We know, because the BBC tells us, that Britain has no culture and thus no indigenous multiculture, thus the BBC likes to import the exotic inhabitants of far-off lands and bring them here as exhibits in some kind of open cultural zoo to be gawked at in amusement and delight by the natives who are all white, male and very boring. Hence we get daft comments from the simple Chiles who yesterday filled his studio with Russians, Ukrainians and Armenians…he expressed his delight saying ‘This is great, this is Europe!’. Naturally he was really meaning ‘this is the EU…and it’s fantastic migrant open door policy’ [never mind none of those countries are in ‘Europe’] betraying the real mindset behind the mic. as if we didn’t already know from his numerous attacks on the ‘Far Right UKIP’ and Nazi Farage. Would he express the same pleasure in the multi-culturalism if he had a Scotsman, a Welshman, an Irishman and an Englishman in the studio, or someone from Somerset, Norfolk and Yorkshire, or from London, Liverpool and Manchester? All very different places, all with unique history and culture…and yet the BBC writes them all off and tells us they aren’t of any interest….Britain is a cultural desert that needs spicing up with those exotic imports. Interested to hear Dimbleby on Any Questions describe the exotic men who committed the sex attacks in Newcastle as all being ‘South Asian’ and that there might be something wrong with their culture….apart from the fact that he just ran off a list of their actual origins, a wide variety of countries, which he seemed to forget, the one actual unifying cultural identifier was that they were mostly, if not all, Muslim…not a mention. A problem with that culture? No of course not. It’s those ‘South Asians’.
Blind to the joys of British culture, blinded by the ‘joys’ of foreign cultures.
Spot any BBC bias? List it here…..
My god the BBC website front page is a disgrace. The love-fest for Corbyn is embarrassing.
The Communist sympathiser, code name COB (Jeremy Corbyn) said “Change is coming”. The Reverent Billy Graham said that Communism was the work of the devil and that the second coming was approaching.
According to the list of 112 Popes by Saint Malachy, the present Pope is the last Pope and “when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed“. Presumably this will be achieved by the vengeful CND supporting Devil ordering HMS Vengeance to disarm itself by firing its Trident submarine-launched ballistic missiles at the Vatican City.
A Tory MP has agreed to apologise for posting a tweet in which he said Jeremy Corbyn had passed British secrets to a spy from communist Czechoslovakia.
Ben Bradley will also donate an undisclosed sum to a charity supported by the Labour leader and has agreed not to repeat the allegation, Labour said.
He has agreed to say that the tweet he posted “was wholly untrue and false”.
Labour had said a Sun story about Mr Corbyn having contact with a Czech spy in the 1980s was “absurd”.
A spokesman denied that Mr Corbyn ever acted as a collaborator or agent of the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia.
Mr Bradley had been threatened with legal action over his tweet. He will make a donation to a foodbank and a homeless charity in his constituency, and pay Mr Corbyn’s legal fees, Labour said.
The BBC – Bigging up Bolshevik Corbyn.
As for the spineless Tory MP in question, how does he know his statement was ‘wholly untrue and false’? Nothing has yet been proven or disproven on information Corbyn might have divulged to the enemy, but an ex-head of MI6 is pretty clear he has a lot of explaining to do.
The MP was very foolish, he should not have crossed the line into imagination.
Yes we know Corbyn met a spy, ran a peace org infiltrated with Soviet spies , cooperated with Soviets
..but we don’t know if he gave them secrets or sold them secrets etc.
However the sharp operators at Labour PR are wrong to assert
“absence of evidence” that he was a spy proves he wasn’t a spy..so nothing to see here move along …
that’s the logical fallacy that “absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence”
… in the absence of proof all scenarios remain possible,
Corbyn could’ve been a spy, neutral or even a superb double agent.
I note the Tories said “nothing to see here move along” until Jeffrey Archer, and Jonathon Aitkin were proved to be perjuring themselves.
We learnt the other day that a minor council has a monitoring officer, so where was the Tories monitoring to pickup their MP was sending idiot tweets ?
The big question to ask (and get answered) is how much sensitive information is likely to be in the hands of an Opposition back-bench MP, who is not a Shadow Minister, in the Cold War 1980s?
My god the BBC website front page is a disgrace. The love-fest for Corbyn is embarrassing.
No Corbyn on the page I see
..are you seeing a tailored version of the homepage , cos you’ve clicked BBC Corbyn stories before ?
Makes you wonder when the BBC is supporting the cause that climate change is settled science and that 95% of scientists support climate change, if this man is the only one that doesn’t agree with them, and why it is that the BBC (and blue Labour) aren’t dragging him out as evidence of Labours difficult position on the issue.
Surely the time has come to strip the BBC of its right to levy a £3.5bn a year poll tax on the British people. Rotten to the core with institutional left wing bias, it can no longer claim a privileged position at the heart of the British nation upholding all its values and providing an impartial commentary on its affairs.
The BBC claims to “treat every subject with an impartiality that reflects the full range of views”. Well it would, wouldn’t it? But in reporting on the three great issues of the day – the rise of populism (Brexit, Trump and movements across continental Europe), immigration and climate change – it regularly skews the facts to fit its own liberal agenda. Most of the time, however, it simply fails to report all sides of the story.
In the case of alleged human-induced global warming, the BBC deliberately ignores the large number of scientists who suggest that CO2 is just one of many natural variations that affect the climate. It panders to an entitled and comfortable political elite that seeks to de-industrialise the world within 40 years by removing cheap efficient gas and oil. The burden of course falls almost entirely on the poor. Already in parts of Europe the big move to intermittent solar and wind power is driving energy costs to sky high levels. The effect on the developing world will be catastrophic, leaving millions to die early in continuing poverty and disease. Let’s just take a moment to call this out for what it is – wicked.
The global warming/CO2 link is seen as “settled” based on 30 years of dodgy, proxy (a polite word for made up) climate temperature studies, not one of which has proved accurate. The Corporation’s attitude on what should be the great scientific debate of the age was summed up recently by the writer Clive James who noted that the BBC had “spent ten years unplugged from a vital part of the global intellectual discussion with an increasing air of provincialism as a result”.
Brexit and Trump of course were the big shocks. The realisation that the majority of British people, when asked, voted to leave the open bordered European Union in large measure because of uncontrolled immigration was a body blow to the BBC. The liberal consensus is clear and the BBC is fully signed up to it. Importing largely unskilled immigrants on an unlimited basis allows big business, finance, and the urban elites to have cheap labour, lower prices and massive opportunities on the virtue signalling front.
It also depresses blue-collar wages and puts enormous pressure on education, health, housing and welfare services. Needless to say the liberal elites often avoid using these services themselves. In addition, opening the borders to large numbers of people from different cultures who have little wish to integrate into British society, runs the obvious risk of importing all their squabbles, disputes and unacceptable cultural practices. It means that British people now have to worry once again about the consequences for blasphemy.
It also means that 22 young people can be blown to smithereens by a North African muslim “refugee” at a Manchester pop concert. But no worries, terrorism we are told, is just part of life and nothing can be done, a view faithfully reported by the BBC. And as if to prove the point, the BBC was in Manchester two weeks later broadcasting a “memorial concert” while the surviving injured were still lying in their hospital beds sticking bits back together again. But hey, let’s party and sing Don’t look back in anger – to which the obvious question is “why not?”
And while you are about it, move along please in the northern cities as young muslim gangs groom, molest and rape young women. Nothing for you to see here, Sir. And if there is, which there isn’t, please refer to the gentlemen concerned as “predominantly Asian or British minority ethnic culture or background”. We don’t want to put you on a hate crime charge, now do we Sir?
Reporting of events in America has been frankly laughable. For a year most of the mainstream media tried to pin Russian collusion on the Trump campaign, despite it becoming increasingly obvious that most if not all the allegations were a Democrat dirty tricks campaign. They don’t seem to hold Presidential press conferences any more so we might have hoped that Jon Sopel would get out a bit and try to explain how America came to vote for Trump. If he did, I didn’t notice. He seemed to prefer the easy life in Washington DC and being spoon fed garbage from the failed Clinton campaign. To be fair, I doubt whether his editors asked for anything else.
For myself I would remove the BBC’s funding on the ground of racism alone. How you can advertise for a journalism post that specifies “non-white” in Britain today simply escapes me. I personally find it offensive that an outfit behaving like that can still tout itself around the world as the British Broadcasting Corporation. Like blasphemy punishments, I thought we had left gratuitous racial prejudice behind us years ago.
A lot of intelligent people think the BBC is unbiased, partly because the BBC constantly tells them it is and partly because they have never really given the matter much thought. But I came across an interesting web site recently called Media Bias/Fact Check. I have no information about its credibility – some reports are very positive, others seem to regard it as the spawn of the devil. I pass on some of its findings for what they are worth.
MB/FC conducts an online poll on BBC bias and so far over 7,000 have replied, a very large sample in this line of work. The results should shake the BBC to its complacent core. Nearly 58% believe that the BBC is centre left/left/ extreme left. The equivalent figure for the same right wing categories was just 6.5%.
Maybe the BBC should hold its own similar poll. Perhaps it has – and it is secretly rather proud of the results.
Interesting post . I disagree that a lot of intelligent people think al beeb is unbiased .
On the issues – the vote to leave the EU was made against a barrage of remain propaganda pumped out by msm yet still people voted out .
I wonder if our time is peak albeeb ? Sooner or later the balloon will be pricked . I can only guess how it will happen – some incident ? Something being covered up being uncovered ?
The beeboids believe their view of the world is the right one . No question. No doubt . We oppose – shouting in the wilderness but some day we ll be listen too . Sure of it
Most decent Climate scientists have either been snubbed by the IPCC at its political Climate conferences, and therefore do not turn up at future Conferences, or have never been invited in the first place.
We have two types of Climate Change Conference:
(1) The annual IPCC fake Climate Conference frequented by 10,000 Politicians, Bureaucrats and Environmental Activists. As reported in the Mainstream Media.
(2) The London Climate Change Conference, frequented by Causational Climate scientists such as Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Meteorologists. But censored by the Mainstream Media.
I read an article in Mensa called “BBC Censorship” about two years ago. But then what else can Mensa members do about the morons at the BBC?
The Media censorship means that few people outside of science in Britain know about the currant results of the global intellectual discussion, just Piers Corbyn, BiasedBBC readers, Mensa members, some Astronomers and participants of the London Climate Change Conference, where the revolutionary findings of the Unified Theory of Climate, by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, where discussed.
The paper (Unified Theory of Climate, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, 2011) shows that the average surface temperature divided by the grey body temperature gives you the magnitude of the Thermal inertia which resembles the response of the temperature/potential temperature ratio to the altitudinal changes of pressure described by the Poisson formula, with predictions matching evidence for Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Europa, Titan, Triton and the Moon, to prove that the physical nature of the so-called Greenhouse Effect is in fact a Pressure-induced Thermal Enhancement or Thermal Inertia which is independent of the atmospheric chemical composition. Proving that “carbon dioxide warming” is a hoax.
I’m a simpleton . I just think about how long we have had reliable data on the weather in order to establish a workable model . The effect solar output on the atmosphere cannot be known yet can it ?
The whole human climate change industry is based on carbon dioxide out out by us over the last 100 years . Not enough time to project forward .
Wouldn’t it be something for future occupants of the planet to look back at the consensus and say -“how wrong could they all be?” No job with al beeb for me
Fedup2, that’s a question that implies that you are much more intelligent than anyone employed by the BBC, because retrospective computer runs are something else that seems to be missing in the media. Retrospective Computer runs for Models that can predict what will happen in the future using old data and pretending that you are living in the past.
Those based on Greenhouse Gases and satellite data can start from the mid 1980’s but fail after 1997. But those based on the length of the Solar cycle start from 1755 and if the runs produce what actually happened between 1755 and 2018, then continuing the computer run beyond 2018 has a high degree of confidence. And that is what is behind some of the predictions of a coming mini-Ice Age. It was the scientist, Eigil Friis-Christensen who found this correlation with Climate Change, and the scientist, Henrik Svensmark who has provided the explanation as to how high energy cosmic rays hitting molecules in the atmosphere produce the muons which reach and increase low level cloud production.
In fact not only has Karl Zeller proved that carbon dioxide does not cause Climate Change. But also Henrik Svensmark has just proven that Cosmic Rays do cause Climate Change.
It is a simple scientific fact, pressure creates heat. Venus with 90 times Earths atmospheric pressure creates the fabled greenhouse effect. The deeper you go into the gas giants the pressure of that gas increases to produce an increasingly hot environment regardless of what gases are present. I thank RP for pointing the Unified Theory for at least the 2nd time in that last couple of months. It needs drilling into peoples minds as it isn’t exactly difficult to comprehend. The fake CO2 theory proposed by the warmists is so obviously stupid once the scientific concept of Pressure is explained. I am pretty sure i can convince any sensible doubter now by talking about atmospheric pressure instead of CO2. It will be a lightbulb moment for many.
To put it as simple as possible, I would say that the greater the pressure is, then the hotter it has to be for the heat to rise from convection, due to gravity pulling the molecules downwards faster than they are travelling upwards.
Why Groupthink makes the BBC, Environmental Activists and Remain supporters seem like “low-IQ morons with a superiority complex“, or as Lindzen says “the idiocy of their betters”.
I have just read comments about Christopher Booker’s Groupthink Report by Richard Lindzen, Professor of Atmospheric Physics at MIT.
“Booker convincingly shows the power of ‘groupthink’ to overpower the rational faculties that we would hope could play some role. The phenomenon of groupthink helps explain why ordinary working people are less vulnerable to this defect. After all, the group that the believers want to belong to is that of the educated elite. This may have played a major role in the election of Donald Trump, which depended greatly on the frustration of the non-elites (or ‘deplorables’, as Hillary Clinton referred to them) with what they perceived to be the idiocy of their ‘betters’. Booker’s emphasis on the situation in the UK is helpful insofar as there is nowhere that the irrationality of the response to this issue has been more evident” Presumably that’s because of the BBC.
Evidence that Groupthink could decimate the British economy has come from Piers Corbyn’s idiot brother, who has just said “The challenge of climate change requires us to radically shift the way we organise our economy,” “Necessary action to help avert climate catastrophe”. On the other hand the Australian High Commissioner says that Britain could have a standard of living as high as Australia when Britain engages in unilateral free trade agreements with the Commonwealth.
“Accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty” is the Groupthink statement of the times. So the Remainers are (1) Traitors, waving a foreign flag. Who want Britain to remain in an (2) Anti-Democratic regional protectionist organisation. Based on rule by a (3) Racist, White European elite. While Brexiteers are (1) Patriots, waving the British flag. Who want Britain to remain in a (2) Pro-Democratic Multi-Racial Commonwealth. Based on rule by (3) the people.
Like supporters of “Brains for Brexit”, Mensa members seem to be overwhelmingly Climate sceptics and Brexit supporters. Presumably because they are both a small minority who are immune to Groupthink because they naturally always “think for themselves“ and ask core questions such as “Can you calibrate carbon dioxide warming”?
All Groupthinks seem to have the same Private Frazer narrative “we are all doomed”. But then who else believed him other than possibly those with a young and gullible Private Pike narrative. In the Groupthink we see the idiocy of these ten points:
(1) The EU will be the vandal, and this is reasonable.
(2) The EU will block or put up trade barriers even though its Britain that has the massive trade deficit.
(3) Britain will not retaliate because it is ruled by nice Pro-EU Groupthink politicians.
(4) Brexit is not possible, because Britain could not survive if it does not pay a £40 Billion membership fee for the privilege of a £60 Billion per-annum trade deficit with the EU, combined with regulatory protections from the primitive non-European World.
(5) As decolonisation from Europe proves, no nation can chose democratic freedom from Europe, without it ruining the economy.
(6) However, European rule over non-white peoples is evil, so fuck their economies.
(7) All white nations should unite, but all non-white nations should be free.
(8) The European Union and the House of Lords is the future. Democracy, free speech and the rest of the World, is the past.
(9) Just as in NAZI Germany and the Soviet Union, the young are wiser and more likely to be part of the Groupthink than the old.
(10) Aldus Huxley’s idea of exterminating those over 30 is a good idea.
Also I hear that the School of Oriental and African studies seems to have come out in favour of Brexit. They seem to support the Queens view of Brexit by wanting to decolonise the curriculum by removing white European Union writers and replacing them with non-white Commonwealth writers. This seems to be because the European Union promotes a white European, Anti-democratic, Colonialist authoritarian superstate, while the Commonwealth promotes Oriental and African, democratic, sovereign free nations.
Richard, you mentioned ‘Aldus Huxley’s idea of exterminating those over 30’. Possibly you are confusing Aldous Huxley’s dystopian novel ‘Brave New World’ with the film ‘Logan’s Run’? The latter features a society which kills those over thirty.
In Huxley’s nightmare future, 60-year-olds are (I think) recycled into productive gases. What with our elite’s environmental obsessions and their yearning to kill off ageing Brexiteers and climate change deniers, I sometimes fear we’re well on the way!
Actually, I think we’re becoming a hideous hybrid of ‘BNW’ and Orwell’s ‘1984’ – let’s call us ‘Brave New 1984’.
Have you actually read Chris Booker’s report, itself? If not, you should – it’s very well written.
Am I being a sore loser or do I detect a certain level of euphoria at the BBC as Scotland beat England in the rugby?
Come on this is the bBC
Amazing how tribal people can get .
Fedup wrote:
“Amazing how tribal people can get .”
Its not that, the vast majority of people on both sides will tip their hat to the fact that the Scottish outplayed the English. The thing is Scotland have played really well this season and so the result shouldn’t come as a surprise and all the credit to Scotland for winning.
However the fact remains, regard the tribal’ part. To the bBC, the Scots, Irish, Welsh and even every ethnic in the UK are allowed to be patriotic towards their country. It is deemed healthy in which to see people take pride in their background. Then we have how they look upon the English:
Historical injustices
Shouldn’t be allowed to vote
Tory voters so fucking evil
I mean we can’t say Paki,Jock, Taff, Paddy, Frog, as they are deemed demeaning. But hey no problems referring to the English as …Little Englanders. The left (points at the bBC) really do overboard when the English lose, and its not even when we lose, a fortnight ago we played the Welsh, a close game and yet the coverage during the match was 100% for the Welsh.
It is this blatant deriding of my Country which gets my goat, Yet to the cunts at the bBC, there is nothing wrong in that.
Hi Pounce, I have noticed the BBC doing a propaganda job to denigrate the idea of nationalism when it comes to “white” nationalism, which they link to “far-right”, “white supremacism” and bad things in general.
They have also been denigrating the idea of “popularism” when it comes to Brexit and the election of Donald Trump linking it to “far right” mentality, “white supremacism” and evil things in general.
The extent of the BBC subversion cannot be underestimated – George Orwell would have recognised it. The problem is more widespread than the BBC, extending to other public institutions, but with the BBC there is a target and an argument to be won and that is the BBC tax and its removal.
BBC’s coverage of Scotland v England
Flower of Scotland loud and proud now.
Ever heard the BBC used the word ‘proud’ in a similar context for England?
No, me neither.
Johnny, your problem is that you are not watching sufficient BBC or reading the Guardian enough. It is perfectly clear. Scottish, Welsh and Irish nationalism are wonderful natural statements of humanity which should be celebrated. English nationalism is always bad. Nigel Farage is evil, but Nicola Sturgeon is delightful beyond any level of criticism.
I hope that has helped clarify any wrong thinking of which you and others who live outside of North London are often guilty.
Indeed, SS!
I must remember:
English pride = nationalism
Scottish pride (and any other bar US and Israel) = patriotism
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– BBC Slammed Over Wake Up Payments:
The cold, dark, winter mornings makes getting out of bed difficult at the best of times, but the experience is being financially softened for thousands of early-rising BBC employees.
– TV Licence Fee to Increase:
The BBC TV licence fee is set to increase.
– Get Your Violins Out: More TV Licensing Sob Stories:
TV Licensing goons were attacked over 300 times in the last three years, according to news recently disseminated by its PR harlots.
Quick cartoon about the Corby spy (alas lack of real) news story:
Just heard the BBC come out to bat for Corbyn, regarding his not passing secrets to the Czechs.
So then -any chance of the BBC telling us what he DID do? His status, his role and what he said, who he met when and why?
Aren`t they supposed to be journalists, holding “truth to power”?
Or is that only if it means sniffing around Trumps campaign in a foreign election?
Maybe the BBC might care more if Corbyn could have been seen to influence the Czech elections of 1968?
Oh-wait a minute. They had none, simply rolled in the tanks to kill students. Do his snowflakes know this?
Course not-the BBC rather approve of spies and treachery, McLean worked for them after all, didn`t he?
Long proud history of treachery.
As I said, I hate Corbyn as much as the next person her but I think if we push a Corbyn-Czech thing too much without any specific evidence that he’s done something wrong or illegal then all it does is make people doubt the other provable things like the Hamas/IRA connections amongst others. I’d rather the papers ran constant updates on segregated islamic meetings the Labour party has held, or perhaps the jobs-for-the-boys Alexandra Palace refurbishment where he and his council made the Wembley Stadium debacle look under-budget.
I feel it isn’t whether Corbyn was a spy or not (I could believe he would be given opportunity but think he was too thick to be given State secrets in those days) but the somersaults the BBC have taken to avoid letting viewers know of the possibility, is what I find most disturbing.
I’d say let the BBC live by the sword and die by the sword. Next time they pull the crap like they did with Leon Britain or Lord McAlpine and accuse someone of something without any evidence other than “it’s a trending subject on social media” then every single question the cabinet minister answers should in some way mention Corbyn and more specifically the BBC’s decision not to cover it without evidence when it was a Labour party member under suspicion. Every. Single. Question.
There is a very simple resolution to this which is for Corbyn to give his approval for the Czech papers to be released.
Had he been a Tory leader in a similar situation – suspected of helping Pinochet’s regime, for example – every single Tory politician appearing on the BBC for months afterwards would be challenged mercilessly about ‘what has he/she got to hide’.
It is absolutely gobsmacking that a taxpayer-funded, so-called impartial public broadcaster can be allowed to continue with its shameless double standards and overt political bias.
Can I compliment the BBC whilst knocking Channel 4 News? Thanks.
C4 had a lengthy exposition of the latest charges brought in the Trump-Russia affair. But despite all the detail the vital fact was omitted, as the BBC fairly states
There are no allegations that either Mr Manafort or Mr Gates colluded with Russia to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, which is the main thrust of US special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.
The whole thing reminds me of the “pregnant chads”? Thing with Gore/ Bush . That went on and on . I suppose the democrats will use anything to preserve their swamp. Since President Trump is not a career politician it’s less likely to have an effect .
I read some fruit loop piece / think it was in the NY times saying he is acting like a conventional president -which I guess was intended to be an insult .
Al beeb makes a point of disconnecting the current blood shed in the Middle East from the the failure of the previous President to set a proper foreign policy and leave it to the Russians who do what Russians do .
definitions of pregnant/hanging chads
Here is a full transcript of a complaint I sent to the BBC regarding a Trump headline….
On Tue, 13/2/18, bbc_complaints_website@bbc.co.uk wrote:
Subject: BBC Complaints – Case number CAS-4788598-P4FBGK
To: *********************
Date: Tuesday, 13 February, 2018, 19:58
Dear Mr *******
Thanks for contacting the BBC. This is to confirm we’ve
received the attached complaint sent in this name. We’ve
included the text of the complaint and a case reference for
your records (see below).
Please don’t reply to this email because it’s an
automated acknowledgement sent from an account which can’t
receive replies. If you do need to get in touch, please use
our webform instead at http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints, quoting
your reference number.
We’ll normally include the text below in our overnight
report to producers and management of all the complaints and
other reaction we receive today (with your personal details
removed). This means it will reach the right people by
tomorrow morning.
We’ll do our best to reply as soon as we can, but the time
needed depends on the nature of your complaint. If we
can’t reply as soon as we’d like (usually within 10
working days) we’ll let you know. For full details of our
complaints process please visit:
Here are the details of your complaint:
Complaint Summary: Biased headline
Full Complaint: Headline says, Trumps infrastructure
blueprint a scam..
Report followed up with. “US President Donald Trump has
unveiled his long-touted plan to revamp US infrastructure,
but critics labelled it a “scam”.
Therefore proves your bias by using such headline and
omitting the word ‘critics’ in the headlines.
Shows what you think…… obviously agreeing it is a scam
by omission
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Please note: this email is sent from an unmonitored address
so please don’t reply. If necessary please contact us
through our webform (please include your case reference
And here is the outcome..
Thank you for contacting us.
We appreciate you feel BBC News’ reporting of Donald Trump’s presidency has been biased against him. We’ve discussed concerns about our coverage of President Trump with senior editorial staff at BBC News. To allow us to reply promptly, and to ensure we use our licence fee resources as efficiently as possible, we’re sending this response to everyone. We’re sorry we can’t reply individually, but we hope this will address most of the points raised.
Donald Trump’s presidency so far has been, as categorised by those both supportive and critical of him, unconventional. In the manner he has conducted himself and the ways in which he chooses to express himself, he has not followed the patterns of behaviour of past presidents. It is precisely for this reason that his presidency has generated so many big news stories, which as our audience would expect, BBC News have covered accurately, impartially and in full.
There have been many actions he has taken and comments he has made which have been controversial, such as his policies and comments about immigration, his attitudes to diplomacy, his labelling of North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Un as “rocket man”, and his ongoing attacks on the mainstream media. Our coverage has reflected the strong reaction that these actions have provoked, both in the USA and globally.
At no point, however, has BBC News taken a position on any of these stories. There may have been times when a consensus view has become apparent in our reporting of these stories, but this doesn’t mean that we’re agreeing with it; simply that we’re reflecting the reality of what’s happening.
When reporting on Mr Trump’s actions, we have tried to explain his position in detail and to incorporate a range of views about his policies. We have featured his supporters as well as his critics, and reflected his own response to criticism. We have also reported and scrutinised stories which President Trump would cite as his successes, such as the current strength of the US economy and his policies on tax reform.
BBC News doesn’t have a view on whether or not Donald Trump is a good president. A fundamental part of the role of our editors and correspondents is to give our audience an informed, impartial and comprehensive analysis of key news stories. We believe our reporting on President Trump has been entirely consistent with this.
Thanks again for getting in touch..
They just don’t get it…….
I would have thought this letter does confirm that al beeb has a view on President Trump – such as calling him “unconventional” . I’m surprised they didn’t mention that he got less votes than Hilary .
Why did you bother complaining . Al beeb is never going to admit to error or being wrong .
ps – I got my first letter from tv licensing address ed to me by name today – mr fedup . I’m expecting the door to come in at any moment …
‘They just don’t get it’.
With all due respect you are incorrect. They understand perfectly what they do, what they report upon and the imbalance within those reports. They do it because they can and they are right and hold the moral high ground – according to the BBBC.
Peter Osbourne covers this well in the DM and suggests that the BBC is in crisis. Peter is right and we all know this, except our tax funded national broadcaster who are so politically blinded that they cannot see the extent of the contempt in which they are held because they only speak to those who inhabit the same EU loving bubble as they do. Being ‘Auntie won’t protect them when the revolution comes.
I rather suspect that a ‘legal eagle’ is employed to write such letters in reply to complaints, judging by the tone; because I find it hard to believe that any of the graduates under 40 employed by the BBC, would be capable of articulating so well in a written reply.
Of course they don’t get it. Their jobs largely depend on not getting it.
TV presenters at the BBC are virtually unemployable in any other job, so self-interest dictates that they don’t get it.
Last week Andew Marr had a guest, the Guardian’s Luke Harding, to discuss his book ‘How Russia helped Trump win the White House’. This week he had on Michael Wolff who wrote the equally anti Trump book Fire and Fury’. Would he ever have a pro-Trump guest ?
Is Roger Stone on next week’s show ?
Quick link : Last 24 hours of comments from previous thread, start halfway down page 4 and onto page 5.
Anyone notice that the Corbyn Czech spy story which has been headlined in the non left wing media and totally ignored by MSM news (BBC, SKY et al) has suddenly appeared when a Tory MP has to make an apology. Amazing how they turn the story on its head and suddenly make Corbyn as the victim. Socialists, Marxists (Momentum), Communists, extreme left wing wingers have clearly infiltrated and control the MSM news already
Makes you wonder what all the John Simpson “honey trap” nonsense on Today R4 was all about. Apparently, the ingenu Simpson had no idea what a “honey trap” was when he was targeted by the Czech spooks. The BBC was on the commies’ shit list because of the BBC’s tranchant critique of Marxism Leninism and this was their revenge. The bit I liked best was Simpson saying he attached himself to some CND types who were attending a “peace conference”. “They knew it was propaganda” but were using their attendance as cover to contact Charter 77 activists. I was shaking with laughter by this point.
“A sheepish John Simpson yesterday admitted he regretted getting “a bit carried away” and proclaiming to a mystified radio audience that the BBC had liberated Kabul ahead of opposition forces.
The corporation’s world affairs editor, still in the Afghan capital and appearing on the BBC’s Frost programme, hung his head and said he felt “very, very, very embarrassed” by his claims, made as Kabul fell to the Northern Alliance last Tuesday.”
His suggestion on the Today programme that “it was only BBC people who liberated this city – we got in ahead of Northern Alliance troops” provoked hilarity and ridicule from broadcasting rivals.
It’s not only Czech spooks who are fantasists.
Because he’s worth it. Top echelon market rate still.
Tweeting like a boss too.
Don’t get me wrong, I revere India, her people, culture and spirituality.
But on his recent trip there the insufferably smug ‘peoplekind’ look-at-me-aren’t-I-gorgeous Trudeau became a ridiculous parody of himself, and they hated him and his condescension
It would take a heart of stone not to laugh.
“Is it just me or is this choreographed cuteness all just a bit much now? Also FYI we Indians don’t dress like this every day sir, not even in Bollywood.”
Dammed dangerous for the future of our children-subjugation.
I repeat @Guest Who quoting Douglas Carswell in the last thread
@DouglasCarswell tweeted
See below for why the danger to democracy is billionaire newspaper barons (not Arab princes and Russian oligarchs as far as £4B BBC Henderson is concerned, natch).
I wonder who Andrew Marr is inter… having a cosy chat with today, and about what? Hope Rob Burley is as selective as ever in his engagement.
Alan believes that Adrien Chiles doesn’t know what it is to be British, perhaps it is because he is a Croatian-speaking son of a Croatian mother?
Why else would the BBC employ a ‘white’ man?
Corbyns naked cynicism has reached new heights. He now believes that he has a voter percentage advantage if he proposes to stay in the customs union as opposed to honouring the referendum result as he has maintained all along. This puts the promise to deal with student debt well in the shade and proves that at least he has a consistency in that there isn’t a promise he won’t break or a shady deal he won’t broker to get his grubby mitts on the reins of power.
This is shameless dishonest stuff and if Tory flavoured, would have the BBBC all over it like a rash.
Things you won’t see on bbc news webshite:
“Donald Trump’s approval rating rises to 50 per cent in new poll” (DT)
Let me just check. Home page… no.
World… no.
US & Canada… no.
Politics… no.
Nope. It ain’t there. Surprise surprise.
The BBC yet again demonstrate their full support for Muslims that head off to join ISIS and other Islamic groups, that engage in terrorism and kill British people.
The BBC have a “Full Story” feature on their News Homepage – exonerating a clean cut, good looking young Muslim male, that headed off to join an Islamic terrorist group. What I want to know is where is the fecking Full Story feature of the recent report indicating that every region in the UK is likely to have had thousands of white English girls and young women raped and groomed and sex enslaved by gangs of Muslim men? Where’s the fecking demand for our politicians to be held accountable? Instead from the BBC we have endless stories of misguided yet good hearted jihadis killing and raping.
Anyone who has spent a little time examining the BBC knows all about the BBC pro-Islam anti-English agenda. The only focus now for those that care should be a grass roots campaign of badgering local and national politicians and political parties to end the BBC tax. The BBC is irredeemable.
BBC “Full Story”: How I Joined the Jihadis By Mistake
Hiding down deep within the sands of deception, greed, and self-satisfied motivation, dis-inclined to rock the boat of Multiculturalism. Call them Traitors? Stupid fools more like.
I agree. I also find their web links and breadcrumbs reveal a fair amount of bias.
The Operation Sanctuary article is quickly sectioned off under News > Local News > Regions > Tyne & Wear. No mention of Muslims. The Quilliam report (linked in the article) is unequivocal in stating that this is a nationwide problem, and that “the majority of these offenders are of Pakistani origin with Muslim heritage.”
Interesting also that they don’t link to any articles on Operation Sanctuary (they do exist), or to other ‘grooming’ cases like Rotherham, Rochdale or Oxford (they exist as well). Instead, the links are: ‘Newcastle City Council’, ‘Newcastle upon Tyne’ and ‘Northumbria Police’. In contrast, the links to that Accidental Jihadist (lolz!) article are ‘Syrian civil war’; ‘Jihadism’; ‘Kosovo’. All appropriate and relevant.
Surprising to discover the beeb actually has a Jihadism category — when do you ever see or hear this word after an actual terror attack in Britain? Of course barely any of those articles relate to attacks on UK soil — it’s mostly foreign-based plus the usual artsy feel-good fluff e.g. “Horror and hope – the artists defying IS terror”. All part of the narrative that Jihadism is something taking place far, far away.
More unjoining the dots at the Beloved ﻅﻅﺡ (Propaganda Be Upon It).
If you can’t enhance the narrative, simply censor:
Quite how so many on the left simply erase the power of the bbc broadcast monopoly is astounding.
Author of Fire and Fury on Marr. I wonder if they would ever interview the guy who wrote Clinton Cash, which is so well researched and referenced rather than part fiction? The more mud they throw at Trump the more he thrives on a siege mentality, in my opinion. So pathetic they still drag out the author of that tawdry nonsense – if they had any journalistic integrity they would never have even considered it. It shows how desperate they are.
Plus a black lefty journalist and a mixed race cellist! Bash Brexit later in the programme, as they do with metronomic regularity, and we will have a full house from the Groundhog Broadcasting Corporation.
Surely this lot will soon be on the VD itch show, perhaps schooled to be a little less chipper? Emoting over here is different to emoting over there. Apparently.
reply Tweets show
: Ellen at many events surrounded by armed guards protecting her
: old tweets from the leader kid , wishing violence against Republicans and a sarcastic tweet praing Trump for being like Hitler, with a mocked up image
What’s Ellen doing? Tossing them sardines?
Long interview – I had to mute it as it would wind me up so much. Jordan Peterson got a sneering few minutes on the BBC and not allowed to open up. I imagine they let Wolff give both barrels. So free, fair and impartial. What a beauty!
That celtic sporting bias
Can’t help but notice the BBC summary of the Irish defeat of the Welsh at rugby is measured and even-handed in stark contrast with the Scottish win over England which is clearly celebratory and packed with superlatives – Scottish tries are “brilliant”
Andy Marr was pretty chuffed too. He worked it into his newspaper review. I have to say I hadn’t noticed his Scottish leanings previously – other than a party political bent toward the SNP against the Tories.
BBC reveal dictator but can’t use word dictator … if trump did this he would be called a dictator like Mugabe …. but China is a struggling third world country ….
China proposes to let Xi Jinping extend presidency beyond 2023
China proposes … see how BBC hide fact that dictator dictates to China that he should be allowed to dictate!
The beeb fawns over China, a Communist dictatorship with a record of abysmal human rights, ongoing cultural genocide in Tibet, a gulag system of torture, murder, slave labour and organ harvesting, aggressive militaristic expansionism in the South China Sea, cyber-attacks on the West, etc etc.
(While systematically demonising Trump, potentially our greatest ally and partner.)
Is it actually possible to switch on Radio 4 and not be preached at? My experience would suggest not. Sometimes the preaching is subliminal, sometimes completely in your face, but it is always there.
This morning, for example, I experimentally switched on while making a cup of tea. The result was having to endure a black teenage girl lecturing me on the virtue of ‘grime’ and ‘rappers’ and the iniquity of a government which chose to ignore ‘demands’ for ‘sprinkler systems’ and for the subsidised housing she deems suitable for immigrants, many of whom were here illegally.
It isn’t necessary, here of all places, to point out the gaping holes in her analysis of housing provision for illegal immigrants, nor that the culpability (if any) rests with many bodies, not least Labour politicians, the meddlesome EU, builders, architects and even Labour’s sainted firemen.
It isn’t what this arrogant child had to say that offends but that the Marxist controllers of BBC R4 put her on a pedestal to hector and talk down to her elders on a subject about which she knew nothing. This is unacceptable. Her opinion is worthless and, even if it were not, it is never countered, never contradicted. This is the diet R4 forces down its listeners’ throats ceaselessly: the authentic voice of ignorance and idiocy – the cannon fodder of the far Left.
The BBC is beyond repair. It needs to go and its programme controllers, editors and the rest can go back to ‘work’ in the second rate polytechnics they came from. Or Greggs, for all I care. If they can work out how to operate a cash register.
Not Greggs, please. Wouldn’t want that vermin handling my doughnuts.
A good point.
“Is it actually possible to switch on Radio 4 and not be preached at? ”
A switch-on-bingo win = when you switch on and they are pushing a #BiasedBBC pet issue at you
Thousands of wins every day
What about all the murders of BAME individuals caused by the violent culture promoted by grime and rap? Why not ask the young lady about that? They are their own worst enemies at times. I am sick of always blaming someone else. Look at the beam in your own eye first. So many of the problems in minority cultures are self inflicted and our cowardly leaders do nothing to help them adapt.
‘How I joined the jihadis by mistake’
Easily done, mate. I took the wrong bus once.
All part of the ongoing beebistan campaign to ‘humanise’, ‘explain’ and ‘understand’ islamic terrorism; to fudge, blur, confuse, exonerate and whitewash.
While demonising and exaggerating often imaginary ‘right-wing’ terrorism at every opportunity.
How i stopped paying the bbc license by mistake….. easily done?
now on Radio5 Live investigates : Acid attacks
The “Don’t mention Islam rule” probably applies
The do mention Muslim victimss will they mention Islamic perps ?
Acid attack survivors Adele Bellis and Jabed Hussain also reveal the long term physical and emotional effects.
Farage now , he has the leader of @Renew_Britain a new Second Referendum Party who says they’ve NOT taken any money from Soros directly/indirectly .
Nigel suggested that @sandrakhad get Blair to help the party…she loudly rejected that idea.
Seems @Femi_Sorry is set to come on also.
The black Remainiac from Question Time
Just when you think Marr can’t get any worse, we have him fawning all over Kier Starmer who wants to join a customs union not on offer and expects the EU to jointly with the U.K. negotiate trade deals with special conditions for the UK. Fantasy land and a total raspberry for those labour suppliers who voted leave. Meanwhile Liam Fox is treated in a rude and abusive manner and also asked to apologise for things he didn’t say about traitor Corbyn.
Starmer just looking out for himself as ever.
Meanwhile, here’s Frank showing some integrity.
Good old Frank, one of the few labour MPs with integrity. What Creasy should realise is that fawning to her London middle class constituents won’t help her. When Corbyn and the Quartermaster get the chance she will be one of the first to go.
BBc don’t often repeat this video
Luton : Stacey Dooley at the pro-sharia demonstration
Tahnk you Stew for sharing this.
Odd this ‘hate’ hasnt been on the BBC. I thought the BBC fought hate. Hope not Hate.
Went to Luton today – first time in decades. Seriously thought I had left the UK.
“What’s the solution? If Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes… you know, no one is above the law.” – Stacey Dooley
“If the law of the land is Islamic, we will respect the law of the land. If it’s not Islamic (the law) then the law of the land, and those who make them, can go to hell quite honestly.” – Anjem Choudary
“Oh my God!” – Stacey Dooley
“Because Allah says in the Koran Q33v1 ‘Fear Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Is David Cameron a Muslim of a disbeliever? Guys?” – Anjem Choudary
“Disbeliever!” – mumbles crowd of 5 other Muslims
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him. So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – Anjem Choudary
The Right of Centre political US commentator Rush Limbaugh has perfectly summed up the clear and present danger of the completely politicised MSM in the USA. This was during the first twenty minutes of his Friday Rush Limbaugh pod cast. Of course the situation in the UK is even worse because over here we have no choice under threat of imprisonment but to fund the BBC. Everything that Rush says about CNN , or fake news CNN-as he calls them , is even more true of the BBC.
If you can listen to Rush Limbaugh you will find that he is insightful and sees things on the whole from a biasedBBC user point of view. He is on five days a week, well worth a listen to.
A note taken a little while ago was to create a European Indigenous People’s Movement-The European Indigenous People’s Movement should support the right of Europe’s indigenous peoples to preserve their self-determination, traditions, sovereignty and culture as majority peoples in their own lands.The right to maintain our traditional majorities in our own lands control, our own sovereignty and our own self-determination. We do not wish harm or ill-feeling toward any other peoples on earth, but we assert the right to maintain our own majorities in our own lands without being accused of ‘racism.’ We reject current trends which preach that we have no right to oppose, control or lessen unlimited immigration from non-indigenous cultures.The right to teach our children our cultures, languages, historical interpretations, religious celebrations and traditions unimpeded. We reject educational trends which encourage our children to forget or despise their culture, traditions, religious practices and history in order to avoid offense to non-indigenous European residents or citizens.The right to maintain, cherish and practice our own indigenous religious holidays and celebrations. We reject out of hand current trends which preach that traditional indigenous European religious or cultural celebrations such as Christmas are somehow ‘racist’ or ‘non-inclusive’ and therefore must be downgraded, renamed or otherwise de-emphasized or eliminated in order to avoid offending non-indigenous European residents or citizens. We reject current policies which establish that our indigenous cultures are somehow deficient and therefore incomplete until they are ‘enriched’ by other, non-indigenous cultures.The right to maintain, cherish and practice our own indigenous religious holidays and celebrations. We reject out of hand current trends or policies which preach that our national flags or ethnic symbols of centuries standing are somehow ‘racist’ or ‘non-inclusive’ in order to avoid offense to non-indigenous European residents or citizens. I think you get the picture. As I have said before The traitor political puppets have imported dark, malevolent legions from every corner of the earth and set them loose upon native Britons in an orgy of violence,theft, fraud, rape, murder corruption, and every other wickedness known to mankind. These puppets have deliberately facilitated the
systematic colonisation, dispossession and genocide of our people, the native British. At the same time our people have been brainwashed and threatened into accepting mass abortion, sterilisation, paedophilia, family breakdown, degeneracy, dehumanisation, false guilt, social and cultural disintegration,
industrial sabotage, perpetual usury and mental and physical slavery. So the subjugation continues.
The Electoral Commission are still delaying the registration of AMW’s For Britain party.
Where`s their reports on the fiddling of the ballot in university towns last year then? All got labour MPs.
And what of the rigging of the EU ballot in 2016-and how can we know that the next electrion won`t be tampered with by Momentum, lefty students and the bloody media again?
AND how and why the Tories fiddled to keep Farage out of a seat too?
Can we apply to have a Reservation – like in America?
Ray Mears can come and do a program about us – he can squat on the floor with a hat on whilst someone who’s ancestors used to roam free shows him how they re-enact some sort of English thing like cider drinking etc.
Will there be a place we can go?
All of this was foreseen decades ago by the Soviet defector Yuri Besmenov.
The first step, he said, to last 20 years or so, was to “demoralise” the West, exactly those elements you cite in your final paragraph.
Once that is achieved, Besmenov said, the final collapse comes very quickly, and the society is ripe for plucking and placing in the Communist basket.
Times have changed since Besmenov was speaking, but it is still worth noting that, waiting in the wings to assume power, is Jeremy Corbyn, the most pro-Communist political leader that the UK has ever seen, in my estimation.
But Corbyn and his like will understand that we will not be held to any democratic efforts to put him in place.
WE saw Gordon Brwon having to be dragged out of Downing St by his fingernails-and Corbyn and his goons are not Parliamentary options.
Hitler also made queasy pacts with dupes who thought him democratic, or able to rein in his thugs-so Germany might become stable once more. What is the point of our knowing the precedents if we don`t act to crush them? Corbyn and his goons are brownshirts. They must not be let into power. Yo`ull not be able to ever vote them out again if you let them in, it`ll be a state of emergency from day one, EU troops within a year and a Muslim civil war three years later-and I`d be fighting for Islam in this case.
More enrichment was needed! How boring without so many acid attacks, rapes, knife attacks, beheadings, bombings, shootings, rammings etc. etc. etc. 🙁
Smart tailored clothes predominate whatever the age, hideously white, not a hijab in sight. Bliss ! What have we casually thrown away thanks to our politicians?
Ofcom will bandit for being too white to be shown without several trigger warnings and then only after the watershed. By the way if you are caught watching this you will be reported for hate crimes and condemned as a racist bigot.
Lucy, that clearly wasn’t recorded on a mobile ! the images was pin sharp, brilliant ! Totally my era of Biba and Bus Stop, and didn’t everyone look ‘clean’, – no Croydon facelifts, no torn jeans, no tattoos, – the girls in fresh mini dresses, and the guys equally smart, even the pavements looked spotless – but it was the age when hospitals smelled of antiseptic and nurses looked like nurses, and teachers handed out discipline.
You must surely agree that after several decades of progressive politics we are in much better shape then we were then. In those distant days there were only a few Chinese and Indian restaurants and we were a hideously White nation with far too much social cohesion , freedom of speech and diversity of thought but far too little diversity of colour and culture.. Whereas now we have lots of diversity in the form of different colours , religions , cultures but no social cohesion, and no diversity of thought is allowed. So much better.
Yes DT its terrific ! I only need to travel a few miles from my home to find I’ve travelled abroad without leaving these shores ! foreign accents, foreign languages, foreign shops, foreign habits, foreign foods, foreign cultures, foreign dress, there are even foreign schools, and I don’t even need to carry a Passport with me. Our hospitals are even 3rd world staffed by foreigners fighting foreign diseases. Ain’t life great.
I’ve seen similar videos of pre revolutionary Iran, Lucy. Gorgeous woman in the latest fashions; sunbathing in bikinis at the beach, etc. No more! Things haven’t worked too well for women in such places, the clerics seem to be doing OK though. Anyone who doesn’t think the same is on the cards for Europe, as soon as they get a sniff of power, or bleat about it couldn’t happen, here need their bumps feeling. Enabling politicians need lining up against a wall!
I hate to mention it but the Annual luvvie fest, The Oscars, is nearly upon us.
As a Cinephile, I thought I would find out what the thought police of the Cultural Department at the BBC had to say.
Of course they did have something to say ..
’ Which films are worth watching before the ceremony?’ the article proudly announces. This worthy piece is written by a gentleman called Imran Rahman-Jones who talks to Ali Plumb? Me neither.
Those are names to chew on… I had to look one of them up. Quelle surprise; ‘Imran Rahman-Jones is a freelance journalist. He was previously a commissioning editor at Guardian Students and also writes for the G2 and BBC Newsbeat.’
Anyway, I read the unsurprising thin gruel on this year’s flaccid selections for best film.
I have seen some of them.
“Watch Get Out. It was my number one movie of 2017.” Ali exclaims.
No it isn’t, it is just light weight horror fodder without the scares, containing a middling British actor, Daniel Kaluuya, who once played ‘Parking Patawayo’ on Harry and Paul.
Bafta’s ‘person of colour an award’ this year honoured him with the ‘Rising star’ gong, despite ‘treading the boards’ since 2006! Mr Kaluuya is probably a very nice man, but Daniel Day Lewis he ain’t!
Also ‘Get Out’ is no ‘Rosemary’s Baby’. You can see where the film is going in the 1st few minutes. Big fog horn blasting away, ‘all whites are bad the others cool and ok..’
Talking about pesky white trash, it is all there in the Billboard Film. The protagonist Frances McDormand gets to kick a lady’s front garden, very progressive, very macho!!
Terrible ending, it was like the screen play was written only to tick all the boxes for those SJWs but forgot to finish the story.
Ali doesn’t think Christopher Nolan’s WW2 epic will win because it was a summer blockbuster.
“I know this sounds silly, but Dunkirk came out a while ago.’’
Yes I know the feeling, all those strikes in the 70’s , crippling Communism and Czech spies , ‘a while ago’ , why should I worry about that?
Oh well you could see ‘Darkest Hour’, I did and it was ok, nothing amazing and but marred by the current group-think of having a non white come up with an earth shattering piece of poetry to save Churchill’s day. Yawn.
If you have Net of the flix, I must recommend 6 very engrossing episodes of ‘La Mante’ if not for the story but for the steely gorgeous ‘European’ Carole Bouquet.
I think I’ll spend my evenings with Talking Pictures – films with both plots and characters, on Freeview channel 81.
Ofcom don’t like them, so that makes watching even more enjoyable.
Films with plots and characters – now there’s a novelty !
Brissles – enjoy it while you may, as it looks like “they” are going to try and take that channel away from “us” because of some complaints about certain words used in the older films they show. Which have led to the father and daughter who run the channel (which 2,000,000 people watch btw) being summoned to Ofcom regarding “compliance issues”.
Actually, what makes that story even worse is that Ofcom waded in on the strength of a single complaint. I wonder if we complained to Ofcom about being offended by the relentless PC drivel of the BBC and Channel Four, it would take action? I think we all know the answer.
I have actually tried to lodge a complaint about Ofcom in the past, over another of its absurd decisions. It makes the BBC look like a model of reasonable openness in comparison.
When we have kicked the not-the-Tory-Party out (please!) we need to lobby to get Ofcom axed. It is another hang-out for the Common Purpose cultural Marxist parasites who infest easy money state jobs.
I’ve often wondered who this ‘single’ complainant is. They tend to crop up a lot when the thought Police swing into action. Funny how it only take ONE moaner for advertisers to change policy, yet it takes tens of thousands of petitioners before Parliament will have a look at a cause.
I’ve met the type and I bet most of us have. Almost certainly someone who works for the government in some form and who likes to describe him/herself as an ‘activist’.
And I entirely agree about this reflexive nonsense from companies. How many people complained about Warburton’s getting Halal certification, the relentless racial propaganda from Lloyds Bank, or the gender bending from McCain? There’s no sign of any of them changing direction, but one complaint from an SJW and it’s all hands to the pumps.
I’ve hated the Oscars ever since they completely ignored Oliver Reed’s passing during the filming of Gladiator, he may have “had his demons” but he was still a very good actor and that should have been recognized; especially when two of the four Academy Awards his last film garnered, were for Best Picture and Best Actor.
Look, I know I’m behind the curve, as usual, but I’ve only just taken a proper look at this.
The other night there was (yet another) awards ceremony for pop stars / actors, oh you know, general airhead lefty luvvies. These people just love to pose, pout and grandstand and show us how wonderful they are!
Some hideous looking brute, Stormzy? received an award. WTF for? Sheer xxxing repulsive ugliness? and started an incoherent rant about Grenfell and burning down Theresa May’s house. What a charmer!
This inarticulate oaf was bawling like some revolting primordial beast. God, even he’s uglier than (the now discredited) Cheddar man.
In my day pop stars at least used to be pretty; even the male ones. My first girlfriend at school had photos of the Davids Cassidy and Essex plastered all over her bedroom wall. All harmless stuff. Christ, if a young girl these days had a picture of this vile brute stuck on her wall I’d take her to see a psychiatrist.
And pronto!
Some ‘paper reviewer ‘ on Marr said this guy spoke the truth. In fact what he said about May and Grenfell was a pack of lies. Marr said nothing and the other reviewer had to set the record straight.
There was also some filtering of guests, Amanda Platell
\\ Rob Burley @RobBurl tweeted on Feb 23
And, reviewing the news in the papers and beyond, presenter, writer and campaigner @junesarpong and the Daily Mail’s Amanda Platell. . . #marr//
\\ Rob tweeted on Feb 24
Slight change in the news review line-up, @junesarpong will now be joined by Theresa May’s former Director of Communications Katie Perrior. Tomorrow at 9am BBC1. //
sarpong ( who she?) was a lying leftie . Perrior far too nice to take her on. Marr biased. Business as usual, in other words.
@EnglandExpects direct link to that Stormzy bit in Marr on Youtube
Alexander Kerr03 tweeted
\\ Pity stormzy couldn’t care less about all the black kids being killed virtually every day in London
.. by other black kids.
If he cared about anyone other than himself he would have used the Brits
to get the message out to stop murdering each other other than being a total liar!!!!! //
Stormzy’s homophobic tweets
\\ Joe Delaney : Leading Grenfell activist is claiming up to £300 a week in food allowances
and has a room in a four-star hotel paid for by taxpayers despite regularly using the home he claims to be unable to live in.//
Many of these Grenfell victims are troughing like hell from the state . As they were before. No indigenous white Brit can move to London and get subsided accommodation. But illegal immigrants, failed asylum seekers, gamers of the system can. And of course there’s the sub letting.
1000 likes. Why is this hate filled person not only allowed to get away with his unpleasant rants, but why is he not being prosecuted for a ‘hate crime’? Would it only require someone to come along and be offended and register it with the police?
I posted about this agitating pos, Joe Delaney, closer to the time of the fire, he’s a walking case-study.
What makes this even more staggeringly ridiculous and offensive is that I don’t think this fucker even lived in Grenfell. In fact I’m nearly sure he didn’t.
How the hell do they get away with it? If you didn’t laugh ……
Jeff, the photo of Stormzy in the press the next day showed his knickers on display above his trackie bottoms, and something sticking out a bit further down – nice. It appears the less words you can string together the more praise is heaped upon you, and ‘singing’ ???? clear case of the Emperors New Clothes. I remember my Dad cringing at the Beatles when he had grown up with Crosby & Sinatra, BUT at least they held a melody and two of them wrote some classic songs, but this lot aren’t fit to put my bins out !
Poor Cathy Newman – a joke for the rest of her career. This fate is in store for a list of media fakes
Catching up some old LIB ESTABLISHMENT stories
Times 10th Feb
– They had 4 pages of photos of St Obama
– US Army bans “bad” jokes and rudeness in their new “harassment” policy.
– Canada’s Pre Trudeau order a review into President Dutuerte’s order for 16 helicopters ..so Dutuerte cancelled the order
Remain Bias in the press
– Times claimed Russia Today had 260 Anti-EU stories, shared on Twitter they claim that there were 134m possible views
..That’s spurious cos what they do is count every Twitter follower of everyone who might have read it on Twitter
..there masses of double counting and assumption in that.
– Yorkshire Post also had a few letters against BBC Remain bias ..also surprising given the YP’s bias
– Yorks Post also had a series of letters against Laura Kuenssberg, ever since she did ambush questioning against Theresa May
that is quite unusual cos the YP is GreenBlob liberal , in over 30 letters in a month no one has defended LK, I guess cos libs hate her for once questioning Corby ONE time)
Immigration issues
Times says Facebook is getting criticised for giving platform to (boo-word) “Far right militant Christian order KTI” , Knights Templar) Those are guys that help the militia do borser patrols in Bulgaria/Turkey border.
…(wonder if this is a Soros planted story ?)
AfD is afraid of Germans losing their culture
So it wants young kids to spend less time learning Enlish and more time learning German.
Iran detainee news : Canadian/Iranian enviro activists went to Iran to do project ended up in jail.
One a professor is said to have “committed suicide”
Complete news breakdown as TV1 vanished completely, leaving an embarrassed weatherman staring helplessly at us. Must have been retribution for their hyping up of the Labour decision on the customs union, that took up much of the programme, and the hope that with the help of Soubry and other rebels, Labour could win a possible election if parliament failed to pass the ‘leave deal’.
Of course, parliament shouldn’t be in the picture at all, the referendum having been an exercise of DIRECT DEMOCRACY, and the executive then being charged with implementing the people’s decision. (This has NOTHING to do with ‘direct representation’ a phrase mischief-makers and/or ignoramuses have bandied about in the hope of muddying the waters.)PARLIAMENT DOES NOT FEATURE IN THIS, and all their attempts to say that we didn’t know wat sort of deal we wanted so parliament has to have a final look at it is a COUPD’ETAT. They have been hoping that by endlessly repeating that we are a ‘representative democracy’ (true) the little people will think that parliament must surely be involved. Rubbish! May &CO and especially now Jeremy and CO have been counting on our ignorance to pull the wool over our eyes and the BBC et al have been more than happy to play along…YOU THINK A COUP by parliament doesn’t exist? OH YES IT DOES!
There is an article in the Sunday Times by a Somali whose brother was killed in gang violence. These smug liberal wankers at the BBC help nobody but themselves by pretending all cultures are equal, or worse that minority cultures are in fact superior. Why are house prices so low in vibrant areas like Alum Rock, and why do no Beeboids live in Luton?
Just a footnote on what I said above: the other phrase, deceptive although technically true, is that ‘parliament is sovereign’. Oh yes, friends, quite true. BUT ONLY BECAUSE it has derived its sovereignty from the ultimate authority – THE PEOPLE.
It is ‘the people’ who are sovereign. So, in a referendum, the people ARE ASKED to make a direct decision. If parliament then come back and say ‘oh NO, this is a representative democracy and WE are your representatives’ —WELL, IT’S A LIE. All that was required was for the executive to get on with it and implement the people’s decision. PARLIAMENT HAS NO BUSINESS telling us we didn’t know what we were doing, it’s all so complex, they have to take over etc etc AND NOW THE FINAL INSULT friends, THE FINAL INSULT: parliament may decide NOT to vote the LEAVE decision through, possibly causing a general election, maybe letting Labour in, then GUESS WHAT? Everything is reversed. Politicians laugh at us, the little people. They count on US ‘knowing nothing’ and doing precisely what they want. USURPERS! But they’re wrong! WE KNOW. WE KNOW what they’re up to. The BBC can try and fool us with their ‘reality checks’ until the cows come home. WE KNOW!
However, the standard among our MPs is often so low that THEY need educating. So WRITE to your MP and let them know that YOU know what game is being played here. And if you don’t like their cheating, tell them. Simples.
I agree with your synopsis and fear the same outcome.
Parliament delegated the Referendum decision to us – the voting public. We were sent an expensive leaflet which left us in no doubt that this was a once in a generation choice and leaving the EU meant leaving all associated agencies – single market and customs union. And still, despite the huge barrage of Remain propaganda – the voting public chose to leave. All parliament has now to do is implement our decision. If they choose not to do so , then they state that we are worthless, unimportant and to be forever ignored in favour of our ‘betters’.
What else is Parliament but representatives of the people. If they do not represent our wishes or seek to openly oppose our wishes for an agenda of their own making – then what is Parliament for? Why do we support our representatives who disagree with and denigrate the decision that they empowered us to make?
This country is a beacon of saneness in a fairly volatile world. It is that way largely because the majority of us are sensible, realistic democratic and responsible individuals. This makes for a relatively easy ride for most elected governments of the UK and allows us to indulge in playing the democracy card for all its worth because we believed we played a part in our society and our views were fairly represented.
Change is not only coming (a la Corbyn), it’s already here.
– Our votes are worthless and the expectation is that we leave important decisions to those who are our superiors who know what is better for us than we do.
– Our national state funded broadcaster represent a liberal clique who are relatively small in number but again, know what is best for us and set out and promote a political agenda to which the majority do not subscribe. They do this in conjunction with our parliament who are signed on to the same political agenda and will only allow us to vote providing we vote the right way.
Where do we go from here? this is a rhetorical question as I know from our own history where this will lead.
‘Here is the rub’. May drags Brexit out until we get to the next general election and then offers us BINO – Brexit in name only.
Corbyn offers – Remain.
End game? Hobsons choice!
Unless Jacob Rees-Mogg gets moving now .
Taffman – I have thought this could well be the case for quite a while.
It is also very convenient that there is currently no mainstream party which takes a pro brexit standpoint, ie what we voted for despite the fact that that the MAJORITY of the electorate voted for a clean break from the EU.
I consider that the Tories fraudulently prevented Farage from being elected and would not be surprised if there was some interference in the UKIP leader elections where the membership have voted for a procession of inadequate leaders topped off with a self deluded buffoon as leader rather than AMW who in all likelihood would have picked up many votes up North.
The two main parties have effectively disenfranchised the majority of voters in this country in the hopes that we will all get back in our boxes and let them return to “business as usual”
Unfortunately for them many of us have daughters and now know what “business as usual” entails (especially true in Rotherham)) – I think that they may well find putting the genie back in the bottle more difficult than they think and could well end up with many of us “re franchising” our rights with the aid of a well aimed brick or two.
IMHO, If the UK is not taken out of the EU, events in the EU will overtake the EU and it will collapse from within – Watch Italy, Greece and Spain.
Thus leaving “egg on the faces” of the insincere, two faced politicians who betrayed the ordinary hard working people of this great country, but it will take a few years.
Blair is no longer safe to walk the streets of this country. We need to ensure than hundreds of his stripe also would rather not meet us out here.
The media like an Arab Spring don`t they?
Well they`ll love a continual agitation and disruption, destructive resistance and un-cooperation.
The canals by Media City aren`t as deep as they look.
“represent a liberal clique”
Honestus, to most people the word “liberal” still has a positive connotation. I now refer to the “liberal clique” as “oligarchs”. In the same way that when the government talks about increasing “controls” on something I talk about “restrictions”. I use positive words for our priorities and negative words for their’s.
The more they can control the language we use the more they can control the way we think.
\\Last Friday, US President Donald Trump warned of serious consequences if the latest round of sanctions did not generate results.
“If the sanctions don’t work we’ll have to go phase two – and phase two may be a very rough thing, may be very, very unfortunate for the world,” he said.
He did not specify what “phase two” would entail.?//
Result ?…………
“North Korea willing to hold talks with US, says South Korea”
Did St Obama achieve this ?
my post above was in response to your first post. Your second post covers almost exactly the same ground as mine and is no coincidence. There must be many many thousands thinking along similar lines with the same level of impotence and despair at our elected government and opposition parties. I think once you get to the bottom is when the anger cuts in. I know it is happening to me.
“There must be many many thousands thinking along similar lines with the same level of impotence and despair at our elected government and opposition parties.”
Legions ! definitely !
They just don’t get it – (to be continued).
Sky pilot Justin Welby says that austerity is crushing the weak. What he fails to observe is that it is mostly caused by blue-collar workers being unable to apply any pressure to improve their wages beyond low minimum rates. The Archbishop of Canterbury, who lives in a walled and gated central London Palace, calls for a “liberal approach to immigration” of just the sort that has flooded the labour market with an unlimited supply of people prepared to undercut British workers.
He continues: “Welcoming strangers to our own country and integrating them into our own culture is important. We must be generous and allow ourselves to change with the newcomers and create a deeper, richer way of life”.
A fine moral lecture for the millions of British people who like their proud, free and soon to be sovereign country just the way it is. But at least Welby is not arguing for Sharia law to be integrated into the UK legal system. Readers will recall that this was one of the more buffoonish remarks made by former Vauxhall Palace incumbent milord Rowan Williams.
God help us.
Welby is presiding over less and less churches and congregations every day. He would be well advised to address the problem before he has no church left at all .
He could be looking for a new job ?
Welby seems to think that if he can sell off all the churches, lose his congregations to an online hotline facility-then all the money to be saved can fill his boots, pension and the rest given to Brendan Cox and Batman Camillaghedghli.
The mans an AI plant, the Henry Bolton of Angiicanism.
Many churches have already been sold off where I live, there cant be many left.
What happens to all the money?
It would be interesting to know what sort of salary he gets.
Austerity’s a myth. Local government has suffered cuts but the rest of the state has continued to grow. We have a disproportionate number of people receiving some form of state benefit and assuming that someone else owes them a living . The real number to watch now is not unemployment but the numbers receiving state benefits including in work benefits .
Welby and his kind just don’t get it. No one is really poor in absolute terms these days .
Why doesn’t welby concentrate on the essential message of Christ instead of socialism ? Or is that a too difficult option for him? With Muslims at every gate he doesn’t have long.
Archbishop Welby warns of xenophobia and self pity after Brexit.
Since lefties usually project; that means Welby is Britophobic
scared of culture which doesn’t just change to accommodate immigrant culture.
Imo Socialism is a sort of fag-end of Christianity, without God and with bad economics. Anglicanism has lost faith in anything much, other than handwringing guilt for everything, and the cult of victimhood and the ‘underprivileged’. A match made in, erm, heaven.
Dead right.
Socialism is just another “religion” that has infected Christianity enough to live off the host and kill it from within.
I noted some old theology books from the late 1920s-already Soviet psychology and Freud, Marx and Darwin were praised and nodded to by way of enlightened progressive scientific thinking. And no church student could know the gospel without reference to these trending issues.
So it`s not new. But very much a one-way street.
The church invokes science and sociological, therapeutic cant to show how clever it is. The enemy would never DREAM of namechecking any Christian content to doing good.
Jesus is out here now-and Islam at least rated him enough to do business with as we take on the godless left, the fey and fucked up church shells.
Honestus: the biggest irony of all is that our ‘rulers’ use ‘populism’ as a term of denigration, apparently NOT realising that parliament’s sovereignty and power COMES FOM THE PEOPLE. Populism – populus- the people; how on earth could this have such negative connotations? Is it because the MPs and ministers KNOW full well, but have devised a cunning plan…?
Populism equals something the majority believe in but the elite don’t want. Once that happens, democracy is dispensible to the elite because it’s a fig leaf they can no longer hide behind.
It’s strange how – for al Beeb – populism equates with right wing whilst the populist appeal of comrade Corbyn is from the ‘hard’ left .
Methinks a bit confused.
It seems like comrade Corbyn is about to start turning the labour Brexit boat around – first say keeping the customs union – then jurisdiction of the ecj the single market – then free movement of labour and bullseye – we re still in an apologies to EU for any inconvenience ..
But now we know that they`ve hollowed out and reduced democracy and the sanctity of the ballot to an optional extra like Gambia or Kenya, then their rules of engagement and direct action will apply. If votes are crap, we`ll find other ways to ensure they don`t keep their loot and their loudhailers. Maybe some lefty tosser like Tristram Hunt could record the historical urge to deal with plutocrats and overprivileged lefty scum, tory fag ends who refuse to do what we voted for in June 2016.
Is ANYBODY seriously going to adhere to EU rules and laws after March 29th 2019? To quote Keith Richards “Your laws don`t apply to me”.
And the BBC lefties and labour LOVE a rebel don`t they?
“The mass state is analogous to the mass corporation also in the relationship between its mass membership, which holds a formal right of control, and its elite, which exercises substantive control.
Just as there is a dispersion of ownership in the corporate organisations, so there is a dispersion of the “owners” of the state, i.e., its citizens or traditional ruling class; and just as there is a separation of ownership and control in the corporation, so there is a separation between the formal rulers of the state (its citizens, traditional ruling class, and the holders of elective office) and those who administer the state and its activities.”
“Leviathan & Its Enemies” Samuel T. Francis 2016.
Having been in Italy for 2 weeks and not heard or seen any UK news my brain was relaxing – I came back to Marr and the Newspapers…and looked around. How depressed am I now?
One only has to hope that all of us who voted Leave can pull something together if our politicians fail to do their job.
Keeping my fingers crossed for 5 Star in Italy…despite it being a ‘populist’ movement .. :-)))
Past all this crap.
MPs have not yet paid for their expenses scandals of 2009, and the media are yet to be held to account for all they`ve been up to since 2010.
If we`re not out cold and clean on March 29th 2019, we will rapidly become ungovernable in key areas. Won`t be on the news but traitors will need some “counselling” behind the scenes. If you remove any democratic pretence, then we can do lefty disruption MUCH better than they can.
Chris, couldn’t agree more. If there is to be no legitimacy, then that carries for everything. No representation with no representation.
And I hope our bleating, whinging anti democratic elite look back to their days work and rue the day.
The degree of mutual navel gazing in this tweet is awesome.
Beeboids and their bubble .
Meanwhile in the real world this coming week may well see the uk electorate well and truly sold out if the pre statement leaks are near the mark .
Perhaps in the end there should never been a referendum because whatever happens it’s going to be polarised …. unless of course we brexit to the sun light uplands of fucking the Franco kraut EUreich