We know, because the BBC tells us, that Britain has no culture and thus no indigenous multiculture, thus the BBC likes to import the exotic inhabitants of far-off lands and bring them here as exhibits in some kind of open cultural zoo to be gawked at in amusement and delight by the natives who are all white, male and very boring. Hence we get daft comments from the simple Chiles who yesterday filled his studio with Russians, Ukrainians and Armenians…he expressed his delight saying ‘This is great, this is Europe!’. Naturally he was really meaning ‘this is the EU…and it’s fantastic migrant open door policy’ [never mind none of those countries are in ‘Europe’] betraying the real mindset behind the mic. as if we didn’t already know from his numerous attacks on the ‘Far Right UKIP’ and Nazi Farage. Would he express the same pleasure in the multi-culturalism if he had a Scotsman, a Welshman, an Irishman and an Englishman in the studio, or someone from Somerset, Norfolk and Yorkshire, or from London, Liverpool and Manchester? All very different places, all with unique history and culture…and yet the BBC writes them all off and tells us they aren’t of any interest….Britain is a cultural desert that needs spicing up with those exotic imports. Interested to hear Dimbleby on Any Questions describe the exotic men who committed the sex attacks in Newcastle as all being ‘South Asian’ and that there might be something wrong with their culture….apart from the fact that he just ran off a list of their actual origins, a wide variety of countries, which he seemed to forget, the one actual unifying cultural identifier was that they were mostly, if not all, Muslim…not a mention. A problem with that culture? No of course not. It’s those ‘South Asians’.
Blind to the joys of British culture, blinded by the ‘joys’ of foreign cultures.
Spot any BBC bias? List it here…..
Being Blacker airs March 12 BBC 2
producer is a guilty white person.
\\ Molly Dineen returns after a 10-year absence
with an intimate portrait of Jamaican-born reggae producer, businessman, and community figure Blacker Dread //
What is it about the year 2040? – the elites all seem to have big plans for it. In the UK the green loonies are coming to take away our efficient gasoline cars while in the Irish republic they are planning to boost the native 4.7m population by another 1m using mass immigration.
In Britain the state broadcaster would need no urging to promote such an exciting development as swamping the local population with foreigners. In Ireland, it seems, the minority Fine Gael government has taken to bribing journalists to write puff news pieces about Project Ireland 2040. Needless to say the “sponsored” items cannot include “negative or critical content”.
It is still possible to visit Dublin and feel you are in an Irish city. But a recent revival of economic growth has led to higher levels of immigration and some of the all too familiar consequences of certain cultural difference are being observed. The overall trend is exacerbated because considerable numbers of Irish people emigrate at the same time.
Irish people have a recent history of resenting foreign interference in their affairs. And it must be said doing something about it, something that any trouble-making alien groups will no doubt consider. Already social media is alive with talk of an immigration “pyramid scheme” designed to boost big business by adding consumers at taxpayers’ expense.
Sounds familiar.
2040 – 10 years after Britons in the UK who are under 21 will be a minority and 20 years before all Britons in the UK will be a minority in their own homeland.
Ah the token Northern lass . She must get a regional accent bonus or similar
Give it a day or so and she’ll be backtracking, saying her words were taken out of context !
The bbcalumni gatherings must be awesome.
Words are important … listen closely as the BBC omits words to tell a different story. See Gavin Hewitt Sep2015 BBC hiding a nasty migrant …. replacing video with nice words and still photos.
biasedbbc.tv – old post
Stephen McGovern says BBC is very class biased
…tells story of on R4Today she asked about red zone on a map of Middlesborough
“Oh that’s a no-no zone for the BBC crew too dangerous”
“But my parents live in the middle of that”
Of 9 BBC women in the £150K PAYE category
7 went to public school
Asian woman with sports news. She talks about it as if she is emptying the contents of her handbag – seemingly no passion, knowledge or understanding. I wonder why she got the job?
Met Police not funded enough due to evil Tories. Stop investigating thought/hate crime; massively reduce paper work by depoliticising the Police – no more recording ethnicity of offenders or the exact grounds for a stop and search as I trust their judgment; no more ‘diversity training’ what a waste of time and money that is!
Sri Devi has died (who she?) has died and BBC 6.00pm news in full mourning. Back to Mischel (asian) in studio, next to Karty (asian) sports desk and then to a football match reporter (asian).; next BBC Midlands local news hosted by Shifali (asian).
Lots of diversity present tonight then.
Do those presenters represent the diversity of Asia? 😉
They’re representing the colour range of “diversity” – different shades of brown.
In 200 years from now the last Western European couple and their kids will probably be stuffed and mounted, then put behind glass in Tokyo; Peking; Delhi or Rio.
Just caught a short section of Back in time for tea’ on BBC2.
About life in the pits in 1960 and how change was on the way.
It is explained that by 1969 some 400 pits had closed and the workforce had been halved.
Yet strangely, neither the government in power (Labour) nor the responsible Minister (Tony Benn) were mentioned. Not for a second. Funny, that.
I somehow doubt the BBC will be quite so reticent when they get to the 1980s. Anyone care to wager the much more modest change then will be portrayed with misty eyed sorrow of a way of life gone forever, followed by the denouncing of the ‘evil Thatcher’?
Countryfile. From Derbyshire, and the delights of walking in the Peak District.
A group of eight are featured learning some map reading skills and other useful bits of information,
But what’s this?
The leader is obviously from the Caribbean. And four of the remaining number are black, mainly Caribbean. A black majority. In the Peak District? FFS.
Now lets be clear. Nothing against any of them as people.
Just the disgusting BBC, painting a totally false picture once again to legitimise and normalise any and every ethnic grouping and along the way brainwash the rest of us.
Been mountian walking for 30 years and more and have NEVER seen such an unrepresentative group in the hills.
The British Brainwashing Corporation.Bias guaranteed.
Al Beeb propaganda worthy of Goebbels , its non stop.
But now, commercial adds have suddenly gone the same way , OTT.
Did they sit round the ol’ campfire with their rendition of ‘jammin”? 🙂
A few months ago I think Clare Balding show or another one featured a group who call themselves “Black Men Walking” based out of Sheffield ..bit racist I thought
Now I check and find the libs have turned their story in a play ..which has been previewed on Breakfat-time etc.
That woman from Countryfile
@Yvonne_Witter I looked at her Twitter; it has the usual libmob Remainiac racism, hatey speak etc
Look North had a feature last week or so about a new play that’s going on at West Yorkshire Playhouse about blacks who go out hill walking.
I remember a particularly triggering line quoted from it:
“We walked this land before the English.”
Of course you did old son, now f**k off!
Oh God no, Countrytfile is promoting a story about encouraging ethnics to go walking in the Peak District. It also ran a story prior to this about illegal abbatoirs. It was clear that these were halal slaughter houses as it showed the knives used to cut the animals throats but no reference was made about Islam or to Islamic slaughter methods; there was even a photograph produced which showed a slaughterman of asian appearance in it.
I’m going to watch The Grand Tour 2 for a decent dollop of political incorrectness now.
This is what will happen when “ethnics “ discover the countryside.
One million birds killed illegally every year at a wildlife site in Iran..
A million wild birds a year are now being killed illegally at a single wildlife site in Iran. That is the stark warning from conservationists who say highly endangered migratory species face being wiped out in the near future there unless urgent action is taken.
In a letter last week to the journal Science, the conservationists pinpoint the Fereydunkenar wetlands in Iran as the site of this widespread wildlife slaughter.
Story was ran by the Guardian, but as far As I know not picked up by el Beeb
Where is Attenborough?…..
Cass -great – mud – wet – cold – no mobile – no KFC- no macceedee- the countryside . I miss it .
I’ve spent a lot of my life on mountains (Started with my DofE) a lot of time on my own, Army expeditions (yes Army expeds) Climbed and walked all across Europe and the one thing I have noted is that very few coloured people are seen with a pack on their back. oh hang on we did bump into a load of ethnics in Kettlwell car park, they were busy throwing bits of a drystone wall into the river Wharf. They and their so called leader were told in very clear terms to stop what they would be doing or we would sort them out.
In the lakes, I’ve seen more Chinese people than blacks or Asian and that was only in town on the hills, only white people (Apart from me) If you want to talk about at the bottom of a mountain, I’ve never seen a coloured person at Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel, (And I’ve spent a lot of time in that bar) nor at the top of Scarfell, Skiddaw Blencathra or Helvellyn, mountains I have climbed a number of times since my teens. (My last time a few years ago I spent the night on Grisedale Tarn, after coming off Helvellyn, where I found my sleep bag zip had broken, I ended half sleeping in my rucksack inner, not a nice experience. On my way down we climbed up to fairfield peak and walked on the ridge via St Sunday crag down to Patterdale. Not one coloured person, however we did bump into a number of old age pensioners (in groups) enjoying a day out. (They were climbing up as we were descending)
In Wales, Ive never seen whites in Devils Kitchen, a few on Snowden, but i was one and Andre my mate (both Army) was another.
In Scotland, Ben Nevis attracts a load for charity work, but no sign elsewhere.
In the Alps. and on the mountain, only white people. In Germany on a Sunday, they do Volk matches. (25 miles walks) never seen a non-white through the hills. (and I did loads) I’ve done the Nijmegen marches three times, the only coloured I saw was US and Dutch army personnel.
From my experience the Blame community do not like the wilderness, its as simple as that. Unless of course its a bunch of Islamic terrorists getting paid to be filmed by the bBC.
However I must add, my older brother did his DofE at Grammer School. I did mine and my younger brother did his . He is currently going through a midlife crisis which entails climbing, charity walks to the top of mountains and shagging lots of single women. (Which could explain why his wife kicked him out and took all his money and really big house)
Myself I intend to visit the Nijmegen marches again in the future, however this time, I will spend it in the bars and cafes watching everybody else walking. Oh I do intend to ask for a souvenir. (Anybody who had done Nijmegen will chuckle at that remark) Another thing, you start walking at death O/Clock in the morning and the dutch are outside in their hundreds with small bites to eat, coffee and such for the walkers. Fantastic experience.
Just adding my two penn’th at the lack of BAME sightings in the countryside (and I live in a village), BUT my fellow villagers became as one when a couple of Eastern Europeans decided to have Swan as their main course for dinner. Down the riverbank they went and attempted to grab one of the resident pair; word soon went out and were quickly surrounded by some well agitated villagers. The bastards soon disappeared, not wishing to take on pension power ! and a Swan watch was quickly organised to ensure the safety of our beautiful birds.
Alan’s introductory comment that ‘Britain has no culture’ reminds me of the Swedish government dummy who said something similar a few years back about her country, and how they needed more multiculturalism to make things more ‘interesting’. As grenades go off regularly in those colourful suburbs – interesting enough for you?
‘Britain has no culture’ Uh ?
Go and have a look at Stonehenge, or perhaps take a trip to Wales and see a few castles and visit an Eisteddfod etc. etc.
And what about Scotland , Ireland and the rest of England, or dare I mention it, Great Britain.
Al Beeb sees it self as an European Broadcasting Corporation . Its after that job.
“..but I don’t want to be part of a Country called Europe. I want to be part of a Country called Great Britain.”
– David Cameron on the David Letterman Show, USA, 06.05.2014 {youtube}
David Cameron was part of the “Britain: Stronger In Europe (i.e the EU)” Campaign … very confusing!
If that @rseh0le had been held to his word and triggered Article 50 immediately upon losing the referendum, we would be in much better position now than we are.
By not doing so it gave the Remainiscum time to figure out strategies for how they were going to set about sabotaging Britain leaving the EU, we lost so much time then; what a waste.
ITV 8pm Morse : “The detective drama prequel takes inspiration from an episode from Oxford’s real-life history, in which Nation of Islam preacher and civil rights campaigner Malcolm X was invited to speak at the Oxford Union in December 1964, less than two months before his assassination in New York.
Here, Morse struggles to negotiate escalating social tensions as a protest at a hair salon exposes rapidly escalating racial unrest in the heart of the city. “
You can see the incredulous delight and glee in Michel Hussains face with the 6:00 pm. headlines pronouncing Labour’s change to accept that we need to stay in the Customs Union. As a Brucie Bonus the editor says it may bring down the Government and lead to another election. They are rubbing their hands in glee.
BBC and Labour are total traitors to democracy, impartiality (BBC) and the British people they are serving (Labour).
Disgraceful organisations both working hand in hand to install a Socialist/Marxist EU state
No HYS on it yet. wonder why.
Listening to Radio 4 news they told us how Labour’s position had been clarified and then followed it by a Tory ‘remoaner’ to tell us what a good idea it was.
Standard BBC form when the government makes a proposals is to immediately follow it with someone telling us how bad the proposals are.
Different rules for Labour/Brexit?
Radio news in morning Mandelson and N Kinnock pushing Labour to keep Single market. NEWS THAT NIGHT AND THIS MORNING corbybn speech o keep more or less a single market completely against the wishes of majority Labour voters who voted Leave. N KInnock if you remember harassed out the accountant who was trying to reform EU accounts.
Reports are coming in of BAME ramblers descending on Edale in the Peak District after watching BBC Countryfile…
Cassandra your image Doesn’t show up for me

Found this on order-order.com …
Big explosion in Leicester hope nobody’s hurt. It look like a gas explosion. I hope nobody has been tapping into gas supply……
That might yet end up in a YouTube compilation:
“Bomb Factory Fails” or “Jihad Gone Wrong” or some such.
Two immediate thoughts are, why so many explosions recently? And why the immediate rush to blame gas appliances, long before anyone can know for sure.
I keep thinking of the ‘flying gas mains’ in WWII
And why the immediate rush to blame gas appliances, long before anyone can know for sure.
There is a roaring black market trade in bypassing gas and electric meters in certain areas of the Uk. Problem is things do go wrong
And here is a bbC report on the very subject:
All that may well be true, and it may indeed be the cause, but it isn’t why the media, within minutes, blames gas supplies, which they do before they have any facts. They do it because they are trying to keep the lid on an altogether different kind of explosion.
How long before we get ‘Enough is Enough’?
Over to you Mrs May .
Perhaps it was some BAME’s testing out their camping/cooking equipment for a spot of hill walking in the countryside !
Pretty sure we’ll never find out
Looks/sounds like Syria. Where are the White Helmets!
Note to the BBC:
Britain is the most diverse and tolerant country in the world.
Why are you trying to ruin it?
Not the bbc but an interesting view from Brendan O’Neill on the corruption of political language.
“Iain Duncan Smith warns Tory rebels on challenging Brexit”
IMHO , If Mrs May goes for a hard Brexit she would be guaranteed another term in office for her and the Tory Government, because all the UKIPers and a lot disillusioned of Labour voters would vote Tory .
But Mrs May could be a ‘closet remainer then, I hope that Mr Rees-Mogg is ready to pounce.
So Iraq is going execute a load of ISIIS women and here is how the bBC headlines it:
Turkish women sentenced to death in Iraq for IS links
Links, all of these women have stated they went to the region in which to live in a pure Islamic state. A state stolen from the locals by the use of the bullet, bomb and knife. They knew what they were doing ,and yet the bBC tries to promote the view that this judgement might be flawed. Which can be explained by this:
Lawyers for the women jailed for life had argued that they were tricked or coerced into travelling into IS territory, according to a courtroom observer.
Funt cultus – all cultures are equal.
Who are we to pass judgement on other cultures and their law?
More evidence of global warming? ……………….