Agent Cob-Nut hasn’t come in from the cold yet, perhaps he’s stuck, maybe he can batter his way out with a blackpudding [no jokes about Di-abolical], or maybe he can just use it to batter his critics in the Press into silence…the BBC need have no concerns of course as he threatens ‘change is coming’….the BBC is happy to see change even if it means a Marxist, terrorist supporting wrecker in No10…or No13 according to Di-abolical.
Spot any more BBC ‘Help for Zeroes’ list it all here……
Charity sleaze men : Times reports another Save the Children former senior employee said about Forsyth :
“Women’s careers were broken by him
— there are people who have never felt secure in an office since.”
A report comes out that suggests that the rape and sexual exploitation of young English women by a certain BAME group is likely far more extensive than “previously” imagined. Young English women with learning disabilities as well as young English women caught up in drugs are also being sexually groomed/exploited/abused. Report writer says these are bad choices and there is probably nothing that can be done about it – apart from researching further into it – including possible cultural background of the perpetrators. The perpetrators displayed no regrets for their actions and would do it again if they had the opportunity.
This news story the BBC is unable to hide but the BBC do not make it the top BBC homepage story – that lay with reporting on the Winter Olympics, Donald Trump considering imposing sanctions on North Korea, something about celebrity Cheryl Cole, and something about a traffic jam in China.
Note also the story is linked as a regional news item (Tyne & Wear) and not as a UK story – this suggests that this story will rapidly decline in priority.
Ps – about a year ago I heard a French story suggesting large scale grooming of English girls / young women who were within the English care service and that they were being sent abroad as part of an international system of sexual exploitation of English girls / young women – but I haven’t seen anything reported in the British media (it was on French radio).
ps this story may be about to escalate – when it was revealed in one English region alone 700 English women had been sexually exploited, that it was still going on, and that the perpetrators were resistant to police threats to stop the practice. It seems that many are groomed in childhood and then sexually exploited when reaching the age of consent, many are plied with alcohol spiked with the date rape drug.
In a live reporting news article the BBC are now claiming they new something about this back in 2016 but were not able to report it. However the live news reporting is still only linked as Regional News (Tyne & Wear) promoted to the News Homepage.
From the Tyne & Wear live news reporting article:
British girls ‘had a lack of morals’: One of the men who abused vulnerable girls and women in Newcastle was interviewed for the report and showed “no remorse” … In prison, he explained he spent 10 years in Turkey, five years or so in Greece and some time in Italy and France, before travelling to England on the way to Canada. During sentencing the judge said his intention was to “incite” 15-year-old girls into prostitution. The report said:
He displayed no regret, claimed he only had sex with girls over 16 years old and that they knew what they were doing. They were responsible and brought drugs on to his premises. One was homeless so what could he do?
He was convicted because of a conspiracy by the government, police and the judge who paid the victims. If convicted for rape in his home country, he would be beheaded or buried up to the neck and stoned.
He was asked about what he thought about the United Kingdom and influences in his education. He said you can get anything here – any sex, drugs, alcohol. There is no control.
He spoke in a derogatory way about lack of morals in British girls and did not go with Muslim girls because there are not many of them.“
Yes, Katty. The nastiness is always from the right.
THe BBC seem awful exercised about whether UNICEFs Forsyth had already been “formally warned” and /or informally investigated”. No gives a damn about their bureacratic and sub-legal machinations and slitherings. You don`t harass women and then pretend you`re bloody Albert Schweitzer. Scumbag, rugger bugger Oxbridge Freemasons in another guise-behaving as the Agrics used to behave when we were in the wine bars. No different.
But our lads were drunken idiots who`d be sorry next time they were sober-and were not on hundreds of thousands of pounds of poor peoples money as they morally blackmailed them for more “fookin” money . This lot are labour green slimemould without the balls to stay in the same room as us-just be hypocrites, and swill money and prestige. And sneering at the rest of us as Cox, Geldof and all the others do.
Great to watch them fall. More please.
You know the elite are in trouble when they resort to this wellworn tactic.
The BBC -like Leverson or Chilcot-major on minor legalese and policy/procedural quibbles and minutiae in order to deflect us. You don`t hound less powerful women(or kids, boys even?) for sexual favours because you have the money and power-whereas they don`t. How many training courses do you need to be told that?…and if you need one, you should be cleaning toilets,not hustling pussy.
Final point.
Now that Haiti has got rid of Forsyth and Cox-will Trump upgrade and reclassify that country from its previous “shithole” designation? Seems they`ve taken great strides to drain their own quango quagmires, to drain their swamps. Worth some recognition POTUS45.
4:30pm R4Feedback
– impartiality of Brexit coverage
– “Finally, waspish columnist Quentin Letts recently appeared on Radio 4 to reveal why he had decided to stop listening to the Today programme and relax with Radio 3 instead.
But what do listeners make of this battle of the breakfast shows?”
Local Radio Lincolnshire has just insisted on going live to Trump speech on guns
… why ?
Of course Trump is good.. And presenter just cut it off.
Listening now to Billy Grahams obituary on Last Word.
Knew it would be a hatchet job or his being damned with faint praise. So it is.
But did hear his mention of Jesus-and even the BBC couldn`t cut THAT out, seeing as he says so many things with that blessed name in it.
In an earlier age, he`d have had a full hour. Now he`s the support act to the life and death of an Irish prostitute whose real age isn`t even know by the obit writers.
Graham is probably single-handedly responsible for the pilot light of Christianity not getting extinguished from the 50s through to the 80s in the UK. Loads of church people today owe him a huge debt in this country-but since when did the BBC think of their audience?
At least they didn`t link him to Cliff Richard and that tawdry BBC story of theirs. Bet their lawyers spiked that one.
It’s surprising al beeb mentioned mr graham at all yet alone Jesus Christ . Al beeb gave up on Christianity years ago and signed up with the devil. Their mindset would probably cast a comment like this as extreme or fundamentalist which is a reflection on our damned times as much as anything .,
No al beeb for me and certainly no tv tax
In The Times today, Edward Lucas on “Corbyn’s sickening support of Soviet empire”
As someone who had the misfortune to witness at first hand the appallingly brutal treatment of the Soviet Czech state Corbyn adored, Lucas is withering in his condemnation of the Labour leader and other “useful idiots”.
But he makes an interesting point, that many on this web site will believe. He says most people in the Czech puppet state tried to simply play the system as best they could, that the only “enthusiastic Communists I met were foreigners”. He mentions failures from the miner’s strike who lived there and “One nosy Welsh couple worked for a Soviet propaganda outfit”.
In other words, the only true supporters the communists had were those who didn’t have to live there. Says it all, but won’t be said on the BBC.
I knew people who had lived in the soviet system – join the party – get preferred treatment – better home – better job – better for your family .
Not a party member ? Go take a flying one . Corbyn supported this – as did the queer Cambridge traitors
Is anyone else still brave or masochistic enough to listen to the Today prog’? I usually do, but…
This morning there was a very peculiar interview. Sarah Montague was speaking with historian and travel writer, Jan Morris. One of the strangest things about this chat was Jan herself. Because to anyone listening it was clear that she was obviously a he. Jan had “transitioned” some time in the early 70’s.
I couldn’t work out why this elderly person (he’s in his 90’s) was being interviewed in the first place and then Sarah asked for his opinion about Brexit. Ah! Jan told us and didn’t hold back. Brexit will be a disaster. Britain will be weakened dreadfully by this insane action. There’ll be nothing good to come from leaving, blah, blah, blah.
Well there you have it.
Blimey, I wonder are the Beeb going to trawl the country looking for random transsexuals and ask them loaded questions about British politics? “So, April Ashley, what do you think about these ludicrous spy smears regarding the entirely innocent and saintly Jeremy Corbyn?”
I think I’ll give Toady a miss in future and go up market.
Where do I find Talk Sport?
Well done for listening Jeff . I’ve been listening to Toady since I was a kid – jack demanio ran it . I finally gave up last week . I’d rather listen to silence than the head girl , work experience girl , professional Northern , Welsh multimillionaire and
Sopel s’ twin brother .
I’m surprised the shipping forecast hasn’t had the multicultural beeboid treatment – sea area Mandela -.sea area jocox. Gotta happen
Jan was the first cultured tranny who went the full knob lop.
Surprised they found the old soul, but if there`s a Brexit trashing to be had-they`d dig up anybody.
Hope he didn`t do it for an early pension-would rather have worked the extra five years than be stuck playing bingo under my ex-wifes hair dryer.
It was a simpler time huh?
“ludicrous spy smears”
Can trannies get them on the NHS?
Just heard a bit of Roger Boltons Feedback show.
Blowback more like.
Whatever Bolton earns-80K I gather for …well, what?…the BBC ought to be proud of him. They never reply or show up to his show to explain anything, so he`s quite the BBC air freshener that never works. A toothless mascot for the mahogany panoramic desk.
And is he obtuse? Or just thick enough to think that Brexit complaints are due to “non-experts” getting a say when all the experts have already proved that our economy will tank and WW3 will result?
That was the gist of Boltons questions to Chris Morris-Brexit is over represented apparently.
And not enough economic facts and projections as given by the experts.
And the BBC don`t take a position on Brexit, so how on earth can we make up our minds now? Of course Chris, Roger.
Well, that`s me satisfied. Sure it`s the same for you too.
Agreed ! I intend to keep a record of how many times during this Feedback run the stock phrase “ we asked the BBC for comment however no-one was available and we received this response “. It happened today in the first edition of this series – ( re Talent remuneration) so 100% failure rate so far !
I think mr Bolton is one of those free agents like the dimbly s who are not al beeb employees and are paid through their own production company thus getting the amount of taxpayers cash they take as wages off the books and hidden under the cloak of commercial confidentiality .
Any one in such circumstances is unlikely , in my opinion , to rock the boat so much as one doesn’t bite the hand that stuffs you with cash . So in other words – why bother with feedback as nothing ever changes
For quite a while now, I`ve wondered what is the point of the BBC obsessing in sport.
Since the sixties-and especially since the Premier League coming into existence as the USSR seemed to disappear-I`ve been curious about why sport takes up so much of the news on the BBC these days.
But just heard Eddie Mair on PM give us a few minutes on “vulnerable women” getting picked on and abused on Tyneside. Eddie chose not to mention any common characteristic of these unruly Geordie lads…and certainly no religious or theological pretext was presented to us.
Ande, given that there just MIGHT be some common feature of Muhammad 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 Anjem, Abdul, Musa and Mohammed 10-17 inclusive-you`d have thought Eddie might have dug further with a few “anal analysts, cysts, sisters and cis-types.
But no-what about those bloody Russians doping their bobsleighs then?
Is NOTHING sacred?
Well done BBC Sports Steam-have already forgotten about Muslims raping and abusing women and girls up north. Bloody Putin-what IS he like?
Is Rohypnol one of the IOCs banned substances? Oh those poor Rohingyas…
Meanwhile back at the Benwell Mosque….
Operation Sanctuary finds adult abuse extensive.
Now I wonder whether al Beeb will mention the ethnicities of the typical perpetrators?
Yes !!! A whole line.
On the 6pm news, the Beeb briefly mentioned Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Indians but strangely no mention of religion.
And the response to this information? Why, more needs to be done to ‘understand their culture’.
Must stop now, in case I commit a ‘hate crime’. Against the BBC.
Apparently all the convicted ROPers in the NE bar one refused to cooperate and none showed remorse. I know, let’s allow even more into the country. How sensible.
And why do they not feel remorse? ISLAM. They have done nothing wrong.
After this border force shambles and 6 years as it’s political head, our strong and stable leader is only going to give Macron £40 m and let in even more Calais migrants. Will the madness never end?
So, the bBC is pushing the story about how a man convicted of kidnap, rape and murder which he carried out on a 21 year old girl 24 years ago decided to scream: “Murderers” at his state execution:
Florida inmate screams and thrashes at his execution
“A Florida death row inmate shouted “murderers!” three times and struggled on a gurney as he was put to death. Eric Scott Branch, 47, was put to death for the 1993 rape and killing of Susan Morris, a 21-year-old student at the University of West Florida. Branch was sentenced to death in 1994 and spent 24 years on death row. Before the drug was administered on Thursday, he told correction officers that Governor Rick Scott should be the one to carry out the execution. “I’ve learned that you’re good people and this is not what you should be doing,” Branch said, according to US media. The Florida governor signed his death warrant in January, after Branch failed to convince judges to overturn his death sentence.”
Whilst the bBC concentrates on how this murdering Cunts’ execution was a travesty of justice:
“In his latest appeal, he claimed the jury’s 10-2 vote to sentence him to death during his trial did not reflect new laws that required jurors to reach a unanimous decision for inmates facing the death penalty. Florida’s old capital punishment system was ruled unconstitutional in 2016, but cases before 2002 were not made exempt under the new law, so Branch’s appeal was deemed unsuccessful.”
They don’t mention anything about his victim other than her name, age and that she was raped: Here’s why this prick is now burning in hell:
“Evidence in the case shows that Branch approached Morris after she left a night class on Jan. 11, 1993, so he could steal her red Toyota and return to his home state of Indiana. He was arrested while travelling there. In denying one of Branch’s appeals, the Florida Supreme Court noted that the crime was particularly brutal. “She had been beaten, stomped, sexually assaulted and strangled. She bore numerous bruises and lacerations, both eyes were swollen shut,” the justices wrote. Branch also was convicted of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl in Indiana and of another sexual assault in Panama City, Florida, that took place just 10 days before the fatal attack on Morris, court records show.”
Nor do they mention a statement from the family of the real victim here:
“the Morris family issued a statement saying they are still mourning the victim’s death a quarter century ago. “Twenty-five years ago, Susan’s life was suddenly and brutally extinguished. We have grieved for her longer that she was with us. Yet because of who she was … she will never be forgotten by those who love her,” said the statement read out by the victim’s sister, Wendy Morris Hill.”
Branch at 47 , lived twice as long as she did when he murdered her. In fact he spend 24 years locked up which was 3 years longer than she spent alive. I for one I’m glad that he is brown bread, and yet to the child buggering wankers at the bBC, this SOB is the victim.
The bBC as per usual defending a Murdering rapist before the actual victim.
Not too difficult to work out why the left and the media prefer to lament the murderer, and not bother their arses about any victim.
It`s solely because scum like Branch bring in the cameras, the lawyers, the media, the human rights activists, the democrats, the student advocates, the CNN bunny hugging lobbies, the local university bleeding hearts and the psychologists, psychiatrists, Amnesty,…need I go on?
Whereas the poor girl he killed is very dead, and of absolutely no financial or agenda-led use to them at all.
And her parents won`t be any use unless they`re begging the governor for clemency.
So it`s pretty clear, who`s the meal ticket, the pyramid of leeches that rely on murderers to provide the meal ticket data and leaflets. Branch pays well-so why the hell should morals or principles come into it at all?
This principle was first aired by Gitta Sereny who did rather well out of Mary Bell, less well out of Martin Howe. She stated that Venables and Thompson brought all the research and money, grants and human rights lobby with their case-so paid well. James Bulger`s just a little white coffin nobody gets a living from. That was my take home from what she was saying anyway.
Good post, Pounce. I share your dim view of the BBC’s reporting of this execution. They need to be reminded of the meaning of certain words:
Murder – the unlawful killing of an innocent citizen.
Execution – the lawful killing of a person convicted of a crime which carries the death penalty.
“Labour and customs union: Evolution not revolution”
Unlike any reporting on the government or pro Brexit points of view, this article has no criticism, no ‘buts’, no ‘ifs’, no link to a totally useless, but hypercritical ‘reality check’, no links to other negative reports. It still manages to make snide comments about the government and you get the feeling the ‘journalist’ (Loose term) who penned it is a paid up member of the Labour party…… “Although a majority of Labour voters opposed Brexit, a significant minority backed it”. Even handed reporting? Nope.
And Marr will be ‘interviewing’ Starmer on Sunday.
Compare and contrast ……………….
“Scandal-hit club shuts amid groping claims”
\\Operation Sanctuary review finds adult abuse ‘extensive’//
Where are the “feminazi” ?
@Taff They’ve kept the story at the top of the page 9 hours now
Ah still #7 in Most Read
“Germany and France have warned that funding cuts to EU programmes after Brexit could damage efforts to tackle illegal immigration and terrorism.”
Running out of our cash or is it a threat ?
Obviously it’s all our fault. It’s sickening how blind and greedy these politicians are.
The French do seem to have a penchant for blockading the ports.
Perhaps the use of the RN in the channel and other areas (I gather we have one or two frigates that may have cause to make them consider).
“Heavy gales in the channel – Europe cut off.”
“Brexit: Jeremy Hunt says UK will not stay in customs union”
Are we there yet ? Are we nearly there yet ?
Mr Rees-Mogg your country needs you .
“Brexit: Remain bus visit to Liverpool met by Mogg fans”
I can’t see any Remoaners or supporters with the Bus? The wheels are coming off the bus!
We want Mogg , We want Mogg !
Moggy Moggy Moggy !………..
do the remainiacs have any actual arguments other than faux financial bolloxs
I for one could not give a shit if we are 2billion faux pounds a week worse off, very little of it will be in or out of my pocket, and if richard branson loses a million a week wtf do I care.
work advised us to vote remain as they get so much eu cash (not that the eu have any of their own) , but guess what I care much more for my mates and family struggling to find minimum wage work as there’s always an immigrant happy to do the shitty job cheaper
and the shear chutzpah of these morons thinking they can run project fear over again , lots of people (my sister and brother in law for two) realise they were conned into voting remain last time, why on earth do they think anyone believes them.
The ‘Boris Bus’ did contain the words ‘could be spent on the NHS’.
With regards to “2 Billion/day”?
Who’s funding this?
Who’s spending an unknown amont on funding the invasion of migrants, invaders/terrorists/criminals from all over the world to invade our shores.
Who cost us £1 Billion by creating the ERM crisis.
Ans. Soros & his mate — The infamous Bliar.
“faux financial bolloxs” indeed.
Immediately after the Referendum, the BBC focused on the FT100 hoping that it would plunge and confirm their anti-Brexit hysteria. Of course, if they were as clever as they thought they were, they might have realised the fall in the pound would boost the FT100 as their foreign profits go on the books in pounds. In their desparation, they started scanning ever more obscure. financial indices for bad news . FTSE250, FTSE Small Caps and then finally gave up. All these BBC efforts are based on the fallacy post hoc ergo propter hoc. In 1975 the pound bought about DM 5 this came down over the years to DM 3. Using BBC logic we should have got out of the EEC decades ago because “no one votes to be poorer”. Isn’t that one of Chukka’s favourite platitudes? Surely one of the best reasons never to vote Labour.
\\Donald Tusk: UK Brexit plans ‘pure illusion’//
Or maybe a dream ?
We all woke up on ‘Brexit day’ and dreamt it.
“UK Prime Minister Theresa May is to celebrate the UK leaving the European Union with a bash entitled Brexit Day.”
“And the occasion is set to be marked with an event, similar to US Independence Day, when all new laws will take effect.
“One of the biggest issues facing the UK Government is how it will separate British domestic laws from laws that have been driven through in Brussels. And in order to successfully achieve a change over they have to ratify a day which will go down in history as “Brexit Day”.
Radio4 where you are never more than 90 minutes from a posh London feminist preaching at you .
..Am I wrong ?
Oh yep 11pm Late Night Woman’s Hour
“Lauren Laverne and guests Kit Davis, Zoe Strimpel, Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett and Agnes Poirier take stock of the achievements, problems and possibilities of the #metoo movement, …”
“Trump-Russia: Ex-campaign aide Rick Gates pleads guilty”
“There are no criminal allegations that either man colluded with Russia to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, which is the main thrust of the Department of Justice investigation.”
so it looks like tax evasion to me , I wish the department of justice would investigate the beeboid staff
I just happened to catch this story on the R4 news – and that was most definitely not the impression the BBC gave. They are trying, yet again, to imply that Trump allies colluded with Russia.
This is despicable stuff from Radio Pyonyang.
There must be a common link but can’t see it, you would think the BBC could…
This is from the BBC link posted!
There’s none so blind as those that can’t see. And the white ‘bloke’ ain’t wot you think!!!!
I was surprised the beebistan had dared to publish so many Norwegian child abusers on their Home page earlier. Am much relieved to see the image has already been shrunk to near invisibility and will be gone within hours, so we can all get back to Trump and Brexit bashing. Situation normal.
The link is still here.
Screen grab it.
As predicted earlier, the Norwegians have now been airbrushed from the bbc news site.
Hilary Clinton has appeared as a guest tonight on the BBC’s Graham Norton show. (Norton threatened that he would return to Ireland if Brexit won).
Did anyone watch it? My wife did and said that whatever Hilary said against Trump met with cries of delight.
There was no counter viewpoint expressed. (Silly of me to expect that there would be).
Now, if Trump had been a guest….
But that would never happen of course.
Norton is given full licence to be biased by the biased BBC paid for by the TV licence to be biased….
I would love to cancel my extorted licence tax.
However Mrs 7 does enjoy some of the nonsense (Meet the Midwife as an example).
Accordingly I retire to my ‘indoor shed’ and peruse BT, Fire, Freeview etc. for a quiet life.
I still object to the principle of the ‘license fee’ too receive free content as opposed propaganda.
As an aside, I have a reflex action WRT Norton – ‘Where’s the remote?’
I’m afraid it is never ending. On every program on the BBC.
Sorry ss I have identified a regular programme on which neither Trump or Brexit are ever mentioned (excluding the Shipping Forecast) but many opinions are sought …
Anyone want to guess?
Clue this answer won’t get you 100 points.
Yes – it is “Pointess”.
Are we all being fooled by so-called ‘artists’ ?
This is what your telly tax helps to promote ………..
Paris is ruined, they are begging on every street corner
Might BBC news editors have got something wrong?
“You won’t be surprised, Samira, to hear me say, I don’t think so…”
That was some BBC self-justificatory sports news manager on the Newswatch show this morning (hosted by the ever-glib Samira Ahmed) replying to audience concerns about too much Winter Olympics on the BBC news.
Which just goes to show the Newswatch show is a pointless exercise in… basically BBC self-justification.
On every subject, from dodging the Commie-loving Corbyn story to the lack of high definition signal for regional news, the BBC is confidently assured that they are the boss of us.
And just to rub salt on the ice… I mean salt in the wound… immediately following Newswatch we have BBC Breakfast news headlining with… you guessed it… Winter Olympics.
These bastards will not be held to account.
Currently listening to Radio4 Extra to a programme about the Byzantium empire. Introduced by the presenter expounding the mysterious 3rd sex who held powerful positions within the Empire. Listened with bated breath for the identity of said third sex. She was talking about the Castrati. These are just men who have had there male genitalia removed – they are not a third sex. Midway through the programme she said that the West did not have Castrati in their societies and were uncomfortable with the “trisexuality” of the Byzantines and by implication were less developed. So not attempt at biological accuracy – nothing must stand in the way of the Transgender movement and it’s narrative about gender and sex.
The Byzantine Empire declined because their leaders just didn’t have the balls to resist the Turks.
Richard – you really do live in the dark ages. In fact currently there are a further 68 genders out there – HOWZAT!
I am afraid the BBC really cannot help itself when it comes to the misrepresentation of facts. I suppose it is all part of its cultural marxist agenda. I am afraid that there is probably pretty much nothing that they produce that has not had an “absolute cobblers” injection.
BBC = Broadcasting Bollocks Corporation
BBC Radio 4 continues the rich history of satire for which the bbc is so justly noted. In other news, I know very few Chinese culturally appropriating ghetto thug fashion styles.
“Trying to befriend an Asian person but keep accidentally stereotyping? Comedian Tez Ilyas is here to help! ????
Hear more Tez Talking here:
(Via BBC Comedy)”
Perhaps he’d be better named Tels Lyas
Methinks at least two,people popped down the invite list for bbc panels.
It’s like the facts don’t match the bbc rhetoric. Maybe Franny can reinvigorate James Hardings Fact Check unit!
‘Groped by Holy Mosque guard during Hajj’ in Mecca.
Tut-tut, these Norwegians just can’t help themselves, can they?
Vlad – I thought the #MOSQUEMETOO was a nice little touch.
Good luck with that ladies!
Truly surreal interview by Hussein on Today about the 700 women abused in the north east. No mention of Muslims, it’s all about the background of the victims apparently.
I heard that pathetic interview too, England. You’re right. Not once was the background of the perpetrators mentioned. In fact, the perpetrators weren’t mentioned at all, as I recall. The story has been transformed and respun as some nonsense about the inadequacy of social services. What I laughed at was Mishal the Head Girl’s first question about what this “vulnerability” of adult women was, as if there was some kind of dishonesty going on on the part of the victims. Surely she knows. “Vulnerability” is used all the time by the Left. Of course they tend to confine the meaning of “vulnerable” to those people who suffer because of evil Tory cuts, so perhaps Mishal was confused. “Vulnerable” must be used on the BBC about 93 million times a day in this way. But it has a broader meaning. I’ll give an example for poor Mishal. Say you’re a disabled person who is confined to a wheelchair. You can’t really move. Then Jimmy Savile comes into your room and you’re all alone with him. That’s being “vulnerable”. Here’s another example. Say you are a girl who has lived in care all your life and you turn eighteen. Suddenly you’re kicked out of the system and you find yourself alone and the only people who befriend you are a Muslim grooming gang. Because you have never had the chance to form successful emotional attachments in your life, you are still naive and don’t know how to judge character, and you don’t realise that these Muslims are not friends but evil bastards. That’s being “vulnerable”.
Good piece by Amanda Platell in the Mail about Stormzy’s outburst at the Brit awards. Why aren’t politicians showing these virtue signallers for what they are instead of living in fear of upsetting a few ignorant voters. The left love to believe lies spread by their icons.
Hell will freeze over before I accept that ‘Rap’ can be called music. Even those who have spoken the words to a rhythm in the past have at least been melodic e.g. Lee Marvin – Wandering Star / Rex Harrison – Why Can’t a Woman be more like a Man (you should be alive today Rex !!) / Richard Harris – Camelot.
‘Why Can’t a Woman be more like a Man’
Be fair, across all their news, education, drama and light entertainment, that is pretty much the current BBC mantra.
CBBC homepage has a headline link to the following:
The BBC actively promotes rap on its CBBC channel.
Something while we wait for the new thread to open :
Matt Ridley writes about BBC-type people making blasphemy rules against people who criticise Islam , gender, or Global Warming alarmists
\\There are things you simply cannot say about Islam and increasingly about Christianity, about climate change, about gender, to mention a few from a very long and growing list, without being accused of, and possibly prosecuted for, “hate speech”.//
” … me who finds himself perpetually on the politically incorrect side of arguments, or at least the opposite side from the BBC.
But it does feel as though almost everybody, whatever their views, is one step away from public denunciation.”
Matt will be an atheist so knows little about the religious impiulse.
He says that Christianity is getting increasingly censorious-tell us how Matt!
I don`t see it.
Matts problem(being an atheist) is that he confuses spirituality with religion. The Fukayama doctrine died with the end of the Soviets and the 9/11 attacks.
A religion is a code, set of beliefs and practices/rituals that “bonds people together” in a Higher Cause.
If that means getting Fulham promoted, or making us all be vegan-well, these are religions.
If you can never be “——–” enough-then that`s a religion.
So leftish, communist, Muslim, liberal sporting, rich, educated, healthy, deviant, sexed or vegan…all of these words fit into the “religious” gap I left in my sentence above. Anti-Fascist, Labour and rewarded/awarded are similar.
We have a God-shaped hole-vacuum out any need for Jesus or God, then it`ll get filled with stuff like I mention above.
Some UK Newsbites from last week
– Westminster council targets rich residents for extra ‘guilt tax’ |
says £800 would give three rough sleepers not entitled to public funds a bed for a week
FFS surely that would keep them in a palace ?
– Claim that defendants refuse to come to Bristol court for fear of losing “comfortable cell “, cos at the end of the day they might end up in “less comfortable Bristol Jail.
..Hang on is that code for “I might get killed by Muslims in Bristol Jail ” ?
Couldn`t we just give them Parliament? The Derry Irvine Suite as an office or shooting gallery, as we relocate our new post-Brexit seat of power to Sunderland, Sheffield or Wolverhampton-ANY big place that voted to leave the EU.
And let London learn the hard way under their elected Muslim what Islam and Islington privilege leads to?
And use Heston, Cobham and Scratchwood etc as border crossings with the refugees bound to follow and leave London to rot until they vote properly?
I sincerely believe the big thing at BBC was how quickly they could get the asian rape gang story hidden and, well done they have already, Harvey will keep reappearing regularly as he has comitted such a sin, hundreds of schoolgirls raped is apparently not such a sin
I was hoping for a HYS on the asian rape gang story, but the item has left the building, to make way for more important ‘news’ items. There is a HYS now up and running for ‘Team GB yah!’ winning 3rd place in some plank sliding with twizzles contest.
“A children’s aid charity has confirmed six cases of sexual abuse and child exploitation by staff or associates.”
Plan UK
Red Cross Reveals 21 Staff Have Resigned Or Been Fired Over Sexual Misconduct Since 2015
Yet now on R4 Claire Short is defending the charities ..”something wrong with our media” ..she’s making out it’s all about using prostititutes..It’s not’s about the underage, corruption ..and the cover up
Beeboid “So you don’t think #MeToo should have spread to charities ?”
Oh for goodness sake it does not take an Einstein to work out where the wronguns work (scouts, youth training etc) and now we also know where they come from as well but that is not being acknowledged, or rather it was for one day on the BBC website and has now gone forever….because they are muslims
And it is not just white schoolgirls….
Police have said they are talking to community leaders following a protest by hundreds of Sikhs at a Luton police station.
About 250 people gathered at Buxton Road at 21:00 BST on Tuesday over an allegation that a young Sikh woman had been sexually assaulted.
Police said the report was being investigated.
A 19-year-old man charged with common assault in connection with the allegation is due in court later.
‘Aired responsibly’
Before the protest, senior officers had attended the Gurdwara in Dallow Road to meet Luton Sikh community leaders to explain the investigation into the report of an assault on Monday, a police spokesman said.
“This concluded satisfactorily and the officers left,” he added.
“An hour later a wider group, including Sikhs from outside of the town, arrived at the Buxton Road police station to discuss the issues further.
“After considerable negotiation with representatives from the group, who were invited into the police station to talk, the protesters left at 11pm.”
Ch Supt Mike Colbourne said: “Obviously we have a duty to facilitate lawful, peaceful protest and if people have concerns it is right they are aired responsibly.
“Our priority first and foremost, however, is with the victim in this matter and her family.”
isn`t it pathetic when we expect the Sikhs to have to do our fighting for us?
The Sikhs are to be respected-when THEY go, there`ll be real trouble. Now THEY can carry knives-and they`re pretty big ones back at the Gurdwallah.
Think I can see why the BBC and media are so keen on wall-to-wall sport and anodyne fluff now…real stories like this one in Luton somehow need to be crowded out. Sport and celebrity pish on the other hand kills their ratings and makes us all go online for real news. So they`re stuffed either way.
If its important, interesting and necessary-well the media will no longer be reporting it, in case we kick off or blame Corbynislam.
So no-one watching.
If its idiot drivel from Clegg and Harnman world-then no one will watch, it`s lies, safe and untrue as well as deeply repetitive and boring, So no advertising-and the state will have to run these news outlets as charity outlets and fodder lots for the sheep.
So like Oxfam and their schools in terms of funding. Either way-they`re done.
Time for the indigenous community to do the same ? thats the problem with us we just sit back and expect justice to be served, I am happy in a strange way that I will hopefully not be alive to see this country in 30 years time when these bastards have bred enough to take control and reduce this place to the vicious medieval war torn shit holes that they came from in the first place. RIP this green and pleasant land
“The UK needs swiftly to get out of the CFP [Common Fisheries Policy] and – significantly – there is no tangible reason why it should stay in during the transition period. But to secure this process of taking back control, the UK will need to be in a position to police it.”
Fish police ? good luck with that in the budget talks LOL
Dragnet? 😉
Maybe they coud fund themselves by setting speed traps for the Barracudas
And those bloody dolphins swimming without due care and attention
I was bitten by a conger a couple of years ago but fish police did nothing, problem was they all look the same
They’ve been scaling back 😉
Excellent ! truly salty
Well, actually I must admit I went to the identity parade but ran out of breath
Those conga lines can get lengthy 😉
And fish police please it gives me endless fun on a grey day, can we expect more human rights for lobsters ? the mackerel will be up in arms about this, just because they are stupid enough to bite on anything does that not make them “vulnerable” ?
So, what you are saying is, that we should organise our lives along the lines of lobsters 🙂
7.5 million views of that interview – quite something and just an indication – methinks of what thinking people really make of the main stream media when it is laid bare without the ‘and that’s all we’ve got time for ‘ approach so fondly used by Toady and others
For a moment there I thought the BBC had a flashback to the 1950s
You see they keep banging on about women’s curlers and women sweeping all the time and their greatest aspiration as wanting to stay in the house…
Anyone worked for a wimmin boss ? some of the nastiest bullies out there, seen it many times
Annu – I have worked for a number of wimmin bosses. I am very tall so some got off on ordering me about – bullying . Others were reasonable last chaps . I did find it funny telling a few how to do their job . But takes all sorts . The individual in more important that the gender . It’s the same with race, that’s why I’m against quotas – although I’m a bit hypocritical in that I think (white ) English speaking Britons should be the majority – but again subject to ability – which is a pipe dream .
one tried it out on me the other day while having a quiet fag outside the office marched up to me demanded I move away from her and went to a smoking shelter because she would not be near my smoke vicous nasty bitch who had got out the wrong side of bed any man who felt the same way would have approached me in a different manner