Corbyn was a man who supported the jack-boot on the necks of the dissidents in places like Czechoslovakia, he did not support the dissidents who fought for freedom. ‘For the many not the few‘….LOL. Never mind, no-one need know as Aunty comes to cover up for him as it broadcasts a swathe of programmes that slip in helpful little pro-Corbyn messages.
The BBC were having a pop at Billy Graham this morning...close to Richard ‘I am not a crook’ Nixon [of course he was a crook] apparently, and part of the ‘communist witch-hunt’, and ‘could you say he gave rise to Donald Trump?’. Any chance that the BBC has tried to slip in some subtle perception altering allusions which have nothing to do with Graham but are more intended to change your perceptions of Corbyn…a victim of a ‘commie witch-hunt’ by the Right-wing Press? And why not attack Trump as well while you’re at it…‘the rise of Donald Trump’ obviously being an unwelcome thing for the world.
Yesterday I choked on my cornflakes as John Simpson revealed that he almost fell for a Reds in your bed honey trap...could this embarrassing little tale have anything to do with the BBC trying to muddy the waters around Jeremy ‘I am not a commie spy’ Corbyn [at the very least a very committed fellow traveller who did their work unbidden]? If a seasoned and well travelled veteran reporter could fall for the dastardly tricks of the Czech intelligence recruiters then maybe we should give Jezza a break and just dismiss his close ties to all things communist/terrorist as naive foolishness shaped by his desire to make the world a better place. Why does this little tale surface now and why is it a tale about Czech intelligence of all the vast array of Soviet spooks? If anything it shows that the Czechs were actively recruiting and that Corbyn would have been a target…not that he would need to be recruited, he was doing their work as a fellow traveller without being asked.
We then had FOOC in which the BBC travelled to the Czech Republic to fully investigate the claims about Corbyn….of course he was completely exonerated…nothing to see there….not helped because Corbyn, for some reason, refuses to give permission for people to read the East German intelligence files on him.
The News Quiz was on full-on ‘Save Jezza’ mode with total support and cheerleading for the fuzzy-faced one. Hmmm. A man who has prided himself on being a radical opponent of the Establishment is now being promoted as a pillar of the Establishment……no jokes? Not a single joke about his tour of Eastern Europe with Di-abolical on pillion, not a joke about his support for the disastrous socialist paradises of Venezuela and Cuba or his complete u-turn on terrorism at the election where the police and security services turned out to be his new-found heroes. Nothing about his support for terrorism, his desire to trash Trident, abolish the army, neuter NATO and silence the security services. Nothing about his proud boast that he voted against very bit of anti-terrorism legislation. Nothing about his leadership of the Stop the War group that was only concerned with undermining Western defences. Nothing about his Marxist desire to smash the economy and democratic society. I am sure there must be a joke or two in there somewhere about his coincidental ‘regulatory alignment’ with the Commies and their plots….maybe he just wanted a ‘soft Marxism’.
The BBC noted cynically that Trump has surrounded himself with people who are being indicted by Mueller’s investigation [which the BBC never fails to say was about ‘Russian interference’ in the election…depsite none of the indictments being about that…which makes you think what the invetsigation is being used for]…the BBC is less concerned about those who surround Corbyn who are well known hard-left extremists as pointed out here….
Advisers to Jeremy Corbyn were among communists investigated by MI5 for wanting to “destroy” democracy in the UK, the former head of the Security Service has claimed.
Dame Stella Rimington said that members of communist and Trotskyist organisations in the 1980s who attracted attention from MI5 are now “grown up and advising our would-be prime minister on how to prepare himself for power”
And that’s even as Guido reveals uncomfortable links between Labour and the Soviets.
How about the ex-head of MI6, Sir Richard Dearlove, saying:
Jeremy Corbyn is a danger to this nation.
Today, Britain goes to the polls. And frankly, I’m shocked that no one has stood up and said, unambiguously, how profoundly dangerous it would be for the nation if Jeremy Corbyn becomes Prime Minister. So let me be clear, the leader of the Labour Party is an old-fashioned international socialist who has forged links with those quite ready to use terror when they haven’t got their way: the IRA, Hizbollah, Hamas. As a result he is completely unfit to govern and Britain would be less safe with him in No 10.
Jeremy Corbyn has “questions to answer” over his contact with a Communist spy and cannot simply “laugh off” the disclosures, a former head of MI6 has said.
Sir Richard Dearlove said it was “absurd” for the Labour leader to suggest he thought a Czechoslovakian agent was just a diplomat when he agreed to meet him and he should have “taken care to avoid” him.
So two heads of intelligence services think Corbyn and his cabal are a threat to democracy and yet the BBC tries its best to cover-up, downplay and laugh off the accusations, the complete opposite of how they have treated the lurid allegations about Trump despite those coming from serving Russian intelligence officers and being shown to be part of a campaign to destabilise American politics…and doing a fine job I might say….thanks in large part to the likes of the BBC which have been willing participants in the anti-Trump witch-hunt.
Here’s the BBC rigorously and aggressively defending Agent Corbychov…Coburn giving Kavanagh a hard time…note the BBC dismissal of this as ‘some newpapers’…..
Corbyn Czechoslovakia spy claims: Kavanagh and Nunns
Some newspapers continue to cover claims about the Labour leader’s alleged contact with a Czechoslovakian diplomat and agent in London during the 1980s, about a week after they were first aired.
And Andrew Neil, as with Tommy Robinson, taking an aggressive ‘BBC’ line on this….
As Stephen Glover pointed out the BBC is a disgrace and is involved in the cover-up of extremely serious accusations against Corbyn…but then they have covered for him on his support for terrorism and his extremist, destructive economic policies…so why change? Lord Hall Hall was never better named.
The BBC’s dereliction of duty: The allegations against Corbyn could hardly be more serious, STEPHEN GLOVER asks why the BBC is ignoring them?
What could be more serious than the allegation that the possible future Prime Minister of Great Britain worked for Soviet-backed Czechoslovakia during the 1980s at the height of the Cold War?
These outrageous slurs against comrade Corbin have to stop . He is nothing more than a peace loving member of the Soviet Union and it’s kindred spirits and no way is he a spy . He just has spy friends- allegedly – together with friends in a variety of terrorist groups.
More importantly – will he reverse the labour leave position ? Or more fudge ?
Tainted by association and the BBCwont have it .
Unless it’s a alt right , far right extreme right association .
“OH, yes you are!”
Perhaps Comrade Corbyn, and his now ‘grown up’ Politburo would like to take a bBBC news crew to Prague to film them laying a wreath in Wenceslas Square on the 19th of January next year, the Fiftieth Anniversary of the self martyrdom of a young 20 year old student in protest against the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia when the Soviet tanks again rolled in Europe to put down the people of a country seeking freedom from the Russian Jackboot.
What evil, reactionary, anti-Soviet activities had Czechoslovakia engaged in? They had eased strict censorship of the press and had allowed industry a small amount of freedom from totally centralised control.
What happened after the Soviet tanks rolled over the border? Almost eighty unarmed civilians had been killed and nearly a thousand injured. The Czechoslovak Army had been ordered to remain in barracks and played no part in either assisting or opposing the invasion so it was only civilians who suffered.
Once the invading Soviets had taken control the press and the media, who had remained on air long enough to inform the public of the invasion, were taken over (now where I heard that oppressive suggestion recently) and subjected to strict political censorship. Of course the bBBC will never make that kind of connection between Comrade Corbyn’s declared intentions and that of what happened in Czechoslovakia.
Next year is the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Velvet Revolution when Czechoslovakia finally threw off the shackled and chains of Communist domination but in the period prior to that the Czechoslovak Communist Party were making determined efforts to ensure that Russian Perestroika did not extend into their country.
Of course, having allies like Corbyn, and how many others, in the Labour Party, especially after the failed takeover by Militant, was obviously something which would be very desirable should Labour have regained power in the 1980s. But again, that is something again which the bBBC will do their best to keep well buried.