‘We take back sovereignty and give it to Parliament so that Parliament can then give it straight back to the EU’
There’s plenty of double-talk, bluster and bombast about Brexit. You might expect that from the politicians and hangers-on with their vested interests all trying to muddy the waters but what we don’t expect, or rather shouldn’t but do because we know the BBC, is that the BBC completely fails to cut through all the nonsense. Rather than explain the issues clearly and impartially it in fact joins in the games…after the referendum the BBC’s favourite tactic was to try and put a Leave politicians on the spot by asking ‘What will you spend the £350 million on?’…The BBC’s thinking was that they couldn’t then deny there was a £350 million spending spree promised and alternately they couldn’t say there was £350 million available as the BBC knows that wasn’t the real figure Leave campaigned on. This was clearly an editorial decision to use this ploy as it was across the board with all presenters using it pretty relentlessly. There was a no such attempt to target and mock Remain’s vastly exaggerated claims such as a massive recession needing an emergency budget, mass unemployment, families impoverished, investors fleeing, planes grounded and not forgetting World War III.
The BBC is still allowing Remainers to get away with talking total rubbish without challenge.
We all know by now that Remain claims that leaving the single market and the custom’s union were not discussed during the referendum and thus ‘nobody voted for that’ is nonsense…there is a vast amount of evidence that shows that just isn’t true…but still the Remainers get away with spouting that old tripe time after time.
There’s a couple more classics they pull out of the hat trying to fool and beguile us.
One of course is the Irish border…it seems that Ireland can dictate whether we have Brexit or not as they tell us we just must have a completely open border. No ‘no border’ and Brexit is off. Hmmm..the British government says it has no intention of imposing a border…thus it is the EU that is threatening to impose it….not only that but they, and the Remainers, are threatening us with the prospect of the IRA restarting its terrorist activity if we don’t comply. So it is the EU that will have to impose a border, we should call ther bluff, and it is the IRA and its fellow travellers , all those who casually menace us with sinister ‘warnings’, who will be responsible for any violence…no one else. The EU and Remainers are working hand in hand with the IRA. Fact.
Then there is the most laughable claim by Remainers, that the referendum was about taking back sovereignty for the British Parliament…thus, they tell us, it must be Parliament that must have the final decision on Brexit. Well, actually it was about taking back sovereignty for Britain and its people and the People have spoken and they said ‘We want to leave the EU, the single market and the customs union as a part of a package to regain sovereignty and control over immigration.’
What they did not say was ‘We take back sovereignty and give it to Parliament so that Parliament can then give it straight back to the EU’ which is precisely what Remainers intend to do in the biggest act of treachery this nation will have seen for many a century.
That so-called ‘argument’ is so facile and ridiculously easy to take down and yet the BBC never challenges the Remainers when they spin that particular line…Ken Clark, at his patrician, louche and contemptuous of the people best, was allowed almost total freedom to peddle these messages today with the usual blustering, bluff arrogance we have come to expect from him.
The BBC still helping to promote the idea that Brexit can be stopped.
Been coming to this site since 2009.
And THIS is the first time that I`m at the top of the thread.
Of course I dream of a “Midweek, Weekend OPEN thread-these are the World Cups of thread-dom. But dare I dream?…I think I now can.
And for those of you who thought you`d never start a thread…remember Brissles who never gave up and lived the dream. And now I join the pantheon.
Will now shut up-got nothing to say, haven`t even read the top. Just to be here is enough…and hope to Allah that my waffle here has not cost me the ultimate prize!
Have checked again and improved my punctuation- let`s hope this hasn`t cost me dearly.
Congratulations….you win top prize….a weekend with Anna Soubry, second prize……a whole week with Anna Soubry…you don’t want to be third…Ken Clark is dancing naked in his hush puppies just waiting for you and you alone.
Chris – I’m guessing you’d like to thank every one for your award – we all held off waiting for you to post first . Who cares about the Reich EU – the corrupt al Beeb and Blighty being overrun…. there are more important things – I know the magic of first on the blog. In never leaves you… ha ha
I’ve reported your comment in the hope that I might get first if you’re deleted .
Have dedicated this, the first of my many awards to come to YOU, Fedup2 who never gave up on believing in me(sniff) , even when others thought me a sad Wessex bumpkin who had way too much time on his hands.
Dare to Dream I say( sniff, sniff) and let`s be positivity personnified…I love you all.
Thia ones for you Grant!…
What they did not say was ‘We take back sovereignty and give it to Parliament so that Parliament can then give it straight back to the EU so the BBC can continue to receive extra funding’
There. Fixed it for you.
You’re welcome
What Corbin actually said was the when re get some powers back from the ReichEU they’ll be redeployed to the jock and welsh parliaments ….
He also used careful words about ‘aiming ‘ for free higher education . As if …
Clarke has sold the image of a genial old buffer, jazz lover, relaxed bon viveur, and good egg, for so long that it’s only when his comfortable existence is threatened that you see the ugly bigot underneath.
Miker – let’s face it – he’s a barrister like lady nugee , Blair and their like .. happy to sell lies as part of a professional career.
Clarke’s a political coprolite..
Must say that I still have hopes of coming top of a thread.
Hope Alan is serious in the coming awards ceremony for the top of thread winners. I will show up in a pouty hissyfit, with a retinue of moaners who have not been harrassed by Harvey Weinstein, let alone all the good blokes here who also have failed to give a plug to my new film, in not sexually bullying me.
#Idemandsome attention.com
The Irish border “open border” mumbo-jumbo also undermines the claim that Britain and Eire have retained their sovreignty within the EU. If they were sovereign nations, they could come to any border arrangement they wanted.
The Scottish National (Socialist) Party is also whining that powers coming back from the EU are going to the UK government and not being devolved. This too undermines the claim that Britain is a sovreign country within the EU. The House of Quislings wants the sovreignty it claims it never gave away back again so that it can give it away again and again claim no sovreignty has been given away. At least the House of Haggis is eager to grab power for itself as you would expect nationalists to do.
The House of Quislings has no ambition beyond rubber stamping EU diktats.
The EU is doing nothing to us. We have decided to leave the EU (thank goodness), thus making ourselves a third country, with all that that implies.
Hot on the heels of yesterday’s Corbollocks we get someone called Donnelly talking about crisps and something about Fairy godmothers.
The collboration between the bBC and these Remainers is evidenced as the day goes on with multiple references to the 2 throwaway lines.
Corbollocks was effectively gutted and skinned by Dr Fox …..particularly how we must be out of the Customs Union………..ni ifs no buts………….You can also read the colaborators like a book…especially when Wee Krankie opens her gub.
People talk about countries retaining their sovereignty within the EU. There are only three countries in it: Germany whose capital is Berlin, France whose capital is Paris and the rest (ie regions) whose capital is Brussels.
Germany and France are the only members with any real power, which is why any disagreements over EU policy are negotiated on a one-to-one basis immediately prior to any EU summit. The Franco-German compromise inevitably becomes EU Law. The rest of us then have to follow it.
To show how much power we hold within the EU is that of the 50 odd or 70 odd, can’t remember the actual figure, times when we have disagreed with the Franco-German ruling we have won precisely zero (0, nought, nada) times. Our “influence” in the EU is a figment of someone’s wishful thinking. We have none and never will.
We, including Northern Ireland, must not stay in a customs union, as we will effectively still be inside the Reich. We wouldn’t have any less power or influence within it as we have totally none now but we mnust have our independence back.