Blacker Dread, otherwise known as Steve Martin, is the subject of a BBC film, Being Blacker [March 12 BBC2]…a bit of a love story really, between the film-maker, Molly Dineen, and Dread. Dineen didn’t want to ask him any awkward questions that might put responsibility for his troubles onto him as it might have come between them and they would have lost that ‘fundamental sense of friendship’. So not a critical and impartial film then. Is there anything that might result in any criticism…such as being a leading figure in the Brixton Riots or being jailed for a massive money laundering scheme? No…his problems are all down to racism…the film apparently a ‘unique insight into what it is to be black in Britain today.’
Once again the BBC concentrates on the bad, the grievances, the racism and the alleged failure of Black people to be successful in Britain due to that.
When will the BBC tell the truth and bring a positive view of Black communities and people to the screen? The BBC is so intent on creating a case against Whites as the cause of all Black peoples’ problems that it fails to do justice to that community. Are there no successful Black people in Britain? No business-people, no academics, no musicians, no actors, no sports-people, no scientists or engineers or philosophers or inspirational teachers? No, in the BBC world Blacks are all gangsters, crooks or failures, victims of white racism and oppression. That’s the message the BBC sends out…it’s a deliberate message shaped to generate white guilt and political action and some positive discrimination…but all it does is send a message that Blacks have no place in Britain, they can’t succeed with the odds, allegedly, stacked so high against them. Once again the BBC spreads dangerous, divisive and wilfully misleading messages that does enormous harm to Black people and utlimately to the whole of society.
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions…so if you spot any more of those BBC good intentions raise the alarm and list them here……
Just heard ” Socialism, a Grand Tour” on iPlayer…can still listen to that without a license can`t I?
If not watch it, I`m thinking…
Anyway-McElvoy gave us the Sid and Beatrice Webb (Mills and Boon) version of how they dreamed of an NHS-and. lo and behold, Jeremy Corbyn has given us one.
But as for the Webbs wilfully ignoring the Ukrainian Holdemor , the mass deaths of Soviet peasants and kulaks by Stalin…McElvoy chooses NOT to mention this.
But what dinner parties by the koi carp finishing schools my dears…oh, to be a Socialist.
Nationalise all chaise longues NOW!
Aren`t the lefties utter wankbags?
Am at the top of THIS thread too!…on a roll here.
Late evening popcorn.
Trevor Kavanagh gets as close to speaking the truth about the Religion of War and Grooming as is possible without the law breathing down your neck, now that Truth is an arrestable offence.
“The ‘MeToo’ mob must stop hogging the limelight and help child sex victims
The current protest movement should shift its focus to the still multiplying survivors of trafficking rings like the one in Rotherham exposed by Times journalist Andrew Norfolk in 2011…”
Wow very strong words Kavanagh’s not afraid of the BBC’s political correctness force-field
Didn’t BBC’s 3 Girls inspire the far-right attack? Shut it down? Is that what he is saying?
Mr Rowley said: “Islamist and right-wing extremism is reaching into our communities through sophisticated propaganda and subversive strategies creating and exploiting vulnerabilities that can ultimately lead to acts of violence and terrorism. { 26feb2018}
“reaching into our communities through sophisticated propaganda” – BBC’s “3 Girls”?
Wonder if he would take a bet the next terrorist attack in the UK isn’t ‘far-right’ nationalists?
LOL! Just saw a retiring “top” cop interviewed on BBC lunchtime “news” He was literally spinning the old pre-crackdown on free-speech line that: “The far right is a problem. We’ve foiled several far right conspiracies in the last year, more needs to be done, etc, etc, etc” And how many have we foiled? FOUR! Yes, FOUR!
But compared to the what? >30,000 UK residents of the they-who-cannot-be-named persuasion under MI5/6 surveillence and multiple terrorist plots from the same… Hmmmmm? Is this guy stupid, a coward or willing puppet? Hope it was worth the pension… As for the BBC…par for the course on this one
He sounds like he is clearing his desk of every SJW/PC/Common Purpose talking point to secure a nice little number on the ‘former’ sofa circuit.
If I was a fellow police person I would suggest he is simply the male equivalent to Ms. Dick.
7:30pm Anything useful or crazy in Inside Out tonight ?
East – Toni Harrison, born in Vietnam, adopted & brought up in Bedfordshire. her search to find her biological father, an American soldier during the Vietnam War.
(The blurb didn’t mention she was black, so she is Black-Vietnamese ethnicity British.
** Next week’s includes **
– East : 10 days aboard Mission Lifeline off the coast of Libya
– The aristocrat who went undercover to expose the abuse of suffragette prisoners
London : The black guy on a catamaran bicycle who collects up litter dropped in the canal
..this looks like a stunt to me.
I would be easier with a long pole net from the bank (or drone)
Southeast : domestic abuse of women
Yorks : Man says Church ignored his abuse
The hare courser thugs who openly admit breaking the law.
That was on a few regional editions of BBC Inside Out tonight.
Summed up in 90s video
Thugs, I can’t say they are gypsies, cos they seem to come from Sheffield area.
The police seemed absolutely powerless against them : After they carchased away from police.. the police just seized the dogs for ONE day ..and let the people get back in their cars, seemingly not charging them with dangerous driving
I guess the thugs know to be slippery, ‘oh it weren’t me driving it were him, ‘no it were him’ etc.
Farmers’ land gets damaged, but they are sitting targets if they report or testify ; the thugs will send their mates around with a message ..maybe kill your dogs or burn down your barn.
said that one days the thugs will kill a farmer/family.
What is the police tactic ? seize the dogs, let the guys go, catch them again, seize the new dogs , until the guys keep running out of dogs ?
in preference to jailing the guys and risking retribution ?
Sun : aid expert claimed in a blog that female staff approached The Guardian in 2015 with complaints on senior Save the Children execs, but it “sat on the story”.
Later the expert, writing under the pseudonym Leslie Francis, claims she was told the paper’s “powers that be” decided not to run it.
worth reading the source
\\ I am shocked that the Guardian would refuse to run a story that made fellow lefties look bad. Shocked. //
One comment
\\And I am not at all surprised that Powell, Boulton (married to Anji Hunter), Andrew Marr (married to Jackie Ashton) and Phillips defend Cox and Forsyth.
After all they are the people who inflicted ‘New’ Labour and the unspeakable Blair on all of us. //
Another story with-held by Guardian in 2017
“Far-right terror threat ‘growing’ in UK as four plots foiled”
“Four” ? Has one huge threat been conflated with a miniscule threat by Al Beeb ?
Please read it all .
The Font of Truth missed out these words from Plod
““Robinson also became a regular fixture in our media, giving him the platform to attack the whole religion of Islam by conflating acts of terrorism with the faith, often citing spurious claims, which inevitably stirred up tensions. Such figures represented no more than the extreme margins of the communities they claim to speak for yet they have been given prominence and a platform to espouse their dangerous disinformation and propaganda. Each side feeds into each other’s extremist rhetoric with the common goal of increasing tensions and divisions in communities.”
Clearly, we are living in a police state. The thought police will soon be closing down biasedbbc for daring to criticise islam and its repulsive beliefs.
In that Guardian article he pretends balance by intoducing Robinson at the same time as Choudry
… but that is the fallacy of False Equivalence
cos Robinson does not call for terrorism or violence,
he only talks about resisting.
Also that bit is close to the end of the short article it serves as the message to take away.
“Often citing spurious claims”
I wonder if these include claims that the Islamic scriptures instruct their followers to carry out jihad and whether or not the authorities have any conflicting evidence to support a counter claim?
I think it’s only a matter of time before this site is closed but I’m sure it is useful to the state to know who is saying what —all the comments go in our “just in case” files
They’ll just decide one day that it’s not a load of fedup people letting off steam and treat it as a threat to ‘ public order’ which sounds like something from the French Revolution .
Shocking article, with a headline designed to distract from the content – Islamist attacks more of a threat, and more of them have been foiled. Also, details of the far-right attacks cannot be given?? So were expected to believe their report without evidence? So the far-right threat could be pathetic or even fiction.
“While they have not been involved directly in terrorism, he singled out Tommy Robinson, who founded the English Defence League (EDL), and Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britain First, as voices from the far right who stir up tensions.”
Roughly translated “they haven’t done anything but we don’t like them highlighting the truth as it might cause problems for our beloved “communities”, so we are trying to stitch them up”.
Surely even the bbc can recognise such singling out is an abuse of power that needs holding to account?
What next, comping a photo of a little boy in a Hugo Boss outfit being kissed on each cheek by Tommy and Jayda on a ‘it’s something that might have happened’ basis?
PS No one stirs up tensions like the bbbc!
Sorry pressed report by mistake
neither the guardian or the so called bbc run HYS on either article
I think we all know why
A man buying a machete is now a right-wing plot – absolutely pathetic from the Beeb and AC Rowley – not much attention paid to the ten Islamic plots foiled in the same time-frame, surprise surprise.
As I said above, this is the standard narrative from establishment puppets with pensions in advance of the curtailment of free speech in UK. They’re simply setting the scene and the BBC is supporting/promoting it.
No doubt this will be accelerated if/when Corbyn and his Marxist goons get any power. Then we, like Sweden, will have a law against “illegal opinions”…
Another day, another BBC Full Story article on their News Homepage promoting someone from a British-Pakistani Muslim family – Junaid Ahmed – a self publicist, model, ex-fashion student, gay. Shame the BBC do not run a full story on how homosexuals are treated within Islam – instead they focus on his social media habits.
BBC Full Story article: “I take 200 Selfies a Day”
Wow, the standard of that journalism is astoundingly poor, if you can call it that. I don’t think it actually says he is gay….why the restraint bBBC? Hmmmm….let me think….normally they’re shoving it down your throat, so to speak.
It’s an insult to young people with any modicum of intelligence.
“I’ve had my teeth veneered, chin filler, cheek filler, jawline filler, lip filler, botox under the eyes and on the head, tattooed eyebrows and fat freezing.”
Where does a 22-year old get the money to do that? Since he’s photographing himself 200 times a day and spends a long time getting himself ready for the photograph, I doubt he holds down a job.
At this moment in time, there are 7 articles which directly or indirectly involve Muslims, on the bBBC website (iPad). Anyone who does not think the BBC are biased and are working to an agenda, is a moron. Maxi?
Far Right terror threat is growing, someone said apparently. That trusted BBC journalistic rigour: someone said something which fits our narrative, not events have actually occurred to prove it. Four attacks stopped apparently compared to ten for Islamists, which means the threat is definitely equal as we can give the Islamists a few free ones as they are so upset by all our racism and irrational fear of their wonderful creed. And the actual body count from last year is a bit asymmetrical but perhaps they hope we have forgotten those twenty or so dead children – working class whites do not count as people in their world anyway.
Just the 32,617 Islamic terror attacks since 9/11. How many ‘Far Right’ atrocities in that period?
We all remember the harrowing ‘Chichester Letters attack’ when a cell of bowls players wrote coordinated letters to a pun about them playing music too loud.
Or the ‘Cheltenham Fish Crisis’ when someone tutted rudely because the fish and chip shop did not have enough cod ready.
Do they honestly expect us the swallow this nonsense? On form they could deceive brilliantly with planted vox pops, staged events and clever framing questions. They are not even trying here.
Does anyone actually believe these “4 foiled far-right plots”?
It’s come to something where I downright disbelieve what the police and authorities are telling me about something as serious as this. If large sections of the population take a similar view we’re in very dangerous territory.
No. That ‘story’ is a disgrace, even by bbc standards, especially on a holding power to account basis.
It all hinges around allegation and allusion and false equivalence, with the sole testimony of this common purpose uniformed creep edited as propaganda to place an even bigger target on Tommy Robinson.
Mark and the Bbc deserve each other. The country does not.
Just because someone is arrested for once learning German whatever does not mean there is a ‘credible threat.’
I think obvious disinformation and overt dismissal of terror attacks as ‘not terror related’ actually has the opposite effect of the calming reaction they intend. Anyone sharper than jelly or indeed sentient will get the sense things are spiralling out of control, as even our guardians clearly cannot guard us.
I know and work with a lot of educated and intelligent people unfortunately however they believe the nonsense pushed out by the MSM in particular the BBC.
A good example is Donald Trump. Ask any of the “He’s an idiot” crowd about his policies and they haven’t got a clue.
When you mention tax cuts, stopping ILLEGAL migration but supporting LEGAL migration; spending on infrastructure, supporting the military vetrans, ensuring decent healthcare for Americans they look blank for a moment, then say, “but he’s an idiot, I saw it on the BBC”…
Katty Kay: stupid, venal, but effective.
The number of Youtubes of po-faced young interviewers getting the thoughts of peers, especially on US campuses, are legion, and all hilarious.
Though 17 yo olds with blue hair giggling as they wave their ‘Kill Trump & Pence’ sign without a clear idea why may be one for Newsbeat.
Did I hear that right… a spokeswoman from Greater Anglia Trains tells the BBC that if their train’s horns don’t work in the cold weather they can’t travel so fast…? Makes a change from the wrong type of snow.
Some bizarre reporting follows on BBC tv. One moment they are asking transport representatives the reasonable question why trains were cancelled BEFORE the bad weather and why Britain can’t cope so well as other countries. Next moment it’s over to Carol for the weather forecast – and she wants to lead with dire Weather Warnings!
It’s pretty obvious that these newfangled Weather Warnings give a form of permission for disruption. I’m sure school staff, for instance, listen and hear ‘day off’
Unregistered Schools – presumably not those official ones waiting on tenterhooks for the BBC weather forecaster to give them a day off…
Here we go… halfway through the BBC tv report we hear 50% of unregistered schools are Muslim, but obviously it’s the beardy-weirdy Jews who are in the BBC crosshairs, lumped together with the Muslims and bracketed with them under the banner ‘threat of extremism’
Cue, dodgy footage of kids in skullcaps and visions of a Fagin-like character as a supposedly abusive teacher. Am I watching the BBC or a 1930s German propaganda newsreal? In the studio a victim of unregistered schools – Izzy Posen – draw your own conclusions from that name.
Now it’s fairly often that you will be in a mainline railway station or an airport and you notice one of these quaint folk with their old world hats, long black coats and side curls. I’ve yet to hear of one of them blowing himself up shouting Isaiah! Do you know of a Jew mowing people down with his sensible economical large family car? Or running amok in a crowded street attacking people with his diamond polishing kit?
The BBC and the Muslim reputation they protect act like the young child caught in some wrong doing… “It wasn’t me, it was Teddy who did it”
Just like the BBC fuss over ‘right wing’ extremism, or whitey perverts publicised to excuse Muslim rape gangs… no Muslim problem can ever be admitted without the excuse and cover of blame spread elsewhere.
I too saw this one AISI. Truly creepy.
Who knew that the BBC could hog a neighbouring building to peer into a school to film?
The footage looked very much like an East German technique in “The Lives Of Others”. Noted that they only filmed the Jew school-as opposed to the Muslim ones they only mentioned as hearsay.
Hopefully the Jewish charities and press will now stop defending Muslims as “kindertransport-lite”, and take a good look at what the BBC are up to. The hit piece last night had cosy interviews with both the Childrens Commissioner and the OFSTED head…both roles very much in line with East German thinking.
That they had two bureaucratic big cheeses to habd shows that this is a set up-to register all educational provision, and force their Gramsci crap even further down our childrends throats for Corbyn.
I happen to think that they`ll go to ban kosher and circumcision for Jews( probably call it Male Genital Mutilation-MGM)…and seek out the orthodox caricatures to bully in front of the cameras, the Crown Court etc.
But Muslims will NOT be targeted at all-and we`ll be one more step along Saria Street, the goal of the globalised lefty libdimmies.
As Corbyn gets his cover and excuses pre-heated by the BBC, the anti-Semitism of the left and its allies at the BBC gets more brazen.
The Icelandic Parliament are presently looking at banning male circumcision in their country, to bring it into line with the 2005 law banning it for females.
Bad weather – perfect news day for the BBC. Nobody is offended by the weather. In twenty years’ time this will be the only thing they feel comfortable reporting on. Though I do half suspect David Lammy to pop up and declare all this whiteness means the ‘Far Righr’ will feel emboldened. Perhaps we should invest billions to stop snow as it offends David Lammy?
How is the ‘Far Right’ getting organised exactly?
Do they have a specific doctrine 1400 years old which promises them paradise for ‘victory through terror’?
Are there specific land masses around the globe where they can head to wage this war, as indeed thousands have?
Can they set up fake charities to fund their activities?
Are some of them boasting of their imminent conquest?
Have they created no-go zones within major cities and beyond?
Are they ‘grooming’ non white school girls on an industrial scale?
Have they plotted to take over schools with their ‘Far Right’ ideology?
Do they force their children to have swastikas burned into their genitals, or murder them if they disrespect their ‘honour’?
BBC breakfast is reporting on too many kittens! We are totally safe with them at the wheel. Nothing to worry about.
Great post BB.
If you were to make it 40 years ago, you`d also cover the BBCs totalising worldview as a parallel religion on its own.
Fake Charities?…the BBC probably even got in before the Al Aqsa tea cosy marathons in Levenshulme and Beeston.
Charities and the benefits system bank roll Islamic conquest. Are we the only society in history to pay people to attack us?
Meanwhile, poor and deceptive reporting from Andrew Harding on R4, just before 7.00am on South Africa. The ‘buzzword’ hiding an unpalatable truth is ‘transformation’, and Andrew was keen to pick up many little snatches of comment, containing it. It seems that the ANC government are about to initiate a ‘land grab’. Because of ‘inequality’ white-owned land, especially farming land, will be ‘up for grabs’. In other words, nothing has been learned from Zimbabwe.
Assuming, of course, that food production is important. If it is not, well, why not grab the goodies? Hand over the productive land to black farmers (ANC ‘cadres’, if Zimbabwe is anything to go by) and allow it to become unproductive. Job done. A few killings here and there, will help the process. And there have been a great many killings of white farmers, religiously ignored by the western MSM, to date. Along with barbarous torture.
New President Ramaphosa may well be adopting a few slogans and simple and innocent little words like ‘transformation’ to hide failed strategies and drive out those skilled whites who have not left SA yet. A cynic might say that all is going to plan. Bugger food production. Or anything else that has made SA a modern, developed state. The Hardings of the BBC will play the game.
Interesting post, as I have just been in SA for three weeks (again).
Weird thing is, quite a few whites we talked to wanted Zuma out and think Ramaposa will bring more economic stability. The appreciation of the Rand in the last 2 months suggests others think the same.
Other weird thing is quite a few whites want the blacks to do better and be more or tolerably more equal, as otherwise you have an enduring powder keg. The solution of course is long term black education. But quite a few blacks (who were working in decent jobs) commented on the lack of black parental control and support for their kid’s education in the townships. My feeling is that some in the ANC want to keep the blacks poor to keep the resentment going and stop a flow of emerging middle class votes to the DA, as in Gauteng. Why else would established townships still have only gravel road access in the Eastern Cape, 25 years after one person one vote and continued ANC government?
The whites in retrospect quite liked Mandela for the ‘slow and steady’ approach. Over the years you see more blacks not just e.g. as waiters or cleaners or car park guards but in more responsible positions too. If Ramaposa does cave in to the EFF et al and go for land grabs then the outcome will be exactly as you predict.
Which would be a great shame for a rather nice country. Worth visiting soon in case it all goes to ratshit.
Note to any snowflakes reading: reference to whites and blacks is normal practice in SA, as incidentally is coloureds. I apologise for any hurt feelings among any non SA readers. LOL.
The same point has been made in the US regarding the Democratic Party.
If all the inner-city black gangsters dropped the .38s and went out and got jobs, there’d be nothing for the Democratic Party to do.
The existence of a permanent, hopeless, violent underclass is crucial for the party’s continued existence.
Sluff: A rather nice country, as you say. The elephant in the room may well be population growth: too many people (mostly low on skills) chasing too few jobs. Also, I seem to remember something called ‘relative deprivation’: wealth and poverty, living side by side and the perceptions that go with that. SA a perfect example, everything aggravated by the race issue.
Interesting example you mention about roads; the Eastern Cape being the pre-1994 ‘home’ of most things ANC. Promises not kept by those now in power? Could anything else have been expected?
This is not a harsh criticism, but simply a look at reality, which means that not much has changed for the poorer segment of society. It would have been foolish to expect ‘liberation’ to achieve that.
Anyone in power will have to ‘manage’ expectations. The temptation to ‘redistribute’, or at least make wild promises to this effect, is ever present. Thus the situation is more complex than the BBC report would have us believe. Expecting Ramaphosa to ‘solve’ this suddenly, is as unrealistic as having expected Mandela to do so.
Theres a lot more indepth analysis between the two of us then you get at the bBBC. Not unusual for this website.
But then our agenda is,ahem, rather more realistic and less dogmatic.
Did anyone catch Miss Lady Shouty’s hectoring of BoJo at 8.10 on Toady this morning? The contrast with the pre-8am dulcet questioning of a Jocky woman whose name I didn’t catch (was it the Source of Caviar?) was palpable.
BBC breakfast.
On the couch this morning they are salivating over some movie called GRINGO, with some black actor that nobody has ever heard of.
Anyway, thought I would do a quick dictionary search of these two nouns…
gringo in American
(ˈgrɪŋgoʊ ; griŋˈgō)
Word forms: plural ˈgringos
In Latin America, a foreigner, esp. an American or Englishman
hostile and contemptuous term
n****r; plural noun: niggersa
A contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person
Couldn’t believe my ears earlier watching BBC news channel.
Whilst interviewing a camp looking black fella (2 boxes ticked) re YouTube advertising etc the interviewer asked the question;
“How do you get people to watch something they don’t necessarily want to watch”
Hahahaha! How about…forcing them to pay a tax for it with threats of inprisonment for non payment!
Absolute classic.
Yet they still claim the moral high ground. How many poor and vulnerable people get sent to prison or given fines they cannot afford as they refuse to fund the Beeb’s champagne lifestyle?
The 4 ‘far right’ terror plans.
My guess is:
1. The police have caught someone buying bacon and think a rasher ‘could’ be destined to be left in the general area of a mosk.
2. Somebody has bought a pot of paint at B&Q which ‘could’ be used to paint a slogan on a wall.
3. A bloke in a pub says immigration is too high and is arrested for a thought crime.
4. Somebody posted on Facebook that their grandad didn’t fight in the war so that the politicians could do this to the country.
This is actually true and the man got 20 months in prison.
Terrible crimes foiled, certainly each one as bad as Manchester arena, Westminster Bridge, 9/11 etc.
An Afghan who threatened to commit a vehicular terror attack which targeted “white people” because he was frustrated waiting for his refugee status has been spared jail.
And yet the army veteran James Matthews who fought against ISIS with the Kurds has been charged with “visiting a terrorist training camp” and goes on trial on Thursdsy. Another anti-terror coup by Metplod? I suppose his crime was to visit an ISIS training camp and kill a few Big Beards.
This BS narrative needs to be challenged. I am dismayed listening to JHB on Talk Radio echoing the bBBC with this “news”. But rather than discussing this it seems she would much rather discuss obesity and wimmin’s “life satisfaction”.
Thought Boris had an interesting technique with the excitable Mishal Husain on Today: to simply continue with his arguments after each incessant interruption. He would pause, listen patiently to the jabbering, and then continue with his previous argument.
The BBC’s plan is to keep firing negative points to derail the person who doesn’t believe in the BBC’s outlook. All whilst the poor sod is still trying to answer an earlier negative point.
I didn’t hear that, since I turned the wireless off after the SNP Party Political Broadcast from Nicola Sturgeon, ably facilitated by Nick Robinson.
Had no idea there were thousands of eager female engineers just waiting to get out there to rebuild rail stations, underground etc, being kept back by ‘unconscious bias’ in male bosses. Wow. Thanks, Jim Al Khalili, for that enlightenment on your science programme. Wow. Could there even be hundreds of thousands, I wonder?
She said ‘the average across the industry must be in single figures, but we achieved 30% female engineers..
… When you have a big project you can say to stakeholders lets make a statement’
In that paraphrased statement she is saying ‘we had a SEXIST pro women recruitment policy’ they broke the law by not treating applicants equally.
So the only thing being engineered is society.
True,Stew. We need to prepare early, though, for this bout of ‘affirmative action’. Maybe all baby boys can be dressed in blue and pink stripes and all baby girls can be dressed in blue and pink stripes? Little Louise could have a set of spanners for her first birthday, and little Johnny some play kitchen utensils. That should remove bias at root?
Will suggest it to the BBC.
— fakenewswatcher
They’ve already done that. Last year they broadcast the bizarre and ominous No More Boys And Girls: Can Our Kids Go Gender Free? in which Doctor Javid aimed to “remove all differences in the way boys and girls are treated to see if, after six weeks of ‘gender neutral’ treatment, he can even out the gaps in their achievement across a range of important psychological measures…”
(NB: The Doctor is Javid Abdelmoneim: son of Sudanese-Iranian parents, who’s worked overseas with Médecins Sans Frontières in Haiti, Iraq and South Sudan.)
In response to possible criticism about the inappropriateness of the experiment he says: “One, this is absolutely not about gender identity. Two, in no way could you imagine anyone ever trying to steer children in a way that’s harmful. We’re talking about the BBC. I’m a Doctor. Their parents and teachers were involved.”
Trusted and impartial, as ever.
The difference between Talk Radio and the bBBC, in interviewing techniques, is very refreshing. They have just had some libtard wimmins rights whinger on who refused to accept that demanding 50% women vs men at an event could be defined as a quota! JHB rightly challenged her. Then Mike Graham mocked the SJW pointing out that, his having two sons and a male dog meant that the female viewpoint was massively under represented in his household.
Had the interview been conducted by the bBBC, then the interviewee’s contradiction would surely have gone unchallenged.
My older brother who is a devout socialist informed me yesterday he will never vote Labour again under Corbyn..shock horror..!!!!
And his reason for making his shocking, is outlined in the enclosed link
Good old Corbyn.
Just like his claim to get rid of student tuition fees, this U-turn on his last manifesto commitment to a hard Brexit is going to hammer him.
The man is a lying terrorist shill, and Commie aid. And turns 180 degrees as Soros or Giscard orders. He`s toast now insh`Allah.
Of course all the left, the media are pleased as his seeing sense. Indeed, he`s already getting the free pass from them re his “pragmatism”.
Now all we need to do is ensure free and fair elections next time, as opposed to tte stitch ups attempted over Brexit in 2016, and the multiple voting for the left all over our university towns last June.
This is one role that Niel could play-Thanet was a scandal, and he needs to kick up so UKIP remain a threat to Tories.
FFS Nigel-all we need are fifty candidates to set up against Bercow, Soubry, Rudd,Grieve and Hammond to name but five. A glorious kamikaze campaign to get real Brexit in soft Tory areas-and plying the Tories in Umunnas with the data needed would get us the Brexit we demand. Anything less, and there`ll be real trouble in this country I fear.
Just seen a bit of Victoria Derbyshire.
Five women-and VD-all moaning about their sons getting excluded from schools, and we needing more PRUs and mental health provision for their autistic genuises so traduced by schools.
As for WHY any of them were excluded?…well, who`s asking THAT?
As for the other kids who might now learn state-sponsored drivel in a little more peace and quiet?…not a peep.
Very Grenfell-but isn`t this EXACTLY what rotten boys, men and Tories are now doing to the firestarters, bullies and drug addled psychotics who finally went too far in schools where you can do anything you like?
But vote UKIP or venture a view on Islam, Trump or a wish to have no BBC license.
Did you know that when you buy Halal food (KFC/Mars) you are paying for a political ORGANISATION?
Does HFA have Muslim Slaughterman/men performing slaughter?
Yes, all slaughter is manually carried out by Muslim slaughterman/men whilst Bismillahi-Allahu Akbar is recited.
Whenever a person or entity refers to “our values” you know it’s not, generally speaking, going to be good.
I wish meat were labelled so I could avoid supporting the torturing of animals and Islam. If it comes from a Halal factory then it should say so.
I haven’t purchased a bar of anything by Cadburys since I discovered they use Halal products. Bastards.
Just stick to local produce and ask them. Beware cagey answers. Pork is usually ‘safe’.
Nice ad from BBC PR on Facebook:
Calling all women! Do you care what your whisky’s called? Or would you be more tempted if it was called “Jane” instead of “Johnnie”?
Johnnie Walker Black Label has released a limited edition female version of its “striding man” logo to coincide with Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day to “invite women into the brand.”
However comments, especially from women, for both the PR at JW and the PR at BBC… could be going better.
🙂 Going well in areas of rich stairs streaming other than the BBC too.
BBC and Google. Peter Barron and Newsnight. What gets ‘found’ and what doesn’t… editorial integrity and search rankings.
This invitation to a media navel gaze just arrived:
Madhav Chinnappa is the senior executive at Google responsible for their relationship with the news industry. After 9 years at the BBC leading their commercial team, he joined the ‘wonderfully crazy company’ and deliberately became ‘the most technically dumb guy at Google’ to boost their understanding of the media ecosystem beyond a tech-only approach.
Much explained.
That… is the giddy limit.
No Jedi training swamp?
An Afghan who threatened to commit a vehicular terror attack which targeted “white people” because he was frustrated waiting for his refugee status has been spared jail.
Phew, a good thing he didn’t eat a bacon sandwich in front of a Mosque, else he’d have really been in trouble.
The judge was lenient because he understood Ruzykhan Sayadi’s frustration that tax payers wouldnt pay off his debts. I mean wouldn’t we all?
If I said I was going to kill black people would the BBC take notice? Would I be given a suspended sentence?
How the bBC rewrites the facts in which to tell a different story from the truth:
Chancellor Merkel enters ‘Germans only’ food bank furore
“German Chancellor Angela Merkel is the latest politician to criticise a major food bank’s decision to bar foreigners from receiving free food.”
Wow that’s really nasty and thousands of people reading this will come to the conclusion that Germans are still fucking Nazis. The thing is that first paragraph from the bBC isnt the truth. Here is how the German press reported this story last week:
The board of “Tafel” food bank in the western German city of Essen has caused a stir by imposing a new rule: For the time being, foreigners cannot receive new membership cards. No German passport, no free food. The Essen Tafel currently has 1,800 membership cards issued that cover roughly 6,000 people. And yet, “you could pick the few German people out of the crowd at the food handover sometimes,” board member Rita Nebel said. ….Sartor and Nebel claim that the large number of foreigners, especially young men, caused trouble when it came to handing out the food, saying that elderly Germans weren’t feeling comfortable anymore and stopped showing up. I was approached several times because there was too much pushing and shoving,” Sartor told DW. “I want the people here to behave in an orderly way toward each other. And when there isn’t an equal balance [of Germans and foreigners], that doesn’t work.” Horst, a German retiree, was among the roughly 30 people waiting to pick up groceries outside the Essen Tafel on Friday. He said he could see that the new rule was unfortunate for some, but that it did have a point. “There are many Russians, Polish, people from Africa,” Horst said. “They can get brash sometimes, for example some show up late for their 12:30 pick-up time and then try to cut in line in front of us, who have the 1:30 pick-up time. I think we should all be thankful that a service like this exists at all.”
In other words:
German food bank ‘Essener Tafel” has temporarily stopped accepting new non-German clients, citing a huge influx of migrants that was displacing locals in need.
Mind you I did note this at the bottom of the German article:
“That is of no help to Carole. The French single mother of two came to the food bank two weeks ago to get a membership card and was turned away. On Friday, she was in line at the Tafel to pick up the groceries for her pregnant friend. “This makes me sad,” she told DW while comforting her crying toddler. “I’ve been in Germany for years and I have an EU passport, but I can’t get food.”
Carole hopes the ban will be lifted soon.
BBC shows a collection of photos from the 1960s. It must be dismayed to see something very odd about the depiction of London streets. After all, the UK has always been a magnet of immigration. Hasn’t it?
We watched the latest ‘Transformers’ movie the other week. Based on King Arthur and one of the knights of the round table is…….Black.
Found it:
The Black Knight was famous, innit 🙂
ss – Great photo but also dismaying for us if you were to put it alongside another photo taken from the same spot today.
This is also great and equally dismaying:
I’ve just found that spot on Whitechapel Road – and, predictably enough, the North Thames Gas office is now the Al Rayan Bank!
C_M – what a surprise.
I got to this link from the same story on Facebook.
Where the confidence in German government, EU, car manufacturers and the competence of BBC journalism… could be going better.
R4 now : white men are to blame for bad things that happens in charities… Says caller lady of colour called Shaysta.
.. Em yes those white managers have responsible .. but bad guys on the ground do seem to be more often non-white.. The Haiti sex-party organiser was Kenyan.
It’s a phone in on a topic of ‘has our attitude to charities changed ?’
Next caller is talking about volunteers in Kenya.
I was in Kenya in 1991 .. It’s weird,.the attitude to sex there : prostitution is massive and aggressive.
Of course it’s best to keep out of it cos of AIDS etc.
Liam Fox on bBBC news but speech being covered live – so no careful editing.
Making the case for Brexit. To align with the fastest growing economies (China, US, Asiapac) not the slowest (EU).
Plus the case that economic growth (open market economy) gets more people out of poverty than any number of touchy-feely handouts and socialism. How is Venezuela these days?
Go Liam!
Labour ‘weaponises’ Brexit to win votes from EU migrants
“Labour are using its new Brexit stance to woo 3 million EU citizens into voting for it at the upcoming local elections. … There are a large number of EU citizens in other key battlegrounds in the capital, including up to 51,000 in Barnet and up to 39,000 in Wandsworth.”
Sadiq Khan is already reaching out to the 1.1 million EU citizens in London.
Am I the only person wondering if people who are non indigenous and may not even be here in ten years’ time, should be allowed to influence our future?
Maybe it is simply just part of the rich seam of satire, albeit unidirectional, for which the bbc is renowned globally?
Melania Trump mocked for ‘positive social media’ speech
More Trump bashing from the BBC. This “so called news” has screenshots of Twitter Trump haters.
First one from A.J.Ali which has just 3 likes.
2nd one from Micolette Dalton with 19 likes.
3rd one from “r” with just another 3 likes.
4th one from Stedd La Rosa with zero likes.
The 5th one is from someone famous “for surviving gun attack” does have 184,000 likes but she actually doesn’t mock Trump himself so we can’t count this as relevant.
So basically the BBC have thought “we need yet another anti Trump article” and find 4 Tweets with a total 24 likes and they make that into a “factual” news report.
The bBBC is cranking up its support (if that is possible!) for the Corbyn U-turn approach to Brexit, as if it’s the only solution. Presenting the out of the customs union and single market as an extreme position. Prescott and Heseltine are invited to talk about the northern powerhouse (1 minute) and then 5 minutes cuddling up to Corbies customs union. Heseltine thinks a Corbie government preferable to leaving the EU. It wheels out an Irish MEP to talk about the border issue. An ex-civil servant is produced to pour scorn and negativity on trading with the rest of the world. His piece is being broadcast ad nauseam, and with uncontrolled delight and merriment by the bBBC.
We now have a position where a democratic referendum, the result of which they say they respect, is ignorable, because they say ‘the people don’t know what they hath done’. We are on course for a great betrayal of democracy. A metro-elite landscape where unelected Lords, civil servants, journalists, broadcasters, celebrities, sjw’s, billionaires and industry trade groups are calling the shots, and putting pressure on the government to fall into line with Brexit in name only. Unfortunately, it is working. The hypocrisy of Stephen Kinnock yesterday to call for the govt. to get on with Brexit (under comrade Corbyns masterplan, of course) is unbelievable. ‘The public just want us to get on with delivering Brexit’ he trills, after the remain side has used every trick in the book to delay or derail it.
If Theresa backs down now in her Friday speech (and her record gives me no confidence that she won’t) Brexit is Over. The priveliged and the elite will have overturned the referendum result, not even having the inconvenience to call another referendum.
I wonder how they’ll try to sweeten those expecting the reichEU flag to be lowered in 397 days time ?
A blue covered Passport will not really be enough .
The sell out really does seem more likely now
The question is, what can we do? I’m writing to my MP, of course, and doing the bBBC complaint whitewash dept. stuff, but of course these people are all part of the problem. If the govt. do stitch us up on Brexit, I would urge all the ‘Brexit voting forgotten’ to scrawl ‘Brexit’ across the next GE ballot paper, and force the returning officer to declare average of 25,000 spoilt ballots per constituency……only problem is it would let Commie Corbyn in.
It’s like the bbc have given up pretending. buried in the manchester / north west region
I left this area 15 years ago, I will leave it to you all to guess why
Matthew Dymond’s stewardship of TWatO today was interesting. He gave the game away as to where he (and the programme – along with the broadcaster) stand on Brexit. Very much anti!
Iain Duncan Smith was on and speaking eloquently in explaining Boris Johnson’s poor communication and simile at breakfast time on R4 TOADY today. Matthew didn’t like that and made several attempts to cut him off. I DS was in good (military) form, marching on, and would have none of it.
Matthew had to talk over him – which is against BBC presenter ‘rules’ – several times because he had much more important things to consider than Brexit.
Yes, they do exist.
An ageing, American, girl (mostly), Grunge band.
More important than Brexit and Irish borders to the BBC! Apparently.
That photo of sixties Britain has been a terrible shock! Lotsa white men in overcoats. How insensitive can you get, showing reality like that? They could at least have ‘doctored’ it a little. BBC: are you ever off message or what? Can we have some dismissals, heads rolling?
OK, they were all at a distance, but the sheer horror of the inequality in that one snap is overwhelming.
Toady watch
After comrade Corbyn made his u turn speech yesterday which had been trailed as the most important speech about the EU since whenever I thought he’d be doing the round of channel 4 “what your saying is “ news and toady . But no –
( admitting I don’t listen to Toady any more ) it was Boris foolishly putting himself at the mercy of the Toady Comrades – he has apparently ‘ sparked outrage’ about something . Surprise .
More worrying is that remainer May is leaking that Blighty might fudge the customs union in her speach this Friday – so no real brexit .
Will Michelle Obama revisit Boko Haram ….
THE Boko Haram terror group has killed over 2 000 teachers, displaced 19 000 others and destroyed 1 400 schools during its deadly campaign northeast of Nigeria
She should carry a placard with a hashtag on it.
That should solve it.
VR4 Drama now is about the California election in 1934
Two characters
– Upton Sinclair a socialist who want to shake up the order of this traditionally Republican state
Against him
– Louis B Mayer the big studio boss who’s afraid of losing his advantages
… Guess which character is treated as a cynical manipulator ?
Upton Sinclair’s novel OIL was about the suppression of an American socialist’s attempt to run on a platform of social justice.
On Twitter modern liberals praise him hourly.
I don’t think there will be another Republican POTUS from the state which launched Nixon and Reagan to the WH, now that it is only 40% White.