Anna Foster on 5Live admitted the truth about the ‘crisis’ concerning the Northern Ireland border…it’s all political…it is perfectly possible to have a ‘frictionless’, ‘invisible’ border…the only thing stopping it is the EU’s land grab, it’s attempt to annex Northern Ireland interfering with British internal politics. Her guest was Lars Karlsson [a former director of the inter-governmental World Customs Organisation] who has just done a report for the EU stating as much…and yet you wouldn’t know from the rest of the BBC’s reporting….the flagship Today show telling us that Boris Johnson ‘wasn’t right in the head’ because he proposed using electronic systems to monitor the border…as done in many countries….including our own already. The original interview when he suggested this, again on Today with the hopeless and overpaid Mishal Husain, was the catalyst for the abuse that Boris received as Husain ridiculed him for comparing, or so she suggested, two London boroughs with the situation in NI…except of course he wasn’t comparing the political situation merely using it as an illustration of how the technology can work…as proved by Lars Karlsson…an expert unlike Husain or Sarah Montague…Montague who wanted to know if we ‘should be leaving the EU?’…Brexit being so terrible eh? The BBC is blatant and arrogant in its attempts to create the narrative that Brexit can be reversed…a very dangerous idea I’d suggest…along with the one that suggests that if the Irish government doesn’t like the border solution it can mobilise the IRA which can dig up all those weapons it handed over during the ‘peace process’ [never mind the hundreds of bomb threats each year]…lol.
Spot any more bias…list it here…
Their website orgasmically reports on a hate crime against a Somali woman.
Why are there never any hate crimes against the Chinese? And why are there never any arrests on Chinese New Year despite thousands out celebrating?
My chinese wife has been subject to casual racism in this country and it seems it is not recognised, matbe she should darken her face or become a bleeding muslim
AN – Sorry I missed your post yesterday .
I think some degree of racism is natural in most societies. I think this is because the similarities between individuals is what helps to bond us into cohesive societies.
Having said that the more civilised societies become, generally the the more this is frowned on ( and rightfully so). I am sorry your wife has had to put up with this sort of shit and whilst I think we should always work against this sort of ignorance I suspect it will never fully go away as in some ways it goes to the heart of what a “society” is. But yes if we consider ourselves “civilised” then we should always work against it.
Having said that the “fight against racism” has been weaponised by the left to shut down any arguments that run counter to their destruction of our society by invasion.
In addition it seems that some followers of a certain religion have almost been given a get out of jail free card to act in a most racist and savage way and yet get a disgusting level of protection for their crimes by the media and the liberal establishment.
What a sick society we have turned into.
I would also like to add to the above post.
The great irony as I see it is , If you are going to bring in large groups of people into a relatively settled society. It appears to me that you could could not pick a more divisive and aggressive group of people to integrate into society than followers of Islamic teachings. Since it appears to teach invasion rather than integration.
Maybe in small numbers but certainly not en masse.
She puts up with it for the very reasons you have stated just as I do over there and believe me they are just the same with me, never mind we shrug it off and do not make a living out of it as muslims and others seem to do over here being so “offended” whilst exercising the same or worst intolerance of other minorities and tribal enemies which makes their offended statements stink so much. But I wonder what would happen if the hundreds of thousands of Chinese over here started to flex their collective muscles……
AN – You would be stamped on unless of course you manage to fill the media and the establishment with fellow Chinese!
It’s interesting to note that Google (among others) has been seen to discriminate against two races — whites and Asians, in favour of blacks and Hispanics.
This is of a piece with all Leftist thinking. Simply by being successful, you are automatically tainted as an Oppressor. Similarly, to be granted Victim status, all you have to do is fail.
The Left: always opposing all that is good, right and beautiful in favour of everything that is bad, wrong, and ugly.
Rick – I think the globalist corporations prefer less successful individuals and societies because as I said above, they are far easier to “weaponise” than more civilised and successful ones. I suppose as we see in the left wing media outlets (such as the BBC) it is not too difficult to use race hustlers such as Abbott and Lammy to create a grievance culture and as a result knock another brick out of the wall of societal cohesion.
As regards individual achievement in the great scheme of things I would probably be thought of as a borderline underachiever. But I was bought up to believe that as long as you do the best you can and make the best of your personal circumstances then no one can ask any more.
Unfortunately what these “race hustlers” will eventually achieve is more of the “rainbow nation” type model where anyone who is able to achieve more than the majority population is seen as fair game for robbery and murder.
Corbyn, the opposition leader makes a speech on Brexit and is given lead status and lead story on the BBC for just over two and a half hours. Theresa May has just made her speech and is relegated to second story behind the snow….. why am i not surprised..!!!
Follow up…Nick Clegg just got 15 mins slagging off May and her speech…So far Theresa May 5 mins in total…They Bias is astonishing and getting worse
Ensure the UK leaves all EU defence rules, policies and structures on 29/03/19.
The Nick Clegg that said there woul be no EU army ?
taffman……. wouldnt be surprised. The shit should hand back his Knighthood for ineptitude..
Well, he got his Knighthood after this …………………
It should have gone to Nigel Farage !
No, he should be in the Lords..he would shake the old dinosaurs out of there daily slumber..
A peerage is at least what he deserves..
… and he would stop tuition fees ? Is that the same calamity !
Not reported on UK BBC website, although white terrorist teenager plotting attack (ISIS inspired?) in Cardiff is given coverage with pics. I need more explanation. Is this a ‘far-right’ plot? I need to know for my tabulation and subsequent graph.
Every day if Mfest on the BBC
but there is a special live MfestUK on April 27 at the British Library
: @raziaiqbal
: Emma Dent Coad : Labour MP for Kensington, and exploiter of Grenfell tragedy.
: Kamila Shamsi – novelist
It is a measure of how ambivalent about our liberal democracy we have become that we (rather, ‘some’) choose to promote aspects of a culture that many in Muslim countries are trying to free themselves from.
Article in Times yesterday about a ‘diversity audit’ at the BBC. They have done ‘research’ which shows middle aged and white people view the BBC less favourably than certain communities.
This ‘research’ will be cited endlessly though it clearly has all the intellectual rigour of a toddler’s tantrum. It refers to the ‘LGBT community.’ Lesbians and gay men tend to not get on. Plus we are individuals – not part of a ‘community.’ I have been in plays with gay men and they are just the same as everyone else. They do not instantly join some phantom ‘community’ just because they have different tastes.
I imagine it is indigenous and middle aged Brits who are in fact more upset with the BBC than any other group. What moron did this ‘research’ and how much do they trough from the ‘equalities’ industry?
There is no talk of the quality of programmes. The World Service is a shadow of the hyper intellectual, quintessentially British arsenal of soft power it once was. Imagine telling Shakespeare to write Hamlet whilst ensuring disabled, minority and gay characters were all equally represented. It would not be a work of towering genius but a crock of sh*t, which indeed so much BBC output is these days. Never mind the percentage of BAME staff, what percentage of programmes are rubbish?
I mentioned it yesterday about 4pm
They have done ‘research’ which shows middle aged and white people view the BBC less favourably than certain communities.
Just as they do with the Labour Party.
What a coincidence.
Leicester explosion: Two arrested on suspicion of conspiracy
The men, in their 30s and from East Anglia, have been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to cause an explosion.
Anyone got a translation for me?
‘Street pastors in Leicester are putting on extra patrols following the explosion’
Im afraid it’s a whole new vocabulary to me.
Where is Brendan Cox when you need him to mention “more that unites us than divides us” and to also mention the rise of right wing groups as a diversion tactic?
I’m worried about the white skin backlash that may happen? Any chance of a BBC interview with Muslims that feel worried for their safety?
Keeping his head down until the recent revelations about his slightly less than “Modern-man” behaviour, towards women he worked with, have become old news.
Brendans could well be out and busy “flirtatiously” grabbing a few ungrateful birds by the throat. If only they realised at the time he was a Saint maybe they would have let him canonize them!
“maybe they would have let him canonize them!”
Never thought that possible with such a small prick…
Dont be nasty Scrob – Jess Phillips has a soft spot for him!
Definitely worth a read
Arrested with no names and ethnicity released.
..twitter speculates
\\Breaking: Leicester Hinckley Road Londis flat explosion thought to be bomb factory no 2, hunted by police after 8 terrorists arrested when explosives found a hundred yards away in Daneshill Road five months ago. Cover story is “gas leak” to avoid racial tensions. //
Times : police searched the home of Aram Kurd the owner of the Polish shop.
..very Polish name NOT
Thanks for posting this (and others who have also posted). This is important stuff and if it wasn’t for everyone on this site keeping tabs and good, local journalism… we’d be in the dark.
While , sadly, I dont think so, does anyone see the potential of these 5 tests outlined by the P.M. as Barnier booby traps.
If the bBC do they would run and warn him………….but actually if when he does say ” non” that signals game on surely…………and the gloves come off.
and that duplicitous Irish p.m should be first in line for a swift boot on the “Henry Halls”
“A campaign group has warned that a rise in hate messages online is fuelling the threat of extreme right-wing terrorism”
… Bet you can’t guess which “campaign group”
But good on Skynews for that honest phrasing.
Yorkshire Post ..cutnpastes the PR
Yep, it mentions St Jo
– “burgeoning online hatred, directed particularly towards Muslims ..”.. Most hatespeak seems to come from libmob
You know, I can’t believe these right-wing extremist groups don’t get more coverage on the news given the slaughter, torture and religious cleansing they are pursuing right across the globe: Syria, Egypt, ‘Palestine’, Nigeria, Somalia, Indonesia, Iraq……then there are the terrorist acts in France, Sweden, Germany, the UK..
Oh, hang on…
And every one of them was radicalised after seeing Tommy Robinson on You Tube
It looks like our fishing waters are still at risk of being used as a bargaining chip.
Please sign
Stop the Common Fisheries Policy being adopted into UK law post-Brexit.
Accidentally tuned into some BBC political slot after doing some catch up.
The anchorwoman made a poor job of concealing her bristling contempt for the Conservative who was there to defend May’s speech on Brexit
He did an excellent job. How the Tories manage to keep their patience with the BBC and its Common Purpose presenters is beyond me.
Stuck it for two minutes.
Gas Main ?
“Leicester explosion: Two arrested on suspicion of conspiracy”
If the people arrested are not white and are charged al Beeb will bury the story – if those charged are white they’ll run it for a day or more in their usual racially biased methodology
Lala-labour’s Custom Union plan
For the many ? no for the EU
Its not for the many that voted OUT, but the few that voted IN
I thought things had gone rather quiet on the Leicester house explosion. When I did hear anything the reporting seemed deliberately opaque. Was it gas, or was it something a tad more sinister? WTF was happening?
At last some news from our deeply trusted and beloved BBC. “Two men have been arrested in suspicion of conspiracy to cause an explosion.”
Well I bleedin’ never!
Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Drat! Just noticed Taffy’s beaten me to it…
StewGreen beat us both to it .
I suggest it could be one of those ‘Flying Gas Mains’?
I expect one of them was that dangerous “right winger” Tommy Robinson”
Cant say we we were not warned about these dangerous individuals walking the streets.
About time they did something about him.
ps Sorry GWF just pinched your line!
They knew from day one it wasn’t gas otherwise the place would have been awash with gas company vehicles. its a conspiracy, delay the release of the actual cause until its died down a bit, wouldn’t want to upset racial tensions would we.
Let’s hear it for the penguin, the poster animal for the global warmists in Antarctica. In a variety of habitats, these adaptable little beasties are thought to number in total around 40 million, although populations often vary due to a variety of natural causes. Of course according to the BBC they are under considerable threat from the effects of human-induced climate change.
At regular intervals the BBC publishes without critical comment the latest scares designed to reinforce the global warmists’ political agenda. A couple of years ago it reported speculation that about 70% of king emperor penguins will “relocate or disappear before the end of the century because of greenhouse gas emissions”.
Of course animals in the wild often relocate – it’s called looking for food. The propaganda news story had a lot of “mights” scattered around and the findings also seemed to rely on “climate modeling”. Since such modeling of the IPCC variety is always wrong, this will no doubt be a weight off the penguins’ minds.
In 2014 the BBC ran some similar stuff from a Nature Climate Change journal. So we learnt that climate change “is likely to cut Antarctica’s 600,000 strong emperor penguin population by at least a fifth by 2100”. Again no attempt was made to question such figures let alone suggest that losing a few thousand members of a common species over 100 years is hardly a tragedy. Certainly not enough to justify outlawing oil and gas and taking away our cars. Win some, lose some – it’s mother nature’s way.
Of course such stories are conveyor belt material designed to promote the unscientific suggestion that rises, or indeed falls, in global temperatures are caused solely by human activity. For over a decade the BBC has refused to consider all the available climate science on this matter.
But now comes news that a huge colony of 1.5 million penguins has just been discovered in a remote rocky archipelago in northern Antarctica. This is very bad news for the BBC and their ilk. With increasing numbers of protected polar bears roaming the Arctic and penguins popping up all over the place down south, expect even more feverish attempts by the BBC to suggest they are all on the point of extinction.
Someone give the Corporation a biscuit.
A biscuit … I assume you mean a ‘penguin’ 🙂
More Blackism from Aunty.
“How Hollywood fails women on screen”
2 of the 3 randomly chosen actresses in the pic happen to be black. Is that the current ration in Hollywood? Like hell.
So we get a double dose of agit-prop: feminism and blackism.
Ken Livingstone has been resuspended for Labour Party.
Investigation about him saying Zionists planned with Hitler initially
Actually a lot of what He says is factually correct. Hitler did in fact negotiate with Israel to take German Jews in. The zionists wanted to boost the population of Israel and obviously Hitler wanted shot of them… as it were !
How can this be so? Hitler died in 1945 and the state of Israel did not exit until 1948.
Was listening to the Film Show on Radio 5 which went into a discussion between Tony Livesey and someone called Bland and George Clarke about Teresa May’s latest speech. If the questions – all of which revolved around why are we leaving the EU in exasperated tone – weren’t biased they then read out 3 listener emails – 2 pro remain and the last (read with barely concealed disdain) from a Leaver. They don’t even bother with impartiality.
Perhaps after Brexit the Tories could focus on another undemocratic and hugely overfunded organisation paid for by GB Taxpayers for which the benefits are rather obscure.
A Muslim man is jailed for using his position at school to try and raise a Jihadi army.
Still, someone called Mo is scoring goals to according to the BBC’s narrative we have nothing to worry about.
What bright spark decided to call a women’s football tournament the ‘Shebelieves Cup’? If you worked on it all day you could not come up with a more patronising name. In an attempt to empower women an equalities professional has insulted them better than even your most hardened mysogynist could manage.
“Good evening, and here is the BBC Wishful Thinking…”
World at One, BBCR4 1pm
The program covered the Italian elections including fascist parties there and then, making a spurious connection, then let Dr Joseph Mulhall representing Hope not Hate talk for 5 minutes – from 35 to 40 minutes in on the link below – about the far right in this country. There was no right of reply. No response. Completely biased and unbalanced.
Characters like mr mulhall can yap as much as they want on al Beeb about those who do not concur with his views but those views come about because of what people experience day to day and not what albeeb tells them to think.
Gove was interviewed on al c4 news and was asked about the remainer senior civil servant ( who isn’t ?) who compared swapping a three course lunch for a packet of crisps in Brexit .
Gove deftly said that the civil servant and others might have been dining on three courses but plenty in Blighty have been eating bags of crisps because of the EU and immigrants . Nice touch I thought .
Albeeb 6pm news –
1 . Snow
2. The future of the UK outside the ReichEU
It seems albeeb are in the denial stage of the grieving process. Ok I admit the PM speech was about as funny as a radio 4 comedy but even so …
BBC Trending is just one of way too many BBC satellites created to piggy back on one degree of separation ‘sources’ to push juvenile BBC advocacy.
And, as far as I am aware, the way they source and select, and who they reach, is shrouded in bbc exemption cloaking.
Real show title : “What the BBC Wants to be Trending”
An example of how our children are being educated by the BBC:
Children today think Spotty Dog is some kind of Rap artist.
If he cant sing or play an instrument and shouts sexist and violent comments glorifying guns and violence towards wiimin then he probably is, its his “Kulchure innit”
A new form of listen with muva .
I suppose al Beeb thinks sexualising kids below the age of eight will prepare them for Muslim paedo rape gangs is a public service.
Al c4 news – comrade Matt Frei in Rome for the populist vote come Sunday . Interviewed the very sort of establishment ex prime minister who has fucked Europe through immigration .
The al Beeb sneer about ordinary people voting for self interest and not overwhelming illegal immigration is alive and well on al c4. There must be a job on Toady waiting for him when Humph pops his clogs.
Nazis had discussions with Zionists and similar Jewish groups pre WW2 re movement of Jews to Palestine as it was in their common interest. Whether these continued for a while after hostilities commenced over Poland?
That may have indeed been the case in terms of Zionists, but not with Israel as a nation state.
So I complain about the quickest disappearing BBC headline in memory i.e. another muslim rape gang news item gone within 24 hours yet continual news coverage of actresses having their knees touched and what a scandal this is etc and the response ?
thank you for contacting us about BBC News online.
We understand you feel the BBC have not reported on a story concerning “a national scandal rape case”.
While you haven’t provided sufficient information for us to investigate we would explain that, we know that not everyone will agree with our choices on which stories to cover, or the order in which they appear. Our news editors make these complex decisions, based on the editorial merit of all the stories at hand. We accept that not everyone will agree with each decision – various factors are at play and there’s often debate in the newsroom too.
Editorial decisions are more of a judgement call, than an exact science – so you’ll even find variety from one BBC programme to the next. Time constraints, the expected audience profile and the style of each bulletin or current affairs programme can all play a part. We appreciate the feedback that our audience give us when it’s felt a story has been overlooked – it too can inform our ongoing work. Suggestions for other stories to consider can be made here:
Nonetheless, your concerns have been forwarded directly to the news department on an internal report of audience feedback. These reports can be used to inform future broadcasting and policy decisions so please be assured that your complaint has been sent to the right people.
We do appreciate the time you have taken to raise this with us.
Kind regards
Yvonne Wall
BBC Complaints Team
You came up against a blank (Yvonne) wall there, Annunaki.
Glad to have seen this though Annunaki
Very revealing-“editorial merit”…judgement, not science but related to what the viewing demographic might be( to offend them or to bolster their prejudices?). Style?
Be very interested to see what “merit” in “editoial decisons” might be-how it`s calculated, how it`s been done over the long terms and would it explain why they`re so out of step with us re Brexitrump and Corbyns Cucks and Coxes?
I wrote of serious crime cases in my neck of the woods to show the benefits of diversifying our culture. I’m proud to report that at 11pm last night an Eastern European was stabbed in a street ( apparently by another Eastern European ) in ilford 10 Times and survives so far, sense of pride that even with snow and minus numbers on the thermometer these gangs can still try to kill each other . Yes sick isn’t it ?
14 year old charged murder for the 17 year old in Canning Town at the beginning of the week .
The expected audience profile ?? this is meant to be a national news service ????
Brilliant reasons why not to see Black Panther and a call to have a laugh with each other! (A lesson for the race-baiting BBC?)
Way better than the crap film itself.
And makes some excellent points about identity politics etc.
Save yourselves a tenner, buy some popcorn, invite some friends around and have a great evening in.
(Well, 15 minutes)
Thats wacist that is, shouldn’t it be panther of colour ?
The BBC are really pushing their NHS angels and public sector heroes aren`t they?
We all KNOW that there are plenty good people doing good things and helping their fellow beings. We also know of many people in the PRIVATE sector who got into work against all odds, and did good jobs for others less mobile, older or frafile that they.
And-will someoene tell Labour that the homeless are not caused by Grenfell or Tory cuts-indeed Ralph McTell sang of them in the seventies when Heath and Wilson were messing up the country.
Chirches and lots of good groups are ding good work to help-don`t see NHS Trust executives, BBC studios or Coulcil offices doing much to actually FEED then, or let them sleep in the warmnt overniight.
The BBc are pathetic-slate us for 364 days of the year, then find a few casualties that burnish their caring meme of the day.
Full of cow-eyed pity, then snarling at them if they voted to leave the EU no doubt?
The BBC either at our throats-or crawling round our feet, and feigning compassion…as long as the State is leading it and paying for it, and monitoring it.
But not actually DOING it. Oxfam likewise want their gestures noted and recorded-but won`t get their hands dirty and actually DIG things themselves as they used to in the 70s.
That invokes HSE problems, and hardly helps with trans activists who want an end to weather changes.
Champagn socialists springs to mind again, they should spend a few days living around Bury Park Luton to see the results of their diversity agenda
Luton: muslims everywhere you look, everywhere you go until Luton carnival with all of the different cultures within the town organising floats, and dancing in the streets, with music and scantily clad females enjoying themselves and guess which particular sector is nowhere to be seen apart from one stall in a park away from the carnival offering leaflets on Islam ?
Dear BBC
I would just like to point out that in England (Ok it’s in europe) the main east west arterial transport link is severed. I do realise that this isn’t an important a story as someone putting there hand up somebodys skirt 30 years ago but for us in “England” it’s sort of important.
I take it you are referring to the M1 (EU speak) to the Fishguard/Dover road link (A48/M4/M25/M20 – Our language). Not to mention Holyhead.
Barmier, Drunker and that funny one with the dodgy teeth are going to have a shock, along with Varadkar, with customs into the UK and out along with “road taxes (per transit). Followed by the ‘extra costs’ at Dover/Felixstowe.
Eire/EU playing hardball?
“Do you feel lucky” Varadkar. Maybe you need to buy some more, long distance, ferries.
I won’t even mention the Median Line WRT. Fishing Rights.
Dear Halifax
Maybe it is worth popping on to this site to find news, real news that concerns the majority in this country, it is worrying when our national news concerns itself with wimmin being allegedly groped by white males at a charity event yet ignores systematlic racially aggravated peadophilic gang rape over years by asian immigrants across the country
BTW I complained to the BBC about this and one wonderful part of their reply stated that “While you haven’t provided sufficient information for us to investigate ” ??? f+cking investigative journalists couldnt work that one out ?
Antarctic Winter 2017 “Giant iceberg splits away ” scary, scary’d be thinking that by the end of summer 2018 (March) it’s nearly at Australia.
Nope, it’s hardly moved
..and scientists can’t even get there ..They just had to give up
Another panic story fom the Mann/Ship of Fool conspiracy
It has occurred to me recently why the BBC employs so many black people telling us what to think. Around the world, but mostly in the USA i found out by accident (honest mate) that BBC is a very common acronym for Big Black Cocks. It is all making sense now.
Penguins going extinct because of climate change?, very amusing Penguins reside in Australia in very hot conditions, I have seen them on Penguin Island Western Australia and 13 species of Penguin in New Zealand which isn’t exactly freezing either. They like fish not cold weather.
In Penguin speak “Follow the money” – or is that fish?
It’s what most predators do.
There are penguins on the Galapagos Islands too!
Not a lot of people know that.
So Labour not taking any more Mosley money. His far right past has caught up with him along with his Nazi Dad according to the Guardian. All very confusing, that must mean Labour has been Far-Right Fascist for decades. How bizarre!
Mosley of the Blackshirts and the Labour left. Worth digging into how he left the Labour Party and who his friends were. Like Aneurin Bevin, founder of the NHS. Here is a bit of Wikipedia digging.
Oswald Mosley was a prominent left wing Labour man who produced the Mosley Memorandum in the thirties. On 6 December 1930, he published an expanded version of the “Mosley Memorandum”, which was signed by Mosley, his wife and fellow Labour MP Lady Cynthia and 15 other Labour MPs: Oliver Baldwin, Joseph Batey, Aneurin Bevan, W. J. Brown, William Cove, Robert Forgan, J. F. Horrabin, James Lovat-Fraser, John McGovern, John James McShane, Frank Markham, H. T. Muggeridge, Morgan Philips Price, Charles Simmons, and John Strachey. It was also signed by A. J. Cook, general secretary of the Miners’ Federation. The “Mosley Memorandum,” proposed protectionist high tariffs to protect Britain from international finance, state nationalisation of main industries, and a programme of public works to solve unemployment. It was turned down by the cabinet, after which he resigned from his post, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, and by the Labour Party Conference, after which he left Labour. R. H. S. Crossman, himself a Labourite who did enter the cabinet a couple years later, would later say of the Memorandum as “brilliant” and a “whole generation ahead of Labour thinking.” Ironically Crossman was a Zionist who later fought against the Nazis. Bitter about this turndown, Mosely founded the New Party, whose corporatist program was supported by dissident Labour and Conservative politicians such as Aneurin Bevan and Harold Macmillan The Daily Mail…also supported this party.
What is the Einstein visa? And how did Melania Trump get one?
Seems that the envy of the world took this article from the Washington Post, and of course they are delighted to reproduce it in the hope of rubbishing Trump.
So the pro-immigrant, pro-women’s rights and equality are happy to throw this out of the window in the hope that they can find some dirt on her. Shame on the BBC!
She is the flotus – suck it up BBC! I think good for her, she’s done very well for herself…as they like to say, she’s got right to the top!
Nice one Looby, Flotus to the top. Einstein Visa, 1932 Albert escaping European Nazis, Melania escaping European Nazis in 2006. Visa was for extraordinary people?, not really the initial idea as can be seen from a 1932 newspaper webpage:
“During the 1930s and into World War II, Einstein wrote affidavits recommending United States visas for European Jews who were trying to flee persecution. He raised money for Zionist organizations and was, in part, responsible for the 1933 formation of the International Rescue Committee.”
Either way, i think she is extraordinary, a much better First Lady than Bill Clinton.
“It is was not immediately clear who had carried out the attack” tell us the highly paid, most trusted journalists in the universe, after gunmen launch twin attacks in the capital of mostly muslim Burkina Faso, with a history of islamic terror attacks and kidnappings.
This is their latest ruse for not using the word ‘islam’, whether it be in a domestic terror attack, or abroad.
‘We don’t know nuffink’.
Well get another job then.
Listening to humph on al beeb in the 0810 interview – he was talking to Jeremy Hunt about the May Speech . And unusually it was actually an…. interview and not the normal interruption fest .
Either some one running their show can’t influence the tone or maybe albeeb is realising that Brexit is coming .
No doubt the highly amusing al beeb comedy shows ( trump Farage brexit yawn) will carry on as usual .
Civilisations was predictably dire. Yet another great programme killed by the virus of political correctness.
Toady loves dead politicians – lord hesseltine the other day ranting as usual and today my favourite lefty dame Shirley Williams – as ga ga as ever celebrating 30 years of the Lib Dems.
Today she said she couldn’t understand why Blighty is so fussed about brexit . Her wealth and privelidge
Insulated her from real life – so need not worry about swarms of foreigners with no interest in our country except exploiting it -Little Englander that I am proud to be
BBC breakfast intrepidly reporting on a new sport called ‘wall ball’ where you have to hit a ball against the wall using only your hand. They have in depth analysis and many interviews with experts and participants.
They have the gall to act all offended when Trump calls them Fake News? They label his factual comments on things which actually matter to people ‘hate speech.’ I would ban ‘fluff news’ – total garbage like ‘wall ball’ which nobody needs or wants to know about which is a total waste of licence fee money. There are far too many stories like this as the reality of the terrifying world the Left has created renders any depiction of what is going on in the country ‘hate speech.’
God now they are on an epic emotathon about harassment and diversity in film. We need 50/50 men and women – what an original and fascinating idea. It really is the Groundhog Broadcasting Corporation.
Wallball sounds suspiciously like ‘fives’ aka Eton fives which I played in the late sixties at my (grammar) school in Bristol
It’s exactly the sane as American handball, featured in the Portillo in San Francisco show 2 weeks ago.
Why watch BBC breakfast TV ?
It’s just filler for them to push their own agenda and progs.
“And here’s David Hasbeen to talk about a new BBC drama he’s in”
…moral panic, about plastic straws, polar bears, the homeless, Gfenfell, Grenfell, Grebfell, transgender etc
If you do one thing today, seek out BBC dreamboat Justin Trudeau explaining steel trade tariffs.
It is a joyous audio complement to his Indian trip fashion collection.
Odds of the rich seams of satire that are bbc ‘comedy’ shows going near…..?
GW- saw it brilliant stuff
Katty Kay going with ‘wtf’ or ‘boom’ I wonder?
No child of a politician should be allowed to go into politics as they will have no idea how the real world works. Alas it seems most children of politicians, especially Labour, do the same job as their parents which explains in part why we are in such a terrible mess
It really is kids stuff isn’t it BBC Breakfast? . A real Broadcaster would be talking about :-
a) The Looting by brown people (immigrants) in Dublin overnight and the destruction of a Lidl store by a JCB.
b) Issues with the UK Energy supply i.e. Without Coal and Gas we would all be dead.
c) A cooling Climate (Global Temperatures are heading back down to 2000 levels)
What do we get ‘ Walk like a fffing Penguin so you don’t slip over’ and a sensation ‘ Hollywood Producer shagged wannabe starlet’
A disgrace of a National Broadcaster
….It really is kids stuff isn’t it BBC Breakfast?…….
Proof, if any were needed, that grown up topics like you mention Locky, are too ‘deep’ for the under 40 News Editors to get their heads around after a boozy night out, so lets shove a penguin story on.
Ain’t it just B.
So Why did Grenfell residents want to run the inquiry ?
Is the BBC reporting the Grenfell fraudsters and crims ?
“Accused Grenfell Tower Joyce Msokeri is appearing in court in a wheelchair – although she has no medical condition to justify it, court is told.”
“A survivor of the Grenfell Tower fire who had a cannabis oil factory in his flat had previously operated a credit card factory that swindled banks out of £1.6 million, a court heard”
Stew: While I do feel sorry for the legal, not engaged in any criminal activities, victims of this horrible inferno (and we must address their needs), it becomes ever more clear that some of the residents are taking us all for a ride – with the help of bent lawyers and the BBC. We should ask the BBC to make a programme on the fraud, since they are so obsessed with Grenfell. Purely for balance, you understand.
You do wonder how many people were residing in Grenfell illegally, how many were engaged in activities the police may have been interested in, and how many are still trying to deceive the authorities.
More than that, you wonder about who resides in the many hundreds of similar tower blocks, and what could be going on there.
Has a cause for the Grenfell fire been found, does anyone know?
Is this incitement to burn down white people’s homes ?
The words are there “We should burn your house down”
and a picture of a 19th Century colonial.
This article names the hijackers of Grenfell
#1 BMELawyers4Grenfell.
comprising : Black Activists Rising against the Cuts (run by a ‘performance poet and artist’, daughter of a UN official and a 1960s agitator, in conjunction with with a race relations activist, previously a senior adviser to Ken Livingstone and Respect candidate for Croydon North);
and Blaksox, an organisation which is pleased, among other things, to characterise the war on drugs as a war on black people.
#2 Society of Black Lawyers, chaired by Peter Herbert, a barrister and part-time judge who, after Lutfur Rahman was ejected from the Mayoralty of Tower Hamlets for blatant electoral fraud in 2015, reached the obvious conclusion that it must all be down to racism, including among the judiciary. (He was reprimanded by the Judicial Conduct Office for that outburst.)
#3 David Lammy, the bandwagon man
I think you could make a good case that the BBC was a Grenfell hijacker, too.