Two videos offering an alternate worldview to that offered by the BBC….the second by an ex-BBC/C4 journalist which looks at the rise of new media v the MSM [and here’s Douglas Murray on the ‘intellectual dark web’….’Thanks to the internet, millions now have access to views mainstream media considers ‘forbidden’….a thoughtful and honest voice trying to explain facts in an age which elevates feelings over facts. The same goes for a growing, increasingly inter-connecting world of people who do not need the mainstream media but who are united in a recognition that ideas and free and fearless debate are indispensable.
For young people in particular, who have been let down by didactic and cowardly orthodoxies, these newly discovered heroes are providing a path out of the bewildering maze that their age has created for them. It is one of the great good news tales of our time: out from the dark web, into the light.’]
What’s really remarkable is that the BBC knows exactly what is the truth about immigration, Islamic especially, it has even made films about it, the one below from Panorama, and yet it continues to promote mass immigration to Europe, to Britain, even in the knowledge that most of the migrants will be Muslim and that this has extreme and dangerous consequences.
Some great links there, thanks Alan. The MSM have a complete one sided view of everything and then force that down most media outlets. Many people get suckered into thinking this is how you should think and it’s all true what they say. Thank goodness we now have media and news available on the internet that means we can read and learn about the real facts of things and then see the world for how it really is and not one sided propaganda. Hopefully more people will wake up and not sleepwalk into the disaster that will happen. The internet has its flaws but it gives us the freedom to read and learn the facts and for us to form our own opinions instead of them being forced in us like what bbc shite does
Appealing to the decency of the sort of people who supported Stalin, Castro, and Mao, is pointless. They only have hate in their hearts.
Appealing to the sort of people who advocare high taxes because they earn their living by hanging off the public teat is pointless. They only have idleness in their hearts.
Appealing to the sort of people who want to borrow from the us yet unborn for their handouts is pointless. They only have greed in their hearts.
There is nothing more frightning to a Leftist than allowing free debate, because it exposes them as virtue signalling frauds whose neither know nor care about anything other than their resentment fuelled vanity. The BBC is a poison in our national life, all it does is fund and promote the ignorance and snobbery and intolerance of middle class Leftists.
Scrap it.
So true Wild.
Modern leftism is a mental disorder, and it is the most intolerant and violent ideology known (Muhammad’s cult is ‘only’ the most intolerant and violent ideology when being prevented from being carried out in its unchangable entirety. It is relatively peaceful when Islam is everywhere….modern leftism can never stop attacking the oppressor and creating victims so must create new ones to evolve and exist) .
The reason for this is the lefts dangerous fixation on feelings and personal truth. If a leftron believes something is true and are emotionally attached to what they believe (which they are, because they are mentally ill), in their warped ideology they cannot be challenged or it is offensive…..and as Kathy Newman so brilliantly exposed the true hate filled bullshit of the left on her car crash interview with Jordon Peterson, who has the right to offend someone else (unless you are a White man, because they are evil Nazi’s that must be eradicated)?
So feeling offence leads to anger (at being personally attacked in the mind of a leftoid) and leads to violence (as words and views are violence), which leads to political and personal censorship and restraints on what can be said, thought, and acted upon…..this has happened in the USSR, China, Cambodia, North Korea and Venezuela, and has led to the murder of 100’s millions of people.
History shows us that the very pillars of modern leftism are far more deadly and bloodthirsty than any other ideolegy ever created, as its entire foundation is on victimhood and someone oppressing you, anyone against you is evil and therefore can be destroyed.
Strangely enough my biggest insight into the Left was when I used to edit Wikipedia entries. They have no interest in any reality other than their own feelings. As David Horowitz points out they are totalitarians to their fingertips.
I wonder how long it will be before someone tries to shut down the Rebel Media on Youtube?
Not long I fear for the reasons that the link to Douglas Murray demonstrates. The liberal left have almost complete control of the MSM right across the West. They have been able to dictate the news agenda for at least two decades and able to propagandise for leftist causes and suppress stories they didn’t like and undermine anyone who they considered a threat.
The internet and particularly outfits like Rebel Media are a direct threat to their control of what the people are allowed to know and to think. As the populist revolt against the Globalist liberal left gathers pace it becomes more and more likely that the various leftist governments will try and establish censorship over what people can and can’t see and hear on the net. Bluntly if the liberal left elite is not able to achieve this degree of censorship they will be swept away by the people. They know this and can see that their control is slipping away, expect a concerted move on the internet by them within a couple of years.
Just to back this up I have just heard that a chap who was listening to the podcast of Sam Harris discussing the Strange Death of Europe with Douglas Murray was reported by google to some set of busy bodies or other in the USA for listening to Hate Speech! This is certainly getting well down the road to 1984 ! It a Joe Rogan podcast with DM as his guest after only a few minutes.
Question regarding Youtube.
Are there any “free” alternatives to youtube? It seems to me that YouTube (owned by Google) is a type of monopoly. They own the platforms and claim (?) all the stuff that the general public and others post onto youtube as their very own – drawing advertisement profit from it all, shutting down accounts that receive targeted complaints from the various activist social media crowd.
“As the populist revolt against the Globalist liberal left gathers pace it becomes more and more likely that the various leftist governments will try and establish censorship over what people can and can’t see and hear on the net.”
Expect lots of programmes on the BBC about the dangers of the Internet; you know like they already have on the dangers of having a free press, and the dangers of letting people keep their own money to spend on what they want to buy.
I watched the links including the ‘Blackburn’ story. Several disturbing things in that, ‘although warned the Home Office hadn’t come back with any answer about the problems of integration following mass immigration’ – well what did she expect? Why are we creating the problems in the first place? Then the ‘British’ classes. ‘What are British values?’ – ‘The PM doesn’t even know’. ‘Can we dress as we like?’ – ‘Yes!’. Tearful lady with black bandit mask and glasses gets sympathy from the lecturer. How about asking her how she would feel if a stranger came into her community ‘back home’ and broke all the social conventions?
“So what you are saying Archbishop Welby, is that we should develop a deeper and richer understanding of people that want to kill or replace us?”
We may be teaching a tipping point. They may hold all the institutional power but ideas are bullet proof and they are losing hearts and minds at breakneck speed. They simply do not have the facts on their side as Peterson exposed so brilliantly.
They have had a generation in power and the utopia they promised is yet to arrive. In fact in many ways the world they have ushered in is quite the opposite: no free speech; terror, rape gangs and countless other horrific ‘enrichments’; plus the terrible, terrible feat of how this is all going to work out in the long run. Our leaders not only have no answers but are afraid to even ask the questions.
For some inexplicable reason the “impartial” BBC missed the most news worthy item in the recent remarks from Scotland Yard’s top counter-terrorism officer, Mark Rowley. In a predominately politically correct speech, Rowley took time out briefly to suggest that the courts should remove children from extremist families.
Noting that the family courts have already “safeguarded” about 100 children from such parents, he went on to “wonder if we need parity between protecting children from paedophile and terrorist parents”.
Needless to say the BBC ignored these statements. It choose instead to report “Four far right plots thwarted last year” while the BBC at print, also know as the Guardian, helpfully added “Far right terror threat growing in UK”.
Faced with unprecedented attacks in the name of Islamic jihad, future historians might conclude that Britain and western democratic societies in general were remarkably restrained in retaliating in kind. Of course that doesn’t stop PC Rowley constantly linking Islamic terrorism with so-called “right wing” terrorism. And his evidence – one troubled alcoholic who tragically killed a muslim in Finsbury Park and four alleged “right wing inspired” plots”, no details of which were provided during his speech. The attempts by PC Rowley and the poodle press to draw equivalence between Islamic jihad terror, funded for over 30 years by middle-eastern oil money and responsible for countless acts of appalling violence all over the world, and lone copycat whackjobs, insults the intelligence of the British people.
Why do the authorities, aided by sympathetic journalists, blow all this smoke around? Because they are largely responsible for the whole ghastly mess in the first place. In the 1990s, Islamic radicals openly preached jihad under the noses of the British authorities. If the security services were concerned, their hands were tied by politicians who opened the borders to all and sundry and promoted the doctrine of separate development, or multi-culturalism as they called it. Little or no effort was taken to stamp out the evil at the beginning by weak politicians, seemingly disdainful of their own cultural roots. Blair has a lot to answer for – this being just one charge on an exceedingly long list. And to this day it would seem that cultural hatred has not been entirely removed from some British mosques.
On a lighter note, the BBC announced this week that it is committed to a 50/50 gender split for contemporary music composers showcased at its Proms concerts. Another case where artistic merit is replaced by identity politics, although of course nothing new here. Your correspondent is an occasional patron of the summerfest, happy to get a small refund on his license fee by buying a subsidised seat. The new composer section is usually something to be endured. As one who tinkles the keys in the blues and jazz idioms, I don’t mind a little dissonance. But this modern stuff is often frightful self-indulgent atonal noise, the product of recherché music colleges. Frankly I don’t care who composes it, I just wish they wouldn’t.
I am with maestro Sir Thomas Beecham on this one. Asked his opinion on Stockhausen, he said he had not heard any, but he might have trodden in some.