Anna Foster on 5Live admitted the truth about the ‘crisis’ concerning the Northern Ireland border…it’s all political…it is perfectly possible to have a ‘frictionless’, ‘invisible’ border…the only thing stopping it is the EU’s land grab, it’s attempt to annex Northern Ireland interfering with British internal politics. Her guest was Lars Karlsson [a former director of the inter-governmental World Customs Organisation] who has just done a report for the EU stating as much…and yet you wouldn’t know from the rest of the BBC’s reporting….the flagship Today show telling us that Boris Johnson ‘wasn’t right in the head’ because he proposed using electronic systems to monitor the border…as done in many countries….including our own already. The original interview when he suggested this, again on Today with the hopeless and overpaid Mishal Husain, was the catalyst for the abuse that Boris received as Husain ridiculed him for comparing, or so she suggested, two London boroughs with the situation in NI…except of course he wasn’t comparing the political situation merely using it as an illustration of how the technology can work…as proved by Lars Karlsson…an expert unlike Husain or Sarah Montague…Montague who wanted to know if we ‘should be leaving the EU?’…Brexit being so terrible eh? The BBC is blatant and arrogant in its attempts to create the narrative that Brexit can be reversed…a very dangerous idea I’d suggest…along with the one that suggests that if the Irish government doesn’t like the border solution it can mobilise the IRA which can dig up all those weapons it handed over during the ‘peace process’ [never mind the hundreds of bomb threats each year]…lol.
Spot any more bias…list it here…
I know I’m wasting my time but I sent this to Jeremy Vine after his George Monbiot love-in yesterday.
Jordan Peterson – His Finest Moment
Absolutely bloody brilliant Jim. So simple yet so true!
This should be required viewing for all snowflakes and wannabee snowflakes!
I expect Jeremy wont be very interested though when you are paid an annual salary of £700,000 pounds a year for being the “Crybaby in Chief” Common sense and sound logical reasoning count for very little.
superb, thanks JimS
Jim ,
Yes thank you ( and the prof ) for that 10 minutes – it would be good if this doesn’t get lost within the many many good comments on this site.
As the Prof says – it’s an old story but worth the retelling in his version. The counter blame game lives .
Because we vote for Tump and Brexit, all the liberal organs are furiously attacking we who dared to vote in 2016.
Fifty years of liberal crap and sewage we`d thought were all we could have-and now we find that we are the majority both in America and here in Britain.
We know too that the Greeks, Italians, French and Germans-by which I mean the silent patriots who nobody has ever asked before, are with us. And seek the same chances to shaft their traiior class, just as we Anglophones did in 2016.
We need to screw our rancid effete elite, I want Clegg, Campbell, Soubry, Blair, Adonis and Heseltine quaking in their EU priest holes, awaiting the vengeance of the patriots here in Britain.
And the BBC , Guardian Indy elites put on show trials-as we find out what the hell they`ve been doing since the sixties-and how they`ve got away without getting strung up or nobbled along the way.
“You may say that I`m a dreamer!”….. Choice Grenfell!
Next time you toast some bread or eat a snack bar … think Halal … think political statement … Halal Food Authority Issue Legal Proceedings Against Britain First Leaders.
Feel the enrichment!
No tax, no insurance, no licence, no MOT – untouchable.
My guess – burka got caught under pedals?
After a successful test she is now ready to progress to an HGV 🙁
HGV on the pavement, that is.
What’s the penalty for bad parallel parking in the koran? Both arms chopped off and eyes gouged out?
That’ll teach her.
I feel sorry for the other car drivers. As a member of the victim class the cops will take her side and the others will be done for some kind of hate crime
No, the other car drivers look Norwegian too, probably somewhere in Londonistan, so they’re ALL victims, and no doubt will all be paid huge compos.
No, the other car drivers look Norwegian too, probably somewhere in Londonistan, so they’re ALL victims, and no doubt will all be paid huge compos.
She has either bought her ( fake) licence online or someone else has taken the test for her, and it’s endemic.
There is a helll of a lot of impoersonation at certain driving centres in diverse towns….
So a muslim ‘teacher’ (above) trains a small army of small terrorists (some as young as 11) in two ‘schools’ or ‘madrasas’, right under the noses of the useless OFFAL – sorry OFSTED – who rated one of them ‘outstanding’, no doubt for their 100% diversity, to murder ‘Christians’. (that’s you and me btw.)
Quite a big story you’d have thought.
So where does al beebistan bury it on their webshite? Not on the Home page, nor UK, nor England, nor even South-East, but in that tiny insignificant Region called London. Just a small local matter, nothing to see here.
Look it up quick before it disappears completely:
Times puts Islamic problems
on front-page : Schools where extremism & homophobia taught
Pg 11 : part 2 + The ISIS Fagin
Pg 25 Editorial : complains about lack of control with these schools and the book “The Dos & Don’t of Islam”
The Financial Times is a left-wing newspaper firmly against Brexit.
Today it carries on it’s front page an interview with John McDonnell showing a lovely, soft focus photo of the man, sitting at a desk like any respectable business man might do.
It carries the header “hard man of the left or pragmatic politician?”
How can a supposedly serious newspaper think that this is honest journalism? John McDonnell is a Marxist thug who supports the IRA – no questions needed, it’s a fact.
What will the Financial Times run with next week – “Kenny Noye, murdering armed robber or canny business man?”
The FT is Japanese owned.
The BBC appear to have trouble scanning or photographing the front pages of the newspapers for their web-site. Whether it is the ‘pink’ tint of the FT that does it but it usually out of focus more than any of the other papers.
The DT is in pole position again today. Is that a record?
In the usual way of things, the Guardian, i or Metro are usually first.
I used to buy the FT when I could afford it but it lost its way with being biased anti brexit that it became just another paper.
Ironically the NY times – so hated ( rightly ) by President Trump does seem to give a fairer airing to Brexit issues .
And as far as Brexit is concerned – Mrs May has placed the ball in thecReichEU court -will they meet UK as partners or continue the bullying
She has positioned Blighty to be able to do a ‘ no deal’ if Barnier carries on as he has been although I suspect some nations might start saying – “ get someone else to negotiate”.
Al beeb is in a tricky situation .UK position is fair so they can’t blame May if the negotiations fail but instinctively as institutional remainers can’t criticise their wonderful ReichEU.
Times : Lord Hall speaks in an exclusive online article, the print edition says.
Writing for The Times, Lord Hall said he was determined that the BBC should “lead the way for society” in attracting staff from diverse backgrounds. He said that the cause was close to his heart as he is from Merseyside. Neither of his parents attended university.
The BBC is launching two schemes to increase social mobility as the director-general, Lord Hall of Birkenhead, said the corporation must “reflect the whole of the country we serve”.
“The corporation must “reflect the whole of the country we serve”.
I thought they just reflected the whole of Islington.
Be fair, they reflect remainers, transgender activists, homosexuals, global warmists, feminists, fascists, terrorists, traitors, Trump derangists from whatever part of the country or the world that they come. It’s just the 50 million others that don’t get a voice.
As long as there is one transitioning homeless lesbian who voted (multiple times) to stay in our E.U, then the BBC will not rest, nor will the Guardian shut the heck up. Endless, open-ended , perpetual agitation and lefty mutual tossoffs…and so it will go until we refuse to fund them and make them aware that we know where they live and what they`re doing. Softening us up for Corbyns Islamic surrender-well we won`t allow it. March 30th 2019 is Independence Day UK, GB. England and the world. No EU opinions disguised as policy will, or need to listened to, or acted upon.
Most of us voted for resistance.
If we`d lost the Referendum, does anybody think that we`d have responded as the Liberal landfill have done?
They`ve lost their religion-it only was sacred as long as they could convince themselves that those below agreed. Now we don`t-and they reject us and all we said.
“If we`d lost the Referendum, does anybody think that we`d have responded as the Liberal landfill have done?”
Excellent question. Remainers are acting like spoilt babies.
BBC serve lib-land NOT Eng-land
Lobster – al beeb does reflect the whole of the country ( it) serves — the problem is that the country it serves is not Britain or decent British people – and just to throw in a bit of casual prejudice- the Anglo White British
Why does coming from Merseyside make diversity a cause close to one’s heart?
I’m from Birkenhead (still here) . I think the locals have had far more pressing issues to consider over the years since he left.
The comments in the Times for this article are heartwarming. I would estimate about 80%+ are anti BBC and very similar to those that you find on this site. We are not alone.
I find that Lord Hall of Birkenhead’s comments are very similar to comments made by Obama last week when he too was agitating for as he put it, a common set of facts, on which to have a national conversation. I think that we are seeing the long expected attack on social media and the internet by the leftist Globalists , who recognise that they are losing control of the news agenda and commentary to the net. No doubt this attack will gather pace in the coming months and it won’t be long before there are calls for censorship. Realistically only President a Trump stands in the way of this attack by the leftist elite.
On the World Service this morning Rob Watson, in telling us what to think about Brexit states that it would be a disaster to leave the EU without a deal.
Who is Watson? I am the BBC World Service UK Political Correspondent. I report on British politics for the BBC’s international audiences on radio and television.
He obviously has a wide interpretation of “reporting”, being such an opinionated chap.
Limited background about this character on the google but he has been with al beeb since 1983? And was clearly affected by being at the UN where he ceased being British and became one of those who believes in a world without states – or borders – clearly a four lettered word
His reputation on Twitter
If a Tory says a bad thing about the Tories Rob will retweet it
Retweeted a couple of anti-Brexit cartoons
Tweets about twice/week, and almost always about Brexit
President Trump tweets, BBC page filler.
BBC favourite and shadow foreign secretary Major Khan’s bunch use fake tweets – BBC silence.
Mayor of London Admits Fake Tweets
More Muslim enrichment
“Umar Haque, 25, showed the children beheading videos and other violent militant propaganda, forced them to re-enact deadly attacks on the British capital and made them role-play attacking police officers.”
“His plan was to create an army of children to assist with multiple terrorist attacks throughout London,” said Dean Haydon, head of the Metropolitan Police’s Counter Terrorism Command.“He tried and he did, we believe, radicalise vulnerable children from the ages of 11 to 14.”
Just caught (unintentionally) a bit of the “hilarious” Now Show.
Some comedienne (can I say that ?) got the required laughter when postulating that she felt under qualified for a particular role “but hey, if Michael Gove can be Environment Secretary”. I wonder if she would have been allowed to substitute Angela Rayner as Shadow Education, it would have chimed with me !!!
Sorry I stuck this in the wrong area earlier on
The snow is now thawing. It must be down to Global Warming.
Dear Climate Change- Big Businesses Corporations (BBC),
Now I have said this on this site can I have some money please from big business as my heating bill has gone up due to the cold weather.
I am happy to falsify figures to suit your argument, we now need one less blanket to cover our legs in front of the fire.
Tomorrow I am only going to wear 4 layers instead of 5, which proves the climate is getting warmer.
My car is now able to drive a part of the way down the road.
I no longer have to feed the birds in the snow due to the thawing effect of Global Warming.
So then, can you forward me a lot of money and I will keep supporting your version of Global Warming. This will make you and me richer irrespective of whether it is true or not.
Shocked that anyone listens to that smug tripe any more – not that it was ever any good . I can only think that the people who present it must be related to some one in al beeb .
Mind you the al beeb editorial comedy rules must be so restrictive that there’s no chance of funny .
Jeremy Corby, Tom Watson, Emily Thornberry, John McDonnell, Diane Abbott, Keir Starmer…
..stop it, my sides are splitting.
Why phone-ins are worth it
“I don’t think the EU has the right to lecture us about border control in Northern Ireland, given the mess the EU makes of its own borders”
Got a dogma to push ?
..just pickup a passing tragedy and use it as a SHIELD to stop anyone attacking your dogma
..Remain : used Jo Coxes death
.. The lib open-border mob used Grenfell
Conservative Woman
I’ve listened to “from our own corespondent “ since I was a kid wearing an anorak . It was an informative report of serious issues from Round the planet .
Now It’s obviously contaminated by the multi sex multi culture propaganda so endured by the right minded punters and suitably dumbed down .
But now I notice what it leaves out . Tomorrow the Italians have a general election . There are strong signs that populism ( anti Eu / immigration ) is going to do well .
So no coverage by al beeb . If the vote goes snowflake we ll never hear the end of it .,
Having been reading the Professor Peterson book – top of the sales charts – I noticed that the Cathy Newman interview is now reaching 8 000 000 views .
If just one al beeboid / c4 type had a think about what so much attention implies I wonder if they would make just one attempt to allow a centre – right approach to the world to be regularly aired on uk pbs media – because we are not catered for at all – yet alone people further to the right like me – capitalist that I am
Fed: “I noticed that the Cathy Newman interview is now reaching 8 000 000 views .”
She has a lovely smile.
And blushes cutely when caught out by the Prof!
There was definitely some sexual signalling going on! Can’t be long before we are all required to wear welder’s goggles.
I expect if the interview had gone on much longer she may well have ended up having to wash and iron his socks and pants.
Fed up,
They do think about the popularity of this interview. Their response is to call for censorship of the net so they can continue to control what people know about.
Not on the BBC:
‘The 34 biggest German companies on the DAX index have taken on 54 of Merkel’s million’ – European Parliament
Perhaps our Dianne Abbott can help out with the sums?
Possible new Dungeons and Dragons rule
..The Tragedy Shield
Anyone grabbing the tragedy-card is allowed to have 10 free goes before anyone else can.
Got a dogma to push ?
..just pickup a passing tragedy and use it as a SHIELD to stop anyone attacking your dogma
..Remain : used Jo Coxes death
.. The lib open-border mob used Grenfell
libland excited about possible Russian influence on US election, Brexit
.. what about fracking/energy policy
Why no investigation ?
The lawmakers’ report linked some 9,100 posts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram between 2015 and 2017 to operatives including the St. Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency, a Russian propaganda arm known for its trolling on social media.
The lawmakers’ report linked some 9,100 posts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram between 2015 and 2017 to operatives including the St. Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency, a Russian propaganda arm known for its trolling on social media.
WSJ made a start paywalled
After all that sucking up to our NHS angels(who DO get paid to care-like quangos and charities, but without the sexual harassment-thus far)-it seems that the RMT are letting the BBC lefty bucket brigade down by striking today
Wouldn`t you think that there`d be a grumpy Tory or Passengers User group to take on Mick Cash and the Labour MPs who depend on the unions? And might it not be on the radio or telly? Surely there are many victims shivering or lonely up on Merseyside and Manchester, Leeds and Teesside. due to what the RMT are choosing to do today. But n-…no BBC stage sets or dust ups, no contrived arguments or cliches.
Unusual-as if the BBC would rather not give us reason not to love and worship Corbyns paymasters on this day of all.After all the NHS and other union cartels have been doing for us all, might be “uncomfortable” or “challening”.
Creeps-all of `em.
Did I hear some NHS manager or union bigwig say that if we were to treat people based on their lifestyle or moral choices made-this would reduce “health inequalities”. So no futher discussion was offered,called for or even followed up?
Well, got my lefty “get out of jail and say nowt” cliche of the day-who knew that all the NHS are expected to do is reduce “health inequalities”, when their DIY surgeons, Westminster Muslim stabbers or sex change septicaemis AIDS addicts and druggies; take the place of old folks hip replacements or honourable palliative care. That this phrase wasn`t even questioned tells me that it`s one big assumption, a passion killer of an argument to lock down debate and give Chelsea Manning psychotherapy and not help one Rotherham victim of Islam.
They`ve got a Vulnerabilty Score that they work on too, to calculate who gets treated and who doesn`t-AIDS yes, smokers no…but both are the same problem. Excessive, deviant liefstyles with known risks-but one seems to be virtuous, the other less so.
Enrichment news : Romanian woman moves to London to work, her ex-school friend also comes.. Obsessed with her, he murders her with a hammer.
The tax PAYE gets to house & feed him for the next 30 years.
– Media obfuscate by clung her a Lindon teacher.
oops typos
The tax payer gets to house & feed him for the next 30 years.
– Media obfuscate by calling her a London teacher.
(Sorry, my phone predictive keyboard is a bit crazy)
Mogg says we have to stop nit picking about Brexit, after praising Treezer’s speech.
Sorry Mogg, we’ll take your advice and leave it to the experts, who know best and will make decisions for us.
Hey pal, we voted out. Geddit OUT
Surprised at JRM – I thought he’d stay quiet to see what the ReichEU response might be before comment.
Far better, surely, to listen to what J R-M has to say about it himself; rather than any of al Beebus’ pro-EU bulls***ery.
T Blair’s poll about the EU didn’t quite go as expected …
Leave at whatever cost: 65%
To stay and re-think: 35%
Its hard not laugh your socks off isn’t it?
As he is such a despised arsehole, it’s not difficult to believe this.
Why the most hated man in the UK is still revered by the bbbc who crave his festering indulgence is beyond me.
Still, normal people understand that he really is totally off his rocker, and possibly insane now.
German girl prepares for a night out. (Mark Steyn mentioned it. I see it dates from 2010. Is the company still in business?)
That’s what I wear under my jeans and t-shirt :0)
Leicester explosion
“Three men charged” say the BBC.
No names no pack drill, as they used to say in the military.
Leicestershire Police:
“They are:
Aram Kurd, 33, of Hillary Place, Leicester
Hawkar Hassan, 32, of Eld Road, Coventry (originally thought to be from East Anglia)
Arkan Ali, 37, of Drake Close, Oldham
Two other men, both from East Anglia and who were arrested yesterday, remain in police custody and continue to be questioned by detectives.”
So was that little bit of journalism beyond the BBC’s huge resources?
Arson & manslaughter against his own shop ?
“Shopkeeper among three people charged in connection with Leicester explosion which left five people dead”
Mirror names them whilst BBC/Sky don’t.
R4 6pm news was interrupted to say “3 arrested in Leicester, but not mentioned on 6pm TV news”
News clampdown citing ‘legal reasons’ and sympathy for the victims
“Throughout this complex investigation we have been urging journalists and members of the public not to speculate about the cause of the explosion. With three people now charged and due in court, it becomes even more important, for legal reasons, that this message is heeded. A continuance of such ill-informed and speculative commentary threatens to jeopardise this investigation and serves only to cause further distress to the families of those killed and injured.”
The BBC could at least have given our Reeta Chakrabarti the names for her 6 o’clock news.
Maybe we Licence Payers simply have a different idea as to the point of the news? Perhaps the BBC know better? Whereas we think it’s about passing on the latest ‘news’ they know it’s more about this thing known as community cohesion. How daft are we?
Stew/as i
Often happens with al beeb that if their are third world names involved – charged – the names are left out of the report until maybe tomorrow just before the report is taken down
Even the announcement of charges on a Saturday night could be made whilst the minimum number of people will become aware .
Biased and cynical news management really
I understand that even Sky has broadcast the names of the accused. I leave it to readers’ imaginations as to their origins.
Meanwhile, there appears to have a news blackout on the looting and arson of a Lidl store in Dublin yesterday.
The world’s most trusted source of news, eh?
@ASIseeIt The BBC edited its page at 6:55pm then spelling corrected later
to add the names
…… likewise the Sky page now has them
The police page had them at 6:08pm
Names are out
Arum Kurd, of Leicester, Hawkar Hassan, of Coventry, and Arkan Ali, of Oldham, are due in court on Monday.
Three Norwegians, by the sound of their names
They must have been radicalised
Time to dig up something about Britain First
Yes. I’m sure there will be a Common Purpose paid liar along any minute now to assure us that the threat comes from the ‘far Right’.
You mean someone like Brendan Cox…..?
The snow certainly took the heat off of the charities and mr Cox cock
3 lone wolves?
“Paramedic on 999 call in Storm Emma injured in attack and crewmate threatened in row over ambulance parking spot.”
Where you ask? Sparkhill, Birmingham.
I wonder if the perp was Norwegian by any chance.
Used to be some great curry houses in Sparkhill back in the 80s. Not been back for years so no idea if they’re still around – probably wouldn’t want to park my car there now though.
Will Gompertz review: Civilisations on BBC Two ★★☆☆☆
The BBC’s art critic, Will Gompertz, has offered his view on the BBC’s incredibly lavish Civilizations. Its not very kind.
“..I’m slightly amazed at our colleagues (Simon Schama BBC@£200K) ability to get big laughs on gang rape…I’m not much of a feminist but I draw the line at the 3 year old getting raped, and the seven year old getting gang raped in a basement. (audience claps)” – Mark Steyn {youtube The Munk debate @4:46}
Simon Schama BBC@£200K – I knew I’d seen that name Schama before. He is part of the team on BBC Civilizations.
Any excuse; this is a great clip of Rod Liddle on QT giving poor Simon both barrels, reloading then giving him a couple more.
I especially enjoy the bit where the great “intellectual” Schama begins to quote John Donne, before trailing off as he realises it’s completely irrelevant to his attempted rebuttal of RL’s argument.
I would have thought it would have been much cheaper to have simply repeated the wonderful original series. Still, it’s only money ……
The three presenters are card carrying bodysnatched progressives. No point in listening to what is going to be a predictable mishmash of confused but whiny anti European point scoring. Zero marks out of ten.
(with reference to civilisations ) I forced myself to watch it and thought how muddled it is … it’s a bit like ascent of man/woman/other but without the natural intellect of someone who really knows what they’re talking about( bronowski) as opposed to a beeboid chancer like scharma .
Ms beard with have wimmins issues and the Rasta historian will say how great aftrica is . See it coming – might duck it.
Who cares if the bread has to hang upside down and face Mecca whilst a man chants an incantation into the ear of the corn that makes the bread. It’s not like the money used by the Company Warburtons is spent on Islamic political campaigns … oh. wait …
Whole video is very interesting but at about 18:50 Halal is brought up and its links to funding terrorism!
Watching the BBC’s coverage of the indoor athletics and they still refer to GB team members as Scottish if they’re from north of the border, but never English oddly enough.
9:30am Sat : Lidl 9 people named, Some foreign names, some native sounding
3 kept in jail* (claim CCTV will vindicate them)
6 bailed
* 25-year-old Mohammad Smeu
is accused of burglary and possession of a weapon, a sledgehammer.
(edit time marked as 8pm)
Someone guesses Reckon, Edgar Cesynas, Pouilas Gneizecius are the 2 Lithuanians
and John&Keith Kelly, Gerard Buggle, Paul Freeman, John Doyle, David Bernie & Mohamed Smew (who had sledge hammer) are the 7 Irish men.
+ Mohamed Smew ? Smeu ?
\\ When he gained access to the property he found Smew inside the building waving a sledge hammer around. He found the tills and the cigarette machine had been damaged.
When challenged, Det Gda Jennings said Smew refused to drop the hammer and had to be disarmed by the detective.
The court heard, through his barrister, that Smew’s family were from Libya but he had lived in Ireland all his life.//
Photo – Mohamed Smew the boxer from Dublin
There are more robbers , cos another nearby store Centra stores , was robbed on the same night.
All of them were remanded.
many burnt out cars also.
And where was our ‘trusted broadcaster’?
Andrew Norfolk of The Times movingly describes how he exposed mass child abuse.
And still the BBC, police and our parliament play the three monkey game.
If I remember correctly the BNP’s Nick Griffin was the first to highlight this subject, and was prosecuted for his troubles, after being set up by the BBC in the opinion of many.
Totally correct Lobster.
I vaguely remember when the Rotherham rape scandal came out some lefty came out with the statement that because it was Nick Griffen who had come out with the original accusation years ago it had devalued it (or words to that effect)
I remember thinking at the time it would have been be a long bloody wait if we had had to have relied on the likes of Lammy or Abbot to have broken the story. None of these cowardly bastards would ever have touched the story with a barge pole. All keeping stuum for the sake of “diversity” as they always do.
How many girls had their lives ruined because of the refusal of the left wing, Common Purpose dominated establishment to delve into this scandal we will never know.
All it has achieved apart from allowing untold misery to continue is that at least we know what we are up against.
Brave man, worth a listen. I trust al beebistan won’t be airing this speech. But notice how apologetic and hesitant he is for daring to juxtapose the words muslim and child abuse. We should not be apologizing, we should be screaming it from the rooftops.
Heroic man nonetheless.
P.S. NOT ‘3 Girls’ you BBC lying bastards, not 30, not 300, not 3000, more like 30,000 but who knows?
Norfolk is on record as saying that he was a classic metropolitan liberal fop who would rather none of this had been true , and that he feared that the “right” would make political hay out of the stories he was unearthing.
So-for a liberal blowhard to then go on to go where the evidence led him-and to clearly put it out in his paper-makes him commendable. Like Tommy, Geert or that American heroine who blew the whistle on MPs expenses in 2009 -Heather Brooke.
But-unlike Julie Bailey at Mid-Staffs-there are “approved whistleblowers”…like Chelsea, Julian and Edward Snowdon.
And there are those who the Left will hound to their dying days and refuse them any help or thanks whatsoever. Julie, Heather, Tommy and Andrew here, as well as David Kelly I`m sure.
And-I remember the BBC stitching up Nick Griffin before his general election bid in 2005, by getting West Yorkshire police to nobble him for racial hatred.
Wonder how many girls got further abused because the BBC, S.Yorks etc chose to bite the messenger and let the perps rape on?
Luckily the BBC write our history-so their role in S.Yorkshire abuse is left to sites like this, God love you.
Thanks for another valuable video. One can see that the whole experience took a toll on mr Norfolk – nothing like that of the victims of course .
Importing alien third world peasants to an easy going country like Blighty was instinctively a mistake to any person his a brain in their head .
I’m sure nothing has really changed – the animals are still here – and public servant cover their ass by non reporting and ignoring and finding excuses not to do the right thing .
Listening to mr Norfolk really puts those poor actresses in perspective . I woke this morning and put r5 on by mistake, a woman spoke for about 5 minutes without I teruption on wimmins issues. I though my radio was playing up. Then a woman beeboid said “thank you bianca’ and it to turned out that the speaker was one bianca jagger – who obviously could not be interrupted or questioned. I’m glad it was Sunday morning when only fools like me had 5 live on – I actually wanted to hear footy story’s – fed up in a chap.
Swiss referendum on Sunday to decide whether to abolish the mandatory licence fee for public broadcasting.
£348 to receive television and radio.
“Opinion polls suggest the anti-licence fee campaign will fail.
Supporters admit being too ambitious; they could have simply proposed halving the fee.
Nevertheless, a strong vote in favour would send a warning shot to Europe’s public broadcasters. ”
This is just a dog license-and will be soon seen to be as stupid as that was.
So why are we paying for thie telly tax still in 2018?
Is this what we fought the wars for? So the families of Mosley,Dimbleby. Kinnock and Haw Haw could continue to mock us all?
Sunday Telegraph
Stars turn on BBC over tax ‘stitch-up’
“We were never given the option of being staff
The was industrial level tax avoidance by the BBC”
3 News presenters are being sued for £1m together by HRMC one is David Eades ..other 2 are
\\ Tim Wilcox and Joanna Gosling (Craig Oliver’s wife) never fit into the BBC’s ‘We pay freelancers a bit differently’ category.
Trying to make it sound as though the tax dodge is just an alternate payment method. Nope: //
Ha the BBC’s Paul Lewis has tweeted a screenshot of this Telegraph PREMIUM article
BBC PR office responds
I need to buy more popcorn.
I don’t think that a certain sector of the ‘Dead Tree Press’, having been consistantly traduced by the BBC and most BBC presenters, are going to let this item go away.
The expression ‘dog with a bone’ springs to mind.
As an aside, I see that the beeboids are studiously avoiding the Leicester explosion, despite the fact that names, connections and possible motivation of those charged are in the public domain.
Naughty naughty beeb. Who’d a thunk it?
All of us.
2015 : BBC star Jeremy Vine made his ten-year-old daughter a company shareholder
to help lower his tax bill by channelling funds through private firm
All those sanctimonious champagne socialists tax dodging for all they’re (not) worth.
What really annoy me, Stew, is that whenever there’s an item on his programme about the wealthy you can hear the sneer in his voice when he pronounces the word ‘rich’.
The things they write.
“I shall applaud from my bathchair if the nation is populated by rainbow-skinned transsexuals doing Masai dances around the maypoles in 40 years’ time”. So writes Emma Duncan in The Times today, a lady that we learn, perhaps unsurprisingly, is the social policy editor of The Economist.
I enjoy Masai dance moves as much as the next groovy cat, but my own “bathchair” wish is that I leave my country as I found it – stable, prosperous and with its own unique identity, often much admired around the world. But hey, that’s just me. I am not a “fully paid-up member of the globalised metropolitan elite” as Ms Duncan describes herself, “so enthusiastic about openness that I had a refugee to stay for three months and boasted about it in The Times”.
Silly Lily will be impressed.
Too much red wine or other mind altering substances – pity the poor woman .
BBC plastic guilt & virtue signalling continues
Telegraph 3 MARCH 2018 •
Monty Don has pledged to cut down on the amount of plastic used on BBC Gardeners’ World after admitting the programme uses too much non-recyclable material behind the scenes.
The first episode of the new series will see Mr Don “embarking on a mission to reduce the use of plastic in his garden”, including looking at alternative containers for seed sowing.
“I am going to try and drastically cut down on the amount of plastic we use in the garden,” he told BBC Gardeners’ World magazine. //
The fallacy is that all plastic is a hydrocarbon so is always recyclable as fuel in high temp incinerators.
Poor Carrie
about 8 pages long
Big Trump news is ignored ?
Mar1 The president said he had personally told the NRA leadership:
“We’re going to stop this nonsense. It’s time.”
With Dianne Feinstein, the Democrat senator and anti-assault weapon campaigner, sitting next to him Mr Trump said:
“It’s time that a president stepped up.”
Addressing fellow Republicans in the room he added: “Some of you are petrified of the NRA. You can’t be petrified. They have great power over you people…they have less power over me.”
Since then Trump has had a “positive” meeting with the NRA
Beebistan logic: bacon ‘crime’, or veil-tugging ‘crime’: front page.
But three muslim sounding men charged over Leicester shop blast that left five dead: hidden in Regions under Leicester.
We don’t know what it’s about yet, but Poles tend to have a distinct disdain of muslims.
To the bBC, regards this article:

Sick to death of your so called sob stories regards every economic chancer, 40 year old children and chicks with a dick at the tax payers expense. If you want to care about somebody, care about the people who pay your fucking way. You child molesting leftwing twats.
Maybe if he got a job he would not be depressed. The unemployment rates among ROP communities are disgraceful.
Don’t hold back, Pounce, tell us how you really feel :0) Nice one!
The bbc, as is well known, likes its surveys. Someone has asked how many of them there have been.
And guess what? Not exempted, ‘purposes of’.
However, the other all too unique blow off is deployed, namely a bbc defined time limit exemption.
Trusted, and transparent. Happy birthday Lord Hall.
Anybody else noticed how the bBC is bitching a good one about the US taxing EU goods.
Trump steps up war of words on trade with threat to tax EU cars
The same bbC which thinks that when the EU does the same to the Uk, we are wrong to object.
That when Labour broach the idea, of raising taxes, it can only be a good idea.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
Great to see Trump kicking off about tariffs. What a leader – he has balls the size of Jupiter.
I wish our leaders could just sort the money out and keep us safe. All this crap about ‘minority rights’, ‘squeezed middle’, ‘online abuse’ and so on – it is just hollow nonsense to make them look compassionate whilst they have a jolly at our expense. All these suave, oily lefties look good and sound good but they would not know a tariff from a train wreck and ultimately it all boils down to the economy.
Trump may be offensive but he cares about his country and his people. Our leaders would never say anything sexist, hateful etc but they could not care less about us which is more offensive than any mere words Trump could say.
” he has balls the size of Jupiter.”
That explains why he walks like that.
So the bBC airs this story of a female Egyptian bus driver:
Meet Cairo’s first female minibus driver
Made me think of the very tame Egyptian driving test and how many people have been allowed to drive in the Uk on the presentation of such a Licence:
Comments in response…. could be going better.
Speaking of comments that could be going better.
Seems a slot on the top floor of W1A is reserved for those adept at self-serving drivel.
Just don’t tweet anything stupid, Tone.
Jenny from the bloc.
Trouble in paradise?
Not strictly BBC related. But then again………..
I commend a column by one Matt Chorley (The Times, Sat, p 27) where he provides a good list of Labour Party and by definition, certain media outlet, hypocrisies.
He starts
“Typical bloody Tories. They never change. This week we found out they had appointed a new equalities advisor who is a racist, told MPs not to complain about antisemites in the party, and taken cash from someone named on a leaflet claiming ‘coloured immigration threatens your childrens’ health’.
Where were the petitions and marches and Lily Allen tweets condemning this outrage?
Oh no, wait, hang on. I’ve got it the wrong way round. All these things happened in the Labour Party this week. Silly me”
He goes on “in Labour’s game of virtue-signalling Top Trumps, being trans scores more points than being racist.”
Thank you, Matt. Excellent nail-on-the-head column.
I really like the virtue-signalling Top Trumps comment. An ideal concept which could be applied to impartial state broadcasters.
I do wonder just how cowed and used to this madness of “BBC News” we have become, and now how it has affected us.
In a week where some black transgender racist gets a job as Labours spokesfreak on “diversity”-wth Ken Livingston getting set to return to Labour despite his endless anti-Jewish ranst of madness-with Sinn Fein and the EU colluding to bomb us back into their fold if we don`t reverse our vote of June 2016-Steve Wright getting panned over referrring to Marc Almond/Jimmy Somerville as “nice boys” on a reheated TOTP clip from 1985 last Friday?
And all of this is “news”?….but either not mentioned by the BBC or sent off as a social media attack dog with the BBC watching?
Complete absence of perspective, history or plot-just random drive by lunacy put out by the BBC-or left off the news because of “editorial decisions”.
Just think we`ve been driven mad-none of this makes sense at all, but it`s made out to be either logical and worth saying, or else worth burying.
And the BBC completely invert the real common sense stuff, so all we get is the PC madness.
Only 27 days to go-then I`ll not give a damn, none of my parents or kids in school care a jot about any of our fears re the BBC-nobody is listening, nobody is paying and there is no purchase whatsoever between our elite and the real people of this nation.
Who has Marr decided to ‘speak with’ who will be claiming folk they have spoken with agree with the bbc world view today?
Nice one lady! And listen to her killer comment about the beeb at the end. All delivered with a smile and perfect timing. That’s the way to do it. Beautiful.
Plenty of EU grants have gone to the BBC Media Action ‘charidee’.
We know BBC Media Action, don’t we?