Blacker Dread, otherwise known as Steve Martin, is the subject of a BBC film, Being Blacker [March 12 BBC2]…a bit of a love story really, between the film-maker, Molly Dineen, and Dread. Dineen didn’t want to ask him any awkward questions that might put responsibility for his troubles onto him as it might have come between them and they would have lost that ‘fundamental sense of friendship’. So not a critical and impartial film then. Is there anything that might result in any criticism…such as being a leading figure in the Brixton Riots or being jailed for a massive money laundering scheme? No…his problems are all down to racism…the film apparently a ‘unique insight into what it is to be black in Britain today.’
Once again the BBC concentrates on the bad, the grievances, the racism and the alleged failure of Black people to be successful in Britain due to that.
When will the BBC tell the truth and bring a positive view of Black communities and people to the screen? The BBC is so intent on creating a case against Whites as the cause of all Black peoples’ problems that it fails to do justice to that community. Are there no successful Black people in Britain? No business-people, no academics, no musicians, no actors, no sports-people, no scientists or engineers or philosophers or inspirational teachers? No, in the BBC world Blacks are all gangsters, crooks or failures, victims of white racism and oppression. That’s the message the BBC sends out…it’s a deliberate message shaped to generate white guilt and political action and some positive discrimination…but all it does is send a message that Blacks have no place in Britain, they can’t succeed with the odds, allegedly, stacked so high against them. Once again the BBC spreads dangerous, divisive and wilfully misleading messages that does enormous harm to Black people and utlimately to the whole of society.
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions…so if you spot any more of those BBC good intentions raise the alarm and list them here……
DoubleSpeak … or TripleThought …. where three people in the room with the same information come out with three different opinions …
‘Doesn’t Welby, even in all his Anglican soppiness, see any connection between the unprecedented levels of migration and the decline that he outlines? He wails that “the most important building blocks of our nation have been undermined”, but refuses to admit that the cause is the systematic demolition of our national identity and heritage by the obsession with diversity.’
Apparently to the bBC a bloke called Ahmed who takes 200 snaps of himself a day is newsworthy. Funny how those who lambast the DM for its its news coverage cite the bBC as the last bastion of proper news.
Addicted to selfies: I take 200 snaps a day
Did some idiot really grab at a Sikh eco-activists turban and run away shouting Muslims Out… Or could it have been a setup ?
.. OK there autistic type people around who might do that sort of thing
..but for a right minded person such aggression is wrong and counterproductive.
\\ #Sikh is attacked outside of #UK Parliament in #London with a racial motive.
The attacker said #Muslims go back and took off the turban of Ravneet Singh, #EcoSikh India Manager, who was in-line to meet with @TanDhesi! Attacker ran away! //
“… I didn’t even block him. I thought well, some where in Turkey there’s a really angry man desperately finding horse pornography and sending it to me.” – Douglas Murray
#DMI Don’t Mention Islam
Tonight 10:45pm Acid Attack documentary
“2012 Naomi Oni was doused in sulphuric acid after being stalked through London by someone disguised in a niqab.
Since 2012, acid attacks have doubled in the UK,
and now two acid attacks are carried out in the UK every single day,
with 450 occurring each year in London alone.”
(The vast majority happen in diversity city)
Remoaners must be getting desperate.
Shelagh Fogerty on LBC fantasising that the Sinn Feinn/IRA MPs should take up their seats in the House of Quislings to bolster the vote against a “hard” Brexit. Usual Irish trash living in England phoning in saying they would rather die than swear allegiance to the Queen. If they are so keen on Ireland, what are they doing here?
“… and in the end the BBC said ‘Douglas can you find another way to make the same point’. (so it does not hurt someone’s feelings)” @49:07
10pm C4 FGM Detectives
, @cathynewman writes on why, 30 years after being outlawed, police are still waiting for the first successful prosecution
Excellent .. @cathynewman is stepping out to answer real problems. Good.
I hope she follows it up and chases the story.
“I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing is to establish a political climate of opinion which will make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. Unless it is politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing either, or it they try, they will shortly be out of office.”
Afghan manboy serial rapist who came to UK in a lorry attacked a pregnant woman at knife point in her own bed and another victim as she slept next to her husband is jailed for life
Entering as an illegal Aryan Rashidi tried to claim he was 15 or 16 but dental tests showed he is in fact around 22
“Your search – “Aryan Rashidi” – did not match any documents.
Make sure that all words are spelled correctly.
Try different keywords. Try more general keywords”
Rich man tells other people to solve a problem he could solve with his rich friends so he can feel good for asking other people to do his work and make other people feel uncomfortable because they cannot say no without looking bad.
Russell Brand, who called on the council to donate a building to house the homeless people as a wedding gift to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, tweeted to say Ms Fishwick’s work was a “great victory”. { 17feb2018}
Hey let’s make our carnival float a tribute to that Jamaican bobsleigh team in Cool Running.
Dyfed-Powys police launched an investigation after receiving a report of a “perceived hate incident”
Aberaeron carnival: ‘Racist’ float probe dropped by police
Four men accused of racism after painting their faces black at a carnival in Ceredigion have no case to answer, police have said.
They painted themselves for a float based on Jamaica’s bobsleigh team from the film Cool Runnings at Aberaeron’s August Bank Holiday carnival last year.
So for half a year people involved in a carnival float, presumably for charity, have had a “hate crime” prosecution hanging over them for blacking up; as a tribute to a film about a black team in a winter olympics?
The clown world that is our country, never fails to disappoint with the PC insanity.
BBC #InvertedSexism
By 2022 you may well be a good MALE composer, but BBC will be setting aside 50% of new Proms works for women.
AMW tweets
\\ Archbishop of Canterbury says sharia law is incompatible with Britain.
I assume he’s a racist, fascist, far-right, white supremacist now then
…. Or are those titles reserved only for working class people who say the same thing? //
RE: ‘Far Right’ versus Islamic attacks.
We will always have the odd weirdo, but as a whole the British are polite and peaceful people – we are renowned for our reticence. Many ‘diverse’ communities have a totally different way of seeing the world. They learned long ago that by threatening violence or actually rioting they could bully authorities into submission, hence the dual legal system which now operates. Lying is not only seen as acceptable but a noble, divinely sanctioned act; “war is deceit” as a certain peaceful warlord once taught. We are always taught the importance of honesty.
And how could you ever conceive of a situation where you would murder your own daughter because she had ‘dishonoured’ you? Never in a trillion years could I even lay a hand upon my daughter – whatever she did – let alone murder her for wearing make up.
We have irreconcilably different ways of seeing the world, and no amount of Leftist indoctrination can alter this hate fact.
Here is Pat Condell confirming that we here are a bunch of racist bigots who do not belong in the progressive utopia
The link for the BBC Newsbeat Facebook page…
…where so far precisely no comments are talking about who the BBC want to be talked about, but a fair few about the BBC seemingly turning into an ad channel.
I deem this #CCBGB
Yesterday Boris Johnston was repeating what has become his annual threat to bomb the Syrian Army if they use chemical weapons. I swear I saw it on the BBC news but cannot locate it. But here is the Sun’s report.
Perhaps I am being a tad suspicious, but when I recall Jo Cox’s White Helmets who are usually first to show evidence of gas attacks, the idea of a theatrical performance springs to mind. Will our White Helmets discover evidence that despite winning this war Assad has resorted to war crimes, and justify Western involvement against Assad?
I cannot speak for the accuracy of the piece below but it seems like a reasonable prediction.
Do these political people who cry Armageddon if we are not part of the (‘a’) customs union think that all trade with the eu will cease and that we would have £0 trade after leaving.
That’s the impression given out by all the tv shows.
I thought that if we don’t get a deal with them then we would go to wto rules which would mean many £billions more for us, hardly a bad thing.
The second misleading way the tv shows try to fool viewers is by coming out with something like 80% of trade is with the eu when it is (at most) 80% of EXPORTS.
Exports are something like 10% of our trade or gdp (someone correct me but I believe I heard this figure but cannot confirm it, the example I’m using works but my numbers may be a little bit off)
This means that only 8% of our trade is with the eu and this would not stop, it would only mean more £billions for us in tariffs assuming wto tariffs of 3%.
Again, my figures are guesses but should show where the tv shows are misleading viewers.
As labour are now for staying in the eu (Brino) its time for UKIP to get themselves sorted out in the north.
Here in Sunderland, voters will not vote Tory, but with us being majority leave will not want to vote labour now.
We need UKIP to get organised and to target the betrayed labour voters who actually believed the labour manifesto saying they would leave.
There is no other viable party than UKIP for northern people to vote for instead of labour.
They really do think all trade will stop. They are that stupid. We are the best customers for German cars. Is that going to stop?
WE needed to have called the Brussels bluff weeks ago. Walked away and see just how chaotic the EU 27 would get. I do not wish them well any longer as they have demonstrated bad faith and worse judgement.
Add to, maybe extract from, the fact that a large percentage of OUR exports go through Rotterdam and then, magically, turn into ‘EU exports’.
Yet another example of bad faith.
WTO sounds good to me. ….and sit back and wait for them to come running.
I found this comment which gives a bit more detail of our exports to the eu:
Only 5% to 8% of UK companies export to the EU, yet 100% of UK companies are burdened with costly regulations designed for exporters. In 2013, the Office of National Statistics (ONS) found that, of 1,979,600 businesses in the UK, just 223,000 export at all. That leaves 1,756,600 businesses (89% of the total) that never export, but are still subject to draconian EU Single Market legislation. Open Europe estimates that the 100 most expensive EU / EEA regulations set back the UK economy by £27.4 BILLION a year, meaning that these EU / EEA laws represent a NET cost to the UK.
Wow. BBC news at 6 reports on an Islamic school where intolerance is being taught. I am impressed they reported on it.
Intolerance from the religion of peace? Incredible. The journalists covering that scoop really earned their corn. Just read the religious texts, for f**k’s sake.
It might be a bad idea for people to only be taught one way of seeing the world which stops them from integrating, a vox pop says. Well, you have only come up with that searing insight about fifty years and hundreds of dead bodies too late. It is terrifying how incompetent our leaders are.
Driver ‘hit Somali woman in anti-Muslim attack’
Notice how a “driver” hit a Muslim victim but when it’s the other way around it is reported “car/lorry hits people”. In fact I don’t recall ever hearing about a Muslim driver killing anyone on the BBC.
Maybe they’d report it thus:
“Pedestrians in the way of Muslim driver cause damage to vehicle.”
Hi Tabs, and anyone else, was this headlined on the BBC Homepage? The article is currently still there on the BBC News Homepage nine hours later occupying one of its priority spots (with image).
I wouldn’t be surprised if it was originally reported as a breaking news story (?).
BBC homepage
BBC news homepage
Khan is at some lavishly (publicly) funded event to ‘celebrate diverse cultural achievements’ around London.
“We need to offer things to young people so they are not led astray.”
I was off work today and had nothing to to do so I read a book and watched a film. Why should you need publicly funded ‘activities’ to stop from going out stabbing?
BB -“Some people have said” that cultural achievements might well include rape, acid attacks, inter communal violence, , honour killings, FGM etc
Caught a brief few minutes of Eddie Mairs twaddle on PM.
Maybe the newsreaders are biased as heck-but I blame Mair, it happens on his show.
1. “The Government has defended”….and on it goes re Brexit
2. Boris Johnson has been criticised for…and again it`s some scare idiocy from Remainers.
Apparently “a top civl servant” thinks we`ll only be eating crisps as opposed to “baguette de merde” if only we`d stay in the EU…the BBC say this, no context or no comment on some EU spogy eurocrat spouting off to Barniers accordion.
And then Mair tells me of some Housebuilders Expo in Cannes coming up. Prostitutes there maybe?
What?-Cote D`Azur? Who could credit it?
And some lefty sister says that she is NOT invited to these events-and so she fails to make the necessary contacts?
Eh?…so she wants to be invited, but it`s sexist to ask her?…only the BBC huh?
It`s as if Brendan Cox and Oxfam, Jimmy Savile and the BBC never happened-and Mair is shocked by all of this.
Meanwhile, aren`t sex workers regarded as empowered and feminist causes? Or is that only when the BBC and Oxfam are paying for them?
I`m confused-oh my multitasking failing noodle!
Make yourself a rubber stamp “Eddie Mair talked twaddle tonight”
..and you could use it every day that he’s been on radio.
I listened to some of the Liam Fox speech live at 1230.
He was measured, factual, logical, talking about long term global trends and the flexibility of an independent UK to align with them
Thirty minutes later the disgusting biased BBC headlines were about the Whitehall mandarin trashing Brexit and attacks on BoJo. The Fox speech was firmly in the ‘ we’re not reporting this’ category and given a fraction of the time devoted to the Jezza customs union love-fest, and, needless to say, none of the adulation.
The juxtaposition of the real speech and the reporting of it, just a few minutes apart, revealed the biased BBC gloriously.
Thanks to sites like this-and the common sense and insights from so many here 24/7-we all know what they`re doing now.
No need to listen anymore, even less reason to pay for any of it. Husband is coming round to no licence-am sure there`ll be loads of links re legality etc. Bit of a stickler for rules as ex-military, but even he sees where all this is going.
Noting that the “History of Socialism” on Radio 4 yesterday spoke of Cripps wanting to suspend the National Conventions and Constitutional arrangements for Labour once they got to power. Chilling and they`ve not changed. And we have no Ernie Bevin now to protect us, no Attlee old school patriots…just along of privileged Cripps, Crippins and Craps as far as I can see.
And today-Mc Elvoy goes from 1939 straight through to 1945…wonder why? Did The Soviets and Socialists actually SIGN a non-aggression Pact or not? And where WERE the Left in this country as Poland disappeared under National and International Socialist jackboots?
Doing a Hobsbawm, a Miliband and a Laski of course.
But the BBC won`t be saying. The Nazis and the Socialists were one and the same more often than not.
New BBC series about Sea Cities
First episode .. they picked lib-city Bristol
Second episode … they picked lib-city Brighton
… and sure enough after 30 mins there’s the segment at the gay Mardi Gras
.. However last weeks episode wasn’t bad
(next episode is Sunderland)
Strange we have 3 different series : BBC-Coast, Penelope-Keith’s Coastal villages, and now this
If you happen to visit ‘the lanes’ in Brighton make ready to have your back to the wall – if you’re female you’re quite safe.
I viewed a little of an interview (on the 6pm news) by Jon Pienaar with the Brexit hating, ex-Brexit Dept. mandarin, so beloved of Toady this morning.
I found, as I watched him, the late Larry Grayson (ex-Generation Game host) coming to mind for some reason.
“Shut that door!”
I assume this refers to a certain Martin Donnelly.
As a person who worked for the EU Commission we can safely assume that he is totally impartial and has, absolutely, NO allegiance or reliance to his association with the EU.
………………Apart from his pension entitlement??????
The issue of pension pressure as conflict of interest seems one the nation’s chief holder of powers to account has mysteriously avoided.
Lib Dem Sirs.
Ex BBC Tory MPs gathered together on parliamentary inquiries about bbc abuses…
Questions are not being asked.
Why Mishal Hussein is not worth the same pay as John Humphries. An interview this morning, Tuesday on the Today programme. Mishal was just barking preprepared questions at a man from the Country Landowners Association. The only one she was mildly interested in the answer for, was whether large land owners should receive payments from a support budget post Brexit. This question was obviously agenda driven as an attack on large producers (I can tell you that even large farmers will go to the wall without some support). But Mishal sounded uninterested and bored as she asked the other questions. She had no follow-up to the man’s answers. She also asked each question so fast, as though she had been told to ask x number of questions and she jolly well was going to.
An old rule in business.
The ability to think on your feet – otherwise known as the ability to walk and chew gum at the same time.
Dishy Mishy was probably trying to keep up with her producer shouting questions down her earpiece.
It’s not easy being a parrot you know?
I reckon she earns every penny of her obscene salary, as do all the other autocueties. That’s not easy either, having to read and look interested at the same time.
Rich seam of satire.
Hold. The. Front. Page.
Can you remember where you were?
Once a plonker, always a plonker.
That the B-side. Catchy, actually.
The world would be a kinder place had Lord Bragg waved his swimming trunks around and barked for Red Wedge instead of trying to play songs.
That guitar could raft at least three Syrians, and he`s got a very nice house with access to the Channel.
Give the guitar to someone who could use it Sir William!
And all of Billys Barks have been difficult constipated affairs, lots of grunts and movements, lots of wind and flatus instead. Sense Kirsty McColl couldn`t face us all when she did a Maxwell in 2000-she`d recorded one of his bellicose squits a few years earlier. And died of shame when she realised who`d written it.
A German friend of mine who I have known for almost twenty years contacted me a few days ago via email.
He expressed absolute anger at his government for the state that Germany is in. But he did not say why.
Apparently, it’s ok for him to be angry with the the German government but not ok to express why.
It’s a ‘blank placard’ situation. They’re probably available on Amazon…
It’s a form of Free Speech, but also a very sinister and downhill form.
UK next, I wager.
When he’s arrested he can always say he’s angry because they’re not letting in enough refugees, that should get him off the hook.
BBC Charity.
In the frame along with Oxfam et al.
As an aside, what attracts sex offenders to various charities and ‘the nation’s favourite broadcaster????????
One would like to say one is surprised, but the bbc is noted for its ability not to explain anything the public funds so uniquely.
Thanks GW.
I avoid Twatter like various STDs.
I’d give Victoria Derbyshire a miss too.
Na then na then, number 7.
Owz about that then, guys and gals.
Rattle rattle
Jewellery, jewellery
I hope you’re wrong, sentry. By way of comfort, may I tell you that not every placard is blank in Germany. If you have any German, go to compact-online. If not, ask your friend to have a little read…
The ‘sinister’ and ‘downhill’ part, I understand. All the more reason to resist…
@fakenewswatcher, I hope I’m wrong also. But as they say, perception is everything.
My German friend is sure that any criticism of his government that is linked to mass immigration would result in censure which in turn could result in his job loss.
The German government has created this fear.
And not for the first time…
Indeed Sentry, we have seen it all before. Merkel has created certain similarities with a previous period in history, but she is more a creature of the GDR. Very reminiscent of the Honeckers, in fact. But her regime is coming to an end; she is there by courtesy of the socialists, and that party too, is shrinking rapidly.
Last year she got ten minutes of applause at her party bash; this time only three and a half. Her Duracell bunny admirers are running out of battery power.
The question is whether she has managed to clone enough successors, who will be able to keep the lid on. She has created, like Blair, a heavily infected civil service, judiciary, police etc, so the apparatus is in place. But much of this sort of thing is under the control of the various Federal States, and there the picture is varied.
However, the AfD is gaining in the polls; if there were an election now, they would push the SPD into third place. People ARE increasingly loud in their protest, much of it -ironically- centred in the former East Germany. But it’s spreading. Above all, they need to get rid of Merkel herself. It may happen sooner rather than later.
“runter mit so etwas!”
The bBC and how it covers up Islamic rape gangs
Currently in Bradford, there is a court case concerning the rape of 2 teenage girls by a gang of 10 men. As of yet the bBC have yet to report this. Here is a snippet from the above link which has me asking why hasn’t the bBC reported this story yet:
The court was told how the men were arrested after the partner of one of the alleged victims rang a BBC TV studio following a report on sexual abuse. The girl asked her partner to call the BBC Look North studio to detail her alleged abuse after viewing a piece relating to a sex abuse gangs in Rotherham. Ms Melly told the court: “Frustrated at the lack of coverage… her partner contacted Look North, telling them the abuse was ‘much wider than Rotherham’.” Look North gave the name of the victim to police safeguarding after they were contacted.
A quick check at 00.50hrs finds no sign of the story at the bBC (Even their look north twitter site)
The Taliban and Argus (Bradford paper) only states the article was posted on the 27th
The DM states 19.38hrs on the 27th
The Metro states 23.02 hrs.
Funny how the bBC cant even report its own news.
The racist BBC now seems to demand that our democracy elect Asian wimmin since there is a town that “fails do do so” so now we are no longer allowed to democratically elect our representatives, disgusting racist / sexist article from a racist sexist organisation that is no longer fit for purpose
So the bBC is asking the question why there aren’t any so called asian women running for office in Blackburn and this snippet caught my eye:
“Blackburn has this biradari [tribal/clan network] system more like the Pakistani politics back home”
Back home? Which brings me to this hot off the mosque bBC story:
Reality Check: Is Chinese an official language in Pakistan?
It appears the bBC loves back home stories,
Labour activists urge Corbyn to take harassment action
Is the worm turning?….probably not.
A survey shows NHS needs more funding! What an original story. Why not pay the overpaid doctors less?
Working at BBC ‘news’ must consist of typing the same five or so things into Google then interviewing someone who supports your opinion.
BBC charity sacked six over sexual misconduct
Now I had never heard of this “charity” which though technically separate from the BBC seems in reality joined at the hip and looks like a nice little earner for BBC insiders.
This is what they say they do
“We support media and communication efforts that strengthen governance, improve people’s health, increase their resilience and improve humanitarian response.”
Erm Is this not what the World Service does?
Surprise, surprise nearly all its funding comes from UK tax payers via the government grants, last year this was £40.2m out of which £17.6m is blown on staff costs.
Don’t forget the £400M set-aside for ransom payments.
According to Wikipedia: The charity was founded in 1999 and grew out of earlier BBC initiatives, including a charity called ‘Marshall Plan of the Mind’. This was set up to encourage high standards of journalism in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the 1990s.
Would have been better to encourage high standards of journalism at home first.
The “charity’s” Youtube channel has many (Muslim) videos such as “how radio helped stopped Ebola”, “using radio to improve children’s health” and other made up bollox.
A quick look at the number of views for the videos ranges from just 50 to 500 for most videos. The most watched video have just 2000 to 4000 views.
Each of these videos would be shot with expensive HD broadcast quality cameras and then edited with full on BBC editing studios with staff being paid over £100K and for what? So a handful of people will watch this shite?
Excellent point Tabs, the lack of views is truly shocking – is no one at the Beeb evaluating their impact (or lack of). If any evidence of this complete waste of money is needed this is it. Suggest they do a few cat videos to get the ratings up,
Sounds like a ‘Camilla Does a Bathing Beauty’ special.
Any on stripping down an AK to get it through a Schengen border check?
Or how to drop a Foreign Secretary right in and hand Labour an easy kicking?
Botney on their trustee committee too?
Easy to forget her, as it seems that the bBbc have, but don’t you remember the “British”/ Iranian journalist Nazarin Zaghari -Ratcliffe?
She is being detained in Iran because “she ran a BBC Persian journalism course which was aimed at recruiting and training people to spread propaganda against Iran”. She was employed by the BBC World Service Trust, now called BBC Media Action.
So the British taxpayer is funding a charity that’s sole aim appears to be to help facilitate and further political agitation and unrest in foreign states by spreading the bBbc gospel and their version of democracy against the wishes of the state they are targeting. Basically Common Purpose indoctrination disguised as journalism classes. Their arrogance is astounding.
The bBbc could have made this connection themselves but I can understand why they wouldn’t want to draw attention to the real role of Media Action. I found it on wiki, although in all fairness maybe it hasn’t been mentioned on Twatter yet so will have escaped all 7000 of their em,..journalists.
Even if one sets aside ones own belief that charity begins at home one wonders how anyone can justify almost 50% of the income of any charity being spent on staff. That’s criminal – fraud .
It is inevitable that even the most altruistic good spirited view that giving £13 000 000 000 p.a. Of borrowed tax payers’ cash for overseas aid is going to breed abuses . Huge quantities of cash being given to industrial sized organisations such as Oxfam can only lead to trouble . And I think we’re only ever going to get a glimpse of it.
There won’t be whistle blowers in this game as every one is in it with their snouts so far in the trough.
But it’s not as though they killed babies in their cots is it.?
This whole thing smacks of inadequate government on all sides irrespective of political party
BBC tv signal cuts out – something to do with the weather…?
So, what are ITV up to in the morning? Piers Morgan has a checkered past but there’s some advantages over BBC.
Turns out Tony Hadley of Spandau Ballet is a Brexit supporter. Tory Minister Liz Truss is pushed to say she would not ban school children playing in the snow and smarmy Labour spokesman Owen Smith is given a grilling over Labour’s hypocrisy calling Corbyn’s sell out to Brussels an evolution but Boris’s comments a U-turn.
You don’t get that lot in the morning from the BBC
“You’ve got to be a particular person for the BBC.”
“You’ve got to be non-opinionated, boring…”
Let me rephase that for you Piers – to work for the BBC you’ve got to be boringly PC opinionated.
And Piers, prepare to dump Trump who was once your friend.
Yep, Tony has always been one of my boys. Foghorn of a voice, but his own man. A former Tory as I recall, and certainly would be a Brexit bloke. Good to the fans, nice guy. But Gary Kemps a prat…as if nobody wouldn`t know that!
Duran Duran were plonkers, but one of them was good to his mum when we went to Tyneside…uglyish guitar bloke, not hunky bass boy.
Or was that Sting?…no, he was a shit, grade one! But his brother was nice.
i`ve known them all you know-well their grumpy neighbours and cousins anyway…howzabout a nice cyber washing line to dish the dirt here ? Or a garden fence?
Bit parky out here-but fail to see why the Brummies are whinging, bit of dusting on the line, a good drying day in the North East I`d have said.
Mark Thompson still got pull?
We have the White Helmets preparing for a theatrical display of Syrian gas attack victims, and a trickle of BBC stories about Assad’s deployment of gas.
Why should he do this when he is winning?
I smell fake news here, and it goes the way of Boris Johnson – who wants to bomb Assad’s forces – and the western governments who backed the Jihadist rebels.
Stand by for photos of Syrian children who were deliberately selected to be gas victims.
Aren`t most of these “Syrian rebel forces” just Al Queda with a rebadging?
If the White Helmets are there-can only imagine Brendan Cox famed Purple Helmets can`t be far way waving wonga, wodges and willies as they do…and the BBC get what`s left over for their Media Action “cherry-D”.
Gives popping your cherry a new meaning…what am I turning into, I`m normally a respectable granny? Guess I have to make my own entertainments and double entendres, seeing as the BBC can`t rise to the occasion anymore. Oo er.
No mention yet this morning about climate change. Of course, we were not expected to ever see snow again, ski resorts would be shut down and multinational toboggan manufacturers put out of business. But hey, this is the second or third major snow fall of the winter and it ain’t over yet.
Mind you, two years ago a lot of winter rain was apparently due to climate change – or so said David Cameron.
By the way, record low temperatures across Europe and the US this winter.
But didn’t you know that warming causes cooling, and that cooling is weather, whist warming is climate? Fundamental principles of the ecoloon movement.
Ecolons. Hhhmmmnn, haven’t heard them referred to as that before, OG.
Quite a movement.
You knew something wasn’t right when they changed from global warming to climate change.
Had to smile to myself the other day when I read in George Osborne’s freebie metropolitan giveaway The Evening Standard the opinion of lefty Sam Leith. Knowing we were in for a bout cold weather he was already discounting the likely ‘quips of a certain type of person’ about Global Warming. We’re all Deniers & Deplorables, presumably.
08.50 this morning on Breakfast TV. A guest is introduced – James Bloodworth, Author and Journalist.
My radar started bleeping so a quick google revealed:-
James Bloodworth is an English journalist. A former member of the Trotskyist group Alliance for Workers’ Liberty,[1][2] he edited the left-wing blog Left Foot Forward from 2013 until 2016. Bloodworth writes a weekly column for the International Business Times[3] and wrote for The Spectator’s Coffee House[4] blog from 2013 to 2015. His work has also appeared in The Guardian,[5] The Independent[6] and The Wall Street Journal.[7]
Quelle surprise!
He was plugging his book
Hired: Six Months Undercover in Low-Wage Britain by @J_Bloodworth
In Indonesia wages are 1/10th of here, houses cost 1/20th of here
There is a reason why all the ship and oil rig building moved there
..and Gateshead is dead.
Yesterdays laugh out loud contender must be the BBC correspondent who, with absolutely no sense of irony, referred to the bid by Murdoch to take over the rest of Sky as being problematic due to media plurality issues.
BBC deflect from Trudeau to their 3 year old child …
Trudeau in India: Canadian PM’s son steals the show { 27feb2018}
In between Bollywood dancing, some slightly cringeworthy outfits and an accidental invitation to an alleged Sikh separatist, Trudeau’s had plenty of opportunies to Instagram his trip.
But it’s his three-year-old son Hadrien who’s been stealing the show during the photo opportunities.
Could someone ask Treezer to listen to this ‘far far far right ‘ woman putting the case forward for Britain?
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
He’s absolutely right! The BBC allows HYS (Have Your Say) to bash the government, but is careful to permit no comment on Corbyn’s antics and Labour.
What to choose on TV last night.
‘Acid Attack – My Story’ – BBC
‘The Female Genital Mutilation Detectives’ – Channel 4.
So I look up BBC website.
‘Where have all the Trump haters gone?’ They enquire wistfully.
The BBC boys probably subtly wondering where their rent boys, their superstrength skunk have gone.
Trump Haters is possibly a generic name for their interns I`d think.
But to answer your question Thatcherrev.
The Trump Haters are probably draining battery acid and looking back at their boyfriends chemistry textbooks, or else telling the local imam who might do a deal on Stanley knife blades locally.
Doctors and nurses suddenly takes on a sinister overtone if you let these DIY/Blue Peter types do their “surgery”. And yes-I know their efforts to spare the NHS its costs will be lauded by the BBC-but it is still evil.
Not that the BBC will tell you that.
Islington … 34 years of EU and Jeremy Corbyn leadership and funding … worse place for women in 2017 according to report show on BBC site.
“Islington, in north London, was rated the worst place for women to live { 12sep2017}.”
Every single reporter, interviewer and broadcaster I have seen on the Al ShaBBC, Sky News, in fact any media organisation in the UK (with hatred in their eyes) have continually used snide and snotty remarks to abuse and attack Trump and those who support him about how awful a President he is, and how awful his approval ratings are. Its been relentless for over a year………
So basically, Trumps approval ratings are at 50%, and to put that into context, Caliph Obama had an approval rating of 43% at the same time in his Presidency. Whoops! Media are running out of things to ridicule and attack him for….people are not listening to the desperate, traitorous b@stards!….
…..I wonder why we are being overwhelmed with constant media and swamp propaganda on censoring the Internet?
bBC version of the EU solution for NI:
EU suggests ‘common area’ across Northern Ireland border
The EU has proposed a “common regulatory area” on the island of Ireland if solutions cannot be found for the post-Brexit border. Unveiling a draft legal agreement, EU negotiator Michel Barnier said this would be a “backstop” option and called on the UK to come up with alternatives. He said the text was “no surprise” and was just a legally-worded assessment of what has been agreed so far. But there has been criticism in the UK at the proposal for Northern Ireland.
And here is what the bBC isn’t telling you as reported by the Guardian:
EU publishes plan to keep Northern Ireland in customs union
The EU has published its plan to effectively keep Northern Ireland in the single market and customs union after Brexit, in a 120-page draft withdrawal agreement that will throw the negotiations into crisis. The territory of Northern Ireland would be considered part of the EU’s customs territory after Brexit, with checks required on goods coming in from the rest of the UK, under the text produced by the European commission.
Now look again at the bBC article, and how they make it look like the British are complaining for the sake of complaining.
Over half the population of Northern Ireland are being conspicuously ignored and arrogantly disregarded by the Eire / EU/ Remainer axis at the moment and while some of them did vote to remain in the EU, advised by an UUP party that have since changed leader and become pro-Brexit, they will not sign up to the unified Ireland seemingly envisaged by Barnier et al. This is an entirely different and seperate proposition to the EU referendum, which Varadkar and Barnier know full well, no matter what we are being led to believe by our quislings in the media and the bluster of the EU.
As someone with your employment history will know, there is a strong military tradition amongst the majority Unionist/ British population, who remain the majority in Northern Ireland despite the spin of Sinn Fein/ IRA and the bBbc, all of whom value a politically, socially and religiously self-determined Northern Ireland where possible, loyal to Britain not the EU, and certainly not to the perrenially untrustworthy Irish Republic.
How and where , when and why were the EU allowed any say at all in the Ireland issue?
Did anybody hear a peep from them as the Troubles teetered on the brink of a civil war?
Did they even send a wreath for anybody but a Martin McGuinness? As I recall, they never said a thing, did a thing or gave a fig about what occured on our sovereign territory between 1969 and 1998. But here they are-you`d think they had a role.
No-all they`re dojng is fiddling as Garry Adams would,
To subvert, create terror and force a united EU satellite creature upon the good people of Ulster.
Think all this is revenge for the DUP backing Mays rancid cabal…well, the DUP are the sinews we need to get a hard cold and vicious Brexit to stuff up Brussels piehole.
They’re allowed a say because their voices and the voices of their duplicitous co-conspirators in Ireland and Great Britain are the only ones that the British people are allowed to hear clearly and in full by the colluding bBbc.
The EU are being allowed a say by a weak, jealous and spiteful Irish Government, cheerleaded treacherously again by the bBbc, who are hopelessly in hock to their bosses in Brussels and hopelessly out of their depths when negotiating with politicians from the DUP and the UUP who have been in Westminster for decades.
They’re also allowed a say by our Government who have so far been embarassingly inept at using the media to promote Brexit, to challenge the rabid Remainers or to present any clear or coherent path towards attaining Brexit but who may just realise that as everything the EU does say to the people of Northern Ireland appears as a threat to and so hardens more than half of them, they can be allowed to speak freely. Usually through the everwilling bBbc.
They have been allowed a say and they have grabbed their opportunity not only to lie and to mislead but also to suppose and presume. They presume that they are dealing with fools and innocents rather than with people who were threatened with death daily for 40 years by an enemy within and nearby who the EU now stand shoulder to shoulder with.
The Unionist people do not want and will not accept closer ties with Eire and the EU than with the rest of Britain, it’s ridiculous to think otherwise, and although the EU have been allowed a say, afterall who can stop them voicing their opinion. The Unionist community aren’t listening and don’t really care what the EU, through an arrogant, aggressive Frenchman, are actually suggesting. I personally don’t think that Barnier, or Varadkar for that matter, fully understand the people that they are challenging and attempting to subjugate and disenfranchise, what we have become hardened to and precious of. Their hostile rhetoric and idle threats alone certainly won’t be enough.
“Bullied for the way I looked.”
The title of an article on their ‘news’ website.
Pretty much sums up the BBC attitude. If you are white and male you can f**k off.
The BBC did not suffer any consequences with Jimmy Savile .. emboldened to carry on as normal …
“I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing is to establish a political climate of opinion which will make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. Unless it is politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing.”
Talking of consequences, this is the outfit who oversees the BBC:
Ofcom has today set out the proposed scope of its review of how the nations, regions and diverse communities of the UK are represented and portrayed in BBC TV programmes.
Ofcom announced this review in October 2017. It will allow us to understand, in greater detail, how audiences feel the BBC reflects and portrays their lives.
And what Sharon wants, Sharon gets. Because she is worth it.