had the misfortune to work in Luton and then slowly realised there are few, if any, moderate muslims. Unlikely but, if we were at any time in real threat of invasion or overwhelming attack from ISIS etc., guess how our UK passport holding moderates would act ? I despair fo the country my children will have to live in, this minority are activley working to infiltrate local government and influence opinion against Ofsted (so they can have separate schools) and homosexuals (they hate them) to name but two instances of an 8 % at the most minority that is infecting this country, through ensuring their whinges and whines and complaints are paramount
Annunaki – I think there is a deep misunderstanding of Islam. My understanding of Islam is that everything about Mo s teachings (the most perfect human that ever lived) is all about furthering Islam by conquest. Therefore it stands to reason if you follow the prophet you have no choice but to accept his teachings (or you are not a Muslim ) This is why conventional muslims hate the Armaddis because they teach peace and tolerance rather than conquest and therefore are considered apostates as shopkeeper Asad Shah found to his cost.
Of course this is the opposite (and an embarresment) to the peaceful religion lie that Governments have tried to sell us.
The Religion of Peace Dontcha just luv it”
Lala-libs & Lalal-Labour have elastic morals
: For Toby Young , fire up the outragebus
: For St Brendan, “think of the children” & circle the wagons
… Now that the water is upto the top of the dam the tactic changes
to ..Address issue head on, but switch to Distraction or obfuscation
Witnesses going public is the water comes over the top of that dam
Witness against St Brendan named as Alexia Pepper de Caries
What was outrageous beyond belief was Jess Philips, MP, one of the most dogmatic feminists in parliament, (I remember her arguing with Phil Davies about a man’s day as well as a woman’s day) excusing Cox on some half baked assurance for the future. How convenient to have such flexible morals.
Cultural sensitivity: IE muslims:
A gay sauna’s bid to gain a sex establishment licence provoked a groundswell of “homophobic and hateful” comments, the Herald & Post can exclusively reveal.
Greenhouse Health Club, which has been running for more than 18 years, attempted to gain the licence so that it can sell sex toys and show adult films within its premises on Crawley Road, Luton.
But after more than 430 Bury Park residents signed a petition to counter the proposal the sauna decided to withdraw its application.
One of those who signed the petition claimed that Greenhouse “will bring unpleasant diseases to our communities”, while another slammed the owner for having “no shame” and attempting to expand the business with something “so disgusting near and around holy surroundings.”
Others labelled the sauna “immoral”, “crazy” and “dangerous for our children”.
One of the petition’s signatories wrote that homosexuality stems from “brain diseases/malfunction” and “incorrect thinking”.
The comments have been denounced by LGBT rights charity Stonewall, which told the Herald & Post that the language used is “homophobic and hateful”.
A spokesperson said: “These attitudes can be extremely damaging and can alienate and ostracise people.
“We hope that this is something that the local authorities in Luton hope to solve as soon as possible so that all LGBT locals feel able to be themselves and are accepted without exception.”
Luton Borough Council says that in addition to the petition, it received 103 objection notices which cited concerns over “cultural sensitivity”, the sauna’s “proximity to places of worship” and worries “about the number of families with young children living nearby”.
“Dangerous for our children…?”
“A second look at the question; was Muhammad a pedophile? One of the most disturbing things about Islam is that it does not categorically condemn pedophilia. Indeed, it cannot, for to do so would draw attention to the pedophilia of Muhammad, the founder of Islam. Many Muslims cannot condemn pedophilia even if they would like to, for they would have to abandon Islam. Muslims tacitly approve of pedophilia, even if they are embarrassed to say so. So mesmerized are Muslims by the example of Muhammad’s pedophilia that they are unable to categorically denounce pedophilia or feel shame. It is prevalent in many Muslim countries disguised as child marriage. The UN is today trying to stop the evil of child marriage among the backward Islamic regions of Asia and Africa. The future of some 300 million young girls depends on it.”
Source “”
No wonder the bBBC are always cheerleading for Islam. They appear to have something in common.
Telegraph : Justin Forsyth former Save the Children boss QUIT after admitting to sending ‘unsuitable and thoughtless’ texts to female members of staff
(That was St Brendan’s friend who he followed from Oxfam and GordonBrowns office before that ..and who let him quit before the investigation had finished)
* That story originates from @ManveenRana’s story for @BBCPM about Justin Forsyth and Save The Children *
“The centre of this crisis was not in Haiti or in Chad, it was here in London and it went all the way to the top.”
: One former senior staff member added
– Save the Children admitted yesterday that it dealt with 193 child protection and 35 sexual harassment cases last year, which led to 30 dismissals.
– Oxfam yesterday revealed that it has received 26 new allegations of sexual misconduct and 7,000 donors have cancelled their subscriptions in the fortnight since the Haiti sex scandal emerged.
From 1995 it lists
: A total of 16 alleged incidents took place in countries where Oxfam ran aid operations,
+ seven in high street charity shops in the UK
+ three from “other UK-based divisions”.
Seems to me PM used a trick
yes Sunday they did report on Brendan, but not on the throat grabbing
Monday they’ve on to Forsyth, so not banging on about Brendan for days like they do for Trump or Toby Young.
And not how this management entitlement attitude about women
goes right back to Gordon Brown’s office where Forsyth and Brendan first worked together.
I have seen in the Times over the past few hysterical comments in support of Oxfam , how unfair it is, how it’s a witch hunt, how much good they do, how it’s only a few bad apples , he without sin cast the first stone etc etc
Of course the contrast with the reaction of this type of people when a non leftist is involved is just the opposite, foaming at the mouth to force a resignation for touching a woman’s knee.
But the balance of comments in the Times is running 10 to 1 against Oxfam. The BBC are also getting it in the neck for their very obvious bias in the Oxfam scandal.
They should launch an app called ‘Memory Hole’ which only contains the stuff they know about but refuse to report on. Now that really would be interesting.
The BBC actually is a Fact-Fudging app
…. tailored to the lib-establishment
Were we not promised a full and deep investigation into bBC
HR/Personnel/management structure & practices including a breakdown of its workforce in light of the Savile cover up.
Was this ever undertaken or published ? Or have they deflected attention with the gender gap pay issue.
They have tried to protect Brendan with the 3 card trick
Deny(ignore)- Deflect -Victim……………looks like Brendan has moved to trick3!!
They do indeed try the three card trick but only after their first line of defence has been comprehensively breached. This first line is to ignore and suppress and given their near monopoly of the news agenda it is a powerful weapon.
The investigation into Saville was to be headed by Caroline Thomson but she couldn’t be bothered and instead agreed a £670,000 redundancy payment for in fact voluntary resigning. She then went on to be chairman of Oxfam and was recently interviewed by a House of Commons committee into the Oxfam scandal where she replied to every question that she wasn’t at Oxfam until 2016 so she wasn’t responsible for anything.
The investigation into Saville was to be headed by Caroline Thomson but she couldn’t be bothered and instead agreed a £670,000 redundancy payment for in fact voluntary resigning. She then went on to be chairman of Oxfam and was recently interviewed by a House of Commons committee into the Oxfam scandal where she replied to every question that she wasn’t at Oxfam until 2016 so she wasn’t responsible for anything.
I imagine their slowness out of the news traps is due to them needing time to cook the narrative.
1. Do nothing until the twitchfork trending types are at each others throats, or the lefties are shouting “ful alt right” kind of things
2. Measure and monitor the trendings where people openly ask where the BBC is and why aren`t they reporting this . But only up to a tipping point, where their “impartiality” might get another good look.
3.And then the 4am Red Button token flag, and let it emerge after that.
Well said, ChrisH. This was precisely the formula used to skew coverage of both the St Brendan of Sexpest and Agent Comrade Cob stories.
Both expemplifed the BBC at its brazenly crooked worst.
The BBC is in denial about the following ;-
Brendan Cox is a sex pest who has exploited his wife’s death;
Corbyn maintained close contact with East German, Czech and perhaps Soviet agents during the Cold War; he put communism before Britain
Of course the BBC is still in denial.
Corbyn’s cluttered, messy past is catching up with him it seems…all his platform sharing with almost every terrorist, revolutionary group in the world is now, or should be, dug up and lain out for us to see..and it’s not a pretty sight….The BBC must be in panic mode, scurrying around to cover this up, trying to wave it away as piffle….well it is not…this is serious, or should be…first, will Corbyn be a signatory to the Official Secrets Act ?….if he is, there is a contravention straight off..the Czechs were our enemy, they were part of the Warsaw Part….Even if the Czechs said that the info Corbyn offered was useless, then i say…Corbyn was not to know that…he clearly though, had intention to give the enemy info…and for that he should be arrested and questioned intensely…seriously.
@Alan re Henderson lying
“Henderson claimed he didn’t tweet out the Mail’s Cox Story due to libel, but that claim is a total shambles as the Mail front page was broadcast on the BBC’s News Channel and on The Andrew Marr Show.”