‘Any Questions’ fielded the editor of the online ‘news site’ The Canary Kerry-Anne Mendoza without telling us it is essentially a mouthpiece for Corbyn…not a ‘news site’ at all is it?, good of the BBC to give it a platform…though maybe not as what we got was childish, ignorant, partisan nonsense from the editor…a bit of insight into what you could expect from The Canary itself?
Interesting to hear Dimbleby describe the audience as ‘self-selecting’…always thought they were carefully and rigorously vetted and selected for impartiality and to provide a good balance that represented the full spectrum of political viewpoints from across the country….Dimbleby also suggested that most of the audience would like to eat less meat….is that because he ran a poll or because he knows most of them are lefty sandal-wearing veggies? The latter I suspect.
Any instances of the BBC ‘self-selecting’ the news that suits it….list it all here….
You’ve joined the Club !! – welcome.
Downboy – I have said this before but dont you care about the feelings of the rest of us who also wanted to be first.
No one should be allowed to be the first one to post – even if it means no-one posts on the site.
But you took over 4 minutes DB, so it`s not noteworthy.
I said it, so it`s true for me. I am NOT jealous.
Any chance of a Blogroll of Honour for previous “winners”. Which-in a very real sense-we all are. Are we not?
Bog roll in my case, chrisH.
Am hoping that any of your former “champeens” ( as Mr Savile used to call us !) will go on record and describe-lovingly, breathlessly and with a coterie of suckups or family surrounding you-how it actually FELT to be top of the Form here at this site.
Who amongst us has won the most?…and what tales have we from 2007 before it all got dumbed down here , and the prize was no longer worth winning?
I dream of it.
For now Up2…how did it feel, and who did you dedicate your victory too?
And have we a disabled version…I`m a bit addled today, so reckon I could be entered for the “Special Superhuman, Superannuated and Supernumerary Blog Battle 2018!)…COME ON!!! Letzavvitt!!!….(curled fist and macho yell into the camera, a given!
Not on drugs up there are you? Who`s Jeff E Bagg and has he been training you?
March 11th 2019-Down Boys fisrt anniversary, imagine a full week of tributes and programmes commemorating this victoire
Have you been sniffing the turps again Chris ?
Thanks Brissles. A lady with manners. Chris and Oaknash are suffering from a small dose of the old green eyed monster.
This is not scientific (as the Dimblebys say when asking the biased audiences a question) but I think Lobbie is our ‘champeen’.
Sunday evening….scrumpy all gone, reduced to sniffing the brasso for my(as yet imaginary) award.
My day will come Brissles-and, like a pair of Wimbledon champions; I hope a foxtrot around the chocolate fountain( disabilty scooters) is on the cards.
I also do a pretty good “funky chicken”…but Peter West banned me for sewing my own sequins onto my flares!
And like most old blokes these days-I don`t wear light trousers any more, unless my wife has cleared me to go.
PETER WEST ??? that’s as bad as admitting to remembering McDonald Hobley and Sylvia Peters ! You’ll be saying next that you watched Whirlygig and Michael Bentine with the Bumblies ! (they were great)
Cue: The Farm ‘All Together Now’.
Some on previous threads have noted the bbc habit of going more for a ‘take’ on news, rather than reporting facts.
And how such ‘takes’ are, at best, predictably unidirectional given guests invited and control of the edit.
Later on is the Politics Show with, amongst others, guests including an ex Labour Foreign Sec.
Andrew Neil the other day tweeted a question that could be asked of him regarding fellow traveller Corbyn whilst on manoeuvres in Iran.
It will be interesting if bbc editorial time or space is found for this to be asked, or answered.
It may depend on what the latter is likely to be.
Happy “You Day” Everyone.
Not really a BBC story but I am sure the Beeboids would approve. Apparently Waitrose have included in their Mothers Day range of cards, cards which dont include the word “mother” This is to make Mothers Day more “Transgender inclusive” so Mothers day becomes “You” day
Doesnt it just warm the cockles of you heart that Waitrose cares sooooooo much!
As Mrs O’Blene reminded me yesterday, today used to be known a ‘Mothering Sunday’, not a copy of another ‘day’ from the US.
I hope everyone will remember, that my birthday, July 19th, will in future be known as ‘Scroblene’s Day’. I will expect to be taken out to lunch and fed and watered magnificently!
Please make a note in your diaries!
The BBC has a program scheduled called Being Blacker, the blurb for which reads “……documentary about Blacker Dread, a Jamaican-born reggae producer, businessman, father, son and pillar of the community in Brixton. The film focuses on a tumultuous time in his life as he deals with the death of his mother and the prospect of his first prison sentence.”
It’s written in a way to imply that he’s a really solid, upstanding guy. A family man who obviously loves his mum and is preparing for prison in the same way other people prepare for a new job.
It turns out he was part of a money laundering scheme worth £700,000 and he was sent down for two and a half years in chokey, so actually he’s just another crook who happens to be black.
Yes Alan mentioned that in a previous thread
\\ Dineen didn’t want to ask him any awkward questions that might put responsibility for his troubles onto him as it might have come between them and they would have lost that ‘fundamental sense of friendship’. So not a critical and impartial film then. Is there anything that might result in any criticism…such as being a leading figure in the Brixton Riots or being jailed for a massive money laundering scheme? No…his problems are all down to racism…the film apparently a ‘unique insight into what it is to be black in Britain today.’ //
Times : \\ If I put the people I’m filming in a position of defence, if they begin to sense what I feel, I have lost some fundamental sense of friendship.”//
“…. so actually he’s just another crook who happens to be black.”
Surely, “… so actually he’s just another crook who is black.”?
Sunday Worship on Radio 4 did pretty much the same thing today.
The vicarette preaching used her time to tell us about the injustice of mums incarcerated in Louisiana prisons and unable to be home with the poppets.
As for what they did?…well, injustice, inequalities, racism-and for the murdering scum at the hard-to -defend end of liberal rainbows-well “just bad choices”.
Typical Lefty crap-and the CofE pump it out to the poor sods unable to get out, away from Radio Gaga and go to a real church(as if they`ll say anything different).
My poor mum died 8 years ago today-you always love and miss your mum, and women like Jade Goody, Katie Price and Katie Hopkins never seem to bother the BBC do they?…but God loves the REAL mums of this country, not the Anglican girlies who hate Goody but love Lily and Paloma.
“Mums are there to do the work when God is busy”.
Not that any church in 2018 knows or cares. But we do!
Interesting comment here on Corbyn and the EU.
I have modestly tagged on my own whitterings:
I wonder if there is a psychologist who can explain why people such as Corbyn, support any faction that is opposed to our values. In the past he has sided with Hamas, the Iranian regime, the IRA, Castro and Chavez. People who actually kill those who share our values for democracy and plurality of thinking.
Now he is not just aligning with the EU against our interests, but appears to be actively plotting with them to undermine the people if this country.
This country should no longer excuse Corbyn’s rambling chaotic thinking. His naivety is actually dangerous.
Comrade Corbynn supports the IRA, etc. because he sees them as allies in the “anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist struggle”. Even the Mad Mullahs of Iran are considered to be “anti-imperialist” by leftards like Corbyn because they strike a blow against “US hegemony”.
Quick link back to yesterda’s posts
now with added wisdom from Maxi
– The first post is Tommy Robinson investigating the migrant violence on Italy’s streets
which somehow didn’t make it thru the #BigBBCnewsFilter, when they reported the big change in the way Italian citizens vote.
“£1 million fraud probe after 15 claimed over Grenfell Flat”
A truly breath-taking story in the Sunday Times describing how one of Britain’s most notorious “crash-for-cash” fraudsters, Masi Naqshbandi, and his relatives, a total of 15 people, all claimed to be living in a single flat in Grenfell and were given public aid worth up to £1 million and at least three new homes. The luxury homes were in Kensington and were furnished by John Lewis.
How on earth was this allowed to happen? The incompetent officials involved should go to prison.
Expect a cover-up and minimum coverage from the MSM.
Well according to Stormzi
“I don’t know where to begin so I’ll start by saying I refuse to forget you.
“I refuse to be silenced. I refuse to neglect you.
“As for every last soul up in Grenfell, even though I’ve never met you, that could be my mum’s house.
“That could be my nephew
“That could have been me up there, waving my white plain tee up there
“With my friends on the ground trying to see up there.
“I just hope that you rest and you’re free up there.”
I dont understand – Is he now trying to making a claim for compensation for Grenfell on behalf of his family?
His mum, his nephew and up to four friends I`d say. So that`s six to begin with.
Pony up or face a visit from Brendan Cox…Yeats on the Rapes!
Alan got a big confused when he said “Interesting to hear Dimbleby describe the audience as ‘self-selecting’…always thought they were carefully and rigorously vetted and selected for impartiality and to provide a good balance that represented the full spectrum of political viewpoints from across the country.”
The thing is when BBC diversity means having 2 London-lobEstablishment brothers present similar panel shows :
#1 David Dimbleby, the Question Time, audience members undergo a stringent selection process designed to balance their political views.
The application form asks specific questions to determine how applicants have voted and what, if any, their affiliations might be.
– https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/5vyK2GwYrdQGFvCJyKNfZhn/join-the-question-time-audience
– http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/bbc-question-time-audience-application-process_uk_58aec9c2e4b057efdce946cc
– https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/886579/bbc-question-time-bias-audience-eu-remain-david-dimbleby
(They refuse FOI requests for more details on the grounds it’s journalism)
#2 Jonathan Dimbleby’s Any Questions has a more subtle method of filtering; it’s held generally at community centres and educational establishments , so it is those people running those who first know about the event and tell their friends.
“After the recording, the show’s excellent host, Jonathan Dimbleby, sighed heavily and told me it was a constant problem.
He and the whole AQ team found it immensely frustrating that Tories simply did not show up on the night to add their voices.”
I chuckled at the thought of a group of ‘Lesbians against laughing’ 🙂 but, then came to realise my hate crime 🙁
Interesting?..Dimbleby?…same sentence?
Oh to be here when THOSE two words were in the one phrase!
But the killer is kept until the end of the first paragraph.
“But it`s not reported under FOI `cos it`s…”journalism”.
Of course it is!…cue clown car and exeunt!
And you`re right re “Radio Dimbly”. It was the local Labour Party using the Baptist Church facilities that got Dimbly and team into the best hotel catering in our town.
The anti-Semitic questionning of the Labour mob nearly ended in a fight, had to escort a few Jewish and Tory ladies from the hall…and we sat around them to prevent them getting bullied by our local lefty gobshits( Liberals Greens, SNP and public sector union ciphers were bussed in, was well co-ordinated).
So Dimbly Minor is quite correct-but his effete team won`t dare to address their bias. Tories and Jews are now too scared to go out to a school in the evening when the Black Bloc scum aren`t far away today.
Got a good Krooklok to scare them nowadays. Police never know what they are, so not a weapon.
“The supermarket chain is selling a “Happy You Day” card in its Mother’s Day range in which the word “mother” does not appear.”
Inch by inch the west slips into a cultural oblivion.
My attention was drawn to an article in the Sunday Mirror, a newspaper I don’t normally read, about yet another and possibly the worst yet Muslim grooming scandal. Is it true ? The reason I ask is that it seems out of character for a leftist newspaper to reveal this Muslim atrocity. Usually they try to cover them up. If it is true then the number of victims across the country is running into several thousand and the abuse now includes murder.
Yet our increasingly ridiculous ruling elite accuse us of Islamophobia , prosecute those who try to alert us to the scale of Islamificationin our country, introduce Sharia law and hence double standards. The BBC tries to convince us that Islam is just like Christianity , that Muslims are good at baking cakes etc . How much more of this are we supposed to take? Our rulers have invited the world to come and abuse us anyway they like and when we protest they use the law against us. Has there ever been anything like this in the history of the world?
Nowt on Al Beeb about it ?
perhaps maxi can enlighten us ????
Look at it this way. Days before the Sunday Mirror article a Muslim reports he received a ‘Punish a Muslim’ letter. Apparently letters have been received by Muslims and the media are all over it.
Anybody else think that somebody knowing about the Telford rape story decided to pre-empt the story by getting their own one in first. The title of the letter is Punish a Muslim. Yet any native English speaker wouldn’t have used that word. I’m not saying the letter is a fake, but its timing , why did a mosque receive it and its wording has me asking questions.
Where is the NSPCC?
They get plenty of money from us , what on earth do they do with it all , spend it on adverts ?
@Doublethinker I saw the story today from another source
I see the sun runs a story and quotes the mirror
I hope that I have missed reports on this latest Muslim atrocity in Telford but I cannot find any mention of it in either the Times or the BBC. There are two ways to look at this.
Firstly, there have been so many similar stories of Muslim men raping thousands of white girls that another thousand doesn’t make it news worthy. Even with the added horror of torture and murder it isn’t worth a paragraph in the Times or a mention on the BBC web site. If so It shows how far we are down the road to an Islamic hell.
The second possibility is that the BBC and the Times are operating voluntary censorship of Muslim atrocities in our country. We know that this happens in Germany and Sweden but it now seems that it is happening here as well. So we are left to wonder what else we are not being told about Muslim atrocities..
We have long known that we cannot trust the BBC even an inch but has the Times , our pre-eminent paper of record , decided to adopt a position of saying nothing about Muslim atrocities? If the authorities gain control of the internet as they are trying to do Muslims will be given a free hand to rape and murder as they please. Who will rescue us from the descending Islamic nightmare.
The BBC’s use of bought in library photos, usually from Getty Images, is another example of the corporation manipulating the truth. Here is a piece on teacher recruitment, or lack of it:
The picture is standard BBC propaganda. Thoughtful looking young people, handsome ethnic minority guy and good looking woman with intelligence written all over her face. But the picture is a fiction. It’s a stock photo, probably posed , to illustrate a position that the BBC wishes to adopt. If a real photo had been used from say, an NUT conference, how different would it be? Middle aged bearded Corbynistas and overweight women, and that’s just the women. The BBC and other broadcasters, newspapers and websites should be more transparent in their usage of what amounts to fictional material to illustrate their articles. A picture speaks a thousand words; but they can be lies.
Just an “Also Ran” yet again.
Hi, all! It’s been a while but only because I simply can’t watch or listen to BBC “news” anymore – just switch off or walk away. But I’ve still been following the fury online at the relentless propaganda and the selective silence on some topics but not others.
I gather the anti-Brexit broadcasts are as manic as ever, but with little coverage of what actually goes on in other EU countries. (I’ve found this time and again with rabid Remainers: they don’t seem to have much knowledge or interest in continental Europe, they just know that it’s the sunlit uplands and so much better than the UK and its pesky democracy.)
So we have days on end when the BBC and others repeat ad nauseam some off-message, possibly years old, comment by someone like Toby Young but nothing about John MaoDonnell’s hateful and Communist views. And all the mad rhetoric coming out of Blair and Adonis and the Brussels avengers Barnier and Verhorseshit prophesying doom while completely ignoring other more pro-UK voices in the EU like this German MEP.
“‘White privilege’ lessons for lecturers. University academics are being told they need re-educating over racism.”
Help is at hand.
“Masterclasses and seminars … are exploring the idea that white people enjoy an advantage that they have not earned, simply because of the colour of their skin. … (are) hosted by the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Staff Advisory Group, entitled Walking on the White Side of the Street, … (to) … ask lecturers to “examine and acknowledge the destructive role of whiteness”.
Where do I sign up for the course! I am racist even though I haven’t done or said anything racist, because I am white. I just didn’t realise – maybe that’s because I am white.
I just don’t geddit…
If we were all white, then there would be no white privilege. If we were all white, would we all be racists? Or would none of us be racists?
I’m confused 🙁
you’re confused? the other day three black boys were playing football in the town centre. One tackles the other and calls out “Thats cheating you Monkey”.
I felt so ashamed that I witnessed this because I is White.
An instance of where you could have called the police as one, ‘offended’ by what was said. Seems to me we, ‘whiteys’ are getting left behind in the game of being offended.
There are a lot of offended girls in Telford.
T shirts for goalposts?
From H&M?
SS, what’s left for you?
Step out to any public place and shout, “foreigner”, or “muzzie” or, “Jock” or “taff”. That’s sure to illicit the interest of our new Thought Police and give them a little light relief from investigating muslim child rape/grooming.
Its funny you should ask that, around 8 years ago I attended a equal opportunities instructors course at the Royal Military College at Shrivenham. It was a week long affair. The course was primarily officers,and I mean high ranking officers at that and then there was me.
On our second day we walked into our respective classrooms and were met by a Indian woman wearing a sari and a red dot on her head. Once we sat down we were regaled to a diatribe of how people in the Armed forces are all racist, that they (non whites) are just the same as everybody else and that if cut they bleed red blood like everybody else. She then looked at me, reading my name badge and stated “But I don’t have to tell you that ******* do I”
Boy did that get my blood up, I replied:
“Excuse me?, People in the armed forces unlike the general populace spend a lot of time abroad, living in far a way places where they are the minority, where they mix with foreign cultures, plenty of my friends are married to foreign women, quite a few who aren’t white, I am judged by my fellow on the job I do and the person I am, not on the colour of my skin.yet you stand there telling me, they are all racist. Finally, you spoke of generalising , yet you singled me out due to the colour of my skin, doesn’t that make you guilty of..generalising. She couldn’t answer and the head tutor at the back called a break. (Which did get me thinking did I go too far)
Whilst grabbing a coffee in the rest room, this female captain came up to to me and thanked me for speaking up, she stated she so wanted to say what I did , but didn’t wish to be seen as…racist.”
I do love reading your comments Pounce, and knowing you’re a non-white, I had to chuckle at the “red dot on her head” remark, it was the way it came across – (and hope I’ve put that well enough without offence).
Isn’t it strange how describing how a woman had a red dot on her is somehow deemed to be racist. How is it so?
The armed forces are full of it. I had one of my section commanders opine that a female black soldier had played the race card in which to get off a weekend duty. That is until I went round to her gaff and kicked her arse into gear.
Another time in our post room we used to have a civy, they employed a Muslim girl who was hard of hearing and as she was bloody hopeless, they threw her in the Post room to keep her out of the way. The civy didn’t give her any work to do and so she was paid to do nothing. For some strange reason I cannot remember we shoved one of our lance cpls in there to cover , she wasn’t prepared to do all the work and so gave the Muslim girl tasks, she in turn complained about being the victim of racist behaviour. At her disciplinary hearing when they asked her if she was a racist, she replied, no. And when asked how she could prove that, she told them she had slept with me on a nbr of occasions. She walked out free and I got told off for sleeping with a junior rank.
Its funny you should ask that, around 8 years ago I attended a equal opportunities instructors course at the Royal Military College at Shrivenham. It was a week long affair. The course was primarily officers and then there was me.
On our second day we walked into our respective classrooms and were met by a Indian woman wearing a sari and a red dot on her head. Once we sat down we were regaled to a diatribe of how people in the Armed forces are all racist, that they (non whites) are just the same as everybody else and that if cut they bleed red blood like everybody else. She then looked at me, reading my name badge and stated “But I don’t have to tell you that ******* do I”
Boy did that get my blood up, I replied:
“Excuse me?, People in the armed forces unlike the general populace spend a lot of time abroad, living in far a way places where they are the minority, where they mix with foreign cultures, plenty of my friends are married to foreign women, quite a few who aren’t white, I am judged by my fellow on the job I do and the person I am, not on the colour of my skin.yet you stand there telling me, they are all racist. Finally, you spoke of generalising , yet you singled me out due to the colour of my skin, doesn’t that make you guilty of..generalising. She couldn’t answer and the head tutor at the back called a break. (Which did get me thinking did I go too far)
Whilst grabbing a coffee in the rest room, this female captain came up to to me and thanked me for speaking up, she stated she so wanted to say what I did , but didn’t wish to be seen as…racist.”
Forgive the mildly Hinduphobic remark, but wasn’t there a story about a punctual if brutal Indian chap who used to hit his wife each day at twelve on the dot.
Lets explore the idea that white people enjoy an advantage that they have not earned, simply because of the colour of their skin.
White people have the privilege of being about 15 percent more intelligent than Black people on average. But the genes responsible are not thought to relate to those genes responsible for skin colour. The last I heard was that the genes responsible are those related to Brain activity. There was a theory that it was caused by a rewiring of the Brain in people in the Black Sea area over 12,000 years ago, but this rewiring seems to be a simple increase in Brain activity. The evolution of White skin and an increase in Brain activity would only be possible in cold environments, due to the need to cool down the Brain in hot environments. This is probably related to separate genes for skin colour and Brain activity.
So have White people earned their advantage?
This advantage lead white people to turn hunting into learning how to us a higher IQ to domesticate those animals once hunted. Also to turn gathering into learning how to us the increased IQ to domesticate those plants once picked. So this explains that the advantage is not earned, but is just a God Given natural advantage, due to evolution.
Richard – They’ll be telling us next that evolution is racist.
I always suspected that Darwin was a member of the BNP ……
After those seriously racist and non-PC comments, it’s off to prison for you, Richard (I’ll join you there)!
Further to your analogy RP, I’ve often wondered why those in hot countries – particularly those around the Med get fired up and take to the streets to protest (whatever) far quicker than populations further North. Rarely do we hear the Scandinavians shouting their grievances on the streets (well, at least they didn’t until immigration became an issue), so because of the weather are we more measured in not making a fuss, whereas the heat can cause brain frazzle to those in warmer climes.
The “new-Scandinavians” aren’t as reluctant though.
“Dimbleby also suggested that most of the audience would like to eat less meat”. I do not believe that it is compulsory to eat meat. I think that they mean everybody else should be compelled to eat less.
In celebration of the new board , please allow me to introduce the Small faces:
Arrested for daring to make a speech on Speaker’s Corner? You heard right. Detained for, “..the ‘crime’ of having right-wing opinions as well as wanting to interview Tommy Robinson and holding their speech.”
And, surprise surprise in Germany, “Muslim migrant crime increases 61% in just one region” –
Not ‘coming too’ but, intensifying in a Town or City near you daily.
The white ethnic cleansing continues apace……..
The blame for this arrest lies on Treezer who has a track record in banning critics of the pure religion.
But remember the role of the media as a champion of free speech and dissemination of ideas.
Thank you BBC for siding with the Government and not exposing injustice
Perhaps she should take a trip to Telford ?
Taffy – Maybe the BBC should get their revenge in first on us whiteys before the shitstorm hits over this rather embarrassing Telford inconvenience. You would have thought that the enriched females would have at least kept their mouths shut for the sake of diversity
I see BBC a drama about a black student who suffered PTSD at college because a couple of other extremely racist white “students” shouted “we hate darkies” at her door. As a result of this assault she was never the same again and was unable to watch daytime telly (because this gave her flashbacks) and was also unable to have fulfilling relationships with other students in case they shouted “we hate darkies ” too.
They could call it “One girl”
Makes me ashamed to be white sometimes.
Abuse of power the bbc does not feel needs holding to account.
I gave up on Treezer with the Spencer/Gellar banning, and the dire reasons concocted to justify it.
Amber Rudd is no better, GW. Treezer didn’t want to appoint anyone to the Home Office who would be better than herself. Well, job done you’d have to say.
I have to laugh, even the Guardian has has enough:
Farm Girl Café, Chelsea: ‘We don’t stay for dessert, because we have suffered enough’ – restaurant review
The menu at the Farm Girl Café features lots of initials. There’s V for Vegan. There’s GF for Gluten Free. There’s DF for Dairy Free. I think they’re missing a few. There should be TF for Taste Free and JF for Joy Free and AAHYWEH for Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here. If you examine the company’s website, and I would only advise doing so if you have strong teeth that can cope with a good grinding, you will learn that the Farm Girl group offers: “A holistic and healthy yet comfortingly simple approach to Australian Café culture.” Nope, me neither. Apparently, they like to use “nutritionally nurturing ingredients”, which sounds rather nice. I could have done with a bit of nurture, rather than the dishes that came our way.
I only eat foods that cast no shadow.
And-as yet-have not received my tributes, flowers, Newky Brown lipsticks and chocolate season ticket as befits me this Mothers Day.
I gave birth to a gender neutral fart in 1998, a real Will O the Wisp.
Went to church today, got no daffs or a hug from the Simnel Cake Protection Squad.
have been crying since, but sharpening my Ladyshave powersaw.
Happy Mothers day to all mi sistren…and hope you`ll watch me on Strictly Come Gearing as I strike a blow for Transconfused beardy weirdies everywhere…well, in my head anyway!
Have yet to get my ordered “Holloway Styal Mags”-bloody drones are on strike-but do hope to get into Prisoner cell Block 5, now I`ve identified as a bit odd.
I saw the review and hoped to get a laugh.
But I saw Rayner for what he is. As indeed are the Left when their pillows aren`t fluffed to buggery by the downstairs staff in “trade”.
Well worth a read-if only to show how nasty the liberal toffs and Observer gobshites are to those who fail to match their stellar pretensions. A really nasty review, cruel and pointless. It`s only food you bearded Reamona!
Typical Radio 4 scummer, sneering off a few girls trying to earn a living in his griefhole of a London snotspot.
Hope he`s sacked for sexual harassment and bullying, sense he`d love to get it closed down.
In the Sixties the BBC commisioned the art historian Kenneth Clark to write and present a series using art to illustrate the development of Western civilisation (to showcase colour television as David Attenborough explained) and such is its quality that it has elicited howls of rage from the Left ever since. Even at the time the BBC commissioned a Marxist called John Berger to write and present a rebutall called “Ways of Seeing” and it is this latter series which is obviously the inpiration behind the current BBC “Civilisations” series.
I have watched two episodes of the “Civilisations” series, and it is the self-undulgent Leftist crap you expect from the BBC these days; its only merit as far as I can see is that it gave some Guardinistas some tax funded holidays around the world (so much for public sector austerity) but I could not help noticing that the second programme ended on a blatant lie.
It asserted that Kenneth Clark followed the art critic Winkelmann in viewing the hellenistic era Apollo Belvedere sculpture as a work of supreme excellence. Now as it happens he said no such thing, and they know he didn’t because in the clip they showed from his series they edited out the bit where he distanced himself from that claim. What he said was that the Apollo Belvedere, whatever its merits as a work of art, was clearly the product of a higher civilisation than an African tribal mask purchased and promoted (in accordance with contemporary taste) by Roger Fry.
Anybody who watches the Kenneth Clark series or have read his book (which are both making money for the BBC 50 years later) will know that they are lying. What they objected to (his thought crime) was his rejection of cultural relativism. So not only is the BBC producing crap, it is lying politically motivated crap, and so why should people be forced to pay for it.
And the BBC hired 3 left wing academic tv presenters (1 ethic,1 female 1 gay) for Civilisations rather just another 1 John Pilger type presumably because if the 1 presenter was white the ethnics would call it racist and if the 1 presenter was male the feminists would call it sexist.
If they had just 1 presenter bias is inevitable but if they are going to have 3 they could have balanced it with a Tony Parsons type
I`d like the producer to be asked excluding the Chinese & Japanese where are all the ethnic visitors at Art Gallerys and Classical Music concerts and what he/she believes is the reason ?
Even in multi-cultural cities one rarely sees ethnic people walking around musuems and yet of course whenever TV/Radio does Cultural programmes there is the inevitable ethnic presenter.
The female presenters are all left wing feminists despite the fact that the right wing Camille Paglia is one of the most read Cultural critics.If the BBC looked hard enough it could find presenters who are not just left wing stereotypes but then there would there would be less jobs for their social circle
A series by Camille Paglia would have been interesting, but the BBC don’t do interesting, they do Leftist ideological conformity. As soon as I heard that Mary Beard wrote an article saying that the USA got what it deserved on 9/11, I thought it was only a matter of time before she would be on the BBC, and sure enough she has hardly ever been off our screens ever since. My impression is that she has no aesthetic sense whatsoever, and she certainly has nothing interesting or intelligent to say about art, but like all Leftists she loves the sound of her own voice, and finds taking money from taxpayers (via the threat of prison) to spout Leftist crap easy to salve with her conscience. Anybody who says that America had it coming in 9/11 is of course completely morally bankrupt.
Isn`t a Beard simply a fag hag who slopes around old queens so they can sum up some heterosexual poses when they` re on the verge of being rumbled( oo er!).
In which case, can`t see for the life of me why Beard would be at the BBC.
How come we got old Charles snuff muffler as the next Nags Head-when we should have Camille Paglia on some kind of Carney Contract to turn our wimmin around in this country.
She`d rid us of Claire Baldy pronto. Other lesbians are, of course , availabubble…
To be serious.
Am studying the Inter-Testamental times between Malachi and Jesus.
I`m told that the Hellenistic culture as established by Alexander, expanded and brought to its apotheosis(oooh!) was just about the perfect multiculti dream. Cultural mashups, syncretism and all manner of intermarriages, racial mixing and economic development via state expansions, city states created and a democratic structure getting created. Yes-no Womens Equality Party, no votes for the drones…but they`d have done more about the Brexit vote that OUR privileged lefties like Beard and Schama.
So to hear that the Greeks were less that on a cultural death march like ours is?..well, those I read and respect would say otherwise. Hence they`re never asked onto the BBC.
So I trust them.
I`ve been charged with finding the wife the original series with Clark in my charity shops…I`m leaving now, I may be quite some time…..
Everyday sexism, but we don’t mind.
One notices there’s a mild outlook at the BBC in terms of female on male sexual innuendo in the workplace today as BBC News Channel anchor Lukwesa Burak links to the weather chap with the off-the-cuff remark:
“…talking of cuties…”
Don’t blush and come over all warm front, pal, you could be in there.
I won’t be filing any complaints. You keep it up Lukwesa. A little light-hearted banter never hurt anyone. At least you’re an improvement over the sour-faced stilted delivery of that stale and pale (and greedy) Carrie Gracie the BBC lumbered us with this morning.
Carrie Gracie?
“You can check out every time you like-but you need never leave”.
One golden bungee jump cord in and out of news, as you like.
Vicky Pryce, Camilla Batmanghedghli, Tony Blair and Brendax Cox and his Kinnochios….all welcome back to the BBC “family”…Guardians as incontinence pads, shadow puppets and silhouettes, as long as they`re not Cyril Smith with a Jimmy Clinton cigar…guysngals!
Be fair, they got rid of Carol Thatcher!
‘Carrie Gracie? Wot? Unresigned?’
Afraid so. Still happily living off the Licence Fee.
Must have got her braces caught in the door when she stormed out in a huff.
Rock on Carrie!…very funny AISI-trust they`ll be red braces!
I noticed ‘Our ex-China Correspondent’ reading the news today and wondered if that was a promotion for her. She must be worth £500k/annum now 🙁
Taking her cue from the Chinese Communist Premier our Carrie seems to have awarded herself a job for life.
She is of course a victim. A taxpayer funded victim who thinks she deserves to get more than she already gets.
I from time to time check out the BBC’s children channel. I came across the following CBBC story:
“What Does Being British Mean?“, which teaches British kids that being British means being an immigrant from Afghanistan. It also refers to endemic racists who dispute this fact. To further investigate this she interviews her ten year old brother Idris.
The video article is nearly 5 years old but appeared in a link to a most read CBBC article about twenty minutes ago.
1. Doormat for Islam
2. Subby Licence fee payer
3. Happy to send the grandkids off to the Obama Academy. “where dreams happen”
4. Liberal bouncy castles for Transactivists in stolen 5 inch(sorry TWELVE centimetres) heelies.
5. Sandbags protecting Corbyn from getting a whiff or cordite from his first class spot on a Virgin train.
That`s what being British is today-and the Guardian and BBC don`t lose a day thanking Allah or Karl for their luck in having such a load of sadsaps as “voting resources” and “pocket money ponces”.
Time to switch off our tellies and do something more interesting instead..
Telford could be a bigger scandal than Rotherham. It really makes one wonder what the overall national picture is. Will BBC rush to cover this?
Think we`ll find that Telford is a suburb of Candlewick Green, so will be filed under Toritwatt Osterity little local grumblings.
And nothing-absolutely nothing-to do with our hennaed gents in Labour cottages.
Lessons to be learned, Lord Lambing and Lady Prissy to decide that it may not have been so. But it was-so wotcha gonna do about it?
Will the day come when voting for Labour nonces in Muslim arenas be as offensive as voting for Himmler?
Nah, not as long as we let the BBC ride us like white girls in Anjem Saviles portaloo?
‘Telford is a suburb of Candlewick Green’
I’ll raise you the Trumpton Riots.
No surprise whatsoever that the BBC newshounds appear allergic to this scandal. And will avoid it as though it were a Putin proffered free sandwich. The scary aspect of this is that there is no need for explicit rules on what to report and what not – our BBC-minded journos will just inherently know the score.
Whatever did that Zizzi table do to earn its destruction? Was there no due legal process here? A minutes silence for the fallen table, and tables now deserve rights.
Other furniture advocates welcome to join me…or is it only tables that get this hatred?
Not round tables though-they`re tossers they are….
The table was defended vigorously but, finally, didn’t have a leg to stand on 🙂
Hi EnglandExpects,
The BBC are not covering this story at all. On the England and UK news homepages they have a story about Muslims as victims – something to do with a “Punish a Muslim” letter.
In the relevant regional news section – Shropshire – the lead story is “Hundreds in march for Syrian peace”.
The BBC only indirectly cover the story through an external link to a shropshirelive.com article – which takes us to a West Mercia Police Statement saying “this is nothing new … please move along”:
(scroll down to “From other local news sites” section)
Good work! I’m not surprised, but if this story is true it must become of major national significance. I also think we need an in depth inquiry into the national picture. We won’t of course, because the government and MSM don’t want it highlighted as a Muslim problem. Also, I think that it will get lost in the cumbersome Alexis Jay inquiry.
I think we need an in depth inquiry into why the supposedly impartial bBBC are repeatedly avoiding reporting this important news!
Would this be relaated to Manchesters Kurdish march?
Radio 4 just said that they`ve locked down Piccadilly Station because people are climbing on the overhead pylons and wires, no trains are working?
Talk about importing your own shrouds?
What the hell are we letting them doing? Isn`t that what Media City, Wembley and Westminster are for?
Hi Chris, it is a march in Shrewsbury and the way the BBC are reporting it, it is unrelated. The BBC claim that the Shrewsbury march is in support of civilians in Eastern Ghouta (and the Syrian Rebels).
The BBC support the Syrian Rebels (they have a BBC team with the Rebels) and hence the BBC flag up Eastern Ghouta because the Syrian Government are trying to retake it from the Syrian Rebels.
The BBC don’t give a shite about Afrin civilians, because the BBC support Turkey over the Kurds – and the Manchester protest is about Kurdish civilians in Afrin being killed by the Turks.
And yes this is what you get with “multiculturalism” and the BBC promote some groups and denigrate other groups. So the BBC have been using Syrian Rebel promotional videos and demanding the UK Government act to prevent the “genocide” in Eastern Ghouta – and the UK government have been responding with public statements as well as in the UN. However, the BBC have not made any demand of the UK government to do something to protect civilians in Afrin …
The beeb obliquely references the original Operation Chalice in an item from 2016 which acknowledges street pastors playing a vital role in tackling child sexual exploitation. Street pastors like Rev Keith Osmond-Smith, who says “We see the same vehicles, containing the same men. They are looking out for the girls and they are there for one thing.”
Operation Chalice resulted in convictions for seven, er… “men” (as the BBC prefers to call them):
— Ahdel Ali: one charge of rape, 11 charges of sexual activity with a child, three charges of controlling child prostitution, one of inciting child prostitution, a charge of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and meeting a child after grooming
— Mubarek Ali: four charges of controlling child prostitution, two of trafficking in the UK for sexual exploitation and a charge of causing child prostitution. He repeatedly sold one girl “for relatively trivial sums”
— Mohammed Islam Choudhrey: paying for sex with a schoolgirl
— Mohammed Ali Sultan: having sex with two teenage girls, one of whom was 13 years old
— Mohammed Younis: allowed his flat to be used as a brothel by allowing a man to have sex with a girl who was being controlled as a prostitute
— Mahroof Khan: having sex with a 15-year-old girl at his home
— Tanveer Ahmed: controlling a child prostitute
Where did I get this info? Not the bloody BBC, that’s for sure. And the only article I can find on ‘Telford abuse’ since the 2016 link above describes a case where seven were sentenced for GBH with intent against a suspected paedophile (who can not be named). Nice big colour mug shots of the convicted are shown. All are white.
Our trusted and impartial BBC, always and forever.
Don’t know what the consternation is all about, islam’s role model, Muhammad took a wife of 6 years of age and apparently consummated that marriage when she was 9. It’s all part of accommodating a hostile ideology…………………
I know that these behaviors are being rammed down our throat without any set of instructions being provided by the State, but, get used to it. A good business in chastity belts on the way?
Telford child sex grooming: We KNOW what the national picture is : E.P.I.D.E.M.I.C !
Secret: that’s why the islamicists are vacating their homelands to come to blighty in their droves – new, fresh, easy meat.
Telford: will BBC rush to cover this?
Ha ha ha, you mean rush to bury, more like.
BBC Radio4 News 4pm:
Jon Lansman has been encouraged to stand down in the Labour Gen. Sec. race. (Who says Labour can’t do ‘deals in smoke-filled back rooms’ any more?)
The contaminated table from Zizzis Restaurant in Salisbury has been destroyed by Police. (Ooops! There goes the evidence. Really, BBC? Or are you broadcasting FakeNews? I’d be very surprised if the whole table has been destroyed. Some of it will need to be carefully preserved for any future Court case, will it not?).
Jon Lansman only binned because Corbyn needs to counter the smelly socks brigade in his party, by bringing in one of Len McCluskys garden girls for the photos.
BBC won`t be seeing that though…where`s Tracey Temple when we need her?
And why no Eddie Izzard?…come on Popeye!
OT for now, but as this is about Mayors and ‘Asians’, I wonder when… if the bbc gets around to this story, their top trumps editorial guidelines will see a few heads explode trying to compose a satisfactory headline.
Manchester Piccadilly railway reopens after protest
Feel the enrichment as we descend into a third world country… I hope Al Beeb will be following up on how many arrests and prosecutions are actually made.
“One of the protesters said the British government has not defended the people of Afrin”
Madam, the British government has not defended the people the UK.
Cuts to the forces, cuts in immigration officers and cuts in police officers.
The country has an appeaser worthy of Chamberlain.
The nation is weak and undefended. It it is so riddled with political correctness it even allows a bunch of protestors to bring the rail service to a halt.
The nation is crying out for a new political party and a new leader.
Why the Libdems just faded away ……………
“Too many older people who voted for Brexit were “driven by nostalgia” for a world where “faces were white,” Sir Vince Cable has said.”
Headline should read : ‘ Old White Man tells white audience that they are too white and brexit was a result of old white people driven by nostalgia for a world of white faces’
This twat goes on to say : ‘… they (government) put more faith in the Wild West warmonger in Washington and the bully of Beijing than they do in our established friends and trade partners in Europe’.
Short memory Vince as you cuddled up to the ‘Wild West warmonger’s’ predecessor over TTIP……….
….and championed trade with the ‘Beijing bully’
‘I am delighted to be back in Beijing and seeing first hand how UK-China trade and investment is booming.’
Doesn’t Vince think the EU were a “warmonger” when they encouraged the overthrow of the democratically elected government in the Ukraine?
Doesn’t Vince think the EU bullied Italy into replacing their democratically elected PM with a EUrocrat and did the same in Greece; when their leader threatened to call a referendum over the “austerity” proposals the EU (Germany) wanted him to impose?
Cable is a corporatist, a lover of Keynes and Smith, state intervention questions later. Ethics and efficiency, freedom and order, liberty and rationality. An advocate of TTIP and globalism.
In other words, he’s a classic liberal economist who cares nothing for History/Heritage. England (nationalism) an unfortunate construct. Nostalgia, to be erased by thought training the young via liberal educational institutions and entwining our nation increasingly into EU. Itself a stepping stone to global governance.
I completely agree with Thirstypak, He’s a Twat.
It appears that the Tory MPs that read this site have reacted …………
\\Brexit: Backlash for Cable over ‘white nostalgia’ //commenthttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-43367204
Brexit: Backlash for Cable over ‘white nostalgia’
So Vince Cable says something nutty
Rule : If libmob throw out accusations/namecalling always check to see if the thing actually applies to them..cos they are usually psychologically projecting their own flaws.
@thirstypak immediately showed us that was true for the second part about cosying up to Bejing etc.
\\Too many older people who voted for Brexit were “driven by nostalgia”//
hmm Brexiteers are going FORWARD to a brave new world of opportunities
… It is Remainiacs like Cable who are nostalgic towards the EU dream and are afraid of change.
..so yes projection.
\\ nostalgia” for a world where “faces were white,”//
libmob are acually the most intolerane iliberal people
They look over at a group of non-libs and they sneer
just like Nazi’s would have sneered at Jews
I say that libmob are completely racist to people with purple-political skin , they treat such non-libs with hate and try to deprive them of the right to even speak.
They aspire to a NON-diverse society, where everyone just conforms to lib views and non-libs have been purged.
Telford: will BBC rush to cover this?
Ha ha ha, you mean rush to bury, more like.
Here’s the Daily mirrors lovely take on the Telford abuse.
blar blar blar then:
”The Mirror’s 18-month investigation reveals abuse on unprecedented levels. We found:
Council staff viewed abused and trafficked children as “prostitutes” instead of victims, according to previously unseen files..”
Fakes outrage, then the clueless rag does the exact same thing adding this stock photograph of err prostitutes.
”Up to 1,000 girls are believed to have been treated as sexual commodities by men”
“…treated as sexual commodities by men”
‘Men’, eh? Ah, it’s them ‘men’ again. Just any old ‘men’…
who happen to be called Mohammed and Ali.
vlad — in the seven convictions resulting from Operation Chalice, names appear as 3x Mohammeds, 3x Alis, 1x Ahmed and 1x Khan.
You are right, but the neutered use of “men” gets hard to take. It is all so very very sad.
Clearly trying to imply that the girls were making themselves available.
Or that they had a choice.
My mole at the Beebistan informs me their ‘Drama’ department is busy making an updated sequel to “Three Girls”.
Working title: Three Hundred Thousand Girls and Counting.
Apparently production is delayed because they can’t find enough ‘Asian’ taxi drivers to appear as extras.
And Blacks to play the intrepid reporter that broke the story, the concerned social workers struggling to safeguard the girls, despite Brxit and savage ‘Tory cuts’, senior police officers striving to push forward the investigations although lumbered with aging corrupt white junior officers and the determined female Labour MPs fighting the msyogeny that all men have.
Loobyloo above mentions Kurdish protesters bringing to a halt a major Manchester railway line. A little later protesters for the same cause created disruption at Kings Cross. They are rightly protesting about the Turks ethnic cleansing of Kurds in Syria but not about the sheer inconvenience they have caused.
I sympathise with their plight, but it has sod all to do with people who live in a country that has put aside religious bigotry. In the west we do not murder people who are a different religion to us. There is murderous intent in a few areas, such as N Ireland and Glasgow, but they are a frowned up on bigoted minority.
If Muslim groups keep protesting in against other Muslim groups from Muslim countries who are causing them grief, then the UK will come to a standstill. It is difficult to think of a single Islamic country that is a peaceful, democratic entity.
If any of these protesters are immigrants, student or otherwise, then they should be shipped home until they can behave in a guest country that is gracious enough to house, feed, educate and offer health services to them.
Bless Vincent Cable . He thinks I look for a bygone time rather the membership of the reichEU because I am a brexiter – according to al beeb news
In accordance with the remain doctrine that old people who are brexiters will die off before remainers -thankfully the likes of Mr Cable – who I’m guessing is close to 70 – has less time left than me -subject of course to the Grim Reaper — brexiter if ever there was one .
The extreme mind set of remainers that those who don’t believe in their views hark back to the 50s and before really shows the polarisation of views brexit has caused – ultimately caused by the suppression of discussion about immigration with the collusion of all parties and the msm for decades .
The bbc as ever a bit slow to realise the latest horse backed is, well, knackered.
Glanced this on Sky. There seemed to be somebody translating or rephrasing what he was saying as if he was speaking pensioner esperanto.
Imagine this will be the future. Vince himself the very finger upon the nub of youth as ever.
A kid with a crazy dream, old Cable.
Shipping people home! From Britain, surely not! Well, at least not Muslims. But just to show how tough the UK can be, the government has promptly arrested and deported an Austrian who wanted to attend a free speech rally! Well done Mrs May, we have to clamp down on subversive ideas like free speech.
Who needs free speech when we have the BBC telling us what to think!?!?
Listening this evening to the repeat of Radio 4’s Feedback and Roger Bolton telling us about the BBC’s great coverage of the Italian election, (must have missed it Roger). Some listeners thought that the BBC was sneering in the use of ‘populist’ to describe some of the parties.
Katja Adler pops up to tell us that her use of the word is accurate as the parties are ‘anti-establishment’. She misses the point that a Communist calling a Communist ‘Communist’ is different from a Capitalist, say, calling a Communist ‘Communist’ – it is a matter of tone and context.
The BBC is very much an establishment body, a fan of all the EU experts, the open border experts, the multi-cultural experts and the lip-curling that goes with ‘populist’ is all too apparent.
Mr Bolton’s production company produces “Feedback” ( I maybe wrong ) so is unlikely to upset any carts carrying apples to keep the contract – leading the a weekly anaemic report on al beeb which in my view ain’t worth wasting 30 minutes on
At least we all know what “unpopulist” is now.
Despised lying media hounds either side of the fluffy microphones, whilst discussing US.
Do they mean us?…they mean nothing else, hoping we`ll die off before we see them hanged or pushed doen the Eurotunnel like a flouncy fatberg.
Cod liver oil, lube or laxchoc…who cares, as long as we unblock this nation.
I’m sorry, but what the f am I being fed here on the BBC’s News? Celebrating the afro hairstyle? “The politics of black hair? The natural hair movement is increasing.”
What a crock of shite!
Why not the combover?
Or the rise and fall of white dog poo on our streets?
Quick! Someone better tell Mrs Jay-zee.
John Simpson getting quite exercised about government duties of public protection. Albeit a bit niche.
Worth every penny.
John gets well paid to ask the questions we mere mortals would ask-if only we had the thoughts, the very words themselves.
What I think he`s trying to say is to go to war with Russia to protect our people-who are ex-KGB narks on current trends.
Burqas for all in extra, extra blimpo large…and as totemic a pillar(pillock) of journalism as Simon Groome.
Simpson is a plonker
Given it’s the basic duty of any government to protect its people, how will @theresa_may respond now?
Ha ha. Treezer does not protect people like little girls from the perfect people.
I am beginning to believe some of the stuff that has been said about her dad. Like father, like daughter.
When is she going to begin protecting them from the EU?
Anything on Al Beeb about Debbie Abrahams MP ? Or even Telford ?
Perhaps maxi can point the way ?
Wake up maxi , Maxi !
Well, even in the bowels of Frankie Howerd, the bbc must at least be aware.
Lines to take being debated. Or snorted.
jordan peterson’s views of the BBC/Guardian thinking have been shared a fair bit on this board. Here is one more:
(Orwell) concluded that the tweed-wearing, armchair-philosophizing, victim-identifying, pity-and-contempt-dispensing social-reformer types frequently did not like the poor, as they claimed. Instead, they just hated the rich. They disguised their resentment and jealousy with piety, sanctimony and self-righteousness. Things in the unconscious—or on the social justice–dispensing leftist front—haven’t changed much, today. It is because of of Freud, Jung, Nietzsche—and Orwell—that I always wonder, “What, then, do you stand against?” whenever I hear someone say, too loudly, “I stand for this!” The question seems particularly relevant if the same someone is complaining, criticizing, or trying to change someone else’s behaviour.
Dissasociation as I believe its called, With projection and denial that it it THEY that are the rich, the established liberal bedblocks to change. A lot of work to think you`re a permanent rebel every weekend, whilst being a patronising Oxbridge media tool of Mosley Jnr on weekdays.
As James Finlayson used to say in Laurel and Hardy…”why I oughta”. As they shake their fist at the open cashpoint leeching all our money as if its 1968.
Lefty wankaz!
“They want blood on the streets-huh, you think it`s funny
Turning rebellion into money”( St Joseph Strummer/White Man-HP)
Free speech advocates banged up then deported.
Britain First leaders in jail ,but judges – under direction from the appeasing government – have adjourned their Belfast trial until they are released, so they can be put back in jail.
Better not say anything about Telford eh.
Has the:
“You can’t accuse me of racism because I said / wrote something critical of Islam, since “Islam” is a religion NOT a race.”
Ever been tested as a defence in a criminal court?
I wonder too whether Golding will survive his incarceration?
Oh dear:

A few journos managed to thru the lib-establishment border control over the press
Writing in his Sun Column Jeremy Clarkson today has 2 separate pops at the BBC’s pushing of Climate Alarmist narratives
– “BBC say CC Affects women more” “rubbish my Mrs goes lovely brown in the sun, whilst I shrivel red like a lobster”
\\Well, I went snorkelling with a guide in the Indian Ocean this week and asked how badly the local reefs have been affected by climate change.
“Oh,” he said. “Things were pretty bad ten or 15 years ago but these things are cyclical.
They’re pretty much back to normal now.”
Weird how you never hear this sort of thing on the BBC.//
Here’s a fun little game for all the family: type “Telford” into Google and see a long list of references to the sex grooming and abuse of girls by you-know-who.
Mirror, Sun, Independent, Express, Metro… they’ve had it for 16 hours or more.
Our most trusted and most funded, however, nowhere to be seen.
Or try typing in Telford to the search box of beeb news webshite: tumbleweed.
No doubt waiting for the story to go cold before they stick it under Shropshire (where, coincidentally, they’re very pleased to blazon the march for peace in Syria by some veiled ones).
A few hundred white girls raped, trafficked, sold, abused, drugged, passed around, beaten, arsoned, oh and a few murdered – who gives a shit? Not auntie apparently.
P.S. I’ve got bad news for you Beebshite: this one ain’t gonna go cold, however long you sit on it.
google site search, copy and paste:
site:bbc.co.uk “muslim rapist”
1 result… concerning Jayda Fransen, i have no words.
Be interesting if the bbc miss this too, what with their girl Lily making so many mates when she and the crew were out there.
Treezer and the bbc better really focus on Red on Red incidents and Tell Mama claims and polls about a second Ref they fancy.
But it is possible people better informed beyond state and state media are more interested on what they are up to elsewhere.
When is Vince Cable being kicked out of the UK for being racist?
Treezer and the bbc better really focus on Red on Red incidents and Tell Mama claims and polls about a second Ref they fancy.
But it is possible people better informed beyond state and state media are more interested on what they are up to elsewhere.
Maybe Amber Rudd should have spent some time in a cell when she committed a potential hate crime … then she might have learnt the lesson.
. . .
Amber Rudd speech on foreign workers recorded as hate incident {12jan2017}
After complaint from member of the public, police say they will not be investigating speech as a hate crime
I’m delighted to be able to watch a fantastic drama that first aired on BBC2, – wonderful acting, great attention to detail of the 1950’s setting, and terrific story lines surrounding the life of a wealthy family. There is no bad language and no BAME – an all white cast. Its Australian and the latest series has transferred to BBC1 in the afternoons. A Place To Call Home, and its brilliant.
I see the bBC continues to promote its message of stamping its tiny little feet: at not getting the result it wanted:

Sorry to read about Sir Ken, the man’s knowledge of humour was truly encyclopedic. For one moment I thought our ‘Maxy’ had been given a good thumping.
Classic bbc question as a headline, littered with caveats and plastered all over its output.
Here is the ‘analysis’ by a bbc selected ‘expert’ on their morning email:
Have voters changed their minds about Brexit?
All of the polling evidence points in the same direction – there appears to have been a slight drop in backing for Brexit, such that the balance of opinion might now be the reverse of what it was in June 2016. But at this point considerable caution is in order. Opinion polls are not always wholly accurate. Polling is too hazardous an enterprise for the position to be otherwise. When the polls are as close as they are on Brexit, the only sensible judgement we can make is that the outcome of any second referendum is too close to call.
Followed by a weasel caution and an odd hint that a second referendum is on the cards.
Clearly Lord Adonis writing bbc copy to try and secure his seat in the studio now Vince is making his old white man play.
If I didn’t know the BBC is completely mad, I would say that is a parody.
..quadruple facepalm
or bum-palm (to express even more exasperation)
Are our luvvies soon to get their just deserts?
For some time now it has become quite apparent that Christmas at the supermarkets is the exclusive preserve of ‘blacks’ and they alone require sofas, fast food and banking services. Both the BBC and Channel 4 have been rubbing our ears in diversity with continuity announcers that sound as if they have just dropped out of the trees. Indeed one might think that we were living in Africa rather than the UK.
Perhaps all of this new-found ‘talent’ does live in Africa or, the the first trials having been made with imported samples, the future will be ‘African-Africans’? Why pay £700,000 for an autocue idiot from Islington when one could pay bannanas to a Bantu in Botswana? After all the only person that needs to be a millionaire at the BBC is the DG!
‘The Converation’ on the World Service was half an hour about women marching to ‘reclaim the streets’ from men. No men allowed except to do the admin, which the organiser boasted was a pleasant inversion of the standard situation with the patriarchy.
The patriarchy may not be perfect but it keeps you warm, fed, housed and generally safe. What would you replace it with? If it is any consolation it is not safe for anyone to walk the streets alone at night – not just women; largely thanks to the open borders lunacy advocates by lefties like her. Men are far more likely to be murdered.
She mentioned the Yorkshire Ripper and how women were given a curfew when he was on his killing spree. Honestly, that is the best you can mention – a single deranged lunatic from 38 years ago in a country with a population of 70 million? It is like saying Arsene Wenger should be sacked because in 1980 Arsenal got relegated or whatever. Such a supply and demand problem as most men love women, yet these professional ‘activists’ make a living from making out the oppression is unbearable.
Thirty minutes of emotionally incontinent whining about arguments we have heard a billion times. They must be losing hearts and minds so fast. As well as being boring and annoying, it is just so uncool. One hopes the sheer uncoolness of this SJW nonsense will deter the next generation from the Left’s disempowering cult of victimhood. If you always blame other people and never take responsibility you are never in control, and it is when you have no control that you despair.
BBC tv news
No mention of Telford.
Credit where credit is due – they just about managed to mention the female Labour person bullied out of a job.
But be fair… there’s only so much news they can cram in. There’s an issue with the start gates on the snowboading at the Winter Paralympics, there’s a dog poo issue, people are divided about where the jam goes on a scone and the BBC need to keep the Russian (alleged) poisoning story going and going… and poor old Ken Dodd has died.
I always admired our Ken’s reaction to his arrest for tax dodging :
“When income tax was first introduced it was 1% – I thought it still was”
Happily, Ken was cleared of tax evasion: “I told the Inland Revenue I didn’t owe them a penny because I lived near the seaside.”
And the other one doing the rounds on the tv…………
“Isn’t it a lovely day to chuck a stone through the window of the Tax Office and shout ‘here, try and get blood out of that ‘ “
BBC admit a Muslim lead country are dictators and nasty … but cannot use those words . . .Islam or Muslim missing from article …. country whose guiding principles of government are supposedly lead by a religion of peace ….
BBC UN appeal: Stop Iran harassing Persian service staff {BBC.co.uk }
No doubt the BBC and their friend Stormzy wont mention this
Fraud probe as FIFTEEN members of the same family – including convicted crash-for-cash conman – net £1m in taxpayers’ money after claiming they ALL lived in same Grenfell Tower flat
And the dopey Major will still want to rename the tube station
and 3 houses
When freedom of press goes … so does free speech and freedom of thought …
Fraud probe as FIFTEEN members of the same family – including convicted crash-for-cash conman – net £1m in taxpayers’ money after claiming they ALL lived in same Grenfell Tower flat.
Naqshbandi family of 15 claim they lived in three bed third floor flat in tower
. . . . Will Jeremy Corbyn or Diane Abbott respond to this news, will Stormzy apologise for his Hate towards Theresa May? …
“You (Theresa May) should do some jail time, you should pay some damages.
We should burn your (Theresa May) house down and see if you can manage this” – Stormzy – a great fan of Corbyn praising Corbyn at Glastonbury and at the GQ Awards.
So let me get this straight: bacon crime, veil tweaking – front page news on beebistan. Wolf whistling: hate crime. But industrial paedo rape and prostituting in Telford: zilch. Zippo.
Google Telford News Search 12mar2018 … the BBC £3.bn News Omission Service is paying for itself (under threat of prison) . . .
Awkward Italian Election … skip. Awkward 1000 r*pes … skip.
. . . Can I suggest the BBC update their guidelines . . .
“The omission is the most powerful form of lie,
and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies
do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell, author of ‘1984’
Thing is MarkyMark the bbc,the msm, the police,local councils and govt are all complicit to what is going on and the people have the power to see through the propaganda and believe me they are seeing what is happening all over Europe.
On a continent that killed 100 million people with 2 major conflicts the EU and our government are insane to destabilise the status quo that existed from 1946-1989. There will only be one outcome.
when you look at relatively how few “Asian’s” or even specifically how few Pakistanis live in telford the percentages involved must be massive
Word Search on BBC £3.5bn website 12mar2018 : Telford x 0 : as other news websites report it.
Word Search: Telford x 0
Word Search: Telford x 0
Word Search: Telford x 0
Word Search: Telford x 0
Word Search: Telford x 0
(top story : Hundreds in march for Syrian peace)
. . . OLD STORY . . .
Telford faces up to child sex abuse cases {bbc.,co.uk 10mat2013- 5 years ago!}
“Child sex abuse will continue to be a problem in Telford, according to a local support group.”