Anna Foster on 5Live admitted the truth about the ‘crisis’ concerning the Northern Ireland border…it’s all political…it is perfectly possible to have a ‘frictionless’, ‘invisible’ border…the only thing stopping it is the EU’s land grab, it’s attempt to annex Northern Ireland interfering with British internal politics. Her guest was Lars Karlsson [a former director of the inter-governmental World Customs Organisation] who has just done a report for the EU stating as much…and yet you wouldn’t know from the rest of the BBC’s reporting….the flagship Today show telling us that Boris Johnson ‘wasn’t right in the head’ because he proposed using electronic systems to monitor the border…as done in many countries….including our own already. The original interview when he suggested this, again on Today with the hopeless and overpaid Mishal Husain, was the catalyst for the abuse that Boris received as Husain ridiculed him for comparing, or so she suggested, two London boroughs with the situation in NI…except of course he wasn’t comparing the political situation merely using it as an illustration of how the technology can work…as proved by Lars Karlsson…an expert unlike Husain or Sarah Montague…Montague who wanted to know if we ‘should be leaving the EU?’…Brexit being so terrible eh? The BBC is blatant and arrogant in its attempts to create the narrative that Brexit can be reversed…a very dangerous idea I’d suggest…along with the one that suggests that if the Irish government doesn’t like the border solution it can mobilise the IRA which can dig up all those weapons it handed over during the ‘peace process’ [never mind the hundreds of bomb threats each year]…lol.
Spot any more bias…list it here…
Yippee!!! First!! Crustaceans rule!!
Lobster rocks !
Now WHAT was I watching on the box at 10.30 last night, when Lobby was busy crawling up the beach to pole position………
Those of us in the People’s Republic of South Wales were fighting a blizzard. Personally I blame the Liebore controlled Community and County Borough Councils and Assembly Government for this weather. I notice the First Minister had the good sense to go to te USA to avoid it.
The Counnty Council have closed everything down (schools, libraries,council offices, etc.) for the duration of the bad weather, but at 4.00am the milkman managed to deliver our milk as usual. He hasn’t missed a day in the 15 years we have lived in ths house.
Obviously, according to the County Council lefties, these closures are all Thatcher’s fault. If only she hadn’t followed Wilson’s example (ssshhh no one remembers that or his pit closure programme) and stopped the excessively overpriced school milk. Due to her actions it’s stopped the kids getting to school for their daily indoctrination. Bloody woman.
Jordan Peterson was right.
Lobsters do strive for status in the same way as humans (and moderated by the same chemical, serotonin).
The remainer panic as the clock ticks down can only get worse a friend on the earlier thread said – the announcements on al beeb by Blair , major ,
The reichEU legal draft, comments about the Irish border and Corbyn speech about the customs union are coordinated via Brussels and bollock Brown The tame soros Peer .
It will only get worse .and stupid comments about comparisons on the Irish border and London borough congestion charge don’t help
Toynbee things the sin rein Ira can stop brexit by voting in the UK parliament . Now that really is a vile idea . Even soubry hasn’t said that yet .
Would it really matter to the UK if there was no customs border in Ireland?
Unless the rest of the EU starts exporting to the UK via the Irish ‘backdoor’ in vast quantities what is the problem? It isn’t as if there is a road or rail link to Ireland from continental Europe so the logistics are quite tough.
It’s an EU Commission problem not a UK/IRL one. If the Commission can ignore the ‘bending of the rules’ in France etc. it can surely do the same here. Whatever ‘hard border’ the Commission proposed the people of Ireland will surely circumvent anyway.
But then it isn’t about the border is it.
I’m not sure and will look it up but I’m guessing the tax differential of goods travelling either way will increase the wealth of the existing organised terrorist gangs and create newer versions with border wars . It would also be a back door into mainland Blighty for illegals . Ryanair would probably put on special ‘illegals’ flights from mainland EU into Eire .
“It would also be a back door into mainland Blighty for illegals ”
AMW is concerned about this because ‘Project Ireland 2040’ apparently plans to bring one million migrants into Ireland. There are reports that the press has been paid by the Irish government to present this plan in a positive light.
Also Sinn Fein taking up their seats in order to outvote the government? I also saw Toynbee on TV mentioning this months ago. She and others are no doubt hoping.
Meanwhile, on the straightforward question of the border, Bill Cash has to contend with nasty Kirsty on (so-called) Newsnight.
Multi-pronged attacks by the EU and their acolytes.
At the moment we have a common UK/IRL travel area that existed before the EU, (part of being ‘cousins’ and all that?) and neither UK/IRL are Schengen members so entry to the travel area is controlled.
Cross-border ‘smuggling’ goes on now because of variations in euro/pound rates. No-one needs to buy from the bully boys because they can make the trip themselves. (Something similar will happen with unit alcohol pricing in Scotland).
Of course if IRL wants to go full-on Commission Comrades then we will need to reconsider our relationship.
Unfortunately rather than working towards a deal that is mutually beneficial it looks like the Commission is trying to kill an admiral or two pour encourager les autres. Just because they are stupid doesn’t mean we have to dance to their tune.
The Today programme this morning was so bad re the Irish border, that I switched the radio off. I should do it more often!
Deb – gave up on the Toady Programme and Guardian for lent – listened to Blair just for the comedy of a man who actually believes his words are of value any more – as with Major .
If people called ‘ant and dec’ came out as remainers I think we might remain in the EU .
I understand ant and dec are a kind of third rate mike and or Bernie winters – the poor mans” morecambe and wise .
This is a very interesting article re the latest shenanigans from the EU negotiators around the N.I. border and the depth of their deviousness.
I think memories fade as well as the EU HQ not having been targeted by HGVs loaded with Semtex and fertiliser bombs . They really need to tread carefully over the border issue – when it came down to it the ‘troubles ‘ were stopped because of 9/11 and the yanks suddenly finding out – at last – what terrorism is – whilst Blighty had been dealing with it for 30 years .
Thanks for the article – the ReichEU might be too clever trying to manoeuvre Blighty into imposing a hard border . The article could well be right in saying that Blighty has no intention of changing current arrangements and if the reichEU is worried about a border it should get its local member Eire – to build one . What a coup that would be. The IRAsinfein wouldn’t know what to do…
Definitely a good article Al.
I think the EU strategy on this as well as being a potential “land grab” and a stirring up of “sleeping dogs” Is also another outrageous EU negotiating position, wherein they know that The Appeaser will try to find some sort of “middle ground” which in all likelihood will be much closer to the EUs preferred position than the UKs. As we know in effect any sort of ” soft brexit” in effect is no brexit.
I consider Theresa is only mildly more effective than “call me Dave” when dealing with the EU. Every “negotiation” sees Theresa giving major ground. We have seen it in the “transition ” period where a million more EU migrants (according to migration watch) will be able to settle in the UK. We have seen it in the “divorce bill” The only reason why Theresa is making a song and a dance over the NI issue is that this time the EU have overstepped the mark even on their own outrageous “negotiation” standards
This woman is either totally useless or has no intention of giving us any sort of true brexit. It is obvious that they have no serious intentions to carry out any meaningful negotiations and we should have walked away a long time ago.
Instead of meaningful negotiations what we get are ridiculous demands, threats and attempts to stir up our own in house traitors (such as the BBC) and cowards to do their own dirty work.
Ladies and gentlemen what we are witnessing is not a negotiation but the bullying of a once proud nation and with the leaders we currently have in place (who have either little political courage or just lack integrity) will result in nothing more than a SLOW MOTION SURRENDER.
Exactly where are the Irish Government proposing to get 116bn Euros from to finance 1 million immigrants?
The last I heard, Eire was still in hock to the rest of the world, especially to the UK, although their economy is improving from post-2007/2009.
If that Breitbart figure is true (and it needs some verification) that rather puts a colossal dent (pardon the understatement) in the claims from many people that widespread immigration is an economic benefit to a country in ‘the West’.
Ant & Dec – never watched them, but aren’t they the Pinky & Perky of grown up tele ?
Watching tonight’s Question Time – several Stellas have numbed my senses to the point where that activity has become just about bearable – and after listening to Owen Smith for a couple of minutes a new thought entered my mind. Could we have a hard border between England and Wales ?
(And put that woman in the red glasses on the other side of it).
I understood that wales overwhelmingly voted brexit but their politicians such as Kinnock junior casually ignores democracy because his family has benefitted so much from the EU trough .
I might watch qt when suitably under the influence if only to see what HRH dimbly does to him in that condescending albeeb style which will be so missed when he passes.
Soon, I hope.
“And put that woman in the red glasses on the other side of it”.
What on earth makes you think that we want her?
How about you lot having Owen Smith and the Kinnocks. Take them as a package and we’ll throw in ‘Pantone Pete’ – Haine.
The-i reports Jack Monroe is to leave Twitter
\\ The writer said they now “get viciously pilloried on a daily basis” on Twitter//
ironic since her lot spew a constant stream of bile at Trump/Farage/Brexit
Sorry – jack Munroe? Who ? Related to “Matt”?
Melissa to her mum. A sad individual who should seek out help for her mental state.
Mohamed Salah plays for Liverpool Football Club and is a very good footballer. He is good at football not because he is a Muslim but because he has a natural talent for the game. However, the BBC is only interested in the fact that he is a Muslim, and they are selling him as an icon for Islam. Their latest story about him is written by Tusdiq Din and is headlined: “Mohamed Salah: Is Liverpool striker’s success improving engagement with Muslim fans?”
Prior to this the BBC ran a video story headlined: “Mohamed Salah inspires ‘I’ll be Muslim too’ chant”
The BBC are purposely turning Mohamed Salah into an icon for Islam and then using him as part of their armoury to hard sell Islam onto the British public.
Many successful Muslims do not thrive because of Islam but in spite of it. Some ROPers see football as unislamic – I have always been amazed that not a single British Muslim from England seems to have broken into professional football. They clearly prefer ‘grooming’ to kicking a football about.
Many are merely nominally Muslim because to leave the faith is punishable by death. High achievers are under-represented in the ROP due to the terrible restrictions the faith places on them – they could never create a Mozart or Bill Gates. All the inbreeding in certain communities also leads to low IQ.
“Religion has got no privilege whatever.” – David Starkey @ 1:28
“I’m a Muslim, my religion teaches me not to hurt people (Khan is a boxer) or upset people, and to be a good person. Obviously I go into the boxing ring it’s my job to hit someone, so that doesn’t rally matter. I know I’ve got God on my side … ” – Amir Iqbal Khan {nov2014}
If a boxer (or anyone else) said their Christianity meant they had God on their side they would be laughed at and probably lose their career for uttering “hate speech”.
Once you have God on your side you can’t lose. Unless your God is not that Powerful.
Like Tyson Fury did.
Or David Icke.
Tyson Fury has never lost. He is the undefeated linear heavyweight champion.
Perhaps someone should inform the BBC that 30 women have just been arrested in Iran for trying to go and watch a football match.
I wish someone would hold the BBC’s feet to the fire on this; do they support women’s rights? Gay rights? Then they cannot also wholeheartedly support Islam.
Not that they’ll let anyone who is likely to be so impertinent as to mention this anywhere near their microphones.
Meanwhile Twitter suspends Tommy Robinion for 7 days
even tho Maajid Nawaaz backed him.
When he said 90% of grooming gang perps are Muslim
Twitter decided that is some kind of hate crime.
Well in libEstablishment-lalaland 99% of bad things are done by white people
Twitter have been engaging in a spot of “hate cleaning” of late, to try and make themselves a more attractive purchase for Disney.
Except it’s full of hate tweets against non-lefties ..hardly Disneyesque
If Disney take them over, it’ll be even more of a Mickey Mouse outfit …..
Twitter obviously thinks in 7 days he ll have had a Damascene conversion to allah – er – as it were . Bit like 2 yellows equals a red card. Joke
Who was that said, “In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
It’s usually mis-attributed to Orwell
..but there is no contemporary source, just a claim made by someone 40 years later
Snow : Girls in Sunderland wondering whether to put a cardi on.
QT tonight.
Doesn’t Kenneth Clarke just drone on and on and on without any logical reasoning. His meanderings are aimless,wandering and boring.
Why is this traitorous bore on television?
An al Beeb favourite – what you see is what you get – fat old rich bloated – out of touch – lawyer cum politician with a sense of entitlement which comes with being in the house of expenses for more than a couple of days.
wronged – Because Prescott had been on the previous week.
Why? For ‘balance’. Apparently.
The imbalance would have been a majority of Brexiteers. I mean, there’s never a majority of Remainers, is there?
TICKETS still available for tonight’s Any Questions, which has been moved to London due to the snow
Hence the panel has been changed @GuestWho
was previously to be at Mersea Island, NE Essex
The online-dating terrorist couple
Feb 28th A judge at the Old Bailey has increased convicted terrorist Munir Mohammed’s jail sentence for plotting a bomb or ricin attack to a minimum of 21 years from 14 years CPS
The Women’s Equality Party ..puts women first ?
..No don’t be daft Trans are #MoreThanEqual
Feb 21 Dr Heather Brunskell-Evans has been sacked as spokesperson after comments on Radio 4’s Moral Maze in November. (where she was a last minute replacement for a journo)
“Today @WEP_UK have reached the conclusion to their investigation.
They say they recommend I do not continue in my role as Party Spokeswoman for violence against women and girls to take effect immediately. I will not appeal and I resign my membership ”
“Debate is not hate. ”
The Twitter thread is full of WEP members resigning
she queried why, if caring adults do not endorse a seven-year-old’s view that he is, say, an astronaut,
trans activists want parents to “affirm” every child who suggests he is “in the wrong body”.
She was then deplatformed from a talk she was due to give at Kings College.
Wow Trans activists can be very aggressive : list of hate tweets
Wonder if it’s the testosterone ?
The bBC, South Africa and half the story:
Currently on the bBC the big story from South Africa is this:
South Africa’s apartheid flag: Nelson Mandela Foundation seeks ban
Yeah those fucking white racists must not be allowed to continue to oppress the blacK, I quote:
“The flag, it added, was a celebration of the crime against humanity committed by the white minority regime against millions of South Africans.”
Yet, a much bigger story from South Africa is in play and it is how the new government voted in a law which allows white farms to be taken off white farmers without compensation.
The time for reconciliation is over’: South Africa votes to confiscate white-owned land without compensation
The ANC is currently suffering a public image problem due to Zuma so what they have done in which to rectify years of mismanagement is rob whitey in which to appease the crowd. An act which ruined Zimbabwe and yet the bBC remains silent.
But hey, reporting on a flag is much more important.
Our dog still not totally fit, so again, a tiny listen to R5Dead early this morning.
Theresa’s big day shoved way down the list, while a whole ‘podcast’ with Blair in Brussels.
Easy to see the bias, our PM, however struggling, at least getting up on her hind legs, another old face from the past now, over in Brussels, trying to confuse the issues as much as he can. Lots of lies later, I went and sat with our dog – she’s more loyal than that bastard ever was.
Some garbage on World Service about analysing all the lines said by women in Oscar nominated films, and whether they are about men. They even gave the test a scientific sounding name to give their SJW whining a veneer of intellectual rigour.
Will their obsession with gender and ‘diversity’ ever end? Not only analysing the number of lines said by women but what they are about – they think that is a news story? How many more shoes than men do women have? How many women judge men solely on their earnings? How many ROPers think Sharia trumps all other law? They will never ask anything other than the same old, skull-crushingly boring questions: why is a certain group not represented 50/50 in a certain field.
Though diversity is fantastic, anything other than the exact same outcome for every group is unacceptable.
Women live longer than men generally … #StopTheGenderLifeExpectancyGap.
The different average age for women is about 6 years more than men. To achieve the equality of outcome that they desire in other areas, I hope the Left is making plans on how to cull women to achieve this equality.
The worst is how they spin men working harder and longer so they can provide for women into some oppressive ‘wage gap.’ The only thing that matters is who spends the money! If a woman wants to sit and chat in a coffee shop with a designer handbag whilst someone else is out grafting to pay for her how on Earth has she got the bad deal? Few women would be happy to just provide for a man as feminists believe.
I note few feminists driving lorries trapped in the snow. Maybe if men went on strike for a week and there was nobody to deliver food to the shelves feminists might stop hating men so vocally.
Yes, they would probably want to bring back Sutty. Not for minorities though.
My poor old mum gets really upset about what has happened to Radio 4 in its obsession with race and gender; it has been her great solace for so long. They never consider the majority they exclude in their zealous desire to be ‘inclusive.’
BB – My old mum also felt very conflicted when the organisation that she knew as good old benign Aunty BBC seemed to morph into the main cheerleader for all things weird and Islamic (especially if it showed us “normal” whiteys in a bad light). Because they are caring individuasl it is very easy for these bastards to be constantly making some of our older folk feel guilty for things that are not their fault.
Speaking for myself, these days -Because of the constant lies and distortions that the BBC feed us about these issues – I no longer have any compassion for any of these people and just want them to piss off.
I think if my mum was alive today it would break her heart to see what these liberal arseholes have done to our land
Aunty is good at one thing and that is making a land fit only for deviants and those that appear to despise us.
Trouble is Oaky, that generation listened to the Beeb whilst dishing up the Sunday roast, – Billy Cotton Band Show, 2 Way Family Favourites, Navy Lark, Round the Horn. Relied on the Beeb for information during the War, Richard Dimbleby for solemn state occasions, and Housewives Choice and Workers Playtime during the week. Today’s BBC is a totally different beast.
Totally agree Brissles – I think that is because many of them knew what true suffering and tragedy was, and as a result of that they had the ability to to show true compassion from the heart.
In their younger days death often was a clear and present threat and therefore if someone said they wanted help or understanding it was freely given.
The “we are all in it together” response was a major reason why Britain was able to resist the onslaught of the Nazis. Unfortunately when the state broadcaster has a hidden agenda and is as unscrupulous and manipulative as the BBC is. People from the older generation for above mentioned reasons are easily confused and manipulated.
News agendas these days rather than being based on analysis of fact seem to be based more on the feelings and desires of a generation of selfish crybabies and the emotionally incontinent.
“We are with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, he is in Brussels today in what can be called his ‘Brexit Intervention’. Now he’s hoping to change the course of Brexit, if not ultimately to stop it.” EuroNews – Tesa Arcilla – 02mar2018 – 07:31
– Does Tony Blair get paid for these shows EuroNews?
– Presenter calls him Liberal Elite and controversial.
– Single Market HAS TO HAPPEN
– Says immigration needs reform – but with his years of experience suggests NOTHING.
– 10 mins of NonNews from EuroNews
– Please read the story in the rolling panel – such irony.
I hope that they issue trigger warnings before this man, the worst and most damaging PM ever , and that includes the current one, makes an appearance on our TV screens. This man is a criminal many times over and ought to be in prison. His contempt for democracy and the British people was typified by his decision to keep his mass immigration policy secret because he knew that the British people would reject it out of hand. It is therefore no wonder that he wants to cosy up to the un Democratic EU. No doubt he thinks that if he can be seen as a major player in the nullification of the Brexit vote , which by the way I expect will be the case, we will not exit in any meaningful way, he will be rewarded with some high post in Brussels.
Good point … all Politicians should come with a warning label … “EU Mandatory Labelling. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair. Ejected by the public. Making millions pretending to talk about peace. Is paid a pension by the UK Tax Payer and has a Security Detail paid for by the UK Tax Payer. Was employed by the people of the UK to carry out the people’s wishes. End of EU Label.”
Oh yes, and never made his expenses public.
All shredded – cowardly arsehole.
I’ve always thought he wanted the EU Presidency, it must’ve really choked him to realise that when we leave that idea is definitely down the toilet.
Blair looks terrible – it must be all Satan’s sperm rotting his insides. He looks like a used car salesman from the seventies. God knows how we bought into him – what a fraud. Passed the Human Rights Act (Lawyers and Criminals’ Rights Act) just to get his wife and mates rich. What a scumbag.
I think it’s all coming home to roost for this despicable man.
He’s probably the most hated and despised person in the UK today, and yet the bloody bbbc still revere his addled brain, confused spouting, and utter contempt for the British people.
He is deliberately trying to obfuscate the British people with his whining and hand-wringing obscenities, and it’s just as well he’s never seen close to that other bastard Brown, as someone might just shove a sword though both of them at the same time to save energy.
You can loathe politicians, you can even want to smash their ugly faces, but to really despise people like him, you have to understand that he is only out to do what he wants for himself. Nobody else.
Despicable in the extreme. I hate him.
Transgender activist and former L’Oreal model Munroe Berdorf has been appointed as a Labour party adviser on LGBT issues to “help form and push though fairer and more effective policy changes”. This chap, who once answered to the name Ian, would appear to be the same hormone-popping racist who recently noted that “the white race is the most violent and oppressive force of nature on earth”.
No doubt all this will play well in the Sunderland constituencies. Or do they think they are not worth it.
Watch Andrew Neill eviserate her on YouTube. As well as being vindictive he/she clearly has read nothing and has the IQ of a chocolate frog. She did not have even the most basic knowledge of the subjects she was so dogmatic about.
People like that should advise nobody, but her triple victim points (which have been very lucrative indeed) trump the content of her character.
#1 “Britain: Stronger in Europe” confused the EU with Europe. We will never leave Europe, but can leave the EU. But they choose to conflate and mix up the EU with Europe. Lies!
#2 “Britain: Stronger in Europe” said Hillary Clinton was a World Leader – Hillary Clinton was never and won’t be a World Leader. Lies!
Did those who voted Remain know the difference between the EU and Europe? Did they know what they were voting for?
What an unsavoury looking bunch. And I don’t mean those on the right.
Such oily, false smiles.
There was a great Onion article where Democrat supporters could fill out a questionnaire about what they wanted from Clinton and her policies would automatically be altered to fit their answers. She would say or do anything for power and money.
Why is Sarkozy’s head bigger than the rest of them?
He’s only a midget, more like a clown in a circus.
Clintons are the most dubious though, we’ve yet to get to the bottom of their financial dealings.
Plenty of time, it’ll be worth the wait!
At least seven of those who appear on the in side of the poster are now out of office, some of them for a long long time.
Well, if you mean out of ‘the office’, of course, you’re right. The private passage into the oval office is where Slick Willy got his end away, out of the camera’s range!
There is an odd one out believe it or not.. Clinton, she was never a world leader.
A truly heart wrenching piece on the suffering of black women due to their hair. It’s all whitie’s fault apparently, because of racist Eurocentric beauty standards.
“Why we love our hair.”
But luckily they’re all fighting back and taking pride, bla bla.
More beeb agit-prop, black victimhood, identity politics, and the beeb’s favourite pastime: pointing the finger at racist Britain.
Where in there charter does it state that at least 50% of ‘news’ stories must be about race or gender? How many licence fee payers are happy with this arrangement? 0.01%? I could not care less. If they were a subscription service they would be failing like Buzz Feed, the Guardian et alia.
BBC editorial guidelines
How interesting. Our journalists are thoughtfully picking and choosing the news for us according to their preferred ‘view of life’.
Well there we have it spelt out for us in clear unambiguous terms.
Good old albeeb – when they need someone to talk up their view they reach for that burnt out sell important squirrel murderer – hezeltine – and not him Ken Clarke .
Hesseltine thinks public opinion is changing but could nt evidence it and wasn’t brillo d on it by the work experience Asian girl. That seems to be the theme the remain campaign is using at the moment .
All the toxic old farts are being wheeled into the studios now, Fed!
£600 for an appearance, and just gibberish and condescending crap being spouted at every turn. The undermanagers at W1A are all in a huge wank-circle, slavering over burnt-out old has-beens like Clarke and Heseltine, and of course, Major is whining away with Blair trying to get even more cash for himself than his expenses ever could.
The bbbc are an utter disgrace on the issue of representation of a fair debate. They’ve taken their little gloves off far too early, and now it’s down to the Real Brexit Muscle to start operating. Forget lightweights like O’Brien, Toady and the Guardian Provisional wing, the real arguments are being discussed well away from the media, and nobody is really giving a tinker’s cuss what the old dinosaurs say or do.
How can one just say to the bbc, ‘You don’t live here any more’?
Meanwhile, back in W1A, the Kleenex box is doing the rounds at every interview.
The great Mark Steyn refers to these people as ’tilty headed wankers’ I’m not a swearing sort of person but it has a nice lilt to it !
Article Word Search: Islam x 0; Muslim x 0; Religion x 0; Gender x 4;
A few weeks before the abductions from Chibok, an estimated 59 boys were lined up in the Federal Government College in Buni Yadi, had knives drawn across their throat, were gunned down or burned alive. Seeing only women and girls as victims plays into gendered stereotypes that we must move away from. It also presents a highly distorted version of reality. {theguardian – 02mar2018}
. . .
“A great deal would be improved in this country. If people like you (Mr Islam) came into studios like this, and admitted there is a problem. And admitted that you wanted to join in to find a solution to that problem. Instead of pretending that the problem doesn’t exist.” – Douglas Murray {@3:52}
– When we can’t talk about the actual problem … then the is no problem.
Guardian Article Word Search about Boko Haram:
Islam x 0;
Muslim x 0;
Religion x 0;
Gender x 4;
A few weeks before the abductions from Chibok, an estimated 59 boys were lined up in the Federal Government College in Buni Yadi, had knives drawn across their throat, were gunned down or burned alive. Seeing only women and girls as victims plays into gendered stereotypes that we must move away from. It also presents a highly distorted version of reality. {theguardian – 02mar2018}
. . .
“A great deal would be improved in this country. If people like you (Mr Islam) came into studios like this, and admitted there is a problem. And admitted that you wanted to join in to find a solution to that problem. Instead of pretending that the problem doesn’t exist.” – Douglas Murray {@3:52}
– When we can’t talk about the actual problem … then there is no problem.
It has always troubled me that the sadistic murdering of boys by Boko Haram was ignored. Males have no value in the BBC/Guardian world.
Though, it has to be said, that the dreadful plight of girls at the hands of Boko Haram has had more coverage than the equally despicable treatment of the girls in Rotherham and other towns.
Only Muslims count I guess.
1000 years ago? 100 years ago? 10 years ago? 1 year ago? NO! This year … 2017
Egypt: Muslim cleric says fathers can marry off their newborn daughters {jihadwatch 18sep2017}
“Islam has no age barrier in marriage and Muslims have no apology for those who refuse to accept this” — Ishaq Akintola, professor of Islamic Eschatology and Director of Muslim Rights Concern, Nigeria
. . . . . . . Could this be a serious problem in Nigeria as well . . . . .
Nigeria schools: Kaduna primary teachers fail pupils’ exam { 10oct2017}
“Thousands of primary school teachers in Nigeria’s northern Kaduna state are to be sacked after failing the exams they set for their six-year-old pupils. State governor Nasir El-Rufai said 21,780 teachers, two-thirds of the total, had failed to score 75% or higher on assessments given to pupils (aged six). ”
– Could the two be connected? Religion and Education in Nigeria – BBC, fire up the £3.5bn News Machine and send your top paid presenter Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans to investigate.
Toady at 0810. Humphries quotes Churchill’s famous and brilliant ‘End of the Beginning’ speech from the Mansion House and I now quote Humphries exactly… ‘from 1941 ‘.
1941 !!!!!!?????
You absolutely useless disrespectful BBC Thickos.
The speech, as we on this site will readily confirm, was given in the context of the victory at El Alamein.
And thus was given after that battle, to wit in November 1942.
The assholes can’t even get the basics right even on £4bn a year of our money.
So to save the thickos some time, I’ll quote another line from the same speech, which for their information is well suited to the context of the referendum result.
“We have a new experience. We have victory, A remarkable and definite victory’.
Some beeboid used a term new to fedup
“A blended family”
I can only guess what that is . Unless the ear wax is playing up again
R4….Conservative Lord .Heseltine….Remoaner extraordinaire. When asked about the evidence for his statement that there was a change in heart away from Brexit…his answer..errrr, look at polls…errrr…and look at Labour…he kept saying leaving Europe..not the EU..not a jot of evidence and not a jot of challenge, just cap doffing..
This morning R4 they seem to have had a swathe of Remoaners on , all given loads of uninterrupted voice…
Good to be back in Blighty
Ha ha James – stop copying my post!! Ha
😉 saw it afterwards. Great minds think alike…
Heseltine; opinion is moving away from supporting Brexit.
Mishal Hussain; ‘INDEED’.
She is useless and biased.
Sort of discussion between political coward and rather thick bbbc autocue reader.
The BBC currently have a headline on their English News homepage that directly promotes the smashing of Christian Headstones.
BBC Headline: “Clergyman’s headstone ‘should be smashed’”
The BBC have been hard selling this article, as indicated by the fact the article is over a day old yet is still headlined on the English News homepage. The article itself relates to the comments of a person saddened by the recent allegation that a deceased clergyman had abused a boy thirty years ago.
So there you have it, the BBC promoting the smashing of Christian graves. I wonder what the BBC’s response would be if someone
suggested the smashing of a Muslim grave?
Direct link to the BBC Article: “Call to smash Sussex ‘abuse’ clergyman’s headstone”
On the BBC OneShow last night a Simon Schama …
“..I’m slightly amazed at our colleagues (Simon Schama BBC@£200K) ability to get big laughs on gang rape…I’m not much of a feminist but I draw the line at the 3 year old getting raped, and the seven year old getting gang raped in a basement. (audience claps)” – Mark Steyn {youtube The Munk debate @4:46}
Simon Schama BBC@£200K – I knew I’d seen that name Schama before. This is what Simon said earlier to ignite Mark Steyn’s response ….
“…I’m just struck by how obsessed by sex these two guys (Farage/Steyn) are, it’s a bit sad really… (audience laughs, Simon smiles)” – Simon Schama (£200K BBC Salary) {youtube The Munk debate @2:00}
– The BBC has such nice people working for it.
I have watched that particular excerpt a few times, Mark rips them to pieces and it shows on their faces … the ’tilty headed wankers ‘ ( courtesy MS )
Astonishing…kudos Mark…well played…that socked it to them….
BBC web-site, first item: ‘Army called in as Storm Emma hits UK’.
Well, we can’t have our troops getting cold and wet, can we?
Memo to BBC News & Current Affairs: Please can we get a Subbie to stand in for one of the Editors here? Or vice versa, perhaps, as conditions dictate. We need to get some proofing done.
(With apologies to Pounce, Emmanuel and others on here.)
Does Sadiq Khan have to implement the law of the land being the Mayor of London?
As an integral part of UK labour law it is unlawful to discriminate against a person because they have one of the “protected characteristics”, which are, age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
Does this apply to HALAL food production which discriminates on religion preference … i.e. Christians cannot slit throats of animals and read incantations from a book.
Does HFA have Muslim Slaughterman/men performing slaughter?
Yes, all slaughter is manually carried out by Muslim slaughterman/men whilst Bismillahi-Allahu Akbar is recited.
You should have realised by now, that the “Law of the Land” is necessarily discriminatory, and that there are many two whom it does not apply. Most of these, surprisingly, are not those who are native Britons.
Line of morning had my wife and me laughing out loud…or LoLing
BBC weather woman said…’and we have had liquid rain coming down..’
Will that be as opposed to solid rain, commonly referred to as snow?
My local BBC news weather girl is always making errors like that. A while back she read an auto-cue saying “lots of Cumulus clouds tomorrow”. The anchor woman then asked “what does Cumulus mean?”
The weather girl said “it means rain bearing”. Errr…no it doesn’t! Many of the BBC “weather presenters” (not forecasters) don’t know the difference between showers and rain either.
I suppose if the BBC have to hit their equality targets then people are employed depending on their genitals rather than knowledge and ability to do the job.
James, some of the descriptions used about the weather on al Beebus are almost parodic; in particular since this latest cold snap.
Our local al Beebus weather presenter:
“The weather tomorrow should be a lot quieter.” WTF?
Or sleet, hail, freezing rain.
“atmospheric water vapour frozen into ice crystals and falling in light white flakes or lying on the ground as a white layer.” is NOT solid rain.
The bBBC and Grauniad results stick out like a sore loser.
Strange how close the BBC and the Guardian are. Anyone would think they had something in common
Well, one pays for the other…
The bbbc pay the guardian squillions for the sort of crap their own autocue readers are told to spurt out. The guardian then quotes these items as gospel, and then the bbc put it around that ‘sources’ say this and that – all anti Brexit of course.
BBC and Guardian – Kleenex-box issues in a circle.
… purpose.
Or to put it another way…
With a nett score of +21, the BBC are perceived by the public to be the second most pro-Remain media organisation in the country!!!!!!!! Quite a victory for this website.
And to be fair, the most pro-Remain outlet, the Guardian, are at least independently owned, make no pretence to be impartial, and do not impose a tax on readers on pain of a criminal conviction for failure to pay.
Such a nice lady from the Monetary Policy Committee (a banker i o w) on ‘Desert Island Discs’ this morning. Ms Shafiq, I think. (You seldom get a man now.) Almost every kindly word fitted BBC propaganda like a glove. Even some of the music was explicitly diverse. The EU anthem you got free of charge. Yet another programme that now seems to serve a largely (but often disguised) political purpose, like almost everything else on our beloved broadcaster.
The totality of programmes will soon feature the same set of messages, regardless of the apparent topic. Did I say ‘totality’? Gosh, I’m sorry, I’ll come back as soon as I’ve thought of something better; wouldn’t want anyone to think I was talking about ‘totalitarianism’…
BBC killing it today.
I heard the Affirmative Actionette’s interview with that @rseh0le.
I can’t ever recall a Leaver being given similar soft-pedal treatment: just constant interruption; barely concealed bias and sneering interjections.
Still, his £900.000 from the EU…us…should soften any blow….
BBC Amol going to discuss the ramifications of this?
So have a butchers at this story and see if you can notice anything:
A story I should add, if the picture was reversed would have the bBC screaming out foul play.
EU retroactively rigging laws, and the bbc at best in watertight oversight.
Noticed on the beeb how many trapped in the snow are complaining about lack of information bla bla bla. Generation of people brought up in the nanny state expecting others to sort out their problems instead of just getting on with it. Difficult I know but my parents and grandparents brought up in a farming community just carried on despite. Anyway, the beeb will be blaming lack of resources and how much worse it will be after Brexit.
After Chris Grayling was grilled by Mishal on the TOADY Prog this morning, it was notable that both Part-time Kuenssberg and Katya Adler had to be brought on to cast some doubt on what had just been said about Brexit.
It must be getting a little tougher for Remainers if they have to double-team like this, if you will excuse my ‘Americanese’.
No going back to ‘Egypt’ !
‘Discussing Uganda’ at some stage (Sorry Emmanuel G, it slipped out..;0)
Another day and another “far right” scare story presented as “truth”
Far-right ‘moving increasingly online’
The BBC like to push anything ‘Hope Not Hate’ say as facts down our throats. That is the same Hope Not Hate that was supported by BBCs favourite groper Brendan “grab them by the throat” Cox before he disappeared from lecturing the general public on morality.
Hope Not Hate is the same organisation that
exaggeratedincorrectly claimed the amount of online “right wing” abuse following Jo Cox’s murder in a press release. The BBC of course published that report in full and then Hope Not Hate withdrew that report after it was clear they madeup datamistakes in their data collecting.As for the founder, Nick Lowes, here is some more interesting reading…
The Hatey no Hoperrs founder writes the Times Thunderer column.
“Security services must wake up to the far-right threat”
What did HnH do to prevent 5,000 victims of groonNrape gangs ?
They shouted RACIST at anyone who tried to speak up.
#lib-Establishment are you respected ?
More accurately, it’s Hate not Hope…..
Just a 100 years ago after Europe’s first attempt at suicide during the Great War as called, Not however like previous wars fought in the West such as the English Civil War and the Americam Civil War but equally as destructiveand although armed conflict hasn’t broken out thus far, should matters continue escalating as they have done since mid nineteen sixties vicious fighting is sure to ensue. There is a mishmash of races that have migrated to settle in the West who are also waging this civil war on the indigenous people whose only crime is the desire to preserve their nations, identities and cultures for future generations. This surely is a fundamental human right of all peoples. Yet because of six decades of mass immigration and forcibly imposed multiculturalism committed by a succession of treacheous governments aided by the Media such in particular as the BBC, this precious human right is being denied to one people and only one people. Conveniently the brutal histories of African blacks and Arab colonialism via the spread of Islam are, either completely ignored or rewritten, highlighting their minimal contributions to humanity and mostly exaggerating them-of course Socialism is the cancer in our society again led by the attitude so often presented by the BBC. Be certain that far from being a benign, enriching ideology, multiculturalism is a strategy deployed by the Left to impose socialism on the West. The exact aim of those that brought the thought of a European Union into being. This explains why despite increasing terror attacks and disprportionate levels of crime committed by blacks and Muslims. Western governments continue to import hordes of aliens from the Third World-however as long as people continue to vote for the same established political parties, the deliberate dismantling of Western nations will continue apace, and that could provide chances for of all-out civil war aided and encouraged by such Media as we are forced to accept today.
I wonder how the colonisation of America would be being reported if it was taking place now.
From the Apache in New Mexico to the Sioux in North Dakota, all being exterminated or stuck into reservations by the enrichers arriving in their hundreds of thousands.
Same with the Aboriginals and Maori.
Multiculturalism at its finest.
I wonder if Sitting Bull would be labelled a racist by the bbc.
‘I wonder if Sitting Bull would be labelled a racist by the bbc’.
Apparently his original name was ‘Jumping Badger’, so definitely not! They love animals especially of they’re protected and only bring TB to desperate farmers, whom the bbbc hate.
Big problems receiving Breitbart and Infowars this morning-I don’t doubt the evil libtards and their cronies are behind this obfuscation.
Could this be a template for suppression and control in the Uk , with the Beeb as the only MSM mass communicator?
But we will continue to find out the truth in ways they can’t control.
If the craven lackies at the Beeb think they can put the FreeSpeech genie back in the bottle after we have had our own ‘channels’ , they are very wrong .
Pravda in the U SSR and Ceaucescu in Rum ainia come to mind-we all know how that ended.
2640 ‘ordinary’ members of the public are to be invited to the grounds of Windsor Castle for Prince Harry’s wedding, according to the bBBC webpage. Based on the 2011 census figures (the latest accurate figures) I expect to see….
2302 white guests
182 asian
132 black
24 ‘other’
This would be equality of outcome, I trust the bBBC will be looking very carefully at the composition of those who are invited.
Does Elton John belong under ‘white’ or ‘other’?
The BBC will be pushed to get interviews with all 338 into their wedding coverage. Perhaps the “black” and “other” guests could interview the “asians”. That would help ensure that they all appeared on the BBC.
Can somebody please explain why the bBC is so f-ing hopeless. Currently they are screaming out about an attack reported in the Burkina Faso capital
Attack reported in Burkina Faso capital
And they don’t know why? And here is the main story from tuesday from the very same place:
Top Burkina Faso generals on trial over failed coup
OUGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso – More than 80 people went on trial before a military court in Burkina Faso on Tuesday over a failed 2015 coup in a case being seen as a test for justice in the West African country. Two top generals accused of masterminding the plot, Gilbert Diendere and Djibrill Bassole, were cheered by supporters as they arrived at the court in the capital Ouagadougou. Security was high, with forces guarding a 200-metre (yard) cordon around the military tribunal. Traffic was blocked, mobile phones banned and people entering the zone were searched.
The media competing with each other to find the worst stories of stranded people last night, whether in trains or on the roads. What is wrong with the public ? why travel by car in the first sodding place after all the warnings about not to travel ? sorry no sympathy whatsoever, just angry that those interviewed were whining that ‘more should have been done’. In fact one main road was gritted 6 times but there were still hold-ups. Surely common sense if you have to travel would be to take a flask and some sandwiches.
“What is wrong with the public ? why travel by car in the first sodding place after all the warnings about not to travel ? sorry no sympathy whatsoever, just angry that those interviewed were whining that ‘more should have been done’.”
When I used to drive over from Germany on leave. I always made sure, i had warm clothing, a sleeping bag, extra food and water a good bloody torch and spare batteries in the boot and the best part, it doesn’t take up much space, time of effort.
Its the same with the street, I always ensure that the snow is swept , 3 doors either side regards the pavement and I lay rock salt. Had a look earlier on, the only part which is clear on our street is our patch, the rest is a bloody ice skating rink. A few years ago, whilst clearing the snow, I watched this old bidy slip, sliding away until she came to the clear patch, she stamped her feet when she knew she was on firm ground and then as she walked past me, she exclaimed; “If I slip, I will sue”. I simply replied,you sue, I kill you (helps being a packy) not expecting such an answer, she walked off, with her tail between her legs.
Might she be of an age that knew humour?
She’s a miserable old cow, had a go at me for parking in a parking bay at the top end of the street. About 50 feet away. Started giving me Jip about residents only, I pointed out politely that I not only live on the street ,I lived a few doors away.
, she was having none of that and was bitching a good one, rather than argue I asked if she wanted me to move, she said no. The irony she’s doesnt drive.
BBC QT again…
When Michelle Dewberry suggested ‘common sense’ might be applied to a problem, Dimbleby stopped her immediately to ask ‘what’s that?’. I was not at all surprised 🙁
I like what MD has to say because it makes a lot of sense to me and I’m amazed they allow someone like her on TV to get her opinion across. She said she felt like there was no home for her vote anymore and that a new party was necessary…I felt that a new party should have been formed in 1997 to represent ‘commonsense’ voters and that all these years have been wasted.
As for Owen Smith…is he a robot? No matter what the question may be, off he goes on his Labour Party Political Broadcast! What a prick 🙁
It was a borefest all round really, it needed Isabel Oakeshott; Galloway; Owen Jones; Soubry; Hezzelswine; Hartley-Brewer; Ali Ba Ba Brown; Hitchens; Chukka Britibama or some others to really get some heated debate going. Farage had no one really to fire him up, even Fatty Clarke who seems to be going the way of Prezza; but not (as yet) so quite as far gone.
Also, how was the AA Side Show Bob lookalike allowed on a political panel show? I thought al Beebus presenters were supposed to be politically impartial.
Sauce for the goose
I suppose it is vaguely interesting to air the obvious contradictions between what our media sistahood like to say and how they act – particularly among the longish strand of that mid-market body of media ‘talent’ now happily wagged by the BBC tail (that consists of the movement’s head girls).
ITV’s Loose Women are pointing out to their viewers the terrible outrage of a photo of the Kardashian women labelled with their weights in kilograms. I know, the end of the world as we know it. Here comes the Patriarchy marching from strength to strength!
Apparently it is bothersome that 15-year-old girls will take the wrong message. Women’s achievements ought to be their labels. But do the Kardashians have achievements, outside of celebrity and looks?
Taste the pungent flavour of Metropolitan Leftist BBC received wisdom in the ITV wimmin’s arguments: “do you know Florence Nightingale’s weight when she founded modern nursing? Or how much Rosa Parks weighed in at? Or Melania [I think they meant to say Malala]?
So, some celebs with their supposed unachievable body image is damaging to impressionable young girls to see but setting them the goal of immitating the top Social Justice Warrior Queens is cool?
Then up pops the Loose Women’s answer to the Kardashian pic. Each of them made up in similar fashion with some right on slogan label. But what do we hear the panel murmuring among themselves: “Oh gosh, you look good in that photo, foxy”
Loose Women ? that and ITV cater for those at home with the intelligence and attention span of a gnat.
George Monbiot telling us on Jeremy Vine ‘what makes us human’ – the three million Eloi carrying candles in Paris after a terrorist attack.
As Charlie Brown used to say, “Good grief!”
Fast forward 10 years and it will be 3 million firing AK47s into the sky in celebration after a terrorist attack.
I knew the pool from which the bbc sources its one degree of separation drum bangers from was limited, but dragging this tool out really is scraping it.
Settled science ?
“Scientists have stumbled across a huge group of previously unknown Adélie penguins on the most northerly point of the Antarctic Peninsula.
Maybe they are known ones from elsewhere messing with them?
Never trust anyone called Jeremy
(at least 3 accounts have retweeted the deleted tweet)
Loved the bit about the hippy with an old VW van fitted with a winch. JV closed by praising its powerful front-wheel drive! The breadth of that man’s ignorance is amazing.
on the JV show now : George Monbiot
He just claimed that he worked for the BBC then Alistair ordered an end to all investigative reporting
..that seems “too woo to be true”
BBC Radio Humberside crusading for Siemens again this time about a POSSIBLE new factory with 700 jobs
… resulting in a hilarious vox pop in Goole as the journo tried to lead the public by gushing “it’s good news isn’t it,
– the first person replied ‘no not really, they’ll be a flat with Lithuanians upstairs & East Timorese downstairs”
..and some others implied similarly
..This alludes to a comments on the Facebook page : could it be Employer, deals with wide-boy employment agency, who immediately looks to Eastern European workers, over local born ?
Good to see that public are more skeptical & showing full colour thinking,vs simplistic lala-medialand.
#1 It’s a COULD/IF situation
: the factory COULD be built, IF Siemens can book some orders
(which they have not yet done)
So it’s not the same as a factory that’s in the bag
#2 SUBSIDY dependent jobs are not the same as real jobs
..passenger tickets rarely cover the full costs, so they are generally a subsidised industry, whereas car driving is not.
– The factory will be next to a new wood pellet plant , another subsidy dependent industry.
Reminds me of that half wit failure Gordon Brown with his “ British jobs for British workers “ crap and then opened the doors to east European accession states and really got the ball rolling for brexit