Agent Cob-Nut hasn’t come in from the cold yet, perhaps he’s stuck, maybe he can batter his way out with a blackpudding [no jokes about Di-abolical], or maybe he can just use it to batter his critics in the Press into silence…the BBC need have no concerns of course as he threatens ‘change is coming’….the BBC is happy to see change even if it means a Marxist, terrorist supporting wrecker in No10…or No13 according to Di-abolical.
Spot any more BBC ‘Help for Zeroes’ list it all here……
No weekend thread ..for the wicked ?
Trans Charity calls police after a teacher ‘misgenders’ a trans pupil and say he has committed a ‘hate crime’.
Surely the Charity should be prosecuted for wasting police time ?
Soon a pupil will say “I identify as “Allah” is it is a hate crime to refuse to address me as such”
WE have had a driver drive straight through a road block into our workers and police will do nothing despite all being on camera maybe too concerned about 6 foot 5 oclock shadow men in stilletos being offended
Times digs up 2 pages if stuff against leaders of university strikes : high pay, and communists.
Tactics of greylusting, and ambush Google ads
…BTW funds which divest from oil gas will have suffered falls, whereas their investments in subsidy dependent biz like solar/wind/EVs are risky.
University hmmm winter break : week before Xmas, back mid January and it goes on half terms spring break and most of the summer off a real job would frighten the life out of them
put it all together including the 20 hour week a degree could be achieved in under a year yet my son is now 10s of thousands in debt while sitting at home two days a week and many months a year
£30,000 for a glorified library card. My grandson gets no tutoring, no detailed teaching. All his lecturers are chasing Malaysian and Chinese students to come here to study. All sponsored by fat cat businesses in a global market. And all his “lectures” are online pieces of indecipherable, unteachable and business-led junk and free market research…all put up in incomprehensible pidgin English from PhD students and MAs hiding from the Home Office , unable to teach and with no help in their poor English. But they`re cheap, grateful to be here-and it`s all online so can be copied later. The students know nothing, but help each other along for the binges, booze runs, drugs counselling and getting Corbyn into power.
Bloody scandalous-and his VC is on £250,000 pa to manage this abortion of a “university experience”.
Army major returned medals to protest shabby treatment :
MOD “treating soldiers as political fodder”, whilst they dole out £100m to Phil Shiner et all.
Major Robert Campbell
Only heard one sentence this morning on Today at the end of their 8am news. Some paddy says that some EU effort to create problems regarding a border in Ireland will be “run by the Brits later”
“Run by the Brits” you tell me paddy?
And Radio 4 think that THIS is the way to report on Brexit negotiations do they?
How much more offhand, insulting and comtemptuous does the EU elite(in the form of their media gobs on sticks like paddy here?) need to be with us?
And why is anybody still paying for this tripe, why is nobody taking the BBC on in this racist and nasty little , latest drive-by trashing of our nation at the crucial point of regaining control from the likes of them?
Utterly disgusted-when are we going to boycott EU goods, when are we going to compete to screw them into their OWN revolutions on the continent?
When are we gojng to tell the BBC that we`ve had enough of their lies, insults and scorn and want revenge on them? How many excuses are phoney skirmishes are we prepared to take from the EU and its Haw Haw BBC?
As for the “hard border”-the EU seem intent on getting Sinn Fein to threaten us enough, so we`ll have one as we once needed. The EU are now actively inciting terrorism from Adams and his IRA mates, as far as I can see with this kind of talk.
Aren`t there supposed to be offences regarding incitement to terror, radicalising paddies like this Radio 4 Today creep I heard at 8.10 this morning?
Let`s target the EU and all its evils-if its got an EU flag-boycott it, and treat all EU goods as coming from the terrorists that they want to be.
Gloves off England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland! And hands off, BBC/EU scummards.
Times : 3 Save the Children HQ women speak up
Forsyth brought a “The thick of it” culture with him
Cox was a ladies man, older women would protect younger ones. 2am texts etc.
It was the women, who were warned, not him.
Forsyth & Cox seen as effective and well connected, hence not treated like normal people.
Letters PPP age : 14 charities sign letter calling for whistleblowers makes no apology.
Signatories inc : Oxfam, Muslim Aid, CAFOD, Christian Aid etc.
Forsyth brought that “Thick of it culture” with him, from Downing Street shouty, aggressive, bullying behaviour with a sense of entitlement.
Clare Short – remember her? Shamefully allowed of her coffin to say that the charity scandal isn’t one and it was all a long time ago . It’s all a right wing conspiracy to get rid of difd. If only . The beeboid didn’t challenge her lack of sympathy for victims of sex for aid. Amazing how lefties can cut the outrage when it suits them .
Apparently 30 000 000 was spent on the boys and girls for Blighty in the winter Olympic s . Which is probably a bit less than the cost of al beeb coverage .
6 million quid a medal
One of the sports is called curling where people slide stones along ice . I caught the end bit for a bronze medal between the plucky British / Scots and the dirty jap .
Have you ever noticed that whilst al beeb spends 99% of its time rubbishing Blighty when it comes to Olympic sport they like they become big on the jingoism .
The Scots/ British girl curlers came fourth so we won’t be treated to a kranky basking in the reflected glory of Olympic medal winners in holyrood . OBEs all round though .
The BBC obviously feels a bond with the sports funded by a regressive levy (i.e. almost all Olympic disciplines). The participants’ every failing is excused & flag waving is allowed, when at other times the nation is usually referred to in the third person by the BBC
Has ever a sport lasted so long in televised Olympics than Curling ? I thought I’d start taking an interest, and found the high flying death defying feats of snowboarding / ski jumping et al enthralling, and love watching the skating, speed and figure, BUT EVERY DAY there has been Curling and more Curling. Sick of it now.
I’m guessing curling is so boring that even sky won’t buy it to act as filler for something people actually watch . I confess I don’t know what sky does now as I dumped it at the same time I dumped the licence tax.
Christa Ackroyd says BBC statement about her is a lie
#1 said it had given “several reasons” for ending her contract, in a letter of 2013.
The letter, seen by The Yorkshire Post, refers to an “unauthorised personal appearance”.
But Ms Ackroyd said the event involved only cutting a string of sausages at a college in Bradford, where she was a Fellow.
#2 The BBC also said she had declined a staff contract “on a number of occasions”.
Ms Ackroyd said: I was never once offered a staff contract. ”
“I signed the only contract I was offered”
#3 “An independent judge found me to be an entirely honest witness.”.
lib-think : Yorkshire Post letter :
You see we need third world aid cos we’ve double harmed
#1 By Colonialism
#2 By causing Global warming we should send them new 4x4s
What ARE the BBC up to ?
On the Europe page FFS we have this headline. ‘Red Cross reveals 21 staff paid for sexual services’.
Crass! Meaningless. Drivel. A headline which raises titillating questions but no investigative reporting whatever. Was it legal? Were the providers above the age of consent and willing participants? Were payments made and were they from individuals or from Red Cross funds? Did the activity occur in company time or private time?
I’m no supporter of LeftMob hypocrites but even less of the bBBC’s sanctimonious humbug.
FOI Request: How many BBC staff ‘paid for sexual services?’
As I see it
I mentioned in an earlier post about Clare short declaring the whole charity abuse stuff as an attempt to undermine dfid.
Earlier in the week one Mary beard – the history beeboid – tweeted that the boys were stressed and along way from home type crap – but no outcry . No sacked from al Beeb
I’m starting to wonder whether you have hit on something with al Beeb sex abuse beyond the saville issue. Al Beeb high command would do anything to suppress that coming out but can only hope .
It would explain why al Beeb doesn’t seem concerned about the whole disgrace of organisations depending on public sympathy and contributions covering up on the sins of its employees at all levels .
I’m not a great one for screaming for public inquiries because normally if happy days for the legal sharks and the original reason forgotten by the time it publishes. But in this case I think there might be a need to look at how well regulated these huge outfits are and particularly the role of the Charity Commission which seems to not do much.
The charity commission is to carry out a statutory inquiry about Oxfam but me thinks that will be an arse covering exercise amongst the ex al Beeb management class. Let’s hope the emails can be recovered .
Unlike the BBC and The Guardian, The Times is running the story of the British Army major tormented by the fee grabbing lawyers and, it must be remembered, by BBC’s panorama and BBC news.
The Times says: “He pointed to the Ministry of Defence having paid more than £100 million to “mendacious” human rights lawyers, including Phil Shiner, who was struck off for misconduct after bringing dishonest abuse claims against British soldiers who served in Iraq.”
A lady comments as follows, and speaks for everyone outside the BBC/Guardian loop:
“The treatment of the members of our armed services , those men prepared to risk their lives to defend us ,is a disgrace . Yet our government bends over backwards to make excuses for the wicked Islamic terrorists who not only raped and beheaded their way through Iraq and Syria but are attacking and killing us in our own land . It is not their fault apparently . They are brain washed victims .Giving them houses jobs and welfare benefits will rehabilitate them and turn them into ideal British citizens apparently . “
… you are allowed to be enraged.