Agent Cob-Nut hasn’t come in from the cold yet, perhaps he’s stuck, maybe he can batter his way out with a blackpudding [no jokes about Di-abolical], or maybe he can just use it to batter his critics in the Press into silence…the BBC need have no concerns of course as he threatens ‘change is coming’….the BBC is happy to see change even if it means a Marxist, terrorist supporting wrecker in No10…or No13 according to Di-abolical.
Spot any more BBC ‘Help for Zeroes’ list it all here……
Are the wheels coming off this bus ?………………
“John Tanner, secretary of the Oxford European Association, called it an “extraordinary” attack on free speech.”
The so called “Brit” awards started off with American singers featuring a load of effniks, possibly a godspel choir…
Just another politicised virtue signalling piss up for the privelleged. First female singer to get whatever makes it all about the wimmin then “Stormzy” wins one. His acceptance speech notably limited rather like his lyrical talents.
Total crap so far.
Another insomniac night meant earphones for just one Radio5Dead news ‘bulletin’ for an overtired Scrobs…
And guess what, after all the non-talent which was supposed to be ‘famous’ among snowflakes and sjws, the only item they could ‘comment’ on was some bloke call Stompsy or something, whingeing and shrieking about Joyce Grenfell! Why a National Treasure like our Joyce should be made to suffer references from such an ignorant yelping prat, I don’t know!
Pathetic! Mind you, the undermanagers writing the stuff were having a certain kind of ‘circle’ around the mixing desk, with all those knobs, no doubt! Yucch…
And I thought ‘Stompsy’ was some twonk who goes around spray-paint-scribbling crap on derelict walls!
My insomnia used to be cured by the world service which was the last journalist bastion of the bbc before it got taken over by Nigerians and other not English speakers and turned into radio bongo the worlds’ radio station – apparently
Ha ha ha Fed!
Absolutely! A similar comment came from my old busines partner when he once told me he knew everything about the goings-on in Africa, but bugger all about anywhere else!
(Apols to Grant – this doesn’t include you or Mrs Grant..;0)
I bet they never play Lillibulero with a military band these days.
stoopid muslims of the day competition anyone
Thursday marks 400 days to Brexit – plus over 700 days when there is further opportunity to fudge it.
The establishment doesnt want it to happen so the transition will be extended up to the next election – the golden moment the exit can be cancelled due to various sweeteners and promises when we know that the reicheu will break.
Following on from my previous not about 400 days to Brexit – may I recommend a blissfully short paper called
A europe we can believe in
Which is written by a number of academics from across Europe about what should come after the ReichEU has been disassembled . Many posters here may find it soothing and I can’t guess why it’s not better known…. I found it . .. of all places in The New York Times…
Douglas Murray’s razor-sharp, ice-cold talk on the situation we’re in…
Hear it for yourselves:
PS. Starts late in the video for some reason…
Heard the “Socialist Series” on Radio 4 these last few days.
Today they did the Co-Op Movement.
Usual Billy Bragg type of fist-punches and Lennon “power to the people” nonsense(or was that Wolfie Smith?). How can you do the history of the Co-Op without mentioning Paul Flowers-the Crystal Methodist with the rent boys who turned the Co-Op Bank to shit a few years back?
Typical Lefty “revisionism”. I`ll take the left more seriously the day that they`re open about their appalling history. Venezuela anybody?
The history of the Chartists evolving into the CWS/Labour party is well known and IMHO to be applauded, taking into account the state of society at the time.
Unfortunately, both organisations have morphed into something of a very different philosophy.
Take the CWS as an example. I had the misfortune to have some dealings with them some years ago. ‘On the take’ would be an understatement. I give you the Crystal Methodist as an example – the big problem was they couldn’t manage a wank, let alone a large company.
In terms of Labour? Blair et al. or Steptoe et al????????????????
My experience of Co-Op shops over many years and in many parts of the country from Scotland to the South-West is that the staff don’t care about the customer at all. Maybe one has to use the Special Socialist Sulk?
Totally agree.
The CWS & Labour have morphed into?????????????????
Capitalists & Communists??????????
The Chartists set up a huge area of mini-farms around where I live. There was a lottery where city families could win a farm; thing is, the farms were built on land that grows nothing but grass and what they did grow the local population refused to buy as they were so angry about folk being given farms.
The experiment failed. BUT – there is now a lovely collection of single-story bungalows with space for a horse or two going for around £600,000 each. I’ll have two.
I might wait for the omnibus – if it ever arrives but Labour was once for something . I think Clement Attlee was one of the greatest PMs . The post war labour government did some great things . But somewhere Labour got lost in the belief that importing thirdworlders (lowest class) would put it power for ever… which is one of the main reasons ( imho ) that Blighty is in the mess it’s in now.
Well the Co-op certainly screwed my pension and then sold off the liability to another insurance company meaning I get nowhere near the original estimate of pension, with no lump sum or annual increase. I told them they had become like a dodgy builder who changes his company name to avoid litigation. Total socialist shit houses who along with Gordon Brown, Ed Balls and Lord Geoffrey Robinson wreaked the retirement plans for hundreds of thousands if not millions of people.
Channel 5 now : interview with masked scamster explaining how they replicate bank websites to scam British pensioners
We can see his arms and neck ..chocolate brown
..says one of contacts got £500K
..and £20K is a bad month for him
A moped gang which uses acid and swords to steal mobile phones from pedestrians have revealed how they pick their victims in a BBC documentary.
I think the hands and the language show the ethnicity.
‘Actually don’t make me feel too good obviously, but man’s not doing it to intentionally hurt them innit..
Ah, multiculturalism – doncha love it?
It’s a shame that we don’t have a constitutional amendment (2) that includes The Right to Bear Arms.
We had right to bear arms in our Bill of Right – the American constitution was based on it. Watered down -the Dunblane shooting hidden for 100years
We still have the right to own arms for our defence, the Bill of Rights is still the law of the land. Subsequent law which seeks to take away this right (for instance by banning handguns) is arguably unconstitutional. Just don’t expect the liberal wimps in the Supreme Court to agree, that’s all.
I agree that there is something very wrong about the Dunblane Inquiry keeping evidence secret for 100 years. The killer had close links with both Labour and Conservative politicians. Who is being protected?
Albeeb schools programmes aren’t what there were eh?
Toady: more women working into their fifties and harsher sentences for victims of domestic violence. (I imagine ROP wives are excluded.)
Does it say in the BBC charter that we absolutely must have some feminist story every day? “Women have to work till they drop!” Working is good for you, why the constant victimhood narrative? On another day they would complain not enough older women are getting jobs due to age discrimination.
Day 3 of Toady avoidance therapy for FedUp . In fact very little news at all apart from the comedy of RT where you can see American academics who have sold their souls. Does make it easier when the motivation is clear as opposed to the State broadcaster pretending to be neutral
Without al beeb the air is clearer, sweeter, less profanities and with 400 days left much brighter
Kicking the Toady habit is certainly a good move. I’ve gone a stage further now, I actively avoid news on the BBC altogether whenever I can. On most days this is 100% successful. I am no less informed but a lot less propagandised at.
What sources do you use? I use Reuters but want alternative intelligent sources -which rules mail online out . They love the word “flaunt” and “gym honed”…
Afraid I do go to the DM website out of sheer desperation for news away from the BBC, but go straight to the columnists eg Steven Glover, Quentin Letts and Tom Utley. Mr D still sometimes buys the Telegraph in paper form for its cryptic crosswords and I can assure you that apart from Charles Moore is little better than either Hello magazine or the DM.
Me too. BBC are now unmitigated crap.
Working into your fifties is somehow ‘working till you drop’?!
Has no one at BBC News got enough common sense to realise how stupid that is?
They are so desperate to signal some feminist virtue that they will say anything. Employment is a great solace for many women in their fifties. If you stay at home watching daytime television with their adverts for funerals you will feel terrible, especially if children have just fled the nest or you have been divorced.
Their is never any proper rigorous analysis – just this pathological desire to bleat something about ‘equality’ like the beasts in animal farm.
Women goooooood.
Tories baaaaaaad.
Our BBC weather forecasters seem to agree the week ahead is going to be a tad nippy.
Interestingly measured and precise scientific turn of phrase from our tv weatherman this morning: “temperatures departing from the average”
Hmmm, a bit different to when it’s hot which tends to be descibed rather worryingly as “warmer than it SHOULD be at this time of year”
You see the underlying narrative is still global warming to which any temperate weather needs to be highlighted to the public as an abnormal trend.
When it’s cold in winter, AS, that’s just weather; Hot in summer is climate change/global warming. Do keep up 😉
BBC editorial integrity in full flow, highlighting bits it likes… leaving out bits it doesn’t…
“Stormzy wins Brit award for album Gang Signs and Prayer.”
“Stop using knives begs grieving mother.”
The BBC have these stories next to each other, failing to see that is is gang culture and the glamourisation of criminality by grime artists like Stormzy which is creating lawlessness on London streets. They would not dare criticise rapping about leaving rivals dead on the streets as that would be ‘racist’, though it is overwhelmingly minorities who will end up murdered because of this appalling culture.
We’re all supposed to be struck colour blind and not recognise that these outrages are embedded in minority communities. And the nonsense and excuses some of these kids come out with. Last night they interviewed three white girls from the local area ( where the last two young men were stabbed). Did they think poor parenting was in any way to blame for these troubles? “No!” they all replied vehemently. “Some of these lads had good parents”. It was the fault of the government. Lack of youth clubs, not enough police etc…
There weren’t many youth clubs when I was a lad, we didn’t go round stabbing each other.
If police suggest “stop and search” a certain community is soon screeching “racism”.
I’m afraid this is simply the third world behaving like the third world always behave. That’s why they’re the third world.
Just because you’re born in England doesn’t make you English.
A pig might live in a palace and it would still piss on the floor.
I used to run a youth club. When it did not run during April one year, none of the kids stabbed each other.
Why interview random, uneducated kids about it? What on Earth do they know about the causes of crime? Why not get an expert on? If I wanted to know what random morons thought about something I would go down the high street.
Many years ago a practical academic ( rear ) forecast that the future of British cities would be warring factions of immigrants fighting their wars in inner city areas – as well as the various unstructured black gangs stabbing each other as a result of something called “dissing” . She wasn’t far from reality . There wasn’t really a remedy apart from slowing the number of new arrivals down to try to achieve some level of assimilation.
Unfortunately we are past that stage now. All a bit bleak but that – in my belief is the foreseeable future – unless the State gets muscular and changes to full scale para military policing – I give it 5 years.
Some years ago I was in Montreal where, certainly at that time, people ‘of colour’ were not particulary apparent. The TV was totally ‘hideously white’. Then one night there was a report of a stabbing. Looking up I was surprised to see that the reporter ‘on the street’ was a ‘lady of colour’, how unusual. Not only that but most of the people in the street were ‘of colour’. It didn’t come as a surprise then to find that the same had been true of the victim.
Only one example, but so like ‘home’. I imagine they are aping (sorry) the Black Tribes of Los Angeles and their [c]rap lyric ‘culture’.
This seems to cover the bbc editorial stance to most people and issues it likes quite well.
Someone in America discovered FOI?
Given the bbc does not answer questions of this nature, the exemption they invoke not to will be interesting.
Oh joy, another bbc editor on a ‘what is meant’ outing.
I try and avoid BBC as much as possible these days (hence why I don’t post here much now) but every now and then I’ll look at their “news” website.
The 10 most read articles this morning are:
1. Trump endorses guns for teachers to stop shootings
2. ‘The story of a weird world I was warned never to tell’
3. Brit Awards 2018: Stormzy scoops Ed Sheeran to win top prizes
4. British Gas owner Centrica to cut 4,000 jobs after ‘weak’ year
5. Anti-depressants: Major study finds they work
6. US: St Louis morning radio presenter gives birth on air
7. Jennifer Lawrence hits back at dress critics
8. Newspaper headlines: Anti-depressant study and Brexit divisions
9. Universities braced for 14 days of strikes over pensions
10. Brits 2018: The real winners and
Apart from #1, #4 and #9 the rest are the type of crap you would expect to read in ‘Heat’ or ‘Take a Break’ magazines.
I’ve also noticed on the main page right at the bottom they have a bit called “Long Reads” for those people whose attention span lasts longer than reading a 140 character tweet.
On top of that at least 50% of the BBC News articles have Twitter comments from absolute nobodies. Carefully choosen to reflect the BBC narrative.
“BBC News” is nothing more than “BBC Opinion” now.
BBC views.
What annoys me so much is you can get all the trashy non news stories elsewhere for free, and these sites do it much better than the BBC. The Beeb just recycle twaddle from other sites.
They always moan about not enough money for certain things, so why not close down most of their ‘news’ and give the money saved to the poor? In the age of smart phones it is a complete waste of money. They send you to prison unless you fund them telling you about someone wearing a dress – what a p**s take. Poor mothers cannot feed their families but have to pay for these chumps to trawl Twitter for inane garbage.
Another example of the crap the BBC produce:
Great Yarmouth Charter Academy bans ‘McDonald’s’ hairstyle
..and hard hitting journalism like this:
Reality Check: How much do we spend on fried chicken?
Quote: The study focused on the county of Norfolk. As the area shares many population characteristics with the rest of the country, researchers said the results could be extrapolated to apply to the country as a whole.
They always moan about not enough money for certain things.
Every day without fail, bBBC has some item(s) about ‘under-funding’, ‘lack of resources’ and suggests we are a rich country, when is the government going do something about it? I refuse to listen to any of these ‘one way discussions’ until someone on air suggests changing the law re 0.7% GDP foreign aid, and using that money.
ND, and couldn’t most of this money be found if they stopped pouring money (billions a year) into the totally useless and unreliable renewable energy market? When do we ever hear a story about that – on the beeb apart from Roger Harribin telling is its getting cheaper when obviously it isn’t when you take a look at the electricity bill!
Even with that disgusting racist KHAN running London and all crime stats through the roof and rising, this is the latest shock poll…!!!!
Quite simple really the media in london are protecting him and have been since he got elected. Knife murders are a daily issue now with two in the same area in camden a few days ago. They ignored it even on the local news and when they did mention it it was blink and you will miss it. Khans name is always kept out of it. We see the same in their attitude to compo and the czech story when the beeb and all the rest of the msm have been blatantly ignoring the czech story, defending him and attacking anyone that dare criticise him. Their schilling for corbyn has gone up a gear and they dont care. Their agenda is bring down the government install the tramp and stop brexit. A labour takeover in london will not solve the problem as it will only make this shitshow worse and will only enpower the beeb as they know the brainwashing propaganda is working.
Just hard to get your head around these figures..they are jaw dropping.
Khan, Momentum and the rest of the loony left just seem to be riding rough shod over everybody and getting away with it
And of course if the worse happens and they get into power and wreck this country it will be somebody else’s fault. B*****ds!
So glad I bailed London when I did.
Some tricky decisions for all my mates who stayed, especially as the massive house values teeter and their kids don’t want to leave their homes.
Still, if you keep to the gated communities and valet parking venues you may not get in the crossfire between the stabbers, rammers and self-detonators.
If you can afford it. If not, just part and parcel forced grins.
Be interesting when Jez’ and Diane’s enriched community boroughs end up in turf wars with those from Sarf of the river, like the constituents of the overworked junior doctor for Tooting South, all overseen by the social media-savvy London video and twitter ‘You can call me Meyer’, innit?
“Still, if you keep to the gated communities and valet parking venues you may not get in the crossfire between the stabbers, rammers and self-detonators.”
Why do people here have to exaggerate? It’s as bad as the BBC at times.
The crime rates in places like West Yorkshire are nothing to write home about.
Just part of the rich history of satire for which BBBC is widely noted.
In the great scheme of generalisation I do suspect there are parts of West Yorkshire where the raping and pillaging is policed to a level matching Tower Hamlets, and if ever forced to drive through it would be at speed with doors locked.
One could always claim sanctuary elsewhere.
Yes there is no crime problem in the North. It is safe for everyone all of the time.
Can you remember what you were doing when JFK was
assassinated ? Or When Princess Diana met her end?
How about when Elise Christie fell arse over tit at the Olympics?
Was it yesterday? The day before that? Or three days ago? Or all
Honestly I can’t remember. I think I was asleep in bed on all three
occasions, but cant be sure. You see the BBC reporter who
interviewed our Olympic star told us this morning on breakfast
TV , “that it something we will always remember what we were
doing when Elise fell over , for the first, second or third time!!”
Actually I am not really being fair. Considering how slippery
it was on the ice, Elise Christie did pretty well.
You know what, I may well remember watching Clare Balding
and half a dozen other women talking about absolutely
nothing , for hours on end. Or was I dreaming about it?
The kidult approach to ‘reporting’ is truly with us – or am I getting old ? – yes but no because as I fondly remember blue peter – which is sexist in itself Noaksey bless him rip – always came across as thought he was talking to adults – not as the beeboids seem to do now .
But with so many not having English as a first language no wonder the 6 o’clock news anchors sound like they are talking to 5 years olds .
I’m afraid you weren’t dreaming Foscari, I saw it too, but you beat me to the post!!! Some woman with knife blades strapped to her feet slips over on some ice, aaah yes, I remember what I was doing, I was polishing the plaque to commemorate the 30th anniversary of clipping my nasal hairs while falling asleep to Eddie the Eagles brave attempt to reach for the stars.
I always found this one more memorable.
As soon as I switch on the radio there’s loon speak
10:30am Emma Barnett feeds a line to her well known Remainer guest
“So Brexit will hit tech jobs”
..”yes indeed blah, blah”
Guest quotes no real evidence or logic
“blah, blah, woman in tech”
..Ah guest is called Martha that must be Martha Lane Fox
..a woman I regard as a crook, cos she ran a dot com company , pumped it up ..and then it went bankrupt , leaving investors $800m out of pocket.
You forget to say who ‘pumped it up’, (hint it starts with B and ends in C).
LastMinute.Com was doing no more than airlines had been doing for years, but without the free publicity. After being promoted just about every week it seems by a certain broadcaster the owners ‘went public’, borrowing to boost the campaign. Of course none of that money added ‘value’ to the company, it just boosted the offer price. Once people had bought in to this ‘gold-plated’, ‘media approved’ bedroom-PC scam, they found that all they really owned was the domain name and the debt used to sucker them! If only Esther Rantzen had been on the case! (But there might have been a conflict of interest there).
I forgot to say the logic MLF gave
“If you look at the map of the Brexit , you can see a strong correlation with internet connectivity”
..She thinks she is saying that Brexiteers didn’t access to the “KORRECT INFO”
… she’s talking BS and trying to build fake-narrative
Sure London and Scotland voted Remain, but there are not 17.2 million adults in the UK who never have decent internet connections. Sure maybe half million people have poor access in villages, but a good portion of them have good access at work/college.
Not Emma Barnett, she is on maternity leave, I think you will find it was someone called Chloe Tilley and no I have no idea who she is.
I have been taking an interest in the battle of the dossiers in the US over the past month. What is starkly demonstrated is that if you hold the MSM in your hand, as the Democrats do, you are almost invulnerable to attack by your political opponents and that you can smear and lie with impunity. The Democrats have completely abandoned any regard to the truth in their non stop attempt to get President Trump impeached. If the win control of the House in November they will certainly try to get him impeached. All their efforts with the Russian Collusion inquiry is just to set that up by smearing and fabricating evidence.
The MSM is suppressing the overwhelming evidence that it was Clinton who really did collude with the Russians .what we are seeing in the USA is the subversion of democracy by a thoroughly politicised MSM. The same of course is happening here with the BBC On Brexit and immigration.
The usual Twitter feeds are pushing the Radio Awards
Where’s people like Julia Hartley Brewer, Nigel Farage etc ?
Jesus if you check the podcasts awards the Remainiacs are nominated
Prizes for all (who toe the line)!
It’s what Jo would have wanted.
I think she’d have liked Brendan to have kept his hands to himself.
Interesting read
A Lefty tweeted
\\ Wonderful to hear @NickyAACampbell let rip and break all BBC rules this morning on @bbc5live with a demolition of Trump’s approach to schools and guns.
Made the traffic jam melt away ???????????? well said //
Not sure A Lefty really helping A BBC Luvvie there.
To be sure he will get totally away with it if any decide to run by CECUO, but bald statements from one’s own side about breaking all rules might send a shiver through the Farce at least.
Apparently the inner Brexit cabinet is meeting at chequers 2pm 10pm to hammer out the negotiating stance for the final bit leading upto October – when it’s all meant to be done and dusted and handed over to the other member states for ratification ( apology for long sentence ).
If there is cabinet agreement the news leakage process will start – to soften us up for the length of the leaving period as well as the cost to bribe the ReichEU .
With a bit of luck the cabinet will split, we ll get a leadership challenge and a brexiters with some balls ( literally ) might get control of the weak mess .
Al Beeb will put a negative spin but I won’t be seeing it.
I’ve said a number of times here that we’re going to hear a lot more about ‘decolonisation’. Why? For one thing, it pushes the ‘guilt’ button. It virtue signals. There are others. It will be attached to a whole lot of trendy leftie BS. And, camouflaged, it will often simply mean ‘anti-white’.
This morning we heard from Mina Savaratnam -a SOAS lecturer- on R4. She rambled on about ‘Western Domination’. But for her, it also meant ‘decolonising’ the curriculum: the students deciding what curriculum they wanted, and ‘teaching’ the lecturers. Patronising, just a little?
See what I mean? BS. Sounds OoooooooooooooooH so trendy, so ‘tomorrow’, so ‘out there’. Wow: EQUALITY writ large. That’s gonna work well, isn’t it? And what about ‘racialized attainment gaps’? Oh dear…is that going to be ‘pass one pass all?’, fashionable in South African schools.
Anyway, to ‘decolonisation’ we can now add ‘Western Domination’, so we have learnt something from Mina. Like I said recently, a lot of crap is being assembled behind the walls of Academe. Soon it will be unleashed. The MSM and the useless politicians will be right up there, to see what lessons they can ‘learn’ from it.
A final word: I remember the ‘students will chose’ gimmick from my uni long, long ago. It ain’t that new at all. Cold soup. Reheat.
Meanwhile, let’s end Western domination in the West.
There was a classic example of the BBC using its “truth filters”on BBC Radio4 News this morning. They came out with the bald statement “President Trump has proposed arming school teachers to stop mass shootings in schools”. Pause so that everyone can adsorb the madness of the idea. However, by chance,I I saw a part of this Trump meeting. It was actually a father of a victim of a mass school shooting who proposed this.
“Trump and father of victim of school mass shooting agree teachers should be armed” does not quite fit into the monomanically hysterical anti-Trump agenda of the Font of Truth. The BBC may not deliberately lie, but it is very selective with its truths.
The BBC also seems to have a “victim filter” too. Obviously, the BBC cannot openly criticise the views of a father whose daughter has been murdered – even if he wants to do something as outrageous to BBC sensibilities as arming school teachers. However, it is ever eager to hear from relatives of victims of muslim terrorism who want to forgive the murderers.
The axe is always being ground
I have reservations about this myself but, in all honesty, I don’t know what the answer is. Obama didn’t either.
On just-as-bad-if-not-worse-SKY this morning, comments on Trump “needing” notes to help him remember what points he wanted to get across. Admittedly, they didn’t make too big a thing out of it but it reminded me of what happened when Obama’s teleprompter broke down.
It also reminded me of how inarticulate Obama appeared compared with Cameron during his visit here several years ago. And, believe me, I’m no fan of Cameron.
I finally switched off when they played an embarrassingly inarticulate speech about Brexit by some thicko from a group called Gorillas, or something. Made Ringo Starr sound like Einstein.
Agree, I could never understand why people talked of Obama as a great orator when he was in fact and awful speaker – too many pauses, searching for words, and when it did come out he said very little and made even less sense.
Obama didn’t write his stuff. Read from the left teleprompt, pause, read from the right teleprompt, pause and repeat. Under no circumstances look at the audience. The man is a cold fish.
I do not agree with a lot Trump comes out with, and this was/is one. But when I saw it, it was framed as you have indicated by a third party.
Still do not, but to twist editorial in this way is why dead tree and MSM broadcast media news is now a joke.
Looking at it from a UK perspective, where the level of gun ownership is low, arming teachers seems a ludicrous idea. But the suggestion isn’t for the UK. It’s for the USA, where millions of guns are held and no-one is going to give their gun away knowing there are so many others around. If you accept guns aren’t going to go away, it’s no worse a suggestion than doing nothing.
His Obamaness made great play of stating loudly his wish to do something that he knew could never happen, namely gun control. His virtue-signalling achieved precisely diddly-squat but earned him the approval of the Right People.
I was disappointed to hear Nick Ferrari on LBC this morning accepting unchallenged the claim that someone bought a gun in 15 minutes with expired ID. That story has been shown to be incorrect yet it is passed on as fact. Sadly the media are too determined to criticise Trump to look closely at whether the criticisms have merit.
However Ferrari did at least let someone on yesterday who declared that even if President Trump found a cure for cancer, his critics would say it wasn’t enough.
Fair points.
Katty Kay, of course has her own unique way of ‘interpreting’.
If mass shooting happen in schools might that suggest that it’s the schools that have a problem, not access to guns? Here the pupils punch their teachers, in the US they shoot them!
In theory someone could buy a gun in a large Wal-Mart and shoot hundreds of customers, or take a gun into a ball game and do the same. Not so much of a problem, why not?
Why the schools then? Perhaps an armed teacher isn’t so stupid? (My nephew’s comprehensive had its own resident police officer so we aren’t far off being in the same state).
Bring back values and responsibility and CLEAN YOUR ROOM!
The ability to talk incessant nonsense seems to be the main distinguishing feature of LBC presenters, I have just heard Iain Stale claim that we are all immigrants. This surely must be “fake news” If we were all immigrants then we must have all been born abroad somewhere and then moved to Britain -all 60 million of us!!!
Lady Nugee now on LBC prattlathon claims that “Jihadists caught on the battlefield should be put on trial in line with our values”. Enemies fighting on the battlefield have always been put into POW camps until hostilities ceased. That’s what our values have always been. Why the special treatment for muslim fighters?
BBC Question Time line-up
(If you click on their tweet and then edit the reply list, it gives you a quick list of guests, with bios)
– @johnprescott UK Deputy Prime Minister 1997-2007, former Deputy Leader of the Labour Party and Sunday Mirror Columnist
– @BrandonLewis Chairman of the @Conservatives & MP for Great Yarmouth
– @CamillaTominey Sunday Express Political Editor, Royal Editor and Columnist.
– Ash Arkar :@AyoCaesar Senior Editor @novaramedia. Literature bore. Anarcho-fabulous. Muslim. THFC. Walks like a supermodel. F*cks like a champion. Luxury communism now!
(actually anti-deportation activist who said “Donald Trump’s Popular Neo-Fascism”
Maybe previously a poet , she shouts “my parents were born here”)
– @Juergen_Maier Siemens UK CEO,
(recipitant of huge government grants for their Hull wind turbine plant , & endless free publicity from BBC Radio Humberside
.. also have big gas turbine factories in Lincoln which they have recently expanded
– another division previously made the BBC phone system a mess)
Camilla not by chance the ‘safe pair of hands’ from the Andrew Marr couch, who went straight to twitter to defend Andrew, Rob and the green room’s decisions of what is news…. and what is not… BBC style?
Clever girl. Nice little earner.
Actually Ash only references her mother
“I couldn’t tell you my father’s birthday (and that feeling is mutual). I only know the names of my mum’s parents. Only met my grandmother. ” “She first came to the UK in 1954, by herself.” (from Bengal to Wood Green, became a cleaner)
“I say I’m Bengali. But I’ve more North London in me than anything. ”
Prescott-what the hell would HE know about sexual harassment as practiced by Brendan Cox?
bet that`s one area he1ll not be getting asked about.
Nor obesity…what the hell CAN they ask him about/
Staying in the EU, school standards of English and reinforced commodes I expect.
I’m puzzled. The BBC tells me that some women who suffered the attentions of John Warboys brought an action under Article 3 of the European Convention of Human Rights. Apparenly the Supreme Court agreed with them and awarded compensation.
As Article 3 only talks about people ‘under arrest’ I fail to see how it is relevant. Seems like legal ‘mission creep’ to me.
Given compo for ‘attentions’ and failures to prevent has already been raised in other contexts, if that mission has creeped where it has, on a financial basis alone hold onto the national budgets.
The BBC has some excellent news for a change. University lecturers have gone out on strike. Splendid – feel free to stay away from your seats of unlearning for as long as you like.
A great deal of university education these days is a make work scheme for elite hard left public sector employees. They charge the young a fortune (conveniently deferred) to enter a group-think environment full of “safe spaces” and “no platforms” and attempt to brainwash them with the latest politically correct claptrap du jour.
In the real world, most jobs can be done at the most with A level education. Take away higher professional, scientific and serious arts education designed to educate and make a student think and the rest of the output of our universities is of little use, either practically or academically.
Charging £9,000 a year for six weekly hours of tuition over half the year for mostly useless degrees is a bubble awaiting its pin. With last year’s university clearing full of places for sale, perhaps the young are finally starting to work out that they are being conned. Hence Labour’s recent pledge to dump the academic costs onto the backs of the productive British taxpayer to try to keep the whole show on the road for as long as possible.
How good of the Islington brigade, with the full support of the BBC comrades, to propose this massive shift of resources from blue collar workers, whose children tend not to holiday for three years at university, to the offspring of the liberal elites.
Not very hard labour, all round.
I was amazed to hear that some of these lecturers claimed they would be £1,000 worse off a month with the new pension system. £1,000 a month? Just how big are their pensions? Explains why there’s a £6 billion black hole in the pension pot.
Just heard the NUS bloke on BBC News coyly avoiding any notion of students suing their university lecturers for breach of contract. The NUS might once have stuck up for students, but most of them now are Jew -baiting Corbynites over 30, and would prefer solidarity with the oppressed pensioners that may result than rocking the boat for their immediate superiors-and the next level of public sector agitations they`ll arrive at , if they`re good boys and girls.
Hypocrites? Plastic rebels?…i`ll say!
Must be £1000 a year surely? Surely?
Report on the beeb this morning definitely said a month because I choked on my porridge. Mind you, that could be down to competence – wouldn’t be the first time.
I personally know a couple of retired lecturers (retired at 60, natch) who have just gone on a 4 month cruise round the world, so draw your own conclusions.
4:30pm Radio 4 Post-Brexit Science Funding
(If Rutherford is presenting it ill be awful, but he’s supposed to be away finishing his book)
8pm R4 The Mueller Indictment with Aaronovitch
ITV 8:30pm Prog questioning politics of Trans Children
“An investigation into the pace of change around gender diversity in Britain, particularly with the young. V
ulnerable young people are now able to get help and support as never before, but some have expressed concern about the rapid increase in childhood referrals to gender identity clinics and how schools and other bodies are responding to the issue”
The number of EU citizens leaving the UK is at its highest level for a decade, figures from the Office for National Statistics show.
It estimates that 130,000 EU nationals emigrated in the year to September, the highest number since 2008
Now then, I am but a simple engineer but isn’t the definition of emigration leaving one’s country (For good) so how can someone that isn’t British emigrate from the UK as suggested by the BBC?
.the act of leaving one’s own country to settle permanently in another; moving abroad:
Don’t these figures come from passenger surveys, i.e. they are guesses. If a bunch of lithuanian leek pickers are caught in the survey all of a sudden it looks like a mass exodus.
“Highest number of EU Nationals leaving UK in a decade”
Which actually hides the facts which is that 220,000 moved here in the same period. Still a net gain of 90,000.
90,000 more people wanting Council services etc and amazingly
“Of those EU nationals arriving in the UK, fewer were coming for “work-related reasons”, in particular to “look for work”.”
Why are they coming here then? On holiday? 90,000?
That’s just the EU types. I notice far more British are moving abroad rather than stay – boomers I suspect. Don’t blame them.
Where can I take my family that is better than the UK now? Israel?
And of course, none of them will require schools for their kids, or any form of medical treatment, or somewhere to live or will use any type of transport. It’s all us old gits living too long that are the problem.
Didn’t they also state that non-EU immigrants were higher – so basically immigration from EU and non-EU sources is up. Classic case of bad news being hidden by a ‘cos of Brexit’ scare headline. After reading this piece I looked around for another piece which might be used to hide this inconvenient news…
White powder sent to Harry and Meghan M. Why do we need to know about this? Oh, it’s being treated as a ‘race hate crime’, I bet it’s those awful nasty far right extremists that live at the bottom of the garden. This story stinks – I would put money on it being a set up to support their ‘growth of the far-right’ agenda, and silence our displeasure with today’s immigration stats.
Bloody hell its a goldmine on BBC news today…
Ok here we go are you ready ?? Below is an article on a Dutch Mens suit company losing followers on social media after it portrayed mens touching kissing etc…..ok standard BBC stuff. However as they normally do they add halfway related articles.
Here it is cut and pasted from the BBC. Ill buy you a bloody suit if you can explain the relevance of the “You may also like”!!
Suitsupply, an international men’s tailoring brand, unveiled their new spring/summer 2018 campaign online and in stores on Wednesday.
Many of the videos and photographs in it showed men holding or touching each other, as well as two men kissing.
Some users online were offended, while others praised the campaign.
The adverts have gone on display in Suitsupply’s 91 stores across 22 countries, as well as the company’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Many people praised the company’s decision to put the spotlight on male couples.
However, not everyone was in agreement. The company has received multiple, critical responses on social media for putting homosexual imagery in its adverts.
NRC Handelsblad, a Dutch newspaper, reported on Wednesday evening that the company has lost more than 10,000 followers on its Instagram profile after the publication of the adverts.
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I really dont get it.
Looks like Google PR has learned from BBC PR.
By sheer coincidence Peter Barron of Newsnight went on from not pleasing sides at the BBC to guess where?
Interesting. A man from the East.
I wonder how the bbc will cover this, or will Marr Rules of public interest apply?
Slovakian in this instance probably means “Roma”.
The BBC are shameless enough now to lie in real time these days.
Actually heard Trumps meeting with the group of Florida and Columbine parents and kids-it was on Sky TV live last night.
The idea of teachers carrying guns was given to him by one of those attending, so for the BBC to say it was HIS idea (and therefore mad) is despicable.
Emily Maitlis started Newsnight last night by saying that “Trump was silent”-no he was not. He listened, and then responded once he`d got a “sense of meeting”. Why then do Maitlis and Mardell lie when it`s only just been on telly-as if we wouldn`t have been able to see for ourselves what had just transpired? And simply believe them? As I write now-Mardell is talking to a gun control woman from the Guardian-and Mardell has just asked her how his views would have gone down?
Let me guess. And this passes for BBC “news and analysis”?
Fake News.
I think the World at One on Radio4 even went one farther
If I remember correctly it was the father of a murdered girl who was asking for action to be taken. TWATO broadcast this part of the plea, but cut off his proposal for arming teachers.
Victims who don’t toe the BBC line are difficult to discredit.
The usual tactic would be to claim that this father was a Trump plant or gun nut. Even the BBC realise that that would be “counter-productive”
Stormzy backs Corbyn and Labour-indeed Corbyn was on his stage at Glastonbury last year. Very cosy.
Stormzy wins Lifetime Achievement Award and Iconic Order of Lennon at any one of those lefty artsfests and media showpony grab bags that are on telly 24/7.
Stormzy yells about Grenfell to mucho applause from BBC hacks.
And now on TWATO-Mardell has an excuse to discuss the grime and rap culture as it pertains to politics.
So repeat all the above and find some black rappa Professor Green types to discuss why the Tories are killers-as observed from Luton University or such.
Howling posirive feedback, agenda further-rest of us long gone though. Won`t be forgotten either.
I heard this too Alicia
They were interviewing some daft middle class bird about grime (music?)
She sounded as if she was thoroughly enjoying signalling her “right on” credentials.
Apparently grime is about
“life on the ground” (strange because I thought most of us live “on the ground”)
Its also about “street narration”? and stop and search and all the other issues that affect dem BME kidz.
We also had to listen to some statements by a barely coherent character called “Dizzy Rascal” A man who it seems has as much in common with good spoken english as Jeremy the tramp has – in common with honesty.
Of course this utter bilge is very political and I am sure you would not be surprised to find out there is an organisation called Grime4Corbyn.
Obviously this was all right down Aunties street – dont get any better really – being one with the kidz.
Lets celebrate the shitty lives of people who have no ambition other than to beat up, rob and stab each other smoke prodigious quantities of dope and have multiple partners and spend their lives complaining about it . Far more fun than “BME” characters who have actually made something of themselves.
When you have a state broadcaster “celebrating” people who glory in their own squalid lives – I suppose it reinforces the misnomer that this is all rather cool and really we should only pay lip service to change things as we still quite like “keeping it real” on dem streets.
I expect this piece was thoroughly enjoyed by the North London set – I could imagine them drawing on their joints and fervently nodding their heads whilst we were all being treated to an explanation of “grime”
I know I am a boring middle aged man and and I was bought up by parents that actually loved me. But at the end of the day there is a lot to be said about boring. And it certainly leads to a stable and friendlier society.
People really should be careful what they wish for. Sweden was once boring but these days it certainly knows how to “keep it real” Unfortunately for us “Mayor” Khan seems to be in a hurry to do this for London too.
Corbyn again
Will this make the news outlets, no chance
The BBC is working flat out, night and day – to keep this story quiet.
That will be Trump’s fault. Knowing Corbyn and his like, he’ll wear this like a badge of pride.
Zeb Soames prefaces the coming show about British Socialism as being about William Morris.
Apparently he took the long road from creating wallpaper to being a revolutionary.
But isn`t that what ALL “lefty revolutionaries” are about? Not actually making life better for the poor, but putting up the right wallpapers, correct packages and striking the right poses.
Let`s ask Tristram Hunt and that creep who did Blairs interior decorations…Derry Irvine was it?
That`s the left for you.
I totally agree. It’s all about artists, writers, playwrights or poets isn’t it? They never seem remotely interested in people who get their hands dirty earning a living.
Lunchtime news on TV1 (East?) had Jeremy doing walkabout in Great Yarmouth, shaking hands etc. The commentator remarked that UKIP votes should be ‘returning to Labour’ now that ‘UKIP is falling apart’, in the hope of beating the Conservatives.
Made me wonder: what is going on with UKIP? Was that comment accurate, or wishful thinking? Has the narrative that UKIP is surplus to requirements, now that Brexit ‘has been achieved’ succeeded? Do people really trust May to deliver? Things are becoming very wishy-washy as regards transition/implementation for one.
I’d hate to think that the benign Uncle Jeremy is right to be seeing places like GY as fertile territory. Are lots of ‘Labour votes’ now going to ‘go back home’ throughout the country? The bbC seem to think so.
I think that the whole political scene in the Former UK is now totally screwed. People no longer know who, or what to believe, and I suspect many don’t give a damn, any more, anyway. With the Tories and Labour neck and neck, Brexit in dire straits when it should have been sorted long ago, and a Prime Minister who is proving herself to be as stupid and waffling as many of us thought she would be, and a power-hungry opposition who are snarling at the heels of the conservatives; the youth thinking Socialism may not be a bad idea after all; and the immigrants who are eligible to vote doing so in support of Labour, their saviours, coupled with the sad loss of Nigel Farage, who, to many, could well have pulled the country out of the doldrums, given the chance, the country is fucked. Prepare for the worse.
A lot of the blame for the demise of Ukip must be laid at Nigel Farage’s door.
After the Referendum, he stunned the party by deciding to walk out. No warning or planning. He was the face of Ukip and its biggest asset. Just when Ukip was riding high, and needed to get its act together to plan for Brexit, he walked. It’s been downhill for the party ever since.
They really scraped the bottom when they elected an ex-Lib Dem who thinks with his dick, but now that no-mark is history, perhaps they can begin to rebuild. But what a colossal missed opportunity.
Rob – I will never understand why UKIP failed to elect AMW as leader. I honestly think she would have cleaned up in the North. I would be interested to know whether UKIP was flooded with “new” members at the time that Nigel Farage fought the by-election. What better way to neutralise a political threat than elect a political idiot like Bolton.
If UKIP members rejected AMW because she was female and a lesbian- well they deserve the obscurity and oblivion they are heading for.
Whatever the reason they certainly seemed to have perfected the skill of snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory.
Migration figures: Highest number of EU nationals leaving UK in a decade
Is it really a surprise? immigration has buckled the NHS, public sentiment towards Eastern Europeans who stand on the corner of our high streets doing fuck all for our country at best and rob us at worst is at an all-time low.
It is relentless. Is UNRWA not run by a senior ex-Beeboid?
Next you’ll be telling me the BBC has it hooks in everything from Charity trustee chairs to DCMS Ministers to…
R4 Now going on about University of East Anglia writers scholarship fore BAME
Guest said..”every University should have BAME scholarships”
They are talking about girls only
.. Em last I heard BAME were over presented at Oxford
..and it was white working class boys that are generally underrepresented at universities.
UEA 3x £15K for BAME postgraduate
1x £7,300 for BAME postgraduate
Previous prog was supposed to be about countryside walks but all we got was a woman banging on about anorexia to Clare Balding.
Whenever I have lighted upon ‘Balding Walks’ they seem to have been exclusively Wimmin’s Walks. It’s not a comprehensive survey, but I think men do still sometimes walk places.
TV licence going up by £3.50 April 1
Ah stew you tease for me who won’t pay anyway /-
Ah stew you tease for me who won’t pay anyway /-
Thats about right. They think we are all (April) fools.
Talking Pictures channel censured by Of com
– Aired 1970’s drama about WW2, where character said w@g – 1 complaint
– They had 2 previous offences for failing to censor such words : samb@, c@@n
… Shakespeare is racist against Jews , but isn’t censored.
Just added Talking pictures to my favourites on sky.
Channel 343 for anyone interested.
Bloody love it. Some priceless films worth recording at weird times of day .
Any way – c4 news doing its usual hand wringing colonialism ultimately leading to the British army going in to some worthless middle eastern shit hole to get killed so that. Leigh Day llp solicitors can get done cash out of the British taxpayer . Now where’s that drone ?
Camden, London : Somali gang feud ends with two ethnic Somali youths dead age 17, & 20
Thought that they were brothers, but they`ve got different surnames. But what would I know?
@ChrisH no, but one was the third member of a family to die
“Two men stabbed to death in separate incidents in north-west London last night have been named as Abdikarim Hassan and Sadiq Aadam* ”
* (His brother Mohamed was stabbed to death in the same area in September .
A cousin Mohammed Abdullah was equally stabbed to death in 2013. All were were 20 when they died.)
Such a shame, think of all they might have achieved in their lives and what our country’s lost as a result of their untimely passing.
What’s it with right-libs and Sex Pestery ?
– LibDem Lord Lester resigned from front bench due to historic #MeToo accusation ‘help activist if she had sex with him’
“Known for drafting race relations legislation”
In 2014 Lord Rennard walked after 4 activists made similar unproven accusations.
Stew, leftie libtards have never understood the free trade maxim: –
‘If it floats, flies or f***s; rent it’!
The bbbc don’t have to bother as it’s always on expenses!
Just been given my Lenten Bible Study books for my housegroup.
First study is on “Father frogive them”.
The example given?…Brendan Cox, no less.
Turns out that Jo also worked for Oxfam-well, blow me down?
So this book is a laughing stock before it even hits the ramp…we`ll have fun with this one later.
None of that Gordon Wilson stuff you see-old Protestant, Enniskillen…hardly Cox is it?
“When the ship is in the water, that`s OK-but when the water is in the ship, you`re in deep trouble”. And-on the evidence of what Christian churches are offering their flocks?…they`re in deep doo doo.
Chris – jo went from social degree to some publicly funded thing to being anMP – full of the light of the good – unless it was funded by the taxes of people who actually got up in the morning and went to work .
Over to you maxi with your 0345 disgrace yawn Alan…
Working on my spoof Oxfam campaign now
A donation of £5 will ensure safe sex using a new ultra sensitive and environmentally friendly packet of condoms for an Oxfam professional
A donation of £50 will ensure a secure hotline for one year so Oxfam staff can keep in contact with former clients, during previous interventions(that`s one word for it).
A donation of £5000 will provide two days of top class training in Kuala Lumpur or Bangkok regarding the safe space guidelines and proactive facilitations of the globalised care professional community, for our staff at CEO level.
As for shitstreams like Haiti and Dakha?…well, that is NOT what Oxfam is about any longer…instead, its now more training, more printouts on why shagging earthquake victims is-well, not cricket.
Rugger-bugger Masonic screwtops who feign limpdick metrosexuality where the women bite back-but come the Big Kings swinging dick when the women have lost their clothes and their minds. This is what the Left-and ONLY the Left-do these days.
Lose no chance in reminding them.
Chris – apparently if you buy a thousand ribbed for amazon today they are only 32 p each , can you imagine the day time tv ads . In a healthy society there d be a decent comedy show able to high light this kind of pissery but now we rely on cunts called Nish
BBC Worldwide dematerialized Dr Who grant money.
– They got a £1.1m lian from Cardiff Council to move the Dr Who Attraction from Lindon to Cardiff .
But visitor numbers were low, so under the terms the lian has been written off.
Typos : London, loan
I find your comments about charity and beeboids heartless in my part of London where starving people are begging in the street for their kfc chicken bucket with slaw. We pray for them in their trying finger looking times amen …. I’m sure there was an Old Testament book to cover kfc…
Fed, there’s a shortage of lettuce now, and Glasgow salad (chips)!
Just think how fat lazy people with nothing to do except fart all day are going to suffer! I despise Labour governments which allow this to happen. They knew all along that chicken thighs were going to be rare in the markets and did nothing about it! The Grenfell or Grunwick (can’t remember which one) tower was the reason for the debacle! President Trump banned the export of thighs and Fatcha was responsible!
I heard in a ‘fast’ food shop recently, that a bloke called Cobnut was trying to get some foreign chicken imported, but a snowflake with an sjw t-shirt had wobbled in and claimed it was a fascist plot to undermine imports of Oxfam delicacies, like burgers, thighs (again), and chips larded with more fat than an abbotburger!
The world’s coming to an end!
(Oh shit, did I really say abbottburger..:0)
Scroblene-think you`ve got a few wires crossed here, and maybe the BBC has failed to explain the lines you need to take.
Seems to me that this is a scrambling of the lefty bucket list of causes, and you may need some time to reflect anfd consider your position. In other words-more please-brilliant.
Grunwick Towers it is!
Chris – your the one with the bucket problem – I’m just concerned about the needs of the kfc bucket challenged . You leave Scrob alone .
Somewhere in the kingdom someone is trying to recreate a kfc recipe in a wrongly clad council tower block and hey presto thousands of fried immigrants followed by the community coming together with organic turmeric bread and draft prosecco .
Is there no KFC “bucket challenge” that we could come up with?
Maybe with warm goose grease fat oozing over celebrities heads-Keith Vaz seems to look fine on this.
Maybe we could link up so anybody who knows where a KFC is located could be persuaded to buy loads of them and send then via Amazon to the rest of us? This site seems to be a place where “we can learn to live as one”(Lennon.J)
Today I have been mostly working on a natural organic ball throwing slingshot for dogs-fierce coiled springs from an electricity pylon and some Grenfell cladding this far…
Shouldn`t need EU health sign offs after 2019-and my dog has lost an eye, but the ball goes miles.
No electricity though in Wellington or Bridgewater.
ChrisH – or may I call you Chris; the bbbc fatbum bucket is cheaper in Langham Place owing to it’s subsidy from pensioners!
When an abbottburger would cost at lest a fiver in a normal salmonella shop, in W1A, it’s only (I nearly said anally until spellcheck screamed waaaaaycist) a few Non-Arabic shekels to appease the nonces! A cup of Darjulesholland is only threepence too!
And who’s paying for all this dietry displeasure! Why, it’s pensioners like me of course! We’re the soft touch! We’re the idle rich who’ve paid taxes for forty-fiveyears just to allow the freedom of abbottburger futures in Canary Wharf and W1A!
I despair – I really do, especially as cobnut burgers (the vegan alternative with added greens), is just a plain reformatted cardboard-flavoured Maccy D with no onions!
Your mention of causes makes me wonder if Oxfam really exist, as when I was a kid, they were supposed to be the sort of people who took charity seriously, not make squillions for the ‘volunteers’ like they do today. They used to actually work, not sit back and do feck all.
Another good poster here came to the conclusion that only 11p in the pound ever gets to people that need it!
Well I bloody do!
Scrob -,where I live there is the weekly demonstration in the local rag of some chicken shop being shut down because the cockroaches are complaining about the mice . So be jeezus knows what’s happening the with great 2018 kfc shortage .
Screw Brexit – every one willremenber the moment when they couldn’t get a kfc bucket.
When I went to the colonies I never realised they did mash and gravy in kfc, this challenged my belief in God- now we can’t even get chlorinated chicken.
Fed, the buskets aren’t recyclable, so need to be burnt or landfilled.
Mind you, I can think of quite a few places where landfill is preferable to incineration.
Glasgow fries indeed
Sorry to seem to be rude, it’s a Billy Connolly quip, and comes from a story of a small fishing village on The Clyde…
Having cut my teeth in business and learned so much from my job in Paisley, I feel happy to share my experiences with anyone who bothers to listen!
This fred is quite the tonic.
Compare and contrast with all the lefty lardarse piffle on the freeview channels. Very funny stuff-thank Allah for the Sanatogen, Horlicks and anti-depressant meds that blend nicely as nurse requires.
Is Matt Frei a low fat comestible? Or a high fat squonk?
‘Horlicks’ Chris!
I could do with some alleviation from ‘night starvation’ at the moment’! (No real probs, just every ten days the nights stay awake for some silly reason, so I have to hear Radio5Dead to alleviate the boredom), but not the idiot Dr Karl stuff ‘Well Dr Rhod, Dr Karl, what would happen if the moon explodes’ etc. etc’!
Should be fine tonight…
(Hoping for a hint of a slowdown with a Youtube of Fish on ‘Perfume River’, it’s new to me, well relaxing…)
Calling by on my night time rounds Mr Scroblene.
Night starvation is indeed a rampant issue-hope you`ve got a night safe for the food bank and have plenty access to night foods (as opposed to breakfast cereal-maybe we need a “night cereal” scientifically designed to prevent NS as we call it!) So glad you`ve raised this coming issue, that-like TB-we thought had gone, but is now coming back.
But do I detect an underlying problem?
Night Starvation is the manifest expression alright of your ailment-but you may remember the 1980s outbreak of (and I use this term advisedly)…BOBBLING. It befalls old nightwear when not washed in Dreft as applied to a mixed fibre with a Proctor and gamble-based washing detergent.
If Mrs Scroblene-or indeed your health care matron-have been washing your pyjamas or other intimates in Dreft with a Persil or Omo (say) powder-then a catastrophic bobbling event can occur. Well remember the horror show of microfibres under a microscope at the damage done, marriages and lives wrecked by this going undignosed.
I make no apology for wanting bobbling outlawed, and a full disclosure by Channel 4 on the lives destroyed by this accursed “bobbling”. In fact, my bed has a blue badge on it now and I proudly wear my “Bobbling Survivor” sun visor on my disability scooter-and always get free parking in Taunton market.
It`s 2018-why the hell have we not raised the issue of bobbling with a view to eliminating this fabrical fatal scourge?
And no red, red robin goes bob, bob bobbling along either-this is no laughing matter.
News at 5 on R4 spent a total of 25 mins (at the start) trying to nail Trump again. That’s how long it takes when you want to make it sound as if you’re presenting both sides of the gun argument, but leaving only one ‘inescapable’ impression: that the President is a kind of ‘front man’ for the NRA.
So, when you think carefully about what happened in those 25 mins, you realise that the President’s point of view about mental health, as a different but equally valid approach, was not covered at all. Nor was his previous appeal for proper protection at schools.
Fakers, it’s the denial programme in action.
The bbbc realise they’re on a loser, so concentrate on non-mews to avoid the real facts. There must be a course in some lefty college somewhere, where avoidance of truth is taught so that silly autocue readers think they’re being useful!
25 mins of anti-President Trump info is worthy of an hour of better people realising that he’s doing a great job!
The left would rather kids get killed in school , rather than consider any notion of designated teachers getting hold of a gun.
The parent whose idea this was last night said something along the lines that 5-10 minutes of free target practice is on offer to the nutjobs, as and when no teachers (or other staff) have a firearm on the school site.
But the idiot left would rather the nutjob have this extra time before the police show up-rather than let their precious principles of “no guns on site” be questioned. They`d rather kids die needlessly than give them a chance.
And-as yet-have yet to hear the left explain why this would be better-for the kids, that is.
It`s always better for them when other kids die.