Agent Cob-Nut hasn’t come in from the cold yet, perhaps he’s stuck, maybe he can batter his way out with a blackpudding [no jokes about Di-abolical], or maybe he can just use it to batter his critics in the Press into silence…the BBC need have no concerns of course as he threatens ‘change is coming’….the BBC is happy to see change even if it means a Marxist, terrorist supporting wrecker in No10…or No13 according to Di-abolical.
Spot any more BBC ‘Help for Zeroes’ list it all here……
Things you will not see on the BBC
One to add to the ever lengthening list
Good documentary on SA from Lauren Southern. The BBC will never cover it – the people are white and non Islamic
These are the people we should be inviting to England, along with persecuted Christians in the Near East.
Yet more sacrificial victims to political correctness and indifference.
Wrong colour and wrong religion.
Why on earth would we want to invite just a few people into our country who would appreciate being here, make an effort to fit in and would bring skills and energy to our country when instead we can have thousands of uneducated morons many of whom hate us and want to just fill their pockets with free stuff and create mayhem.
Makes sense when you realise that those doing the choosing and making the decisions dont like us either and if they can stuff enough of these “vibrant individuals” into our country we will probably end up going the same way.
I was always amazed that they surrendered their country so meekly: until I saw how we are doing the same with ours.
In the late nineties I worked with three South Africans who had left the rainbow nation under Mandela for life in the UK. They all said that whilst Mandela was in office life was tolerable but that as soon as he was gone there would be rapid decline into a Zimbabwe like country. It was best to get out whilst the going was good.
I note the Aboott is speechifying about scraping all manner of UK immigration laws but we can be certain that under a Labour government white folks like these will be at the very back of the queue whilst all manner of third worlders are admitted, nay welcomed.
Unless this combination of neo Marxists and their useful idiot liberal left dupes are defeated and then destroyed the whole of the West will become a hell hole within a few generations. This is the critical issue of the 21st century. Beside it Brexit and climate change ( even if it is real) are very small beer and yet we can talk about Brexit , talk about climate change to a fair degree but if we try to discuss the issue of invasion by third worlders and the destruction of the West that will result we can be put in prison
P S I bet these South Africans whished that they had moved to somewhere less vulnerable to third world takeover than poor tired old Blighty. Any ideas where that might be?
Chile, Argentina, the majority White states in Brazil and Eastern Europe, of course.
It was interesting to hear the BBC question to Steptoe after his declaration of war on the City. “Are you a Czech spy?”
It was a closed question from the beeboid -Yes or No answer.
Not the normal sort of question posed by a ‘professional’ journalist. More like a safe long hop designed to be driven over the boundary.
Most investigative journalists would ask something like “What did you discuss with the Czech spy in your meetings, documented in the StB files?”
We have learnt, today, from The Great Leader how his first priorities are to destroy the Finance Industry and the Free Press.
First they came for…………………………………….
Slow, slow…. quick…
Remember the Monty Python sketch where somebody was being interviewed to join the secret service.
Q. “Can you keep a secret”.
A. “Yes”.
“Well then,you’re in”.
Is this the type of bbc interview course the lefties are giving their employees now?
Yes seems like a staged question..fed in by Alistair Campbell
and probably reheared by BBC/Labour staff beforehand
Reminiscent of the way Nicky Campbell feeds “free kick lines” to libmob guests.
“Yes seems like a staged question..fed in by Alistair Campbell
and probably reheared by BBC/Labour staff beforehand”
Certain of it!
I saw a TV programme today. And on it was a certain US student who used to practice throwing the ball into the basketball net from long distance and netted every time!
He practiced 8 hours a day and threw the ball 3000 times.
Why do I say this? Simple. Practice makes perfect. Especially when the likes of Alistair Campbell says “I’m telling the truth”
The BBC are required to cover the news. The fact they actively play down / hide muslim rape gangs, black rape gangs news items can only mean they support the rape of British children if it is done by Muslim rape gangs or BAME groups. It is time to call out the BBC for their active support. This can be proven by comparative analysis – as many have noted endless stories about a jailed white taxi driver (John Worboys) and a white football coach (Barry Bennell) versus non-coverage or rapid hiding of stories by Muslim rape gangs or Muslim terrorists.
For example blink and you would have missed a story yesterday that said an additional 100 British children are believed to have been abused in Rochdale – it only made a low priority news slot on the BBC UK and England news page and was gone within half a day.
Insomniac Scrobs was so bored, the night was only halfway through, and it had to be earphones for the 3.00am 5 Live news…
Unbelievable statement from MP Peter Kyle, who was on a clip that said the charities,, the NHS and Whaaaaaat – THE BBC; must all act to stop internal coverups!
And on a news bulletin! I bet Rhod Sharpe had a bowel movement of stratospheric consequences…
PK : “Inside there’s a sense that protection of a MORAL ORGANISATION is more important than the individuals working in it ..The Church, BBC’s worth covering up, it’s a means to an end ”
.. 37 second Video of Peter Kyle saying it to BBC-Rentboy
Yeah no emotional interviews with victims there.
I do think most can see through their nonsense now. The cat is out of the bag and no amount of dishonesty can erase the horror of Rotherham from our collective minds. The pattern of offending is so different. There will always be the odd depraved weirdo. When rape is seen as so acceptable that you get your mates involved and pass a girl around we are clearly dealing with a whole different dimension of offending. I am sure Worboys never asked any fellow white taxi drivers if they fancied sharing a girl with him as they would have kicked the s**t out of him and called the Police.
The scale of Rotherham is such that it should be recognised as a war crime. A government that took responsibility for protection of the people should put the town under military rule until law and civilization is restored. I would like to see army lorries taking away politicians, police and perpetrators who are responsible.
We cannot expect that from this Quisling Government supported by the most gutless Conservative MPs in the history of the party
2 years ago James O’Brien tweeted that it was outrageous that someone would dare to make a connection with groom/rape/pimping gangs and the holocaust
\\ Jewish community fury after UKIP leader references Rotherham Child Abuse and Jimmy Saville in Holocaust //
Who was outraged ?? Not actually the Jewish community, but rather ONE voice
\\Present, Chafford Hundred resident Steve Silverman, with a member of his family.
Mr Silverman was incensed by the content of cllr Snell’s speech.
He said: ” We both thought it was, on the whole, a beautiful event, well organised and sensitively handled, badly marred by the contribution of Graham Snell on behalf of UKIP. //
\\ A spokesperson for the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust said: ‘The central vision of Holocaust Memorial Day is to learn from the past in order to create a safer, better future. ….
“Holocaust Memorial Day 2016 encouraged people today to consider the ways in which they can choose not to be bystanders.’//
cached newspaper story
I would argue that the “Holocaust Memorial ” notion ought to be wound up before it does any more damage to the Jews.
1. It`s been hijacked by the grief industry, and used to imply that Jews are no longer uniquely singled out for “special treatment”. Jews are and were. As soon as others piggy back on your cause, get out.
2. It features only Auschwitz/Ozwecim -the date of it is when the Russians came across it. But Auschwitz was by no means typical. And the Communists have been allowed to get away without mentioning what THEY were doing at the time in similar camps. Hence the fixation on Auschwitz, as opposed to Belsen say.
There were many death camps with worse murder rates that Auschwitz, and that it was relatively image-friendly, relatively well-preserved has made it sentimental and iconic-both beloved by the enemies of Judaism.
3. Judaism is a movement , not a mausoleum or tribute/heritage site. It needs to move on to the NEW anti-semites who will attack the Jews at their very roots, as they themselves bleat on about parity in grief.
Jews are unique, are uniquely treated and targeted. If I were one, I`d get out of the Holocaust theme park efforts by the Left-and move heaven and earth to let the nation know what Corbyn the left, the EU. UN and Liberals are doing-and the soft route to Auschwitz B that they`d be happy for us to go to.
I`d teach how Nazis and Soviets combined and then competed to wipe out Poland, and then the Jews as they could. They both used the same tactics-and the BBC are using the same ones today. would that the dopey viewer knew it.
Just looks different. But the greens, the EU, Corbyn and the quislings, Hindenbergs and Von Papens and Schleichers are all in evidence with any study of 1933-45.
Goebbels would have made a great DG.
The BBC’s political wing has been very reluctant over the years to draw attention to the criminal activities of the Pakistani Muslim men of Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford, Oxford et al, why would that be then…
Why is No10 jumping on the bandwagon, to make absurd political advantage over sycophantic “wimmin” power, joining the “poor me” parade.
and NOT giving the increasing number, of girl/child victims of racist Islamic child rape gangs that prominence in Westminster instead?
Why has it virtually shelved the Sharia Revue, May,(as usual) utterly compromised … which was the perfect vehicle for a ban?, … and the first step
Why no immediate pro active steps on islam, after 3 terror attacks in as many months … showing self serving utter contempt for the population by carrying on with a Tory “vanity” election?
That’s betraying Britain, to be concise its population with knobs on
No10 … They are utterly corrupt, utterly self serving, and utterly, utterly incompetent in every sphere
They betray our nation, its infrastructure, its working people day in day out
Hull court last week 2 simultaneous trials one extensively reported on BBC Look North everyday, one completely ignored.
: Labour councillor who had 6 examples of child porn hidden on his laptop, Muslim rapist, who didn’t deny saying extremely racist things to his victim.
Hi StewGreen, can you provide a link to each story, so that I can add it to my own records. Name of labour councillor and name of Muslim rapist (accused?) would be helpful. Thanks.
Link1 \\Ahmed Abdoule, 33, of west Hull, told the girl it was impossible she could be a virgin “because she was white”.//
Convicted Feb 9
Nothing on BBC website
Link 2 : convicted Feb 13
Court listeings
Their abysmal news app has as the third story that a former boss at Save The Children sent a texts to female staff members commenting on what they were wearing.
Why do women take so much care over their appearance? Er, so powerful men might notice them and maybe even comment on how good they look? Girls love it when men notice them, why else make the effort? If you do not want men commenting on what you wear then just don a burqa.
Switch the story … reduce 1400 r*pea over 16 years to ‘3 girls’ in an hour of “drama”. Now everyone says 3 girls … 1397 girls gone. Not such a big problem.
It is unfathomable it has not been just as bad elsewhere. Tommy Robinson first broke the taboo on Newsnight saying it is not ok to hang out around schools to ensnare girls and officially there have been no convictions for this offence in his home town of Luton. It must have happened at Blackburn, Bradford, Burnley et cetera and for much longer than just a decade or so.
It is the perfect storm of officials doing everything humanly possible to ignore it and a culture which sees lying to unbelievers as not only acceptable but divinely sanctioned. Taking ‘captives of the hand’ i.e. sex slaves is also permitted according to their holy book. Why would it have only happened in one town?
The true scale of these crimes is probably beyond our darkest nightmares.
I, in my younger days, overheard a conversation whilst waiting to be served at a bar. It went like this. One young man says to the older man (presumably having been in a two-timing relationship with a woman): “my trust in women has run out”. The older man replied, “ask yourself, can you ever trust someone who paints their face to change their appearance”. Never forgotten that minor profound statement.
Yeah that is a really profound statement. I wish I were allowed to teach boys how extremely devious women can be as until you are in your twenties they generally run rings round you. Men win at boxing but women at chess – much better tacticians.
Boy chases girl until she catches him.
Most women are much the same as most men. In fact, don`t we rather turn into each other in many ways when we marry?
Wouldn`t be any good at emptying bins, but not fussed over cleaning up vomit ,blood or poo. Most men might not want to do it.
Would rather be able to sag off and still see my husband and kids(especially kids)-than run into the Twin Towers on a futile fools errand, fearing the mockery of my mates at the firehouse for not going in with them.
That`s why we`re different, not true in all cases;but a rule of thumb for me anyway.
I`m called to make the contribution, but sometimes men are expected to make the sacrifice.
But we`ve all got free will, so all this is guideline, not ruling.
“…but not fussed over cleaning up vomit, blood or poo…”
What a woman!!
Will you marry me?
The BBC are impartial.
No, really they are.
On Toady this morning, the Corbyn spy scandal was finally addressed by Mischel ‘useless’ Hussein at her polite best.
A two hander. On one hand, a Labour spokesman, trashing the story and the messenger, and insinuating a furure assault on the freedom of the press. No questions asked, despite Corbyn’s evasive non-denials. On the other hand, a Daily Mail reporter being asked why they are promoting these stories and surely it is because they fear a Labour government.
So, there we are, total impartiality.
The leader of the opposition is accused of co-ordinating with a Czech spy, the BBC have more journalists than all of the rest of Fleet Street put together, and yet the BBC are impartially covering the story second hand, and turning it into a press freedom story.
Perhaps they have been tipped the wink that that any future assault of the Labour trots on press freedom will not apply to them! After all, that would be like shitting in your own backyard.
Sluff: Yeah, I heard some of that R4 interview. It was one of the most partial clips for a long time: undisguised hostility towards the DM reporter and an unreserved defence of Labour and Corbyn. Methinks it’s complaints time again!
Ta for the commentary on Toady. It’s like methodone to a drug fiend having consciously given up al Beeb for Lent .
I saw that comrade livingstone claimed the kgb thought he was too left wing for them. Clever line to take eh? Make cuddly ken a figure of fun when in fact the shit would do anything to subvert Blighty in order to make it a socialist paradise- I remember his GLC and what a cancer it was for London
“…the BBC have more journalists than all of the rest of Fleet Street put together…”
Nobody pointed this out to the Labour idiot on the Daily Politics this morning who several times got away with saying that “71% of the media” was pro-Brexit. The BBC evidently did not count as “media”.
Compare and contrast the Mail’s report on the latest expansion of the Rotherham investigation with the BBC’s See if you can spot what’s missing:
Not exactly a bBBC posting but, Labour trying to force UKIP, their only viable opposition in certain areas of the North of England, into liquidation. Just received this from party treasurer:
Statement on the Jane Collins legal case
No doubt you will be aware of the case brought by three Rotherham Labour MPs over comments made by UKIP MEP Jane Collins about the Rotherham child sex abuse scandal. The three Labour MPs took action over a speech which Jane gave at the UKIP autumn conference in 2014, a month after a report found about 1,400 children in the area had been abused between 1997 and 2013 (mainly by Pakistani heritage men).
In 2017, Jane was ordered to pay £54,000 in damages to each of the three MPs – Sir Kevin Barron, John Healey and Sarah Champion. She was also directed to pay costs of £196,000.
In December 2014 the Party decided to help Jane, to a limited degree, in funding some of her early defence costs because it believed the Party could have been more supportive in ensuring her conference speech was not libellous. However, during early 2017 the Party was made aware that Jane might not pay the damages and costs awarded by the court against her. That led to a concern that at a political level Labour might encourage their ‘Rotherham MPs’ to hound the Party for the damages and costs that Jane had failed to pay them, with the added benefit of putting UKIP out of business.
Towards the end of 2017 the Labour MPs came after the Party which vigorously defended itself from the allegations made against it, believing all the Party had ever tried to do was support one of its most popular MEPs. Unfortunately, the courts found against the Party on certain grounds, which has led to the likelihood that costs of £100,000+ will have to paid by the Party to the Labour MPs. If Jane had settled the damages and costs of her libel case then it’s unlikely UKIP would have been caught up in this saga, however we now face the real and dangerous prospect that Labour could put UKIP to the sword. We cannot allow that to happen!
On behalf of the Party I call on all UKIP members and supporters to come to our defence and ensure that Labour isn’t able to take UKIP out of the game at such a crucial time in the Brexit negotiations.
We cannot allow our epitaph to be: ‘Won Brexit, killed by Labour’.
I’m afraid UKIP is dead without mr Farage what ever happens with the costs of the court case . It’s a case study in what happens when a charismatic leader leaves
I mean – I take too much news but all I know about UKIP now is that the ex leader had to be prised out of power because of a girl friend . Where is it on the negotiations to leave the UK? On Blighty being overwhelmed by thirdworlders? No idea .
UKIP doesn’t even need al Beeb to kill it as it’s suicide in action
Unfortunately, Fedup, you appear to be correct. The party consisted/consists(?) of many people who are different. They had (still have?) one main aim. Like a lot of people who are not politically minded they thought that when BREXIT Referendum vote was won, the cause was won. They went back to their homes, so to speak. Farage should have known better. He should have stayed until we left……. Although I can understand him wanting a life. Those committed activists left are not charismatic enough, like Farage, to lead. Neither are they strong enough, in the mould of Thatcher.
“Like a lot of people who are not politically minded they thought that when BREXIT Referendum vote was won, the cause was won. They went back to their homes, so to speak.” Substitute WWII or any major period of conflict in history for ‘BREXIT’ in that sentence and the same relaxation prematurely takes place. Deep down, the basic human nature does not change irrespective of extraneous agencies such as the BBC who continually try, by fair means or foul, to alter peoples essential likes and dislikes.
UKIP? I attended the UKIP local gatherings in the West Country some years ago. The prospective Parliamentary Candidate asked me, at the close of one meeting what I thought. I replied that I hadn’t ever really come across such a disparate bunch who continually, in public, argue amongst themselves. I was then invited to his, ‘inner sanctum’ – a small group within the bigger group who were opposed to the rest and who were of the same non-petty mindedness. It seemed to me that UKIP was in a permanent state of civil war. ‘Human nature’? I refer to my opinion above M’lud.
Having been a UKIP member for around three years, a few months before the leadership election I decided to return to branch meetings. I had stopped attending when I thought it was chaotic and pointless. Well, the branch was still in trouble and short of people prepared to contribute to the work involved, so I ended up with the job of Hon Sec, albeit only in a caretaker role for a few months.
During discussions on the leadership issue, I was the minority of one, in supporting AMW. The sad sorry debacle of Bolton and Farridge smearing AMW and her supporters was disgraceful, but nobody at branch was bright enough to see it.
At the final meeting I attended, as Sec, but in the premeeting discussion came this pearl of wisdom from an ex-chair of the branch:
“The only reason AMW is against muslims is because she’s a lesbian.”
And yes, you’ve guessed it, I was the minority of one again in taking the moron to task.
Sadly, the chair hadnt opened the meeting, so I couldn’t minute it.
Bolton ( and Farridge) had smeared AMW, muddied the waters ( no pun intended) and then that bunch of candidates quit the race to concentrate the anti AMW vote.
Was I truly pissed off !
Anyhoos, quitting the party immediately followed.
Agree with above: UKIP are fucked.
I’m beginning to wonder who is the most negative about Ukip the people on this blog or the msm!
Just to bring people up to date with the news from a different perspective.
Ukip have had a pretty hard time, in part their own making.
This year at a lacklustre leadership campaign they elected one Henry Bolton. Under him the party was doomed to oblivion. People stopped renewing their subs. There was no way out that I could see.
Then wham! The Bolton affair! And the membership suddenly springs to life with a vigour not seen for a long while. Bolton is removed. Farage, who supported Bolton, has his past behaviour within the party exposed.
Farage refuses to be leader of a party that doesn’t give him dictatorial powers.
The party membership now realize this and are still determined to drive forward. The first hurdle was getting rid of Bolton. Second will be paying the Collins debt and third will be surviving a pasting at the May local elections. If it can pass these tests then it will have matured as a political party. The energy is there at the moment. (No thanks to Farage)
Looking at the mess that is the Tory Party and Treezer, my vote is for UKIP
Yasser, see my comments above, but if the membership I experienced are doing the right thing, they’re probably doing it for all the wrong reasons.
Ironic eh?
Remember that the Tories use sequestration and ruinous court fines to knacker the miners, unions etc.
And now Labour dare to do the same.
Surely UKIP can look at the history of how Heathfield, Scargill, Tomlinson etc all came out unscathed.
And where `s the creaming publicity-EVERYBODY knows that the likes of McShane and other local MPs connived, colluded and buried what little they knew.
Anne Cryer comes to mind…needs a bit of daylight on it.
Gerard Batten has made a good start, hoping things will start to look up now for them.
Dem grate BBC (really grating on me with R4 this week!) with their loads of journalists could have done what I did yesterday while out and about.
On Monday, we are told that we under-estimate the calories we eat. Notwithstanding that calorie counting was panned by other studies decades ago, they had the latest silly food scare story from some supposed scientist researchers which initially suggested that men eat more than 50% more calories, the figure given being as 1000, than they truly need each day. If you know anything about the human body and food calories, then as an Editor or Presenter you would have politely told the PR company to take their cod science (fake science) away and do some study at a suitable University.
It was also amusing that, considering the research in average terms, the BBC had obviously not checked the researchers’ sums. But then, BBC maths – whether mental arithmetic or via a calculator – is none too hot. Corrections were hastily introduced as the day progressed, reducing the percentage to ‘approximately’ 35% too many calories. Eaten by men. Not women. Those dreadful men. Eating too much. Stealing food from the mouths of women and children. How evil! How unequal!!! Say no more.
Now, if anything it is UK women who tend to be overweight or obese. This is quite a well known fact. I did my own little ‘Fat Check’ [pun intended, BBC please note 😉 ] while out in the real world. A simple visual check confirmed this fact: that women tend to be more overweight or more obese than men.
That suggests that the extra calories, being consumed by ‘men’ must be being burned (utilised) by their bodies due to their individual metabolism and/or physical activity. Compared to women. Those wonderful, saintly perfect, unfairly treated, unequally paid and fed, wimmin.
Just a little observational science. BBC journalists, around and about in various parts of the UK could have done what I did yesterday. They could have then informed Sarah Sands that, as TODAY Editor in Chief, this study was definitely not worthy of her programme and her listeners’ attention.
Bad Science is an absolutely brilliant book about how journalists in particular misunderstand basic science. This sounded like a typical example, you can bet none of the arts graduate beeboids reporting on this had science degrees – it was just a good excuse to look virtuous and fill the airwaves with something other than the terrible realities of what is actually happening in this country.
Whenever you hear of an ‘investigation’ or ‘survey’ there are loads of hurdles a proper scientific study has to get over to even be run let alone taken seriously, and of course liberal journalists ignore intellectual rigour when the result of a test fits their narrative. “One in four has witnessed sexual harassment” which we heard the other day was clearly total boll**ks as the premise was so poorly defined.
Beeb Bro, think it may also be a condemnation of the education most of them have had. I was taught about calories, metabolism, physical variations, differences between men & women re food, fat levels, body heat, insulation, blah, blah, blah, when I was 11-14 years old. (I dropped Biology for the ‘O’ exams.)
Back then kids got an education. I suspect that journos in their 30s and 40s were not taught ANY of that basic biology and food stuff in the 1980s and 1990s. Goodness knows how well kids will be educated when they hit the world of work in 10 – 15years time with all the relationship training, global warming/climate change and social awareness training they will be having in school right now. No wonder the current lot are total snowflakes at Uni.
Sarah Sands is of an age when she should know better, as are Robinson, Webb, Montague and Humphrys.
They do not always appear to make clear who the sponsors of these so-called ‘studies’ and ‘research’ are and who, exactly, has brought them to the BBC. Think often it may be a PR company or the University at top level, not the Dept itself or the scientists/researchers who did the work. TOADY normally mention if the item is a published paper and, if so, the journal involved.
I guess that no-one on the programme had enough knowledge or could be bothered, even for £650,000 per year, to challenge what was being put forward and point out the obvious flaws therein.
We are very badly served by the BBC for the £3.7bn that we give them under duress.
Well, I don’t. And will not, in part because of this sort of thing. Lat week we had a so-called scientist state outright, on national radio during TWatO, that “Sugar causes cancer.” with no comment, no challenge whatsoever from the Presenter. This from a broadcaster who is concerned about FakeNews and FalseNews and FalseFacts from others in the media!
People underestimating calories? What the actual f%^*k?
The idiots believe this shit?
Ask an alcoholic how much he/she drinks? Think you’ll get an honest answer? Words fail me lol.
London crime update
Two killings by stabbings yesterday in the same London Borough. Both thought to be teenage boys in separate incidents .
At this rate London will have more stabbed dead teenagers in the first 2 months of 2018 than the whole of 2017. This is reported in George Osborne s Evening Standard. I’m guessing al Beeb isn’t reporting it again.
If I remember from my studies the average total homicide level for England/Wales per annum is about 550 and has Been that for quite sometime . I’d like to know with the increase is caused by extra 500 000 thirdworlders and their enriching diverse cultures and er – heritage – lovely word so sadly used now
“I’d like to know with the increase is caused by extra 500 000 thirdworlders and their enriching diverse cultures and er – heritage – lovely word so sadly used now”. Therein lies the secret. No broadcaster will readily convey that fact for fear of creating ‘racial disharmony’. Or, I rephrase, ‘fanning the flames of existing racial disharmony’.
Invite the Third World – become the Third World.
And now the good news for all my fellow buffoons and buffoonesses who post here.
Owing to the fact that Mrs Wright and myself are hoping to move house quite soon I doubt that I will have the time or energy, for a while, to thump the keypad and post my usual ensemble of smut,filth and innuendo. Great, I hear you say, it’s about time we drained our swamp! Don’t sneer too soon for I shall return with renewed resolve and vigour.
Oo-er- A voice from the upstairs bedroom ” WOULD IT BE TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR YOU TO GET UP OFF YOUR FAT ARSE AND LEND A HAND WITH THIS PACKING”? Well, when Sybil puts it that way how can I refuse, especially with discretion being the better part of valour. So Ta-ra for now. (fits gumshield and scuttles off to the bedroom—————-to be continued
Lefty Wright
“Gumshield” and “bedroom”, hello, hello, what’s going on there ? 😉
Nah. Nothing like that. It’s purely for my protection. You obviously haven’t met Mrs Wright. She’s got a touch of the of Arthur Mullards.
Ha Ha. I hope that she doesn’t see that post. 😀
My wife suffers from a bit of rheumatoid arthurmullards as well.
I guess more, “White Flight”?………………
Lefty – Don’t forget to take out a new TV Licence for your new address!!
\\Jeremy Corbyn has warned press barons “change is coming” as he accused them of printing “lies and smears” over his contacts with a Czech spy in the 1980s.//
Is ‘Jerrs’ threatening to “drain the swamp” ?
This is a threat to be taken very seriously. I have not the slightest doubt that if Labour get elected they will severely curtail freedom of the press and what little freedom of speech we have left. The BBC will be boosted as it can be relied upon to tow the leftist line. The internet will also be censored. Once Corbyn and his gang of neo Marxists have got control of the news agenda and the ability to shut down open discussion and dissent they will be able to resist all but the most concerted efforts to remove them by democratic means . Who will be our Solidarity leader to overthrow what will rapidly become a hated Marxist totalitarian regime and how many will die trying to do so?
These predictions and questions seem like a dystopian fantasy but I believe that a Corbyn Government would make them very real indeed.
UK unemployment rises for first time in two years”
More people coming in to the country = less vacancies, shortage of houses, school places, hospital places, doctors appointments etc etc …………………….
I’m sure it must be rising because of Brexit. Or Trump. Or Jacob Rees-Mogg . Or ……
Or this ?……………………………….
“Productivity growth strongest since financial crisis”
Brexit works ! (that’s my comment).
I see that Chris Buckler, big pals with and former sidekick of professional gobshite Stephen Nolan, has been promoted to Washington correspondent for the bBbc. No sign that I can see of him replacing anyone so why the increase in numbers? Is Sopel coming home? Katty Kay? Have some of the current crop perhaps worn out their welcome?
Buckler isn’t very good and will definitely toe the party line. Sensationalist who strangles every vowel and exaggerates his pronunciations in an effort to moderate his Belfast accent and emote every line. An assault on the ears as well as having the sort of face you’d never get tired of slapping.
Rich – al Beebus do a good line in reporters / presenters with faces such as the one you describe.
Careful, Guido, the man who has told the bbc they are safe with him has also confirmed anyone who messes with his new world order plans will be first against the wall.
Last night Channel Four broadcast a documentary on Harvey Weinstein and his antics in Britain. It was a disturbing watch and insight as to how the law protects the very wealthy.
There was however one very interesting 5 second quip that Weinstein had some connection to the BBC and had on occasion undertaken work for them.
It didn’t go any further than that, however it’s doubtful Channel Four would have sufficient insight, nor was it the main thrust of the documentary, but it would seem that there is yet another potential scandal brewing for the Corporation.
Whether this will gain any traction is yet to be seen, but the documentary alleges that Weinsteins behaviour was well known in the industry and many many people including the leftie luvvies simply turned a blind eye.
If it can be shown that this also happened at the BBC it would be dynamite.
“Pro-Brexit Tory MPs set out demands in letter to Theresa May”
Go for it Jacob , you can be PM !
There is a HYS running .
These people are “Backing Britain”…………………..
Who remembers this ?
This comment resonates for students of BBC zero integrity editorial wordplay in action:
8. Posted by stereo
demands ? its repeating the lancaster house speech and contains no red lines. that’s some kind of demand’s biased bbc…
The campaign against “The Knob” must continue with unrelenting fury until the day of the next general election. Here is why.
The historian Dominic Sandbrook recently wrote that Corby was not only unfit to be Labour leader, he was unfit to be a Labour MP. Behind this statement lies the fact that Corbyn hates this country, or rather the traditions and ways of life that define the British character. His support for some of the most unpleasant terrorist organisations of the last 50 years, including at least one active in this country, is well know. He loathes private enterprise. The idea that there is no freedom without economic freedom is a concept that is simply beyond his comprehension. Why should it be, he has no idea how wealth is created in the first place. Under Corbyn, the internal security services would be politicised and external defence cut to the bone. Whatever the truth behind the links to eastern European spy networks, he was undoubtedly seen as a Useful Idiot, First Class.
I travelled to Cuba a couple of years ago. This is a society that Corbyn admires. Try telling that to our first guide, a middle-aged lady who was in tears at lunch as she told us about a nephew in the United States that the State had forbidden her to visit. Or our second guide who welcomed us with the statement – “I am living in fucking Alcatraz”. Later he expanded on his fate which he blamed on the top-level takeover by the “rich daddy boys” Castros. Behind this statement of course is the knowledge that the Castros were not really communists to start. They first looted everything on the island and were forced a couple of years later to ask for a bail out from the Soviets.
There are no shops as we would understand them in Cuba, a few people drive around in stinkmobiles left over from the 1950 and the once grand city of Havana rots while the people try to survive. Just yards from our hotel in the centre, a road had been blocked off because an old building had suddenly crumbled and fallen into the street.
There are enough examples around the world to show us just what Corbyn and his crew would do if they ever got into government. Shame on the Labour party for tolerating him and his minority gang and shame on all those MPs for going along with it, despite knowing full well the disaster that awaits if he should ever gain power.
Dear BBC, would you mind applying the same standard to Corbyn as you do to Trump? After all, Corbyn is standing for office in the UK unlike Trump.
I heard this twice last night on the BBC News…the first time in reference to Italian elections where awful people (populists) are able to vote for awful candidates (so-called populists). Later this refrain was repeated for Wilders, Orban and the Czechs.
Their solution to the ‘problem’ would be that such awful people shouldn’t be able to vote for such candidates…in other words, don’t allow people with a different opinion to yours have a vote! Sinister?
Today I see that Jennifer Lawrence is to take a year off to ‘fix democracy’. Gawd help us. 🙁
London crime update
Yeah 3 murders in one day – the third was a shooting ambush on a man of Turkish heritage
Bringing more diverse cultural heritage to the street of London.
I think the London police hate squads might need to be redeployed to murder investigations . Definitely stand more of a chance to get killed in London than win the lottery which is 1/14 million on my Diane abbot sums
London crime update
Yeah 3 murders in one day – the third was a shooting ambush on a man of Turkish heritage
Bringing more diverse cultural heritage to the street of London.
I think the London police hate squads might need to be redeployed to murder investigations . Definitely stand more of a chance to get killed in London than win the lottery which is 1/14 million on my Diane abbot sums
“Democracy is broken”. Translation: democracy is working perfectly well but people are voting in ways we don’t like, i.e. that do not conform with our leftie-liberal ideology.
People such as this actress I’ve never heard of think democracy means “getting my own way”.
‘I see that Jennifer Lawrence is to take a year off to ‘fix democracy’. Gawd help us.’
Didn’t her fellow actor Micheal Sheen (played Brian Clough in The Damned United) also do the same? I’m sure it was just after Brexit. I wonder how he’s getting on with ‘fixing our democracy’?
Another story of well-integrated muslim immigrants acting the way all Swedish people do.
G – you mean like this other one in Germany.
Since Ma decided Germany wasn’t “enriched” enough, there has been a dramatic rise in reports of animal cruelty.
Oh! And in Italy too.
I too noticed that Her Hotness Jennifer Lawrence was taking time out to “fix democracy”. No doubt democracy will be eternally grateful for any help this little poppet can give. Here at Morrison Towers we are also thinking of taking some time out to fix said democracy and I shall make an announcement to the world in the near future, once I have worked out what “fixing democracy” actually means.
Meanwhile what news of prancing mime Michael Sheen who recently announced that he was thinking of taking some time out in the light of Brexit and Trump, adding “as the Nazis had to be stopped in Germany in the thirties, this thing that is on the rise has to be stopped”. Apparently Mr Sheen is awfully keen on the steelworkers at Port Talbot, stout fellows and all that, salt of the earth. He has spoken of taking his activism to the Welsh Valleys where no doubt he will carry all before him.
Reality check: In the Brexit referendum, the Welsh voted to leave. Only five areas of Wales voted to remain.
At what point does all the grandstanding by luvvies against 50% of the electorate start to have an adverse effect on box office takings? I know I’ve become VERY choosy about what, and indeed whom I watch.
Probably never had a real job in his life.
It’s a pity mr sheen gets noticed at all . I thought he was busy selling Oxfam or similar to people poorer than he- and I’m assuming he did those emotionally exploitative commercials for nothing as opposed to funding Oxfam employees to enjoy sex for aid.
It’s amazing how people can be selective about what sort of democracy they agree with .
On a side issue I recall Mary beard excusing the conduct of charity employees by referring to the stress of the situation and distance from home .
As an albeeb employee I would have thought it was ground for dismissal – but albeeb seems to have ignored the lady’s view .
what is this shit MAD MAX BRITAIN
Do we really pay our world leading news service to produce this type of crap
I don’t…
ThatNewsbeat page is the same as if it were produced by Corbythugs/Momentum
\\ Britain will not be “plunged into a Mad Max-style world borrowed from dystopian fiction”, the Brexit Secretary said. //
Not doing exactly what they tell us will literally lead to the breakdown of society. Well seeing as that is pretty much happening anyway I say bring it on.
Top Draw Reporting by the BBC
An Aldi Christmas advert for alcohol, featuring the computer-animated Kevin the Carrot, has been banned for inappropriately appealing to children.
Its Fu****ng February !!
Was it one of Esther’s amusingly-shaped carrots?
Oh look another “leaked” document, how convenient.
What steps are being taken to plug the leaks?
It seems to me these leaks are just a deliberate toe in the water to test public opinion!
In this particular case, the leaks foretell of more ‘row-backs’ from the defiant May (who knows what she wants……..?!?). No change to EU citizens moving to the UK during the ‘two-years or more’ transition period. It’s the sell-out confirmed in writing.
Westmonster Youtube discussion
Have you noticed that all the leaks are lefty and anti Brexit and we don’t hear of any government leaks saying how good Brexit will be.
Strange or what!
(I know,they are not ‘leaks’, they are put out on purpose but the politicians can deny and manipulate them)
Mis-reporting of the Air Pollution court decision
BBC headline claim “Environmentalists* won in court today on air pollution plan”
Actually the court was in their favour in ONE of the 3 counts, and in favour of gov in the other 2
May responded PMQ video
* “Environmentalists” is the wrong word
Client Earth are US funded parasite lawyers who are using the trick of usurping democracy using the courts.
The same trick is used against the EPA in the US, just keep suing again & again until you get a judgement you like.
..BTW I didn’t hear of any punishment for gov.
In fact UK so called “Green policy” is completely ungreen and anti-maths, so sceptics could take the the Climate act and other laws to court and win if it were just, but they don’t have the same funds that GreenBlob have.
Christopher Booker has a good new report with a great graphic.
Worboys the lead story on the one o’clock news again!
The Groundhog Broadcasting Corporation strikes again. How can they employ 9000 journalists? They must just watch Netflix at work.
It’s like their television output…endless repeats over and over and over….
I’m going to photocopy my TV license the next time it’s due and tell them it’s a repeat.
Supreme Court holds that two women who were sexually assaulted by Worboys can claim compensation from the police as they (the police) did not investigate their claims properly. It’s all to do with those cases classed as ‘Serious Crimes’. What those are is anyone’s guess but, one thing’s for sure, ‘sexual assault’ is ‘sexual assault’ – Seems to me that what’s good for Worboys victims is surely good for young girls in Rotherham. Isn’t it?
Police now say they must be more discerning in relation to prioritising crimes. Oh dear, what will become of the Hate Speech allegations made with out evidence on a whim by a ‘victim’ ? May I be so bold as to make a recommendation?
In investigating the vast number of alleged hate speech crimes, enlist the aid of all the muslim charities (aka The Muslim Brotherhood collectively) and turn them loose on the perps. to exercise their taqiyya. I appreciate that would mean limbs and heads being chopped off and/or stoning or being doused in petrol and set alight and/or being pushed off the top of buildings and/or being quartered for those who are responsible for hate speech. But it’s only a matter of time before these solutions become the norm anyway. Beauty is, they’re all set out in the cults handbook.
Wow. Imagine if the 1500+ in Rotherham could all sue the police?
Barbara Plett Usher reporting from Tallahassee on the lunchtime TV1 news. One more name to add to my long list of BBC staff in the US! She managed not to bash Trump directly, so that’s something.
Instead it was Norman Smith giving cause for concern: if he is to be believed, not only is the post-Brexit ‘transition’ period UNLIMITED, but the EU will continue to have a lot of say in what the UK can or can’t do.
Is Brexit still Brexit? What’s going on?
Justin Forsyth (disgraced ex CEO of Save the Children) is apparently bezzy mates with….. Brendan Cox !. Its like a game of joining up the dots.
POlls : Alternative for Germany (AfD) NOW second biggest party in Germany
AfD has 16% support, while Angela Merkel’s CDU/CSU has 32 %
Socialists coalition partners, SPD, is at 15.5% (down a full quarter since the election), Greens 13%, Left 11%
So significance is both left/right are moving away from government parties, but no combinations can challenge CDU for governance
Roland, you ask when all this luvvie grandstanding will start to have an effect with audiences, otherwise known as the “Basket of Deplorables”. It already is. Figures from the American box office show that ticket sales last year were 6.2 per cent down on 2016. The drop in revenue was slightly less at 2.7 per cent, suggesting that prices were hiked to disguise the large falls. This of course in the end will make the condition worse.
If you take out all the high cost, high grossing films that are little more than computer games for the sub 16 year old market, the offering are rather thin. Like you I am choosy about what I watch since I don’t want to spend £12 for a lecture on my supposed moral failings. Of course the kids stuff that makes all the money don’t get any awards. Why draw attention to complete dross? – leaving just the preachy stuff where you get bonus virtue signaling points for attending.
Also being affected by liberal contempt is the American football league. Here many of the star players earning countless millions of dollars a year have been playing silly people and refusing to stand for the national anthem. Since most people who attend football love their country, the tantrums have not gone down well. Attendances are down at the actual matches and the owners fear the effect on next year’s sale of season tickets.
Treble own goals all round.
Thanks Chris.
Rev Billy Graham has passed away, aged 99
BBC 4 mins ago
RE: Russian ‘collusion.’
You always teach kids the importance of taking responsibility for their actions. How could people vote in someone as untried and problematic as Trump, especially when you had the entire media, internet, big business etc on your side and your party had just been in power for 8 years? Clearly you are doing something wrong if you still cannot win the election. To just have a tantrum and blame it on a bogey man is pathetic. The BBC did the same when they had the chutzpah to blame the election results on ‘fake news’; nothing to do with sneering elites treating us like naughty toddlers. I guess leftists in general are in a state of perpetual adolescence.
Daily Politics today
BBC will try anything to undermine the government.
Today Andrew Neill stated again and again that our two year withdrawal from the EU was a ‘transition’ period. He was corrected by Stephen Baker (Con MP) that the government use the term ‘implementation’.
Despite this Neill continued to use the term’ transition’. The BBC will obviously use any term possible so long as it agitates the government. Not surprisingly Gwynne (Lab MP) repeatedly used the word transition.
The BBC agenda is so blatantly left wing anti Brexit that I cannot imagine anyone suggesting otherwise.
Today BBC webpage headline
Notice they continue to use the word transition
‘UK setting out post-Brexit transition period position’
It’s a small point, but indicative off where the BBC sit.
libEstablishment their bubble world and coverups
Guess who was in line to head the Charity Commission ?
.. Ex beeboid : Baroness Stowell, formerly head of BBC Corporate Affairs…now a Tory peer.
… but opposition MPs gave her a hard time in the committee yesterday, cos it looks like she has no real charity ex experience.
So she’s likely to be cancelled.
Similarly , the chair of Oxfam’s trustees was at a parliament committee yesterday.. She’s Caroline Thompson another top ex-beeboid.
” Lady Liddle is chair of the charity, Oxfam. She is a former BBC executive and was the Corporation’s chief operating officer, from March 2011 to September 2012″ then given £67K payoff in wake of Saville scandal.
Where have Helen Boaden or Jasmine Lawrence ended up?
Other than in clover.
My typo : of course the payoff she got was £670K not £67K
Stew: Good news about the AfD. Trouble is, it looks very much like Merkel has, once again, manipulated everything into place for 3.5 more years with her at the helm. With the help of the pathetic SPD she looks to stay put in a ‘Grand Coalition’. All that matters is to grab power now, never mind future losses; the CDU is going to lose more votes to the AfD big time. She doesn’t care one bit; no children, so after her, let the deluge come…
In fact, she’s appointed a lightweight successor, Kramp-Karrenbauer (female, of course, predictably) as CDU Sec. Genl. This means no challenge from experienced colleagues for 3.5 years. Typical Merkel: ALWAYS making sure there are no logical heavyweights/potential successors around, who could threaten her position.
Her mind is very Blair-like; she is scheming, cunning and ruthless. And unlike Blair, she has made sure there is no Gordon Brown around. She has a skin far thicker than our Tony, who has to think about the kids and the missus. She learnt from Comrade Honecker; sadly – no revolution in sight this time. How much longer for the master of black magic? Hopefully not 3.5 years. She can do a lot more damage in that time-possibly we ain’t seen nothing yet. And the clueless little, old ladies who have ALWAYS voted CDU since Adenhauer, sit around the table to chat over coffee and cake, pleased at how well the Winter Olympics are going.
For now, the champagne on ice will have to wait…
“The transition period is due to kick in as the UK leaves in March 2019, and is intended to give time to prepare for the long-term post-Brexit arrangements between the UK and the EU, which have yet to be agreed, and to give businesses time to adapt. ”
Is Brexit being dragged out in the hope that the media can change the people’s mind?
Time for a new leader. Over to you Mr Rees – Mogg.
Up and at em!
Odds are 4/1 for Rees-Mogg as next Prime Minister.
taffman (and for fnw above), if I recall correctly, the EU has not formally agreed to a transition period yet. It still requires 27 States to OK it. M. Barnier and others in the EU heirarchy have indicated that if it is agreed, they would like it to run only until the end of December 2020 after which a new EU Budget period will commence.
Times : Canada’s presidential visit to India is being overshadowed by much more popular visit of Donald Dump Junior
Times TV critic lays into BBC dramas like Collateral
“The brutalisation of women in TV drama has become a lazy trope. Column
“The brutalisation of women in TV drama has become a lazy trope.”
And behind it of course are those other tropes: the demonization of men, the victimhood of women.
Just a thought. Given that Labour and the lefty remoaners are getting really desperate regarding Brexit, could the leaking of the Hungarian files regarding Cob be an underhand conspiracy to remove him and replace him with a real hard line ‘remainer’ in his place. He has been rather ineffectual in the whole affair and has angered those hard liners for not making more of a noise. Despite his recent election result he has enraged a lot of the Labour left??
Interesting piece of cunning . I’ve always thought since Comrade Corbyn accidentally became a rock star the plan was for him to do his act, get elected and then hand it over to McDonald if the majority was big enough.
Labour must still be weighing up the effect of changing policy and going for remaining versus the effect on the labour supporting donkeys who would vote for a monkey if it was wearing a red Rosette.
The comrades at the labour publicity department -al Beeb – are cutting their cloth accordingly thus downplaying or ignoring the spying allegations – which I’m surprised haven’t come up ages ago.
Obviously corbyns policy has always to bet us away from the Americans / nato in order for the Rooskis to widen their sphere of influence whatever their flag design .
“We set out to target the under-served audiences : W-class, ethnic minorities , youth and women ”
Producer of BBC2 VictoriaLive admitting to BBC groupthink that amounts to racism against straight white men, when she spoke on the media show
..By setting out to favour one group they are being unfair to another group
..That’s not being impartial
Direct link
The BBC lefties will not rest until EVERY Peruvian transgendering Alpaca gets a spot on Come Baking or Strictly Dancing.
This is equality, passion, solidarity and caring.
As for Tommy and Katie, Donald-the good folk of Sunderland or Dagenham-well, f***off-white chave class trash who aren`t fit to play the panpipes for the Quislingtonians.
Wankers-I tellsya-wankers.
224 BBC website pages use the phrase
Recent job advert
The phrase is used in 2016 BBC White Paper
The Oxfam chair mentioned above Lady Carol Thomson used in 2002 in her speech whilst working as BBC Director of Public Policy
FFS 16 years of shouting and still failing ?
“not sure that @mocktheweek are really connecting w/their underserved audiences..”
In the footsteps of gi… well Paul Mason…
James O’Brien: “I’m more interested in what was said when Theresa May had a private dinner with the editor of the Daily Mail than when Jeremy Corbyn had a cup of tea at the House of Commons with a discredited spy.”
You know what Jimbo.. I have no doubt of that.
Or around 19,998 of your ex colleagues. Which is the problem.
Very revealing.
Tea with the Mail matters more to a lefty hack than does the deaths of countless Czech citizens, the torture and incarcerations.
By their fruit-their priorities and interests-shall we know them.
And O Brien is a morose cuck.
That is a definite spelling error !
Labouroids seemed to have been told to go forth and shout “Smear !”
They are popping up all over the place and shouting “Smear !”
There is a record that Corbyn met with a spymaster multiple times
.. that is NOT a smear it is true.
… Raising the possibility that Corbyn is spy and gave away secrets is not a smear
But Saying he is a spy would be a smear
..but then In May 16 people saying Brendan Cox must be sleazy would have been accused of “smear”.
NFU has first female leader!
How much more of this crap do we have to endure? We have had a black president, a female prime minister, female head of police, a Muslim mayor of London and so on. What about the content of your character? You know if Chukkus Urmoney ran for Labour leader they would be all over his skin colour, and neglect the fact that he is a spineless opportunist; just as with Hillary it was ‘mysogyny’ which lost her the election and not the fact that she is a sneering and corrupt compulsive liar.
Someone not white or male did something somewhere! Wow – what a news story. Worth every penny of the £3.7 billion funding.
I was amused to hear ‘security correspondent’ Frank Gardner telling us what it is to be human on Jeremy Vine today. After his piece we were assured that he can confidently speak to the camera and tell us when he doesn’t know the answer.
Now my impression of Mr Gardner is that 99% of his output is speculative waffle that anyone could come up with. Indeed it’s not likely that the ‘security services’ put out press releases at critical times and it does kind of go against the security ethos to blab so how can he be ‘informed’?
Thought that Frank was half metal and wheels down below the waist.
Couldn`t they find a 100% complete person about being human…just for once.
Lord knows, there`s enough of them. Another victim of Islam chooses to turn his other arse cheek, but only to prevent a bedsore.
He told a hell of story about the assassination attempt on him
about how they shot at him until they ran out of bullets
..and how no one rushed to help him ..even the police who were there.
.. And that he was brought back from the dead cos someone sent a Canadian team who were nearby.
That we be enough to convince a journo to avoid criticising Islam.
Just found this on a very rare visit to the BBC’s website:
Why you can trust BBC News
The BBC is recognised by audiences in the UK and around the world as a provider of news that you can trust. Our website, like our TV and radio services, strives for journalism that is accurate, impartial, independent and fair.
Our editorial values say: “The trust that our audience has in all our content underpins everything that we do. We are independent, impartial and honest. We are committed to achieving the highest standards of accuracy and impartiality and strive to avoid knowingly or materially misleading our audiences.
“Our commitment to impartiality is at the heart of that relationship of trust. In all our output we will treat every subject with an impartiality that reflects the full range of views. We will consider all the relevant facts fairly and with an open mind.”
Research shows that, compared to other broadcasters, newspapers and online sites, the BBC is seen as by far the most trusted and impartial news provider in the UK.
I’ll leave it up to you whether you laugh, cry or demolish your TV set during the next BBC lie fest (you won’t have to wait long).
Would any reasonable person believe the BBC?
Fake news 🙂
I saw that the other day. It’s the funniest thing the BBC have produced in decades.
Research shows they are by far the most trusted sourced? What research is that, the opinion of a Schizoprenic crack addict?
Even in their spiel about why they are trustworthy they can’t help lying.
What a brazen cheek!
Am I getting old ?
Watching Eggheads, the first member of a clearly ‘intelligent’ student team from Oxford, failed to answer the first Music question.
What is Suggs real name – (choice of three)
George O’Dowd
Graham McPherson
Reginald Dwight
The competitor admitted to never having heard of Suggs, and thought that Reginald Dwight ‘rang a bell’, so that was her answer. Even worse, the rest of her team hadn’t a clue either !
Is it me ????
Well, I’m ashamed to admit that I didn’t know Suggs’s real name but, I recognised the other two…so, with a BRILLIANT deduction I might have arrived at the correct answer 🙂
Yes, knew this one.
Jury still out on Madness-good lads, but Liberal tendencies. Which is normally the way,when you need to head up festivals and get on the BBC to plug them.
Wrote “Our House” and “Michael Caine” among other belters.
My grouse with Pointless is the over-representation of football and sporty crap-seen many women get knocked out from too many sports sections.
Now that IS a case for BBC gender discrimination I`d have thought.
Never mind that Briss I’d like to know who the dim one hundred are that provide the answers (contestants aren’t much better either.) to questions on Pointless. If anyone has any doubts as to the fall in education standards in this country, just need to watch this prog to have them dispelled.
Too right Toobi, watching Pointless is not good for my blood pressure. Some of them answer the simplest of questions almost with a question mark, – e.g. Capital of France, – um, Geography isn’t my strongest subject, but um, Paris ? (and that’s when there is a capital P beside the question).
As for the ‘100’ there have been less than a handful of times when a score of 95 or more has been achieved over the years, which is depressing.
“Ancient Britons ‘replaced’ by newcomers”
“The reasons remain unclear, but climate change, disease and ecological disaster could all have played a role.”
Climate change, disease and ecological disaster ?
I blame Brrrrexit ! thus causing ‘Chedder Man’ to do a runner .
Can anyone see a motive behind this story ?
It all makes perfect sense now…the newcomers hated cheddar 🙂
Oi matey…you added ‘Cheddar Man’ to your comment after my cheesy response! Foul 🙁
Well, It could have been Caerphilly Man but he was a bit ‘sharper’. 😀
As ‘sharp’ as Taff Man? 🙂
Give me Lancashire creamy.
If Chedder Man had a problem with climate change why haven’t they found the remains of his SUV?
But what’s this I read in the Grauniad: “Emmanuel Macron unveils plans to crack down on immigration”.
“Tough proposals to crack down on immigration and asylum in France have been unveiled by Emmanuel Macron’s government…”
Surely that’s the sort of thing only nasty fascists like Farage and Trump do, not pretty-boy lefties like Macron, darling of the chatterati.
It will be interesting to see how the beebistan cover it. (Which they haven’t got around to yet – a bit slow, aren’t they, for the world’s most subsidised broadcasters?)
It might already be too late for France.
I know that an arrest shouldn’t mean a presumption of guilt, but…………
“Three men have been arrested in the heavily migrant-populated Paris suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois for attacking a man by biting at his face and then eating the pieces of flesh they had bitten off.”
Of course if that’s their culture the French will have to respect it. We should all live according to our culture. It’s just unfortunate if THEIR culture involves eating US.
I’m afraid it is way too late for France. Their problems go back even further than ours as they had to contend with a post-colonial influx from North Africa.
If France gets over its immigration problem it will take something extremely authoritarian and unpleasant to do it, which is what grown up observers have been warning about for years. Ultimately, Germany is in a similar situation and so are we.
Then again, maybe that is what the far Left globalist plotters wanted all along? A sort of Reichstag moment?
Well they do like their stake very rare in Paris. So you see, they’re really are integrating and only doing as the French do. Just need them to learn you sit at a table to eat.
I’d guess the dive!, dive!, dive! klaxons have gone off at Broadcasting House – I’ll laugh a lot if Paul Mason has a file 🙂
Guido has published The Labour Party’s STASI file.
Word of the Day Schadenfreude if I’m not mistaken.
Several more helpings coming down the chute likely too as individual files emerge maybe (Livingston, McDonnell – Milne would be delicious)