Blacker Dread, otherwise known as Steve Martin, is the subject of a BBC film, Being Blacker [March 12 BBC2]…a bit of a love story really, between the film-maker, Molly Dineen, and Dread. Dineen didn’t want to ask him any awkward questions that might put responsibility for his troubles onto him as it might have come between them and they would have lost that ‘fundamental sense of friendship’. So not a critical and impartial film then. Is there anything that might result in any criticism…such as being a leading figure in the Brixton Riots or being jailed for a massive money laundering scheme? No…his problems are all down to racism…the film apparently a ‘unique insight into what it is to be black in Britain today.’
Once again the BBC concentrates on the bad, the grievances, the racism and the alleged failure of Black people to be successful in Britain due to that.
When will the BBC tell the truth and bring a positive view of Black communities and people to the screen? The BBC is so intent on creating a case against Whites as the cause of all Black peoples’ problems that it fails to do justice to that community. Are there no successful Black people in Britain? No business-people, no academics, no musicians, no actors, no sports-people, no scientists or engineers or philosophers or inspirational teachers? No, in the BBC world Blacks are all gangsters, crooks or failures, victims of white racism and oppression. That’s the message the BBC sends out…it’s a deliberate message shaped to generate white guilt and political action and some positive discrimination…but all it does is send a message that Blacks have no place in Britain, they can’t succeed with the odds, allegedly, stacked so high against them. Once again the BBC spreads dangerous, divisive and wilfully misleading messages that does enormous harm to Black people and utlimately to the whole of society.
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions…so if you spot any more of those BBC good intentions raise the alarm and list them here……
Are you just about to change your Oxfam donation into a donation to the The Royal Society ?
Paul M replies
“The Royal Society, formerly a leading scientific institution, is now promoting discredited alarmist nonsense about polar bears from National Geographic”
Even the WWF shows that polar bears are doing fine
2016 had 3 decline areas, now just 1
Now Kane Basin = INCreasing, Baffin Bay = stable
National Geographic …

I used to subscribe to them too.
Guess that they now are anthropological tribe now.
Maybe we ought to be inviting real adults from outside the EU to get into a minibus and come have a look around Brighton and Hastings.
Might scare the Caliphate if they see what they`ll be inheriting…what exotic harems they can look forward to.
And there`ll be no discrimination will there lads?
You may not initially guess the previous question posed…
BBC Radio 4
Is it the ability to broadcast successfully while being groomed by a primate?
‘groomed’ – brush and clean the coat of (a horse, dog, or other animal).
Non-biased bbc
Whan you ace the chorus?
What kind of nonsence is THAT?
Or is that Nonce Sense?…
“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.”
― George Orwell
4pm Radio4 will there be something wacky on Laurie Taylor’s show ?
They’ve cunningly left the blurb blank so I won’t figure it out
Guests : Gurminder Bhanbra, Professor of Postcolonial and Decolonial Studies across the Departments of Geography and International Relations in the School of Global Studies, University of Sussex.
Noam Gidron, fellow at the Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance at Princeton University.
Title of guest’s paper
‘Brexit, Trump and ‘methodological whiteness’: on the misrecognition of race and class’, British Journal of Sociology.
She argues that it’s wrong to assert it’s working class that swung it.
– Claim #1 that Brexit was largely swung by middle class white people
…She failed to mention that none of the data is robust, cos your vote is secret…breakdown of race/class are just GUESSES based on opinion polling.
She was angy talk focused on white people.
.. She seems unaware that 90% of voters are white, since BAME skew to youth.
For Trump she claimed the opposite, that it was a white person thing
She claimed 96% of black women voted for Hillary.
… again I suspect her stats are not robust.
She claimed a lot of working class didn’t vote for I can believe that much of American working class is now non-white and that generally were well brainwashed against Trump, but even then it won’t be universal.
The main issue is that libs take minorities for granted and say they MUST vote for libs
That their vote is owned by libs. .I think that is a wrong view
…. Second generation immigrants are often for strong borders etc.
6 minutes … worth a watch … Check out @DouglasKMurray – talking his book ‘The Strange Death of Europe’ and more with PragerU’s @will_witt_!
“The Strange Death of Europe: Douglas Murray {amazon}”
“Seeing Things as They Are: Selected Journalism and Other Writings: George Orwell {amazon}“.
4:30pm Amol Rajan #R4MediaShow
GUESTLIST : @IsabelHardman Assistant Editor, The Spectator
and then a load of Buzzfeed type nutters
@HarryHugoGoat 23 year old online entrepreneur • Co-own @TheGoatAgency & CEO of @FreshPressUK • Digital • Social • Influencers • Public Speaking
@TheGoatAgency Europe’s #1 Influencer Marketing Agency • BT Sport Industry Young Agency of the Year 2017
@jimwaterson Political editor at @buzzfeeduk.
@craigelderFounding Partner, @EdmondsElder (We put digital at the heart of organisations and campaigns – to drive real results)
Sam Barcroft @sambarcroft #progress1000, Founder of @Barcroft_TV Original Web Channel Of The Year ????
Apparently GOAT won the African Footballer of the Year trophy for Yaya Toure, about the only thing I understood on their achingly pretentious and posturing website. How, I’ve no idea.
I’m just reminded of Siobhan from W1A, they’re all so cliched in their unique sameness.
Anyway, bullshit. Everyone knows the Russians are the worlds leading social influencers.
African Footballer of the Year? I’ll raise you President of the US of A. According to the bBbc.
Not one of MY relatives…
8pm R4MoralMaze : The Morality of International Aid
aid workers, sent to help the victims of the Haiti earthquake, chose instead to have sex with some of them,
Charities had seemed to be beyond criticism; paragons of virtue. Now their moral high ground is crumbling away.
we can’t stand the hypocrisy of powerful organisations using taxpayers’ money to lecture us on how to behave, while failing to get their own house in order.
There is a wider question about their effectiveness in helping people out of poverty: sceptics argue that global capitalism and stable institutions are much more important;
Others say, charities – like any institutions – can be infiltrated by bad people, but when it comes to long-term development, oversees aid helps far more than it hinders. R
do we still have a moral duty to give them money, either individually or collectively through tax, to help people in poor countries?
‘have sex with some of them’ – should be replaced with r#pe of children.
I believe they had sex with prostitutes not victims. Mind you, the Daily Mail did describe them somewhat improbably as “vulnerable prostitutes”.
If these so-called aid workers did so with their own money and in their own spare time on a willing buyer, willing seller basis then I am not sure that anyone is a victim. Not condoning just saying and I carry no candle for the do-gooder lefties at Oxfam.
It is likely money or goods changed hands.
However I believe the ages and motivations of those providing such services had a bearing on degree of choice.
And perhaps less than those who attracted the attentions of those ranging from Harvey to Prezza.
It costs millions to place ads on the tv, so charities that can easily afford to do this and on a daily basis (watch the ad breaks on Sky News), clearly don’t need my fiver. I also cant believe that any income derived from these ads, comes anywhere near the cost of a 30 sec slot for a week. I also assume that these international charities must pay for ad-time in other European countries, so the revenue must be mind-boggling !
I’ll stick with my monthly donation to the Retired Greyhound Trust.
What proportion of Freeview ads actually sell something I might want to buy and can get in a normal shop? Seems to me it`s all charity appeals, vanity products, technological stuff that makes no sense to most of us-and endless plugs for their own boxed sets or what piece of PC drivel will be forced onto us all later at 10pm.
My husband HATES that Channel 4 logo-some East German Stasi metal sculpture bring refugees into England, sticking a football through a scousers window-and then jogging along with a load of “superhumans” to support the disabled stump show.
He also says that the new coffee adverts have replaced their paper takeway cups with solid glass ones-so none of us are offside re the nastiness of disposable cups. He says this happened the day after the Government moaned about it in January.
Too cold for the allotment-so look at what I have to listen to today.
But-he is right.
Allotment Alicia?
I bet it’s just like the one on the bBbc ident? All warm and cosy and colourful no matter what the weather.
I think I can safely agree in advance with your husbands thoughts on that one.
Sorry, but even though I dislike the bbc and all it stands for, the allotment shown in that indent is in my home town, I can see it from my living room window and it is actually a co!ourful community of sensible people who mix together and get on really well. My dad had an allotment on there for many years and I still know (and get vegetables) from a lovely Sikh gentleman who worked with my dad in a foundry.
Its a typical Black Country community, friendly, helpful and, yes the sheds are all painted different colours, but its a really nice place and shows my home town in a positive light.
@Brissles, I also support the RGT, my brother has rehomed two beautiful greyhounds (one now sadly dead) from Hall Green RGT and they are beautiful dogs. I also support a local cat charity and have recently started to support Westie Rescue, as a Westie owner, I am happy to support a new, small charity, at least I know the money goes to help them, not inflated salaries.
Sorry about that Wench, I’m happy to stand corrected. It all just seemed a little too bBbc perfect to me.
No worries, it does look picture perfect on the indent, must’ve been done on a rare sunny day! But it is a genuinely nice community.
….I also support the RGT, my brother has rehomed two beautiful greyhounds (one now sadly dead) from Hall Green RGT and they are beautiful dogs….
BCW, Good stuff !
Chwarae teg (fair play) BCW.
I’ve got two more (replacements for the two late ones) and will keep re-homing them as long as 7 & Mrs.7 can still walk them. Lovely gentle dogs – most of the time.
Don’t forget the word hound!
Tick, VG and a Gold Star to you too !
I don’t think charities pay full wack for ads..and I suspect they are given spare slots for free.
Up here a lot of our ad breaks are full of trailers.
whereas down south I guess they buy stuff so ads breaks are full
Well they do spend more than I thought
“TV accounting for £120.5m,
of Total charity advertising spend of £458.8m in 2015/16”
\\ Why do you spend money on avdertising and not invest that money into directly helping children?
We always try to spend our money as responsibly and effectively as possible, and as a charity we are offered favourable rates on the production costs for the advertising.
The money spent on advertising helps push us to the front of people’s minds and increases their sense of our deservedness as a charity. A strong brand presence is critical //
“…Harold Wilson ‘What the British people wanted was a bit of peace and quiet. Anything for a quiet life’. You know and I know that this is the great drag on democracy. Does my voice count, so you leave it to a well organised tiny minority. Now you ask have people learned? Yes, they are learning that if you do leave it to that tiny well organised minority … Unpleasant things happen. And then you recoil from that. In part you expect your politicians to do something about it, the question is whether the people themselves will back up the politicians.”
– Margaret Thatcher
“Margaret Thatcher – Capitalism and a Free Society”
“The price of apathy to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
Trudeau to visit North Korea
OK its a fake, but full marks for the guy’s attempt to be a multiculty twerp
Brilliant … dropped onto – Trudeau to visit North Korea
Trudeau has become a meme. Two meme’s together
Royal family will become the next Clinton Foundation …. goodbye Royal Family.
Meghan Markle shares stage with royals to set out charity work
Washed my hands of them when they brought the American Lefty agitator in. It was the best placement possible for the left. Just watch how the Royal Family skews left a la Prince Charles and starts to drop the military charities, British indigenous charities, etc, and goes full Globalist.
In case you get your news from the BBC, just to let you know, Theresa May bested Corbyn at Prime Minister’s Question Times by a huge margin.
May was crap when she first started doing PM question time, like a terrified bunny, but today she gave Corbyn a few upper cuts, a wedgie and stole his lunch box money.
I know he’s a an easy target, a confused, rambling Marxist whose being wandering the streets since 1974, but I just wish more of the country would watch it or that the BBC would report it when she does well.
Problem is he’s only the warmup act for Mcdonald .( and I don’t mean Ronald)
You wouldn’t think so, just scanning the bbbc comments.
As usual, it’s a negative take on Mrs May, and a bow to the next Prime Minister who must be the ‘cleverest’, most constipated useful idiot in the whole sad bunch of bloody politicians, who are too scared to tell the EU to piss off.
Bbbc – the guardian of labour tactics and socialist propaganda.
Can we choose not to pay for John Major’s salary as Tax Payers or is it linked to BBC TV License somehow?
THE cost of protecting John Major has risen by £250,000 to about £1.5 million a year after his purchase of a remote Norfolk holiday home that requires round-the-clock police surveillance.
. . . .
* Royalties from Mr Major’s autobiography, which earned him a £500,000 advance and became a surprise bestseller.
• Fees of £25,000 for speaking engagements. He once earned £140,000 from an eight-day speaking tour of the US.
• A pension of £50,000-a-year for his career in politics.
He was never quite right after edwina lit up his world…
He even managed to wind JRM up…
Good News!
Something Mr Major and the Remoaners should know ?
“Toyota to build next generation of Auris in UK”
“However, a number of big carmakers have committed to building more cars in the UK since the Brexit vote in June 2016.”
Motorists in the UK buy 1 million more cars than are built here. If the EU continue to play silly buggers and we stop buying cars built there the UK manufacturers won’t be able to keep up with demand.
That’s a number I don’t expect to hear on “More or Less”.
Your a disgrace Taffman – and so biased – you failed to mention that Toys are Us and Maplin are both in trouble because of Brexit .
This is because the remainers have thrown their toys out of the pram and people don’t go to Holiday camps any more .
Come back maxi…. you must be nights soon .
Wading through 129 pages of ReichEU proposals instead of listening to al Beeb…the EU seem to think they can fuck with sovereignty over some trading arrangements. British people have given life and limb to preserve the UK and some frogs and krauts think it’s negotiable – the fuckers. ( sorry about 2 effs in a paragraph but they really are outrageous ) with a capital OUT
Maxi, who he ? 😀
Reference to him usually results in a late response.
Number &
He must be an ardent follower of this site.
Saith, si vous plais.
Saith indeed ! – Alas!, a typo. 🙂
Mae’n ddrwg
Dim problem – efcharisto.
Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus
Looks like the BBC have warmed to the Royal Quartet.
Merkle Meghan wants to empower women, look after their rights.
I assume their first target will be sharia, FGM, forced marriages and compulsory wearing of the burker
Merkle Meghan succeeded in empowering herself. Maybe when the Queen hangs up her crown it will be time to consider getting rid of the Sovereign Grant and forming a Republic.
Here is some news from the BBC Pidgin
click baitsite….Meet di Ghana boy wey fit bark like dog, sound like goat and over 50 other animals
Dem say talent be cheap pass table salt, but some talent never fit be cheap.
Justice Osei, be Junior High School dropout for Ghana who discover as animal sound imitator di time he dey train goat den sheep as 12 year old boy for Kumasi.
He don’ sound like no goat…
Doesn’t he do the continuity announcements on Radio 4?
“BBC Proms pledges 50-50 gender split for modern composers” (by 2022)
“BBC Proms pledges 50-50 gender split for modern composers” (by 2022. Why?
Don’t know.
But the next stage will be white keys must be removed from all keyboard instruments by 2026.
Probably because 50 percent of modern composers are planning to change sex within the next four years.
I also think the BBC wants to ban white people from the Eurovision Song Contest. So as to teach the racists who oppose rule by Brussels Eurocrats, a lesson.
Only two genders? 😉
Has it been mentioned that John Major wants a second referendum? Or a vote by parliament. Because: ‘who knows what the people will think…?’ Well, Mr Major, we KNOW what they think, the referendum has happened. And we know what YOU think. It’s certainly not that the people are sovereign. We know exactly WHAT you want parliament to do. In fact, you sound as if the people matter ONLY if they agree with you. (Sounds almost as if you despise the people?) Frankly, they’re rather glad YOU’RE THE PAST. Goodbye, don’t call again…
Strange really about John Major . He retired from active politics in 1997- which on my sums is 21 years ago. That means that many people under – what – 40 – won’t really have an idea who he is or was …. yet he still seems to think that he commands some authority and might be listened too.
I suppose remainers will like his words because he says things they like to hear but for others he is meaningless and should have taken his peerage if only for all those expenses and a free central London parking space .
John Major – AKA. ‘The Brixton Bullshitter’.
When Maggie thought that THIS streak of piss would make a good Tory Leader-THAT ought to have been the cue for the butterfly net.
Who else but he would have run away from the circus to become an accountant?
Blair and him walking acroiss the Lagan surely helped us win the Referendum, so the more we hear from this pilchard the better!
I seem to remember that he was about the only one left in Mrs Thatcher’s cabinet. He was the sort of bloke who is the last to be picked for a team, but was the most surprised when he finished up eating peas in No 10 for no apparent reason!
The other bloke who started the rot, Heseltine slunk away too, and I can’t remember what Clarke was supposed to be doing, but all they do is jump out and pinch people then hide again. Oh yes, they’re all remoaners…
Funny that.
“And now on BBC1 a snowflake alert.
And next on BBC1, the weather forecast.”
Fings ain’t wot they used ter be…
Why is it that in all the years I went to school NOT ONCE were they closed for bad weather? 🙁
We were made of sterner stuff I tell ye 🙂
It would be interesting to compare the number of state schools closed today with the number of private schools which were.
My sister is a teacher in the South, apparently they have been sent home for two days. However they haven’t had any snow but it’s bitter cold according to her.
I seem to remember competitions in the playground along the lines of, who managed the longest slide. Various bruises etc. but no sign of ‘elf n safety’.
Our school in London sent home a kid today-even though he lived only 40 yards from the school gates.
The teacher might as well have used a loudhailer from the staffroom window. But she got paid, and so who`s checking?
They`re all “avin` a laff”.
Imagine the shock and surprise around the bbc cubicle gardens…
That’ll be unregistered gas fitters then ?
With names similar to Mohammed & Abdul?
“No descriptions have been released”!!!!
“we request that the media and public resist speculating ”
” no evidence .. in any way terrorist related.”
“we will not disclose further details at this stage”
Instead of this “voting for the right thing” bollocks that grieve and soubry are going for why don’t they and the MSM call it what it really is.
An attempt to bring down the government, to remove their own party and to force another GE to let in labour.
On another subject, I notice some use of familiar words like Grauniad and shurely shome mistake which I recognise from Private Eye.
I used to read it up to about 20 years ago, until when it stopped being funny and I reckon a few of you lot probably also were regular readers, when it was worth reading that is.
Finally, I never ever heard of schools closing because of a bit of snow when I was at school in Sunderland.
During the ‘60’s we had deeper snow than now yet we still all made it in.
Snowflakes frightened of snow.
Before I gave up on al beeb news they were fixated with all things South Africa – apparently the new regime have voted to take over white owned farms without compensation .
Strangely no mention of that on al beeb from what I can see.
Anti white bias .
The country never ceases to amaze, Fedup. Under the government of Zuma (bad guy) the ANC shied away from grabbing land without compensation. Under Ramaphosa (good guy, the MSM say) it took no time at all for the ANC to take the plunge (which requires a change to the constitution).
There is an amendment about ‘food security’, showing that the ANC know only too well what they are about. But the corner has been turned. How many more (mostly white) South Africans will tonight be quietly preparing to pack their bags, no one knows. A signal has been sent, that could be the underlying purpose.
Lessons from Zimbabwe are being ignored. The story is being ignored. The BBC have nothing to say. The Beast from the East is so much simpler to report on. And the little regular light that came on and required another story about the evil pre-1994 government, stays off now. And if they do a story, you can bet you know the slant already…no prizes.
Whilst the BBC continue to ignore South Africa we are lucky that a new generation of broadcasters are doing the work that our overpaid clients of rentboys are failing to do.
Latest report from Lauren Southern on South Africa
Gave up on the eye decades ago too . It got as funny as Punch .
Re Emmanuels quote on schools and snowdays!
Schools and universities are simply bolt holes for the public sector “education professionals” to get out and away , so saving on the heating at home, and parroting the Guardian or the NAS.
Nothing of value has been taught in a school since the National Curriculum came in-Thatchers colossal blunder that gave Baker and Clarke their starts.
No wonder that no cameras are ever allowed into schools or universities-all cake sales, transcrap and all manner of excuses not to teach or to learn.
Bog Standard Butlins chalets for the thick, lazy and lefties.
I`m a teacher…and I have now taught you all, glasshoppaz!
Guilty as charged Mr G…
But who can forget the likes of Arthur Bastard, Ron Knee (69 and ashen faced), and the best of all, The Clintistorit of Wintistering! I think they still use Sir Herbert Gussett, but like you, I gave up reading it about the same time, and when Paul Foot (one ofthe best investigative journalists ever) died, they lost the plot, and Hislop started to finish them off for good!
‘The slicker of Wakefield’ was a masterpiece. I knew one of the panel of architects who had to take the case to law, and he admitted the the Eye had started a huge story which they just had to investigate.
I’ll try not to mention the names again, although the Grauniad (for younger readers), was only a dig at the appalling proof reading and bad spelling!
Luckily the bbc does not answer questions.
There are 2 types of media..Lala-land-media and a tiny proportion of media that report on the real world.
#1 Farage has just scoffed at the idea that Customs Union is the only way for Northern Ireland .. explaining that the EU has already produced a document which lists various options
#2 On the Finance Show at 3pm
a brave caller pointed out that expert panelists were talking rubbish when they talked about record low unemployment
cos although economy is not terrible the unemploymet figs are fudged by various tricks, and actually there are millions of spare workers in the UK
#2a Similarly the experts insist that UK worker productivity is so much lower than France ..that really suggests to me that doesn’t reflect the real world which we experience, when doing business in France.
Well Well Well it would seem that Max Moseley, son of Infamous British Union of Fascists leader and erstwhile Labour minister Sir Oswald Moseley has not only been giving money to the Labour party for years but has also been a big supporter of Momentum and Tom Watson:
I can remember the sex scandal Moseley was involved in and cannot recall the BBC ever mentioning the links the son of the Fascist leader still had with Labour. In fact when I type the surname into the BBC search on the news page nothing appears.
Now I wonder why that might be ?
Flabbot has dropped out of Question Time for Thu
..afraid of Farage ?
So with him are
– David Dimbleby (Green Party)
– Kenneth Clarke,
– @OwenSmith_MP Labour MP for Pontypridd and Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
– @MichelleDewbs Hull girl. Trying my best at this crazy thing called life.
– Radzi Chinyanganya most known for presenting Blue Peter since 2013. & ITV show Cannonball. He hosted London 2012 Olympic coverage and also CBBC’s Wild.
Since then he has fronted numerous shows including Songs of Praise and Match of the Day Kickabout.
(mother from Dundee, father from Zimbabwe, sister Rufaro is a model)
Why no one called ‘nish’ or ‘Amol’ ?
C’mon – you’ve still got a ‘Radzi’
I’m guessing there will be no rhyming
Michelle Dewbury is a good lass.
She’s one of our kind.
Happen she is, I think with passed ‘er in a ten foot t’other night (attempted ‘ull accent)
Al Beeb online days 70 girl writers have written to al Beeb saying there aren’t enough girl writers.
Easy solution – no single writers . Every drama or soap must have a male ,female ,black ,white ,gay ,straight. jew ,Christian mussie , humanist ,meat eater , vegan , tall , short , young , old writer . I make that 17 writers for each job minimum . I’ve not divided the brand of each religion and no doubt the jedis and satanists will curse.
\\ Scotland has 5 outdoor ski centres.
Never heard them mentioned even once in all the vast BBC Pyeongchang Winter Olympics coverage.
Even some of the Team GB winter olympians interviewed by the BBC don’t seem to be aware of their existence //
“The sites have had frequent snowfalls and spells of low temperatures since December.”
Scottish skier days ALREADY double last season’s total
The Times is accusing Labour of working with Barnier to undermine the UK’s position. At what point is this treason?
@ChukaUmunna said
“The only way to avoid a hard border in Ireland, and avoid a border between Northern Ireland and mainland Britain is for the whole of the UK to stay in the Customs Union and Single Market.”
Norway has a soft border with Sweden
..Hey , you know those hare courser thugs the other day , that’s how the EU negotiators behave.
Why has Chuka Umunna (Labour Streatham) spent so much on Waste Disposal in 2014? Shredding sessions in the midnight hours with Tony Blair? I’m sure it can be explained ….
Waste Disposal / PAPER ROUND LTD Lawn and Garden Supply Stores, Nurseries / £355.80
Here is Cucka Britibama’s voting record.
Their website makes no mention of ‘lawn and garden supply stores, nurseries’. But goes big on recycling.
I wonder why they are so described?
Re scribblingscribe above.
Long past it ss.
The media surely must know that we`re post politics as they understood it.
Since the financial crash of 2008, they`ve been running on empty where there is no correlation between financial growth and any worthwhile production of stuff to anchor it in tangible goods.
The MPs expenses finished them-there ought to have been a civil war and reckoning with the eltes back then.
Add Islam as a constant flammable-and we have the recipe for real trouble. Does anybody think that a Toys R Us voucher ought not to be redeemable as Linecker gets a main vein to pay for his lifestyle?
The EU will collapse under its own weight, it is unsupportable and unsustainable. Italy will set off the dominos and Catalonia will bring down the southern end of the EU. And then Sweden…then France and finally Germany and finito. We`ll be OK-as will New Europe-so best get those deals secured now with the solvent countries we`ll need to be trading with by then. Labour will not govern us , The Royals will go the way of all flesh after our Queen pops it.
I may have blinked and missed it.
But has the BBC made a pro-BREXIT programme yet?
Maybe on April 1st.
Eerrrm, being a film buff, thought I’d watch tonight’s edition of Film 2018 to get a heads up as to the nominations for the Oscars on Sunday.
Clearly I haven’t watched this for some time as Claudia W was the last regular host, but I was faced with a lady who was speaking so fast I didn’t get her name, so on went the subtitles, apparently from Sarf London with lots of furvers, fir’ee free and a fird type of speak. I discovered she is one Clara Amfo. Me neither. On checking she’s done a bit of radio, so that’s ok then.
This programme was an Institution back in the day when it started with Philip Jenkinson & Tony Bilbow as Film Night, then came the halcyon days of proper journalist Barry Norman. It was through gritted teeth I watched Jonathan Ross, followed by Claudia W (why?), but its really reached rock bottom now. Such is the dumbing down of the BBC as a whole.
Dover Sentry
“But has the BBC made a pro-BREXIT programme yet?”
Here is one – Our next Prime Minister comments on the words of a ‘Has been’ Prime Minister……….
“He’s got it wrong in the past and he got it wrong again” !
If TM was a proper PM this would be the man who faced Mickey Barnier, across the table in Brussels.
“John Major is what he is: a man from nowhere, going nowhere, heading for a well-merited obscurity as fast as his mediocre talents can carry him.”
Paul Johnson
Major Major Major Major.
Anyone know who I’m on about.
A man who if surrounded by obscure nobodies who would stand out being more obscure and more of a nobody.
Not exactly what Heller wrote but he could have been writing about our grey major.
Did Alastair Campbell write the speach for Mr Major?
So right, but he did have a chum Milo who bought cotton at five cents and sold it at a profit for three cents!
Sounds just like Cobnut and Abbottburger’s analysis of money…
Who does Starmer get his instructions directly from?
J R-M in good form there!
Clear and accurate.
Sharp and to the point.
Although I do wonder how many Beeboids know what ‘tendentious’ means …
I do wish J R-M on the question of the £350m per week had directed the interviewer to look at the BBC’s own web-site. That, at the time of the Referendum, checked the figure and found it correct, if a fractional UNDER-estimate.
The £350 million bus is old news now. J R-M’s main purpose here was to do Major’s legs: which he did beautifully.
I’d love to see Old Major up against J R-M in debate, though I don’t think the Grey Man would fair too damn well.
I see that the BBC are reporting that due to a skills shortage Dysons proposed electric car may be (Will be) manufactured outside the UK due to skills shortage here (Omg we should stop in EU and have open borders then no skill shortages here and Dyson will locate his factory in the UK)
What is happening is that the Latch Dyson has employed nearly 500 people in the UK to develop the car. UK based expertise developing the cat and it’s battery, motor and no doubt manufa tiring technique. This will no doubt involve grants from the government and be VAT free as it’s research
So once UK based engineers have developed the vehicle then he will exploit cheap labour and tax favourable environments to produce the vehicle using unskilled labour. This is the process he developed with his vacuum cleaner business. Use UK expertise then export the design to an off shore manufacturing base.
So the car plant could quite easily be built in the UK and operate successfully however Dyson choses (again) to make his profit from cheap overseas manufacturing hubs.
I also see tgat Toyota have chosen the UK as it’s manufacturing centre for the me Auris. Not surprisingly this isn’t reported by the anti British pro anything not British cuckold BBC.
I so despise them and there constant betrail of the UK it’s heritage and culture.
That’s that of my chest. In true British fashion I’ll now send more pictures of snow on my wheelie bin.
Omg I can’t the bins black the snow on top is white I’m trying to demonstrate the white man’s dominance over BME through use of subliminal messages…
I’ll try and sleep now.
I see that the BBC are reporting that due to a skills shortage Dysons proposed electric car may be (Will be) manufactured outside the UK due to skills shortage here (Omg we should stop in EU and have open borders then no skill shortages here and Dyson will locate his factory in the UK)
What is happening is that the Letch Dyson has employed nearly 500 people in the UK to develop the car. UK based expertise developing the vehicle it’s battery, motor and no doubt manufacturing technique. This will no doubt involve grants from the government and be VAT free as it’s research
So once UK based engineers have developed the vehicle then he will exploit cheap labour and tax favourable environments overseas to produce the vehicle using unskilled labour. This is the process he developed with his vacuum cleaner business. Use UK expertise then export the design to an off shore manufacturing base.
So the car plant could quite easily be built in the UK and operate successfully however Dyson choses (again) to make his profit from cheap overseas manufacturing hubs.
I also see that Toyota have chosen the UK as it’s manufacturing centre for the me Auris. Not surprisingly this isn’t reported by the anti British pro anything not British cuckold BBC.
I so despise them and there constant betrail of the UK it’s heritage and culture.
That’s that of my chest. In true British fashion I’ll now send more pictures of snow on my wheelie bin.
Omg I can’t the bins black the snow on top is white I’m trying to demonstrate the white man’s dominance over BME through use of subliminal messages…
I’ll try and sleep now.
I hope Dyson’s electric cars don’t block up as quickly as his crappy vacuum cleaners.
Outlook on BBC World Service tells the delightful tale of a black woman who set an orchestra where no whites were allowed in, on the spurious basis that young BAME people think “you can’t be what you can’t see.” What patronising, divisive, racist nonsense. And it was no doubt some lavishly funded ‘equalities’ professional who came up with this revolting idea. Always the same old story: not enough minorities in a certain pursuit so we tried to get more. So, so boring and always a one way street. Never a quest to get more working class white boys into medicine.
Trump’s communications officer has left her post, which the Beeb sneeringly say shows how Trump was lying when he said the White House was a well-oiled machine. Why did she leave? There could be countless legitimate reasons. Is she pregnant? Is she rightly tired of all the media bullying? Does she feel she could better serve Trump outside the White House? Has her partner been offered a job on the East Coast? Zero analysis, of course, but they have to stick the boot in like snide bitchy adolescents.
Also report into some kids abused by other whites in the fifties! Such a supply and demand problem as they need to go back sixty years. What about the thousands being ‘groomed’ now up North and elsewhere?
I am sure most of the Beeb would be out of a job were it not for their ‘unique method of funding.” Well-oiled machine? It is garish, only goes in one direction and you steal the oil.
Yup, Beeb-B!
Radio 5 Dead had the ultimate boring Rhod Sharpe doing his best to get a balanced view on President Trump’s work, from a ‘reporter’ on Politico, that well-know ultra-right ‘news’ source.
As usual, think the opposite and you’re near the truth.
I can only stomach a few minutes of the R5 ‘news’ in the depth of night, but as our dog is unwell, I wanted to keep an eye on her.
They frame her as one of his ‘most trusted aides’ to make it seem like a massive blow. I thought she didn’t join the team until later on? They are like a spoiled, autistic child with Tourette’s – shouting out the same things over and over and over.
The bbc also has a story on how a bloke ate a pig, but then felt bad about it:
“Molo, unjani” and other key phrases you need to get by in Wakanda, Black Panther’s kingdom. (via BBC Africa)
Envy of the world.
Comments, surprisingly, could be…. 😉
So another former prime minister Anthony Blair is sticking his head above the parapet to tell us why were so wrong to vote brexit.
This is the man who allowed a million poles into Blighty in one year thus swamping the country . Poles are good decent Hard working people but this has crushed public services
Blair says “trust my judgement “ which really means change your vote and stay in the EUreich . No
Al beeb gave him an easy time
Heard Blair on Toady this morning.
However I could not describe the event as an interview.
More a sychophantic love-in.
“Good morning sir, do be so kind and tell the listeners how you feel about Brexit”
(Blair speaks uninterrupted for several minutes, making a lot of contentious statements along the way)
“Thank you very much, it was so nice of you to come to the studio”
It’s very simple really – Eire needs to leave the EU with us – problem solved . All the cash the EU Eire as a bribe for joining has gone east so they could leave with us
Excellent point.
Given their level of trade with us, it should be a slam dunk.
Except not sure the EU money tree to the Republic has dried up.
How else could they have built up their water and motorway network these past 20 + years?
I was always dreadfully p***** off driving in the Republic on new roads featuring “ funded by the EU” signs. That meant funded by the UK. Meanwhile we struggle through our pothole- infested underinvested roads where any mention of improvement seems to co-incide with a sudden population explosion of Great Crested Newts. The thought that we could afford to build their roads but not our own did not sit well.
Good morning.
Yet another day when snowflakes are causing a lot of disruption to public services and the normal living desired by a large majority.
Apparently al beeb is going the follow up the hugely unsuccessful “civilisation s’ with the “ascent of man / persons”. In the a modern equivalent to Jacob Bronowski ( perhaps Gary linaker ) will present an update on the development of thought from the telly tubbies to Al beeb channel 3 . Prejudiced ? Damn right.
BBC Daily Digest: Beast from the East + the usual sheet from adopt an Afghani refugee, hiding Islamic terrorism, downplaying the Turkish carnage in Afrin Syria, black power, more black power, how to speak black panther, white paedophiles, women’s power, more women’s power, trump is a w@nker, more trump is a w@anker, Brexit doom, far right terrorism, white paedophiles and on and on it goes, day after day, week after week, month after fecking month …
Any mention of any news of note from the rainbow nation that is South Africa?
Having been away and travelling the first half of week – I had forgotten how ridiculous the BBC is in its antics on Brexit, the weather and multicultualism..
I travelled from the north to Southampton yesterday in sunshine with the odd area of frost on motorway whilst listening to the BBC go on about the weather affecting everything…Get some accuracy and perspective!
This morning Breakfast has been incessant on the little bits of snow in some places – Does Rab sponsor BBC weather people?
Last night watched a funny Live at Apollo..the crowd, when shown in full view was 90%+ white…so why were 80% of close up shots of of ethnic origin?
I have no issue with race, creed or colour (provided everyone accepts ours laws and culture) but I do to the BBC’s constant ramming it down your throat that makes out everyone in the UK is of ethnic origin…didn’t see this in Italy on the TV..
Or is it just me coming back to the UK after a break?
Did Theresa May check all the food was Halal Compliant at here CORRESPONDENTS DINNER Evening Bash {} .. so she can fund the political Halal Food Authority ….I’m sure she does not want to upset religions people … being a Christian ….
The Halal Food Authority (HFA) have issued legal proceedings against the leaders of Britain First – Paul Golding, and deputy leader, Jayda Fransen.
On Thursday 2nd February 2017, a video was published on the official YouTube channel and Facebook page of Britain First, which featured two HFA staff members and consisted of defamatory claims against our organisation.
In response to these claims that have been disseminated by Britain First to thousands of people on the internet, HFA have issued legal proceedings to safeguard the integrity of our organisation.
It is also imperative for HFA to lead by example in not allowing these claims to tarnish the reputation of the entire Halal industry.
Too many examples, not of bias as such, but FakeNews and FalseFacts – especially the latter – on TODAY on R4 this morning.
Tony Blair, in the post 8.10am main interview slot, implies that the glorious EU has been in existence for 100years. Sarah Montague is fast asleep and doesn’t pull him up on that. She misses a couple of other half truths or deceits, too.
There were other examples from when I started listening at 7.20am-ish through to switch-off when the TOADY Prog starts to self-glorify the BBC (on its main radio News programme!) over the start of the Civilisation re-make on telly.
Another day and the usual predictable BBC (news website) output.
Pro Muslim…
First Afghan female officer off to Sandhurst
Anti hetrosexual men…
These landlords asked me for sex instead of rent
Thanks to the Green Party of the nation! I hope that they wrap up and keep warm………….
“Gas supply fears as cold snap continues”
“How do you keep warm? Tips from cold countries”
I actually hope the gas system fails, followed by power cuts, only then will the Greens be exposed for the snake oil salesmen they are.
As for that bBC advice on keeping warm, brandy? really, love how they add the stupid british guy at the end. Funny I haven’t seen one such idiot these past few days, just as I haven’t seen anybody wearing pumps like you do, during our usual very mild winters. I wonder why?
Just for the info, for some very strange reason I own a couple of these fantastic pieces of kit, unlike the civy versions, they wash and wear very well , a lot lighter and are cheaper. Go for brand new and not used.
I also own one of these, but that is simply kicking the arse out of things.
Pounce ,
Don’t need an outage on the gas supply but unless HMG starts to really work on filling the energy gas either gas or electricity supply will be affected . The margins are getting too tight. If the Reich EU starts getting a big quiffy about energy supply we could be tested. Hopefully though the tv- al Beeb will be the first energy saving step.
I’m still getting over the news that a lot of those sea wind farm windmills have to have their blades replaced after only a year or so at the cost of over £500 000 000 because the sea has salt in it .
Regards those sea wind farms.
Who the hell thought it would be a cost effective idea to place huge windmills out in the middle of the sea and they are huge, (Sail out of Birkenhead to Ireland and you get to see their majesty) and yet nobody though what 24/7/365 in the middle of salt water would do to a working machine.
Yeh ! did anyone else realise its snowing outside ? kids being interviewed about building snowmen, schools closed, traffic chaos. I have to chuckle, we’ve got snowflakes reporting on….. snowflakes ! I grew up with far worse than this, and with rolling news and social media, we’re apparently experiencing Armageddon. FFS they should have been around in 1963 when I walked to school on hardened 3′ high snow, and it lasted for months.
A society grown soft, Brissels, both mentally and physically? A society ready for the taking?
I remember ’63. It was a different world, i t o individual requirements, both mentally and physically. We wouldn’t have stood for the collective crap the nanny state dishes out now.
No obsessions about race or gender. No helf and safety. No soshil meedjer. Conscription. Just a thought…
Noted that our local agricultural college closed for the day, despite there only being a dusting of snow at 8am.
All those 4x4s, tractors and bone headed strapping lads, but a bit of snow floored them.
All the private businesses were open-all the public sector services either didn`t open up, or closed at lunchtime.
Guessing that no teachers live near enough to walk into work-but tell the kids about what car fumes do to the planet every other lesson.
To be fair, it`s got bad since-and to be charitable, maybe the forecasts and health and safety mob make it hard to do your job these days.
But blame Major and Blair. I lob them together now.
Feb 18 : German police are investigating a British woman (Australian-born Michele Renouf) for suspected incitement after she questioned the Holocaust during a far-right protest in the eastern city of Dresden.
Read more here:
Who’s breaking law the AfD or Merkel’s party ?
“Education Minister violated constitution by criticizing AfD, top court rules ”
\\ The education minister wrote on the education ministry’s website:
“The red card should be shown against the AfD and not against the federal chancellor.”//
… ie He used an official giv website to react to the AfD’s own redcard protest against Merkel’s open borders.
The otherday after the rugby a few people here pointed out the biased anti-English reporting from the bBC regards ‘Englands’ loss. Here is how they report the abuse the English coach received when he caught the train back to England.
Eddie Jones says he was ‘physically and verbally abused’ after Calcutta Cup defeat
Watch the video, according to the bBC headline it is simply an allegation and then they come out with this:
“Former Scotland and Lions captain Hastings, who won 67 international caps, said opposing supporters of Jones’ team wanted to “rub his face in the dirt”.
The bBC brings out somebody to defend abuse and then right at the end they decide to insert the highlights of the Scotland /England match.
Now contrast that to any story the cock suckers at the bBC push out regards Muslims, gay blokes in the Uk or god forbid,a women who went out for a meal 10 years ago and somebody made a pass at her.
Remember what Edinburgh cybernats did to Farage when he dared to go there?
Tomorrow belongs to them because we didn`t deal with them and their bullying when we ought to have.
Are media workers all lefties ?
Australia Media Union meeting with clenched fist salutes