The BBC loves the Blacktivists, the articulate, disgruntled and deluded Black race agitators like Afua Hirsch whose racial theories are not so far apart from Hitler’s own on racial purity. The BBC exploits them and uses them like cannon fodder for its own amusement giving them massive airtime and publicity for their grievances and gripes. But it is a dangerous game. These are very politicised, motivated, angry, bitter, extremist people whom the BBC are telling us represent Black people as a whole and that their twisted, toxic narratives are rational and credible and given the BBC stamp of approval. The BBC runs with their narrative that white people are all racist, that the ‘system’ is racist and even if someone isn’t obviously racist they are subconsciously and an organisation, as with the Met. Police, despite no police officer or policy being shown to be racist, can be declared ‘institutionally racist’….Macpherson was determined to find blame, blame of a particular sort…racism. Macpherson was a show trial worthy of Stalin or the Spanish Inquisition. The damage that well meaning liberals do is enormous as they appease extremism and throw good people to the wolves turning society upside down by giving the extremist race-baiters a stick to beat every institution and white person with. Divisive and creating huge anger and conflict? The BBC peddles the same toxic narrative.
Here’s the perfect example from this week as it gives a platform to two black people whose views and perceptions are ludicrously out of touch with reality and in all probability the experiences and beliefs of most of the black population.
Jay Brave is a spoken word artist and entrepreneur who doesn’t identify as “black”, arguing that an understanding of ethnic background is far more important than race. But actress, director and fitness instructor Kelechi Okafor has an almost opposite approach to identity and is proud to be, and to identify as, “black”.
Here they meet and discuss why they think the way they do, what their experiences have been, where their views meet, and how they see themselves as agents for change.
Brave claims not to identitfy as ‘black’ and yet every word suggests he does. Ironically recent African migrants tell him he is not ‘African’ and to stop trying to identify as such, and others complain that some ‘Blacks’ maybe not quite black enough….such as Meghan Markle…. Whites only like people like her because she isn’t Black Black, if she had not been mixed race she wouldn’t have been accepted so readily…which of course is hard to prove or disprove….or is it? Just think of how many famous Black people have been celebrated and ‘loved’ across Britain…there’s loads of them from sports stars to actors and musicians. Odd how if Whites like a Black person it is because of their talents but if they dislike a Black person it is due to the colour of their skin. Maybe they just dislike them because they don’t like them. But no, it must be racism.
The Blacktivists are the extremists who push a narrative of grievance, victimhood and oppression at the hands of white people…everything difficult in life is due to racism and thus Blacks must see Whites as the enemy, the cause of all their sorrows. This is the dangerous line that is designed to generate discontent and anger which is exploited by the Blacktivists for their own ends…keeping them in work and on the telly usually. If there was nothing to complain about they’d be out of a job [a self-appointed job…ala Mo Ansar] thus they invent problems and grievances and the BBC gives them a platform, a loud voice and credibility to them and their cause. That way leads segregation, conflict and the end of a civilisation as it breaks up into warring little factions….Somalia is the apocalyptic end result. Thanks BBC.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry anymore 🙁
What’s the long term aim of people like Hirsch? Let’s suppose the annihilation of all whites…then they’ll be come after people like Hirsch because they’re not black enough! Stupid girl 🙁
The BBC should get Thomas Sowell into the studios and hear some good analysis of why blacks are where they are .
He proves that culture can hold people back and push others forward , together with how terrain holds people back .
He shows that racism is held by all races , and he shows it to be not the intelligent way to be , not because he wants to virtue signal in a lovey touchy freely way , like the BBC , but by gathering ALL the facts and data .
But then if he had the last word like they always give to Anna Foghorn Soubrey a lot of agitators would be out of a job .
I don’t understand Afua Hirsch. If she hates us and our culture so much why doesn’t she go back to Norway or any other country where she feels more comfortable?
Its not just the BBC and Guardian that offers a platform for her constant whining, she is also found finger wagging at us on Sky. I have never heard her once praise this country or the people in it.
It seems odd that she attacks the British, who defeated slavery around the world and forced back the Nazis, else her, and other dark skinned people’s, predicament would be far worse.
Interesting to speculate about a spectrum/range of BBC ‘outlets’ as regards bias. I suspect that R4 (as per Alan’s extract) is possibly more PC than its television channels. (I hesitate to say ‘more left’ because that phrase doesn’t mean much any more.) For the most extreme, you need to listen after 1.00 am in the morning; often quite staggering what the World Service serves up. There are times when my little eyes pop open with surprise, and I can’t believe I’m listening to a British broadcaster.
Anyone else feel that there are distinctions worth making? Obviously TV is a more effective propaganda tool than radio. Does anyone feel there is a distinction to be made between channels? Perhaps I can’t judge because I avoid so much political ‘journalism’ on telly; my nausea threshold isn’t high enough.
It seems to me the world and its grandma want to come and live in Britain (but mainly England).
Funny, that, seeing what a racist, bigoted lot we are.
Funny also the BBC never chooses to interview black England footballers on this issue.