Agent Cob-Nut hasn’t come in from the cold yet, perhaps he’s stuck, maybe he can batter his way out with a blackpudding [no jokes about Di-abolical], or maybe he can just use it to batter his critics in the Press into silence…the BBC need have no concerns of course as he threatens ‘change is coming’….the BBC is happy to see change even if it means a Marxist, terrorist supporting wrecker in No10…or No13 according to Di-abolical.
Spot any more BBC ‘Help for Zeroes’ list it all here……
So a Unicef head honcho, ex ceo of Save the Children has resigned.
Now on the one hand it is deeply satisfying when LeftMob are exposed as hypocrites and they fall victim to the very political correctness they have been so keen to dump on others.
But on the other hand, the disproportionateness of having to give up your job because you ‘commented on what young female staff were wearing’ really does show the lunatics have taken over the asylum.
Meanwhile, in the real world, Mrs S wishes to make it clear she welcomes all favourable references, kindly meant.
Sluff, what really pisses me off is the fact that charities where real people do extremely hard work, are going to lose out, simply because the ‘cheridee’ syndrom of leftie-only parasites in Oxfam, S the C etc., have swarmed in to pretend they care. They see the money they can grab for doing very little, and we all know politicians who have fled to other continents to head up a ‘charity’ for eye-watering wages and expenses!
I’m worried now that my chosen charity, The Kent Air Ambulance, will suffer becasue of this, but can’t find out how much the ‘officers’ are paid. Same goes for The Salvation Army, and The Lifeboat people.
If anyone has a direct debit to the bloated feckers like Oxfam etc, then they’re being somewhat naive in my opinion. It’s being pissed up against the wall.
Try page 29 in their 2017 accounts.
Six earned £60k or over.
Go to charity commission website and search.
I worked for a charity which was an offshoot of the BBC for two years. No prizes for guessing how right-on, PC they were. Hilariously, they went bust after losing contracts on the back of a D Mail revelation that the call centre cover they were promising to service government contracts did not in fact exist. Less hilariously, lots of ordinary folk were made redundant. Needless to say, the CEO got a senior job at another charidee. It was and still is ever thus.
If the six earning over £60K were pilots providing 24/7 cover it wouldn’t bother me much and if I were in Kent I would be happy to contribute
I agree Popeye. It’s money well spent, and they all live fairly locally, and it’s my County.
Unlikely to be pilots if they are flying desks. Mind you, £60K p.a. is not a lot for a paper-pusher in a big or popular charity these days. Six-figure sums for CEOs and Directors, I would have thought are much more common.
What is also worrying is how much Government cash these ‘Third Sector’ operators attract.
Just for example, I G**gled the salary for RNLI CEO. Apparently they are asked that question frequently but are quite open about the answer: £162,705.
Thank you Sluff, I’d tried but never got anywhere.
When the Air Ambulance trots over my home and often lands in a local area designated for free space, we always wonder how we can help, but of course, that’s not a useful consideration for old farts like Us (well, Mrs O’Blene isn’t one – I’m the old fart; ladies don’t…:).
We have them pushing a helicopter for miles on local roads once a year to get more funds, and although I don’t consider the wages of the bosses, I do feel very friendly towards the pilots and the medics.
I’ll need to look closer to who gets what before I buy the next round of Christmas cards – which are fabulous, but hopefully I’ll not be not lining a few more pockets than I originally thought!
I think the answer is that let charity begin and stay at home .
The industrial charities like Oxfam , save the children lost their soul years ago but the small local s like my favourite – Dementia UK – have simple aims to directly benefit people and not the airy fairy aim of “!development “ and the 13 000 000 000 being taken from the tax payers and pissed away on prostitutes, ramped up pay and a revolving door of exvbeeboids looking for a peerage
EU net migration figures in the headlines again, but EU migration is I would argue not the main immigration problem. For example this story now headlining illustrates the real problem
Pair jailed for UK Christmas homemade bomb attack plan
this is not (another) one of our “home grown” terrorist plots as mother-of-two El-Hassan came to Britain from Sudan at the age of three and Munir Mohammed was originally from Eritrea. No doubt before this they both made massive contributions to their adopted homeland and enriched us all.
Save The Children.
I mean really?? Really? Save the Children has got gropers and sniggering sex pests in charge? Is nothing sacred? That charity is supposed to represent the ultimate in the need for honesty and decency.
I’m not surprised at Oxfam.
Re lib-fasc’ members achieving a road to Damascus moment when they realise that they represent everything which is reprehensible, fake, dangerous and hateful in the world…. I know many of them and, er, no it won’t change them because they do not care about truth or evidence or decency or honesty. None would ever serve in the armed forces, none would do a manual job and none would ever admit the truth because the truth is not cool. It is true.
I genuinely think there are 2 types of folk in the world: honest and dishonest.
If you are honest you get on with your life and do nothing for effect. You are kind but protective of your family and your surroundings.
If you are dishonest you are fashionable, seek other folk who are all surface, look to break down your surroundings and support whomever and whatever is trendy. It used to be animal rights, then nuclear disarmament. We know what it is now.
What will it be in 10yrs time? The groups being protected and cheer-led by these snickering idiots will soon be dropped in favour of something else. It will not be something we approve of as it will not stir up trouble.
I need cider now. And a fag.
RBT – “If you are dishonest you are fashionable, seek other folk who are all surface, look to break down your surroundings and support whomever and whatever is trendy. It used to be animal rights, then nuclear disarmament. We know what it is now.”
Excellent description of snowflake/sjw types! Succint I would say!
Thank you for this, I’ve been struggling to get what you say into so few well-chosen words!
(Enjoy your cider; we’re on the white, then we’ll hit the red, followed by some Scotch probably, as I’ve only had three hours sleep in the last three days, due to dribbling excitement about re-decorating my daughter’s bedroom, and need a reason to flake out)!
Mrs O’Blene is in concert with these deliberations!
Excellent first paragraph! Is that the same as the march through the institutions?
Thank you for that compliment Scroblene.
Had my cider in the end and it was lovely. Like your list of boozes to be enjoyed: Mrs 291029realblacktuesday (oh how she wanted to keep her own name when we got married) also enjoyed the cider-thon.
Hope redecoration goes well. I’ve just fixed the gas combi-boiler for £12 after much huffing and puffing from the ‘engineer’ who came round. “Get a noo one” he said. I’m well pleased.
The term “dishonest” needs further scrutiny.
Are they deliberately dishonest, as in, saying things that they know in the depths of their soul to be untrue, purely to advance a personal or political agenda?
Or do they belong to the “ideologically possessed”, whose feelings are the source of their actions, and so what they believe must by definition be true?
There is only one way to bring an ideologically possessed person around, and that’s a solid slap in the face by reality.
How long would the BBC keep up its unrepentant support for Muslim immigration into the UK if Broadcasting House was culturally enriched by a full-on Charlie Hebdo-style attack?
Rick – I reckon it’s the first one i.e. they know it’s false but are to atuned to following fashion that tney don’t notice.
George MacDonald Frazer wrote in a Flashman book about Victorians:
“The bleeding-heart Liberals beating their breasts about the plight of the poor savages whilst their brothers and sisters are dying in the mills”.
Re Hebdo attack – it would be seen as a cry for help and more milk would flow not less. There is no solution. Like a converse child who knows a parent wants them to not do something: they will do it because it is a ‘thing’.
Honestly – emmigrating is the only option; seems many countries around the world are emptying of people so perhaps go there?
Here’s a lovely heartwarming story from the Old Bailey today that will bring a lump to your throat.
Two Muslims, who met on a Muslim dating site ( have been sentenced today for terrorist offences.
The bloke, Munir Mohammed, an asylum seeker mind you, will be doing a minimum of 14 years. His partner, the beautiful Rowaida El-Hassain got 12. She’s a pharmacist and supplied her lover with the info’ to construct a bomb that would have caused absolute carnage. Lovely!
So once again Britain offers sanctuary to some hideous third world brute who thanks us by trying to destroy us.
How can we make our gutless government understand we don’t want any more of them here?
Just how much more death and carnage are we supposed to put up with so that our political classes and media luvvies can virtue signal?
This repressive, hate fueled superstition is not a religion of peace. It never was. It never will be. It’s trouble wherever it is.
We’ve tolerated industrial scale underage rapes, the unspeakable FGM horror (still no prosecutions!) and bombings and car killings en mass.
I’d like to know long until Theresa finally grows some and actually DOES something?
And I don’t mean the usual predictable, placating waffle.
I won’t be holding my breath…
Would any sensible person knowingly get their prescription from a muslim pharmacist? Not me. It’s bad luck for the honest pharmacist who is not muslim but looks like one. However, I will not take the chance of encountering a rogue one, such as the one in the news. Who knows – supplying a friend on one occasion, deliberately making a wrong prescription the next to rid the world of another kaffir. OK. I’m paranoid!
Pharmacists no longer make up prescriptions. They are just shop assistants selling branded goods. Just read the label.
Is Rob Burley laughing, I wonder?
“record breaking” ?
10 people have been on more that 32 times
eg Lib Dems like Simon Hughs, Paddy Ashdown, Menzies Campbell, Charles Kennedy
If Laura K is calling anything from Anna Soubry ‘an important move’, it may be worth checking elsewhere.
St Brendan’s mate & ex boss , Sleazy Forsyth has resigned from his plum Unicef job
He said his offences “were dealt with through a proper process many years ago,” he said in a statement.
but he says he does not want coverage of his past to “damage” today’s charities.
You’ve got to feel for the al beeb guru Murphy in a 5 star hotel in Damascus having to sacrifice his alder dinner speach income to pontificate about the needs of Muslims who – no doubt – would be far better off living off the UK taxpayer
But why do I get the feeling that this is just the tip of a very large and murky iceberg that the MSM is never going to fully expose?
The Charity sector is a revolving door for members of the gilded political class who are paid enormous salaries to help them sail through life in comfort, virtue signalling to the world while sneering down at anyone who dares hold conservative or traditional views.
Oxfam boss, Caroline Thompson, is a prime example – she has a £2 million pension from the BBC (!) and was the former COO of that miserable apology for a broadcaster.
So that’s two rotten to the core organisations in a row that she has led. Has she paid the price? No, and I doubt she ever will. But we have.
Arrange these words into a well-known phrase…
‘ranks; close’.
GC, nail on the head as usual!
Noticed 6 pm news, James Langdale reported that Forsyth had been an advisor at No 10. Was that under Tony Blair or Gordon Brown? He didn’t say.
Deborah, both.
Those two had a great bunch around them! And we are still paying the price for their stupid wars: see Daily Telegraph front page today.
Lady nugee has apparently signalled labour signing up to a new form of customs union . Forgive my words but Michael crick – that meaningless cunt – looked as though he was going to come in his boxers with this news .
Mr crick is an chequers waiting for the white smoke. Let’s hope he freezes . I’m fedup with being nice to remainers , other lefties and the likes of Simon israel living on false concern about foreigners in Blighty .
The bBBC asks Are sick migrants avoiding NHS doctors over deportation fears?
I do hope so.
So regards the sharp rise in stabbings in London these past few days the bBC tells me this:
Camden stabbings: ‘Stop using knives’ begs grieving mother
Whilst a certain John Simpson writing for the times writes this:
London stabbings: Two dead within hours as gangs feud
Two young men were stabbed to death a mile apart within two hours amid an escalating feud between gangs of Somali origin in north London, it is understood. A boy named locally as Abdikarim Hassan, 17, died in front of his mother on Tuesday evening. A short time later Sadiq Aadam, 20, was hacked to death with a samurai sword. The murders of the two apparently innocent young men in Camden are feared to be linked as part of a tit-for-tat feud between gangs dominated by youths of Somali origin.
IBT has this to say
Somali gang violence rages on affluent north London streets
The murder of two young Somali men within three hours of each other this week in north London highlights the brutal gang violence that has gripped parts of this immigrant community.Seventeen-year-old Abdikarim Hassan was fatally stabbed outside a corner shop in Kentish Town just after 7pm on Tuesday evening (20 February). At 10.15pm Sadiq Aadam, 20, was set upon by a gang wielding machetes and a samurai sword in Belsize Park and hacked to death…This persistent violence linked to drugs, territorial feuds, or blood vendettas, has beset a section of the UK’s 100,000-strong Somali community in the UK….Murders like these feature in Somali communities in Liverpool, Manchester and in the Camden area in north London, where many of these immigrants from the horn of Africa have settled since the 1990s.
Funny enough in 2002 the evening standard wrote this:
Met alarm at Somali gangs’ violence
A leading police spokesman has warned of an increasing gang culture among ethnic minority immigrants. Abdal Ullah, who focuses on youth crime for the Metropolitan Police Authority, said violence among Somali youths in particular is a growing problem in London. Tower Hamlets, especially in Mile End, has seen much recent fighting between Somali and Bengali youths.
So it appears this penchant for knife violence has a lot to do with Somalians living in the UK. Funny how the bBC left that snippet out.
Why doesn’t anyone at the BBC appear to understand the simple demonstrable truth that if you import enough Somalians you inevitably import Somalia?
They are equally blind to the fact that once Somalians arrive here and have lots of children with other Somalians, even more Somalians are created without the need to import them. This has always been the way cultures have propagated themselves through the generations. The BBC is always puzzled why muslims attending British schools and universities become muslim terrorists. The seeds of Jihad have already been sown long before these people start school and education, for most people, has no effect on deep cultural beliefs inculcated from birth.
Pounce – as I wrote earlier – the increased tribal violence leading to more deaths will put al beeb in a tricky situation – unless of course – it ignores the blood completely .
I must admit – I’m not losing sleep over the death of large numbers of non white foreign kids bleedingb out on the streets of London . I’ve seen it smelt it .
What really pisses me off is the ignorance of what is happening every 3 or 4 days in London in 2018
My little girl works in London and has had enough. I spent over forty years in the place and – apart from the occasional funeral, I’ve vowed never to go back to the place again.
That awful toxic midget Khan is the epitome of everything that is wrong with my capital city, and I have no wish to enhance his coffers in any way, and that includes travel, and the rest.
Sorry for all you good people who live there and endure the place. I’m off and have quit the city for good
Likewise. I spent many years living in London and even the ‘posh’ parts eventually became too dangerous. As for Sarf of the river… my blood runs cold (and it probably literally would, judging from the news stories the BBC so scrupulously avoids).
I got out too and I have no idea why anyone stays there.
“and even the ‘posh’ parts eventually became too dangerous.”
More gross exaggeration. Total bollocks in fact. Listen to yourselves.
Some people here are worse than BBC employees.
“While both London and New York have populations of around 8 million, figures suggest you are almost six times more likely to be burgled in the British capital than in the US city, and one and a half times more likely to fall victim to a robbery. London has almost three times the number of reported rapes, and while the murder rate in New York remains higher, the gap is narrowing dramatically.”
“More gross exaggeration. Total bollocks in fact. Listen to yourselves.
Some people here are worse than BBC employees.”
As rare poster the role of self-appointed hall monitor seems an odd one to embrace. Care to put some substantiation behind your BBC-style dismissals and assertions?
“Toxic midget” – exactly right!
I think we should get BBC female roving reporters down to these knife hot spots – especially late at night and preferably on their own with their iPhone camera to record their report.
Bristol is on a knife edge- sorry about that . Same people and soon to get out of control according to a police acquaintance who said we are losing the streets.
We all know the cities- Bristol, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Hull and London.
They have had it . No wonder the shires are filling up and so many have quit these places.
Next stage? Who knows but the situation is going to hell in a handcart .
Just over twenty-five years ago it was possible to visit Council Housing estates in south-east Central London and find the increasing prevalence of barred windows and armoured (metal) front doors.
Gang violence, often armed with firearms, among and upon the inhabitants.
I hope President Trump does ban some weapons from public ownership in the US. But I hope he learns from our stupid Government that took legitimate target weapons away from Olympian/Para-Olympian and other sports & farming users in the 1990s and handed them to criminals and gangsters who seem to have no trouble getting their hands on them from other countries.
Good old Channel 4 eh?
1. Trump and his bloody guns-ban guns, don`t look at the meds prescribed by the school shrink though eh?
2. Matt Frei now says it`s official-the drugs DO work and any efforts to put the onus on people to live better are bloody judgemental.
America has got it sorted. So says Matt.
The Trump story is followed by the meds story-as if they`re two completely separated worlds.
Matt Frei won`t have seen any link. That`s the left for you. Fikk!
BBC licence fee to rise by £3.50 in April
Money well spent I’d say (not at all)? At least if I subscribe to Netflix, Now TV, Amazon, etc I can decide what I want to pay for, but this is like being forced to subscribe to the Guardian or the Independent or the Labour party. A PC luvvie tax?
We,be been watching the Frankenstein chronicles on Netflicks I think it’s an ITV production vey good, shame the bBC can’t make programs like this anymore.
Love the subtle sharp as in Sean Bean hints
Pretty cold I know but it seems even the wildlife have issues with the Rohinga.
Syrian refugees in the UK: ‘We’ve lost nothing but our country’
So the BBC subliminally thinks we should accept 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 more?
How many stories have you heard about the disgrace in having food banks in the Uk from the bBC? . A situation which will only get worse (I am told) when we – Finally– leave the EU. (Or so the bBC tells me) Here’s a little story on France 24 about Germany, which I never knew about:
German free-meals charity bars new migrant clients
A German food bank said Thursday it would temporarily stop accepting new non-German clients, citing a huge influx of migrants that was displacing locals in need. “We want the German granny to be able to keep coming to us,” said Joerg Sartor, chairman of the charitable group that serves free meals to the poor in the western city of Essen. He said especially German elderly people and single mothers had been gradually displaced over the past two years as the share of migrants had risen to three-quarters of recipients….The website of the “Essener Tafel” charity said it had taken the step in order to avoid frictions between needy locals and foreigners that could harm acceptance of the newcomers. “Since the number of foreign citizens among our clients has risen to 75 percent in recent years … we are forced to only accept customers with German identity cards in order to facilitate proper integration,” it said…The charity announced the change in December and implemented it in mid-January, but it was only widely reported on Thursday, initially by the newspaper Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ). The group, like hundreds of similar charities nationwide, collects surplus food that would otherwise be discarded by supermarkets and other businesses to prepare and serve it to the poor. Typically, people have to register to qualify for regular free meals by proving that they are recipients of unemployment or other social benefits.
Food banks in Germany?, according to the likes of the bBC, only the UK has them in place.-And that’s because the UK is a nasty place- I wonder why they never mentioned this story?
On that note, here is something I knocked out yesterday. A story which has really got the Germans angry:
Germany: Public outcry over Syrian living on benefits with his 2 wives and 6 children.
“Stop Funding Reds” = “give up paying the BBC licence fee”
Times : Aaronovitch said something sensible
‘StopFundingHate think they are being clever & will somehow change the Mail & Express by provoking advertiser boycotts ‘
but their playing with fire, cos what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander , so could provoke new McCarthyism
..He points out
: McCartheyism = “Stop Funding Reds”
Actually The general principle is that consumer boycotts suck, cos although you think you’re hitting the boss, what happens is you really him the innocent middlemen in between,
eg boycotting the mail hits all print workers & lorry drivers
“The liberal crusaders have become bullies”
The article screenshot
My point is libmob keep saying the Littlejohn article is hate filled
..but I can’t see any hate in the article; he doesn’t say kill gays ..(screenshot of it)
He just says in his general opinion a man and a woman are better parents than 2 men.
..They are doing their normal thing of redefining language
eg “hate” is redefined to “writing something that challenges my worldview”
Quite wrong.
They always were bullies, but their disguise as ‘liberal crusaders’ was good enough to fool the gullible or disinterested (such as journalists).
Good job I was sitting down.
Youll never believe it but the BBC 10 pm news had a special report from Venezuela !!!!!
The appalling public health care system was featured.
I nearly called it their National Health Service.
But in a sudden miraculous display of impartiality, the BBC spent all of 30 seconds mentioning what might have caused this situation, and then gave EQUAL time to the arguments that a. its all due to the socialst government and b. Its all due to US sanctions preventing pharmaceutical imports.
In total denial as ever, the BBC is utterly incapable of criticising any of their like-minded socialist comrades.
You absolutely just cannot make it up.
so they cant buy drugs from anywhere apart from the USA then??
Dat dem BBC Pidgin noos … mek gud laff
an ironik trooth
Dinesh D’Souza explains why President Trump isn’t a Fascist but Bernie Sanders and Obama are.
What is the point of Nish Kumar and the Mash Report? Thirty minutes of anti Brexit propaganda masquerading as comedy. Even the BBC refuse to call it humour.
I didn’t know that the BBC own “Freesat” along with ITV.
Does anyone know what is going on here?
They have pulled the Channel 4 catch up service (All 4) and the HD version of channel 4 due to some “increased pricing structure”
Freesat here has next to no channels available here. “The repeater transmitter ias very limited.” is their only answer to complaints that we are plagued with advertisements for channels we used to get in pre-digital days but no longer.
So the BEEB are back in syria for some reason
after allepo went down the memory hole because after it was liberated they couldnt find any people to actually complain about anything
the new place is as big as manchester and assad keeps hitting all the hospitals, havent we heard all this before
how many times was the last hospital in allepo destroyed??
300 dead … wow if I deliberately bombed a hospital incessantly and only killed 300 I would be sacking all my bombers
maybe perhaps if the fighters didnt embed/hide itself in the civilian population and in the “hospitals” the civilians wouldnt be so badly hit, but hey why would they do that huh?
there was a pre warning last week that the white helmets were “preparing” for a gas attack
expect a “GAS” attack by “ASSAD” very soon
despite the fact he is winning and has no need to turn world wide public opinion against himself “AGAIN”
just more old bbc bolloxs
I keep returning to the fact that the turmoil in Syria was caused not by Assad, but the atrocious islamist jihadists and their backers, yet the BBC never acknowledges that. Neither do they remind us that Syriia was, not many years ago, a safe country where Christians and other religious people were protected and lived peaceful lives. It is true that the Assads did not brook any move to change the political system, but for the ordinary citizen that was a small price to pay.
On Saturday 24th Feb a big event is taking place. The Roman colosseum is going to be lit up red to represent the blood of Christians who have died or have been killed because of their faith. Let’s see if the bbc reports this.
Apparently the UK parliament building was lit up in red for the same reason last year.
Did our favourite broadcaster report it? My searches suggest not.
I watched QT tonight, with Prescott on the panel – his family or carers really need to keep him away from TV cameras.
WHAT a disordered mind that man has. It was simply embarrassing to watch him try and put his “thoughts” (?) into words; real stream of consciousness stuff – like a character off The Fast Show.
The German head of Siemens UK seemed to think it would be wonderful if we were allowed to get back a: “small part” of our sovereignty. What a tw@t! But thankfully a chap in the audience put him straight later on in the programme. “We don’t want part of it back, we want it all back!”
The Indie, hardly a nasty right wing paper, seem to think this is a big story: “Couple jailed for planning Isis-inspired bomb attack in UK after meeting on dating site.”
(Munir Mohammed and accomplice Rowaida El-Hassan)
The beebistan can hardly be bothered, and stuff it deep down in Regions.
I wonder why?
Yes the BBC story seems intentionally buried
– It’s on the Derby page
– Not on the England page, nor UK, World, Home
BTW now Newsbeat bar of Youth news appears at the bottom of the news page.
The Mirror, hardly a nasty Right Wing paper, seem to think this is a noteworthy story: Benefit cheat Abida Khan fraudulently claimed thousands of pounds – despite having almost £40,000 in savings.
The beebistan ignore it completely.
I wonder why?
On a less serious note compared to the above, the beeb website has a feature about a chap from Yorkshire who won a few bob in Vegas playing poker a while back. Quite a nice read but about half way down a picture of a woman appears with the text “How I got rich beating men at their own game”. They just cant help themselves.
Speaking of less serious, this looks like it may be fun…
Maybe he came from Wakanda?
So the Cheddar Man story is smelling a bit ripe?
My initial reaction to the BBC’s presentation of this story was Piltdown Man
By the way, my offer to share my ground-breaking research into photographic evidence proving South Wales and Yorkshire coal miners were in fact black-skinned still stands – call me, BBC.
“My initial reaction to the BBC’s presentation of this story was Piltdown Man”
Or, indeed “Lucy”. Remember that lie!
Lets have a Quick Quiz:
1. Problems with “Lucy” arose when scientists looked at her:
a) Brain case
b) Rib cage
c) Knee joints
or, d) All of these
In the March 1996 issue of National Geographic, Donald Johanson himself admitted: “Lucy has recently been dethroned” (189[3]:117,). His (and Lucy’s) “fifteen minutes of fame” are over. As Lee Berger declared:
“One might say we are kicking Lucy out of the family tree” (as quoted in Shreeve, 1996).
Fascinating, how often the hominid family tree is pruned!
Proof positive that there were Negro miners in South Wales: see the documentary “Proud Valley”!
Well this is easily up to the BBC standard of veracity.
This New Scientist article (paywall) by Colin Barras is currently cited by Wikipedia.
How long before it is edited out?
This is what happens when ‘scientists’ start out with an agenda. The MSM are only too happy to jump all over this sort of story and yet seem very reluctant to report retractions. Exactly the same with climate change and so-called social sciences.
End of days. I wonder if James Harding will be brought back to consult.
Could we perhaps get the tax arrangements for the BBC staff of this program sorted out before it starts? HMRC? Hello?
Brendan O’Carroll, the Irish citizen socialist son of an Irish Labour Party politician mother and a father from a staunchly and violently anti-British Irish Republican family, who spends 6 months of every year in one of the 7 homes that he and his apparently tax-avoiding family own in Florida, questionable sleight of financial hand alleged in a programme made by the bBbc, is to be given his own show by the same bBbc which it seems will also employ other cast members from his Mrs Brown show, ie, allegedly tax -avoiding family members.
I don’t really know where to start with this one, although it won’t be by watching it.
God Almighty ! At least it made me chuckle in disgust, unlike his programme which is so puerile I have to switch over.
Uh-oh, joking aside, our Naga Munchetty has her glasses on and is closely scrutinising her notes… Jeremy Hunt is about to get a grilling over NHS funding – and if she can fit it in (which she surely will) – over Brexit too…
“Our viewers will be screaming at their TVs…”
Yep, I’d guess a few of those remaining paranoidly Tory-hating, BBC-loyal, hard core may get themselves excited over Naga’s sudden harsh inquisitive tones and Jeremy’s gimpy resposes…
But me? Nah, it’s kabuki theatre at best – posturing, predictable, stylised… Hunt is another of those apologetic awkward Tory managerial no-hopers. No vision, no principles (other than vaguely centre-left notions) no conservatism. Another Tory minister who comes over as though he were the the square-peg-in-a-round-hole, hopeless rabbit caught in the headlights, holiday camp entertainments manager from tv’s Hi-de-Hi! – posh bloke Jeffrey Fairbrother.
By the way, our Naga does a fair impression of vampish yellow coat Gladys Pugh – of course minus the thinly veiled longing for her Jeffery (I mean Jeremy!), and all the vampishness, obviously. Up the sistazs!
Although on second thoughts that Ms Pugh character was very snarky about her rivals for Jeffrey’s attentions, those sporty good-looking yellow coat goddesses. Hmmm, come to think of it those girls were a bit similar to our recently banned F1 Grid Girls or Darts Walk on Girls…. the BBC Glady Pughs were pleased to see that back of those women (if you properly understand my meaning there – in right-on progressive it’s 2018 sense not a oooh missus 1970s sitcom sense)
D’you know, our confusing modern media begins to make makes sense if you think antiqated BBC sitcom.
BBC Question Time opening question was a shocker.
‘When are the right wing media and Tories going to realise that lies and smears against Corbyn will no longer work’
How Dimbleby can sit there with a straight face. He is beyond contempt.
Question Time has always -on nearly every programme had more panellist of the Left than the Right appearing and more Remainers than Brexiteers.
Shocking. Shocking. Shocking.
The BBC are an affront to anyone with even half a brain.
Not surprised at all. They along with sky have been defending and protecting him all week. They also had one of his biggest fans on the panel the childish brattist race baiter ash sarkar who was constantly reading and ranting from her preprepared notes. The beeb and sky are on a mission to sanitise the likes of these hard left idiots for the general public but the bile and hate is always there just below the surface as was seen with the idiot corbynista stormzy at the brits on wednesday
Here she is in all her anti brexit race baiting glory
and shes here in this run in with lauren southern just after the referendum in 2016
I watched that POS jumping and jerking about and interrupting every single thing that Lewis said. Reminded me of that frog’s leg we attached to a battery in 2nd year biology.
There are polls, and there are BBC polls, and there are polls about the BBC, and… sorry we have run out of time.
Thanks for the link.
Interesting reading.
Yougov are not exactly on the far right-wing.
Seems to me that the likes of the Guardian are quite entitled to be anti Brexit and this gets across to the public. After all, they make no pretence at impartiality, and their newspaper is not a compulsory purchase.
But how absolutely telling that the nett score for the ‘impartial’ BBC is somewhere between the anti Brexit Guardian and the anti-Brexit Independent!
A reference to keep.
Just caught on bbc news north east that they said Mrs May played a blinder in the eu discussions at Chequers last night.
It said she got concessions from the brexiteers.
Its the bbc. I dont think anyone knows anything yet and they have to get their negativity in early. Lots of different stories coming out and they are all putting their own spin on it.
\\ Feb 13 : Former Oxfam exec tells @EmmaBarnett she would “urge” people not to donate money to the charity, because she says it “wastes” resources.//
Since Emma’s mother and father were convicted of making money off prostitution, you’d have thought she’d some expertise to bring into the Oxfam/Haiti matter
Every day we learn more about the treats Corbyn has in store for society if he ever gets into Government. His latest sinister threat is against free speech, promising the print media that “change is coming”.
What he also said is of considerable interest: “At the moment much of the press isn’t very free at all, in fact it’s controlled by billionaire tax exiles who determine to dodge paying their fair share for our vital public services”.
Leaving aside the fact that print media is in rapid decline, it is not thought he was referring to The Guardian. This outfit keeps going courtesy of the hundreds of millions of pounds it realised from the sale in 2008 of its stake in Auto Trader. Conveniently the sale was routed through a variety of Cayman tax shelters to avoid paying a single penny of tax. Do as I say, not as I do, the last refuge of the hypocrite, springs readily to mind.
And of course the BBC is able to take a high moral tone, secure in the knowledge that it trousers $3.5bn tax free by levying an increasingly quaint legally enforced poll tax on a specified computer devise.
The attack on free speech came up at Question Time last night with predictable approving comments from the assorted lefties. But who on earth thought it was a good idea to dig up John Prescott, a self important blowhard unable to bring any coherent thought to a single sentence? Prescott started by noting that he has been on the losing side in the 1975 vote that kept Britain in the Common Market and suffered a similar fate last year when he elected to remain. Only an iimbecile would think that changing sides on the great issue of the day and getting it wrong both times is something to trumpet about.
But then only an imbecile would campaign all his life to abolish the House of Lords and then accept a peerage.
Arise Baron Prescott of Kingston upon Hull.
Councillor uses Facebook , sees a post saying ‘Bring Back the Golliwog’, clicks like \\and not “given it a thought”, as it reminded her of a childhood toy she had in the 1950s.//
– “The monitoring officer has spoken to Councillor Lynn Sterry and as a result we can confirm that Councillor Sterry has resigned,” they said
FFS the council have a *monitoring officer* who monitors councillors’ private Facebook accounts
..that’s very Orwellian
Direct Audio “I’d been in bed with flu for a week, got up looked at my Facebook feed”
BBC reporter wrongly stated “you can’t go into a shop and buy a golliwog these days”
‘ I think people are raising a fuss cos of my views on the hospital’
BBC “So you don’t regret it ?”
“The once common toy is now considered a racist symbol” (no not generally, but maybe by some people)
She says that since she fought for the plan to demolish the old hospital and build a new one ..and that decision went thru , the opposers are out to get her removed from the council.
The BBC presenter is way out of touch
in YouGov commissioned by someone who thinks selling Golliwogs is racist
only 20% of people think that selling golliwogs is racist
63% of people said it’s NOT racist
Golliwogs are great. I’ve got two.
ive got a 30+ member Band a football team and various odds and sods
Ive had them over 40years and I dont give a shit what these idiots say
my first one was given to me by babysitter looking after me in moss side in the sixties and she was from the west indies
Question Time last night, we need more of this
Top comment there
“Camilla makes a better Tory than most Tory MPs who these days seem frit to stand up as a tory.”
Good performance, considering that someone here said she’s backed Mar’s burying of the Corbyn story in his paper review.
So the main headline in the UK is this:

Operation Sanctuary review finds adult abuse ‘extensive’
We’ve heard this all before, we know whom the guilty are and yet the bBC continues to peddle this shite:
“The Home Office said it would “look carefully” at Mr Spicer’s 33 recommendations, which also included a need for research into the cultural background of abusers, many of whom in the case of Sanctuary were from a “predominantly Asian or British Minority Ethnic culture or background”
Asian?, I’m fucking Asian, but I’m not a follower of a gay death cult that loves to fuck little children.
On that note, it is now midday, how long before the above article disappears into nothingness.
I’s heading the main news page now
The subheadline is
\\ Sex abuse of groomed women ‘extensive’
About 700 victims were identified in the investigation in total across the Northumbria Police area.//
Now Rotherham tally has just been upped to 1, that’s 2,200 for those 2 areas
I’ve always used ‘around 5,000 groom rape gang victims’ over all the main towns
.. and the official tallies are not contradicting my guess.
the ever growing list of weasel words and phrases
Vulnerable women
young women
a man
eu citizen
mentally ill
“a man” !!
Good work Pounce. You sound like a Sikh to me but I’m sure you mentioned something about an altercation with a friendly Immam in a previous text. My best mate at university was a Sikh and a dude he was too. Big bugger – proud of the Sikh history with the British Army.
There aren’t many Ghurka sex-grooming gangs in the UK I’ve noticed. Can we have more Ghurkas please? I’d like one on every bus and in every school. Don’t think there would be much trouble.
Agree Pounce. Where is the BBC voice defending these girls? They need to be spoken for, on air or on the website. On their vulnerability and who is aggressing them – could we be clear about that. Where is Woman’s Hour, why is this not the biggest story for them? Or for the #MeToo movement – are they so self-obsessed with salary and inappropriate knee-touching that they don’t recognize organised gang rape of girls when they see it? Black dresses back in the wardrobe. When it doesn’t suit the agenda. Not so good for the many poor working class girls who have been abused. #Who Cares
Camillia Tominey, c’est magnifique – she did Prescott up like a kipper, although it seems doubtful the old boy really knew what was going on. Doesn’t any top line Tory politician these days have the balls to take the attack to the enemy?
Apparently Ms Tominey is also a Royal correspondent, where she seems to turn a pretty penny by informing the Americans of the Windsor’s courtly wisdom. My friendly advice – nothing good came of buttering up to that lot, stick to the main political game in town.
Re Newcastle Abuse Report
Is see that a new species has been invented to accommodate the sensitivity of reporting the abuse by mainly people of Asian descent.
BBC Reporting that:
The Home Office said it would “look carefully” at Mr Spicer’s 33 recommendations, which also included a need for research into the cultural background of abusers, many of whom in the case of Sanctuary were from a “predominantly Asian or British Minority Ethnic culture or background”.
I cannot find “British Minority Ethnic” on Google or Bing so that’s a new term to meet the leftist agenda.
People have picked it up on Twitter
\\ How do you say Muslim without actually saying Muslim?
The BBC have found a way.
Why use one word when 9 will do!//
I see the text says “In the Newcastle case, most of the men were British-born
but ALL came from Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Iraqi, Iranian or Turkish communities”
BTW it’s now on RHS as “BBC top story”
and #3 in “Most read”
There are a few times in the past when people accidentally used
“British Minority Ethnic” when they meant “Black, minority ethnic” now commonly phrased as “Black, Asian & minority ethnic”
“British Minority Ethnic” can’t mean Asian, cos it would include ethnic white groups like British Greek, Ukrainian communities etc.
The idea that abusers are more likely in charities than outside.
Historic abuse enquiry found Peter Newell was managing a charity called Approach, that got £100K from bigger charities, he’s just been convicted of Historic abuse against 5 kids .
But the BBC has featured him before he fronted Approach’s case to sue EU countries for failing to stop child-smacking.
Now 77, he stopped working for them about 18 months ago.
Funny how BBC, Channel 4, charity quangos, do-gooding campaigners, the EU , political class and the law all seem now to mesh like that vaginal mesh they`re not happy with.
All the same misery men with a Pulitzer if they can emote aright.
I see Jon Snow in an Oxfam helicopter flying into Columbo with Justin Forsyth laying on the hotel, the honey pictures that grab the news awards-as well as pliant crisis actors with dark faces, tears and smiles on hand to strew the rose petals around, when Snow fearlessly goes into town with a rickshaw laddie pedalling through the mud doing all the legwork.
Snow gets the RTS Award, Oxfam get our money and a top table, as well as Red Eyes Day, Children on Knees Day cheque-as opposed to any checks on what they`ve been up to.
But the fat creamed elite above are not journos, hacks, charity quangocrats-all are self righteous , trough surfing humanitarians who are worth squillions like their arts luvvies who sashay in to show compassionate solidarity with the dark skinned victims of Thatcher and Reagan.
Sense now Cox and Forsyth have been tossed off and overboard, the Beeb and Channel 4, Guardian and Indy will hope these token sacrifices will do-think we have a log way to go in unpicking the oakam from the hokum.
Be great to see Snow, Pilger, Dimblebys totter like a Saddam statue-bet they`ve all been up to no good when on liberal manoevres way back.
And parading one of your daughters tampons, taking a joint only makes you a bigger fake than most…say no to Snow!
I bring you the ex Economics Editor of bbc Newsnight and and audience slightly larger than he helped get it to.
Hi, I haven’t read through all the posts from yesterday. Sorry if this has been spotted before but- The Guardian is thrilled to report a Meghan Markle [alleged] “hate crime” incident.
“White powder letter sent to Meghan Markle treated as racist hate crime
Scotland Yard says letter sent with powder is being investigated by counter-terrorism officers”
Had it been copper sulphate or potassium permanganate , would it have been a racist hate crime? Or merely a few colours for the gay rainbow palate instead?
PS-fine joke above re “Black Pudding” Alan…does Camilla Batmangheghli count, or are we stuck with Di Abbott?
Yes, the failed music teacher whom the BBC employed as an economic correspondent – an appointment worthy of an investigation as to how this came about.
I know others hereabouts have already pointed out problems with the BBC’s reporting of the North East ‘sexual abuse’ fall out.
Jane Hill fronts BBC News Channel at one and I notice:
1. the perpetrators have dissappeared from the narrative
2. the young female victims are to be over-shadowed by general fears for potential ‘adult victims’
3. the marxist economic rather than sexual phrase ‘exploitation’ is extensively used
4. apparently Police and Social Services handled everything tickety boo – and yet the victims got an apology. Why? Perhaps our administrators of immigration policy might be the ones in line for giving the apologies? Perish the thought.
Overall, presumably in the interests of the worship of community cohesion, it’s the #metoo trope of the day that is to be the narrative to be emphasised.
One always looks to the BBC for something to smile at even in the most unpleasant of circumstances.
How’s this for irony: “…the city’s takeaway restaurant staff are being advised how to spot potential victims of abuse” – I thought that was exactly the problem which caused these crimes.
It’s good that it happened up north where it doesn’t matter . Solid labour territory where the MPs will make the general noises to keep her ethnic conscientious supporting them and then it will all be forgotten until the next time .
My first line is obviously sick humour because if fedup was running things the chaps who committed these evil deeds to would be executed .
Journo’s ‘Yeh according to TabMedia the FakeNews risk is higher to Over 55’s”
..Me “who are TabMedia ?”
Oh it’s a news site focussed on delivering news to youth
A media company run by young people who like to be first. Follow @babedotnet and @thetab.”
Tab Media “was launched at the University of Cambridge and has since expanded to over 40 other universities in the United Kingdom and over 40 in the United States and Canada.
Using a media-bias database check
BBC “These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias.”
“They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor liberal causes.
These sources are generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation.”
The bbc have found a bloke to make a case they like:
It’s about time somebody made a case for Mr. Blair – and put him in it, taking care to screw down the lid.
Meanwhile, for ‘balance’….
Clearly Lord Adonis and Nick Clegg not free
AQ Guest list
– Jonathan Dimbleby (Radical Green Party)
– Baroness Warsi (Muslim Tory peer)
– Jenny Chapman MP for Darlington, Shadow Brexit Minister
– Tom Harwood finalist @ Durham. Ran the national student wing of Vote Leave,
former Durham Union president, mischief maker in chief at the NUS.
– @Femi_Sorry ????????Law grad who spends his time telling both Remainers & Brexiters the stuff about the EU nobody else bothered to.
Human Rights Advocate.
Thank god for Mr Blair and his tortured bloody soul .
Every so often he pops up to reinforce the brexiters belief in their cause .
Neither al beeb or mr Blair really has any idea how much that man is hated -.more – l think – by the left than by sane people
Spot on Fedup2.
Let`s thank the God of Israel and our Lord Jesus Himself for giving us such enemies as Hillary, Barak, Tony, Yasmin, Polly as well as Alastair, Andrew, Nick and Anna.
We`ve been so lucky in who has been sent to oppose us. We might have had Josef and Leni.
Each time one of them opens an orifice, a nations pot plants die and Brexit and the end of the ancien regime comes that little bit closer.
Another top post Holly. Love the pot plant line.
Bliar is stating to look like the picture in his attic.
Someone suggests this an antidote for children brainwashed by libmob cherrypicked climate non-science in schools.
Migrant Crisis ??
Yes Brazil declared an emergency after 70K Venezuelans came across
last week
The European Parliament refused to display an Israeli exhibition of caricatures criticizing the Iranian government’s human rights abuses on the grounds that it is “too controversial.”
The caricatures draw attention to human-rights violations against women, homosexuals, and Sunni and Baha’i minorities, as well as the repression, arrest and execution of political-opposition activists, underage marriage and other abuses.
Organizers decided to hold the exhibition despite the abrupt cancellation and will instead display the works near the parliament building in Belgium’s capital city.
Women #MoreThanEqual
\\ BBC Outlines Plan to Become ‘The Best Place for Women to Work’
– The BBC has appointed its Scotland boss, Donalda MacKinnon
, to lead a program it said aims to “sweep away any barriers to women progressing, fulfilling their ambitions and …//
Heard some piece of tosh from one Chris Morris called “Brexit For the Perplexed”. Amazing how many weasel words and framing language devices were going on to paint the EU as a solid, clear and cold bloc of virtue. And the Brexit people as scattered incoherent and silly in the face of REAL diplomacy. The Tories are shit-we all know that. But WE wanted to leave, not the Tories.
And the BBC insult us as they smear and sneer at Rees Mogg(Lord Snooty as they called him). Not once have they mentioned the democratic deficit, sovereignty and the Rise of Islam, migration and that damned EU Army of theirs.
In short, the BBC have decided that we the little people can go back to our hovels and let them, the eiltes and our EU overlords sort our mess out. Aren`t we messy and a bit of a thick handful eh?
Oxfam at least have some windows should we need a Kristallnacht after 29/3/19-the BBC need to be very careful because they are real traitors taking us for fools.
The BBC might think that the EU approve of all they`re doing-but when the EU have no control, there needs to be a reckoning with our treacherous, uinaccountable and chiselling elites-and Oxfam are shining lights for us by the day.
Brilliant piece of work Holly. I feel your anguish – we all do.
Good reminder of the EU army – the army that was never-to-be which is coming.
Jesus – what is the matter with EU proponents? Are they blind to history? No – I would suggest they are the same black-shirts / blue-shirts / VIchy / of the 30’s. Or are they the POUM (Anarchists) and Communists and International Brigades of the Spanish Civil War? I can’t work out which fits best.
It’s a weird mix of Fascism (well National Socialism anyway) and Bolshevism. Authoritarianism perhaps? Maoism? Some sort of ‘Ism’ anyway – a fervent, blind, aggressive (wow and HOW aggressive!) and quasi-religious cult.
Don’t agree with them? Well you will be shouted down, threatened and oppressed until you put on your brown shirt and little black peaked cap.