Blacker Dread, otherwise known as Steve Martin, is the subject of a BBC film, Being Blacker [March 12 BBC2]…a bit of a love story really, between the film-maker, Molly Dineen, and Dread. Dineen didn’t want to ask him any awkward questions that might put responsibility for his troubles onto him as it might have come between them and they would have lost that ‘fundamental sense of friendship’. So not a critical and impartial film then. Is there anything that might result in any criticism…such as being a leading figure in the Brixton Riots or being jailed for a massive money laundering scheme? No…his problems are all down to racism…the film apparently a ‘unique insight into what it is to be black in Britain today.’
Once again the BBC concentrates on the bad, the grievances, the racism and the alleged failure of Black people to be successful in Britain due to that.
When will the BBC tell the truth and bring a positive view of Black communities and people to the screen? The BBC is so intent on creating a case against Whites as the cause of all Black peoples’ problems that it fails to do justice to that community. Are there no successful Black people in Britain? No business-people, no academics, no musicians, no actors, no sports-people, no scientists or engineers or philosophers or inspirational teachers? No, in the BBC world Blacks are all gangsters, crooks or failures, victims of white racism and oppression. That’s the message the BBC sends out…it’s a deliberate message shaped to generate white guilt and political action and some positive discrimination…but all it does is send a message that Blacks have no place in Britain, they can’t succeed with the odds, allegedly, stacked so high against them. Once again the BBC spreads dangerous, divisive and wilfully misleading messages that does enormous harm to Black people and utlimately to the whole of society.
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions…so if you spot any more of those BBC good intentions raise the alarm and list them here……
It seems to me that in many ways the BBC’s relationship to Britain, and the English in particular, is like that of an abusive parent to a child or an abusive spouse to a partner: they bully, beat and abuse and then demand the hard earned cash of those they abuse, in order to fund their own sense of entitlement and rich living.
And demand that you love them regardless of all the bad things they do to you.
Isn’t it more like a parent who’s re-married and has a new partner with pliant, younger children whom he prefers to his own; whilst secretly longing for the day when his offspring will move out of their family home?
The elite see themselves as the responsible parents and us as naughty toddlers.
One thing I’ve noticed about the bBC is how biased it is towards certain countries. So they hate the U.K.,(but not the Scottish) US , Israel, India and Egypt’. ( since they removed The MB)
On the otherside of the coin they adore:
The EU all Africans, middle eastern and Asian countries other than the ones above. Countries such as Russia, Iran, Zimbabwe, China, and Venezuela are excused their human rights records, which brings me to Egypt. When he MB won an election the BBC reported with gusto about how democracy had won, yet the MB banned women , non Muslims from power, they gave positions of power to terrorists, they closed down deals with Israel, and they turned to violence after the people took to the streets in their millions expressing their displeasure with how they gave themselves ultimate power. Which is when the army stepped in. The bBC has never forgiven them and so they peddle their hatred for a government which removed the founders of AlQ from power. Which kind of explains this
BBC report on torture in Egypt contains ‘lies and allegations’: State Information Service
Egypt’s official State Information Service (SIS) has described a recent BBC report on human rights and torture in the country as containing “lies and allegations,” saying it will summon the head of the BBC’s office in Egypt “to receive an official letter” of response.The SIS, acting on an official request, called on the BBC to take an “unmistakable and clear stance to address the flagrant professional violations of its correspondent.”
The 5000-word BBC article and video report, titled The Shadow over Egypt, was published and broadcast on Friday.
It contains interviews with families of alleged victims of torture and enforced disappearances by security agents.
The SIS said late on Saturday that the author of the report, Orla Guerin, aimed to “impose her biased personal views and impressions, without any factual basis, in violation of internationally recognised professional norms and those of the BBC itself.”Guerin, the author, is an Irish journalist and news presenter who previously worked as the BBC’s Egypt correspondent from 2013 to January 2018.
The above post of mine is about an bBC article where with no proof they points the finger of blame at Egypt regards missing people. Meanwhile here is how the bBC reports of the kidnapping of 110 school girls in Nigeria by Islamic terrorists:
Nigeria Boko Haram: Search stepped up for 110 kidnapped schoolgirls
Nigeria has deployed extra troops and planes to search for 110 schoolgirls believed to have been abducted by Boko Haram militants last week.
Believed? the headlines states BH, the article states the girls went missing after a BH attack and yet the bBC hedges its bets.
Yup the bBC defending Islamic males yet again who like little girls.
Your analysis is correct. The educational establishment and most of the Labour Party share this loathing of the UK as well. Their principle seems to be support any and all of those who are against the UK regardless of their actions. The BBC and the educational blob have been following this key principle for decades and have succeeded in indoctrinating millions of young people, the credulous , naive and ignorant snowflakes. The situation is reaching a critical ,but absurd , point where this anti Britishness may result in a virulently anti British Labour government being elected.
New Labour fiddled with the constitution, politicised most of our institutions and generally tried by stealth to tip the balance in their electoral favour. Neo Marxist Labour may dispense with the stealth approach and just abolish democracy with the consent of the BBC, snowflakes etc etc .
Pounce, not sure the Beeb hate the US. Evidence suggests otherwise. Numerous Americans employed in BBC (despite what the first initial of name represents), much coverage is US oriented and they have a massive number of US-resident Editors and Correspondents and still send Mardell and Naughtie and others over there on fact-finding missions a.k.a. holidays at Licence Fee-payers’ expense.
Pounce probably meant the bbc hate Trump.
They love Clinton and Obama.
Up2 stuff wrote:
“Pounce, not sure the Beeb hate the US. “
The bBC subscribes to the European mindset of hating the Americans. This all boils down to how the dross of Europe left to build the most successful country in the world, A country which has saved Europe 3 times (WW1/WW2 and the cold war).
The bBC like the European elites, simply cannot accept how the lowest of the low have done so well. Which is why they promote the view that Americans are all religious bigots, have no culture, hate blacks, execute innocent people ,are all over weight, love guns, love war.
According to the left, the US are evil for Nuking Japan, yet never ask the question what would Japan have done?
According to the left, the US have contributed nothing to culture, yet never bother stating that if the US hadn’t stopped Hitler (And before anybody comes out with Mother Russia. Moscow invaded Poland a few weeks after Hitler did, safe in the knowledge that Stalin had his back, he invaded France and the Low countries., and lets be honest, Stalin would have been just as bad for culture as Hitler) There would be no culture inside Europe today.
According to the left, the US is the most evil country in the world. The bBC subscribes to that mindset. Just look at a certain Christmas Dr Who where the British President tells off the US president. Yes they loved Obama, but he was special, I have to laugh at how the Europeans who love to belittle the US, never mention US achievements:
ISIS (As in Space station)
Always the first to deliver Aid to disaster zones
Apple products
TV prgrams
GPS. (its everywhere) Funny enough whilst the US have made this free to use for everybody, the Europeans built their own system saying they didn’t want to be held hostage to the US, As did the Russians and China.
The Internet. (yes a Brit might have come up with the idea, but it was the US which made it reality)
Fast food. The above is hated by the left, but before the likes of McDs hit the Uk, our cafe culture was shite. The US brought standards, inculding eating in a clean establishment. You may not like FF, but they forced the rest of the UK to clean up their act.
Pounce, would not disagree about recent BBC coverage of the nuclear bomb anniversaries but I think your other arguments are a little weak. Just look at the endless coverage of the nomination process and run up to the 2016 US Election, the death of some no-mark popstar, the endless Oscars drivel, etc, etc, etc.
No I think the BBC see the US as some sort of Nirvana, especially if Hillary was in charge.
With immaculate timing, the BBC on R4 re-inforce my message above: the love for all-things American held by the BBC.
TWatO and it’s The Breeders. Yes, amazingly I had heard of them before. They are – in my estimation/recognition – a no-mark band. For those who don’t recognise them, if I say ‘Grunge’ and ‘after the lead & style of Nirvana’ then that may make you take flight. The programme stated that their following in the UK outnumbered that in the USA ‘where they are not particularly popular’.
Says it all, really.
Then, following with Anne McElvoy’s series on Socialism (in Britain), we have an American (female) academic, of whom the BBC appear to have an inexhaustable supply.
I thank you and goodbye.
(I could write more on today’s TWatO but may do that in a more appropriate and up-to-date spot.)
The USA is a big place.
I would suggest equating any city on either coast with what lies between may see certain differences missed by bbc editors like Katty Kay.
GW, I wouldn’t suggest for one moment that the BBC UNDERSTANDS the USA. I think they admire it. I think they also think that widespread immigration as in the USA 1880-1935 is a route to riches today (especially for the BBC and its elites) without realising that countries and economies were very different the as compared to now. They would hold that US up as an example without realising AT ALL what was in reality happening under the surface of it all.
I’m also constantly amazed when I hear from the BBC and its chosen so-called ‘commentators’ that Bush and Trump were elected by ‘the Christian Right’ or by ‘Evangelical Republicans’ when it is plainly obvious that not only do neither really exist but if they did it, they would form part of the core vote for a Republican anyway.
It is the swing Democrats (yes, some of whom are those dreaded lefty Christians who may be evangelicals or Catholics) and the uncommitted in swing states that got GW Bush elected/re-elected and Trump elected in 2016, togther with – in the latter case in 2016 – the aspiring immigrant & BAME vote.
Farming today is going to be broadcast all week from a pig farm in Driffield , Yorkshire .
And all week some reference to Brexit and a hint of doom .
Let us hope they deal with the subject of live exports; that issue, if thoroughly debated in public, will bring in a lot of supporters for a proper Brexit.
I have an idea for a comedy sketch.
The camera shows we are in a commissioning room where applicants have to present their ideas to a BBC panel in a style akin to Dragons’ Den.
First a white man comes in. He has a first from Oxford, loads of relevant experience and gives a fantastic pitch about remaking Shakespeare’s history plays about modern events. The panel look bored to death, talk over him then tell him to go away whilst shaking their heads in disgust.
A similar thing happens with the second white man.
Then a black woman enters. Before she even shows them her CV they are out of their seats shaking her hand and hugging her. Before she can even speak she has been offered seventy different shows on the BBC.
You could really milk it with her maybe suggesting something which even she thinks is no good or suggests just for a piss take but which they patronisingly go for, like a rap battle about fried chicken.
BB isn’t your comedy sketch idea already being played out in the advertising world ? (on my tv it is anyway)
I’ve decided I’m not going to eat anything that’s advertised using BME as the target audience.
Once you get use to them Dreamies actually don’t taste that bad.
Within a few years, you’ll be subsisting on dried cat food and extra-strength lager.
Edit: Ah, that’s what Dreamies are …. should have checked before posting.
Call it BBC-Loon’s Den
every contestant is brought on equal, but first the non-victimhood points are awarded , resulting in white straight males having their lips taped over and arms tied behind their back.
A similar set up must have been in place in Abbott’s constituency, that’ll explain her getting her 75% of the vote despite her maths deficiencies.
She must have supervised the count.
A lot of the people exercising this positive discrimination are themselves white Oxford graduates.
The media told us Obama would make a fantastic president even though he had never had a real job. Lo and behold unemployment, food stamps et alia blight the country under his reign.
Trump is a businessman who has made all his money in the real world, employed tens of thousands and understands on a practical level how the economy works. As he said, he would be the best jobs president. And for all Obama’s talk of anything being possible and a story sung through the poetry of the ballot box or whatever, being poor and unemployed is horrendous.
Trump is getting people jobs and keeping them safe – the be all and end all of government. Obama did neither, as one might expect from a mere ‘community organiser.’ How could he announce the exact day they would withdraw from Iraq? He was not even bluffing. Lo and behind the enemy go away briefly then return to create Isis.
Yet the media portray Trump as Satan and Obama as the messiah. As with so many things they have it diametrically wrong. They must never be trusted
Obama is not Satan but he was dangerously under-qualified and incompetent. He paved the way to hell with his good intentions, and some of his bad ones.
I, like many others, hoped Obama would be an outstanding US President. He seemed to be The One to break the mould and really make changes for the better.
The world was a worse place eight years later (Syria/N.Korea), the US is more racially & politically divided than before (all those fine words in 2007 and 2008, Barak, how many parsnips did they butter?) and the Democratic Party appears to now be something of hateful, anti-American, Evil Empire.
In only eight years.
I had no great hopes after President Trump’s nomination and election but in only twelve months he does appear to be doing a better job for America and the world.
Didn’t you see that speech just after O’Bummer was first elected?
It was along the lines of:
“I love this country but I want to radically change it.”
WTF? If you love something, why on earth would you want to change it, radically or otherwise?
Al, I love the UK but I’d like to change it – and radically, too.
How about taking the UK out of the EU and getting the politicians and Civil Servants to provide us with what we need, infrastructure-wise, to do a great job for UK PLC?
Don’t you mean you’d love what it could be, rather than what it is now?
Surely if you love something it doesn’t need to be radically altered, otherwise why would you love it in the first place?
I love our country, its people, history and what our culture was; though I loathe our elite, our society and what our culture has been reduced to.
Al, no I love it now. I lament what it lacks and what has, in part, led to those lacks. I would want the country I love to have more, to be more, so I want to change it to that end.
The new beginning of leaving the EU, which I have to say continues to provide us – in transition – with yet more disbenefits (ie. non-goods in Economics-speak as well as New-speak), will be a great start to a radical change.
You therefore wish to change only our culture? I would like to change more but, yes, cultural improvement would also be good in my view.
Toady, R4 at 0710.
A barely concealed Labour Party Political Broadcast.
A total wankfest at the bBBC. Labour have, after two years of two-faced dithering, come up with a Brexit position. Let’s forget its intrinsic unachievability for the moment, as well as the focus on the policy not as a national strategic aim but merely as a short term way of attacking then government.
So there to be interviewed about it were….a female pro- European Labour MP and….to ensure an impartial balance………….Paul Mason !!!! The latter, ex BBC impartial Newshite presenter, was actually introduced as a Corbyn supporter! The two interviewees then held a staged love-in, aided and abetted by Justin Webb who, rather than acting as an interviewer, instead adopted the role of the straight man feeding them easy lines, a sort of Ernie Wise without the timing. The Corbyn policy will, we hear, allow for greater Union protesctions and state intervention of industry – all went unchallenged of course. Back to the 70s!
The greatest moment of hilarity was when Mason talked about keeping an Open Economy. Corbyn. Mcdonnell. Open economy ? Ha ha ha ha ha. Not a flicker from Webb.
Corbyn’s Brainwashing Corporation in full flow.
The things I suffer for this webiste. Pass the anti-hypertensives.
Yes…. who else to invite on to share political economic wisdom than the ex BBC Anger and Protests Editor.
Surprised he did not say ‘we’ to nods all round.
“The remainers now have a thing to get behind.”
Paul Mason thinks a new position is emerging in British politics with Jeremy Corbyn’s Brexit plan. More here ????
Was browsing a one of the kids’ history magazines and came across a piece about the Bolshevik revolution.
Interesting how the lads broke just about every promise made to get elected, and if anyone was silly enough to demur, in went the Red Guard.
Paul would approve.
They do like our Paul. A lot.
Comments mixed, but could …..
What is it about Corbyn groupie Paul Mason that sees them invite him back into the studio over and over and over…
Does “serious negotiator” mean “agree to whatever the EU demand” in Masonland?
Masonland clearly has a non limits pact with Beebworld, as they keep inviting him on. Impartially.
Just like I said earlier.
Jordan Peterson is hectored and made to look as bad as humanly possible for saying the sensible truth that men and women want different things and it might be a bad idea to demonise half of humanity. Some lunatic lefties come on and are drooled over and their dangerous and foul ideas are given the utmost respect. Here they toady those who seek to deny democracy, the most fundamental of rights. When Warsi or any ‘minority’ is on they can say the Earth is flat and Beeboids just simper. That in the wake of terror attacks and rape gangs Warsi could still go on the BBC and not only take no responsibility but blame others for the evil done by members of her ‘community’ really is a disgrace; the BBC should grill her relentlessly like Newman did with Peterson but of course they never do.
It is odd who the Left chooses to crush with its mindless hate. The Guardian appears to have singled out Peterson for the sole reason that he bested one of ‘theirs’ by being reasonable and coldly scientific. I added a comment to one such diatribe in the Guardian, that sought to link Peterson to the Alt Right, who are somewhere right of the Nazis in Guardian thought policing. I said people should see for themselves the video of he and Newman on youtube to ascertain the veracity of the Guardian article. The comment was removed within 5 minutes.
The BBC/Guardian seem to use mindless hate as an attack weapon, so it doesn’t have to justify any arguments.
The Guardian does enjoy unique status beyond its readership numbers.
The BBC/Guardian seem to use mindless hate as an attack weapon, so it doesn’t have to justify any arguments.
As Peterson has pointed out, the Left regards debate as a trick by the evil white patriarchy to retain power.
Their view is that to even enter into debate equates to instant defeat. Because the only thing that matters, is power.
Even on a cold morning, the dulcet tones of Paul Mason nearly got me out of bed early. He is on the BBC now more than when he was employed by the BBC. But you could hear the excitement in the voices of both the guests and Justin Webb that they think it is the gotcha moment for the government.
But then a little later Justin interviewed a Conservative MP (sorry forgot who she was) and asked her about swivel eyed loons. But he wasn’t interested in her answers and kept speaking over her making his own political points. But please Conservative MPS, when are you going to stop an interview and say something like, ‘would you allow me the courtesy you have just allowed Paul Mason, and let me speak?’
Why do they even bother to go on?
Trump doesn’t play the MSM’s game and it doesn’t do him any harm. If the Tories simply refused to be interviewed by al Beebus, even the average man in the street might begin to question why that was; which could lead to all sorts of scrutiny for Aunty and its particular method of funding.
Absolutely !
I agree that refusal to be interviewed would make a statement as they say but unless there was some media exposure which took the fight to the BBC it would leave an open goal for Labour and the corporation to exploit. It is unlikely that Sky would side with the Tories and we know Ch4 is just the BBCs little brother. So that would leave a couple of newspapers and the internet. But how many people would they reach and how effective would they be in countering the massive propaganda from the BBC.
In the USA they have Fox News and several widely listened to right of centre radio shows which would and are taking on the left MSM and of course they have a POTUS willing to take on the MSM and talk directly to the American people. Here we have no political will for such a fight and no large media support for a battle against the BBC. The five million copies of the Mail and Telegraph sold daily falls far short of what is needed. Of course Sky should be in the battle but they are nearly as left leaning as the BBC.
Why do they even bother to go on?
I’ve wondered that myself, and can only come up with..
a) They are not really ‘conservative’ at all – eg red tories, BBC favoured remainiacs like Soubry etc. Or they guest on programmes to promote issues that the MSM approve of, which also aligns with the aims of their globalist pay/puppetmasters.
b) They are old-fashioned traditionalist tories, but are hopelessly out-of-date with how the modern left operates. These are often people who end up befuddled and apologetic after they’ve ‘offended’ some minority.
Here’s quite a good article from an Australian site (extract below) :
“For decades now I’ve watched as the Left has marched through every institution in Australia, while the more prominent voices on the Right have contented themselves with pointing out how rotten and hypocritical their opponents have been while winning victory after victory. As if being a noble and honourable loser is somehow the point. As if we’re all going to shake hands and meet up later in the bar to discuss the match over sherry.”
Paul Mason, speaking for the nation…
@Deborah That interview was Lalalabour’s Paul Mason & another Lalalabour Remain person.
..I switched off.
Sluff, I heard pretty much all of the TOADY SHOW this a.m..
Listening to Mason, I found myself thinking there’s another one who is pitching for the Labour leadership, along with Umunna, Starmer and Benn. (The latter now something of a busted flush after his Cameron supporting Syria speech.)
U2S: You, and they, should know that whoever has the title Leader of the Party does not matter. The party will be conrtrolled by Jon Lansman and Momentum.
Yes, David R, Labour love to accuse the Tories of ‘smoke-filled, back rooms’ but they sure know how to do that themselves.
I used to work in the same corporate office building as Paul Mason, before he worked at the BBC. He wasn’t even a print journalist – he was a sub-editor (story checker for grammar, spelling, etc) on a computer business magazine. Not sure if he is actually capable of actually researching and writing a proper detailed story. But he had been, or is, a fact I know, a member of some sort of extreme communist party.
Not asked by the BBC .
If experts are so far seeing and can tell us that we will be £4457.39 worse off in 2043 at 6.16 am on June 17 if we leave the EU , why couldn’t they project that the A14 would need 3 lanes now and why did they close all those railway lines 50 years ago that we need now .
Solid (short) post.
For the first time, I am repeating a comment (with slight amendment) I made on ‘Conservative Woman’, not only to highlight BBC’s disgraceful treatment of a fine man, but also to bring to people’s attention an über-left journalist whom seems to have largely escaped attention up to now –
Billy Graham was indeed a great evangelist and a fine Christian, who was instrumental in bringing so many to the Christian way. Thank you, Jules Gomes, for that tribute. In contrast, I wonder how many listened to the BBC’s disgraceful offering on the Radio 4 ‘Sunday’ programme? Following a lukewarm, unenthusiastic and seemingly grudging summary of Billy Graham’s ministry, a Washington Post journalist, Mona Charen, was brought on. She set about trashing Mr Graham, sneeringly and falsely tying him to ‘right-wing’ evangelists and emphasising his ‘close friendship’ with Richard Nixon – both clearly designed to denigrate him. Charen’s words included –
” ..he spent all his career trying to present himself as a moderate, but in fact laid the groundwork for the religious right…” and later
“…when you mine his complete history, he was not exactly the moderate he is being remembered for …”, and then
“… he said some pretty questionable things about Jews” and
“… [he] was sceptical of the civil rights movement..”
Edward Stourton, not to be outdone, then disgracefully asked Ms Charen, “Is it stretching it to say he [Billy Graham] gave us Donald Trump?”. Again, doubtless inviting listeners to agree with the BBC Newspeak about the new President and attempting to smear Rev. Graham by association.
A brief internet foray finds that Mona Charen is an extremophile anti-Trump, anti-Republican journalist, who the BBC will doubtless have on their speed-dial from now on.
This segment of the programme left a very bad taste in the mouth. The BBC could have invited comment from those who were converted at Graham’s UK rallies, or indeed from the Rev. Gomes, but no, they preferred to trash his memory.
Malanie P
“The world turned upside down; the role of the media”.
Thanks for the link, an excellent piece by MP. she outlines the almost total control that the left have over the media and educational establishment and how they are using threats to ensure that the very few journalists who don’t agree with the leftist narrative remain silence. The only hope she offers is that the people rebel. But that won’t happen in the UK , we will meekly accept the overturn of the Brexit referendum , we will meekly accept the Islamification of our country. Indeed we may speed it up by voting in Corbyn. We can only hope that the American people continue to support President Trump in his heroic struggle against the swamp and that the Italians vote for anti immigration parties and join in the growing opposition to mass immigration lead by the Visegrad group.
Thanks for the link
I keep hearing that the Tories are going to lose heavily in London in the upcoming elections.
Is anyone surprised at this.
London is now a foreign land and white flight is happening which is making the white locals an even smaller minority than they are now.
Soon, the enrichers will not even need to fiddle election results because they now have the numbers.
Strangely, nobody from the MSM is pointing out this obvious fact, that the enrichers will all vote labour for free stuff and mass immigration, until they get the numbers for their sharia politicians to take over. It’s happening in Sweden now.
London is lost.
I live in one of the last outposts in London but labour is jerrymandering away.
Isaiah Poppoola is , allegedly , very good with a knife . He is charged with killing two Somalian youths as well as gbh on two others all in one night.
Albeeb has chosen to report it for a change but my local paper reports gangs stabbing and killing each other each week which doesn’t make the national news – or even the amateur hour al beeb local news which prefers footage of anything caught on an iPhone.
The new normality here.
@Alan #WhiteStraightMenAreLosers is the BBC new motto
..and all progs must be compliant. That ties in with your topic “Being Blacker”
– New John Cleese Sunday Drama “Hold the Sunset”
Main joke : middle-aged white guy leaves his wife/job/kids and moves back to Mum, expects her to do his washing.
– New drama Mum : Tuesdays
Main joke : all the white men are divs, the son, the boyfriend, the grandfather character etc.
..but so are the supporting white women
– Jason’s girlfriend Kelly : thick
– brother Derek’s new partner, Pauline : stuck up cow
– nan and grandad are both barking
Sunday – Strike
All the nasty people are white
The cheating boyfriend, the sleazy aged groupie exploiting popstar, the thug who deals snouts, the ex-army childrapist, the ex-army wife beater
Strike himself gets a free pass due to him having only one leg, but don’t forget he’s an ex-alcoholic.
The BBC gives a similar free pass is to anyone who has a Labour Party membership card.
Hold the Sunset – just not very funny. But it suits the BBC agenda to have stupid white man – well 2 if you count John Cleese.
As for Strike – we quite enjoy it – but we are waiting for the black female detective (not sure why she is dressed as a school girl) to come to the rescue – but we are pretty sure she will.
I had to go to East London on Saturday. I was alone in a tube carriage and three terrifyingly diverse chaps got on listening to grime/rap and talking about mugging people. It was absolutely terrifying.
Who on earth thinks: “Wow, how vibrant! Celebrate this diversity!”
Of course Beeboids would never live in the areas worse affected by open borders yet tell us it is fantastic. They break the golden rule that you should do as you would be done by. Just like that wanker Benedict Cumberbatch told us we must let in as many ‘refugees’ as possible but decided against taking one in himself.
Khalide Masood kills five and yells in Arabic: weeks later BBC says we may never know why he did it.
Explosion in vibrant Leicester: we instantly know with 100% certainty it was nothing terror related.
If it wasn’t someone trying to make a bomb, it will have been someone trying to bypass the gas meter. It’s the vibrant New Britain. Someone remind me to thank Tony Blair.
Listening to TOADY almost from the start this morning, the item that stood out in the opening hour for me was Justin Webb announcing how the BBC had been caught for some bias.
It transpired that it was something relatively minor. So minor that I cannot now remember what it was.
The thought struck me as I signed in here, I wonder if that is a diversionary tactic on the part of the BBC? Own up to shoplifting a packet of chewing gum while also being guilty of robbing the Bank of Brexit of billions in order to keep the UK in the EU.
Lord Hall: “Yes, we are biased about THAT. We admit it. We are sorry. But we own up to bias. We are not Biased about THIS. Not biased about Brexit. Oh, no! No way!! We are scrupulous about being strictly politically neutral and impartial.”
BBC complaints SOP.
After egregious abuse by editors on a substantive topic their complaints page usually flags something daft in a soap as the issue of the week.
Gary ‘£1.75m BBC Wages Paid Under Threat of Prison’ Lineker asks you to destroy local clothing economies. Will people in harsh conditions be wearing his fashionable boxers?
“Your old clothes could help change lives.
Join @GaryLineker in donating your unwanted shirts and get up to £10 off new @TMLewin shirts. … #ShirtSwap”
So why would the Red Cross be getting out top celeb Gary to do a PR campaign ?
I did better than that last week, I purchased a shirt and a tie from Charles Tywitt for under £50 and they threw in a free silk tie.
I wouldnt give the steam off my shit to the likes of the Red Cross and Oxfam or for that matter that bbC twat
Yorkshire Trading (Rydale Clothing) sell very nice shirts for £12.99, and I think you can get three for £30. Their main shop is in Driffield.
R5 Covering Corbyn’s speech live now
Anna Foster excited
Twitter thread with 3 BBC women excited about it includes LK
Will the BBC and Sky mention this,no..!!
Man who forgets to book a train seat and then complains about it to the media says he knows what is best for the Country … just believe!
Recently he forgot to pay for his coffee.
Jeremy Corbyn setting out Labour’s Brexit plans { 26feb2018}
I listened to his speech via radio Sid. (5) . At the end – after the commentator said he got a standing ovation ( which I don’t believe ) the press was asked for questions – channel 4 – Guardian al news night . No lefty bias there .
That’s when I gave up.the dozen or so red tories in the Hard remain side will join a fairly compliant set of labour MPs who personally believe in staying and tie the uk negotiators hands.
Tusk will definitely be on the fizz for the rest of today.
The rigged questions were noted by Guido
and the Sun’s political editor has already tweeted about it
Very sophisticated bias from Labour I thought. Not a u turn. I thought comrade Corbyn would be using the customs union as a stepping stone to full remain. Perhaps he is testing the waters . He did say we are leaving the ReichEU but that could mean taking the yellow star of the flag but everything else staying the same such as being screwed by the krauts and frogs.
Take the yellow star off the flag – Perhaps he would like to make some Labour members wear it.
He did get a standing ovation.
As usual with Corbyn, the room was stuffed with Momentum supporters.
All very Stalinist.
8pm C4 Dispatches : University management’s big expenses
I see what they are saying, that whilst cutting pensions the bosses are spending big, but it seems to me it’s not extortionate.
” £7.8 million averages just under £20,000 per year institution”, over 2 years, that’s £10K/year £50 per working day
They’ll be some cherrypicked examples , but if you import a superstar boss, who brings grants/contracts thru his contacts
.. The problem is when you pay Premier league wages to Sunday league players.
They don’t mention salaries, but that will be where the waste is
..It was all predicted in Tom Sharpes’s Wilt.
It’s good to know that the BBC regards the recent Winter Olympics as a great success. It is possible to take a less charitable view of the £28m that we spent in Britain encouraging posh kids to fly around snow-covered mountains on assorted boards, tin trays and sledges. Can’t the parent’s pay for this sort of thing? And for goodness sake, stop handing out medals; it’s hard enough at the best of times to encourage the brutes to start working for a living.
Here at Morrison Towers we are as keen on sport as the next man. We just don’t expect the next man to pay for it. True I was in a minority in 2012 in protesting when we blew £10bn on a two week chemists’ convention, otherwise known as the summer Olympic Games. Apparently it was good in raising the profile of London – an odd statement since it appears that almost everyone in the world wants to come and live here. After the two week circus ended we blew another £200m remodeling the main stadium, making a final price tag of nearly £1bn, and then let it to West Ham FC for £15m a year. You couldn’t make these figures up if you tried.
Just a fraction of this vast public waste on one-off infrastructure could rejuvenate a number of down at heel mill towns in the North of England. The Welsh valley towns could also do with a boost – something the inhabitants might look forward to in addition to a Michael Sheen lecture tour.
It was hoped that the Olympic stadium could remain as an athletics venue but nobody watches that sport anymore. Audiences are rarely more than 6,000 for even the biggest events. Nobody, except the French, watches cycling – at the time of the Olympics the only other London velodrome in Herne Hill was partially derelict. In fact hardly any of the Olympic sports are watched on a regular basis. In addition the best players in the world often don’t turn up as happened in the Rio golf tournament in 2016. This despite the impoverished Brazilians spending millions of dollars on a new course carved out of a nature reserve.
State broadcasting operations like the BBC love these international sporting boondoggles. Having been squeezed out of the rights to most popular sports, they work hand in glove with sports bureaucrats to help fund circuses entirely dependent on vast amounts of public money. The sports that people actually watch and pay to see on a regular basis receive little or no such public subsidy. Football has to cart the loot to the bank by the wheelbarrow, cricket, reinventing itself for the modern audience, is starting to coin it with the 20/20 game. Even tennis makes money on its own. The All England club makes so much money from its grand slam that it regularly tries to buy the adjacent Wimbledon Park.
Olympic sport – what a racket!
Chris – at least the beeboid sports journos / expenses claimers have 3 months of r and r before heading for the World Cup for another month of jollies.
Happened to be flicking channels and caught the post match love in after the closing ceremony. Miss Balding and four, yes four other women chatting away. I thought I’d tuned into Loose Women.
Yes, in light of recent ‘outcry’s’ I’m more than surprised that with Ms Balding being on this programme, it hasn’t been retitled Loose LGBGT -!
Hot-foot from listening to R4’s ‘Civilisation – A Sceptic’s Guide’ wherein ‘Professor David Cannadine argues that history has been wrong to categorise people according to their civilisation.’
I am not a historian.
I deliberately listened to this because I had a shrewd idea what theories and ideas would be pushed at me and what would be rubbished and discarded.
I was not disappointed.
I laughed a lot.
Up p I heard that remainer cannadine was doing his but for albeeb taxpayer cash to end all the borders. I’m guessing no contrary view.
Think that came in somewhere, Fed, but the person taking most of the flak was Edward Gibbon.
Fancy choosing to write just about the Romans! How exclusive, divisive, is that. Populist, too. And six books in a series. Over done. Disgraceful! No mention of aboriginal tribes from the Amazon. Disgusting. Racist!
“And those pagan (multi-theist myth based) Romans. They were Barbarian as much as anyone. Why treat them like heroes, Mr Gibbon?”
“Think the clue is in the title of my series, Cannadine.”
I heard part of the Civilisation programme about how the Roman Empire had benefited from the influx of the Barbarians and people from the east. Obviously, they want us to relate it to our current situation and welcome the world with open arms.
Yet, the difference was the Roman’s were happy for the immigrants – just as long as they integrated and took on the Roman way of life – is that why we say ‘when in Rome?’. Not quite the parallel then with today when many immigrants do nothing to integrate, in fact, the complete opposite when they want to bring their religion, values and age-old petty squabbles wholesale into the UK.
RR – agreed, whereas we now have “reverse assimilation”.
I honestly did not know history was an area of expertise for him. I was aware that he had vacated his Shaolin temple seeking the whereabouts of a half brother and was then on the receiving end of Uma Thurman’s five-point-palm exploding heart technique. No, tell a lie, the last I heard of him was that he was found in embarrassing circumstances inside a wardrobe in Bangkok after experiencing difficulties in some basic knot tying when he confused a sheepshank with a half-hitch, an error I’m sure all of us have made at one point or another.
11am R4 show appears to be about criticising Sir Kenneth Clarke’s 1969 TV series
..they quote him saying this Greek art is fine , and this Viking is not
And argue people are wrong to say that Greek & Roman & modern European are high civilisation, whilst others like Viking, New World tribal are inferior.
They say those wrong people made as US vs THEM discussion…and similarly went on to say Islam is inferior to Western.
Front page news in the Times, as far as I can see, totally unmentioned by the BBC.
“Disgraced Iraq lawyer gave £500,000 to family before bankruptcy”
Phil Shiner, the nasty piece of work who used tax payer’s money to bribe Iraqis into saying British troops tortured them, has moved his assets to his family before bankruptcy. The bankruptcy court have extended his bankruptcy form the usual 12 months to 6 years.
This was the lying, money grasping sod who ruined the lives of British soldiers whilst being lauded by the BBC. Panorama made at least one doc supporting his deceit and disparaging the brave young men who tried to give the Iraqis a better life. Eddie Mair sympathetically asked Shiner if he was going to take his case to the European Courts of Civil Rights after he had been caught out peddling fabrications.
Wonder why the BBC now broadcasts silence about this despicable person, who ought to be behind bars.
He’s got the makings of a safe seat labour mp.
Pg 2 Times : Charities linked to EXTREMISM get £6m from gov in gift aid. #Islamist
Shiner & Cox.
A right pair of BBC lefties.
Spot on assessment. The BBC could not get enough of this guy with his claims of misdeeds by British soldiers. He should be locked up for life. The shit.
Steph McGovern: BBC reporter says ‘posh’ presenters earn more
Yet another BBC crap overpaid employee moaning about how little they get paid. Her salary has “just now” reached a 6 figures salary as if she deserves a lot more.
If you read her article and replace the word “posh” with “better” you can see what a moaning shit presenter she really is.
She was the tart chairing the engineers jolly last week where comrade Corbin told everyone how much he like engineering. When her press colleagues started trying to ask him questions about he being an alleged communist spy our Steph shut them down.
I’m sure she didn’t get pennies for that gig.
Personally, I prefer my ‘presenters’ and ‘news readers’ to be accent free – posh or not. Ms McGovern may be good at her job and a nice person, but it grates to listen to her reports, likewise Helen Skelton, or anyone else with a regional accent. Nothing against them (I’m from Yorkshire stock), but I just prefer well spoken and articulate Queen’s English when being informed by someone on the box.
A BBC news reader from years ago – Sue Lawley is a Birmingham lass but wouldn’t have guessed from her news reading. She once deliberately slipped into her brummie accent on air, and immediately her persona changed. Yes, be proud with an accent, but away from public broadcasting. Try imagining the Queen with a Norfolk / Somerset / Geordie accent – doesn’t fit does it.
… and what about the wacky affirmative action newsreader on R4’s PM news programme at 5pm …
I’m still waiting for a proper cor blimey guv Dagenham accent to read the news .
But al beeb reserves that for false chirpy “comedians” and Walker the spiv in a new comedy series on al beeb 2 every Saturday night .
Perhaps they will promote Stacey Dooley.
Stacey at the very least deserves a medal for returning to Luton to shoot her piece on those marches by our friends from the Religion of Peace and facing up to their bile.
It’s fine for presenters to have a regional accent on the local news, as long as they speak properly, not on the national news though.
I agree 100%. I find Steph McGovern’s voice irritating in the extreme and made worse by the fact that there is rarely any business news in the BBC Breakfast business segment. It’s only ever consumer affairs stuff. Watch and see.
“But there’s always more to do and we have an ambitious diversity strategy which sets out our commitment to fully reflecting and representing the whole of the UK.”
(As long as they believe in the promotion of homsexuality, transgendersism, feminisation of society, mass immigration, rule by Brussels, promotion of Islam and suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome).
Its not looking good for Labour.
Take a look at the HYS……………………
Have the working class people of Great Britain been betrayed by a limp PM and a Labour leader who changes his mind to get into No 10 ?
I’ve visited and given all my up and down arrows.
Do the working class people of Great Britain feel betrayed by ip dip dog shit, flip-flop, eeny-meeny-miny-moe chancer Steptoe?….looks like they do!!!
\\ so when ‘The Tories’ do it, it is called a ‘U’-Turn .
…. But when Labour do it, it is called a ‘policy shift’ . //
“US trade deals more important post-Brexit, says Jones”
“Carwyn Jones is meeting politicians and business people, starting in Washington DC on Monday. He said trade and investment from North America would become even more important after Brexit.”
Does Jeremy know ?
Does anybody know why the bBC hasn’t got round to reporting this:

Ummm, let’s have a guess.
The Met police are looking for a large grey mammal, with white tusks, long trunk and big ears in a room…..unfortunately for the police, the beast has engaged its cultural-cloaking-device.
It’s the mucking fuslims!
It is them, but not only them.
Rape rises in #SadiqsLondon
Stew – an increase in alleged rapes is great news . It means that people are more confident than ever before about reporting this crime . So more rapes is a good fing innit sadiq?
( not of course that foreign non European men who view white women as ‘meat ‘ are committing these terrible crimes )
And – of course – a bigger denser population will mean more crime – particularly if different diverse cultures are in the mix too.
Has anybody seen the bbC report these stories:
Germany: Left target Food bank with Nazis graffiti
Germany: The left protests the Women’s March in Berlin
Germany: Art Gallery takes down satirical Erdogan picture, but keeps similar Trump and Kim Jong-un ones on display.
Switzerland: Muslim body justifies FGM
After 34 years Jeremy Corbyn can be proud of Islington …
Where is the Best Place to Be a Woman? { 2017}
R4 12:15pm Tuesday : Call You and Yours
: Has your view on charities changed after recent scandals?
– not the first time charities have been criticised ..pensioner Olive Cooke suicide associated with charity begging letters.
Email: and leave your phone number so we can call you back.
Have your views on the BBC Changed since Jimmy Savile, Gary Lineker on Brexit and the Gender Pay Gap with Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans?
– Charities suffer cos their biggest dept is the PR dept, cos that brings in the money/grants
..and that skews everything else.
– And then there is the entryism, used by lefties to take over exisiting organisations and use them for political campaigning.
People in London office too focused on other things ?
Oxfam – It was the Kenyan who had most complaints him : exposed himself, organised sex parties
In the Polish city of Zgierz, the police opened fire on Ukrainians and Georgians.
Police opened first fired warning shots after a group of suspicious people began to throw stones and cobblestones at them.
Then they fired at legs
Wounds were received by 4 people, including a policeman,12956124/
Welcome to 2018 … sanity rules …
Turkey’s Erdogan in row over ‘girl martyr’ comment on TV
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been criticised after telling a girl in military uniform that she would be honoured if killed while fighting.

The speech has been described as “child abuse” and a glorification of death.
. . . .
Turkish dictator:
What’s your name?
Little Girl:
Turkish dictator:
Want to see some puppies?
Little Girl:
Is he kissing her?
Imagine if this had been Trump.
He told her as it is in the BBC and our politicians favourite religion and culture. Little girl, if you get killed you go straight to paradise and meet Mo. Otherwise, you have a good chance of burning in hell.
Or maybe he asked her if she would like to stroke the white mouse in his trousers
They do like ’em young, don’t they?
She doesn’t seem quite so keen though.
Just close your eyes and think of Mo.
An account unlike most I have seen so far.
I wonder if Katty Kay was there, or is simply RTing ‘Omg’ tweets?
Sounds like BBC QT, only with less Amy Rutland and more gravitas.
Corbyn has committed himself on Brexit.
Comments, as they say, could be going better …..
That sporty little gold job really screams ‘Mondeo Person’ too.
GW, Lotus Elises for the many, not the few, I say.
‘Hijab is beautiful’: designers challenge Trump at New York fashion week {theguardian 08sep2017}
FGM trial just failed, cos the witnesses evidence was inconsistent
..He worked for anti FGM charity
..The police operations chief inspector is actually a trustee of same charity and his friend.. “A conflict of interest”
(Somali taxi driver case)
BBC is back in its other happy place after sex, which is Trump. And sex. And questions that can create denials.
Nothing like a spot of recreational mathematics to keep the old brain cells ticking over.
Annual average wages in the UK are around £27,000. Let’s say that reduces to around £23,OOO after deductions – not a substantial sum and since this is an average, many people are way below this figure. Then let’s take the new BBC license fee of £150 and with a couple of simple sums we find that someone on average wages has to work for the first day and a half of January simply to keep a single privileged broadcasting outfit on the road. If you are on minimum wage, as millions are, the tithe increases to three days and more.
Now they don’t have to pay this if they don’t have a specified receiving devise. But said devise is necessary to receive hundreds of other broadcasting outputs. The technical term for this is – you’re stuffed.
They might not want to have anything to do with the BBC. For instance they might think the news output is biased towards a group of entitled elites. They might feel that if they want left wing propaganda they are spoilt for choice elsewhere. They might take the view that the preachy drama on offer is not in short supply almost everywhere they look. If they want to watch their favourite sport football, they only have Gary and a couple of bellends bantering on a highlights programme. And they might feel that the BBC no longer speaks for the British nation as a whole and fails to report on its affairs in an impartial manner. Again the technical term for this is – see above.
The next time m’ladies Garvey and Gracie suggest that in the interests of fairness their BBC salaries should rise by potentially hundreds of thousands of pounds, they might care to do the maths as well.
Another thing that the bbc have spoilt are the various drama whodunnits.
Now, everyone knows that ‘it was the white guy who done it’
It always is.
The black and brown guys are all wise, caring and noble. Often they are falsley accused but end up being fully innocent.
The handicapped ones are the computer wizards.
The bent high ranking copper is always white.
Ordinary whites are trash and racist.
It’s so predictable now. I can usually guess ‘whodunnit’ because of the bbc formula for dramas.
Try it yourselves, I bet you’ll guess who the ‘baddie’ is.
No suspense anymore.
Can imagine what the inevitable remake of “ morse” will look like . Sir Leonard Henry in the title role with an Asian sidekick ( female ) and a bullying white boss ( Scottish ) who people remember from Game of Thrones or that thing about wizards or corrupt coppers
And the main family will be of mixed race with a lesbian daughter who is fully accepted by her school friends
BBC forgets to mention that couple working with Gardener’s World in South Africa were kidnapped and probably killed by Isis.
Looks like the BBC’s go-to guest has found a new berth at some billionaires’ vanity plaything…
If that doesn’t secure a sofa season ticket, what will?
Why does anyone take this crank seriously?
Didn’t he used to be a music teacher or something?
To the bBC the story about a 20% rise in rapes across London isn’t worth reporting (Article above at 13.30hrs) However this breaking story is:

Surely it should be ‘Panther of color’ anyway?
And the bbc flaunting others’ typos is… ‘brave’.
… and now, on R4’s PM news programme : after years of training the affirmative action hire is in place as the newsreader … painful to listen to his laboured sentences – but hang the listeners – this is all about minority hiring and not about the quality of the programme … let alone listeners …
As the young bucks on the top floor circled, if only Moira had lapsed into a Jamaican patois or, better yet, Pidgen.
She’d have been untouchable until the Queen sent a telegram.
So that’s it.
Jezza is going to negotiate a Customs Union with the EU,
In other news…..
John McDonnell shows us how to bring about world peace.
Dianne Abbott shows us how to build a Nuclear Power Station out of milk bottle tops.
As for the BBC, it’s all good.
Brexit blamed for snow in winter shock .
Corbyn blames government for failing to control snow
Ethnic minorities unfairly targeted by snow
Snowflake targeted by hard core snow
Russians blamed for Siberian blizzards
Remember the Monty Python Blue Peter sketch.
What will you do when you grow up?
I’m going to be a scientist and find a medicine that will cure every disease so that nobody will ever get sick any more.
Maybe they could add that to the labour manifesto.
Boys will be boys. I have not seen the BBC report of the transgender winning the wrestling.
CYPRESS, Texas — For the second year in a row, a transgender wrestler has won the Texas girls’ Class 6A 110-pound division.
Mack Beggs, an 18-year-old senior from Euless Trinity High School near Dallas, entered the tournament in Cypress outside of Houston with an undefeated record. He beat Chelsea Sanchez — whom he beat for the title in 2017- in the final match Saturday.
I hereby challenge Yasmin Alibaba Brown to go three rounds with me on TV
Poor old Renee Richards was a sex change tennis player a few years back, Looked like Richard Wattis maiden aunt. If only he had waited-he`d have been Wimbledon Ladies Champion (until Steffi Graf anyway).
Betty Stove would be getting some questions these days. All that beef, but served like Francoise Durr for some reason.
Ok you’ve sold it to me – I’m going trannie ( whatever that is ) and do the Texas wrestling contest next year. I’ll apply for the over fifty’s discount with a free Parker pen for when you’re gone .
That picture contains absolutely everything that is wrong with this “gender” b******s.
To think they want to let male prisoners who “identify” as women be allowed to move to Women’s Prisons – what could possibly go wrong?
Gotta feel sorry for the ‘real’ girl in that wrestling comp. She spends years training to reach this level only to come up against a bloke. Total cowardice by the sporting authorities to let this stupidity happen in the first place. If you’ve got balls you’re a bloke! Does he/she feel big getting a real girl in a neck lock?
This is a girl, Mack Beggs, who is transitioning to become a boy but they won’t let her compete with boys even though she wants to be one because you must compete in the classes for the gender that is shown on your birth certificate. She was born a girl.
I agree with the sentiment of what you say, it’s no surprise that Mack isn’t the only one confused by her gender. I just think that her and children like her, and they are children, are being irreparably damaged and exploited by weak authority, sensationalist, voyeuristic media like the bBbc and manipulative social experimenters when they should be getting proper mental health treatment and counselling.
‘I feel like I’m a boy’
‘Bullshit. You’re a girl, how the fuck do you think you know what a boy feels and why do you think all boys feel and think the same as each other?’.
Do you think that sort of counselling at the start might help?
I worked in a large factory about thirty years ago where a bloke in his early twenties was actually a young woman transitioning to a man. Everybody knew and nearly all were sympathetic and treated him as male (it’s how I still remember “him”). Only the generally unpleasant behaved otherwise.
(I’m sure I don’t need to tell anyone on this site that the past was often far from the hotbed of bigotry it’s portrayed as today.)
Really just posting this to reinforce the sentiments of your last paragraph – ‘I feel like I’m a boy’. On one occasion this individual sat down in the canteen, opened up The Sun and loudly declared, “I don’t half fancy that Linda Lusardi!” You’ll have to take my word for how hollow it sounded, a plea for acceptance of his “male-ness.”
Rich: “This is a girl, Mack Beggs, who is transitioning to become a boy”
If she is transitioning to a girl then she will be pumped with testosterone – because that is part of the transitioning process.
In the last Summer Olympics the 800 metres for women medalists were all believed to be intersexed athletes, including Caster Semenya. Genetically they are male XY, but includes XXY types also. They are brought up as females and are believed to be females as they do not develop a penis. They are infertile (no ovaries), have higher levels of testosterone than normal XX women, and have masculinised features. When drugs testing was introduced they failed – high levels of testosterone showed up. Further investigations revealed the intersex condition. To compete as females they had to take drugs to reduce their natural high levels of testosterone to normal women’s level. Following a court case they were allowed to compete as women with their natural levels of testosterone – levels that would have them banned for drugs use, if it were not for the waiver of being classed as an intersex woman. [At least this is how I understand the situation at present].
I’m aware of the condition that Caster Semanya has to manage, this girls increased testosterone levels are apparently transition-related, and so I think this issue is more clear cut than the XXY athletes who present as female, a physical, hormonal issue rather than the psychologically confused cause celebre beloved of our chattering classes presented here.
It may seem harsh, and I know that my example of counselling was simplistic, but I reckon that if you do decide to become or attempt to become identified as a member of the opposite sex then your wrestling or running or tennis playing career, or in this case, pastime can be sacrificed. It would seem to me to be a small price to pay if you’re someone prepared to have your breasts or penis surgically removed. Although it seems that this isn’t even a prerequisite to identifying as someone of the opposite sex, like the actress/ actor Laverne Cox, who although lauded as a female actor and described as ‘she’ still has a penis.
6pm news BBC1 advertising a Panorama programme about illegal schools and safeguarding issues. What a surprise, the school in Southend identified with a problem was a charedi Jewish school. It looked as if a small boy was being clipped round the ear. In this day and age, I accept that it is not permissible in a school. But I wonder how many illegal Jewish schools there are in the U.K. and how many from other religions? And whilst a clip round the ear is not of the times, the gasps and oo-ahs over egged the situation.
I would suggest that identifying the Jewish school was an example of anti-Semitism on the BBC.
Best not talk about maddrassas funded by Saudi fundamentalist cash and registered as charity’s to enable tax fraud

I noticed that as well. You make a valid point about the abuse found within Islamic mosques, where children are beaten for not learning their lines. (I can speak from personally experience) Anyway the bBC follow the way of their leader:
I agree Emmanuel. When the white guy is always the wife beater, villain or rapist, the suspense is lost. But there has been little suspense or indeed interest in any BBC drama for years. Apart from the excellent Line of Duty, it’s a very mediocre offering.
But then it is the same elsewhere. I dip into Coronation Street sometimes, where once young talented writers wrote excellent soap fiction based on a modicum of reality. At the last count the typical Manchester small back street had an Asian shop keeper (fair enough), a mixed race couple from South Africa, three lesbians, two homosexuals (down from a recent three) including a gay vicar, and a serial killer. Mind you there is often a serial killer loose in Corrie – it keeps the cast on their toes come contract negotiation time.
Ena Sharples must be choking over her milk stout.
Corrie must be due an air crash – every soap has one doesn’t it – to cull the cast … ?
I`m old enough to remember Alf Roberts(or was it Reenie, his wife?) pegging out in some bus crash on Corrie in the late 70s. And I also remember people sending him a wreath, and others looking for a job as the new repalcement bus driver.
It WAS the North West mind, and the Callaghan era was sinking into the mud. No other excuses, the rot did start back then maybe?
Got to be honest-hardly bother with the media anymore.
The BBC and its minions are clearly intent on wrecking what remains of this country. And without being too melodramatic. I see it all as the lethal injection to a zombie nation, strapped down on its gurney.
The lethal injection has three parts I believe.
1. An anaesthetic to immobilize-this would be the media.
2. Something to stop the breathing-this would be Islam.
3.Something to stop the heart-this would be the mock up of an economy that has been static and synthetic since 2008, with no corrections.
I would also include the end of any pretence of any democratic means to change direction. Apparently when you vote for something, the same Muslim appeasers, crooks and licensed state hacks think that they can amend or re-interpret the simplest of voting signals as given by the Demos.
These fools really don`t know what is going to hit them. Vengeance is long overdue, and we`re past fussing over BBC bias now. It`s whether you will still have a country to pass on to your grandkids, if you don`t get a grip and look for the pinch points of this zombie state.
Acupuncture seems to work….but for Gods sake, bring them down while you still are able to. The Left and islam won`t let you do this much longer. Until then, comedy and music seem to upset them-so hammer the culture while you`re able to ,and they don`t get the jokes or a good signal.
So the bBC has reported this story from Bradford.
Man jailed for stabbing wife 21 times
Yet, leave out these similar stories from Bradford also which are current:
UK: Misogynist news from Yorkshire
The police action on the last story is a real eye opener.
What have we allowed to happen to our country? I feel sorry for any indigenous Brit living in urban West Yorkshire, the ex Lancashire mill towns, parts of Birmingham, Luton, Borough of Newham ( Tower Hamlets a lost cause) etc etc
Worth reading Powell’s Rivers Of Blood Speech.
The BBC’s idea of newsworthiness in a nutshell:
Oh FFS! They never give it a rest do they?
Say you are gay and an ex-Muslim and get a free pass to America. Should all the Muslim communities condemn this and ensure that Africa becomes more tolerant and then Mahad Olad can fly back home to live with his accepting mother and family.
Religion of Tolerance. Religion of pieces.
Saw Tom Robinson spouting for England on the MASH tent that was Bob Harris` “Old Git Whistle Test” last Friday. For a man with only one song, as well as one of the worst records ever done(War Baby)-he had some nerve.
For any gays out there who`d like to be made straight, Tom Robinson has the formula-think he walked by a Baptist Church and was cured.
“Sing if you`re glad to be grey”….
Toyah turns out to have been our generations Joni Mitchell-who knew?
Toyah turns out to have been our generations Joni Mitchell-who knew?
I know…..It’s A Mystery!